Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 3

1 - Anarchism is

an extreme form of individualism

2 - And finally - correlation does not prove.....


3 - Angela .just to area manager of Eastern Europe.

has been promoted

4 - Angelina was a wealthy and spoiled ..... who wanted to have everything her way when she appeared on television.


5 - Anger is.

all of the above

6 - Animals are used to pull plows to till the fields; cities develop with the ability to make armies and transportation systems.


7 - Anna, Isabelle, and Genie showed that this was important at an early age.


8 - Anomie is

a type of deliquency

9 - Anomie is

a type of deliquency

10 - Another name for cultural transmission theory is.

differential association theory

11 - Another term for nationalism might be.

national ethnocentrism

12 - Another way of saying that position in a group are value-rated by group members is.

statuses are ranked

13 - Another way of talking about opportunity costs might be as:

value of sacrificed resources

14 - Antarctica is occupied by several nations together because no one nations has.

sovereignty over it

15 - Anthony Giddens (1999) has a similar view, he reckons that fundamentalism is a product and reaction to globalisation .....

because people get to know other cultures and start questioning traditional social norms

16 - Anthropological studies have shown that mores are

group opinions

17 - Anthropologists and sociologists always study about


18 - Anthropologists have developed.

a number of theories

19 - Anthropologists made an emphasis in .....

All of the above

20 - Anthropology is different from most other disciplines in that it:

Is holistic as it searches for interrelationships.

21 - Anthropology is restricted to the study of.

none of the above

22 - Anthropology is the study of-

past and present cultures

23 - anti- is a Greek root meaning

against, opposite

24 - Anti-Conformists such as Goths and Hippies are examples of which group of people?


25 - antisocial (adj)

against the basic rules of a group; harmful to the people in a group

26 - Any act that is labeled as such by those in authority, is prohibited by law, and is punishable by the government


27 - Any attempt to alter the situation through flattery, doing favors, or falsely presenting the 'self' to others in a favorable light.


28 - Any behavior that differs from the norm is considered


29 - Any class you have in school would best be an example of

Secondary Group

30 - Any evidence used in developing conclusions in sociology must be measurable, or this term.


31 - Any form of behaviour that does not conform to the dominant norms.


32 - Any group individuals use as a standard for evaluating themselves.

Reference Group

33 - Any group that a person DOES NOT belong to and/or identifies with is called a(n) .....


34 - Any group to which a person does not belong or identify with


35 - Any group with whom individuals identify and values they adopt is called .....

reference groups

36 - Any pattern of behavior that provides indications about who people are, what groups they belong to, and what their understanding of a situation is.

social marker

37 - any relatively stable pattern of social behavior

social structure

38 - Any research conducted in sociology must be done so using this.

Scientific Method

39 - Any social pattern that disrupts the smooth operation of society.

Social Dysfunction

40 - Any social pattern's undesirable consequences for operation of society is called as

Social dyfunctions

41 - Any Social theory tells us how to

visualise the social universe.

42 - any system of persons or things ranked one above another


43 - any thing that stands for something else is called .....


44 - Anyone can be a member of the group

Open group

45 - Anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture


46 - anything that has a shared meaning attached to it.


47 - Anything that represents something else is known as:


48 - Anything that represents something else.


49 - anything that stands for or represents something else


50 - anything that stands for something else


51 - anything that stands for something else and has a shared meaning attached to it


52 - Anything that stands for something else and has an agreed-upon meaning attached to it


53 - Anything that stands for something else and has an agreed-upon meaning attached to it; anything observable.


54 - Anything valued in a society, such as money, property, and education is called .....

a resource

55 - ✗ Can be defined as a product of human interactions as humans subscribe to the rules of their culture.


56 - ✗ Coined the term sociology in 1830✗ Refers to a scientific inquiry that covers human social activities.

Auguste Compte

57 - ✗ It is an organization that caters to a human's need for belongingness in a group.


58 - ✗ It promotes a subjective approach wherein social phenomena are understood through individual experiences.


59 - ✗ Perceives society as quantifiable subject from which objective conclusions can be made.


60 - ✗ Requires qualitative methods in gathering data such interviews, participant-observations, and other tools for ethnography.


61 - ✗ Scientific study of society, including patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture, (Calhoune, 2002).


62 - ✗ Society is like an organism that could be measured through logic and mathematics.


63 - ✗It is assumed that by statistically understanding the phenomenon, its future directory can be predicted and addressed efficiently.


64 - Appearance of Ibn-e-Khaldum was in

1332-1406 AD

65 - Application of principles of sociology to education is known as

sociology of education

66 - Applied physical sciences to the study of society

Auguste Comte

67 - Applied Sociology

use of sociology to solve problems

68 - Applying a systematic approach to record and value information gleaned from secondary data as it relates to the study at hand.

content analysis

69 - Approach emphasizing competition, constraint, conflict within a society

conflict theory

70 - Approach emphasizing the role of conflict, competition, and constraint within a society

conflict perspective

71 - Approach that emphasizes contributions made by each part of society


72 - Approach that focuses on the interactions among people based on mutally understood symbols

symbolic interactionism

73 - Approximately how long on average did a Victorian marriage last ______________?

12 years

74 - Approximately how long on average did a Victorian marriage last?

12 years

75 - Approximately how many different languages are spoken in the USA?


76 - Approximately how many people inhabit the earth?

6 billion

77 - Approximately what percentage of the global population currently lives outside their country of birth ?


78 - Approximately what percentage of the global population currently lives outside their country of birth?


79 - Approximately what percentage of the population admits to being bisexual?

6 percent

80 - Approximately, what is the poverty line?


81 - Aqila loves to try new things and ready to explore the new experiences in her working place. Based on the traits theory, Aqila is having ..... personality.


82 - Arbitration is to accommodation as accommodation is to

social interaction

83 - Archaeology includes the topic of:

material/cultural remains

84 - Archeologist have discovered a new PRE LITERATE society. Which Social science would study it


85 - are dominant capitalist countries, highly industrialized, technological, and urbanized

core nation

86 - Are macro and micro questions isolated from each other?


87 - are norms that embody the moral views and principles of a group.


88 - Are participant observations qualitative or quantitative research?


89 - Are polls usually qualitative or quantitative research?


90 - Are program evaluations qualitative or quantitative research?


91 - Are shared beliefs about what is good, bad, right, or wrong?


92 - Are surveys qualitative or quantitative research?


93 - are the consequences of a social process that are sought or anticipated

Manifest Functions

94 - are the unsought consequences of a social process

Latent Functions

95 - Arguably the most accomplished female athlete in Canada for the 20th C was:

Fanny "Bobbie" Rosenfeld

96 - Argue a persons social class is defined by their relationship to the means of production (resources that generate output(money)).

Marx and Engles

97 - Argue that marriage is a relationship than an agreement. Couples look for love and satisfaction and recognise marriage doesn't have to last forever.

Allan & Crow

98 - Argued that the emergence of Modern society developed through a process of RATIONALIZATION

Max Weber

99 - Argues that ideologies have a manipulative effect

Critical Theory

100 - Argues that in the past people married for practical reasons, if partners did not love each other it wasn't a problem. Women are less prepared to put up with loveless marriages.


101 - Argues that people have higher expectations of marriage than before. Those who don't achieve the high level of expectations of companionship and love may be inclined to leave and start again.


102 - Arlie Hochschild,s The Managed Heart is an influential application of_____________?

symbolic interactionism

103 - Arlie Hochschild's The Managed Heart is an influential application of.

symbolic interactionism

104 - Armenia Georgia and Azerbaijan are.

Asian nations

105 - Arnett proposed an interesting distinction of types of socialization.

broad and narrow

106 - Arnett proposed an interesting distinction of types of socialization_______________?

broad and narrow

107 - Arrange in the logical order in which P. Berger has explained.

Habitualization, institutionalization, legitimation, externalization

108 - Arrange the following books in chronological order by using the code given below: i. Das Kapital ii. Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism iii. Patterns of Culture iv. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life Codes:

ii i iii iv

109 - Arranged marriages are not liked in many cases because the parents

usually fail to take the temperaments of the boy and the girl into consideration.

110 - Art may have

two-way effects

111 - Art, buildings, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyles, clothing, and jewelry can be studied as part of.....

Material Culture

112 - Article 17 of Indian Constitution Prohibits.....


113 - As a child ages, the importance of their peer group as an agent of socialization does which of the following


114 - As a consequence of rural-urban migration.

ruralisation of urban areas is taking place

115 - As a consequence of rural-urban migration____________?

ruralisation of urban areas is taking place

116 - As a person ages.

health care costs decrease

117 - As a result of social change some members of society.

occupy new statuses

118 - As a result of this movement there was a mass change in traditional social institutions which lead to the development of the study of Sociology?

industrial revolution

119 - As a separate branch of study, Industrial Sociology truly blossomed with experiments at .....?

Hawthorne Works in Chicago, of the Western Electric Company, conducted by George Elton Mayo and associates.

120 - As a social institution, the essential function of the family is

rearing of children during their immaturity

121 - As a social movement gains more members and other resources, it has to find a way of managing them. This is known as what stage of a social movement?


122 - As addressed in the "Decolonizing Education" module, what do teachers Erin Goodpipe and Ben Ironstand do in the classroom to incorporate Indigenous perspectives?

They have introduced an online component that addresses Indigenous topics

123 - As addressed in the online folder addressing the relationship between COVID-19 and social inequality, what does CEO of United Way Darienne Hudson identify as the greatest concern in fighting the pandemic in low-income communities?

Access to such resources as the internet and transportation

124 - As Americans you are guaranteed certain things- like speech.


125 - As defined by the Census Bureau, ..... is being poor for at least two consecutive months in some time period.

episodic poverty

126 - As in life, so in research honesty would seem to be fairly basic requirements is


127 - As industrialization began to boom, Durkheim believed people were more susceptible to anomie because:

All of the above.

128 - As of 2005 what proportion of women were in managerial professional and administrative positions?


129 - As of the late 1990s.

at least 40 percent of blacks were squarely in the middle class

130 - As per the act, private and specified category schools shall admit , .....% children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group , in class I.


131 - As societies increase in size, they .....

move from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity

132 - As the cultural base grows

an increasing number of inventions and discoveries become possible.

133 - Asabiyah is an Arabic concept modernly referring to.


134 - Asabiyah is an Arabic concept modernly referring to_______________?


135 - Asch's experiments focused on the question of.....

conformity in a group setting.

136 - Ascribed master statuses such as gender and race empower some to subjugate others

Conflict Theory

137 - Ascribed status as the name explains is one.

Ascribed to use by society

138 - Ascribed status as the name explains is one______________?

Ascribed to use by society

139 - Ascribed Status is

a term used in sociology that refers to the social status a person is assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life. It is a position that is neither earned nor chosen but assigned.

140 - Ascribed Statuses

a social position a person is born into; age, ethnicity

141 - Ascribed statuses result from


142 - Asian Americans are identified in the textbook as an example of a(n)

racial group

143 - Asian Americans deal with being the "model minority" or also called.....

Being perfect in everything

144 - Asian belief on strong


145 - Asking 25% of the total population is using what?


146 - Asking questions orally, can be structured or unstructured


147 - Asma' is using the operant conditioning techniques to bring the desired changes in behavior for her patient. However, she needs to do it step by step. This situation refers to .....

behavior modification

148 - Aspects to consider to rank Social Stratifications (choose three):

All of the above

149 - Assertion: Caste is determined at birth. Reasoning: Every person has a caste, and every caste has a specified place in the hierarchy of all castes.

Both A and R are true; but R is not the correct reason

150 - Assimilation is a process of


151 - Assimilation policies aimed to have Aboriginal people:

Abandon their culture and adopt white Australia culture.

152 - associate (n)

a fellow worker or friend (usually related to an office)

153 - association (n)

a group of people who have gathered based on similar goals or beliefs

154 - Associations consists of .....


155 - Assume that a class has the following scores on a quiz: 18 20 13 18 19 17 16 15 18 20 15 14 16. What is the mode score?


156 - Assume that a researcher has determined that the more hours a student works at a job, the lower his grades will be. This is an example of a

negative correlation

157 - Assume that a researcher has determined that the more hours a student works at a job, the lower his grades will be. This is an example of a ..... correlation


158 - Assume that police in one lower-class neighborhood do not pursue burglary investigations as vigorously as the police in a nearby affluent suburb. Which of the following is the most likely reason for this fact?

victim discounting

159 - Assume you are one of many people assembled at a university graduation ceremony. The concept that best describes this gathering is a .....

secondary group

160 - assumes that certain roles in society must be performed if the system is to be maintained. Higher rewards for the performance of these roles to ensure their fulfillment. The more important the role and the more skill need to perform the role, the higher

Functionalist Theory

161 - Assumes that interaction between people takes place through the use of symbols.

Interactionist Theory

162 - assuming the viewpoint of another person to shape the self-concept

role taking

163 - astro- is a Greek root meaning

stars, outer space

164 - Astronomers calculate movement of


165 - At any rate, the most important part of man's culture is

all of these

166 - at factors contribute to inequality within the educational system in the United States?


167 - At its early origins, sociology was coined as positive by Auguste Comte. This meant that:

Sociology must share methods and truth values with the exact sciences.

168 - At the macro level sociologists view education as getting affected by

Social forces

169 - at unprecedented scale

never having happened before, or never having happened so much

170 - At what age group is the stage Identity vs. Role Confusion?


171 - At what point does the World Bank define poverty?

When somebody cannot afford the basic goods and services required for survival with dignity.

172 - At which stage in society did education become its own social institution rather than something that the family handled?


173 - Athletes socialized into a violent subculture may learn which of the following?

To play through the pain

174 - attacks based on a person's race, religion, or other characteristics

hate crime

175 - Attendance at sporting events, crime patterns, and marriage rates are all examples of .....

social facts

176 - Attending religious services would be an example of

extrinsic religiosity

177 - August Comet was


178 - August Comet was


179 - August Comte is known for


180 - August Comte viewed cultural development in.

Three Stages

181 - August Comte viewed cultural development in_____________?

Three Stages

182 - August Comte's explanation of positivism was that.....

sociology should be knowledge based on science that one could be positive of.

183 - August comte's main concern was:

Improvement of the society

184 - Auguste Comte :What are Social dynamics?

The study of social change. Changes in human interactions and relationships that transform cultural and social institutions.

185 - Auguste Comte :What are Social Statics?

The study of social stability and order. (Family, Government, economics)

186 - Auguste Comte described _________________?

Three stages

187 - Auguste Comte described.

Three stages

188 - Auguste Comte is credited as being the founder of .....


189 - Auguste Comte suggested that certain processes that remain the same over time, which he called ....., hold society together.

social statics

190 - Auguste Comte suggested that certain processes, which he called ....., hold society together.

social statics

191 - Auguste Comte usually seen as both founder of

Sociology and Positivism

192 - Auguste Comte wanted Sociology to

Investigate and solve the work problems

193 - Auguste Comte was a.

French thinker

194 - Auguste Comte was a_______________?

French thinker

195 - Auguste Comte was basically a

French scholar

196 - Auguste Comte was born in


197 - Auguste was a founder of


198 - Australia officially adopted multicultural policy in which year?


199 - Authoritarian Leaders are:

Leaders that make the decisions and demand strict acceptance of the decisions from members

200 - Authoritarian, Democratic, Laissez-Faire

Leadership Styles

201 - Authority generated by the personality or personal appeal of an individual is referred as.

charismatic authority

202 - Authority generated by the personality or personal appeal of an individual is referred as______________?

charismatic authority

203 - Authority refers to using power

in a socially approved way.

204 - Authority that arises from the personaility of an individual

charismatic authority

205 - auto- is a Greek root meaning

self, one

206 - Autophobia is a fear of

being alone

207 - Autos, clothes, and books are examples of?

Material Culture

208 - Avoiding eye contact in many places in Asia is polite, while in the United States it is rude. Which concept is explained?

Deviance is relative to place

209 - Ayub Government brought ____ in 1950s and 60s which changed agricultural infrastructure to greater extent ?

Both a and b

210 - Ayub Government brought..... in 1950s and 60s which changed agricultural infrastructure to greater extent.

Both a and b

211 - Azrul doesn't like to do extra work and if possible, he will avoid himself from exposing himself to others. Based on theory of organization, the best description about Azrul's behavior is

Theory X

212 - based on achievement, allow movement and interaction between layers and classes

open system

213 - Based on ascribed status.

Caste System

214 - Based on meritocracy, a physician's assistant would:

earn a pay raise for doing excellent work

215 - Based on the picture above, what characteristics would you use to define this social category?

Type of costume - Santacon!!!

216 - Based on the work of Davis and Moore relating to position in society, which of the following statements is false?

It is difficult to determine which positions are more important to society

217 - Based on what we discussed in class, political ideology consists of views on at least two sorts of issues, ..... and .....

social; economic

218 - Basic goods and services are produced with the aid of science and technology

industrial society

219 - Basic personality characteristics of the individual are formed within.


220 - Basic personality characteristics of the individual are formed within______________?


221 - Basic Psychology

refers to the most typical and fundamental questions that arise in sociological inquiry

222 - Basic social values reflect

fundamentals of behaviour

223 - Basic sociological study of Emilie Durkhiem was

about causes of suicide

224 - Basic sociological study of Emilie Durkhiem was

about causes of suicide

225 - Because Americans believe in Individualism and Competition they think each person should try to succeed to the best of their ability.

Personal Achievement

226 - Because of social stratification:

some people have more privileges and opportunities than others do.

227 - Because of the ....., researchers need to be careful about subjects knowing that they are being studied, because they might behave different than normal.

Hawthorne Effect

228 - Because people in pre-industrial societies often share the same values and perform the same tasks they are said to be held together by?

mechanical solidarity

229 - Because Sammy bought the Dodge Charger, he decided to begin racing it and caused an accident. This is known as a car's .....


230 - Because the subjects were put in stressful situations without being told the true nature of the experiment, which experiment was considered to be unethical?

Stanford Prison Experiment

231 - Because this paradigm assumes a society is functional and stable, it deals with change very can't explain why change occurs and may interpret bad things as good because of its skewed perspective.

Shortcomings of Structural Functionalism

232 - Because we make predictions about mainly unpredictable humans Social Studies is not:

An exact science

233 - Becoming to focused on a theory or method is a danger run when trying to use what?

Sociological Imagination

234 - Before ecological problems can be resolved what will probably need to happen?

Cultural values will have to change

235 - Before the British withdrew from country, which among the following India did not posses?


236 - Before the Industrial Revolution all products were created by


237 - Before the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) political organization around the world had been.

universal and local

238 - behavior expected of someone's status


239 - Behavior that departs from societal and group norms


240 - behavior that departs from societal/group norms


241 - behavior that fails to meet accepted norms

negative deviance

242 - Behavior that fails to meet expected norms

Negative deviance

243 - behavior that matches group expectations


244 - Behavior that matches group expectations is called what?


245 - Behavior that matches group expectations is defined as which social interaction?


246 - behavior that matches the group's expectations


247 - Behavior that meets group expectations.


248 - Behavior that violates significant social norms


249 - Behavior that violates significant social norms is called


250 - Behavior that violates significant social norms is called.....


251 - Behavior which is shaped by a person's understandings, interpretations, and intentions and which is in response to, coordinated with, or oriented toward the action of others.

social action

252 - Behavioral rules that determine how we should act in certain roles


253 - Behaviors that individuals are expected to perform toward others is


254 - behaviors that individuals expect from others.


255 - Behaviors that violate group or societal norms


256 - Behaviors, beliefs, and characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group


257 - Behaviour that a considerable number of people view as reprehensible and intolerable is called.


258 - Being a "close talker" or cutting in a line is an example of violating a.....


259 - Being a dance partner, boss, friend, Harley club member, sports participant, or business manager are examples of .....


260 - being a daughter, sister, female and 17 year old are examples of

ascribed status

261 - Being a high school graduate is an

achieved status

262 - Being a teenager is an

ascribed status

263 - Being able to have immediate global access to people all over world and get response through phone, email, twitter and webcam this type of Globlization is called

People are not far away from other people and using this source

264 - Being able to see all of the connections among the seemingly private concerns of individuals and important social issues is called?

sociological imagination

265 - Being born with no predetermined personality type is a description of:

tabula rasa

266 - Being in a position you were assigned to or born into (you didn't choose or earn it) is called what?

ascribed status

267 - Being in perpetual contact with a wide range of people mainly because of mobile phones which can be close to body all time this means

We can gain access to people and information at great speed

268 - Being raised in isolation from other human beings can have all of the following effects on an individual EXCEPT:

increased reasoning ability

269 - Being shh'ed by your classmates is an example of which type of sanction?

Negative Informal

270 - Belief in discipline, dedication and effort regardless of rewards.


271 - Belief in essences that are similar and it sugguest here that there is an essence or pure core to what it is to be a women is called


272 - Belief in one God


273 - Belief system is concerned only with

all aspects of social life

274 - Belief system of China today is a curious mixture of three high traditions like Confucianism, Taoism and


275 - Belief that a society holds about what is important. (every child should have an education)


276 - Belief that all individual deserve a reasonable chance to succeed and access to the same opportunities.


277 - Belief that an event occurs as a result of several factors working in combination

multiple causation

278 - Belief that cultures should be judges off of personal standards.

Cultural relativism

279 - Belief that events occur in predictable ways and that one event leads to another


280 - Belief that every person has the right to express themselves and freely participate in voting for Representatives in the government.


281 - Belief that knowledge should be derived from scientific observation


282 - Belief that sociology should be based on scientific or factual evidence is connected to which sociologist?

Auguste Comte

283 - Belief that through hard work and using Science and technology we can raise our standard of living and improve our lives.

Progress & Material Comfort

284 - Beliefs

peoples ideas about what is real and what is not real

285 - Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.


286 - Beliefs, family patterns and language are examples of .....

Non Material Culture

287 - Believe that aptitudes are part of heredity.


288 - Believe that Pavlov's dog experiment shows humans behavior can be trained.


289 - Believed African Americans should be self-sufficient and build their own communities.

Booker T. Washington

290 - believed in a societal survival of the fittest

social darwinism

291 - believed people acted on the basis of their individual understanding of a situation

Max Weber

292 - Believed religion and education are crucial for social function and introduced Social Darwinism.

Herbert Spencer

293 - believed religion was and important function in social order

Emile Durkheim

294 - Believed social scientists should try to change the world not merely study it.

Karl Marx

295 - Believed society could be studied like any other science and that finding sociological "Laws" could help solve social problems

Auguste Comte

296 - believed society existed because of agreement among members

Emile Durkheim

297 - Believed society had haves and have nots

Karl Marx

298 - Believed sociologist should more than study society they should change it

Karl Marx

299 - Believed that all of history could be explained and was driven by class conflict

Karl Marx

300 - Believed that class conflict was inevitable because workers would overthrow the capitalists

Karl Marx

301 - Believed that industrialization and the factory system has hurt workers and society

Karl Marx

302 - Believed that scholars should try to improve society, not just study it. Spoke out in favor of women's rights, religious tolerance, and the end of slavery.

Harriet Martineau

303 - Believed that sociologist could never capture the reality of society but should focus on ideal types that best capture the essential features of aspects of social reality: Three Dimensions of Society: Political, Economic, Cultural

Max Weber

304 - Believed that the self was a social product acquired by observing and assimilating the identities of others

George Herbert Mead

305 - Believed that we first internalize the expectations of the people closest to us.

George H. Mead

306 - Believed the key to the unfolding of history was class conflict

Karl Marx

307 - Believed the structure of society is influenced by how its economy is organized; his emphasis on conflict led to conflict theory

Karl Marx

308 - Believed there was a link between slavery and the oppression of women

Harriet Martineau

309 - Believed we play roles and present a "face" for public view

Erving Goffman

310 - Believes that the division of capital creates divides within classes. Also created various conflict theories.

Karl Marx

311 - Believing that all people within a certain group are horrible dodgeball players is an example of a


312 - believing that every citizen should be allowed to vote on important issues is an example of this kind of institution


313 - Below are the correct names of key individuals in the origin of sociology except one.

Ian Khaldun

314 - Below are the main agencies of socialization, except .....


315 - Bennie has been accorded honour and prestige for his high academic achievement. This reflects a change in his


316 - Berger describes sociologists as concerned with:

both a and b

317 - Berikut ini yang bukan gejala sosial adalah .....


318 - Berikut yang termasuk proses disosiatif adalah

persaingan antar partai politik

319 - Bernard McGrane suggested that to better understand the world around us, individuals should adopt the practice known as .....

beginner's mind

320 - Bernstein though that using restricted codes of language disadvantaged pupils at school because.

they involved short simple sentences with a small vocabulary

321 - Bernstein though that using restricted codes of language disadvantaged pupils at school because_____________?

they involved short simple sentences with a small vocabulary

322 - Bernstein thought that using restricted codes of language disadvantaged pupils at school because____________?

they involved short simple sentences with a small vocabulary

323 - Better off parents are able to send their children to private school. But what percentage of students are able to go to private schools?


324 - Betty Friedan wrote what important work?

The Feminine Mystique

325 - Between 1968 and 1998 global life expectancy at birth has.

risen from 50 to 61 years

326 - Between 1968 and 1998 global life expectancy at birth has______________?

risen from 50 to 61 years

327 - bi- is a Latin root meaning

two, twice

328 - Bias in research practice refers to.

the data being unbalanced by the design or execution of the research

329 - Bias in research practice refers to_____________?

the data being unbalanced by the design or execution of the research

330 - Bias in research practice refers to_____________?

the data being unbalanced by the design or execution of the research

331 - Bill is excited to go to his high school reunion, so his classmates can see that he was successful and became a business magnate. Bill is essentially looking forward to receiving what from his classmates?


332 - Billy Graham's religious revival meetings are an example of.

expressive crowds

333 - bio- is a Greek root meaning

life, living things

334 - Biological changes, increased decision making and search for self are all associate with this age.


335 - Biological explanations of deviance.

were popular during the first half of the 20th century

336 - Biological factors which make the development of culture possible include.

all of the above

337 - Biological inheritance physical environment culture and group experience are various factors which play a role in the development of.


338 - Biological inheritance physical environment culture and group experience are various factors which play a role in the development of_______________?


339 - Biological positivists have tended to focus on what type of crime ?


340 - Birthrates remain high is the Third World because.

all of the above

341 - Birthrates.

are low BOTH in Western Europe and Japan and high in Arabia and Africa

342 - Black people are.....

7 times more likely to be stopped and searched.

343 - Black Power" was written by

Charles Humilton

344 - Blending of culturally distinct groups into a single group with a common culture and identity.


345 - blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society


346 - BMI means.....

Body Mass Index

347 - Borstal Schools are meant for the reformation of

Juvenile delinquents

348 - Both fiscal and monetary policies focus on.

the demand side of the market

349 - Both Karl Marx and Max Weber identified ..... as an important determinant of social inequality and social change.


350 - Both labeling theory and differential association theory are rooted in which sociological perspective?

Symbolic Interactionism

351 - Both the functionalist and conflict perspectives agree that ?

conflicts will be particularly likely and severe if class and ethnic cleavages coincide

352 - Both the functionalist and conflict perspectives agree that.

conflicts will be particularly likely and severe if class and ethnic cleavages coincide

353 - Bourdieu attributed the reproduction of class to.

cultural capital

354 - Bourdieu attributed the reproduction of class to______________?

cultural capital

355 - Bourgeoisie refers to.

the capitalist

356 - Bourgeoisie refers to______________?

the capitalist

357 - Bourgeoisie were the ..... class of society.

Capitalists, business owners, own the means of production

358 - Bowlby's maternal deprivation thesis claimed that.

children deprived of an early secure attachment to their mother are prone to suffer physically intellectually and socially in later life

359 - Bowlby's maternal deprivation thesis claimed that_______________?

children deprived of an early secure attachment to their mother are prone to suffer physically intellectually and socially in later life

360 - 'Brain Drain' is a concept associated with which one of the following?

Large scale immigration of technically qualified persons from less developed to developed countries.

361 - Breaking social norms as a lifestyle or identity.

Secondary Deviance

362 - Breaking with past experiences and learning new values and mores


363 - Bringing music and movies into Canada from another country would be a good example of __________ diffusion ?


364 - British English, American English, Canadian English, and Australian English are all examples of?

Cultural Complexity

365 - British rule restricted the autonomy of Baradaris and in turn gave____________?

Both A and B

366 - British rule restricted the autonomy of Beradaries and in turn gave.

Both a and b

367 - Broad socialization is intended to promote.

Independence and self expression

368 - Broad socialization is intended to promote_____________?

Independence and self-expression

369 - Brothers wife belongs to which kin?


370 - Built up resources that allow people to increase their wealth are called

cumulative advantages

371 - bulletin

a brief report especially an official statement issued for immediate publication or broadcast

372 - Bureaucracies

keep written records of their activities

373 - Bureaucracy and extensive social differentiation initially occur in the historical transition from.

horticultural to agricultural society

374 - Bureaucracy is based on.


375 - burial services, communion, and baptisms are all examples of what


376 - Burning your neighbor's house down is considered a serious offense It is a violation of.


377 - Butler and Watt (2007) believed that social class doesn't matter as much in today's society because.....

.....class identities have weakened over time

378 - Buying a Rolex watch could be a sign of .....

conspicuous consumption

379 - By "dependent relations " globalists mean.

Third-World countries are maintained in a state of dependency by First-and Second-World nations

380 - By 2050 8 billion of the projected 9.5 billion people will be.

living in poor countries

381 - by adopting a ....., sociologists are able to look beyond commonly held beliefs to the hidden meanings behind human actions.

social perspective

382 - By advocating the acquisition of "more androgynous roles" by both men and women what is meant is that.

we should combine male and female sex-typed traits

383 - By the ..... all major definitions of tribe were shown to be faulty


384 - By the colonization of life world J. Habermas meant

subjugation of society and culture by Economy and Polity systems.

385 - By the year 2020 it is projected that less than 2 percent of the entire global labor force will be engaged in ?

factory work

386 - By the year 2020 it is projected that less than 2 percent of the entire global labour force will be engaged in.

factory work

387 - By this time next week, she on this book for a year.

will have been working

388 - By what method were the first cars ever manufactured produced?

Craft method

389 - C. Wright Mills once said that sociologists need to develop a sociological ..... to study how society affects individuals.


390 - C. Wright Mills was critical of social science and worked to connect the academic side of sociology to more tangible social debates of the time. In fact, a final heart attack that led to his death came the night before he was scheduled to participate in a

Public intellectual

391 - C.Wright Mills maintains that the nation is really ruled by.

a power elite

392 - C.Wright Mills wrote that the "power elite" controls.

the major issues like war and peace

393 - Can afford a decent, mainstream lifestyle, but they struggle to maintain it or to build significant savings

lower middle class

394 - Can be both ascribed and achieved status.

Master Status

395 - can be either qualitative or quantitative


396 - Can be time consuming and qualitative data can be difficult to organize

Field Work

397 - Can data be repeated if you use a qualitative method?


398 - Can health or a treatment become a disease?


399 - Can I finish my projects for cycles 5 and 6 together?

Yes, you can finish enough points for both cycles and turn them in early.

400 - Can I get Extra Credit?

First get points turned in, then you can add extra credit by taking someone on a visit or helping someone with the Blind or Wheelchair.

401 - Can I turn in my Project for cycle 5 early?


402 - Can I watch any movie I want and get credit for it?

No, only the movies approved on the Movie list.

403 - can the effects of prolonged isolation be reversed with the help of dedicated specialists?


404 - Can well-fed children with proper medical care to waste away and die from lack of love and attention?


405 - Can you list two concepts that each of the five major agents of socialization teach, knowing that "teaches values, norms, and beliefs" counts as one concept?

Pick this one.

406 - Can you think of a toy or other product that is marketed to boys and describe 2 characteristics that help teach us that it is intended for boys? (This can be how it looks (i.e., colors or images), or how it is marketed in commercials).


407 - Capacity for thinking abstractly

cognitive ability

408 - capatacity for thinking abstractly

cognitive ability

409 - Capitalism is based on the ideas of Adam Smith maintain.

a policy of hands off the economy

410 - Capitalism obtained consent of some groups in order to control and govern them by giving working-class people some of their demands. Workers believed capitalists were really on their side - no longer developed class consciousness.


411 - Capitalism's roots can be found in.

machine-based production

412 - Car ownership would count as which type of wealth?

Physical wealth

413 - Care for the elderly.

is provided by the sandwich generation

414 - Care for the elderly_____________?

is provided by the sandwich generation

415 - Career and mobility patterns for men and women are.

growing more nearly alike

416 - Career and mobility patterns for men and women are_____________?

Growing more nearly alike

417 - Career and mobility patterns for men and women are_______________?

growing more nearly alike

418 - Carolyn supported her family by working as an administrative assistant She also attended law school and passed the bar she took a job with a small firm specializing in family law Carolyn experienced.

vertical mobility

419 - Carolyn supported her family by working as an administrative assistant She also attended law school and passed the bar she took a job with a small firm specializing in family law Carolyn experienced______________?

vertical mobility

420 - Carrie looks at the unemployment rate in her local town. She remarked to her friend, "Some people have to be at the bottom. It is necessary for society to run smoothly." Carrie's views reflect which sociological perspective?


421 - Carry started her career as a high-tech factory worker. By taking courses and continuing to learn she became an entrepreneur and started her own business. Her advancement is an example of ..... mobility.


422 - Cars being used as a status symbol is an example of a

Latent function

423 - Case studies are often used in qualitative research.


424 - Case study

intensive study of a single group, incident, or community

425 - Case Study data would be an example of

Qualitative data

426 - Case study is a method of explaining and analysing the life of a unit", is said by

P.V. Young

427 - Case study means

organising social data

428 - Caste finds its origin from a word "casta" which is a word taken from


429 - Caste system is

a stratified social system in which social position is entirely determined by parentage, with no provision for change of position.

430 - Caste system is

a stratified social system in which social position is entirely determined by parentage, with no provision for change of position.

431 - Caste system is a class gained by


432 - Caste system is an example of

Closed system

433 - Caste systems rank categories of people in


434 - Caste systems:

All of these answers are right

435 - Categories of jobs that involve similar activities at different work locations


436 - category of people who share physical characteristics or cultural practices that result in the group being denied equal treatment.

Minority group

437 - Cause of social disorganisation is


438 - Cause" means

phenomenon which is both necessary and sufficient to produce a predictable effect.

439 - Causes of necrosis includes ________ ?

All of above

440 - Celebrities and people of influence can be part of the

reference group

441 - Cell membrane is chemically composed of 40-60 % of


442 - Cell theory proposes that all living cells arise from

pre-existing cells

443 - Censorship.

deletes all or parts of information

444 - Central High School


445 - Central to the concept of social movement is the idea that _____________?

people intervene in the process of social change

446 - Central to the concept of social movement is the idea that.

people intervene in the process of social change

447 - CEO stands for:

chief executive officer

448 - Certain roles in society must be performed if the system is to be maintained.

Functionalist Theory

449 - Certain terminology used to describe gender inequality.

glass ceiling

450 - Change agent must know the

culture in which he works

451 - Change felt through new patterns of individual and small-group interaction is called.

micro-level change

452 - Change has now become the


453 - change in occupation withing the same social class

horizontal mobility

454 - change in status or class from one generation to the next

intergenerational mobility

455 - Change is constant, and happens when power shifts between groups.

Conflict Theory

456 - Change is nearly always


457 - Change is nearly always.


458 - Change is nearly always____________?


459 - Change is the only ______ in the universe?


460 - Change is the only..... in the universe.


461 - Change may be experienced at which level?

Micro middle and macro

462 - Change may be experienced on three levels.

micro middle and macro

463 - Change may happen, but a society soon returns to stability


464 - Changes in one aspect of the culture is invariably

effect other aspects of the culture.

465 - Changes in the number and kinds of occupations available in a society , relative to the number of workers available to fill them

structural mobility

466 - Changes in the social structure of a society is called.

Social Change

467 - Changes in the social structure of a society is called_______________?

Cultural Change

468 - Changes of relationships are primarily.

Social Change

469 - Changes of relationships are primarily___________________________?

Social Change

470 - Changing a criminal through socialization


471 - Changing your job to an equally paying and equally reputable job is an example of .....

Horizontal mobility

472 - Changing your opinions to match that of a certain political party is.....


473 - Characterisitic that can be measured numerically

quantitative variable

474 - Characterisitic that causes something to occur

independent variable

475 - Characteristic define by its presence or absence in a category

qualitative variable

476 - Characteristic of cultural lag is

None of these

477 - Characteristic of cultural lag is

None of these

478 - Characteristic subject to change


479 - Characteristic that reflects a change

dependent variable

480 - characteristics of middle class

upper-middle; high education and career goals for kidsmiddle-middle; small buss. and farmers

481 - Characteristics of Scientific observation are.

All of the above

482 - Characteristics of Scientific observation are____________?

All of the above

483 - characteristics of upper-lower

new money

484 - characteristics of upper-upper class

All of the above

485 - Characteristics of Urban Community

All of the above

486 - Characterized as stable and close knit communities that are usually tied to the physical landscape and resistant to change.

Folk Culture

487 - characterized by or expressing goodwill or kind feelings


488 - Charisma and Modernity" was written by

Joseph Bensman

489 - Charismatic leaders build a following based upon which of the following ?

personal qualities

490 - Charismatic leaders build a following based upon which of the following ?

personal qualities

491 - Charismatic leaders build a following based upon which of the following?

personal qualities

492 - Charismatic leaders.

may appear in societies with either a traditional or a legal-rational base of authority

493 - Charles Cooley referred to a small social group whose members share personal and enduring relationships as .....

a primary group.

494 - Charles Cooley's concept of the looking-glass self hypothesizes that:

People base their images on how they think other people see them.

495 - Charles et al (2008) note that

cultural diversity in Britain is associated with different patterns of family formation

496 - Charles H. Cooley argued that the self emerges from how an individual interacts with others and then interprets those interactions. He called this:

looking-glass self

497 - Charles H. Cooley developed the Looking Glass Self which states .....

Our self-image is based on how we think others see us

498 - Charles H. Cooley developed the Theory of the Looking Glass Self which states .....

, the self develops through a process of reflection

499 - Charles H. Cooley was

American professor

500 - Charles Horton Cooley was a pioneering of

North American sociologists

501 - Charles Horton Cooley's theory that we develop our image based on how we appear to others is known as what?

Looking Glass Self

502 - Check all of the characteristics of qualitative methods:

Only (A) & (B)

503 - Check all that apply: Which of the following are possible career choice s for a sociologist?

All of the above

504 - Check all that apply:What is a strength of collecting primary quantitative data for sociological research?

All of the above

505 - Check all that applyWhich of the following are NOT part of laboratory research?

Only (A) & (B)

506 - Check all that applyWhich of the following are types of interviews?

All of the above

507 - Check all that applyWhich of the following can influence the researcher effect?

All of the above

508 - Check all that applyWhich of the following is characteristic of an experiment?

All of the above

509 - Check off all the examples of ascribed status:

All of the above

510 - Check off some of the basic needs within society:

Only (A) & (B)

511 - Check off the most significant Social Institutions:

All of the above

512 - Check the following answers that describe the different theories of sociology.

All of the above

513 - Check the misconceptions about sociology discussed in the report.

All of the above

514 - Check the topics that the reporter talked about.

All of the above

515 - Child Socialization from your primary group/family includes which of the following?

All of the above

516 - children act in ways they imagine other people would, taking on the roles of others one at a time


517 - children acting in ways they imagine other people would act

play stage

518 - Children are in the Game Stage from what age:


519 - Children are in the Imitation Stage at what age?


520 - Children are in the Play Stage from ages:


521 - children assumed to have been raised by animals, in the wilderness, isolated from humans

feral children

522 - Children have taken on the role of the generalized other when.

they start school

523 - children learn to consider the roles of multiple people simultaneously based on previously learned social rules.


524 - Children living in poverty tend to be more likely.

to be killed in road accident

525 - Children living in poverty tend to be more likely______________?

to be killed in road accident

526 - Children of divorce have.

the most difficulty at ages nine and ten

527 - Children practice taking on roles through which of the following?

Play, games, and imitation

528 - Chinese social control is done mainly through group pressure Every individual is a member of a small group called.


529 - Chinese social control is done mainly through group pressure Every individual is a member of a small group called_____________?


530 - Chodorow (1978) argued that gender socialization occurred through.

both boys and girls being closely attached to their mothers, but then boys breaking away

531 - Chodorow (1978) argued that gender socialization occurred through____________?

both boys and girls being closely attached to their mothers, but then boys breaking away

532 - Choose all of the statements below that would be considered quantitative data about Ms. Ragno below

Only (A) & (B)

533 - Choose all of the statements that would be considered qualitative data about Mr. Tobin below.

Only (A) & (B)

534 - Choose major aspects of culture.

All of the above

535 - Choose social sciences.

All of the above

536 - Choose the classical period sociologists.

All of the above

537 - Choose the correct sequence of following in order of increasing complexity:

Hunting, Pastoral, Agrarian, Industrial and Post-industrial societies

538 - Choose the correct set of dimensions of culture.

Cognitive and Normative

539 - Choose the kind of socialization which often involves rehearsing for future roles:


540 - Choose the sociological concept that best exemplifies the story of Roger Lextrait, caretaker of Palmyra, and his return to Western society.

Culture shock

541 - Choose the two which are the major categories of research?

Only (A) & (B)

542 - Choose three basic elements of Social Structures:

All of the above

543 - Choose two examples of primary production in our country:

Only (A) & (B)

544 - Chris Langan's story illustrates that:

socialization can be more important than intelligence.

545 - Christianity and Islam are the main examples of what type of religion based on them being the largest religions worldwide?

Universalizing Religions

546 - chron- is a Greek root meaning


547 - Church group


548 - Citizens are included in the government process.

Democracy and Enterprise

549 - City is a place of


550 - Civil society in Pakistan has gone through.

Three stages

551 - Civil society in Pakistan has gone through_____________?

Three stages

552 - Civil society includes.

Voluntary civic and social organizations

553 - Civil society includes______________?

Voluntary civic and social organizations

554 - Civilised man's culture is affected by a change of

physical environment

555 - Claim that child could be taught from birth to become a doctor.


556 - Class conflict is the basic theory of.


557 - Class conflict is the basic theory of_______________?


558 - Class consciousness in our modern society has

lost all values for all purpose

559 - Class consciousness in our modern society has

lost all values for all purpose

560 - Class consciousness is?

Workers recognising their power as the largest group powering production in a capitalist system

561 - Class is an example of

Open system

562 - Class is highlighted by

All of the above

563 - Class is to caste as to .....

open closed stratification

564 - Class owning the means for producing wealth


565 - class that labors without owning the means of production


566 - Class that owns the means of production


567 - Classic definition of culture is given by anthropologist

Tylor Reads

568 - Classical theory states that

people are motivated to work primarily due to economic benefits

569 - Classification of human races is.

vague because of overlap of traits

570 - Classification of societies was based on


571 - Click all of the following that are concepts of Sociology we learned about in 1-3

All of the above



573 - Close friends who have known each other since childhood would be an example of a (n)_______________?

Primary group

574 - Close friends who have known each other since childhood would be an example of a(n)

primary group

575 - Close friends who have known each other since childhood would be an example of a(n) ?

primary group



577 - Closed questions collect which type of data?


578 - Closed-ended s increase the return rate of the naire because___________?

they are easy and quick to answer

579 - Closely woven" types of integration is common in

liberal democracies

580 - Clothing, automobiles and buildings are examples of .....

Material Culture

581 - Clubs, dances and athletic events prepare students for life in society

Extracurricular activities

582 - Coercive and punitive measures to reduce fertility have aroused considerable indignation among many citizens in Western nations. Such measures have included:

china's practice of fining a woman who is pregnant with a second child 20 per cent of her pay if she refuses to have an abortion.

583 - Coercive and punitive measures to reduce fertility have aroused considerable indignation among many citizens in Western nations. Such measures have included_____________?

china's practice of fining a woman who is pregnant with a second child 20 per cent of her pay if she refuses to have an abortion.

584 - Co-founder of the Hull House in Chicago

Jane Adams

585 - Cohabitation.

only A and B

586 - Cohabiting couples.

represent an example of premarital life

587 - Coined the phrase, "survival of the fittest".

Herbert Spencer

588 - Coined the term "positivism"

Auguste Comte

589 - Coined the term "Social Darwinism" believed those who don't adapt to societies changes end up poor.

Herbert Spencer

590 - Coined the term "sociology"

Auguste Comte

591 - Coined the term "survival of the fittest" in reference to human social arrangements (Social Darwinism)

Herbert Spencer

592 - Coined the term sociology


593 - Coined the term sociology and wanted to model the study of society after physics.

Auguste Comte

594 - Collect data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire.


595 - Collecting data on one group of society and then comparing them with others to identify conditions that may be causing social events.

comparitive analysis

596 - Collecting information regarding crime control from several countries would be a good example of a(n)_________________?

comparative approach

597 - Collecting the data is the .....step in the scientific method?


598 - Collection of people organized to influence political decision making

interest group

599 - Collection of people who do not normally interact & who do not share clearly defined norms


600 - Collection of people who regularly interact with one another on the basis of shared expectations concerning behavior and who share sense of common identity.

social group

601 - Collective action happens when similar people gather in the same place.

Convergence Theory

602 - Collective anxiety created by the acceptance of one or more false beliefs

mass hysteria

603 - Collective behavior can do which of the following?

All of the above

604 - Collective behavior favors social change because it.

alters people's perspective

605 - Collective behavior is often precipitated by.

rapid social change

606 - Collective behavior is.


607 - Collective behavior.

has some connection with social factors

608 - Collective Conscious

the body of beliefs that are common to a community or society and that give people a sense of belonging

609 - Collective means which of the following?

a large group who act together for a common purpose

610 - Collectively made up of people who are not physically connected but who follow common rules or respond to common stimuli

collective behavior

611 - Colonialism is defined as

the maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural dominance over a people by a foreign power for an extended period

612 - Combinations of companies that control the production or distribution of a product or service


613 - Combining a group's efforts to reach a goal is called:


614 - Comet introduced

Dynamical sociology

615 - Comet introduced

Dynamical sociology

616 - Comets final stage was______________?

Scientific Stage

617 - Comic books, Wikipedia, MTV, and a commercial for Coca-Cola are all examples of:


618 - Commitment to fully developing your personality and using your time and talents to reach your full potential shows the new value of


619 - Commitment to the full development of one's personality, talents, and potential.


620 - Commitment to the full development of one's talents & potential is know as


621 - commodity

valuable product; a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.

622 - Common features that are found in all human cultures are known as:

cultural universals

623 - Common to all cultures.

Cultural universals

624 - Communicates an idea while being distinct from the idea itself


625 - Communism emerged as an ideology in reaction to conditions following.

the Industrial Revolution

626 - Communism has a history of attracting Third World nations because of the fact that.

it promises to give more power to the masses

627 - Communism is a form of government in which _____________?

Means of production are owned by the community

628 - Communism is a form of government in which.

Means of production are owned by the community

629 - Communism, the Episcopalian religion, and the microwave oven are all examples of


630 - communities can be categorized terms of.

All of above

631 - communities can be categorized terms of______________?

All of above

632 - Communities means which of the following?

May be thought of as collections of people with a social structure within societies

633 - Community changes come because

society is not static

634 - Community is an

Group of family member

635 - Community is less self-sufficient than


636 - Community is more self-sufficient than


637 - 'Community Policing System' aims at prevention and control of Crime through

Police and Public

638 - Companies that have control over the production or distribution of a product or service


639 - Compared society to a biological organism. He helped create social Darwinism and the term, "Survival of the Fittest."

Herbert Spencer

640 - Compared to the other two theories Interactionist focus on?

Individuals instead of groups

641 - Compared With the sate formation process in industrialized countries which one of the following created major problems for developing societies ?

the legacy of colonialism

642 - Compared With the sate formation process in industrialized countries which one of the following created major problems for developing societies?

the legacy of colonialism

643 - compares the wealth, economic stability, status, and power of countries across the world

global stratification

644 - Comparing a culture to you own with the assumption that yours is perfect is:


645 - Comparing the theoretical perspectives, the one that DOES NOT analyze the entire society is .....


646 - competition and conflict both

can lead to psychological stress

647 - Competition over scarce resources is the cause of social inequality.

Conflict Theory

648 - Competitive wrestlers wear cauliflower ear as a type of "badge of honor". Which perspective is most likely to focus on the symbols of sport, such as this or "hockey hair"?

Symbolic Interactionist


All of the above

650 - Components of Culture:

All of the above

651 - composed of people who are emotionally close, know one another well and seek each other's company

primary group

652 - composed of people who are impersonal and goal orientated.

secondary group

653 - composed of people who share several of the same features.


654 - comprise information that is subjective and often based on what is seen in a natural setting

qualitative data

655 - comprising of institutions & processes responsible for enforcing criminal statuses

criminal justice system

656 - Compromise, truce, mediation, & arbitration are all type of


657 - Comte aplly the method of.....

the physical science to study of society

658 - Comte argued that knowledge passed through which three stages ?

theological metaphysical positive

659 - Comte argued that knowledge passed through which three stages?

theological metaphysical positive

660 - Comte believed that society developed in.

three stages

661 - Comte believed that society developed in______________?

three stages

662 - Comte born in.....


663 - Comte create the concept of.....


664 - Comte gave the law of.

three phases

665 - Comte gave the law of_______________?

three phases

666 - Comte was a proponent of


667 - Comte,s term positivism refers to_____________?

the precise scientific study of observable phenomena

668 - Comte,s term positivism refers to________________?

the precise scientific study of observable phenomena

669 - Comte's final stage was.

Scientific Stage

670 - Comte's term positivism refers to.

the precise scientific study of observable phenomena

671 - concentrates on aspects of society that encourage competition and change

conflict perspective

672 - Concept of bureaucracy was given by

Max Weber's

673 - Concept of homogeneous was given by


674 - Concept of self is defined by how others see you is a description of:

looking-glass self

675 - Conceptualizing the educational system as being about allocating students into roles and occupations, while also teaching them the importance of citizenship, is most closely aligned with which theoretical perspective?


676 - Concerned with problem of social order; held functionalist view of society; study what is directly observable.

Emile Durkheim

677 - Concerned with social change and the plight of women and children in English factories during the early phases of industrialization

Harriet Martineau

678 - Concerned with the social position of African-Americans in US society

W. E. B. Dubois

679 - condition in which schooling produces the same results for lower-class & minority children as it does for other children

educational equality

680 - Condition in which the performance of a role in one status interferes with the performance of a role in another status

Role Conflict

681 - Condition in which the roles of a single status are inconsistent or conflicting

Role Strain

682 - Conditions associated with long-term marriages include.

all of the above

683 - Conducted a study on the Arapesh and Mundugumor. They indicated cultures can vary despite geographical proximity.

Margaret Mead

684 - Conducted Attachment studies with infant monkeys

Harry Harlow

685 - Conflict and Competition encourage .....

Societal Change

686 - Conflict and feminist theories both focus on______________?

structured social inequality

687 - Conflict between groups causes societies to be how they are

Conflict Theory

688 - Conflict between the sexes is the central idea in this school of thought.


689 - Conflict development rapidly during

1960s and 1970s

690 - Conflict is most likely to arise as a result of

clash of interests

691 - Conflict is most likely to arise as a result of

clash of interests

692 - Conflict Perspective emphasizes which of the following things?

conflict, competition, change, and constraint in society.

693 - Conflict perspective views society as composed of diverse groups with conflicting values and interests. According to Marx, these conflicts are determined by economics.Neoconflict sees things not as struggle over economics, specifically, but as the result

unequal distribution of authority

694 - Conflict Perspective was revived in 20th Century by.

b & c

695 - Conflict Perspective was revived in 20th Century by_______________?

B & C

696 - Conflict Perspective.

Karl Marx

697 - Conflict sociologists delineate social class on the basis of .....

the degree of autonomy workers enjoy in their jobs

698 - Conflict theorist contend that multinational corporations are attracted to developing countries because developing countries

have a large pool of cheap labor

699 - Conflict theorists contend that.

organizational goals reflect the priorities of those who occupy the top positions

700 - Conflict theorists contend that_______________?

organizational goals reflect the priorities of those who occupy the top positions

701 - Conflict theorists see the state's functions as.

protecting the interest of the ruling elite only

702 - Conflict theorists view capitalists as those who:

spend money wisely

703 - Conflict theorists view socialization as:

a way for perpetuating (to keep happening over and over) the status quo

704 - Conflict theorists view stratification systems as.

BOTH coercive and resulting from class struggles

705 - Conflict theorists.

argue that criminal acts are acts which the ruling class brands as criminal

706 - Conflict theorists_____________?

argue that criminal acts are acts which the ruling class brands as criminal

707 - Conflict theory argues that ..... is the main cause of social change.


708 - Conflict theory emphasizes the use of humor as a________________?

political tool

709 - Conflict theory explains.

Struggle to dominate

710 - Conflict theory explains________________?

Struggle to dominate

711 - conflict theory focuses on

power and inequality

712 - Conflict theory is grounded in the work of

Karl Marx

713 - Conflict theory is heavily indebted to the work of_____________?


714 - Conflict Theory is most associated with:

Karl Marx

715 - Conflict theory is often criticized for failing to account for______________?


716 - Conflict theory was propounded by

Karl Marx

717 - Conflict theory:

focuses heavily on inequality

718 - Conflict theory's primary suggestion for reducing crime and deviance involves the_____________?

Substantial reduction of economic inequality

719 - Conflict.

is a hostile form of struggle

720 - Conflicts between the dominant group and minorities develop because.

all of the above

721 - conformity is

behavior that matches the expectations of a group

722 - Congential disability refers to

A disability from birth

723 - Congestion pollution urban decay and similar side effects of the market system are termed.


724 - Congressional representation is based on.

BOTH single-member constituency and proportional representation

725 - Connect the similarities between none-state and political institution.

Both institutions aims to support and aid the people in the society

726 - Consequences that are neither recognized or intended in any social pattern.

Latent Functions

727 - Consider the following statement: "The more you hang around with a group of teenagers who shoplift, the more likely it is that you will become a shoplifter." Which of the following theories would most strongly agree with this statement?

differential association theory

728 - Consider the following Statements: - Government subsidies (welfare programs, unemployment programs, etc) can have a negative impact as they can perpetuate poverty as they reduce the need to provide for oneself independently. : quantitative data uses descr

Only 1,

729 - Consider the following Statements: - Government subsidies (welfare programs, unemployment programs, etc) can have a negative impact as they can perpetuate poverty as they reduce the need to provide for oneself independently. Rationality is subjecting ever

Only 1, 2, 3

730 - Consider the following Statements: the given statement :Begum Rokia Sekhawat wrote her book 'Sultana Ka Sapna' (1905) in 'Urdu' language. Norms are the actual behavior of individuals in society. master status can be achieved or ascribed. Which of the fol

Only 3,

731 - Consider the following Statements: "Instrumental leaders are motivated by the human relationships" Émile Durkheim systematically applied the methods of science to the study of society. Children rescued from situations of extreme isolation experienced no

Only 2,

732 - Consider the following Statements: "Modernization theory conceptualizes the relationship between modernity and the world system in a naive way. To the extent that the theory examines relationships between different regions of the world, it assumes that th

Only 1, 2

733 - Consider the following Statements: "Prisoners in a prison are a good example of a Voluntary Group" Solidarity refers to how connected a person feels to others Acceptance is won by adopting the values and standards of the group Which of the following state

Only 2, 3

734 - Consider the following Statements: "Prisoners in a prison are a good example of a Voluntary Group" The Physical Environment is a source of resistance to social change Sociology is one of the oldest sciences, having been around about 400 years. Which of th


735 - Consider the following Statements: "The leader can influence the whole group" people's behavior within a group setting cannot be predicted from their normal personal behavior Sociologists look for patterns of behavior in social relationships Which of the

Only 1, 2, 3

736 - Consider the following Statements: , in order to meet the communication needs of socialization. It has to be verbal When conducting research, sociologists must always consider the ethical implications of their research methods. "Race" is not science-based

Only 2, 3

737 - Consider the following Statements: . Deviance is easy to identify and describe. The Theory of Verstehen says a sociologist should place themselves in someone else's shoes and see it through their eyes. Studies in institutions have shown that it is possibl

Only 2, 3

738 - Consider the following Statements: : 1/3 of Indigenous people live in cities Charles Darwin coined the phrase "survival of the fittest." "Instrumental leaders are motivated by the human relationships" Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

739 - Consider the following Statements: : Conducting an experiment is the best way to conduct research in sociology. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture:à¤Å“ो लोग एक ही भाषा साझ

Only 2, 3

740 - Consider the following Statements: : Conducting an experiment is the best way to conduct research in sociology. The ruling classes establish ideologies that explain deviance as a problem found among the lower classes to maintain their power. Vested intere

Only 2,

741 - Consider the following Statements: : Gender roles are behaviors and choice s that are associated with being male or female. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: The sociological perspective allows soci

Only 1, 2, 3

742 - Consider the following Statements: : Gender roles are behaviors and choice s that are associated with being male or female. Technology includes only tools or other material objects we use. Deterrences are rewards and punishments used to encourage or disco

Only 1,

743 - Consider the following Statements: : Indigenous Australians did not own the land Ethnicity is based on physical traits. In the United States, the fastest growing areas are in the South and West or in what is called the Sunbelt. Which of the following stat

Only 3,

744 - Consider the following Statements: : People can't change the social class they are born into. Secondary type relations are significant in Rural community. Behavior that violates significant social norms is known as a crime. Which of the following statemen


745 - Consider the following Statements: : Perspective is the way the brain interprets an image or an event. Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future People who share the same language and live in the same are

Only 3,

746 - Consider the following Statements: : Postmodernism does not have a specific definition. On a broad level, the cultural environment determines the basic types of personalities that will be found in a society. People who share the same language and live in

Only 1, 2, 3

747 - Consider the following Statements: : Postmodernism does not have a specific definition. You can only hold one status at a time Eisenstadt believed that the impetus to develop can come from a VARIETY OF SOURCES including, local elites, the spread of techni

Only 1, 3

748 - Consider the following Statements: : Social mobility is typically measured by comparing adult children's status to that of their parents (intragenerational mobility), but it can also be measured by comparing an individual's status position over their life

Only 2, 3

749 - Consider the following Statements: : Social mobility is typically measured by comparing adult children's status to that of their parents (intragenerational mobility), but it can also be measured by comparing an individual's status position over their life

Only 2, 3

750 - Consider the following Statements: : Social-Conflict Paradigm draws its conclusions about culture from the research of sociologists like Karl Marx The web of relationships formed by the total of a person's interactions with other people is termed a social

Only 1, 2

751 - Consider the following Statements: : Sociologists always follow the scientific method rigidly sociologists must always consider the ethical implications of the research methods Most countries that are democracies also have advanced economic development. W

Only 2, 3

752 - Consider the following Statements: : Sociologists always follow the scientific method rigidly Television has no positive benefits to individuals. Anthropology is most interested in examining modern industrial societies. Which of the following statement(s)


753 - Consider the following Statements: : Sociology focuses on individual behavior, while psychology focuses on group behavior. Cultural variations exist among and within societies. : Social-Conflict Paradigm draws its conclusions about culture from the resear

Only 2, 3

754 - Consider the following Statements: : Structural-Functional Paradigm describes culture as having some cultural traits that benefit some members at the expense of others. : The American Dream is a myth : Minorities are classified as a minority group only be

Only 2,

755 - Consider the following Statements: : The first step in the research process is to develop a hypothesis. Sociologists who use the functionalist perspective focus on those forces in society that promote competition and change. Durkheim created the sociologi


756 - Consider the following Statements: : The main focus of sociology is the individual. A person's social network is made up of ONLY people he or she interacts with in the "real world". Children only belong to one peer group at a time. Which of the following


757 - Consider the following Statements: : The main focus of sociology is the individual. Anticipatory socialization occurs as a person "rehearses" for a new role, occupation, or relationship. Marx believed society should be classless Which of the following sta

Only 2, 3

758 - Consider the following Statements: : There are many different Indigenous cultures Deviance is one of society's biggest question and problem Substantive definitions of religion are inclusive Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

759 - Consider the following Statements: : There are many different Indigenous cultures Groups help connect us to the larger society According to the principles of symbolic interactionism, symbols not only allow relationships to exist, they also allow society t

Only 1, 2, 3

760 - Consider the following Statements: : There is no inequality due to race. Personality development in children is not at all influenced by the characteristics of their parents We live in a postindustrial society Which of the following statement(s) is/are tr

Only 3,

761 - Consider the following Statements: : Your master status cannot change over time. A gifted scholar, W.E.B. Du Bois published many studies of race in the United States. Social relations between people who would normally meet. Which of the following statemen

Only 2,

762 - Consider the following Statements: : Your master status cannot change over time. Sociologists rarely challenge conventional social wisdom. There can be a culture without a society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

763 - Consider the following Statements: 700 Jatis are classifed under the scheduled caste communities. Individuals do not change their behavior to match the expectations of a group. Functionalism sees active social change as undesirable even if it benefits mem

Only 3,

764 - Consider the following Statements: 700 Jatis are classifed under the scheduled caste communities. Sometimes it is impossible to reverse the effects of prolonged isolation, even with the help of dedicated specialists. A social movement that leads to social

Only 2, 3

765 - Consider the following Statements: A 12- year-old's significant others include children who are in her peer group. Symbolic interactionists say that we are able to communicate with one another because we have a set of symbols that have similar meanings to

Only 1, 2, 3

766 - Consider the following Statements: A 12-year-old's significant others include children who are in her peer group. People tend to be lonely in the city Vested interest is the recognition of new uses for existing elements or a new understanding of these ele

Only 1, 2

767 - Consider the following Statements: A church and a denomination are the same thing Norms can be different in different societies: The contemporary world allow us not to rely on written or audio or visual records. Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 2,

768 - Consider the following Statements: A gifted scholar, W.E.B. Du Bois published many studies of race in the United States. Comfort, work, and freedom are traditional American values The industrial revolution began in the 1970s when the first computers becam

Only 1, 2

769 - Consider the following Statements: A group is set of people who interact on the basis of shared expectations and who possess some degree of common identity Anticipatory socialization occurs as a person "rehearses" for a new role, occupation, or relationsh

Only 1, 2

770 - Consider the following Statements: A higher level of education increases prestige. Srinivas criticised the British administrator anthropologists who had put forward a picture of the Indian village as constantly changing, never self-sufficient and have var

Only 1, 3

771 - Consider the following Statements: a job interview could be both structured and unstructured Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Being a professional ballplayer would be an example of an ascribed stat

Only 1,

772 - Consider the following Statements: A master role takes on a less important place in someone's life. Bureaucracies can exist in informal groups. Modernization theory states that countries can improve their situation through industrialization and a change i

Only 3,

773 - Consider the following Statements: A master role takes on a less important place in someone's life. Functional definitions of religion are accused of Western bias : Your master status cannot change over time. Which of the following statement(s) is/are tru


774 - Consider the following Statements: A nuclear family consists of only one set of parents and 2 children. Cultures change when some new technology opens up new ways of living and or when new ideas enter a culture. Sociologists focus on patterns of behavior

Only 2, 3

775 - Consider the following Statements: A person is more likely to copy the deviant behavior of someone who is a significant other. In India the term 'Surdas' is used commonly for the person for disability of deafness. Sociology is an abstract science Which of

Only 1, 3

776 - Consider the following Statements: A person's role performance will always match societies expectations. Emile Durkheim stated that social solidarity is a result of a society's division of labor. Nearly all the human social behavior we consider natural an

Only 2, 3

777 - Consider the following Statements: A public university is one example of a total institution Theoretical perspective is viewed as true by its supporters and it helps them organize their research. Symbolic interactionism focuses on mutually understood symb

Only 2, 3

778 - Consider the following Statements: A public university is one example of a total institution When conducting research, sociologists must always consider ethical implications of their research methods statistical method are used to analyze qualitative data

Only 2,

779 - Consider the following Statements: A public university is one example of a total institution. : Role set is different roles that are attached to one status. Established rules are not necessary in sport. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

780 - Consider the following Statements: A public university is one example of a total institution. Socialization is not a life long process. Not one sociological theory works alone. A combination of all three gives us the most complete understanding. Which of

Only 3,

781 - Consider the following Statements: A researcher has more control over observations in a lab setting. On a broad level, the cultural environment determines the basic types of personalities that will be found in a society. wars & conquest are a source of re

Only 1, 2

782 - Consider the following Statements: A secondary relationship is when you interact with members of your group in an impersonal way : The American Dream is a myth The class system first appeared in the pastoral societies Which of the following statement(s) i

Only 1, 2

783 - Consider the following Statements: A secondary relationship is when you interact with members of your group in an impersonal way Large groups are more estable A nuclear family consists of only one set of parents and 2 children. Which of the following stat

Only 1, 2

784 - Consider the following Statements: A social institution is the system of statuses, roles, values, and norms that are organized to satisfy one or more of the basic needs of society. In Mead's preparatory stage, a child may pretend to be a firefighter or pl

Only 1, 3

785 - Consider the following Statements: A sociologist is more likely to study an individual member of a group rather than the group as a whole. When you try to understand your friend's feelings by placing yourself in her situation, you are using verstehen. eth

Only 2, 3

786 - Consider the following Statements: A specific territory composed of people who share a common culture is called a nation Sport is more important in most European societies than it is in the U.S. Empirical Statement describes what is in the social world wi

Only 3,

787 - Consider the following Statements: A survey is useful when a sociologist wants to study a large number of people Deviance is when someone takes the accepted societal norms to the extreme. The process of socialization ends once a child has reached adulthoo

Only 1,

788 - Consider the following Statements: A survey is useful when a sociologist wants to study a large number of people. Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge In industrial societies, machines have replaced the power previously supplied by people and a

Only 1, 2, 3

789 - Consider the following Statements: A survey is useful when a sociologist wants to study a large number of people. Sociology helps people see opportunities and challenges People tend to be lonely in the city Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

790 - Consider the following Statements: a survey is useful when a soiologist wants to study a large number of people sociologists must always consider the ethical implications of the research methods A system of rewards and punishments is one way a total insti

Only 1, 2, 3

791 - Consider the following Statements: a survey is useful when a soiologist wants to study a large number of people The Jewish Synagogue is found in fort Kochi. The contemporary world allow us not to rely on written or audio or visual records. Which of the fo

Only 1, 2

792 - Consider the following Statements: A system of rewards and punishments is one way a total institution resocializes people The three sociological perspectives are Functionalism, Conflict Perspective, and Humanitarianism. ECONOMIC DISPARITY MEANS EVEN DISTR

Only 1,

793 - Consider the following Statements: A truce occurs when two opposing parties each give up something in order to come to a mutual agreement. Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Police/law enforcement would be an example of a

Only 3,

794 - Consider the following Statements: A truce occurs when two opposing parties each give up something in order to come to a mutual agreement. Unlike other animals, humans are already socialized when they are born. Power is not an important concept in Conflic


795 - Consider the following Statements: Émile Durkheim systematically applied the methods of science to the study of society. Sociology is an individualizing science Symbolic interactionism states that human nature is primarily a product of society Which of t

Only 1, 3

796 - Consider the following Statements: About 1 in 5 people in England have a long standing limiting disability or illness. Subcultural differences, such as the type of neighborhood in which an individual is raised, influence personality. Sociological perspect

Only 1, 3

797 - Consider the following Statements: According to Karl Marx, society is divided into two classes-the bourgeoisie and the capitalists Jim Crow laws in the South before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were an example of racism. The self is an identity and design

Only 2, 3

798 - Consider the following Statements: According to Karl Marx, society is divided into two classes-the bourgeoisie and the capitalists The migration of men from the villages of the Himalayan region can lead to an unusual proportion of women-headed families in

Only 2, 3

799 - Consider the following Statements: According to Karl Marx, society is divided into two classes-the bourgeoisie and the capitalists You can only hold one status at a time Unlike other animals, humans are already socialized when they are born. Which of the


800 - Consider the following Statements: According to Labeling Theory, an action can be considered deviance for some people, but not for others. Only one agent of socialization helps a child learn their culture from the age of 5 to 10. Individuals adapt their b

Only 1, 3

801 - Consider the following Statements: According to positivism, all elements of society make a positive contribution. Social change can take place in a short time and may take centuries to be noticed Herbert Spencer coined the phrase "survival of the fittest.

Only 2, 3

802 - Consider the following Statements: According to the principles of symbolic interactionism, symbols not only allow relationships to exist, they also allow society to exist. In postmodernism, absolute meanings of words do not exist. Rather, the meaning of w

Only 1, 2, 3

803 - Consider the following Statements: According to the principles of symbolic interactionism, symbols not only allow relationships to exist, they also allow society to exist. Marx stated that social change occurs because various groups are struggling to obta

Only 1, 2

804 - Consider the following Statements: According to the principles of symbolic interactionism, symbols not only allow relationships to exist, they also allow society to exist. Research shows that overall, men are more talkative than women, although there is s

Only 1, 2

805 - Consider the following Statements: African-American pro athletes have about the same chance of becoming a tv announcer as white pro athletes Peer groups tend to focus on the norms and values of the culture as whole. Sociological imagination is what Sociol


806 - Consider the following Statements: All children are capable of role-taking regardless of age. Internalization is the systematic explanation of the relationship among phenomena. The more people work together, the newer things are created. Which of the foll

Only 3,

807 - Consider the following Statements: All deviance is crime One of the goal of studying political science is to make people a better citizen Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Which of the following sta

Only 2,

808 - Consider the following Statements: An in-group is an exclusive group that demands intense loyalty. Norms are always the same in every culture. Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

809 - Consider the following Statements: An in-group is any group that a person belongs to and/or identifies with. Two individuals can have the same personality. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of

Only 1, 3

810 - Consider the following Statements: Anomie is a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: For most of human history the majority of humans wer

Only 1, 2, 3

811 - Consider the following Statements: Another benefit of bureaucracies is their ability to limit red tape. : Sociologists use multiple theoretical perspectives simultaneously as they frame research questions, design and conduct research, and analyze their re

Only 2, 3

812 - Consider the following Statements: Another benefit of bureaucracies is their ability to limit red tape. The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people rather than their individual differences There c

Only 2,

813 - Consider the following Statements: Anticipatory socialization occurs as a person "rehearses" for a new role, occupation, or relationship Most rapists are mentally ill People rarely use peer groups as a tool for anticipatory socialization. Which of the fol

Only 1,

814 - Consider the following Statements: Anticipatory socialization often occurs in prisons and other total institutions. Larger Houses have to pay less taxes. Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future Which of

Only 1,

815 - Consider the following Statements: Arlie Hochschild studied couples and how they split up the household chores. She found that women, even when they worked outside the home, ended up doing more household tasks than their husbands. Most people on welfare a

Only 1, 3

816 - Consider the following Statements: Arlie Hochschild studied couples and how they split up the household chores. She found that women, even when they worked outside the home, ended up doing more household tasks than their husbands. There can be a culture w

Only 1, 3

817 - Consider the following Statements: Ascribed status is assigned according to standards that are beyond a person's control Societies and groups frequently use social sanctions to exert external social control. Deterrences are rewards and punishments used to

Only 1, 2

818 - Consider the following Statements: Auguste Comte is the founder of sociology. A social movement that leads to social change must have a specific goal and commonly recognized charismatic leaders Functional definitions of religion are accused of Western bia

Only 1, 2

819 - Consider the following Statements: Auguste Comte is the founder of sociology. Symbolic interactionists say that we are able to communicate with one another because we have a set of symbols that have similar meanings to all of us. Sociological imagination

Only 1, 2

820 - Consider the following Statements: Because bicyclists are more likely to wear helmets now than a few years ago, their rate of head injuries has dropped Examples of negative sanctions include praise, frowns, cheers, and scolding Society has an influence on

Only 3,

821 - Consider the following Statements: Because bicyclists are more likely to wear helmets now than a few years ago, their rate of head injuries has dropped Gender, race, and family are examples of achieved statuses. one's liberty stops where the other ones be

Only 3,

822 - Consider the following Statements: Being a professional ballplayer would be an example of an ascribed status People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: On a broad level, the cultural environment determines t

Only 2, 3

823 - Consider the following Statements: Being a teacher is an ascribed status. Because of how they are structured bureaucracies can never led to oligarchy. 'Sardar Sarovar Dam' is built on the ' Kaveri River'. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


824 - Consider the following Statements: Being a teacher is an ascribed status. Questionnaires are cheaper and faster than interviews when doing research. Conformity to social norms depends on the presence of strong bonds between individuals and society accordi

Only 2, 3

825 - Consider the following Statements: Being willing to compromise is a necessary part of pluralism. A server at a restaurant is part of the tertiary sector of the economy. Jef Bezos is the richest man in the world. Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 2, 3

826 - Consider the following Statements: Breaking a folkway usually results in a reprimand or minor punishment. sociologists must always consider the ethical implications of the research methods one's liberty stops where the other ones begin Which of the follow

Only 1, 2, 3

827 - Consider the following Statements: Breaking a social more is not a big deal in society. A person is more likely to copy the deviant behavior of someone who is a significant other. The change in social conditions began in the late 18th century and into the

Only 2, 3

828 - Consider the following Statements: Breaking a social more is not a big deal in society. Secondary deviance usually results in the individual being labeled as deviant the secondary group has greater potentiality as compared to primary group, to integrate W

Only 2,

829 - Consider the following Statements: Bureaucracies can exist in informal groups. : Sociologists use multiple theoretical perspectives simultaneously as they frame research questions, design and conduct research, and analyze their results. Most governments i

Only 2, 3

830 - Consider the following Statements: Children only belong to one peer group at a time. The Functional Integration concept is central to functionalism Deviance is easy to identify. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

831 - Consider the following Statements: Comfort, work, and freedom are traditional American values People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: A role is a not a behavior Which of the following statement(s) is/are

Only 1, 2

832 - Consider the following Statements: Compromise, truce, mediation, and arbitration are all examples of accommodation. There is a connection between crime and poverty People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture:

Only 1, 2, 3

833 - Consider the following Statements: Conflict perspective focuses on forces in society that promote competition and change. Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Sociology is the scientific study of social structure Which of t

Only 1, 3

834 - Consider the following Statements: Conflict perspective focuses on forces in society that promote competition and change. Subcultures do not pose a threat to the larger culture. The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behav

Only 1, 2, 3

835 - Consider the following Statements: Conflict theorists say that sport allows those people with power to manipulate and coerce those without power : Social Darwinism stresses that only the strongest members of society will survive/thrive Reciprocity is the

Only 1, 2, 3

836 - Consider the following Statements: Conflict theory assumes all segments of society have an equal opportunity to gain unlimited wealth. Societies and groups frequently use social sanctions to exert external social control. In a postindustrial society, emph

Only 2, 3

837 - Consider the following Statements: Conflict theory assumes all segments of society have an equal opportunity to gain unlimited wealth. The process of socialization ends once a child has reached adulthood. There are four institutions found in every society


838 - Consider the following Statements: Conflict theory states that the majority uses prejudice and discrimination to control a minority. A survey is useful when a sociologist wants to study a large number of people Jef Bezos is the richest man in the world. W

Only 1, 2, 3

839 - Consider the following Statements: Conflict theory states that the majority uses prejudice and discrimination to control a minority. Development is process by which societies change from underdeveloped, through developing to developed societies. More U.S.

Only 1, 2

840 - Consider the following Statements: Conformity is the only nondeviant response to strain theory. a survey is useful when a soiologist wants to study a large number of people 'Sardar Sarovar Dam' is built on the ' Kaveri River'. Which of the following state

Only 1, 2

841 - Consider the following Statements: Conformity leads to groupthink. Virtually anyone can be poor, and poverty is randomly distributed throughout the population of the U.S. Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Which of the fo

Only 1,

842 - Consider the following Statements: Conformity means behavior that matches group expectations. a survey is useful when a soiologist wants to study a large number of people Positive deviance is when you get a reward for deviance, negative deviance is when y

Only 1, 2

843 - Consider the following Statements: Conformity to social norms depends on the presence of strong bonds between individuals and society according to the control theory Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today

Only 1, 3

844 - Consider the following Statements: Consumers like monopolies because they tend to keep prices low. In postmodernism, absolute meanings of words do not exist. Rather, the meaning of words is based on context, culture, and community. Culture is a set concep

Only 2,

845 - Consider the following Statements: Content Analysis is rarely used by sociologist because its expensive and time consuming. Education is important in the society because it helps us become more aware of what is happening in the society. Sociological imagi

Only 2,

846 - Consider the following Statements: Couples who lived together before marriage are usually more satisfied with their marriage than couples who did not live together before marriage Cultural environments determine the basic types of personalities that will

Only 2,

847 - Consider the following Statements: Couples who lived together before marriage are usually more satisfied with their marriage than couples who did not live together before marriage There can be a culture without a society The sociological perspective only


848 - Consider the following Statements: Cult is a religious group which is relatively small and is lead by a charismatic leader. Self-Concept is your belief of yourself, while looking-glass self is your idea of what other people are like Functionalist Perspect

Only 1,

849 - Consider the following Statements: Cultural environments determine the basic types of personalities that will be found in a society. When children play house, dress up in their parent's clothes and pretend to be doctors they are role-taking. Police/law en

Only 1, 2, 3

850 - Consider the following Statements: cultural lag is a source of resistance to social change. Gender socialization is becoming increasingly important in our society. Today, most scientists would agree that the interaction of both our genes and our environme

Only 1, 3

851 - Consider the following Statements: cultural lag is a source of resistance to social change. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: The three sociological perspectives are Functionalism, Conflict Perspect

Only 1, 2

852 - Consider the following Statements: Cultural Lag occurs because some societies change less rapidly than others Consumers like monopolies because they tend to keep prices low. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different

Only 3,

853 - Consider the following Statements: Cultural relativism promotes biases and stereotyping: Subcultures do not pose a threat to the larger culture. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of the follow

Only 2, 3

854 - Consider the following Statements: Cultural transmission theory says that some people are deviant because it is part of their nature. According to Labeling Theory, an action can be considered deviance for some people, but not for others. Larger Houses hav

Only 2,

855 - Consider the following Statements: Cultural transmission theory says that some people are deviant because it is part of their nature. Sociologists look for patterns in society Minority Groups are a group of people who are singled out for unequal treatment

Only 2, 3

856 - Consider the following Statements: Cultural universals are features that are common to all cultures. One effect of Cultural Imperialism is the transition of focus on "More Developed Countries" and fewer news stories about "Lesser Developed Countries" The

Only 1, 2, 3

857 - Consider the following Statements: Cultural universals are features that are common to all cultures. Symbols, slogans or badges are often worn by reference groups. : Global inequality is on the decline. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

858 - Consider the following Statements: Culture can be separated into material and non material culture. Teenagers who engage in primary deviance are frequently never caught by authorities. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have

Only 1, 2, 3

859 - Consider the following Statements: Culture can be separated into material and non material culture. The family (the private sphere) is linked to the economic, political, cultural, and educational (the public) spheres. People who share the same language an

Only 1, 2, 3

860 - Consider the following Statements: Culture consists of the ways of life that people create as they participate in a group or society. integration is referred to as the process of organization. T/F: Gender socialization of children is not affected by mass

Only 1,

861 - Consider the following Statements: Culture consists of the ways of life that people create as they participate in a group or society. Norms can be different in different societies: Non-state institutions are bridges for the members of the community who ca

Only 1, 2, 3

862 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Cultural variations exist among and within societies. Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge Which of the following stat

Only 2, 3

863 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Eisenstadt believed that the impetus to develop can come from a VARIETY OF SOURCES including, local elites, the spread of technic

Only 2, 3

864 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Industrialization lead to more access to goods and wealth. Not one sociological theory works alone. A combination of all three gi

Only 2, 3

865 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: People can't help it. They are born being a racist, and their environment has nothing to do with it. Quantitative research uses n

Only 3,

866 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Reddys are the dominant class of Gujarat. Sociologists examine cultures in an unbiased manner. Which of the following statement(s

Only 3,

867 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Sometimes it is impossible to reverse the effects of prolonged isolation, even with the help of dedicated specialists. T/F: Gende

Only 2,

868 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Sport is hard to define. Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

869 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Values & Beliefs are a source of social change The earliest society was the hunting and gathering society. Which of the following

Only 2, 3

870 - Consider the following Statements: Cultures change when some new technology opens up new ways of living and or when new ideas enter a culture. Sociology is a normative discipline A subculture embraces the larger culture in addition to their own unique cul

Only 1, 3

871 - Consider the following Statements: Cyberpunk movement and anarchists are examples of countercultures. Most countries that are democracies also have advanced economic development. Each era of adulthood is divided into several distinct periods. Which of the

Only 1, 2, 3

872 - Consider the following Statements: Deviance is one of society's biggest question and problem Even children who have experienced extreme isolation can learn some degree of socialization. : Perspective is the way the brain interprets an image or an event. W

Only 1, 2

873 - Consider the following Statements: Diffusion is the source of social change that brings about the most change in the least amount of time. Sport teaches some of the basic values of a society. Among high-income nations, the U.S. has the greatest income ine

Only 2, 3

874 - Consider the following Statements: Diffusion is the source of social change that brings about the most change in the least amount of time. The Jewish Synagogue is found in fort Kochi. Sociologists use the Scientific method in their research. Which of the

Only 2, 3

875 - Consider the following Statements: Dramaturgy is defined as human interaction is like a theatrical performance. W.E.B. Dubois scientifically studied the social structure of African American Communities. Only a very small percentage of athletes will ever p

Only 1, 2, 3

876 - Consider the following Statements: Durkheim believes that society is limited to specific individual actions. All deviant behavior is criminal. Mass media does not play a role in the socialization of children because it is constantly displaying role models


877 - Consider the following Statements: E V Ramasami was the one to arouse people to realise that it is the birthright of every individual to enjoy liberty and equality. Sociology is the scientific study of social structure (human social behavior). People who

Only 1, 2, 3

878 - Consider the following Statements: Education Institution can either be a state or non-state institution Emo, hipster and goth and some examples of subcultures in the US. WEB DuBois believed in full integration of African Americans in the United States Whi

Only 1, 2, 3

879 - Consider the following Statements: Empirical research cannot be seen or heard. The U.S. Department of Labor has identified approximately 75 different occupations in the country today. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a

Only 3,

880 - Consider the following Statements: Empirical Statement describes what is in the social world without evaluating it; based on facts, not opinion. , you have to be a member of your reference groups One way to develop the sociological imagination is to look

Only 1, 3

881 - Consider the following Statements: Empirical Statement describes what is in the social world without evaluating it; based on facts, not opinion. All children are capable of role-taking regardless of age. Full Form of OER- Open education resource Which of

Only 1, 3

882 - Consider the following Statements: Erving Goffman followed in Locke's footsteps as a proponent of interactionism Theory of socialization can be look into two perspectives Sociologists NEVER participate in observational studies. Which of the following stat

Only 2,

883 - Consider the following Statements: Established rules are not necessary in sport. When conducting research, sociologists must always consider the ethical implications of their research methods. Instinct is changing, biologically inherited behavior pattern

Only 2,

884 - Consider the following Statements: Ethnocentrism is the sharing of rules of conduct that tell us how to act in specific situations. Tabula Rasa theory suggests that individuals are born with personality. Development is process by which societies change fr

Only 3,

885 - Consider the following Statements: Ethnocentrism is the sharing of rules of conduct that tell us how to act in specific situations. There can be a culture without a society : Indigenous people live mainly in arid areas Which of the following statement(s)


886 - Consider the following Statements: Ethnocentrism reduces biases and stereotyping: Mass media does not play a role in the socialization of children because it is constantly displaying role models that children may imitate. The five components of culture ar

Only 3,

887 - Consider the following Statements: Even children who have experienced extreme isolation can learn some degree of socialization. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: : quantitative data uses description

Only 1, 2

888 - Consider the following Statements: Examples of positive sanctions include praise, frowns, cheers, and scolding. While women are becoming more involved in organized sport, men still hold mostof the administrative and coaching positions. Because it requires

Only 2, 3

889 - Consider the following Statements: False conciousness is the identification with the goals and interests of a social class people's behavior within a group setting cannot be predicted from their normal personal behavior Émile Durkheim systematically appl

Only 2, 3

890 - Consider the following Statements: Feral children over the age of 12 can often learn to speak in grammatically correct sentences. The gender gap in personality traits is based entirely on heredity. There can be a culture without a society Which of the fol


891 - Consider the following Statements: Feral children over the age of 12 can often learn to speak in grammatically correct sentences. There can be a culture without a society Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge. Which of the following statement(s)

Only 3,

892 - Consider the following Statements: Formal sanction occurs because some aspects of society change less rapidly than others. Informal education is what you learned within the four walls of the classroom. In 1610, Galelio invented telescope to see the moons

Only 3,

893 - Consider the following Statements: Formal sanction occurs because some aspects of society change less rapidly than others. Religion has little influence on how children are socialized to learn aspects of group life, such as work and proper gender roles. I


894 - Consider the following Statements: Functionalism assumes that societies will not return to a state of stability after periods of upheaval. Sociologist design experiments guided by ethics. Ethnocentrism reduces biases and stereotyping: Which of the followi

Only 2,

895 - Consider the following Statements: Functionalism sees active social change as undesirable even if it benefits members of that society Norms can be different in different societies: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a di

Only 1, 2, 3

896 - Consider the following Statements: Functionalist Perspective focuses on elements that create competition and change. Cult is a religious group which is relatively small and is lead by a charismatic leader. Two individuals can have the same personality. Wh

Only 2,

897 - Consider the following Statements: Going to College is a type of Re-socialization. Because it requires internalizing the generalized other, the game stage of role-taking least resembles real life. For most of human history the majority of humans were livi

Only 1, 2, 3

898 - Consider the following Statements: Going to College is a type of Re-socialization. The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. Manifest function is Unintended and unrecognized consequence of an element of society. Which of the foll

Only 1,

899 - Consider the following Statements: Group integration refers to social relationships between members of groups at different levels of integration. Rationality is subjecting every human behavior to calculation Education Institution can either be a state or

Only 1, 2, 3

900 - Consider the following Statements: Group integration refers to social relationships between members of groups at different levels of integration. Violent crime, crime against property, victim less crime, white collar crime and organized crime are known as

Only 1, 2

901 - Consider the following Statements: Groups can only be categorized in terms of membership and nothing more. The nature viewpoint states that much of human behavior is based on instinct Sociologists NEVER participate in observational studies. Which of the f

Only 2,

902 - Consider the following Statements: Groups can only be categorized in terms of membership and nothing more. The self is an identity and designation that sets us apart from other people. Characteristics of a group are separate from the individuals who form

Only 2, 3

903 - Consider the following Statements: In American society personal achievement is considered important The rate of social change is same for all societies With life so rushed and more women working for wages, today's parents spend less time with their childr

Only 1, 2

904 - Consider the following Statements: In mediation, a third party makes a decision that is binding on both parties. Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge A person's wealth is the amount of money he or she makes in a year. Which of the following sta

Only 2,

905 - Consider the following Statements: In order to have power, the person holding a government position must also becharismatic Neo Modernization theory is rooted in classical sociology-no set definition- came to the fore in the 1950s & 1960s Conformity is th

Only 3,

906 - Consider the following Statements: In Sanskrit the word 'caste' is referred to by two distinct terms Varna and Vaisya. Language is the most important tool under Symbolic Interactionism. Compromise, truce, mediation, and arbitration are all examples of acc

Only 2, 3

907 - Consider the following Statements: In the United States, the primary agents of socialization are peer groups, the school, the family and the mass media. Inequality is one of society's biggest question and problem. George Herbert Mead developed ideas relat

Only 1, 2, 3

908 - Consider the following Statements: In the United States, the primary agents of socialization peer groups, the school, the family, and the mass media. Sport is good, is this an example of an ideological belief. Sociologists who use the functionalist perspe

Only 1, 2

909 - Consider the following Statements: In the United States, the primary agents of socialization peer groups, the school, the family, and the mass media. Your friends at school are not an example of a social network. population is a source of social change Wh

Only 1, 3

910 - Consider the following Statements: India has six fundamental rights in its Constitution. Conflict theorists say that sport allows those people with power to manipulate and coerce those without power Conformity leads to groupthink. Which of the following s

Only 1, 2, 3

911 - Consider the following Statements: India is a secular country a survey is useful when a soiologist wants to study a large number of people : People can't change the social class they are born into. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

912 - Consider the following Statements: Individuals do not change their behavior to match the expectations of a group. Diffusion is the source of social change that brings about the most change in the least amount of time EV Ramasami gave the concept of 'Domin


913 - Consider the following Statements: Industrial societies use heavy machinery. The family is the main unit of socialization in early years Auguste Comte is the founder of sociology. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

914 - Consider the following Statements: Inequality is one of society's biggest question and problem. Reciprocity is the idea that if you do something for someone, that person owes you something in return. : Structural-Functional Paradigm describes culture as h

Only 1, 2

915 - Consider the following Statements: Informal education is what you learned within the four walls of the classroom. : 1/3 of Indigenous people live in cities Examples of negative sanctions include praise, frowns, cheers, and scolding Which of the following

Only 2,

916 - Consider the following Statements: Instinct is changing, biologically inherited behavior pattern Social location is different for everyone depending on their exact gener, race, ethnicity, and combination of social discriptions. Symbolic interactionism foc

Only 2, 3

917 - Consider the following Statements: integration is referred to as the process of organization. The migration of men from the villages of the Himalayan region can lead to an unusual proportion of women-headed families in the village will change the Family S

Only 2, 3

918 - Consider the following Statements: Interaction does not lead to absorption of culture. Not one sociological theory works alone. A combination of all three gives us the most complete understanding. People who share the same language and live in the same ar

Only 2, 3

919 - Consider the following Statements: Interaction does not lead to absorption of culture. The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Roles associated with

Only 2, 3

920 - Consider the following Statements: Interactionist Perspective focuses on the interaction of individuals with each other. Sociology uses a wider range of research methods than history Agriculture and Cuisine makeup a portion of people's culture Which of th

Only 1, 2, 3

921 - Consider the following Statements: Internalization is the systematic explanation of the relationship among phenomena. The process of socialization requires prolonged social contact with others. The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on

Only 2, 3

922 - Consider the following Statements: Is there can be more than one community in a society Industrialization lead to more access to goods and wealth. A person's role performance will always match societies expectations. Which of the following statement(s) is

Only 1, 2

923 - Consider the following Statements: Is there can be more than one community in a society Most formal organizations are structured in a form known as bureaucracy Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge Which of the following statement(s) is/are true

Only 1, 2, 3

924 - Consider the following Statements: Is there can be more than one community in a society People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Norms can be different in different societies: Which of the following statem

Only 1, 2, 3

925 - Consider the following Statements: Is there can be more than one community in a society The members of an out-group are that group of people who are excluded from the in-group. In literate societies ideas are transcribed in books and documents and preserv

Only 1, 3

926 - Consider the following Statements: It can sometimes be impossible to reverse effects of prolonged isolation An in-group is an exclusive group that demands intense loyalty. Not one sociological theory works alone. A combination of all three gives us the mo

Only 1, 2, 3

927 - Consider the following Statements: It is lawful for sports clubs to treat disabled people less favourably for a reason related to their disability An in-group is any group that a person belongs to and/or identifies with. Through the process of socializati

Only 2, 3

928 - Consider the following Statements: It is more dangerous to walk near topless bars than fast-food restaurants People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Tribes are classified on the basis of their 'permanent'

Only 2,

929 - Consider the following Statements: It is more dangerous to walk near topless bars than fast-food restaurants There can be a culture without a society Social model is concerned with the experiences of disability and believes disability is caused by the way

Only 3,

930 - Consider the following Statements: Kinship is a relationship linked by marriage Employing a psychological perspective, you can look beyond commonly held beliefs to the hidden meanings behind human actions. There can be a culture without a society Which of

Only 2,

931 - Consider the following Statements: Language is a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted Only uneducated people are more likely to be racist People who share the same language and live in the same area can

Only 1, 3

932 - Consider the following Statements: Language is not learned, but it comes by nature. Characteristics of a group are separate from the individuals who form them Solidarity refers to how connected a person feels to others Which of the following statement(s)

Only 2, 3

933 - Consider the following Statements: Language is the most important tool under Symbolic Interactionism. Gender socialization is becoming increasingly important in our society. Max Weber is associated with the substantive view of religion Which of the follow

Only 1, 3

934 - Consider the following Statements: Linguistics and sociology studies should NOT work together. They are different fields of study. In American society personal achievement is considered important Sociologists use the Scientific method in their research. W

Only 2, 3

935 - Consider the following Statements: Manifest functions are intended and recognized consequences of an aspect of society. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: When completing a sociological experiment, i

Only 1, 2

936 - Consider the following Statements: Manifest functions are intended and recognized consequences of an aspect of society. Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future People who share the same language and liv

Only 1, 3

937 - Consider the following Statements: Marriage over career is one factor that distinguishes female development from male development during adulthood. The labeling theory differs because it focuses on groups that are labeled as faithful and never commit devi

Only 1, 3

938 - Consider the following Statements: Marx stated that social change occurs because various groups are struggling to obtain a larger portion of limited resources Sociologists look for patterns of behavior in social relationships Symbolic interactionism state

Only 1, 2, 3

939 - Consider the following Statements: Mass media plays a role in the socialization of children because it is constantly displaying role models that children may imitate. In Sanskrit the word 'caste' is referred to by two distinct terms Varna and Vaisya. Ther

Only 1,

940 - Consider the following Statements: master status can be achieved or ascribed. When you try to understand your friend's feelings by placing yourself in her situation, your are using verstehen. Practically everyone votes in the U.S. because confidence in th

Only 1, 2, 3

941 - Consider the following Statements: Master status can be ascribed OR achieved. "Race" is not science-based. Sociologists look for patterns in society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

942 - Consider the following Statements: Master status can be ascribed OR achieved. Sociologists examine cultures in an unbiased manner. Self-fulfillment is a commitment to the full development of one's personality, talents, and potential. Which of the followin

Only 1, 2, 3

943 - Consider the following Statements: More U.S. students are killed in school shootings now than ten or fifteen years ago W.E.B. Du Bois scientifically studied the social structure of African American communities. Studies in institutions have shown that it i

Only 2, 3

944 - Consider the following Statements: Mores are never laws. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Urban sociology is basically no different with the rural sociology Which of the following statement(s) is/a

Only 2,

945 - Consider the following Statements: Most groups encourage their members to conform to the group's way of thinking and behaving. Erving Goffman followed in Locke's footsteps as a proponent of interactionism Sociology is the scientific study of social struct

Only 1, 3

946 - Consider the following Statements: Most groups let their members think independently instead of encouraging members to conform to the group's way of thinking People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Today,

Only 2, 3

947 - Consider the following Statements: Most social scientists assume that personality and social behavior are result from a blend of genetics and environment Anomie is a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent A large percentage of te

Only 1, 2

948 - Consider the following Statements: Most social scientists assume that personality and social behavior are result from a blend of genetics and environment In postmodernism, absolute meanings of words do not exist. Rather, the meaning of words is based on c

Only 1, 2

949 - Consider the following Statements: Most statuses are ascribed in an industrial society. A person's social network is made up of ONLY people he or she interacts with in the "real world". ECONOMIC DISPARITY MEANS EVEN DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. Which of the fo


950 - Consider the following Statements: Most statuses are ascribed in an industrial society. The members of an out-group are that group of people who are targeted by an in-group. In a postindustrial society, emphasis is placed on the provision of information a

Only 2, 3

951 - Consider the following Statements: Nearly all the human social behavior we consider natural and normal is learned Sociology is concerned with right and wrong answers. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different cultur

Only 1, 3

952 - Consider the following Statements: No social control = Unpredictable and disorganized societies : Your master status cannot change over time. Sociology helps people see opportunities and challenges Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

953 - Consider the following Statements: Norms are always the same in every culture. Compared with women, men make more eye contact in face-to-face conversations These children are being socialized by their primary agent of socialization Which of the following

Only 3,

954 - Consider the following Statements: Norms can be different in different societies: The process of socialization ends once a child has reached adulthood. Division of labour is complex in rural community. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

955 - Consider the following Statements: Norms can be different in different societies: There are pros and cons (positives and possible negatives) associated with each of the sociological research methods. Formal sanction occurs because some aspects of society

Only 1, 2

956 - Consider the following Statements: Not one sociological theory works alone. A combination of all three gives us the most complete understanding. Auguste Comte is the founder of sociology. : Social-Conflict Paradigm describes culture as a complex strategy

Only 1, 2

957 - Consider the following Statements: Offenses committed by individuals of high social status in the course of their professional lives is known as a white collar crime. There can be a culture without a societyक्या समाà¤Å“ के बिना à¤

Only 1, 3

958 - Consider the following Statements: On the basis of language, tribes are classified into 6 categories. In the United States, the fastest growing areas are in the South and West or in what is called the Sunbelt. Cultural Lag occurs because some societies ch

Only 2,

959 - Consider the following Statements: Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. Compared with women, men make more eye contact in face-to-face conversations A person with power always posse


960 - Consider the following Statements: One effect of Cultural Imperialism is the transition of focus on "More Developed Countries" and fewer news stories about "Lesser Developed Countries" Sociology is one of the oldest sciences, have been around about 400 ye

Only 1,

961 - Consider the following Statements: One of benefits of Bureaucracies is that they can ability to coordinate large numbers of people to achieve a goal. Part of thinking like a sociologist is to "make the familiar seem strange" Because it requires internaliz

Only 1, 2

962 - Consider the following Statements: One of the goal of studying political science is to make people a better citizen Most formal organizations are structured in a form known as bureaucracy According to the principles of symbolic interactionism, symbols not

Only 1, 2, 3

963 - Consider the following Statements: One reason that closed- ended questions are used in surveys is that the results are relatively easy to quantify. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture:à¤Å“ो लोग

Only 1, 2, 3

964 - Consider the following Statements: One reason that closed- ended questions are used in surveys is that the results are relatively easy to quantify. Quantitative research methods include case studies, where you observe people. Competition is two or more pe

Only 1,

965 - Consider the following Statements: One reason that sociologists ask open-ended questions is that the results are relatively easy to quantify The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather tha

Only 2,

966 - Consider the following Statements: One way to develop the sociological imagination is to look at your own society as an outsider. Today, most scientists would agree that the interaction of both our genes and our environment influences and shapes our devel

Only 1, 2, 3

967 - Consider the following Statements: Only one agent of socialization helps a child learn their culture from the age of 5 to 10. In order to have power, the person holding a government position must also becharismatic : Minorities are classified as a minorit


968 - Consider the following Statements: Only uneducated people are more likely to be racist Virtually all societies have had some form of religion since 5000 BC Television has no positive benefits to individuals. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true

Only 2,

969 - Consider the following Statements: Our self image never changes as we age or grow. Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Which of the


970 - Consider the following Statements: Our self image never changes as we age or grow. The web of relationships formed by the total of a person's interactions with other people is termed a social network Structure, goals, and activities are clearly defined in

Only 2, 3

971 - Consider the following Statements: Parents responses to the children can encourage or discourage the development of certain aptitudes. White-collar workers are part of the tertiary sector of the economy. ROLES AND STATUS ARE NOT GIVEN AND FIXED Which of t

Only 1, 2, 3

972 - Consider the following Statements: Part of thinking like a sociologist is to "make the familiar seem strange" Racial profiling is the practice of assuming the nonwhite Americans are more likely to commit a crime than white Americans. The members of a soci

Only 1, 2

973 - Consider the following Statements: peer groups became the main unit of socialization during the teens Anthropology is most interested in examining modern industrial societies. In Mead's preparatory stage, a child may pretend to be a firefighter or play ho

Only 1,

974 - Consider the following Statements: Peer groups tend to focus on the norms and values of the culture as whole. People tend to adjust better to retirement if they were unsatisfied with their careers. Sociology is the scientific study of social structure Whi

Only 3,

975 - Consider the following Statements: People can't help it. They are born being a racist, and their environment has nothing to do with it. Positive deviance is when you get a reward for deviance, negative deviance is when you get something take away Global s

Only 3,

976 - Consider the following Statements: People rarely use peer groups as a tool for anticipatory socialization. Anthropologists focus only on modern, industrial societies. The process by which cultures become more and more alike is called cultural lag. Which o


977 - Consider the following Statements: People require both the "I" and "me" aspects of the self. Conflict cannot be positive. Manifest function is Unintended and unrecognized consequence of an element of society. Which of the following statement(s) is/are tru

Only 1,

978 - Consider the following Statements: People tend to be lonely in the city A 12-year-old's significant others include children who are in her peer group. In the United States, the primary agents of socialization are peer groups, the school, the family and th

Only 1, 2, 3

979 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: A negative of competition is that it is a means of motivating people to perform the role society asks of them. According to Karl

Only 1,

980 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Acceptance is won by adopting the values and standards of the group Symbols like the American flag have shared meaning in our cul

Only 1, 2, 3

981 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Durkheim created the sociological concept of positivism Structure, goals, and activities are clearly defined in a formal group Wh

Only 1, 3

982 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Emile Durkheim stated that social solidarity is a result of a society's division of labor. There can be a culture without a socie

Only 1, 2

983 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: George Herbert Mead developed ideas related to Cooley's theories On a broad level, the cultural environment determines the basic

Only 1, 2, 3

984 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Harriet Martineau believed that a thorough societal analysis was necessary to understand men's status under women. Sociologists c

Only 1, 3

985 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Latent functions are unintended and unrecognized consequences of an aspect of society. Emile Durkheim coined the terms mechanical

Only 1, 2, 3

986 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Marx believed society should be classless One way to develop the sociological imagination is to look at your own society as an ou

Only 1, 2, 3

987 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: No social control = Unpredictable and disorganized societies Aptitude is the capacity to learn a particular skill or acquire a pa

Only 1, 2, 3

988 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Norms are the actual behavior of individuals in society. Deviance is when someone takes the accepted societal norms to the extrem

Only 1,

989 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Personality development in children is not at all influenced by the characteristics of their parents Historically, societies have

Only 1,

990 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: population is a source of social change The child poverty rate in the U.S. is higher than in any other industrialized country Whi

Only 1, 2, 3

991 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Social nature is a subsidies system of travel through the intervention of the government, employer, or labor union to achieve soc

Only 1,

992 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Sociologists focus on the similarities and differences between cultures. The earliest society was the hunting and gathering socie

Only 1, 2, 3

993 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Sociologists speak of a young man, a toddler, a factory worker, or a teenager. They do not concentrate on categories of people. E

Only 1,

994 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Sociology is an abstract science : There is no inequality due to race. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

995 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: South African's system of apartheid is an example of subjugation , in order to meet the communication needs of socialization. It

Only 1, 2

996 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Subcultures do not pose a threat to the larger culture. Scholars argue that there is no coherent basis for treating tribes as "pu

Only 1, 2

997 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: The belief that the feeling of discomfort is brought by a visitor who supposedly has an evil eye is called usog. Your friends at

Only 1, 2

998 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: The nature viewpoint states that much of human behavior is based on instinct Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge Whic

Only 1, 2, 3

999 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Values & Beliefs are a source of social change Psychologists study the behavior of individuals. Which of the following statement(

Only 1, 2, 3

1000 - Consider the following Statements: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: While women are becoming more involved in organized sport, men still hold mostof the administrative and coaching positions. Peopl

Only 1, 2


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