Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 6

1 - In sociology quality of relationship is called

Personal problems

2 - In sociology role of mother, fathers and siblings are called

Primary socializes

3 - In sociology rules and regulations of society is called


4 - In sociology rules of many by few of political members are called


5 - In sociology social bonds, based on specialisation, that unite members of industrial societies is called as

Organic solidarity

6 - In sociology social diversity affects group


7 - In sociology the ability of a group to bend another to do their bidding is called


8 - In Sociology the term life chances refers to

opportunities to experience an acceptable quality of life

9 - In sociology traditional societies appeal to an


10 - In sociology two basic requirements for sociological investigation are

All of the above

11 - In sociology wanted to make a good money is a good thing and ruthlessness is even encouraged is

Greed is good

12 - In sociology what are words, slang, special meanings of terms in this culture are?


13 - In sociology what is goal oriented organisations?


14 - in sociology, a threatened penalty or promised reward for disobeying a norm:


15 - In sociology, key terms concern the:

different sociological definitions you will need to know.

16 - In Sociology, what is 'class'?

Refers to the division of the population into strata, one strata on top of the other, arranged in a hierarchy

17 - In sociology_______________?

the relationship between theory and research is cyclical

18 - In some cultures a women a can have several husbands at one time. This custom is called.


19 - In stage 3 of the health transition the main causes of illness and death are.

chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer heart disease and strokes

20 - In stage 3 of the health transition the main causes of illness and death are____________?

chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer heart disease and strokes

21 - In stratified societies categories of people are ranked by.

food is shared by all

22 - In studying gender stratification which sociological perspective typically focuses on the micro level of everyday behaviour such as cross-sex conversation?

each of the above

23 - In studying inequalities in education which skills did Bernstein concentrate upon ?


24 - In studying inequalities in education which skills did Bernstein concentrate upon?


25 - In studying social deviance & crime, which perspective focuses on how a deviant person learned their deviant behavior (socialization)?

Symbolic Interactionism

26 - In studying the strategies that students employ to create appearances after grades have awarded sociologists Daniel Albas and Cheryl Albas drew upon the concept of impression managements developed by.

Erving Goffman

27 - In studying the strategies that students employ to create appearances after grades have awarded sociologists Daniel Albas and Cheryl Albas drew upon the concept of impression managements developed by______________?

Erving Goffman

28 - In survey research the group of respondents targeted for the naira is called___________?


29 - In survey research the group of respondents targeted for the naire is called _________________?


30 - In survey research the group of respondents targeted for the questionnaire is called.


31 - In surveys of first-year college students since 1966, which value has shown the strongest gain in popularity?

being very well off financially

32 - In Symbolic Interactionist theory Mead defined the generalized other as.

an image of how people in the wider society might perceive our behaviour

33 - In Symbolic Interactionist Theory Mead defined the generalized other as______________?

an image of how people in the wider society might perceive our behavior

34 - In terms of functionalism something that is intended and recognized is called?

Manifest Function

35 - In the 1960s some young people.

saw the family as an oppressive institution

36 - In the 21st century, there is evidence of .....

working-class embourgeoisement

37 - In the absence of ....., the same person will catch a fish, drive it to market, and sell it.

a division of labor

38 - In the absence of social norms there will be no


39 - In the American political system.

members of Congress and their constituents generally do not know much about what the other thinks

40 - In the case of the male twin castrated during circumcision.

in spite of attempted socialization as a female he was unhappy in his gender

41 - In the conflict view, one problem with using terms like modernization and development is .....

that these terms are based on ethnocentrism

42 - In the context of Randall Collin's analysis, identify the correct one:

Moves from micro-level to Meso-level and to micro-level social processes

43 - In the developed countries more people are employed in the service sector than manufacturing with a tiny percentage working in agriculture Globally which sector now employs the fewest people ?

industrial manufacture

44 - In the developed countries more people are employed in the service sector than manufacturing with a tiny percentage working in agriculture Globally which sector now employs the fewest people?

industrial manufacture

45 - In the division of Labor in Society Emile Durkheim presented the idea of______________?

Mechanical and organic solidarity

46 - In the division of Labour in Society Emile Durkheim presented the idea of.

Mechanical and organic solidarity

47 - In the documentary "Salam, Neighbor", the film-makers go to Jordan and live in a Syrian refugee camp, developing close relationships with the displaced people living there. What kind of research is this?

Participant Observation

48 - In the driver's education research project, what would be the independent variable?

taking driver's education

49 - In the evolutionary process of societies, which of these occurs second?


50 - In the eyes of ..... , society consists of connected parts working together as a whole.


51 - In the growth of cultural complex, scientific inventions have

great role to play

52 - In the late eighteenth century what was Jeremy Bentham,s Panopticon ?

a prison

53 - In the late eighteenth century what was Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon?

a prison

54 - In the library Louanne observes a woman sitting at a table by herself A man comes up and sits at the other end of the table the woman frowns and shakes her head no The man gets up and moves to another table Lounne concludes that the woman did not want to

the interactionist perspective

55 - In the library Louanne observes a woman sitting at a table by herself A man comes up and sits at the other end of the table The woman frowns and shakes her head no The man gets up and moves to another table Lounne concludes that the woman did not want to

the interactionist perspective

56 - In the metaphor of the "looking-glass self"the looking glass represents.

the imagined judgments of others

57 - In the middle teens the most important reference group is.

Peer group

58 - In the middle teens the most important reference group is__________________?

Peer group

59 - In the nature vs. nurture debate, nurture refers to which of the following?


60 - In the on-going climate change debates which of these groups is least likely to be identified as having an interest in overemphasising the need for global action on climate change?

fossil fuel corporations

61 - In the on-going climate change debates which of these groups is least likely to be identified as having an interest in overemphasizing the need for global action on climate change ?

fossil fuel corporations

62 - In the past, history, politics philosophy and sociology were.

Same discipline

63 - In the past, history, politics philosophy and sociology were______________?

Same discipline

64 - In the perspective of realism "high politics" refers to.

issues of war and security

65 - In the present national power is based on.

specific combinations of attributes

66 - In the primitive days trade was carried on with the help of

exchange of goods

67 - In the process of social change new traits appear through.

All of the above

68 - In the process of social change new traits appear through_____________?

All of the above

69 - In the process of social integration which one of the following is not a serious problem?

Trade union system

70 - In the Research methods section of the exam, which of these is the correct allocation of marks?

4, 6, 10, 25

71 - In the Scientific Method, what are "designed to reaffirm research or test a new theory"?


72 - In the Scientific Method, what is referred to as an "educated guess" call?


73 - In the social sciences discrimination as a concept means.

actions taken as a result of prejudicial feelings

74 - In the Stanford Prison Experiment, the most cruel of the guards was most surprised by what?

The other guards following going along with him

75 - In the Study of African American Elites, what was the hypothesis Lois Benjamin was trying to test?

Personal Achievement would not prevent hostility towards African Americans based on race

76 - In the traditional family the head of the family

was most democrat.

77 - In the traditional family the head of the family is

the eldest person in the family.

78 - In the twentieth century, the family's protective function has increasingly been transferred to outside agencies such as.

all of the above

79 - In the twentieth century, the family's protective function has increasingly been transferred to outside agencies such as______________?

all of the above

80 - In the U.S the military is.

subordinate to the government

81 - In the U.S., Hispanic, as an official ethnic category, was created in


82 - In the United States a college degree is generally associated with.

achieved status

83 - In the United States a sense of national identity.

only b and c

84 - In the United States an example of a taboo is.

marrying sister

85 - In the United States often formalize norms into.


86 - In the United States often formalize norms into_______________?


87 - In the United States we often formalize norms into_____________?


88 - In the United States, ..... dictates that a groom should not see the bride before the wedding.

cultural tradition

89 - In the United States, most people define themselves as:

middle class

90 - In the United States, which of the following is shared by all Americans?


91 - In the United States.

values norms and beliefs are often in conflict

92 - In the wake of globalization Indian economy has

opened up to economic neoliberalism.

93 - In their study of deviance control theory advocates ask ?

why are people not deviant?

94 - In their study of deviance control theory advocates ask.

why are people not deviant?

95 - In theoretical field social research aims

finding problems of human being.

96 - In theoretical field social research aims

finding problems of human being.

97 - In theory communism calls for.

abolition of private property

98 - In Third World countries the factors that discourage birth control include.

traditional values

99 - In this society machines have replaced the power previously supplied by people and animals


100 - In this stage, the child copies the physical and verbal behavior of a significant other without really understanding the behavior

Imitation stage

101 - In this theory, the people with the most power are seen as the most valuable to a society

conflict perspective

102 - In this type of group, interaction is impersonal and temporary.

secondary group

103 - In this type of political system, people elect officials to represent them in legislative votes on matters affecting the population.

Representative democracy

104 - In those days if you .a job, you were lucky.


105 - In traditional societies, people measure time according to rhythm of sun and seasons modern people, by contrast, schedule events precisely by hour and minute is called as

Awareness of time

106 - In utilitarian field social research aims

helps in reducing social conflicts.

107 - In wake of industrial revolution organisation structure called

Bureaucratic orgnisations

108 - In West marriage appears to be in decline because.

many people are cohabiting in long term relationships

109 - In West marriage appears to be in decline because________________?

many people are cohabiting in long term relationships

110 - In western world urbanization has accompanied.


111 - In western world urbanization has accompanied________________?


112 - In what country did the Industrial Revolution begin?

Great Britain

113 - In what type of society do most people work in white-collar jobs?


114 - In what type of society have human beings lived for the majority of the time humans have been on planet Earth ?

hunter-gatherer societies

115 - In what type of society have human beings lived for the majority of the time humans have been on planet Earth?

hunter-gatherer societies

116 - In what way(s) has the concept of the working class changed over time?

All of the above

117 - In what ways is the Amish way of life different from most Americans?

All of the above

118 - In What year did the 15 constituent republics of the USSR declare independence thereby ending the Soviet Union as a functioning state?


119 - In which century did the story of cinderella originate?

6th Century BCE

120 - In which century was anorexia was first identified as a disorder ?


121 - In which century was anorexia was first identified as a disorder?


122 - In which city was Hull House located?


123 - In which country did women not get the right to vote until 2006?

Saudi Arabia

124 - In which early stage Deniel Bell coined term post industrialism to refer to computer linked technology that


125 - In which mode of production are the producers considered private property?


126 - In which mode of production is there communal ownership of land?


127 - In which of Mead's three stages do children imitate the people around them?


128 - In which of Mead's three stages do children not only play roles but also consider several tasks or relationships at the same time?


129 - In which of the book has Mannheim propounded the idea of Sociology of Knowledge?

Ideology and Utopia

130 - In which of the following decade has there been an absolute decline of population size in India?


131 - In which of the following is urbanization most common?

industrial society

132 - In which of the following sequences are 'Demographic Transitions' traditionally associated?

High fertility, high mortality to low mortality and low fertility, the later lagging behind

133 - In which of the following societies polygamy is not common?

The Hindus

134 - In which of the following way, the social class exerts?

Economic condition

135 - In which of the following works, the theory of social contract was first propounded?


136 - In Which of these countries is Orthodox Christianity the dominant religion ?


137 - In Which of these countries is Orthodox Christianity the dominant religion?


138 - In which of these regions is public education expenditure lowest?

Central Asia

139 - In which of these regions is public education expenditure lowest?

Central Asia

140 - In which sector do two-thirds of the world's working children perform their labor ?


141 - In which sector do two-thirds of the world's working children perform their labour?


142 - In which social stratification system does a person marry only people within their same group?


143 - In which society was land cleared and plowed by animals on a large scale?


144 - In which society were domesticated herd animals first used?


145 - In which type of city does religion become fragmented and there is greater openness to new religious faiths ?

postindustrial city

146 - In which type of city does religion become fragmented and there is greater openness to new religious faiths?

postindustrial city

147 - In which type of society does production shift to manufactured goods?


148 - In which type of society does the main form of food production involve collecting wild plants and hunting wild animals?

hunting and gathering

149 - In which ways has the roles of the elderly changed in modern society? (3)

All of the above

150 - In Which year did the urban areas of the world become more populous than rural areas ?


151 - In Which year did the urban areas of the world become more populous than rural areas?


152 - In which year the term "Sociology" is coined by Auguste Comte?


153 - In which year the term 'Sociology' was coined?


154 - In..... authority rules are obeyed because their commands are within the impersonal formally defined scope of their office.


155 - inactivity; sluggishness


156 - Inadequate nutrition and less access to medical care are two reasons why poor Americans have a ..... than wealthy Americans.

shorter life expectancy

157 - Inbn-e-Khaldun believes in

social character of human needs

158 - Includes aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc.

Extended Family

159 - Including books, newspapers and CD rooms are called

Print and electronic publishing

160 - Income distribution according to productive contribution is.

efficient but inequitable

161 - Income received by firms from sources other than households is called.


162 - Income received by firms that is not returned to households or other firms is called.


163 - Income received by households that is not returned to firms is called.


164 - Incompatible expectations arise from two of more social positions of the same person.

Role Conflict

165 - Inconsistencies between what we say and what we actually do is an example of?

expressions we give off

166 - Independent variables are group of


167 - In-depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual.

case study

168 - In-depth interviews, focus groups, and/or analysis of content sources as the sources of its data

qualitative sociology

169 - Index crimes include all but one of the following.

moving traffic violation

170 - India followed a mixed model of economic development since its independence from the foreign rule but was compelled to adopt LPG Policy. In which year the LPG Policy was adopted in India as a model of economic growth?


171 - India has always ..... different cultures.


172 - India recognized the population problem and adopted an official national programme in family planning in


173 - India's place in world from the point of view of area is


174 - India's social structure was an example of a/an:

caste system

175 - Indigenous medical care means

medical care by local medication

176 - Indigenous medical care means

medical care by local medication

177 - Individual Culture Traits combine to form .....

Culture Complexes

178 - Individual learns socialization______________?

throughout the life

179 - Individual learns sociealization.

throughout the life

180 - Individual or small group interactions are considered this level of Sociology.


181 - Individuality in sociological sense means

physical attachment of two units.

182 - Individuals < Group < Institutions < Society

Key structure of sociology

183 - Individuals are asked to determine their own social rank.


184 - Individuals are free to compete with each other in the economic system with little government regulation or intervention. This type of capitalism is called.....


185 - Individuals in the community are asked to rank other community members based on what they know of their characters and lifestyles.


186 - individuals of roughly the same age and with similar interests

peer group

187 - individuals of roughly the same age and with similar interestsलगभग समान आयु और समान रुà¤Å¡Ã ¤¿Ã ¤¯Ã ¥‹Ã ¤‚ à¤ÂµÃ ¤¾Ã ¤²Ã ¥‡ à¤ÂµÃ ¥Ã ¤¯Ã ¤•Ã ¥Ã ¤¤Ã ¤¿

peer groupसाथियों के समूह

188 - Individuals who become inmates of a total institution undergo the process of.


189 - individuals who hold lesser positions and make less money than their parents are displaying.

intergenerational mobility

190 - individuals who share a common cultural background and a common sense of identity.

Ethnic group

191 - Individuals who share age and a social status


192 - Industrial People often size up one another interm of their..


193 - Industrial relations cover the following area(s)

All of the above

194 - Industrial Revolution.

created a class of industrial workers

195 - Industrial societies are based on.

machines for production

196 - Industrial society characterized by weak family ties, competition, and impersonal social relationships


197 - Industrial Sociology is .....

an applied sub-discipline of sociology

198 - Industrial Sociology is a relatively .....branch of sociology.


199 - Industrial technology recasts family too, for its traditional significance as center of social life.


200 - Industrial workers lost skills when the industry became industrialised/mechanised. They lost power. He calls this the 'deskilling of society' which means owners become more powerful to hire and fire people, increasing their own wealth at the expense of th


201 - Industrialization caste is in favor of

Social class

202 - Industrialization was accompanied by:

All of the above

203 - Industry as a social system can be understood through the work of which thinker?


204 - Industry is a subsystem of a super ordinate system i.e. .....system.


205 - Industry is institutional structure of an institution which by nature is


206 - Inequality has been explained as.

all of the above

207 - Inference means


208 - Inflation results when.

demand exceeds supply

209 - Influenced by Charles Darwin.

Herbert spencer

210 - Influenced by Darwin's biological model of society; social change and unrest are natural occurrences in evolution toward stability and perfection

Herbert Spencer

211 - Informal application of general norms clearly defined rules and regulations are


212 - Informal control exists in.

Primary groups

213 - Informal control exists in______________?

Primary groups

214 - Informal or formal processes by which a person develops political opinions

political socialization

215 - Informal organization.

consists of the interpersonal networks that arise in a formal organization

216 - Informal organization________________?

consists of the interpersonal networks that arise in a formal organization

217 - Informal rules and expectations that guide people's everyday behavior.


218 - informal rules that groups adopt to regulate group members behavior

social norms

219 - Informal rules that influence social behaviour.


220 - Informal sanctions include

Only (A) & (B)

221 - Information collected personally by the researcher

primary data

222 - 'Informed consent' in Sociology forms part of

Ethical considerations

223 - In-groups and out-groups.

can be thought of as "we-groups" and "they-groups " respectively

224 - In-groups and out-groups_______________?

can be thought of as "we-groups" and "they -groups " respectively

225 - Inherited genetic characteristics versus environment and social learning is also called

nature versus nurture

226 - Inherited traits or learned behaviors

Nature vs Nurture

227 - inherited wealth passed from one generation to the next

old money

228 - initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness


229 - Innate, or unlearned, patterns of behavior are called .....


230 - Innovations are most readily accepted when they fit in nicely with the

existing culture

231 - Innovations may be incompatible with the existing culture in at least

three ways

232 - Inquires on the interrelationship between population characteristics and dynamics with that of a political, economic, and social system

Population and Demography

233 - Instagram is an example of this group.


234 - Instead of looking a society as a whole, looks at interactions between people

Symbolic Interactionism

235 - Institution are.

traditional habits centering around fundamental human needs

236 - Institution that determines how goods/services are produced/distributed

economic institution

237 - Institution that determines how power is obtained/exercised

political institution

238 - Institutional discrimination ?

occurs in part when gatekeepers admit others like themselves to positions of privilege prestige and power

239 - Institutional discrimination.

occurs in part when gatekeepers admit others like themselves to positions of privilege prestige and power

240 - Institutional structure of a political institution is

form of government

241 - Institutionalized Tourist Roles

Only (A) & (B)

242 - Institutions can be classified into two types

social norms and organizations

243 - Institutions means which of the following?

Structures that meet the needs of society (e.g. educational systems, marriage, financial institutions, laws etc.....)

244 - Institutions, communities, populations, gender, racial and age groups are what?

Key elements studied in sociology

245 - instructional method that relies on cooperation among students

cooperative learning

246 - Instructional method that relies on cooperation from students

cooperative learning

247 - Instrumental Leaders are: (Choose all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

248 - Instrumental or expressive

Leadership Types

249 - Instruments of communication that reach large audiences with no personal contact between those sending the information and those receiving it.

Mass media

250 - Intellectual works to represent the culture

High Culture

251 - intended and recognized consequences

Manifest Functions

252 - Intended and recognized consequences of an aspect of society

manifest function

253 - Intended and recognized consequences of some element in society

Manifest function

254 - Intended consequence of a social phenomena/structure

manifest function

255 - Intended consequence of an element like a car providing transportation.

Manifest Function

256 - Intended Consequences (Primary Purpose)

Manifest Functions

257 - Intended functions of society:


258 - Intended or obvious consequences of a social structure.

Manifest Social Functions

259 - Intended or recognized functions of a part of society

manifest function

260 - Intended/recognized consequences of an aspect of society

manifest functions

261 - Intense study of a single group

case study

262 - Intense study of a single group, incident or community

case study

263 - Inter subjective consciousness in everyday life is the core area of focus of the


264 - Interact means which of the following?

Act in such a way as to have an effect on each other; communicate or be involved directly

265 - Interaction based on the celebration of the 4th of July, or American Flag for pride would be?

Symbolic Interaction

266 - Interaction between people that takes place through the use of symbols.

Symbolic Interaction

267 - Interaction of cultural complexes helps in determining

nothing of the culture

268 - interaction that occurs when two or more people or groups oppose each other to achieve a goal that only one can attain


269 - Interaction that occurs when two or more persons or groups work to achieve a goal that will benefit many people.


270 - Interactionism is a .....

Micro scale

271 - Interactionist Perspective

theoretical perspective that focuses on how individuals interact with one another in society

272 - Interactionist perspective focuses on society at the ..... level.


273 - Interactionists observe and record the ..... and ..... conveyed by individual actions.

intentions/ meaning

274 - Interactions between countries and/or societies are considered ..... level interactions.


275 - Interactions/relationships are based on our perceived costs and benefits of such interactions.

Social Exchange Theory

276 - Interdependence among a group of people that is based on an intricate division of labor.

organic solidarity

277 - interdependence of different parts of society

functional integration

278 - Interdependent institutions is associated with .....

Structural Functionalism

279 - Interest groups have the following traits They.

are only accountable to themselves

280 - Interest groups may be defined as.

coalitions of individuals with similar attitudes and interests who attempt to influence public policy

281 - Interested in functions of different elements of society in maintaining order


282 - Interested in social darwinism


283 - Interested in social order and social change


284 - Interested in the importance of media and propaganda in influencing peoples attitude. Media has turned culture into a commodity that could be bought and sold like a product.

The Frankfurt School

285 - Interested in the meanings that individuals attach to their actions and the actions of others.

Interactionist Theory

286 - Inter-generational mobility is.

When next generation goes upward than previous one

287 - Inter-generational mobility is______________?

When next generation goes upward than previous one

288 - Internalization

process by which a norm becomes a part of an individual's personality.

289 - International agencies such as United Nations, European court of Human Rights and World Health Organizations is called as

International governance

290 - international relations include.

legal but not illegal or "black market" trade

291 - Interpretation of social behavior is studied by.....

symbolic interactionism

292 - Interrelated ideas and beliefs that are widely used to identify people as physically or intellectually disabled, justify treating them as inferior, and organize social worlds and physical spaces without taking them into account.

Ableist ideology

293 - Interrelated stratuses and roles that guide human interaction are called?

Social Structure

294 - Interventionist Perspective emphasises that.

All of the above

295 - Interventionist Perspective emphasizes that________________?

All of the above

296 - Intrinsic religiosity can be defined as

a person's inner religious life

297 - Introduced the concepts of "mechanical solidarity" and "organic solidarity"

Emile Durkheim

298 - Introduced the term "Social Darwanism"

Herbert Spencer

299 - Introduced the theory of Social Darwinism

Herbert Spencer

300 - Intuition authority tradition and common sense.

are still used as tools of inquiry

301 - Invention can be further divided into material inventions and social inventions democratic government is an example of.

Social Invention

302 - Invention can be further divided into material inventions and social inventions democratic government is an example of____________?

Social Invention

303 - Invention is often defined as

ways of classifying things.

304 - Invention is often defined as

ways of classifying things.

305 - Invention means

a new utilisation of existing knowledge.

306 - Invention means

a new utilisation of existing knowledge.

307 - Inventors had applied new sources in end of

18th century

308 - Inventors had applied new sources of


309 - Investigates human mental and emotional processes. While sociologists concentrate on the group, these social scientists also study the development and functioning of the individual.


310 - Investigates the organization, administration, history, and theory of government. These social scientist are concerned, for example, with voting patterns and participation in political parties.

Political Science

311 - investigation of a single group

case study



313 - Involve differential recognition of human individuals as persons are called

Existential inequality

314 - Involves behavior that overconforms to social expectations

positive deviance

315 - involves over conformity to the rules

positive deviance

316 - Involves subjecting every feature of human behavior to calculation, measurement and control.


317 - Iron cage of bureaucracy was the perception of.

Max Weber

318 - Iron cage of bureaucracy was the perception of_______________?

Max Weber

319 - Is a common understanding which is learnt and developed through social interaction.


320 - is an ideal system based on the belief that social stratification is the result of personal effort


321 - Is demographic information qualitative or quantitative research?


322 - Is the crime rate in Britain going up or down?

Down- The crime rate has been decreasing every year since 1995 - it has more than halved in the last 20 years

323 - is the degree to which people succeed in such areas as education, income,

Life chance

324 - Is the following an example of Modernity or Postmodernity? Joe gets his high-school diploma, goes to Cal State Stanislaus like he's supposed to, receives a bachelor's degree in business, opens up a furniture store, marries a woman, has two kids, and earns


325 - is the network of interrelated statuses and roles that guide human interaction is:

social structure



327 - Is there a difference between illness and disease?


328 - Isabelle was.

kept in almost total seclusion for the first six years of her life

329 - Isabelle was___________?

kept in almost total seclusion for the first six years of her life

330 - Islam is monotheistic


331 - Islam was established.

well after the founding of either Judaism or Christianity

332 - Isolated children require ..... to develop.


333 - Issues of race were the main focus of this sociologist.

WEB DuBois

334 - It emerged as an academic field right at the height of Industrial Revolution in Europe which mobilized the entire population in a way that had never been before in humanhistory.


335 - It entails political ideas, ideologies, institutions, policies, processes, laws, strategy, and war.

Political Science

336 - It focuses on the discovery of theoretical tools, methods, and techniques to scientifically explain a particular sociological issue.

Sociological Theory and Research

337 - It has been found that disengagement is usually.

often forced

338 - It implies a creative mental process of devising, creating, and producing something new, novel or original.


339 - It includes knowledge and beliefs, norms and values, and signs and language.

Non-Material Culture

340 - It includes the study of communication's origins, history, and contemporary variation.

Linguistic Anthropology

341 - It is a major sphere of social life organized to meet some human need.


342 - It is a powerfully negative master status that affects a person's self-concept, social identity, and interactions with others.


343 - It is a science that studies human civilization.


344 - It is a social institution that enables children up to adults to acquire basic academic ideas and skills, an also even societal and cultural norms


345 - It is a system of stratified inequality in which status is determined at birth and in which people are locked into their parents' social position.

Caste System

346 - It is a way of organising social data so as to preserve the unitary character of social object being studied", is said by

Goods and Hatt

347 - It is any institution (public or private) that collects funds (from the public or other institutions) and invests them in financial assets.

Financial Organization

348 - It is believed that a person's personality come from .....

both nature and nurture

349 - It is correct to say that.

the rate of change has increased in recent years

350 - It is defined as the arrangement of the members of a society into different categories of class, caste or a hierarchy based on several factors.

Social Stratification

351 - It is difficult to ascertain the true extent of domestic violence because.

there is a large dark figure of unreported incidents

352 - It is difficult to ascertain the true extent of domestic violence because___________?

there is a large dark figure of unreported incidents

353 - It is everything around us.

The environment

354 - It is expected that investigator will publish his results

without concealment

355 - It is from the .....that the culture is formally transmitted.


356 - It is most accurate to say that.

the global social system differs considerably from a societal social system

357 - It is not merely defined by an actual physical contact, as it covers every human interchange that is within a mutually subjective orientation


358 - It is often defined as who gets what, when, where and how.

Political Science

359 - It is one of the characteristics of social stratifications where differentiation between men and women is a very intrinsic feature of all kinds of stratification occurs.


360 - It is quite common for an invention to be made independently by

several persons

361 - It is really very difficult for the individual to work according to

his personal view

362 - It is simply an organization that deals with production and distribution of goods and services, such as capitalism or socialism.

Economic Organization

363 - It is so important to Chris to appear successful to others that he begins stealing goods from the warehouse where he works and reselling them to obtain money. This is an example of


364 - It is the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out.


365 - It is the art and science of governing city/state.


366 - It is the fourth week of the semester and your class has decided that your sociology instructor Raashid Mukhtar is excellent! Professor Raashid Mukhtar is a disabled middle-aged male.For students in this class Professor Raashid Mukhtar's master status is.

excellent instructor

367 - It is the fourth week of the semester and your class has decided that your sociology instructor Rashid Mukhtar is excellent! Professor Rashid Mukhtar is a disabled middle-aged male. For students in this class Professor Rashid Mukhtars master status is____

excellent instructor

368 - It is the function of Congress to.

vote funds for conducting foreign affairs

369 - It is the institutionalized kind of religious group.


370 - It is the pattern of behaviour or ceremonies, which has become the customary way of dealing with certain situations


371 - It is the religion which enforces the spirit of


372 - It is the study of animals


373 - It is the study of how humans interact with the environment.

Environmental Science

374 - It is the study of how living things interact with each other and with the non living environment.


375 - It is the study of humanity including our prehistoric origins and contemporary human diversity.


376 - It is the study of past human cultures through the recovery and analysis of artifacts.


377 - It is the study of plants


378 - It is the study of power struggle.

Political Science

379 - It is the study of society.


380 - It is the study of the origin of human and its culture.


381 - It is the systematic study of political and government institutions and processes.

Political Science

382 - It is the systematic study of social behavior and human groups.


383 - It is the systematic study of society and social interaction.


384 - It is the tendency of a society to consider its own culture as best, and others as inferiors


385 - It is true of divorce rates that.

all of the above are true

386 - It is true of science that.

it is body of knowledge organized in a logical manner

387 - It is true of the population of the United States that.

it is BOTH older and more female

388 - It is true that the differences among the social sciences.

all of the above

389 - It is true that.

formal organizations are based on groups of people

390 - It is used to refer the interdependence and inter-related parts of groups. It refers to the relatively stable pattern of social relationships among individuals and groups in society.

Social Organization

391 - It is useful to have a diversity of theories in sociology because.

human behaviour is so complicated that no single theory would be adequate

392 - It is useful to have a diversity of theories in sociology because________________?

human behavior is so complicated that no single theory would be adequate

393 - It is useful to have a diversity of theories in sociology because_________________?

human behavior is so complicated that no single theory would be adequate

394 - It is very important to Sammi to do well in school so she regularly cheats on tests According to Merton's structural strain theory Sammi is a(n).


395 - It is very important to Sammi to do well in school, so she regularly cheats on tests According to Merton's structural strain theory Sammi is a(n) ?


396 - It may be said that the three branches of government.

undergo checks and balances among one another

397 - It pertains to the study of the effects of various social organizations (religious organizations, political institutions and etc.) to the population's behaviour.

Human Ecology

398 - It refers to the systematic classification of people according to wealth, power, and prestige.

Social stratification

399 - It seems entirely logical and right to reject any innovation that conflicts with our

a and b

400 - It seems entirely logical and right to reject any innovation that conflicts with our

a and b

401 - It sees the commonalities among people (tradition, language, kinship, etc).


402 - It started as a science during the time of exploration when European countries started to colonize what they considered as primitive societies where people were believed to be savages and barbaric.


403 - It started as the study of non-European people by European people.

Political Science

404 - It takes your observations and uses them to build a theory. You start with data and then use them to form an idea about how the world works.

inductive logical thought

405 - It talks about control or influence the state, in making, or influence political decisions.


406 - It uses an existing theory to inform the hypothesis you test. In this case, you start with a theory and you collect data that allows you to test the theory.

deductive logical thought



408 - It was estimated 148.72 million according to.

2004 census

409 - It was estimated 148.72 million according to______________?

2004 census

410 - Italy has had many changes in political leadership since World War II However economic and legal specialists keep the nation going We would call their authority.


411 - It's always nice to be ..... when being introduced to new people.


412 - Its goal is to look for the similarities and differences among the culture of societies around the world. In doing so, we could be able to understand more about human nature, and be more tolerant on other people's behavior and actions.


413 - Its goal is to look for the similarities and differences among the culture of societies around the world. In doing so, we could be able to understand more about human nature, and be more tolerant on other people's behavior and actions.1. Its goal is to lo


414 - Its main concern is to learn how to use power over others to maintain social order and harmony among citizens.

Political Science

415 - Its objective be new knowledge, is said by

F. A. Ogg

416 - Jackson lives in rural Chile, and is the son of a poor farmer. The nearest school is 50 miles away, and he has no means to get there. What does the educational system in Jackson's country lack?

Formal Education

417 - Jane Adams

was concerned about the exploitation of the lower class

418 - Jane Adams.....

was concerned about the exploitation of the lower class

419 - Jane Addams and other sociologists who studied group interactions and how society impacted individual development were known as the

Chicago School

420 - Jane Addams was a sociologist who ..... Click all that apply.....

All of the above

421 - Jane Elliot's Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes experiment showed

prejudice can be learned

422 - Jane Goodall video recorded chimpanzees hunting pigs, this type of data is called .....


423 - Janet promised anyone what I'd said.

not to tell

424 - Janet was conducting research on gender-based achievement in schools. She went to her local primary school and obtained permission from the school guard to interview some of the students. Approximately 10 students volunteered to speak with her. Which of t

Informed consent

425 - Janice Lorde is an 80 year old retired janitor. She is supported by her son who owns a modest retail store. Today, she is pleased to attend her granddaughter's graduation from medical school. The Lorde's family can be used as an example of

intergenerational mobility

426 - Janice thinks that sociology should be a science used to bring about radical social change, with particular emphasis on power and ideology. Her position most closely aligns with which theoretical perspective?

Marxism and class conflict

427 - Japanese emphasise on conformity in their culture This is an example of.

Narrow Socialization

428 - Japanese emphasize on conformity in their culture This is an example of______________?

Narrow Socialization

429 - Japanese industry progressed because its workers managers and stockholders share a common interest This group sentiment is best illustrated by.

Functionalist approach

430 - Japanese industry progressed because its workers managers and stockholders share a common interest This group sentiment is best illustrated by____________?

Functionalist approach

431 - Japan's lean production method is modeled on a system worked out at:

Toyota Motors

432 - Jazz is a ..... term for a wide range of different styles of music.


433 - Jean Piaget found that although newborns have no self in the sense of a looking glass image they are quiet ?


434 - Jean Piaget found that although newborns have no self in the sense of a looking glass image they are quite.


435 - Jehovah's Witnesses refusal to accept blood transfusions because of religious beliefs is an example of:

Medical Beliefs

436 - Jenis-jenis norma yang tidak termasuk dari klasifikasi norma dalam masyarakat adalah.....


437 - Jeremy wrote an essay criticizing the college admissions process, arguing that heavy competition and limited educational resources make admission difficult for the average student. Which perspective would Jeremy's argument fall under?

Conflict Theory

438 - Jerome is able to use the Internet to select reliable sources for his research paper, but Charlie just copies large pieces of web pages and pastes them into his paper. Jerome has ..... while Charlie does not.


439 - Jethro thinks that when he dies he will go to heaven. This is an example of

a belief

440 - Jews in the United States are members of

an ethnic minority.

441 - Jim's class is learning about architecture by splitting up into groups to design and create scale models of buildings. This is an example of ..... education.


442 - Joan of Arc, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus Christ, Muhammad, and Buddha are individuals who had extraordinary personal qualities that led their followers to admire them and to follow their orders or requests for action. Based

Charismatic authority

443 - Job-related crimes committed by high-status people

white-collar crime

444 - Joel Goddard is a laid-off Ford worker, a male, a father, and a husband. This sentence describes Goddard's

status set.

445 - John is a lawyer. He makes \$200,000/yr. He lives in a newly built multifunctional condominium. He's able to take his family on international trips several times a year What social class is he in?

Upper Class

446 - John Locke's Theory of ..... says that every person is born as a blank slate & people are all nurture.

Tabula Rasa

447 - John Locke's theory that newborn humans are a blank slate and acquire our personalities from social experience is known as what?

Tabula Rasa

448 - John views society as composed of groups competing for scarce resources. What kind of theorist is John?

conflict theorist

449 - Johnny has to wear his brother's hand-me-down pants that are a little too big from him. At school the teachers are quick to accuse him of vandalism and he is always called into the office when something is stolen. He is innocent but his sagging pants are

The Labeling Approach

450 - Johnny is a brother, student, teammate, and musician. These are all examples of his.....


451 - Joining the group that is being studied is called what?

Participant observation

452 - Joint family system is on the decline, which of the following is not the main cause for its disintegration?

There is increased agricultural production.

453 - Joint family system is weakening because

the land does not need manpower.

454 - Joshua lied to his mother about playing video games instead of completing his homework. Which of the following norms did he violate?


455 - Judgements about what is intrinsically important or meaningful are known as:


456 - Judging a culture based off the values and principles of your own culture is known as:


457 - Judging one culture based on the beliefs and values of another is known as:


458 - Judging one culture based on the beliefs and values of another is known as:एक संस्कà¥Æ’ति को दूसरे की मान्यताओं और मूल्यों के आधार à¤ÂªÃ ¤° आंकना क्या कà¤

Ethnocentrismà¤ÂªÃ ¥Ã ¤°Ã ¤Å“ातिकेंद्रिकता

459 - Judging others in terms of one's own standards is called .....


460 - Judicial decisions are a part of:

British constitution

461 - Judicial decisions are a part of_____________?

British constitution

462 - Judicial review by the Supreme Court is based on.

the Marbury v Madison decision

463 - Judicial separation for a conflicting couple is granted for a maximum period of

2 years

464 - Judiciary has also played a part in destabilizing political structure of country by.

Approving unconstitutional intervention

465 - Judiciary has also played a part in destabilizing political structure of country by______________?

Approving unconstitutional intervention

466 - Judith Butler (1999) suggested that.

gender is performed through bodily gestures and styles to create sex

467 - Judith Butler (1999) suggested that_______________?

gender is performed through bodily gestures and styles to create sex

468 - Judy is a Ph.D. candidate currently studying divorce rates in Western Europe. She is likely a sociologist rather than an anthropologist because .....

she is focusing mainly on industrialized and postindustrialized societies

469 - Julia grew up with a dad who worked on the railroad and a mom who ran an in-home daycare. She graduated from college and is now an accountant. She moved from the working class to the middle class. Julia's change is most likely called

social mobility

470 - Julia grew up with a dad who worked on the railroad and a mom who ran an in-home daycare. She graduated from college and is now an accountant. She moved from the working class to the middle class. Julia's experience is an example of

Social Mobility

471 - Julian Samora was critical in recognizing the societal contributions of

Mexican Americans

472 - Juvenile delinquency means

young offender must be of age usually 18 years.

473 - Juvenile delinquency means

young offender must be of age usually 18 years.

474 - Kalchakra ceremony is associated with which of the following ceremonies.?


475 - Kaleem walks into the classroom just as another student has told the punchline to a very funny joke The room explodes in laughter Kaleem quickly checks to see that his shirt is buttoned correctly and that there is no toilet tissue clinging to her shoe Onc

an egocentric bias

476 - Kaleem walks into the classroom just as another student has told the punchline to a very funny joke The room explodes in laughter Kaleem quickly checks to see that his shirt is buttoned correctly and that there is no toilet tissue clinging to her shoe Onc

an egocentric bias

477 - Karl Marx

Believed that economy influences social structure

478 - Karl Marx : Proletariat

Working class; those who labor for the bourgeoisie.They are paid just enough to stay alive.

479 - Karl Marx :Bourgeoisie

Class owning the means for producing wealth. (for example, factories and equipment)

480 - Karl Marx argued that the ..... oppressed the ..... which caused conflict in society.

bourgeoisie, proletariat

481 - Karl Marx argues that religion .....

justifies poverty

482 - Karl Marx became Doctor of Philosophy at the age of


483 - Karl Marx believe that the engine of human history is

Class conflict

484 - Karl Marx believed a conflict between these two classes would lead to Communism. A. capitalist and proletariat B. bourgeoisie and capitalist C. bourgeoisie and proletariat

bourgeoisie and proletariat

485 - Karl Marx believed class conflict was inevitable because

workers will eventually overthrow the capitalists

486 - Karl Marx believed that almost all social issues were driven by the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. What sociological theory did he study?

Class Conflict

487 - Karl Marx believed that class conflict was inevitable because -

workers will eventually overthrow the capitalists just as slaves overthrew their owners

488 - Karl Marx believed that the only thing of value that the proletariat had was

its labor.

489 - Karl Marx emphasized ____________ as a major factor in shaping social life ?


490 - Karl Marx held that a social movement the revolt of the proletariat would help workers overcome feelings of.

false consciousness

491 - Karl Marx held that a social movement the revolt of the proletariat would help workers overcome feelings of____________?

false consciousness

492 - Karl Marx held that a social movement-the revolt of the proletariat -would help workers overcome feelings of_______________?

false consciousness

493 - Karl Marx is a

Conflict theorist

494 - Karl Marx is Best known for.

Conflict theory

495 - Karl Marx is Best known for_______________?

Conflict theory

496 - Karl Marx noted great differences in wealth and


497 - Karl Marx proposed that society would be better if all classes would rise up and fight until there was only one class of people. This is .....theory.


498 - Karl Marx received a doctorate of philosophy from

Unversity of Jena

499 - Karl Marx referred to the laborers in conflict theory as this group.


500 - Karl Marx saw religion as.

creating a pool of individuals with the attitudes and values necessary to function as entrepreneurs

501 - Karl Marx saw religion as________________?

creating a pool of individuals with the attitudes and values necessary to function as entrepreneurs

502 - Karl Marx sought to explain and change society through

the economy

503 - Karl Marx suggested that the force that drives human history and is at the core of human society is .....

class conflict

504 - Karl Marx suggested that the force which drives human history and is at the core of human progress is

class conflict

505 - Karl Marx thought that Capitalism breeds conflict between the rich and the poor.

Conflict Theory

506 - Karl Marx thought that society:

was primarily divided by social class

507 - Karl Marx was born in


508 - Karl Marx was born in


509 - Karl Marx was considered the founder of:

Social Conflict Theory

510 - Karl Marx was most interested in social reform and sociology in terms of .....

class conflict between the bourgeoisie and proletariat.

511 - Karl Marx,s view of the struggle between social classes inspired the contemporary ?

conflict perspective

512 - Karl Marx,s view of the struggle between social classes inspired the contemporary ?

conflict perspective

513 - Karl Marx,s view of the struggle between social classes inspired the contemporary_____________?

conflict perspective

514 - Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is based on the ..... perspective.

Conflict Theory

515 - Karl Marx's materialist analysis pointed to historical and contemporary conflict between social class and


516 - Karl Marx's theory about the struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie

Class Conflict

517 - Karl Marx's view of the struggle between social classes inspired the contemporary.

conflict perspective

518 - Karl Pearson said "The unity of all science consists alone in its methods not in its material It relates to the importance of.

Scientific method

519 - Karl Pearson said "The unity of all science consists alone in its methods not in its material It relates to the importance of______________?

Scientific method

520 - Kathy decided to complete her research while she was in class and was answering questions that the teacher asked and talking to her friends. Was she a participant or non-participant observer?

Participant observer

521 - Keep a log of how you develop your research how you change your view and problems and how your make key decisions is

Start keeping a log and record file

522 - Kellan wants to shop at Express for the new school year, but because all of his friends shop at Pacific Sun, Kellan does as well. Kellan's behavior is an example of:


523 - Kelly meeting friends at work that steer her in the wrong direction would be called a


524 - Kenneth and Mamie Clark used sociological research to show that segregation was:


525 - Kevin Rudd's Apology Speech (2008) was:

The first official Apology made by the Australian government to Indigenous Australians for the past injustices by the government, particularly for the Stolen Generation

526 - Key concepts: "I" & "me", significant other, generalized other, role taking, preparatory stage, play stage, game stage

George Herbert Mead

527 - Key concepts: manifest & latent functions, "Strain Theory" of deviance, dysfunctions

Robert Merton

528 - Key concepts: power elite, radical social change, social injustices, applied sociology, the "sociological imagination"

Wright Mills

529 - Key concepts: social facts, social structure, social solidarity, collective conscience, society is larger than the sum of its parts, social patterns external to individuals, stressed social basis for human behavior

Emile Durkheim

530 - Key concepts: social learning theory, imitation, modeling.

Albert Bandura



532 - Key to Marx's thinking is idea of social

Social conflict

533 - Key to world of culture, is a system of symbols that allows members of a society to communication with one another is called

All of the above

534 - kind of data with only 2 options (e.g. pass/fail, yes/no)

Binary Data

535 - Kind of truth we are trying to produce or a strong factual scientific kind of truth with lots of evidence is called as

Theoretical epistemology

536 - Kinsey maintained that.

sexuality exists on a continuum

537 - Kinship

is always related to sex

538 - Kinship by Nature is

in some cases specific, while others not

539 - Kinship" is a symbol of system called


540 - Know some of WEB DuBois contributions for test day

Ok. I will know this for test day

541 - Know the difference between sociology and psychology

Ok. I will know this for test day

542 - Knowing the workings of a car engine represents which kind of knowledge?


543 - Knowledge & tools used to achieve practical goals

alternative movement

544 - Knowledge and tools people use for practical purposes.


545 - Knowledge can be defined as

The state of knowing the fact

546 - Knowledge, arts, skills, behaviour


547 - known as father of sociology

Auguste Comte

548 - Known for being "The father of sociology"

Auguste Comte

549 - Known for translating Comte's "Positive Philosphy" and being a feminist.

Harriet Martineau

550 - Kohlbergs stage of development where children only know punishment or not, not the reasons for their actions

preconventional stage

551 - Kohlbergs stage of development where children see right and wrong in terms of black and white.

conventional stage

552 - Kohlbergs stage of development where people measure right and wrong through their own moral filter using abstract reasoning.

postconventional stage

553 - Kohlberg's three stages of moral development are.

pre-conventional conventional and post-conventional

554 - Kurt Vonnegut's short story "Harrison Bergeron" is an example of which philosophical movement.


555 - L. Althussar classifies Karl Marx's writings on the basis of the epistemological break. Identify the epistemological phases of Marx's writings. (i) Young Marx (ii) Mature Marx (iii) Traditional Marx (iv) Immature Marx (v) Orthodox Marx (vi) Revolutionary

(i) & (ii)

556 - Labeling theorists.

contend that in many cases those labeled deviant identity and pursue a career of deviance

557 - Labeling theorists________________?

contend that in many cases those labeled deviant identity and pursue a career of deviance

558 - Labeling theory has been criticized because.

an undiscovered teller who steals from his bank is still a deviant

559 - Labeling theory states that

the definition of deviance often depends on the person who is engaging in the behavior

560 - Labelling theory came into prominence during which decade of the twentieth century ?


561 - Labelling theory encourages ________ as a way to completely avoid the stigmatization process?

radical non-intervention

562 - lack the basic necessities, which typically include adequate food, clean water, safe housing, and access to healthcare

Absolute Poverty

563 - lacking some element or characteristic


564 - Lagoon fishing.....

Lagoon fishing is the case where religious rituals are not performed as the outcome is more certain

565 - Laissez.....Faire Leaders are:

Leaders that mainly allow the group to function on its own

566 - Laissez-faire capitalism as attributed to Adam Smith called for

minimal government involvement in the economy

567 - Land labor capital and entrepreneurship are called.

factors of production

568 - Land labor capital and entrepreneurship.

must be combined in the production of goods and service

569 - Language and discourses we live our lives through communication in society is called as

All of the above

570 - Language gestures and music are.

symbol systems

571 - Language is an example of a.....


572 - Language is usually considered to be_______________?

a key cultural marker

573 - Language, according to postmodernism is .....

A tool of power and manipulation

574 - Language, beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors passed from one generation are a groups


575 - Language, dress, stories, food, music and dance are part of everyone's .....

) Culture

576 - Language, ideas, beliefs, and rules are?

Nonmaterial Culture

577 - Language.

all of the above

578 - Lapiere observed social control as primarily a process growing out of the individuals ?

Need for group acceptance

579 - Lapiere observed social control as primarily a process growing out of the individual's.

Need for group acceptance

580 - Large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific goal or activity.

Secondary Group

581 - Large organization that is divided into jobs based on specific functions and staffed by officials ranked according to a hierarchy


582 - Large scale issues


583 - large scale social system such as the political system or the economic system

macro sociology

584 - Large, complex secondary groups that have established specific goals are

formal organizations

585 - Larger and more impersonal groups; task-focused and time limited are known as

secondary groups

586 - Large-scale (i.e., What caused the transition from feudalism to capitalism?)


587 - Latent Function is.....

Unintended or unrecognized consequence of an element of society

588 - Latent Functions :

Are unintended and unrecognized.

589 - Latent functions are

unsought consequences

590 - Latent functions of government include.

the rise of administrative elites

591 - Latent functions of schools include.

allowing the formation of a subculture and keeping children in school for a period of time

592 - Latin for "clean slate."

tabula rasa

593 - Latino neighborhoods have prospered because.

Latinos have a strong sense of community

594 - Latisha believes that sociologists need to look at not only how our institutions were intended to work but also the unintentional effects of those institutions. According to the textbook, this is a major part of which theoretical perspective?


595 - Laud Humphreys study Tearoom Trade (1970) is an example of______________?

participant observation

596 - Laud Humphreys's study Tearoom Trade (1970) is an example of.

participant observation

597 - Law of ..... is also known as the Law of cause and effect


598 - Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development claims.

universal validity

599 - laws and regulations: social statics or social dynamics

social statics

600 - Laws are one type of societal norm. All of the following examples fall under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 except .....

institutional dress codes

601 - Laws are.

formal norms enforced by the state

602 - Laws are___________________?

rules that are enforced by a special political organization composed of individuals who enjoy the right to use force

603 - Laws do not regulate the

private life of a man

604 - Laws that physically separated difference races within South Africa.


605 - Laws, morals, values, religious beliefs, customs, fashions, rituals, and all of the cultural rules that govern life.

Social facts

606 - ldeologies may be.

all of the above

607 - ldeologies tend to arise during periods of.


608 - Leadership and submission is fundamental to every

social aggregation

609 - Lean production

All of the above

610 - Learning behavior in a social institution or developing social skills is called________________?

Developmental socialization

611 - Learning behaviors and values of a social class is known as:

Class Socialization

612 - Learning behaviour in a social institution or developing social skills is called.

Developmental socialization

613 - learning society's "gender map," the paths in life set out for us because we are male or female

gender socialization

614 - Learning the Filipino Sign Language.


615 - learning to participate in group life


616 - Learning to take the perspective of others is known as

Role taking

617 - Learning what is expected of us based on whether we are male or female is known as

gender socialization

618 - Learning what is expected of us based on whether we are male or female is known as .....

gender socialization

619 - Legal-rational authority is characteristic of.

urban industrial developed societies

620 - Legal-rational authority tends to be characteristic of.

heterogeneous multicultural societies

621 - Lembaga keagamaan bagi umat Buddha adalah .....

WALUBI (Perwakilan Umat Buddha Indonesia)

622 - Lessening the seriousness of crimes against people with lower status

Victim Discounting

623 - Level of education is / are


624 - libel

a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

625 - Liberals and conservatives agree to some extent that economic goals should include.

all of the above

626 - Liberation theory is.

a fusion of Christianity and Marxism

627 - Life and death these are basically linked to biological organism sometimes called

Inequality of health

628 - Life chances are.

the likelihood that individuals and groups will enjoy desired goods and services experiences and opportunities for living long and healthy lives

629 - Life chances are________________?

the likelihood that individuals and groups will enjoy desired goods and services experiences and opportunities for living long and healthy lives

630 - Life encompassing religious organization to which all members of a society belong


631 - Life expectancy is.

about the same across social classes

632 - Lifespan is usually divided into seven or eight sages Adulthood legally begins at the age of.


633 - Lifespan is usually divided into seven or eight sages Adulthood legally begins at the age of____________?


634 - Like actors on a stage, people present themselves through dress, gesture, and tone of voice. This is a clear example of Erving Goffmans


635 - Like Freud Erik Erikson maintains that.

none of the above



637 - Lily drives Ella to school. At the end of every week Lily gives Ella \$15 for gas. This is an example of.....


638 - limited number of cases drawn from the larger population


639 - List any two factors that can affect your personality?

All of the above

640 - lists five major ways that individuals respond to strain

strain theory

641 - lists the 5 major ways people respond to strain

strain theory

642 - Literacy rate in 1951 was.


643 - Literacy rate in 1951 was_____________?


644 - Living in a society implies that we are governed by a set of .....


645 - Living in nineteenth century, Marx observed early stage of industrial capitalism in


646 - Living is a contest to see "who gets what".

Conflict Theory

647 - lllegal acts that are characterized by deceit concealment or violation of trust is the FBI's definition of.

white-collar crime

648 - Lloyd Braithwaite (1953) observed that Trinidad and Tobago's social structure was founded on an ascriptive-particularistic basis. Which of the following was an example of this phenomenon at the time of his research?

employment in a bank required light coloured skin

649 - Localism / anti-globalism means which of the following?

the emphasis on local products, defense of one's economy, own language or customs against standardized globalisation

650 - Location of furrow during a cell division is done by


651 - Lombroso claimed that:

biological failings drove some people into crime

652 - Lombroso claimed that_____________?

biological failings drove some people into crime

653 - Lombroso claimed that______________?

biological failings drove some people into crime

654 - long-term conscious effort to promote or prevent social change.

social movement

655 - Looking at how some American companies take advantage of overseas labor to increase their profits

Conflict Theory

656 - Looking at social life in a scientific, systematic way, rather than depending on common-sense explanations.

Sociological perspective

657 - Looking beyond common beliefs th the meanings behind societal actions.

Social perspective

658 - looks at each contribution from each part of society


659 - Louis Wirth argued that a relatively large and permanent settlement leads to distinctive patterns of behavior which he called_______________?


660 - Louis Wirth argued that a relatively large and permanent settlement leads to distinctive patterns of behaviour which he called.


661 - Love of money peace and God are American.


662 - Lower hunter implies several things, which of the following is not covered by that?

Absence of making tools and instruments.

663 - Ludwig Feuerbach,s views on the alienation involved in transferring human values and ideas onto gods and spirits as distinct from human societies influenced the ideas of which classical sociologist ?

Karl Marx

664 - Ludwig Feuerbach's views on the alienation involved in transferring human values and ideas onto gods and spirits as distinct from human societies influenced the ideas of which classical sociologist?

Karl Marx

665 - Luis completed his research at Starbucks and let people know he was researching. Is this considered covert or overt research?


666 - Lysosomes are cytoplasmic organelles which are specialized in their


667 - Macro means.....

Large scale study

668 - Macro sociology is the study of

large groups

669 - Macro theories study

large scale social processes such as institutions, cultures and organisations.

670 - Macro-sociology is the study of -

large groups

671 - Macrosociology means which of the following?

a large group who act together for a common purposeThe whole society, population, institutions, war, poverty, the economy and how they affect the individual

672 - magine you are watching several dozen passengers sitting in an airport gate area waiting to board a plane. These people are an example of a .....


673 - Main purpose is to teach norms and values


674 - Main reason for less population in Africa is

less technological advancement.

675 - Main source of social control is through ?

Social norms and traditions

676 - Main source of social control is through.

Social norms and traditions

677 - Main Sources of Social Change: change in size of the number of people in society may bring about changes in the culture


678 - Main Sources of Social Change: new ideologies are introduced into a society changing ideas of what is good or bad, right or wrong. This ideology can be spread through social movements

Values and Beliefs

679 - Main Sources of Social Change: People find new tools to manipulate their environment and recognize new uses for existing elements in the society


680 - Main Sources of Social Change: the process of spreading culture traits from one society to another


681 - Main types of agriculture are.

both a and b

682 - Main types of agriculture are_______________?

both a and b

683 - mainstream, widespread patterns among a society's population

Popular Culture

684 - Maintaining a group's distinctive customs and identity is called.

cultural pluralism

685 - Maintaining full employment stabilizing the economy and pursuing economic growth are issues analyzed in the context of.


686 - Major Contribution of M.N.Srinivas

All the above

687 - Major forms of social stratification are.....

All of the above



689 - make up 1 percent of the population, and they own one-third of the country's wealth

upper class

690 - Making friends with your new classmates.


691 - Male dominance is expressed.

all of the above

692 - Males are conceived with which of the following chromosome configurations?


693 - Males.

are more prone to aggressiveness than females

694 - Malinovshi believed that culuture is

complex whole.

695 - Malthus suggested the following as means of birth control.

all of the above

696 - Man in the household has authority


697 - Man living a social life has produced


698 - Man living a social life has produced a


699 - Manandry is a form of marriage in which a woman

has one husband at a time

700 - Manifest Function is.....

Intended or recognized consequence

701 - Manifest Functions :

Are intended and recognized.

702 - Manifest functions are

sought consequences

703 - Manifest functions of an institution are those which are

None of these

704 - Manipulation of taxation and spending levels is.

fiscal policy

705 - Many are unemployed or underemployed


706 - Many change agents are


707 - Many cultures coming together to form one culture is known as:

Melting Pot

708 - Many cultures coming together to form one culture is known as:एक संस्कà¥Æ’ति बनाने के लिए कà¤Ë† संस्कà¥Æ’तियों का एक साथ आना कहलाता हà¥Ë†:

Melting Potà¤ÂªÃ ¤¿Ã ¤˜Ã ¤²Ã ¤¾Ã ¤¨Ã ¥‡ à¤ÂµÃ ¤¾Ã ¤²Ã ¤¾ बर्तन

709 - Many developing countries

have only an upper class and a lower class.

710 - Many elements of a society exist to benefit the rich.

Conflict Theory

711 - Many listeners to a 1938 science fiction radio program believed that Martians were really invading the Earth They fled into the streets in panic We would call their behavior.

none of the above

712 - Many of our attitudes and beliefs are shaped by what?

Our own perspectives

713 - Many of the residents of a small town have joined together to create a neighborhood park. This collection of people is an example of a

secondary group.

714 - Many people sincerely accept their goals and values but their attitude is not in consistency with the requirements of their goals This hopothesis is called.

The value-Stretch hypothesis

715 - Many people sincerely accept their goals and values, but their attitude is not in consistency with the requirements of their goals This hypothesis is called______________?

The value-Stretch hypothesis

716 - Many people take this course in college. It is about learning how people get along with each other.


717 - Many research problems require systematic collection of data" is said by

Festinger and Kat

718 - Many sociologists argue that older theories of inherited intelligence and IQ tests have been discredited What concept did Gillborn and Youdell (2001) find had replaced of IQ in many Uk schools ?


719 - Many sociologists argue that older theories of inherited intelligence and IQ tests have been discredited What concept did Gillborn and Youdell (2001) find had replaced of IQ in many Uk schools?


720 - Many times, a disability can serve as a ....., which involves something of special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's life.

master status

721 - Many urban areas come to look like each other and many television programmers much T.V, music, film and so on travel around world is called as

Global culture

722 - Many young people in the Caribbean have adopted the lifestyles of their counterparts in North America. This could be an example of

cultural diffustion

723 - Margaret Mead suggested that.

adolescence and gender roles varied between societies and so were culturally determined

724 - Margaret Mead suggested that______________?

adolescence and gender roles varied between societies and so were culturally determined

725 - Maria studied hard in geometry, but still failed the class. She figured out a way of obtaining test answers from a friend who had the class earlier in the day. In addition, her friend supplied Maria with homework answers. Which of the following best descr


726 - Marie's best friend lives across the street from her, and the two friends spend most of their free time together. This is an example of a

primary relationship

727 - Mario is an undocumented immigrant, so he can't receive government benefits. He makes \$11/hr in farm work. Occasionally, he can't pay rent and he and his children have to move to a homeless shelter. What might a sociologist call Mario's situation?

absolute poverty

728 - Mark out the correct answer about Human Relations Approach to work place behaviour from the code given below: I. It is against those approaches which give individualistic and over-rational emphasis to explain workers' behaviour in material terms. II. It e


729 - Mark out the correct sequence of perspectives on gender and development in India:

Welfare, Development, Empowerment.

730 - Mark views society as a system of interrelated parts. What kind of theorist is Mark?


731 - Marriage and families are examples of what concept in sociology?

Social Structure

732 - Marriage appears to be in decline because.

many people are cohabiting in long term relationships

733 - Marriage appears to be in decline because_____________?

many people are cohabiting in long term relationships

734 - Marriage gets social approval with the help of

social ceremonies

735 - Marriage is.

a union recognized as legal by a society

736 - Marriage outside of one's social category


737 - Marriage within one's own social category


738 - Marriage within one's own social category is called .....


739 - Marriage within one's social category


740 - Marrying someone with similar traits is called.


741 - Martha and Susan work at the local factory ten hours a day five days a week They make the minimum wage with no overtime pay insurance or benefits One day they discuss their situations over lunch and express frustration over the fact that they never seem t

false consciousness

742 - Martha and Susan work at the local factory ten hours a day five days a week They make the minimum wage with no overtime pay insurance or benefits One day they discuss their situations over lunch and express frustration over the fact that they never seem t

false consciousness

743 - Martin Luther King, Jr. is an example

charismatic authority

744 - Martin Luther king's status was based on his.

social influence

745 - Marx & Weber disagreed on the importance of ..... in determining class.


746 - Marx argued that the work in the capitalist economy is insecure because

worker could be easily replaced by machines

747 - Marx believed religion was used to.

support the exploitation of the masses

748 - Marx believed that social prestige and power derived from

Economic position

749 - Marx believed that the state would vanish when.

social classes ceased to exist

750 - Marx has been criticised for his view about formation of social classes because

he has laid too much stress on economic aspect of life.

751 - Marx has been criticised for his views about formation of social classes because

he has laid too much stress on economic aspect of life.

752 - Marx in his theory of class consciousness has been criticised because he has

given no place to middle classes.

753 - Marx in his theory of class consciousness has been criticised because he has

given no place to middle classes.

754 - Marx proclaimed that religion would disappear when ?

a socialist revolution removed the need for capitalist ideology

755 - Marx proclaimed that religion would disappear when.

a socialist revolution removed the need for capitalist ideology

756 - Marx regarded religion as.

all of the above

757 - Marx said that the development of the labor movement through factory-based production would turn the working class into____________?

a class for itself

758 - Marx said that the development of the labour movement through factory-based production would turn the working class into.

a class for itself

759 - Marx saw conflict between ________ as the primary source of social change ?


760 - Marx saw conflict between..... as the primary source of social change.


761 - Marx swa capitalism leading to.

Increasingly unhappy individuals

762 - Marx swa capitalism leading to____________?

Increasingly unhappy individuals

763 - Marx used the term ..... for those who own the means of production - the land and capital necessary for factories and mines.


764 - Marx used the term ..... to refer to those who must sell their labor to earn enough money to survive.


765 - Marx used the term ..... to refer to those who must sell their labor to the owners in order to earn enough money to survive.


766 - Marx used the term ..... to refer to those who own the means of production - the land and capital.


767 - Marxian theory of change, 'that change comes through revolution' indicates

Change of the whole structure.

768 - Marxism is seen as what?


769 - Marxist feminists explain patriarchy in terms of.

women's domestic labour being exploited by the capitalist econorny

770 - Marxist feminists explain patriarchy in terms of_________________?

women's domestic labor being exploited by the capitalist econorny

771 - Marxist, radical social change, structural/functionalist theorist

Wright Mills

772 - Marxist-oriented theorists.

contend that racism serves the economic interests of the capitalist class

773 - Marxist-oriented theorists_____________?

contend that racism serves the economic interests of the capitalist class

774 - Marxists agree with ..... theory claims that the law is applied disproportionately against working classes


775 - Marxists are most interested in.

class revolutionary movements

776 - Marxists believe crimes committed by those in power are:


777 - Marxists see law making & enforcement as serving the interests of

The capitalist class

778 - Marx's intellectual partner was

Frederick Engels

779 - Marx's term for the struggle between capitalists and workers

class conflict

780 - Marx's view of social class is that.

private ownership of the means of production perpetuates class divisions

781 - Mary Kaldor (2006) argues that globalization processes lie at the heart of many new wars Which of the following is not an example of the increasing globalization of conflict ?

the recourse of combatants to small -scale guerrilla tactics

782 - Mary Kaldor (2006) argues that globalization processes lie at the heart of many new wars Which of the following is not an example of the increasing globalization of conflict?

the recourse of combatants to small-scale guerrilla tactics

783 - Mary, a white American, recently began dating an African American man at her college. Her actions are an example of which of the following?


784 - Mary, a white American, recently began dating an African American man at her college. This behavior fails to conform to her mother's expectations for Mary's behavior. As a result, Mary's mother is likely to enact ....., such as not inviting Mary's boyfrie


785 - Masculinity have this kind of types, except .....


786 - Masjid Kudus menjadi bukti sejarah adanya penyebaran Islam di Jawa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya pengaruh budaya Hindu dan Budha pada bangunan masjidnya, terutama pada menara masjid. Bentuk interaksi yang terjadi disebut


787 - Mass hysteria ?

is usually associated with some mysterious force

788 - Mass hysteria.

is usually associated with some mysterious force

789 - Mass media plays a role in socialization by

displaying role models for children to imitate.

790 - Mass-society theory suggests that.

the media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers

791 - Mass-society theory suggests that______________?

the media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers

792 - Mass-society theory suggests that_______________?

the media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers

793 - Master Status

an ascribed or achieved status that serves as the primary identifying characteristic or an individual

794 - Master status is

the first thing people notice

795 - Master status refers to.

the most widely recognized among several positions

796 - Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. List-I (Books) List-II (Thinkers) a. Modernisation of Indian Tradition 1. Y. Singh b. When a great Tradition Modernises 2. M. Singer c. Caste in Modern India 3. M.N. Srinivas d. Caste, Class and Power 4. An

1 2 3 4

797 - Match Item-I with Item-II: List-I (Concept) List-II (Explanation) a. Deviance i. Lack of social norms b. Crime ii. Nonconformity c. Anomie iii. Act that contravenes the law d. Alienation iv. Self-estrangement Codes: a b c d

ii iii i iv

798 - Match List-I with List-II and find out the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I (Concepts) List-II (Authors) a. Sexuality i. U. Beck b. Risk society ii. M. Foucault c. Communicative action iii. J. Baudrillard d. Hyper reality iv. J. Habermas

ii i iv iii

799 - Match List-I with List-II and find out the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I List-II a. E. Durkheim i. The Social System b. M. Weber ii. The Liquid Love c. Z. Bauman iii. The Division of Labour in Society d. T. Parsons iv. The Religion of

iii iv ii i

800 - Match List-I with List-II and find the correct answer from codes given below: List-I List-II a. Sociology is the science of institutions, their genesis and their functioning 1. Alex Inklee b. Sociology is the study of social systems of social action and o

4 1 2 3

801 - Match List-I with List-II and mark the correct answer from the codes given below the lists: List-I (Author) List-II (Change Perspective) a. Sorokin i. Structural functional b. Dahrendorf ii. Cyclical c. Spencer iii. Dialectical d. Durkhiem iv. Evolutionar

ii iii iv i

802 - Match List-I with List-II and mark the correct code given below: List-I (Authors) List-II (Books) a. Mekim Marriot i. India's Village b. M.N. Srinivas ii. Indian Village c. B.R. Chauhan iii. Village India d. S.C. Dube iv. A RajasthanVillage Codes: a b c d

iii i iv ii

803 - Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I (Authors) List-II (Books) a. G. S. Ghurye 1. Races and Cultures of India b. N. K. Bose 2. Scheduled Tribes c. Surajit Sinha(ed) 3. Tribal Life in India d. D. N. Maj

2 3 4 1

804 - Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I List-II a. Marriage and Family in India i. A. M. Shah b. Kinship organisation in India ii. Robin Fox c. Kinship and Marriage iii. K. M. Kapadia d. Family in India i

iii iv ii i

805 - Match List-I with List-II. List-I (Authors) List-II (Terms) a. V. Pareto i. The Ruling Class b. G. Mosca ii. The Nongoverning Elite c. R. Mitchell iii. The Iron law of Oligarchy d. S. Lukes iv. The Three Dimensional View Codes: a b c d

ii i iii iv

806 - Match List-I with List-II. List-I (Books) List-II (Authors) a. De-schooling Society i. R.D. Laing b. The Politics of Family ii. S. Bowles and H. Gintis c. Anti-social Family iii. Ivan Illich d. Schooling in Capitalist America iv. M. Barrett & M. MacIntosh

ii i iii iv

807 - Match List-I with List-II: List-I (Contributions of) List-II (Approach) a. R.K. Merton i. Conflict Functionalism b. T. Parsons ii. Need Functionalism c. B. Malinowski iii. Analytical Functionalism d. L. Coser iv. Empirical Functionalism Codes: a b c d

iv iii ii i

808 - Match the Authors in List-I with books in List-II and choose the correct answer from the code given below: List-I (Authors) List-II (Books) a. A. Cohen 1. Women and Crime b. R.E. Dobash and R.P. Dobash 2. Gender and Public Harassment c. C.B. Gardner 3. Wo

4 3 2 1

809 - Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II and choose the correct code given below: List-I List-II a. The death of a child below the age of one year. 1. Morbidity b. The death of woman at the time of delivery. 2. Infant mortality c. The rate of f

2 4 1 3

810 - Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II and choose the correct codes given below: List-I (Books) List-II (Authors) a. Sociology of Environment 1. S.N. Pawar & R. B. Patil b. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Survival in India. 2. Alvin Toffler

1 3 2 4

811 - Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II and choose the right answer from the codes given below: List-I (Books) List-II (Authors) a. From Population to People i. K. Srinivasan b. Gender Inequalities and Demographic Behaviour ii. T. Malthus c. E

iv iii ii i

812 - Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II and choose the right answer from the codes given below: List-I List-II a. Crude Rate i. The number of live births per 1000 population in a given year b. General Fertility Rate ii. The number of deaths of

iv iii ii i

813 - Match the items in the List-I with the items in the List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I List-II a. Physical violence i. Genital Mutilation b. Emotional violence ii. Denial of economic resources c. Economic violence iii

iv iii ii i

814 - Match the items in the List-I with the items in the List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I List-II a. R. Robertson 1. The Sociological Interpretation of Religion b. R. Rosser and C. Harris 2. The Family and Social Change

1 2 3 4

815 - Match the items of List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I (Concept) List-II (Authors) a. False Consciousness i. Malinowski b. Magic ii. Marx c. Rational action iii. Durkheim d. Moral Community iv. Weber Codes:

ii i iv iii

816 - Match the items of List-I with the items of List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I List-II a. Max Weber 1. Logical and nonlogical action b. Emile Durkheim 2. Traditional authority and rational-legal authority c. Vilfredo

2 4 1 3

817 - Match the items of List-I with those of List-II and find out the correct answer from codes given below: List-I (Scheme / Programme) List-II (Year) a. National Education Policy i. 2002 b. National Literacy Mission ii. 1988 c. National Health Policy iii. 19

iii ii i iv

818 - Match the List-I with List-II given below: List-I (Feminists) List-II (Books) a. Simone de Beauvoir 1. The Dialectics of Sex b. Mary Wollstonecraft 2. Women's Estate c. Sulamith Firestone 3. The Second Sex d. Juliet Mitchell 4. The Vindication of the Righ

3 4 1 2

819 - Match the women development approaches in the List-I with the Feminist Schools of Thought in the List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below: List-I (Women Development Approaches) List-II (Feminist School of Thought) a. WID i. Marxist

iii i iv ii

820 - Material and Non material culture are.


821 - Material and Non-material culture are_________________?


822 - Material comfort, work and freedom are

American values

823 - Material cture is.....


824 - Material Culture

physical object such as clothing, food, and movements to which we have attached meaning

825 - Material Culture consists of.

physical objects

826 - Material Culture consists of_______________?

physical objects

827 - Material culture is always product of

All of the above

828 - Material culture is always the product of

all of these

829 - Material culture refers to the objects or belongings of a group of people. Which is an example?


830 - Material culture.

illustrates the evolution of tools and includes all objects made by humans

831 - Material objects found in nature are called.


832 - Matrix of domination includes what factors?


833 - Matt's science class is learning about botany by dividing into groups and performing experiments concerning plant growth. This is an example of

cooperative learning.

834 - Maturation for humans involves.

physical development

835 - Maturation is a term used by developmental psychologists to refer to.


836 - Max studies marriage rituals in four countries to note similarities and differences in the ceremonies. His research would best be described as:

comparative research

837 - Max Weber believed that.

class is closely related to life chances

838 - Max Weber coined the sociological principle of ideal type. What is this?

Essential characteristics or features of a functional society

839 - Max Weber died in


840 - Max Weber focused on

Cultures & how societies interact through symbols

841 - Max Weber gave the ..... to Industrial Relations.

Social Action Approach

842 - Max Weber insisted sociologists use this approach when studying the behaviors of individuals.


843 - Max Weber intended his "ideal type" of bureaucracy as an.

idealized or exaggerated model of rational administration

844 - Max Weber recognised importance of productive forces as well, but he sought to demonstrate power of

Human ideas

845 - Max Weber referred people's opportunities to provide themselves with material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable experiences as

life chances

846 - Max Weber said that Sociology should be

Value free

847 - Max Weber urged sociologists to use .....- which involves the attempt to understand the meanings individuals attach to their actions.


848 - Max Weber uses the term class to refer to people who share a similar level of

wealth and income

849 - Max Weber was born in


850 - Max Weber was considered the founder of:

Symbolic Interactionism

851 - Max Weber was son of


852 - Max Weber was son of


853 - Max Weber wrote his first essay in


854 - Max Weber, Georg Simmel, and Karl Marx were all advocates of:

Conflict theory

855 - Max Weber,s pioneering work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an example of______________?

Macro-level analysis

856 - Max Weber,s pioneering work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an example of_______________?

macro-level analysis

857 - Max Weber,s work made use of ideal types What are they ?

conceptual or analytical models of social phenomena

858 - Max Weber.

emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal feelings to influence the interpretation of data

859 - Max Weber_____________?

emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal feelings to influence the interpretation of data

860 - Max Weber_______________?

emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal feelings to influence the interpretation of data

861 - Max Weber's idealist approach reveals that modes of thought have a powerful effect on society Weber, feared that contrast between tradition of pre industrial societies is called as

Bureaucratic orgnisations

862 - Max Weber's notion of life chances closely resembles the concept of.

personal power

863 - Max Weber's pioneering work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an example of.

macro-level analysis

864 - Max Weber's term rationalization in reference to sociology refers to.....

the mindset that views knowledge through reason, planning, and science.

865 - Max Weber's work made use of ideal types What are they?

conceptual or analytical models of social phenomena

866 - Maximum social mobility is possible in

a society in which there is a healthy competition

867 - May be more diversity in a specific ethnic group than between the groups all together. For example, a Hindu doctor may have little in common with a Bangladeshi restaurateur despite them both being South Asian.


868 - May hold bachelor's or associate's degrees

lower middle class

869 - may work full-time at minimum wage and still live in poverty

working poor

870 - Mcdonaldization is an example of.....

Cultural Imperialism

871 - Mead presented the idea that each individual is a composite of expectations one believes others hold toward one Mead named it as.

generalized other

872 - Mead presented the idea that each individual is a composite of expectations one believes others hold toward one Mead named it as_____________?

generalized other

873 - Mead refers to this as the behavior of the person when he sees/considers other people in the course of his actions

Generalized Other

874 - Meads concept of I and Me are confused with Frauds concept of ID and the


875 - Mead's work in New Guinea indicated that.

sex role behavior is conditioned differently in different cultures

876 - Meads work is an example of.

symbolic interactionism

877 - Meads work is an example of_______________?

symbolic interactionism

878 - Mead's"I".

emerged before the"me"

879 - Meaning" refers to the

long-range consequences of its range.

880 - means of communication designed to reach the general population

mass media

881 - Meant to explain something such as: what is the meaning of life?


882 - measure of poverty based on the economic disparity between those at the bottom & the rest of society

relative poverty

883 - measurement tool developed by the United Nations that combines social and economic indicators to assess and rank countries across three economic and cultural areas.

Human development Index

884 - Mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity were introduced by this individual.

Emile Durkheim

885 - Mechanical solidarity is based on a

pre-industrial society.

886 - mechanical solidarity versus organic solidarity

Emile Durkheim

887 - Mechanization and urbanization begin to emerge as key features


888 - Median earnings are a better benchmark for poverty than mean earnings because.

the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution

889 - Median earnings are a better benchmark for poverty than mean earnings because____________?

the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution

890 - Median earnings are a better benchmark for poverty than mean earnings because_____________?

the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution

891 - Medical model views disability as a problem of the individual.


892 - Medicine from outside, critical approach of medicine power and uses sociological theory to study the healthcare system

Sociology OF medicine

893 - Medieval Europe was a feudal system based on ideas of an

All of the above

894 - Members act in a friendly, but impersonal way

Secondary group

895 - Members are forced to join the group

Involuntary group

896 - Members are from all social classes

Vertical group

897 - Members are from same social class

Horizontal group

898 - Members develop close, personal relationships

Primary group

899 - Members identify as "we"

In group

900 - Members identify as we

In group

901 - Members of a crowd develop a new norm to deal with an unconventional situation.

Emergent Norm Theory

902 - Members of an ethnic group.

share social and cultural traits

903 - Members of an industrial society who own the means for producing wealth


904 - Members of the "New Class" occupy which of the following occupations.

journalists academics media commentators

905 - Members of the Bourgeoisie


906 - Members of the working class

have few financial reserves.

907 - Members of traditional societies evaluate one another largely on basis of who they are how they are joined to others in web of kinship is called

Technical competence

908 - Members of traditional societies, individuals, in modern societies pursue a wide range of specialized activities is called as

Specialized tasks

909 - Members receive a sense of belonging


910 - Membership in specific racial ethnic and religious groupings is.

a variable of the stratification system



912 - mental disorder with hallucinations and paranoia


913 - Meritocracy is

A society governed by people selected according to merit.

914 - Merton attributed deviance to "anomie" meaning.

lack of legitimate means to attain group goals

915 - Merton describes types of response to a situation where there are widely socially endorsed values but limited means of achieving them Which of his types describes an acceptance of the values but willingness to use any means to achieve them ?


916 - Merton describes types of response to a situation where there are widely socially endorsed values but limited means of achieving them Which of his types describes an acceptance of the values but willingness to use any means to achieve them?


917 - Merton describes types of response to a situation where there are widely socially endorsed values but limited means of achieving them. Which of his types describes an acceptance of the values but willingness to use any means to achieve them?


918 - Merton's term for the hidden or forgotten reason for a particular behavior was_____________?

latent function

919 - Merton's term for the hidden or forgotten reason for a particular behavior was______________?

latent function

920 - Merton's term for the hidden or forgotten reason for a particular behaviour was.

latent function

921 - Metaphysical stage was described by

Auguste Comte

922 - method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison


923 - methods in which a culture prepares its members to participate in the society by teaching them necessary skills


924 - Metropolitan areas with a population of 1 million or more are called.

CBSAs (Core Bases Statistical Areas)

925 - Mexican-Americans in the United States would be considered?


926 - Meyer and Rowan,s assertion that roman rules are often myths means ?

that the rules have little actual substance in reality

927 - Meyer and Rowan's assertion that romal rules are often myth's means.

that the rules have little actual substance in reality

928 - MGNREGA bringing together different people of all classes and castes is termed as

Social Inclusion

929 - Michelle feels very close to the Republican Party and is very loyal to the group when she votes. To Michelle, the Republican Party is a(n):


930 - Michelle is a sociologist and she lives with a family in Wyoming to study rural America. What research method is she using?

Case Study

931 - Micro theories study

small scale social processes such as social interactions and self-identity

932 - Micro-change is change that happens at which level?


933 - Micrographic is most famous work on discovery of cell which is given by

Robert Hooke

934 - Microsociology focuses on social interaction while macrosociology focuses on .....

broad features of society

935 - Middle class usually consists of those who

are considerably educated

936 - Middle classes tend to be the main beneficiaries of social benefits and service aimed at poor This is called as.

Mathew effect

937 - Middle classes tend to be the main beneficiaries of social benefits and service aimed at poor This is called as____________?

Mathew effect

938 - Middle-and upper-class parents foster the viewpoint that.

occupational success is desirable

939 - Middle-range theories is a great contribution by:

Robert K Merton

940 - Migrants are often considered as


941 - Milgram's main findings were that.....

ordinary people are surprisingly obedient to legitimate authority,

942 - Mind-set emphasizing knowledge, reason & planning


943 - Minimum annual income needed by a family to survive

Poverty level

944 - Minorities have reacted to domination by developing goals that may be called.

all of the above

945 - Minority groups are always

dominated by the majority

946 - Minority groups.

constitute a subculture within the larger culture

947 - Mistreatment or abuse of children.

occurs less frequently in extended families

948 - Mobility of women was usually decided in the past through ?

Status of their husbands

949 - Mobility of women was usually decided in the past through.

Status of their husbands

950 - Mobility of women was usually decided the past through ?

Status of their husbands

951 - Mobility oriented behavior education Work habits are______________?

Individual factor

952 - Mobility oriented behaviour education Work habits are.

Individual factor

953 - Mobility taking place in personal terms within the lifespan of the same person is called.

Intra-generational mobility

954 - Mobility taking place in personal terms within the lifespan of the same person is called______________?

Intra-generational mobility

955 - Mobility that involves immigrant's children moving up in social level higher than their parents.

Intergenerational Mobility

956 - Mobs become "infected" by mob mentality and lose the ability to reason.

Contagion Theory

957 - model of society based on "survival of the fittest".

Social Darwinism

958 - Models, or set of concepts and theories, that frames perspectives on particular issues.


959 - Modern factory system created a need for

labour unions

960 - Modern Interactionists are.

Both a & b

961 - Modern Interactionists are______________?

Both a & b

962 - Modern societies allow the young couple to

partially use their reproductive capacity.

963 - Modern societies are grappling with the notion of.

allowing same-sex couples to marry

964 - Modern states have done away with the intoxicating control of


965 - Modern thinker who preferred to study separate groups rather than society as a whole.

Max Weber

966 - Modern urban sociologists in contrast to the Chicago school believe that cities.

stimulate creativity

967 - Modern-day hipsters are an example of:


968 - Modernization in Britain was not as disruptive as in other countries because.

the rate of change was slower so integration of new values was possible

969 - Modernization means that a society becomes.


970 - Mohammed believes that studies of human behavior should focus primarily on how we construct meaning together through abstract representations. His position is closest to which theoretical perspective?

symbolic interactionism

971 - Mom, dad, brothers, sisters

Nuclear family

972 - Monetary systems emerged in ..... societies


973 - Money always bring happiness.


974 - Money is:

All of the above

975 - Monogamy became popular because in the past

it is difficult to maintain more than one wife.

976 - Moral control.

is insufficient to maintain social order in complex societies

977 - Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.


978 - Moralistic tale that focuses on curent concerns & fears of the city or suburb dweller

urban legend

979 - More and more people, often across world, spend large sums of money on sports and all its merchandise is called as


980 - More e-readiness will:

make it more likely for you to get a job - especially a higher paying job

981 - Mores

norms that have great moral significance attached to them

982 - Mores are

sanctioned usages

983 - Mores are

sanctioned usages

984 - Mores are beliefs in the

rightness of acts

985 - Mores are considered necessary to

group welfare

986 - Mores are related the the ..... of a society.


987 - Mores are sanctioned usages" term used by


988 - Mores are those values that members of the group think important", said by


989 - Mores can be defined as

a new culture traits.

990 - Mores may take the shape of

institutional control

991 - Mores mean

a new culture traits.

992 - Mores means

strong ideas of right and wrong which requires certain actions and forbid others.

993 - Most American cities have.

a reduced tax base

994 - Most Americans identify themselves as


995 - Most Americans tend to think of the world in terms of right and wrong and believe it is important to do charity work. This is evidence that we value.....

Morality and Humanitarianism

996 - Most animal behavior is determined by.

biology and instinct

997 - Most aspects of society promote the well-being and survival of society.


998 - Most astronauts have been shown to have what birth order?


999 - Most autocratic regimes have constitutions based on the principle of the.

rule of men

1000 - Most broadest most comprehensive cultural entities like "Spanish culture", "Nudist culture", "Religious culture", "Gay culture" and musical culture are called as

None of the above


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