Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set.10

1 - The most important component of a successful symbol is .....

to be recognized by those in a society

2 - The most important determinant of scholastic success is.

a family's values regarding education

3 - The most important differences among humans are based on.


4 - The most important goal of this economic system is not the individual pursuit of profit but rather work for the collective good: the needs of society are considered more important than the needs of the individual.


5 - The most important of government is to.

implement political control

6 - The most important product of the social way of life is.


7 - The most likely factor to overcome the low status of a father's occupation is.


8 - The most numerous form of business ownership in the United States is the:

sole proprietorship

9 - The most obvious effect of sexism on women has been that they.

have been denied alternatives to the roles of wives and mothers

10 - The most pernicious aspect of sexist ideology is.

the pervasiveness of the ideology

11 - The most pervasive of the social processes are.

Religious ritual

12 - The most pervasive of the social processes are________________?

Religious ritual

13 - The most popular class at the university was ....., since the students enjoyed learningabout how people get along.


14 - The Most Prominent spokesmen of Functionalist Perspective are.

All of above

15 - The Most Prominent spokesmen of Functionalist Perspective are______________?

All of above

16 - The most recent social movements.

none of the above

17 - The most recent view of black family problems is that they are a result of.

historic events of recent years

18 - The most self-sufficient group is.


19 - The most universal social institution, responsible for raising young and teaching them accepted norms and values.

The family

20 - The most widely shared system of meaning and cultural tool kits in society.

Mainstream Culture

21 - the most widely used research method


22 - The Mother" was written by


23 - The motorcycle policeman appeared out of nowhere andpulled Teresa over for speeding. He was friendly and businesslike as he stood by Teresa's open window and issued her a \$250 ticket. This is an example of a .....

negative sanction

24 - The move will lead to more efficient pricing and ..... of capital.


25 - The movement between or within social classes is known as.....

Social Mobility

26 - The movement from countryside to city is

world phenomenon

27 - The movement of an individual from one social position to another of a different rank

Vertical Mobility

28 - The movement of people from one social position to another, either upward or downward

social mobility

29 - The multi-dimensional ranking of social stratification is which of the following?

Socioeconomic Status

30 - The multiple-nuclei theory of urban growth was presented by.

D Harris and Edward L.Ullman

31 - The multiple-nuclei theory of urban growth was presented by______________?

C.D Harris and Edward L. Ulman

32 - The Muqaddimah is an early Muslim view of.

universal History

33 - The Muqaddimah is an early Muslim view of______________?

universal History

34 - The Muslims readily accept modern means of transformation and communication but remain steadfast in the religious faith.


35 - The must extreme form of legalized social inequality for individuals or groups is.


36 - The myth complex functions to.

give legitimate authority to the government in power

37 - the name characterizes society by the production of information and the provision of services

post-industrial society

38 - the name for any group to which a person does not belong or identify with

out group

39 - The Nation of Islam group appealed to ?

African-Americans who felt excluded from the ethnic melting pot in the USA

40 - The Nation of Islam group appealed to.

African-Americans who felt excluded from the ethnic melting pot in the USA

41 - The nation that social institutions reinforce and legitimize class division is derived from.

Karl Marx

42 - The nation with the longest political campaign period is.

the United States

43 - The National Basketball ..... is a group of professional basketball players.


44 - The National Wildlife ..... is trying to save several endangered species.


45 - The National Zoo ..... is trying to help animals that live in zoos.


46 - The native people of Tasmania a large island just south of Australia are now extinct because they failed to.

preserve order

47 - The native people of Tasmania a large island just south of Australia are now extinct because they failed to______________?

preserve order

48 - The natural environment is.

the totality of natural conditions and resources that occur in a specific area

49 - The Naturalistic-Observation Method takes place.....

in the field

50 - The nature of work is changing as a result of advances in .....


51 - The negative functions of interest groups include.

they are representative of a minority of people

52 - the net value of money and assets a person has


53 - The new racism refers to.

a subtler form of prejudice masked by nationalist pride

54 - The new racism refers to______________?

a subtler form of prejudice masked by nationalist pride

55 - The newest challenge to the family's formerly exclusive claim to the socialization of its children has come from.

the day-care center

56 - The newest factor in the development equation is.

Civil Society

57 - The newest factor in the development equation is______________?

Civil Society

58 - The non-academic agenda that teaches discipline, order, cooperativeness, and conformity

hidden curriculum

59 - The norm of reciprocity entails.

doing something in return for what someone has done for you

60 - The normalization of a dominant ethnic culture promotes the belief that those in the dominant culture are


61 - The notion of citizenship rights is associated with.

T.H Marshall

62 - The notion of citizenship rights is associated with______________?

T.H Marshall

63 - The notion that peripheral nations move from having traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed nations is known as

modernization theory

64 - The nuclear family form is also called.


65 - The nuclear family is characteristic of industrial societies because.

geographic and social mobility are common in industrial societies

66 - The nuclear family is consisting of .....

parents and children only

67 - The nuclear family means.

a two generation unit of parents and their-children

68 - The 'nuclear family' means:

A two generation unit of parents and their children

69 - The nuclear family means_____________?

a two-generation unit of parents and their children

70 - The nuclear family means______________?

a two-generation unit of parents and their-children

71 - The nuclear from of the family often appears in.

industrial societies

72 - The number of births in a population in relation to every 1000 women of childbearing age in a year is called the.


73 - The number of hours each of eleven students spends studying each week is listed. 10, 8, 0, 4.5, 12, 10, 7.5, 9, 10.5, 10, 5. What is the mean?


74 - The number of intemational non-governmental from less than 200 at the start of the twentieth century to how many in 2006?

51, 509

75 - The number of intonational non-governmental from less than 200 at the start of the twentieth century to how many in 2006 ?


76 - The number of registered NGOs in Pakistanis.

10, 000 to 12.000

77 - The number of registered NGOs in Pakistanis_____________?

10,000 to 12.000

78 - The numbers of PACs.

increased nearly sevenfold since 1974

79 - the nurture point of view holds that behavior and personality are the result of

social environment and learning

80 - The object of sociology is.....


81 - The objective approach to determine social class membership is based on.

all of the above

82 - the objects or belongings of a group of people, i.e. a cell phone

Material Culture

83 - The obligation to reinvest money in business rather than to spend it

The spirit of capitalism

84 - The observable facts or events that involve human society

Social Phenomena

85 - the observation and description of a group of people and their way of life


86 - The of "who defines deviance" has principally been addressed by what sociological theory ?


87 - The official poverty rate in 2014 was about ..... percent of the U.S. population.


88 - The oil supplies of the United States are subject to.

environmental depletion

89 - The old woman .very well there.

will be looked after

90 - The oldest form of power rests on.

traditional authority

91 - The oldest model of social change is -


92 - The one man married one woman but married relations was not definite is known as


93 - The one who dies with the most toys win refer to the need of .


94 - the ongoing struggle between the bourgeoisie (owners) and the proletariat (working) class

class conflict

95 - The open stratification system based on the ownership and control of resources, as well as the type of work people do is termed .....


96 - The operational definition is perhaps less useful in

social science

97 - The opportunities to realize health, long life, and happiness in a social system

life chances

98 - The opposite of a nuclear family is the.

extended family

99 - The opposite of a variable is a.


100 - The opposite of the rule of law is.

the rule of men

101 - The order a child is born in their family; is often believed to have a profound and lasting effect on psychological development.

Birth Order

102 - The organic condition that results in the progressive deterioration of brain cells is called.....

Alzheimer's Disease

103 - The organization of written or spoken symbols into a standard system.


104 - The organization of written or spoken symbols into a standardized system is called


105 - The organized means each society develops to meet its basic needs (Family, Government, Beliefs, Economics, Education)

Social Institutions

106 - The outcome of your test.


107 - The Outsiders" was written by

Howard S.Becker

108 - The overall poverty rate is highest among.

children under 6

109 - the part of the self that is created through socialization


110 - the part of the self that is spontaneous, unpredictable, and creative


111 - The part which is the complex of social ideals and values which one has internalized and which form the conscience is.


112 - The part which is the complex of social ideals and values which one has internalized, and which form the conscience is______________?


113 - The participant observer using uncontrolled observation" is words of

P.V. Young

114 - The participants in a market economy cannot pursue their goals freely because they are affected by.

prices and incomes

115 - The particular life way of a people.


116 - The parties try to maximize their respective gains in ..... bargaining


117 - The pattern in society

Social structure

118 - The pattern of pressure which a society exerts to maintain order and establish rules is known as its system of

social control

119 - The pattern of pressure which a society exerts to maintain order and establish rules is known as its system of

social control

120 - The patterned and recurrent aspects of life that appear in all known societies are called.

cultural universals

121 - The patterned and recurrent aspects of life that appear in all known societies are called_____________?

cultural universals

122 - The patterned interaction of people in social relationships is called

social structure

123 - The patterned interaction of people in social relationships.

Social Structure

124 - The patterned interaction of people in social relationships.Think of a foundation.

Social Stucture

125 - The patterned social arrangements in society that are both emergent from and determinant of the actions of individuals.

Social Structure

126 - The patterned ways in which people interact in social relationships is referred to as

social structure

127 - The patterned ways in which people interact in social relationships.

Social structure

128 - The patterns of relationships among a group is called the group's

social structure

129 - The people of the same class share for the most part ?

Both of the values

130 - The people of the same class share for the most part.

Both of the values

131 - The people whose judgments are most important to our self-concept

significant others

132 - The percentage of men filing divorce petitions is.

less than that of women

133 - The percentage of people around the world who lived in cities in 2005 is approximately.

49 percent

134 - The period that occurs after high school, but before adulthood .

transitional adulthood

135 - The perpetrators of fatal child abuse have these traits in common.

all of these

136 - The person on the news was arrested because they were showing behavior that broke the rules of society. What was this behavior?


137 - the personal Diary of Anne Frank could be used in a sociological study as

Secondary Data

138 - The perspective that believes there is competition for scarce resources to create social change is

Conflict perspective

139 - The perspective that emphasizes conflict among social groups is called

conflict theory

140 - The perspective that holds that societies evolve toward stability and perfection and only the fittest societies over time, is:

Social Darwinism

141 - The perspective that holds that societies evolve toward stability and perfection and only the fittest societies survive over time.

Social Darwinism

142 - The perspective which stresses that deviance promotes social unity and social change is


143 - The Philippines as the pearl of the Orient Seas.


144 - The phrase "survival of the fittest" was coined by .....

Herbert Spencer

145 - The phrase "survival of the fittest," or the belief that the best aspects of society would survive over time, was coined by

Herbert Spencer

146 - The phrase 'psychological facts only make sense in the culture studied' refers to?

Cultural relativism

147 - The phrase 'Survival of the Fittest' was coined by -

Herbert Spencer

148 - The physical objects that people create and use form this for a group.

Material Culture

149 - The pivotal institution of government.

exists only theoretically or in a rudimentary form on the international level

150 - The pivotal methodology of functionalist is

Field work

151 - The pledge and Business Clubs at school could be positive under which Sociological Theory?


152 - The poem "The Snow Storm" by Ralph Waldo Emerson is an example of which philosophical movement.


153 - The police and judicial courts are both part of

corrections system.

154 - The police to find the criminal

were unable

155 - The policeman told the woman she worry.


156 - The policies that physically separate a minority group from the dominant group and is imposed by law.

De jure segregation

157 - The political organization that may have too much influence on elected officials because of its generous contribution is the.

Political Action Committee

158 - The political process.

allows those representing minority views to try to become the majority

159 - The Pope's leadership of the Catholic Church is based on which kind of authority?


160 - The popularity of the American Dream leads many Americans to blame ..... for people's poverty.

poor people

161 - The population of the world is expected to double in

45 years

162 - The population of the world is expected to double in

45 years

163 - The population of the world is expected to double in the next.

35 years

164 - The population of the world is expected to double in the next________?

35 years

165 - The position of a High School Graduate is.....

achieved status

166 - The positive functions of interest groups include.

all of the above

167 - The potential number of children that women are capable of bearing is called.


168 - The potential number of children that women are capable of bearing is called____________?


169 - The potential number of children that women are capable of bearing is called_______________?


170 - The Poverty Level is.....

the minimum annual income needed by a family to survive

171 - The power elite are drawn from among the.

military and business leaders

172 - The power of police to determine who is/is not arrested.....

Police discretion

173 - The power that people perceive as legitimate rather than coercive.


174 - The powers held by the states include those that are.


175 - The practice of "Mano po".


176 - the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards, and not in comparison to another culture

Cultural Relativism

177 - The practice of assuming nonwhites are more likely to commit crime than whites is known as.....

Racial Profiling

178 - The practice of classifying people as Superior-Inferior rbased Gender, Caste, Profession, Class and Race is called

Social stratification

179 - The practice of expressing or self-censoring dissenting views.


180 - The practice of legally enforced marriage within caste is called.


181 - The practice of legally enforced marriage within caste is called____________?


182 - The practice of legally enforced marriage within caste is called_____________?


183 - The practice of religio-medical has

existed in one form or the other.

184 - The practice of requiring degrees as a minimum hiring requirement is called.


185 - The practice of U.S corporations movings their production facilities abroad is called


186 - The practice of untouchability is prohibited by .....

Article 17

187 - The practice where a country maintains control over groups through force.


188 - The pragmatist philosophy used in Symbolic interactionist theory teaches that.

Knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations

189 - The pragmatist philosophy used in Symbolic interactionist theory teaches that_______________?

Knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations

190 - The pragmatist philosophy used in Symbolic interactionist Theory teaches that_______________?

knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations

191 - The preoccupation with eating habits following the Atkins diet is an example of a(n) _____________?


192 - The presence of an outgroup

can create an "us vs. them" dynamic.

193 - The president of the United States need not be a good typist a surgeon need not be able to fill a cavity This is because of the bureaucratic characteristic of.

division of labour

194 - The president of the United States need not be a good typist a surgeon need not be able to fill a cavity This is because of the bureaucratic characteristic of___________?

division of labor

195 - The president's most important role is as.

foreign policy maker

196 - The prevailing ideas in society, the things that "everyone knows" as true are referred to as.....

common sense

197 - The price paid for increased mobility includes a decrease in.


198 - The price paid for increased mobility includes a decrease in__________?


199 - The price system is based on.

consumer demand

200 - The price system.

only B and C

201 - The primary agent of socialization is the.


202 - The primary aim of this research is to describe social behavior in terms of the meanings interpreted by those involved.


203 - The primary function of the economy as a social institution is to.

Provide a blueprint showing people how to survive

204 - The primary function of the family is to reproduce.

Biological and social evolution of society

205 - the primary group composed of individuals of roughly the same age and similar social characteristics.

peer group

206 - The principal difference between people and other animals is that.

people communicate with symbols while animals communicate with signals



208 - The principle of cause and effect explains that .....

like natural science,social science depends on the assumption that all events have causes

209 - The principle of cross-fertilization states that discoveries and inventions in one field become useful in

an entirely different field.

210 - The principle of laissez-faire was expounded and endorsed by the British economist ?

Adam Smith

211 - The principle of laissez-faire was expounded and endorsed by the British economist.

Adam Smith

212 - The principle of laissez-faire was expounded and endorsed by the British economist?

Paul Samuelson

213 - The principle of separation of powers may be responsible for.

the stability of the government

214 - The principle of the separation of powers.

is prescribed by the Constitution

215 - The principles of conduct concerning what is good or moral or right are called.....


216 - The print revolution of the nineteenth century resulted in.

mass production mass circulation and the decline of serious content

217 - The print revolution of the nineteenth century resulted in_____________?

mass production mass circulation and the decline of serious content

218 - The Prisoner's Dilemma Game simulates a situation in which.

both partners can benefit if each plays cooperative

219 - The Prisoners Dilemma Game simulates a situation in which_____________?

both partners can benefit if each plays cooperative

220 - The privileged position of the modern industrial nations was attained because of.

both urbanization and industrialization

221 - The process by which a cultural item is spread from group to group or from society to society.


222 - The process by which a more becomes part of one's personality is called what?


223 - The process by which a norm becomes a part of an individual's personality, thereby making the individual automatically conform to society's expectations is known as:


224 - The process by which a norm becomes a part of an individual's personality, thus conditioning that individual to conform to society's expectations


225 - The process by which a society moves from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies is called


226 - The process by which an individual learns the culture of their society is known as


227 - The process by which cultural traits spread from one group of society to another is called.

cultural diffusion

228 - The process by which cultural traits spread from one group of society to another is called_____________?

cultural diffusion

229 - The process by which governmental decisions are made.


230 - The process by which newcomers or members of a subculture give up their distinctive cultural patterns and take on those of the dominant culture of the society in which they live.


231 - The process by which norms become part of an individuals personality is called


232 - The process by which people learn from one another, adopting some part of the other's way of life, is referred to as

cultural diffusion.

233 - The process by which people learn new norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs is called:


234 - the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group - the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, norms, and actions thought appropriate for them


235 - The process by which we acquire culture through social structures is called:


236 - The process in which cultures become more and more alike.

Culture Leveling

237 - The process in which people give up old norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors, often meaning the destruction of old self-concepts


238 - The process of breaking away from past experiences and learning new values and beliefs is known as


239 - The process of circulating petitions in order to place specific issues before the legislators is called.


240 - The process of depicting and defining "the East" (and subsequently, depicting and defining "the West").


241 - The process of influencing each other as people relate

Social Interaction

242 - The process of inspecting, refining and modelling data to draw conclusions and inform decision making

Data analysis

243 - The process of learning how take part in group life


244 - the process of learning in advance an anticipated future role or status

anticipatory socialization

245 - the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors


246 - The process of learning one's culture and how to live within it is called.


247 - The process of learning one's culture and how to live within it is called________________?


248 - The process of learning to participate in a group is called .....


249 - The process of learning to participate in a group?


250 - The process of looking glass self consists of __________ steps?


251 - The process of looking glass self consists of..... steps.


252 - The process of preparing an individual for society.


253 - The process of replacing animal and human power with machine power


254 - The process of running schools like businesses by creating competition between them e.g. through league tables and Ofsted reports


255 - The process of selecting the sample from the population" is called


256 - The process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of individuals and the society that shapes that behavior (or, the concept that the individual and society are inseparable) is referred to as:


257 - The process of social interaction by which people acquire the knowledge attitudes values and behaviors essential for effective participation in society is called_____________?


258 - The process of social interaction by which people acquire the knowledge attitudes values and behaviours essential for effective participation in society is called.


259 - The process of socialization is crucial to this sociological perspective, since we learn the meanings of symbols from others in society.

Symbolic Interactionism

260 - The process of spreading cultural traits from one society to another is known as:


261 - The process of spreading cultural traits from one society to another.

Cultural Diffusion

262 - The process of turning the class concept into something measurable is called.

operational research

263 - The process of turning the class concept into something measurable is called___________?

modus operandum

264 - The process of turning the class concept into something measurable is called_____________?

operational research

265 - the process of voluntarily preparing, in advance, for new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors, and occurs throughout adult life as one encounters new groups.

anticipatory socialization

266 - The process that enables a culture to maintain equilibrium despite fluctuations in their culture is known as______________?


267 - The process that people go through to detach from a role that has been central to their self identity is called .....

role exit

268 - The process that teaches the norms, values, and other aspects of a culture to new group members.


269 - The process that teaches the norms, values, and other aspects of a culture to new group members.à¤ÂµÃ ¤¹ à¤ÂªÃ ¥Ã ¤°Ã ¤•Ã ¥Ã ¤°Ã ¤¿Ã ¤¯Ã ¤¾ à¤Å“ो समूह के नए सदस्यों को संस्कà¥Æ’ति के मानदंडों, म


270 - The process to which the sacred loses influence over society


271 - The process whereby the helpless human infant gradually becomes a self-aware, knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of the culture into which he or she was born is known as


272 - The processes of cultural change include.

nationalism and patriotism

273 - The production possibilities frontier refers to.

the amount of each commodity that can be produced given available resources

274 - The progress for education of women in India was initiated by

Iswar Chandra Vidya Sagar

275 - The project form of organisation has a number of inherent


276 - The project form of organisation has problem to be treated


277 - The proportion of the aged (60+) population to the total population of India shows a trend of


278 - The proportions of associations a person has with deviant versus non-deviant individuals is called.....

Differential Association



280 - The protest in the Mexico City 1968 Olympics involving Tommie Smith and John Carlos represented:

Black unity and power

281 - The Protestant denomination emphasized in Max Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism was.


282 - The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" was written by

Max Weber

283 - The Protestant Ethic supported capitalism through the religious doctrine that praised.

hard work and thrift

284 - The psychodynamic theories of personality are associated with.

Sigmund Freud

285 - The psychological stress caused when a person faces rapid cultural change is called.

Cultural shock

286 - The psychological stress caused when a person faces rapid cultural change is called_____________?

Cultural shock

287 - The Psychology of Rumors" was written by

Gordon Allport

288 - The public sector.

all of the above

289 - The public sphere:

is a place in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify social problems.

290 - The purpose of a code of ethics is

all of these

291 - The purpose of a reference group is to serve a (n)_________________?

both a and b

292 - The purpose of a reference group is to serve a(n)

both a and b

293 - The purpose of a reference group is to serve a(n) ?

both a and b

294 - The purpose of ethical guidelines in research is to

Ensure that the participants are safe

295 - The purpose of schools is to educate; however, schools also reinforce cultural norms. The second function is


296 - The purpose of separating management from ownership is to:

ensure that the long-term interests of the corporation outweigh short-term gains

297 - The purpose of terrorism is.

all of the above

298 - The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to.

restrict the power of the government

299 - The purpose of the Monroe Doctrine was.

to warn European powers to keep away from the Western Hemisphere in return for U.S nonintervention in Europe

300 - The purposes for which men associate each other is


301 - The push for teaching people to read in the English-speaking world was based on a desire to read.

the Bible

302 - The quality of mind that provides an understanding of ourselves within the context of the larger society is called .....

sociological imagination

303 - The question of whether the research has uncovered the truth about social life and is accurate in it's findings is known as what?


304 - The racial stratification model shown above is the result ofI. creolizationII. colonization III. particularistic value system

I and II only

305 - The racial wealth gap describes

the difference in wealth amongst races and ethnicities

306 - The rank and position of a person in a group or of a group in relation to other groups is termed as_____________?


307 - The rank and position of a person in a group or of a groups in relation to other groups is termed as.


308 - The rankings of people based on wealth and other resources a society values is referred to as .....

social stratification

309 - The rapid manufacture of large numbers of identical objects.

mass production

310 - The rate of change for most of human history has been.

slow until the Industrial Revolution then rapid

311 - The rate of rate of return or a mailed naire is usually_____________?

very low

312 - The rate of rate of return or a mailed questionnaire is usually.

very low

313 - The rationale used for protection and segregation policies was that:

Indigenous people were 'dying out', so they needed to become like white Australians to prevent this

314 - The rationalization for having capital punishment is that.

it acts as a deterrent

315 - The real problem in population growth is.

uneven density of population

316 - The realist school of international relations defines war and security as.

low politics

317 - The reality that lies beyond human perception is called.

transcendent reality

318 - The recognition of new uses for existing elements in the world or a new understanding of these elements is called


319 - The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are known as .....

manifest function

320 - The regulation of sex.

is attempted by societies by encouraging marriage

321 - The relationship between population and income is.

an increase in income produces a decline in fertility

322 - The relationship between the boss and the worker.


323 - The relationship of organisms to their environments is called.


324 - The relationship of the mass media and politicians can be described as.

symbiotic and adversarial

325 - The relatively poorer industrial and semi-industrial communist societies, such as China and countries of the former USSR.This is classified as which one of classification of country based on levels of economic wealth and political ideology.

Second World

326 - The reliability of an instrument is its

ability to deliver an unchanged measurement.

327 - The replacement of Caste Systems with Class Systems means:

Both more likely to have social mobility and you can achieve diff. social standing through achievement

328 - The research method in which the researcher controls one variable and observes and records the results is called.


329 - the research method used to analyze existing sources that involves counting the number of times a particular word, phrase, idea, event, symbol, or other element appears in a given context


330 - The research on an isolated Amazon tribe.

only A and C

331 - The resources each spouse brings to a marriage include.

all of the above

332 - The result of executive officers sitting on several corporate boards is:

interlocking directorates

333 - The rewards that an individual receives in a meritocracy are primarily based on


334 - The right to govern in England flows through the legislature to:

The cabinet

335 - The right to govern in England flows through the legislature to_____________?

The cabinet

336 - The right to have personal information protected. Researchers shouldn't use real names in published studies.


337 - The rights of minorities are protected by law is known as?

Legal Protection

338 - The rise in patriotism following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, is an example of what function of deviance ?


339 - The rise of globalization was greatly facilitated by_____________?

developments in transportation and communication

340 - The rise of new social movements indicates that.

all of the above

341 - The rise of new social movements indicates that______________?

all of the above

342 - The rise of social classes is almost always associated with the development of.

the state

343 - The root cause of destabilized political structure in Pakistan is.

Military interventions

344 - The root cause of destabilized political structure in Pakistan is_____________?

Military interventions

345 - The RTE Act has been extended to whole of India, except .....State.


346 - The Rule of Sociological Method" was written by

Emile Durkheim

347 - The Rule of Sociological Method" was written in


348 - The rules, principles, and methods of science that are used for the systematic pursuit of knowledge

scientific method

349 - The sacred.....

refers to anything which exceeds the routine of everyday life.

350 - The salient features of Horticulturalist society are.

All of above

351 - The salient features of Horticulturalist society are______________?

All of above

352 - The sample is chosen by chance from the population

Random sample

353 - The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

emphasizes the difficulty of understanding another culture as its participants understand it

354 - The sate differs from all the other institutions in that.

its political control is complete

355 - The satyashodhak samaj, or, the truth seekers society, was founded in 1873 by -

Jotirao Govindrao Phule

356 - The School Board Members in Gadsden County met to vote on changing the dress code to allow students more variation in the school uniform. The board members voted against the proposal without discussing the potential benefits of such a change. Each member


357 - The school of though that considers power to be brokered by various interest groups is called.


358 - The science of numbering and measuring phenomena objectively" is

statistical method

359 - The scientific method contains all but one of the following techniques.

selecting data to prove a point

360 - The scientific method in the social sciences.

is hampered by difficulties in attaining objectivity

361 - The scientific method involves how many steps?


362 - The scientific method of inquiry involves which of the following steps?

All of the above

363 - The scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another?

Social psychology

364 - The scientific study of human behavior in groups


365 - The scientific study of human social behavior


366 - The Scientific study of human social life is termed as.


367 - The Scientific study of human social life is termed as______________?


368 - The scientific study of man, particularly his/her behavior and values.


369 - The scientific study of social structure


370 - The scientific study of social structure (human social behavior)


371 - The scientific study of social structure; patterned social behavior


372 - the scientific study of society and human behavior


373 - The scientific study of society is called what?


374 - The scientific study of the interaction between organisms and their environment is called.....


375 - The scientific study of the sociological and psychological aspects of aging and the problems of the aged is called


376 - The scientist's skepticism extends to.

his or her own findings

377 - The Sea Monsters and Barbie Girls example illustrates which concept?


378 - The second function of the legislative branch is to.

ensure a system of representation

379 - The second level of the looking-glass self is.....

We imagine their reaction to us

380 - The second stage of research is

designing the procedures

381 - The second stage when people understand society as natural was named.


382 - The second stage when people understand society as natural was named________________?


383 - The second step of qualitative coding, where you compare and contrast different responses.

Open Coding

384 - The secularization thesis.

states that sacred considerations gain ascendancy over secular considerations

385 - The secularization thesis______________?

states that sacred considerations gain ascendancy over secular considerations

386 - The self is made up of:

The me & I.

387 - The Selfish Gene" was written by

Richard Dawkins

388 - The sequence of Freud's psychosexual stages is.

oral anal phallic latency and genital

389 - The sequence of Rostow,s stages of economic growth are____________?

traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption

390 - The sequence of Rostow's stages of economic growth are.

traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption

391 - The sequence of Rostow's stages of economic growth are_____________?

traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption

392 - The set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another is known as


393 - The set of expectations about a social positiondefines how those in the position ought to behave


394 - The set of norms and practices that distinguishes one group from another.

Group Style



396 - The shift form civil religion to common religion means that.

despite the weakening of traditional authority our everyday lives and common sense remain shaped by religious beliefs and values

397 - The shift form civil religion to common religion means that________________?

despite the weakening of traditional authority our everyday lives and common sense remain shaped by religious beliefs and values

398 - The shift from civil religion to common religion means that_______________?

despite the weakening of traditional authority our everyday lives and common sense remain shaped by religious beliefs and values

399 - The shift from custodial to joint parenthood after divorce means that __________?

both parents are expected to co-operate in the continued care of their children

400 - The shift from custodial to joint parenthood after divorce means that.

both parents are expected to co-operate in the continued care of their children

401 - The shift from custodial to joint parenthood after divorce means that_______________?

both parents are expected to co-operate in the continued care of their children

402 - The shift toward tertiary sector jobs has:

reduced the need for unskilled or semi-skilled workers

403 - The shifting of population from farms and villages to large cities


404 - The shop's 85 workers have resigned .....

en masse

405 - The situation in the Middle East is an example of.


406 - The situation in which people do not have jobs but are seeking employment is called.....


407 - The situation in which some aspects of culture change less rapidly than others is called.....

Cultural Lag

408 - The small number of black managers and coaches in professional baseball and football is an example of.

institutional discrimination

409 - The smallest group is constituted by the.


410 - The smallest group possible is

A dyad

411 - The smallest percentage of the poor consists of.

the elderly

412 - The smallest unit of a culture is.


413 - The smallest unit of a culture is_____________?


414 - The smallest unit of culture is


415 - The SMSA is based on.

one or more counties containing at least one city of 50, 000 residents or two cities totaling 50, 000

416 - The social class in a capitalist industrialized society that owns and controls the means of production (the land, factories, machinery, and so forth).


417 - The social condition in which people find it difficult to guide their behavior by norms they experience as weak unclear or conflicting is called______________?


418 - The social condition in which people find it difficult to guide their behaviour by norms they experience as weak unclear or conflicting is called.


419 - The social construction of childhood can be traced back to.

all of the above

420 - The social construction of childhood can be traced back to_____________?

all of the above

421 - The social integration of members of a society who have common values.

Mechanical Solidarity

422 - The social learning theory is

It is the formation of identity and is a learned response to external social stimulation.

423 - The social positions of

caste, gender and ethnic groups are culturally determined. Which one of the above is correct?

424 - The social science analyzing the choice s people make in an effort to satisfy their needs and wants


425 - The social science closely related to sociology, which traditionally focuses on tribal peoples, is .....


426 - The social science that deals with human use of the natural environment is.


427 - The social science that deals with mental processes and behavior is


428 - The social science that focuses on individual personality is called

social psychology

429 - The social science that focuses on the study of past and present cultures


430 - The Social science that studies anything related to the government is called .....

political science

431 - The social science that studies behavior and mental processes


432 - The social science that studies human society and social behavior


433 - The social science that studies mental processes and behavior?


434 - The social science that studies the behavior and mental processes of individuals:


435 - The social science that studies the behavior and thinking of organisms is


436 - The social science that studies the origins of humanity, past and present human behavior


437 - The social sciences are a group of related disciplines that study various aspects of.....

society and human relations

438 - The social sciences first emerged.

as a search for universal social laws

439 - The social sciences have no laws because.

none of the above

440 - The social sciences have.

problems with studying people in laboratories

441 - The social sciences lack.

scientific laws

442 - The social sciences were initially concerned with the consequences of.

the Industrial Revolution

443 - The social status of school principal is associated with a ..... that includes relationships with students, parents, teachers, and school staff.

role set

444 - The social symbols are glorified by the things of


445 - The social ties within a group are called.....

Social Solidarity

446 - The social world is.


447 - The social world is_______________?


448 - The social, political, or material inequality of a social group.

Conflict Perspective

449 - The socialized component that is aware of societal expectations


450 - The socializer is also called socializing agent and socialize is also called_______________?


451 - The socializer is also called socializing agent and socializee is also called.


452 - The socially defined expectations that a person in a given status follows are called.

a role

453 - The socially defined expectations that a person in a given status follows are called______________?

a role

454 - The socially defined expectations that a person in given status follows are called___________________?

a role

455 - The socially determined behaviors expected of a person performing a role are

role expectations

456 - The socially determined behaviors expected of a person performing a role are called role performances.

role expectation

457 - The societies which strictly follow caste systems the people mostly adopt the occupations of their ancestors and live on the same statuses such society is.

Closed society

458 - The societies which strictly follow caste systems the people mostly adopt the occupations of their ancestors and live on the same statuses such society is_____________?

Closed society

459 - the society is divided into bourgeoisie & proletariat according to .....

Karl Marx

460 - The society that first obtained food by using tools to grow plants was


461 - The society which lacks consistent guidelines for people to learn is termed as.

Anomic Society

462 - The society which lacks consistent guidelines for people to learn is termed as_____________?

Anomic Society

463 - The sociological imagination, someone using the sociological imagination "thinks himself away" from the familiar routines of daily life, was coined by which sociologist?

Wright Mills

464 - The sociological perspective of Conflict perspective focuses on what?


465 - The sociological perspective of functionalism focuses on what?

How parts of society function together

466 - The sociological perspective of Symbolic Interactionism focuses on what?

Interactions between people

467 - The sociological perspective on race.

considers race a social construct not an absolute

468 - The sociological perspective on race_______________?

considers race a social construct not an absolute

469 - The sociological term for those groups with which people identify and to which they feel closely attached is


470 - The sociologist and social anthropologist that was known for their work on the caste system and terms such as 'Sanskritisation' and dominant caste.

Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas

471 - The sociologist responsible for the modern-day adaptation of strain theory is______________?


472 - The sociologist who believe we can be molded into anything is


473 - The sociologist who believed we develop an image of ourselves based on how we imagine others see us is


474 - The sociologist who developed the concept of the power elite was .....

W. Mills

475 - The sociologist who wrote most about the sociological imagination was:

Wright Mills

476 - The Sociology of Religion" was written by

Max Weber

477 - The Sociology of Work" was written by

Theodore Caplow

478 - The sociology was simply the Science of Social facts is the view of.


479 - The sociology was simply the Science of Social facts is the view of______________?


480 - The solution Marx gave to the problem of alienation was.


481 - The solution Marx gave to the problem of alienation was______________?


482 - the source of social change involving natural disasters is

the physical environment

483 - The sources you used on your research.


484 - the special point of view of sociology that sees general patterns of society in the lives of particular people

Sociological Perspective

485 - The specialization by individuals or groups in the performance of specific economic activities is

division of labor

486 - the specific individuals, groups, and institutions that enable socialization to take place.

agents of socialization

487 - the spread of a cultural trait from an originating hearth

cultural diffusion

488 - The spread of cultural traits from one culture to another is known as:

Cultural Diffusion

489 - The spreading of a city into the rural area that surrounds it


490 - The spreading of cultural traits from one society to another

cultural diffusion

491 - The spreading of cultural traits from one society to another .....

Cultural Diffusion

492 - The stage at which a person purportedly meets his or her full psychological potential (some characteristics include: self-acceptance, genuineness, independence, gratitude, social interest, tolerance, creativity, and self-sufficiency.)


493 - the stage between childhood and adulthood


494 - The stage of society's development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy.

Post Industrial Society

495 - the stages of development from birth to death

life cycle

496 - the stages of our life as we go from birth to death

life course

497 - The stages of the demographic transition model are.

all of the above

498 - The standard deviation obtained from the sampling distribution of

statistic is called standard error.

499 - The standard food intake for an adult male is.


500 - The standard food intake for an adult male is_____________?


501 - the standards a society would like to embrace and live up to

Ideal Culture

502 - The Stanford Prison Experiment was a study of .....

the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard

503 - The state has the following relationship to force.

it has a monopoly on it

504 - The State moderates between different groups ensuring that all of them have some influence on public policy, is best manifested in

Pluralist democracy

505 - the state of balance between cooperation and conflict


506 - The state of balance between cooperation and conflict, you give a little and take a little is called .....


507 - the state of being withdrawn or isolated


508 - The state of not knowing how to read or write


509 - The state requires that all young people attend school until they are 16 years old. This is an example of the state's


510 - The statement "every child learns in a different way" describes

multiple intelligence.

511 - The statement 'sociology shoudl be value free' means

researchers should be ethical and objective

512 - The statement that "the social relations of work find expression in the social relation of school " reflects.

the correspondence principle

513 - The statement that "the social relations of work find expression in the social relation of school" reflects ?

the correspondence principle

514 - The statement, "Eating fewer fats and carbohydrates will leave to weight loss" is an example of

casual logic

515 - The status of physician can be a(n) ..... if everyone, no matter the setting, seeks health-related advice from that person.

master status

516 - The status that plays the greatest role in shaping a persons life is?


517 - The status which is determined at birth and generally can not change in future


518 - the status you have that you get through your own direct efforts.

achieved status



520 - The steps that include identifying a problem, reviewing the literature, and collecting data are part of the [blank]

scientific method

521 - The store hired 2 new people to work there. What are they called?


522 - The stories on the front page of the newspaper are an example of which of the following?


523 - The stratification system that emphasizes meritocracy is .....

Open stratification

524 - The strongest urge that all living creatures feel is to.

reproduce themselves

525 - The structuralfunctionalist explanation of social stratification asserts that.

there is a limited number of skilled talented people thus they should be rewarded

526 - The Structure of Social Action" was written by


527 - The struggle of women and ethnic minorities to change certain discriminatory practices concerns.

ascribed statuses

528 - The study and comparative analysis of preliterate societies is one of the chief concerns of.


529 - The study focusing on human being and their ancestors throughout time


530 - The study focusing on production distribution and consumption of goods


531 - The study of choice s people make in an effort to satisfy their wants and needs is:


532 - The study of cultural meanings (hidden meanings ) in media is called:


533 - The study of events in the past relating to a particular place


534 - The study of everyday behavior in situations of face-to-face interaction is usually called:


535 - The study of groups and group interactions, societies and social interactions, from small and personal groups to very large groups.


536 - The study of groups and their behavior.


537 - the study of how elements within society change to allow for social developmentis the definition for which sociology term?

Social Dynamics

538 - The study of how people use background assumptions to make sense out of life (Garfinkel)


539 - the study of how the overall structure of a society remains relatively stable or unchanged over time is the definition for which sociology term?

Social Statistics

540 - The study of how the social environment affects an individual's behavior and personality is:

Social psychology

541 - The study of how to divide resources among different people demanding them is called:


542 - The study of human group behavior is the definition of.


543 - The study of human population changes and trends.


544 - The study of human populations is called ..... It's often used to examine the relationships between factors that make up society.

Demographic Information

545 - The study of human relationships with each other in urban areas and with the environment itself.

urban ecology

546 - The study of human society & the ways groups interact with one another is


547 - The study of human society and social behavior.


548 - The study of human society including social action and social organization is


549 - The study of human society, including both social action and social organization


550 - The study of individual human behavior and thinking.


551 - The study of people's choice s to satisfy their needs; The production and distribution of material goods and services in a society.


552 - The study of principles, organization, and the operations of government is:

Political Science

553 - The study of recorded human statement based on newspaper, magazines, songs, poems, speeches etc. are known as

Content analysis

554 - The study of social ability and order.

Social static

555 - the study of social change

social dynamics

556 - The study of social change is referred to as this.

Social Dynamics

557 - The study of social change refers to which term?

Social dynamics

558 - The study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior.


559 - the study of social stability and order

social statics

560 - the study of social structure from a scientific perspective is called


561 - The study of society and group interaction.


562 - the study of society is based on

systematic observations of social behavior

563 - The study of society.


564 - The study of the development, structure, and functionalism of a human society


565 - The study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.....


566 - The study of the human mind (or soul)


567 - The study of the interracial friendships conducted by the Tom Smith who heads up the General Social Survey is an example of.

content analysis

568 - The study of the interracial friendships conducted by the Tom Smith who heads up the General Social Survey is an example of____________?

a survey

569 - The study of the interracial friendships conducted by the Tom Smith who heads up the General Social Survey is an example of________________?

content analysis

570 - The study of the mind and behavior of individuals


571 - The study of the nonphysical aspects of aging is called.....

Social Gerontology

572 - The study of the processes and phenomena of aging


573 - The study of the production, distribution, & consumption of goods and services


574 - The study of traits that appear in specific population as adaptation to specific environments is called.

physical anthropology

575 - The study of why an INDIVIDUAL acts or feels the way they do is which social science?


576 - The subculture of the jockey places an emphasis on

staying calm under pressure

577 - The sub-cultures in Pakistani society include

all of these

578 - The sub-cultures in Pakistani society include

all of these

579 - The subjects of sociology, politics and economics form one united subject divided only for:


580 - The subordinate position of women in decision making may result from.

the instrumental role assumed by males

581 - the success or failure of research should always be judged against it's


582 - The succession of stages in Jean Piaget's model of cognitive development is.

sensorimotor intuitive operational concrete operational and formal operational

583 - The sudden ,abrupt, total change that takes place in a social system leading to the emergence of a new social order


584 - the sum of earnings from work and other sources


585 - The sum of total behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values that are characteristic of an individual.


586 - the sum total of a person's behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values.


587 - The summary at the end of an experiment that explains the results.


588 - The Superego of Freud's theory is similar to Mead's.

generalized other

589 - The supposed state of awareness wherein individuals realize their divinity and the divine interconnectedness of all things.

Higher Consciousness

590 - The survival of the fittest was the concept presented by.

Herbert Spencer

591 - The survival of the fittest was the concept presented by_______________?

Herbert Spencer

592 - The Symbolic interaction perspective would look at the public school system and.....

focus on the everyday interactions that occur between students, teachers, and within the school building

593 - The symbolic interactionist perspective

focuses on how people use symbols when interacting.

594 - The system in which society was divided into Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras was known as

Varna System

595 - The system in which the boy and girl find their life partner on the basis of love in known

love marriage

596 - The system is exploitative - proletariat produce all the wealth but the bourgeoisie do not pay them a wage that is equal to their value. The bourgeoisie keep the difference or the surplus value.

Marx and Engles

597 - The system of distributing political power between a central national government and the governments of the geographical regions of the nation is called.


598 - The system of dividing society into hereditary classes, based on birth, is called a ..... system.


599 - The system of marriage in which a man can have more than one wife is known as


600 - The system or way people in a society care for and raise children.


601 - The system or way people in a society communicate.


602 - The system or way people in a society produce (make) and distribute (share) goods and services.


603 - The system or way people in a society provide and keep order.


604 - The system or way people in a society share knowledge and learning.


605 - The system under which a boy and a girl belonging to different castes is allowed to marry is known as

inter-caste marriage

606 - The system under which marriage between blood relations was not forbidden is known as


607 - The system under which the boys and the girls are allowed to test each other's compatibility before marriage is known as


608 - The system under which the parents decide about life partners of their children is known as

Arranged marriage.

609 - The system under which woman can marry more than one husband and keep all of them with herself is known as


610 - The system where elites gain legitimacy and power from widely shared yet taken-for-granted beliefs about right and wrong, proper or improper.


611 - the systematic study of society and social interaction


612 - The systematic study of the biological basis of all human behavior.


613 - The systematic study of the biological basis of all social behavior.


614 - The systematic widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of productivity such as factories and plants are called ?


615 - The systematic widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of productivity such as factories and plants are called______________?


616 - The systematic widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of productivity such as factories and plants is called.


617 - The table shows the number of people with the corresponding number of friends on Facebook. What is the median?


618 - The table shows the result when three coins were tossed simultaneously 30 times. What is the mean?


619 - The teacher-expectancy effect is most closely associated with the.

interactionist perspective

620 - The teacher-expectancy effect is most closely associated with the_______________?

interactionist perspective

621 - The teaching of American history and culture of the Filipino during the early American regime, is an example of what causes of cultural changes?


622 - The teachings of Buddha advocate .....noble truth and .....fold path.

Only (A) & (B)

623 - The technological revolution that led to the control of food production is called the.

Agricultural revolution

624 - The teen pregnancy rate.

only A and B

625 - The teenage birthrate.

has declined in the past several years

626 - The tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition?

Fundamental Attribution Error

627 - The tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable?

Social Loafing

628 - The tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request?

Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon

629 - The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life are superior to all others is called


630 - The tendency to view one's culture and group as superior


631 - The tendency to view one's own cultural patterns as good and right to judge other culture patterns by those standards.


632 - The tendency to view one's own culture and a group as superior is called.....


633 - The tendency to view one's own culture or group as superior to others is known as:


634 - The term "Anomie Suicide" is used by

Emile Durkheim

635 - The term "constitutional" is reserved to describe.

a government that operates in accordance with general rules and limitations

636 - The term "ecclesia" means.

a state religion

637 - The term "generalized other" refers to .....

what we think others in general think of us

638 - The term "minority "may be defined as.

any group in society that is socially dominated by another group through discrimination because of race culture religion or sex

639 - The term "neo-Freudian"refers to.

thinkers influenced by Freud who have modified his ideas

640 - The term "organic solidarity" is based on the way that different members of society .....

need each other

641 - The term "prejudice" implies that.

one's judgments are BOTH preconceived and unchangeable

642 - The term "Proletariat" is associated with .....


643 - The term "Socio Cultural" Change refers to.

Changes of both kind

644 - The term "Socio Cultural" Change refers to______________?

Changes of both kind

645 - The term "Sociology" was first coined by.

August Comte

646 - The term "Sociology" was first coined by____________?

August Comte

647 - The term "survival of the fittest" which is a principle part of the concept of Social Darwinism, was coined by who?

Herbert Spencer

648 - The term "verstehen" means what?

to grasp by insight

649 - The term ..... includes property such as buildings, land, houses, and cars as well as other assets like bank accounts, stocks, bonds, and insurance policies.


650 - The term ..... refers to those who are poor, are seldom employed, and experience long time deprivation.


651 - The term ..... was coined by Charles Horton Cooley.

looking glass self

652 - The term ______ refers to the socially shared and organized ways of thinking feeling and acting that concern ultimate meanings about the existence of the supernatural or "beyond" ?


653 - The term ‘secondary deviation refers to_________________?

All of the above

654 - The term assets refers to.

a stock of economic resources including land shares and bank deposits

655 - The term assets refers to_______________?

a stock of economic resources including land shares and bank deposits

656 - The term collective consumption (Castells 1977) refers to.

the provision of health housing and education services by the state

657 - The term collective consumption (Castells 1977) refers to____________?

the provision of health housing and education services by the state

658 - The term culture industry used by members of the Frankfurt School referred to.

the way in which culture products were bought and sold for profit

659 - The term culture industry used by members of the Frankfurt School referred to____________?

they way in which cultural products were bought and sold for profit

660 - The term culture industry used by members of the Frankfurt School referred to________________?

the way in which culture products were bought and sold for profit

661 - The term describing the ways that the working class are lacking in wealth and resources needed to succeed in education.

material deprivation

662 - The term ethnocentrism was coined by sociologist.

William Graham Sumner

663 - The term ethnocentrism was coined by sociologist____________?

William Graham Sumner

664 - The term ethnocentrism was coined by sociologist_____________?

William Graham Sumner

665 - The term ethnomethodology was coined by.

Harold Garfinkel

666 - The term ethnomethodology was coined by______________?

Harold Garfinkel

667 - The term feminist standpoint suggests.

studying society from the perspective of women

668 - The term feminist standpoint suggests______________?

studying society from the perspective of women

669 - The term feminist standpoint, suggests_______________?

studying society from the perspective of women

670 - The term feminization of poverty refers to.

women's increased chances of being in poverty due to low pay and greater welfare dependency

671 - The term feminization of poverty refers to_____________?

women's increased chances of being in poverty due to low pay and greater welfare dependency

672 - The term folkways refers to.....

Norms that do not have moral significance attached to them

673 - The term formal education is defined by the text as:

Learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors through participation in a society.

674 - The term hegemony refers to.

a dominant ideology ideology that legitimates economic political

675 - The term hegemony refers to_____________?

a dominant ideology that legitimates economic political

676 - The term informal economy is used to describe ?

transactions outside the sphere of regular employment

677 - The term informal economy is used to describe.

transactions outside the sphere of regular employment

678 - The term informal economy is used to describe_____________?

transactions outside the sphere of regular employment

679 - The term inter-generational mobility refers to.

movement into different occupational categories between generations

680 - The term inter-generational mobility refers to______________?

movement into different occupational categories between generations

681 - The term 'longitudinal study' means.....

Studying a group over a long period of time

682 - The term manufactured risk refers to.

risks which result from human interaction with the natural world

683 - The term manufactured risk refers to_______________?

risks which result from human interaction with the natural world

684 - The term material culture refers to.....

Physical objects created by humans

685 - The term 'popular culture' refers to

the culture of the masses

686 - The term 'popular culture' refers to the

the culture of the masses in society

687 - The term proximate determinants of fertility was coined by

John Bongaarts

688 - The term race is applied to group of people

speaking same language

689 - The term 'Reference group' was first introduced by


690 - The term Second World societies refers to.

countries that industrialized under state central planning

691 - The term Second World societies refers to______________?

countries that industrialized under state central planning

692 - The term secondary deviation refers to.

all of the above

693 - The term secondary deviation refers to________________?

all of the above

694 - The term social control as were used, refers to the restraint and direction of personal or group behaviour so far", is said by

Reater and Hero

695 - The term social stratification relates to the existence of social


696 - The term 'Sociological Imagination' was coined by whom?

W. Mills

697 - The term sociological imagination was first coined by_____________?


698 - the term sociology comprises of which two words

Socious and Logos

699 - The term sociology was coined by.

August Comte

700 - The term sociology was coined by________________?

August Comte

701 - The term sociology was coined in 1838 by


702 - The term socious derived from which language?


703 - The term sorting can be defined as:

A formalized system that places students on "tracks" (advanced, low achievers) that perpetuate inequalities.

704 - The term terrorism has its origins in.

Revolutionary France

705 - The term terrorism has its origins in_____________?

Revolutionary France

706 - The term that refers to abstract human creations, such as ideas, language, rules, political systems, and so on.

Nonmaterial Culture

707 - The term Totemism was introduced by ..... .

James Frazer

708 - The term vested interests was coined by social economist.

Thorstein Veblen

709 - The term vested interests was coined by social economist______________?

Thorstein Veblen

710 - The term..... refers to the socially shared and organized ways of thinking feeling and acting that concern ultimate meanings about the existence of the supernatural or "beyond"


711 - The terms "Primary "and "Secondary "thus describe a type of relationship and do not imply that one is more____________ than other?


712 - The terms "Primary"and "Secondary"thus describe a type of relationship and do not imply that one is more..... than other.


713 - The terms crisis of the 1970s is used to refer to.

declining profits and rising unemployment

714 - The terms crisis of the 1970s is used to refer to_______________?

declining profits and rising unemployment

715 - The test scores at a low income school may be low because of class conflict according to this theory?


716 - the testing of a hypothesis under controlled conditions


717 - The text primarily applied Weber's notion of status to.

ranked occupational positions

718 - The the process through which people are taught to be proficient members of a society. It describes the ways that people come to understand societal norms and expectations, to accept society's beliefs, and to be aware of societal values.


719 - The theologian Ludwig Feuerbach portrayed God as.

a figment of the human imagination

720 - The theoretical perspective that asserts that there are discernible stages which the society goes through more than once or even repeatedly is termed as

Cyclical Evolutionary Theory

721 - The theoretical perspective that focuses on forces in society that promote competition and change is the

conflict perspective

722 - The theoretical perspective that focuses on one individual in society and how that individual interacts with others using shared symbolic meanings (language).

Interactionist Perspective

723 - The theoretical perspective that studies the fight between rich and poor. They view the world like a conspiracy theory of the rich against the poor.

Conflict Perspective

724 - The theoretical perspective that views social life as similar to performances staged in a theater is called.

the dramaturgical approach

725 - The theoretical perspective that views social life as similar to performances staged in a theater is called_______________?

the dramaturgical approach

726 - The theoretical perspective that views the world like a jigsaw puzzle- every single aspect should be analyzed to see how it fits together and functions in society. (Manifest and Latent Functions)

Functionalist Perspective

727 - The theoretical perspective that was influenced by Max Weber is

Interactionist perspective

728 - The theoretical perspective that was influenced by the work of Max Weber is .....

interactionist perspective

729 - The theorist who associated city life with the development of a blase attitude was.


730 - The theorist who associated city life with the development of a blase attitude was____________?


731 - The theory and practice of dramatic composition


732 - The theory of Positivism is associated with:

Auguste Comte

733 - The theory of relative deprivation is an example of what ______________?

middle-range sociological theory

734 - The theory of relative deprivation is an example of what?

middle-range sociological theory

735 - The theory of social capillarity about population was expounded by

Arisene Dumont

736 - The theory of stratification based on competition by groups for scarce resources is

conflict theory.

737 - The theory of stratification that views unequal social rewards as necessary for the stability of the social system is

functionalist theory

738 - The theory of symbolic interactionism in personality formation is associated with.

Abraham Maslow

739 - The theory pictures social movements as operating within a competitive field of movements __ a "social movement industry" ____ within which they compete not least for members and activists Which theory of social movements is this ___________?

resource mobilization theory

740 - The theory pictures social movements as operating within a competitive field of movements..... a "social movement industry"..... within which they compete not least for members and activists Which theory of social movements is this?

resource mobilization theory

741 - The theory proposed by August Comte is

Stage Theory

742 - The theory speculating that every society develops a number of cultural goals for members to attain but that attainment is not possible for all is called the.

anomie theory

743 - The Theory suggesting that people who commit deviant acts have weak ties to the community is

cultural-transmission (or cultural deviance) theory

744 - The theory that change is disruptive and slow


745 - The theory that our behaviour changes when we know we are being watched is known as.....

The Hawthorne effect

746 - The theory that people understand the world through language is called?


747 - the theory that society benefits when each individual finds his or her own social-class level without outside interference is called

Social Darwinism

748 - The theory that society is best understood in terms of a conflict between the rich and poor.


749 - The theory that suggests that people who commit deviant acts have weak ties to the community is.....

Control Theory

750 - The theory that uses the metaphor of a stage play to explain society is


751 - The theory that views deviance as a learned behavior is.....

Cultural Transmission Theory

752 - The theory that we learn about our identity by interacting with others best fits which paradigm?

symbolic interactionism

753 - The theory that we learn about our identity by interacting with others best fits which theoretical perspective?

symbolic interactionism

754 - The thesis of glocalization is associated with which theorist ?

Roland Robertson

755 - The thesis of glocalization is associated with which theorist?

Roland Robertson

756 - The things measured in terms of operation by which it is measured" is definition of

operational definition

757 - The things which have physical form are

material culture

758 - The third age of the life course is said to involve ?

active non-work and independence after retirement

759 - The third age of the life course is said to involve ?

active non-work and independence after retirement

760 - The third age of the life course is said to involve.

active non-work and independence after retirement

761 - The third function of the legislative branch is.


762 - The third step of qualitative coding, where you brainstorm the causes for different responses.

Axial Coding

763 - The Thomas theorem states that.

if situations are defined as real they are real in their consequences

764 - The Thomas theorem states that________________?

if situations are defined as real they are real in their consequences

765 - The threatening, ..... behavior of the child intimidated and frightened other students in school.


766 - The three most important nations in Asia are.

Japan India China

767 - The three styles of leadership are:

Authoritarian, Democratic and Laissez-Faire

768 - The Thumbs Up means different things to different cultures. What is this an example of?


769 - The time around one-and-a-half years of age when a child starts mimicking the behavior of others is called the.....

imitation age.

770 - The time around one-and-a-half years of age when a child starts mimicking the behaviors.

imitation stage

771 - The time between changes, when ideas and beliefs are adapting to new conditions.

Culture lag

772 - The time during which preschoolers begin engaging in sophisticated role taking

game stage

773 - The titles Karl Marx used to describe the two classes in society were the ..... and .....

Only (A) & (B)

774 - The total amount of money and assets a person owns


775 - The total population of tribes, according to the 2011 census is

104 million

776 - The totality of learned, socially transmitted behaviour is called


777 - The totality of the phenomenon under study is called the:


778 - The totem is sacred because it symbolises


779 - The tourist gaze is socially organized by professional experts and puts the tourist in search of.

the exotic

780 - The tourist gaze is socially organized by professional experts and puts the tourist in search of_____________?

the exotic

781 - The traditional urbanization exhibits a concentration of human activities and settlements around the downtown areas when the residential area shifts outward this is called.

All of the above

782 - The traditional urbanization exhibits a concentration of human activities and settlements around the downtown areas when the residential area shifts outward this is called_____________?

All of the above

783 - The transition from a charismatic religious leader's direct example to routine procedures and observances is called.


784 - The transition from rural living to city living occurred because.

of BOTH a decrease in the need for farm workers and the fact that factories were located in cities

785 - The transitional period between the dominance of one party or another is called.


786 - The transmission of genetic characteristics from parents to children.


787 - The treatment of mental illness based on rewards and punishment is referred to as.

behavior therapy

788 - The Treaty of Westphalia established.

that the power of the state superseded the power of the Catholic church

789 - The trend for more women and children to live in poverty is called

feminization of poverty

790 - The trend toward early retirement seems to be.

none of the above

791 - The trend toward urbanization is most advanced in ?


792 - The trend toward urbanization is most advanced in.


793 - The Tribal communities were mainly dependent on the ..... for their living.


794 - The Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan and NATO are characteristic of which period?


795 - the two broad categories for research are

qualitative and quantitative

796 - The two dominant gender identities are: (2)

Only (A) & (B)

797 - The two theoretical perspectives that rely on a macrolevel of analysis when examining data are the ..... and the .....

Functionalist and Conflict

798 - The two types of leaders in a social group are:

Only (A) & (B)

799 - The two types of scientific variables are ..... and .....

Independent and dependent

800 - The two-sex model that Laqueur (1990) identified.

distinguished between male and females as separate sexes

801 - The type of deviance that fails to meet social norms is:

Negative Deviance

802 - The type of family in which after marriage husband moves to the residence of wife is known as

matrilocal residence

803 - The type of foreign policy decisions made by the governmental bureaucracy fall into the category of.

administrative foreign policy

804 - The type of marriage in which a husband can have more than one wife is known as


805 - The type of school that receives government funding but is run by business managers and a trust


806 - The U.S. State Dept. estimates that about ..... foreigners are brought to the U.S. and enslaved annually.


807 - The ultimate effect of stratification systems is to.

create inequality

808 - The underlying pattern of a group's social relationships

social structure

809 - The understanding of why people engage in certain behaviors or actions:


810 - The unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards is known as.....

Social Inequality

811 - The unintended, largely unnoticed effects that one part of society can cause are its ..... function, and can be either good or bad.


812 - The unique twoparty system in the United States is based on.

broad agreement on basic principles

813 - The unit of research is the

both of these

814 - The United Nations:

None of the above

815 - The United States Canada Northern and Western Europe among other areas are.

in the third stage of the demographic transition

816 - The United States government began to function in.


817 - The United States government includes the following traits.


818 - the United States' lowest tier


819 - The United Stats in an exception in that.

wealth does not correlate with religion

820 - The unraveling of soviet communism can be traced to.

all of the above

821 - The unsocialized, spontaneous component of personality


822 - the unsocialized, spontaneous, self-interested component of personality and self-identity


823 - The unsought consequences of a social process.

Latent Functions

824 - The Untied States Constitution provides for the.

principle of federalism

825 - The Untouchability Crime act implemented in the year


826 - The urban crisis.

is intensified by the move of the middle class to the suburbs

827 - The urban trends resulting from the industrial Revolution include.

a return to Biblical religions

828 - The US flag represents freedom to many Americans. This is an example of:

NonMaterial Culture

829 - The use of census data collected by the US government to determine the average income of people in your city is an example of.....

secondary analysis

830 - The use of existing information as a method of collecting data best describes

secondary analysis

831 - The use of Facebook to create an online persona by only posting images that match your ideal self exemplifies the..... that can occur in forms of new media.

social construction of reality

832 - The use of language label people can lead to a_______________?

self-fulfilling prophecy

833 - The use of observation, experimentation, and other methods as developed by Auguste Comte to study social life


834 - The use of power, interest, influence, and diplomacy which is important in creating a well-ordered society.

Political Science

835 - The use of scientific research procedures to measure the effectiveness of an action program is called.

Evaluation research

836 - The use of scientific research procedures to measure the effectiveness of an action program is called____________?

Evaluation research

837 - the use of sociology to solve problems

applied sociology

838 - the use of sociology to solve problems- from the micro level of family relationships to the macro level of crime and pollution

applied sociology

839 - The use of terms such as flaming and chat rooms by the subculture of early internet users is an example of.


840 - The use of terms such as flaming and chat rooms by the subculture of early Internet users is an example of____________?


841 - The use of terms such as flaming and chat rooms by the subculture of early internet users is an example of______________?


842 - The use of two or more research methods where the weaknesses of one method can be balanced by the strenghths of another to improve the overall reliability and validity of the research


843 - The validity of a research instrument is its

ability to measure what its purpose to measure.

844 - The validity of laboratory experiment is doubtful in sociology because the people being observed are.

conscious and behave artificially

845 - The validity of laboratory experiment is doubtful in sociology because the people being observed are_____________?

conscious and behave artificially

846 - The value-added model of collective behavior ?

none of the above

847 - The value-added model of collective behaviour.

none of the above

848 - the values, beliefs, behavior, and material objects that together form a person's way of life


849 - The variable sum concept of power is based on the assumption that

value consensus is essential for society.

850 - The variable that is the end result of the hypothesis


851 - The variable that you believe is affected by changes.

dependent variable

852 - The variable we think is affecting the change in how people describe themselves.

independent variable

853 - The victims of crime tend to be.

B and C

854 - The view of Education as the root of inequalities belongs to which Sociological Perspective?

Conflict Theory

855 - The view of things in which one's won group is superior to others is.


856 - The view of things in which ones won group is superior to others is_____________?


857 - the view that a sociologist's personal values or biases should not influence social research

value free

858 - The view that authority relations are the main cause of social conflict was held by whom?

R. Dahrendorf The popularity of spaghetti in the United States resulted from.

859 - The view that every person, role, job etc. has a purpose in society.


860 - The view that inequality is based on the corrupting and divisive actions of institutions is part of the ideology of.

classical liberalism

861 - The view that nationalism would wither away was held by.


862 - The view that our social backgrounds influence our attitudes, behavior, and life choice s.

Sociological Imagination

863 - The view that the elderly lack social and material resources to reciprocate in relationships and consequently occupy a subservient status is the point of.

exchange theory

864 - The view that the sate has emerged to protect the rights of a privileged few has been expressed by philosophers of which school of thought?


865 - the viewpoint believes human behavior is the result of the social environment and learning.


866 - the viewpoint believes that much of human behavior is instinctual.


867 - The views of religious fundamentalists most closely align with the views of

conservative politicians

868 - The village community is one of the results of

agricultural system

869 - The violent and mentally distrubed ..... showed no empathy for the people affected by his actions.


870 - The visual representation of the people with whom you interact and their connections to one another.

social network map

871 - The war causes crime because

there is a social disharmony.

872 - The way each part of society functions together to contribute to the whole

Structural Functionalism

873 - The way inequalities contribute to social differences and perpetuate differences in power

Conflict Theory

874 - The way of life of a group of people that includes daily life, beliefs, customs, art, language technology and values.


875 - The way society is divided hierarchically on basis of factors such as class and gender.

social stratification

876 - the way society really is based on what actually occurs and exists

Real Culture

877 - the way that a society or nation produces and distributes goods and services


878 - The way that school mirrors the workplace e.g. it has a hierarchy, rules and reward systems.

correspondence principle

879 - The way that women can see promotional opportunities, but are blocked from reaching high level promotions at work.

glass ceiling

880 - The way to explain different social aspects of interactions.


881 - The way you collect data depends on research method you choose it may be some time before you actually write up results of your work is

Gather and record your data

882 - The way you interpret the meaning of an image or event. A. Social statics B. Perspective C. Positivism


883 - The ways in which individuals may become cut-off from full involvement in the wider society is known as

Social exclusion

884 - The ways in which the different parts of a social system are often so closely interrelated that what happens in one affects the others , and is influenced by them in turn.

functional integration

885 - The wealthiest thousand people in the world who have as much as a third of the human population are know collectively as .....

The Global Superclass

886 - The wearing of a wedding ring is an example of which sociological perspective?

Symbolic Interaction

887 - The web of relationships formed by the sum total of a person's interactions with other people

social network

888 - The web of relationships that is formed by the sum total of a person's interactions with other people is what?

Social Networks

889 - the web of social relationships that join a person to other people and groups

social network

890 - The widest sphere of human interaction on an international scale is.

international relations

891 - The widow remarriage was permitted in the ..... Vedic Period.


892 - The withdrawal in investments such as factories and plants


893 - The woman was homeless and smelled like she hadn't showered in days. Normative or empirical statement?

Normative statement

894 - The word 'extension' came to be used originally in


895 - The word satyamev jayate inscribed below the base plate of the emblem of India are taken from.?

Mundaka upanishad

896 - The word secular means?

not sacred, not spiritual, not religious.

897 - The word 'Social' in Social Studies originates from a description of:


898 - The word 'Sociology' has its roots in -

Greek and Latin

899 - The word stratification derives from the geological concept "Strata "meaning ?

Rock layers

900 - The word stratification derives from the geological concept "Strata"meaning.

Rock layers

901 - The work of Smart suggested that.

women's criminal behaviour tended to reflect traditional gender roles

902 - The work of Smart suggested that_____________?

women's criminal behavior tended to reflect traditional gender roles

903 - The work of W. E. B. Du Bois, an African American, .....

is recognized as important by contemporary sociologists

904 - The workers a new representative

have elected

905 - The working class


906 - The World Bank defines extreme poverty as living on less than.

1 dollar per day

907 - The World Bank defines extreme poverty as living on less than_______________?

1 dollar per day

908 - The world population today is approximately 7.5 billion*. How many of these are malnourished?

UN estimates that just under 800 Million are currently suffering from chronic undernourishment

909 - The world smallest country is

Vatican city

910 - The world urbanization rate is rising highly It was 49% in 2005 and is likely to be 60% till.


911 - The world urbanization rate is rising highly It was 49% in 2005 and is likely to be 60% till_____________?


912 - The World-Systems Approach argues that more of the world's resources go where?

Core nations

913 - The worship of river spirits


914 - The writers of the Constitution intended the president to have.

weak personal power

915 - The writings of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim are examples of.

unilinear theory

916 - The writings of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim are examples of___________?

unilinear theory

917 - The writings of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim are examples of______________?

unilinear theory

918 - The..... is the increase or decrease that results from immigration or emigration per 1000 member of the population in a given year.

net migration rate

919 - The..... is the number of deaths per 1000 inhabitants in specific age group

age-specific death rate

920 - Theological stage at this point, thoughts about world were guided by


921 - Theological, metaphysical was given by

Auguste Comte

922 - Theology is.

the rational system of ideas that explains a belief system

923 - Theoretical approaches can only be said to be valid if______________?

they have been tested out by means of factual research

924 - Theoretical approaches can only be said to be, valid. if.

they have been tested out by means of factual research

925 - Theoretical approaches can only be said to be, valid. if______________?

they have been tested out by means of factual research

926 - Theoretical Perspective that emphasizes the use of symbols is .....

Interactionist Perspective

927 - Theoretical Perspective that focuses on forces in society that promote competition and change.

Conflict Perspective

928 - Theoretical perspective that focuses on society that promotes conflict, competition, and change


929 - Theoretical perspective that says groups are constantly fighting over limited resources is

Conflict Theory

930 - Theoretical perspective that says people are formed by their interactions with others is

Symbolic Interactionism

931 - Theoretical perspective that says society has parts with their own functions that come together as a whole is


932 - Theoretical perspective that views society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce stability


933 - Theoretical Perspective that was influenced by the contributions of Herbert Spencer & Emile Durkheim.

Functionalist Perspective

934 - Theoretically defined, LABOR is an expression of the objectification of our purpose. A form of realization.

Karl Marx

935 - Theories must be____________?


936 - Theories of racialized discourse suggest that.

the idea of race is socially constructed through powerful ideologies

937 - Theories of racialized discourse suggest that________________?

the idea of race is socially constructed through powerful ideologies

938 - Theorists of ....., such as Auguste Comte and Émile Durkheim, compared societies to the workings of a human body.


939 - Theory focuses on how individuals come to be labeled as a deviant

Labeling Theory

940 - theory for explaining how cultures construct and maintain their realities using signs and symbols; argues that people learn to behave in their social world through interaction with it

Social Reality

941 - Theory holding certain conditions must exist for social movements to occur

value-added theory

942 - Theory in which inequality exists because some people are willing to exploit others


943 - Theory in which the person is deemed deviant by society and they accept the idea that they are a deviant person; they will attempt to live-up to the expectation of deviance

labeling theory

944 - Theory of Class Struggle propounded by-

Karl Marx

945 - Theory of primitive promiscuism" was given by

J. L. Lubbock's

946 - Theory of social movements that focuses on the use of resources to achieve goals

resource mobilization theory

947 - Theory stating that members of crowds stimulate each other to higher & higher levels of emotion & irrational behavior

contagion theory

948 - Theory stating that norms develop to guide crow behavior

emergent norm theory

949 - Theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society

control theory

950 - theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals & the ability to achieve these goals by legitimate means

strain theory

951 - Theory that focuses on the everyday situation of individuals like Child Development or mate selection.


952 - theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts they are exposed to

differential association theory

953 - theory that says prejudice is only a problem when it becomes institutionalized

Symbolic Internationalist

954 - theory that says society will evolve through a process of natural selection

Social Darwinism

955 - theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant

labeling theory

956 - Theory that society is a competition for limited resources.

Conflict Theory

957 - Theory that states that crowds are formed by people who deliberately congregate with like-minded others

convergence theory

958 - Theory that states that deviance exists when there is a gap between culturally desirable goals and the means to achieve those goals

Strain Theory

959 - Theory that states that those people with the most power will get the most of whatever is valued in society

conflict perspective

960 - Theory that those with power will control those with less power and compete for resources in society.


961 - There are ..... agents of socialisation (fill in the gap).


962 - there are ..... steps in conducting a sociological research

7 steps

963 - There are 2 forms that oppress the poor:\begin{enumerate} \item Repressive state apparatus \item Ideological state apparatus \end{enumerate}


964 - There are 7 different types of groups what are they?

Primary, Secondary, Reference, In-Group, Out-Group, E-communities, Social Networks

965 - There are many legal limits that are attached to age a few examples are.

All of the above

966 - There are many legal limits that are attached to age a few examples are_____________?

All of the above

967 - There are six main Social Science which of these listened is included? Check all that apply.

All of the above

968 - There are some important gender inequalities in paid employment and the chapter identifies three of these Which one of the following is not one of the three ?

the division of household labor

969 - There are some important gender inequalities in paid employment and the chapter identifies three of these Which one of the following is not one of the three?

the division of household labour

970 - There are three basic sources of power within any political system ?

force influence and authority

971 - There are three basic sources of power within any political system.

force influence and authority

972 - There are three basic sources of power within any political system?

force influence and authority

973 - There are two types of "Status"

Achieved and ascribed status

974 - There are TWO types of Social Control, name them.

Informal and Formal

975 - There are TWO types of Socialisation, what are they?

Primary and Secondary.

976 - There are two ways in which you can have social control, what are they?

Internalization and Sanctions

977 - There are various cultural, social categories including gender, race, class and ethnicity. These all interact and contribute towards a systematic inequality. Forms of oppression do not act dependently but are interrelated. The oppression and marginalisati


978 - There do exist ..... societies, but do not exercise control over it, nor are they the decision makers in public affairs.


979 - There is a black underclass who are welfare dependent.


980 - There is a direct connection between "Role Expectations" and "Role Performance" which ultimately leads to which of the following?

All of the Above

981 - There is a tendency for people to.

accept group norms

982 - There is inequality among the Siriono of Bolivia in that.

none of the above

983 - There is no conclusive evidence that differences in the behavior of the two genders are due to.

all of the above

984 - These are all of the living things in an ecosystem.

Biotic Factors

985 - These are all of the nonliving parts of an ecosystem.

Abiotic factors

986 - These are enforced by internalization and sanctions and help keep society stable.


987 - These are founding fathers of Sociology, except for:

Blas Pascal

988 - These are functions that are intended and recognized. Schools are for education.


989 - These are functions that are unintended and unrecognized. Schools are for education, but students also learn to socialize.


990 - These are needed in Social Sciences to help us understand and organize information from social findings


991 - These are observable facts or events that involve human society that sociologists study about

social phenomena

992 - These are organized religious groups that are not linked to the government. They tend to be large and have an explicit set of beliefs.


993 - These are regional variations that develop within a larger culture, however, they do not pose a threat to the larger culture.


994 - These are small groups where the members share personal, lasting relationships with each other.

Primary group

995 - These are tours arranged for those who are interested in a particular activity such as bird watching, festivals, fishing, hunting, scuba diving, photography, flower arrangement, golf, skiing, mountain climbing, etc.

Special Interest Tour

996 - These are unintended and unrecognized consequences of an aspect of society. An example would be the development of close friendships in school.

latent functions

997 - These days main factor responsible for distinguishing a social and economic class is on the basis of

possession of wealth

998 - These determine the basic types of personalities that will be found in society.

All of the above

999 - These features belong to which community?- Small Size- Joint family- Informal social control

Rural Community

1000 - These groups go directly against the main culture and are designed to challenge the values of the culture?



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