Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 1

1 - 1969

Divorce Reform Act

2 - " People have brains, stomachs, nervous systems, and limbs. Societies have economies, religions, governments, and families. "Who said this quote?

Hebert Spencer

3 - "" Anomie" is a French word means___________?


4 - ""Anomie" is a French word means.


5 - "A Religious History of American People" was written by

Max Weber

6 - "Accurate watching and noting of phenomena as they occur in nature with regard to cause an effect of natural relations", is said by

Oxford Concise Dictionary

7 - "Allows us to anticipate what behaviors are expected of us" is a characteristic of:

looking-glass self

8 - "Americans are a deeply religious people, but they are also deeply ignorant about religion." Which evidence best supports this thesis statement?

It is less surprising but more dangerous, given America's role in the world, that the public knows even less about Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism and Hinduism than it does about Christianity and Judaism.

9 - "An ideology which states that society is divided into religious communities those interest differ and one at times, even opposed to each other" is called:


10 - "Attacks on bilingualism represent an ethnocentric point of view." This statement best reflects the views of which sociological perspective?

conflict perspective

11 - "Contemporary Sociological Theories" was written by

Pitirm Sorokin

12 - "Cultural structure" means

complex collection of values, norms and roles.

13 - "Culture is man's guide, it liberates as well as enslaves him as all guides do." Which of the following school represents this view?

Culture-personality School

14 - "Division of Labor in Society" increased emphasis on_____________?

All of these

15 - "Division of Labour in Society" increased emphasis on.

All of these

16 - "Do you know what a questionnaire is?" is an example of which type of question?


17 - "Education is not about the theory but it involves application and ability to use in real life."Based on the sentence above, which principles of education represent the sentence?

Professional competence

18 - "Education is the most powerful factor in making men modern". This was said by

Michael Armer and Robert Youtz

19 - "Elementary subordination" said by

August Comet

20 - "Exchange of culture and ideas in the macro level and breakdown of families in the micro level as a result of economic migration by Filipino workers."Which is the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent develo


21 - "Exploitation was not due to the 'evil nature' of some. Rather it was a structural requirement of the whole system." With which theorist is this view associated?

Karl Marx

22 - "Father of Communism"

Karl Marx

23 - "Framing legislative policies abolishing or limiting political dynasties all over the Philippines."Which is the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country?

Political Science

24 - "Future shock"is.

a phrase used by Alvin Toffler to describe the rapidity of change

25 - "Geme in schaft"refers to a social system in which most relationships are _______________?

Personal or traditional

26 - "Geme in schaft"refers to a social system in which most relationships are.

Personal or traditional

27 - "Hard"money is.

none of the above

28 - "Head hunting is wrong "This statement is made from the point of view of.


29 - "Humanity"is.

a category

30 - "IN" GROUP


31 - "Integrate the working class into capitalist societies, making them less likely to become a radical or revolutionary force." This statement is related to

Trade Unions

32 - "Laissez-faire"

is the French expression Adam Smith used to mean that government should keep its hands off the economy

33 - "Laissez-faire" is a policy that appeals to.

political conservatives

34 - "limited perspective of the world", our worldview including family and friends

social imagination

35 - "Men make history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by them, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past." With whom is this statement related?

Karl Marx

36 - "Multinational Corporations" was written by

Richard Barnet

37 - "My country right or wrong" is an example of.


38 - "Needs" are

both a and b

39 - "Observable characteristics of a person" is defined by

John F. Cuber

40 - "Observation is a systematic and deliberate study through the eyes of spontaneous occurrences at the time they occur" is said by

P. V. Young

41 - "Often exhibited in children's play" is a characteristic of:


42 - "OUT" GROUP


43 - "Participant observation" as practiced by ethnographers, involves the researcher .....EXCEPT

just making an observation at the site and writing down details from daily events

44 - "Personal space is defined differently in different societies Therefore we can say that.

culture shapes both verbal and nonverbal behavior

45 - "Perspective "means.

both a & b

46 - "Perspective "means____________?

both a & b

47 - "Positive Philosophy the work of August Comte was published in.


48 - "Positive Philosophy the work of August Comte was published in______________?


49 - "Preservation of cultural diversity and respect for traditions in this period of globalization."Which is the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country?


50 - "Principles of Sociology" was written in 1876 by______________?

Herbert Spencer

51 - "Quantitative facts are collected about the social aspects", is said by

S.M. Harrison

52 - "Referendum was held in selected provinces comprising the old Bangsamoro republic for the ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Basic Law. This was done to promote development, peace, and order in their locality."Which is the most appropriate discipline

Political Science

53 - "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world and the soul of soulless condition." Who made the statement?

K. Marx

54 - "Rules" that are common customs, such as chewing gum are?


55 - "Schools ensure that some people fail and that they think this is their own fault so that they then accept a low position in society."This idea is related to which sociological perspective?


56 - "Self develops as a result of cognitive evaluations of costs and benefits "this is.

Reinforcement theory

57 - "Self develops as a result of cognitive evaluations of costs and benefits "this is_______________?

Reinforcement theory

58 - "Self" is an idea of a person

about himself

59 - "Social Darwinism" is to Herbert Spencer as "Ideal Type" is to

Max Weber

60 - "Social Facts" is associated with .....

Structural Functionalism

61 - "Sociology is a science of society"who gave this definition


62 - "Sociology is a Science which attempts an interpretative understanding of social action." Who defined Sociology in this manner?

Max Weber

63 - "Soft"money is.

none of the above

64 - "Structural adjustment programmes" introduced in 1980 were forced upon the Third World Countries with a view to

All the above

65 - "Systematised effort to gain new knowledge", said by

Red Man and Morey

66 - "The ability of one individual or group to control the actions of another individual or group without the latter's consent" is a definition of.


67 - "the awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society"Thinking away from one's usual day-to-day life and look at the world in a new way. Is know as:

Sociological Imagination

68 - "The capacity of a nation to use its resources to affect the behavior of other nations" is a definition of.

power in the context of international relations

69 - "The conventional family is dissatisfying for 70% of women I interviewed" who says this?

Anne Oakley

70 - "The division between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is the key to stratification in capitalist societies "This statement is consistent with the thinking of which theorist ?


71 - "The division between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is the key to stratification in capitalist societies"This statement is consistent with the thinking of which theorist?


72 - "The Division of Labour" was written by

Emile Durkheim

73 - "The economic perspective that believes that free market forces, achieved by minimizing Government restrictions on business, provides the only route to economic growth." This statement explains the concept of


74 - "The largest group of people inhabiting a specific territory and sharing a common culture"is a definition of a.


75 - "The Outsiders" was written by

Only (A) & (B)

76 - "The participant observer using uncontrolled observation" is words of

P.V. Young

77 - "The process of selecting the sample from the population" is called


78 - "The Psychology of Rumors" was written by

Gordon Allport

79 - "The roles within the family are more equal due do females being able to work" Who says this?

Young and Willmott- the Symmetrical family

80 - "The Sociology of Religion" was written by

Max Weber

81 - "The totality of behaviour of an individual with a given tendency system interacting with a sequence of situations" is termed as.


82 - "There are different qualifications in each income-generating job and it must also gain different "rewards" in the form of salaries" What type of Sociological Perspective is this of the Social Stratification?


83 - "There are segregated tasks that me and my husband do, based on gender" What am I describing?

Traditional conjugal roles

84 - "Timmy is struggling at school because his home life is rough." Which perspective is this?


85 - "To be able to understand our experiences we place them into a framework of more or less related ideas". This is the definition for what word?

Common Sense

86 - "Underclass "refers to____________?

the persistently poor who exist mainly because of a sharp climb in joblessness due to a redistribution of jobs in the inner city

87 - "Underclass"refers to.

the persistently poor who exist mainly because of a sharp climb in joblessness due to a redistribution of jobs in the inner city

88 - "War brings about social change"


89 - "We did a study and found there are 5 types of family diversity" Who says this?

Rappaports and Rappaports

90 - "We must be prepared to intervene around the globe, but only when are vital interests are at stake." This is most likely stated by someone who prefers:


91 - "What do you like about your school?" is an example of:

open ended question

92 - "What is your favorite hobby?" is an example of a .....-ended question.


93 - "When I use checks, credit cards, or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance that I am financially reliable." This statement illustrates an example of

privileges that members of dominant groups enjoy and take for granted.

94 - "World System Theory" of development explains the relationships between the 'developed' and 'developing' countries. Who among the following gave 'World System Theory' of development?


95 - (Check all that apply)A research strategy that takes advantage of the researcher's ability to see things from the subject's viewpoint.

All of the above

96 - ) One reason why divorce rates have increased in recent years is that

Society has become more tolerant of divorce.

97 - ) The estimated percentage of marriages that will end in divorce is.....


98 - ) Those who believe your genetic make-up and heredity impacts your behavior and human development are referring to .....


99 - ) What is anomie?

When the norms of society are no longer clear or applicable

100 - ) What is defined as breaking with past experience and learning new values and norms?


101 - ) When we take into account the attitudes and viewpoints of those in our society, it is known as .

Generalized other

102 - ) Which of the following statements best describes Asian Americans?

They have been called a model minority.

103 - ) Which of the following statements concerning arrests is correct?

Males account for more arrests than females

104 - . A compilation of ways and means by which humans interact with each other within the confines of a society.

social interaction

105 - . A science based on knowledge of which we can be positive.


106 - . A set of accepted behaviors that define the individual's responses and inclinations


107 - . Alterations in various aspects of society over movement

Social change

108 - . Coined the term sociological imagination in 1959.

Wright Mills

109 - . Considered as building blocks of society, as it is through these that norms are produced from the consistent exchanges of individuals and groups.


110 - . Defined as individuals or groups reflecting, acting, modifying, and giving significance of the teaching of science in purposeful ways, with the aim of empowering and transforming themselves or the conditions of their lives . . . Action-oriented.

social agency

111 - . Industrial Revolution was characterised by .....

All the above

112 - . Is a cognitive tool to understand society, institutions, and their impact on human behavior.


113 - . It is structurally divided into layers of contexts and positions that help perpetuate its existence.

social groups

114 - . It is the study that involves social structures such as institutions, social groups, social stratification, social mobility, and ethnic groups

Social Organization

115 - . Refers to the ability of sociologist to understand society systematically

Sociological Imagination

116 - . Refers to the interrelationship of parts of a society.

social group

117 - . Society is an organization itself.

Social Groups

118 - . The basic unit of an organization.. It involves at least two individuals who are in constant interactions based on their statuses and roles.Institutions


119 - . The branch of sociology that inquires on the shift in social and cultural interactions and the interruption of its process through delinquency, deviance, and conflicts.

Social Change and Disorganization

120 - . The credit for founding both "the Indian Sociological Society" and "the Sociological Bulletin"?

GS Ghurye

121 - . The foundation of every society from which emanates the possible roles, institutions and behaviors, and organization.

Social Structure

122 - . The prevailing culture within a society dictates the forms of interaction used by individuals with one another.

social interaction

123 - . The study of the impact of group life to a person's nature and personality.

Social Psychology

124 - . This pursues studies that relate human behavior to existing social institutions.

Human Ecology

125 - . Uses sociological research and methods to solve contemporary problems. It often uses interdisciplinary approach to better address social problems.

Applied Sociology

126 - . Which of the following best explains the difference between the game stage and the play stage?

The game stage is more sophisticated, with several participants being involved, each with a distinct role.

127 - . Which of the following is a historical example of an unethical experiment?

using corpses in automobile crash tests

128 - ..... ..... are conducted in a real life setting. The researcher manipulates the independent variable, but the participants are in their natural setting.

Field exp.

129 - ..... ..... bring together the insights of both Marxism and feminism, focusing on how class and gender work together to produce fundamental divisions in society.

Marxist feminist

130 - ..... ..... examines the human interactions, social organization, and life in urban areas.

Urban sociology

131 - ..... a mode of reward or punishment that reinforce socially expected forms of behaviour.


132 - ..... allow parents to receive educational money from the government and use it to pay tuition at a school of their choice .

Voucher systems

133 - .....- allows sociologists to collect data on attitudes and opinions from large number of people.


134 - ..... analysis, which focuses on the day-to-day interactions of individuals and groups in specific social situations.


135 - ..... any thing that stands for something else.


136 - ..... are broad ideas shared by people in a society about what is good or desirable.


137 - ..... are commonalities that almost all cultures share.

cultural universals

138 - ..... are norms that have a great moral significance attached to them.


139 - ..... are part of what sociologist Ashley Doane calls a dominant ethnic group.

European Americans

140 - ..... are psychological characteristics of an athlete which will remain relatively stable over time.

Personality Traits

141 - ..... are rewards and punishments used to encourage people to follow norms.


142 - ..... are rewards for appropriate behavior or penalties for inappropriate behavior.


143 - ..... are rules that cover customary ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving but lack moral overtones.


144 - ..... are rules that govern the social life of a group.

Social Facts

145 - .....- are shared beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong, desirable or not desirable.


146 - ..... are shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations.


147 - ..... are smaller religious groups that have broken away from a larger denomination or other religious organization.


148 - ..... are social processes that create unacceptable outcomes.


149 - ..... are socially determined behaviors expected of a person.

Role Expectation

150 - ..... are socially determined behaviors of a person performing a role

Role expectations

151 - ..... are subgroups within a society that are regarded and treated as if they are inherently different from those in the mainstream.

Minority groups

152 - ..... are the behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status.


153 - ..... are the observable facts or events that involve human society.

Social Sciences

154 - ..... are the set of behaviors found to be acceptable by society.

Social Norms

155 - ..... are the socially determined behaviors expected of a person performing a role.

Role expectation

156 - ..... are the ways of viewing social life from different points of view.


157 - .....- are written rule of conduct that is enacted and enforced by the government


158 - ..... argued that class struggles were what led to historical progress and development.

Karl Marx

159 - ..... believed each person is born as a blank slate.

John Locke

160 - ..... believed that societies grew and changed as a result of the struggles of different social classes over the means of production and greatly favored .....

Karl Marx; Communism

161 - ..... believed, social behavior had to be studied scientifically, called Positivism.

Auguste Comte

162 - ..... concentrates on large-scale phenomena or entire civilization.


163 - ..... consists of people, while .....- consists of products made by people.

society, culture

164 - ..... consists of the physical or tangible creations that members of a society make, use, and share.

material culture

165 - ..... credit provisions are referred to as micro-credit programmes.


166 - ..... cteated such theories as evolutionism and organicism.


167 - ..... culture consists of the concrete, tangible objects within a culture, such as automobiles, chairs, and art.


168 - ..... define how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important, and most members of the society adhere to them.


169 - ..... define how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important, and most members of the society adhere to them..... à¤ÂªÃ ¤°Ã ¤¿Ã ¤­Ã ¤¾Ã ¤·Ã ¤¿Ã ¤¤ करते हà¥Ë†Ã ¤‚ कि समाà¤Å“ ने अà¤Å¡Ã ¥Ã ¤›Ã ¥‡, सहà


170 - ..... describe specific individuals, groups, and institutions that enable socialization to take place

Agents of Socialization

171 - ..... describes how any action that is repeated frequently becomes cast into a pattern.


172 - ..... developed the idea of "role-taking."

George Herbert Mead

173 - ..... developed the idea of dramaturgy.

Erving Goffman

174 - ..... developed the idea of the "Looking-glass Self"

Charles Horton Cooley

175 - ..... developed the study of group behavior.


176 - ..... emphasized the contributions of each part of society and how these parts work together to create a unified whole.


177 - ..... emphasizes that people can communicate because they share meaningful words, gestures, and objects.

symbolic interactionism

178 - ..... emphasizes that people can communicate because they share words, gestures, and physical objects that have similar meanings to all of them.

Symbolic Interactionism

179 - ..... employed the concept of ideal type in much of her work.

Jane Addams

180 - .....- entitles anaylzing data that have been already collected to determine the strength of the relationship that may exist between two or more variables.

statistical analysis



182 - ..... exists when a change in one variable is regularly associated with a change in another variable.


183 - ..... felt the excessive focus on the self weakened the established values of hard work & moderation and threatened the capitalist system

Daniel Bell

184 - ..... focuses on individual behavior rather than on group behavior and deals with subjects such as personality, perception, motivation, and learning.


185 - ..... focuses on politics and government.

Political science

186 - ..... forms the basis of the socialization process by allowing us to anticipate what others expect of us


187 - ..... groups often emerge in the workplace among those who share special understandings about their occupation.


188 - ..... holds that society exists because it is necessary to teach children to work together to create a stable society.


189 - ..... includes tax breaks, bailouts, direct payments, and grants that the government gives to corporations.

Corporate welfare

190 - ..... indicate what is expected of people.


191 - ..... invented the word sociology.

Auguste Comte

192 - ..... involve the explanation of social order, social control, and social change

sociological problems

193 - ..... involves a break with past experiences and the learning of new values and norms


194 - ..... involves a major shift in the political, economic, or cultural order.

social change

195 - ..... involves behavior that causes public friction and outcry to resolve it.

social problems

196 - .....- involves examining any material from the past that contain information of sociological interest.

historical analysis

197 - ..... is a behavior that does not follow the social norms.


198 - ..... is a behaviour that matches group expectations.


199 - ..... is a category of people who share observable physical characteristics and whom others see as being a distinct group.


200 - ..... is a complex concept that is often summarized by asking people whether they are liberal or conservative.

Political ideology

201 - ..... is a form of social interaction wherein 2 or more persons work together to gain a common end


202 - ..... is a group of people in a society that have the same socioeconomic status.

Social class

203 - ..... is a group of people who have organized to share a common culture and feeling of unity.


204 - ..... is a group of people who-because of their physical characteristics or cultural practices-are singled out and treated unequally.

minority group

205 - ..... is a largely invisible structure that coordinates human activities in broadly predictable ways.

A social structure

206 - ..... is a means of gathering information by having respondents fill in answers to printed questions

Questionnaire Method

207 - ..... is a relatively permanent change in behaviour or capability that results from experience.

Manipulated cognition

208 - ..... is a small number of people drawn from larger population


209 - ..... is a social category based on a set of cultural characteristics, not physical traits.


210 - ..... is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children


211 - .....- is a statement that predicts the relationship between two or more variables.


212 - .....- is a technique that is used to analyze existing sources.

content analysis

213 - ..... is a total adaptation of a new identity.


214 - ..... is a women-oriented community based poverty reduction programme implemented in Kerala.


215 - ..... is an area with a dense population that encompasses more than one city.


216 - ..... is an example of a compensatory educational program.

Head Start

217 - ..... is an example of status inconsistency.

a senior citizen attending college

218 - ..... is an important value in a democratic society.


219 - ..... is an individuals net worth, while ..... is what he or she receives each year.

Wealth; income

220 - .....- is an intensive analysis of a person, group, event or problem.

case study

221 - .....- is an objective, logical and systematic way of collecting empirical data and arriving at reasoned conclusion

scientific method

222 - .....- is an observable fact or event

social phenomena

223 - ..... is behavior expected of a status in relation to another social status.

A role

224 - ..... is best known today for her translation of Comte's Positive Philosophy.

Harriet Martineau

225 - ..... is considered to be the founder of sociology.

Auguste Comte

226 - ..... is face to face verbal interchange in which one person attempts to elicit information or expressions of opinion from another person or persons


227 - ..... is judging others in terms of one's own cultural standards.


228 - ..... is looking beyond commonly held beliefs to the hidden meanings behind human actions.

sociological perspective

229 - ..... is one amongst the purusharthas.


230 - ..... is striving of two or more persons for the same goal


231 - ..... is the ability to look beyond the individual as the cause for success and failure and to seek how one's society influences the outcome.

Sociological imagination

232 - ..... is the ability to see the link between society and self.

sociological imagination

233 - ..... is the actual behavior of a person and it may not match the behavior expected of society.

Role Performance

234 - ..... is the basic agreement on a set of shared values.


235 - ..... is the choice s people make to satisfy their wants and needs


236 - ..... is the comparative study of past and present cultures.


237 - ..... is the comparative study of various aspects of past and present cultures. It is closest to sociology in subject matter.


238 - ..... is the desire of a group to maintain some sense of identity separate from the dominant group.

Cultural Pluralism

239 - ..... is the devotion to the full development of one's talents and potential.


240 - ..... is the disagreement between groups with different interests.


241 - ..... is the division of society into categories, ranks, or classes.

social stratification

242 - ..... is the evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture.


243 - ..... is the fact if you do something for someone, that person owes you something in return.


244 - ..... is the group that possesses the ability to discriminate by virtue of its greater power, privilege, and social status in a society.

dominant group

245 - ..... is the holy book of Buddhism.


246 - ..... is the most extreme form of stratification in which some people 'own' others.


247 - ..... is the only agency of socialization that is not controlled primarily by adults.

peer group

248 - ..... is the patterned ways in which people interact in social relationships.

Social structure

249 - ..... is the political process that has to do with the authoritative formulation of policies that are binding and pervasive throughout society.


250 - ..... is the practice of exchanging goods


251 - ..... is the process by which a society moves from traditional to industrial social and economic arrangements.


252 - ..... is the process by which people act toward or respond to other people.

Social Interaction

253 - ..... is the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group.


254 - ..... is the process of cultures becoming more and more alike.

Cultural Leveling

255 - ..... is the restoration and rebuilding of decaying urban areas, often by wealthier individuals.


256 - ..... is the sociological term for the hierarchical arrangement of large social groups based on the control of basic resources.

social stratification

257 - ..... is the status that plays the greatest role in shaping a person's life and determining his or her identity.

Master status

258 - ..... is the study of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.


259 - ..... is the study of society and human behavior.


260 - ..... is the sum total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values that are characteristic of an individual.


261 - ..... is the term for economic gain derived from wages, salaries, income transfer (government aid) and ownership of property.


262 - ..... is the term for the science dealing with the size, distribution composition and the changes in population


263 - ..... is the term used when the consequences of a social process that are sought or anticipated.

Manifest Functions

264 - ..... is the value of all of a person's or family's economic assets, including income, personal property, and income-producing property.


265 - ..... is to NATURE as ENVIRONMENT is to nurture


266 - ..... led The People's Temple to their death in .....

Jim Jones, Guyana

267 - ..... looks at the behavior of groups, not the individual

Sociological Perspective

268 - ..... mobility is the social movement experienced by family members from one generation to the next.


269 - ..... mobility occurs when people experience a gain or loss in position/income that does not produce a change in their place in the class structure.


270 - ..... monarchies & republics were known as Mahajanpadas.


271 - ..... occurs when fulfilling the role expectations of one status makes it difficult to fulfill the role expectations of another status.

Role Conflict

272 - ..... occurs when people experience movement up or down the class structure.

vertical mobility

273 - ..... poverty exists when people may be able to afford basic necessities but are unable to maintain an average standard of living.


274 - ..... poverty refers to the condition in which people do not have the means to secure the most basic necessities of life.


275 - ..... published his theories in a book titled Positive Philosophy, but he died before people generally came to appreciate his work.

Auguste Comte

276 - ..... refer(s) to the typical ways society meets its essential needs

social institutions

277 - ..... refers to marriage within the same caste


278 - ..... refers to our efforts to manage the impressions that others receive of us.

Impression management

279 - ..... refers to the ability to have one's will carried out despite the resistance of others.


280 - ..... refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed.

Gender identity

281 - ..... refers to the fundamental alterations in the patterns of culture structure and social behavior over time.

social change

282 - ..... refers to the interactive process by which we develop an image of ourselves based on how we imagine we appear to others

Looking-glass self

283 - ..... refers to the preferential treatment of minorities and women in employment and education.

Affirmative action

284 - ..... refers to the reputation that a specific person has earned within an occupation.


285 - ..... refers to the ways that individuals use the Internet to do business.


286 - ..... sees stratification as necessary feature, without varying rewards some jobs would go unfilled, is the concept of ..... theory


287 - ..... shows a connection between the independent and dependent variables in research.


288 - ..... social aggregations that emerge from the (Inter)Net when enough people carry on.....public discussions long enough with sufficient human feeling to form webs of personal relationships What is Rheingold (2000)describing here?

virtual communities

289 - ..... societies make heavy use of mechanization


290 - ..... societies relied on permanent tools for survival, and expanded due to innovations such as crop rotation and fertilizer.


291 - ..... state anxiety is caused by a fear of failure and the result of worrying.


292 - ..... states that if we perceive it as real, then it is real. IF it is real then it has consequences.

Thomas Theorem

293 - ..... studied the natural process that children go through to develop their ability to reason.


294 - ..... studies are different from experiments in that the researcher does not manipulate any variables.


295 - ..... tend to be more pro-technology, while ..... view technology as a symbol of the coldness of modern life.

technophiles; Luddites

296 - ..... theory suggests that people in power have the means to avoid being called deviant.


297 - ..... view society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals who make up that society.

Structural functionalists

298 - ..... view standards of deviant behavior as merely reflecting cultural norms whereas..... and..... theorists point out that the most powerful groups in a society can shape laws and standards and determine who is (or is not) prosecuted as a criminal.

functionalists conflict labelling

299 - ..... was not a sociologist but infact studied law.

Karl Marx

300 - ..... was the founder of Satyashodak Samaj having its primary emphasis on "truth seeking".

Jyotiba Phule

301 - ..... was the founder of Sociology.

Auguste Comte

302 - .....:to try to persuade other people to believe in a particular belief or follow a particular way of life.

To preach

303 - .....a process in which an increasing number of social actions become based on considerations of calculation rather than on motivations derived from morality, emotion, custom, or tradition.


304 - .....I think he's hopeless at his job.


305 - .....insisted that each newly born human being is a tabula rasa (clean slate), on which just about anything can be written

John Locke

306 - a concept involving the classification of persons into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions.

Social stratification

307 - .....-is an apex institution of rural credit


308 - marriage outside one's own social category.


309 - the maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural domination over a people by a foreign power for an extended period.


310 - the social science that studies human society and social behavior.


311 - the transformation of a society from close identification with religious values and institutions toward non-religious values and secular institutions.


312 - .....provide the guidelines for ideal forms of interpersonal relations and prescribe behaviors among the members of the social unit.

Social Structure

313 - .....refers to group leadership that highlights collective well-being.

Expressive leadership

314 - .....'s analysis of modern society centered on the concept of rationalization.

Max Weber

315 - .....stresses study of small groups.


316 - .....-The unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards.

Social Inequality

317 - .....was known of being a pioneering feminist theorist because she saw a link between slavery and oppression of women.

Harriet Martineau

318 - .is tendency for the presence of others to have a positive impact on the performance of an easy task.

Social impairment

319 - [blank] is a variable identified by membership in a category.

qualitative variable

320 - [blank] is a variable in which change has occurred

dependent variable

321 - \begin{enumerate} \item Sociology is the mainly concerned with \end{enumerate}

Individual of the society

322 - _______ is the term for the science dealing with the size, distribution composition and the changes in population ?


323 - ________ is a relatively permanent change in behaviour or capability that results from experience ?

Manipulated cognition

324 - ________ is the process by which a society moves from traditional to industrial social and economic arrangements?


325 - ________ usually last longer are better organized more goal-oriented and have a longer lasting impact than fads or crazes ?

Social movements

326 - _________ is a model whereby public funds are extensively used to promote economic development?

State capitalism

327 - _________ refers to the fundamental alterations in the patterns of culture structure and social behavior over time ?

social change

328 - __________ are the alterations over time in social structures culture and behavioral patterns ?

Social movements

329 - __________ groups often emerge in the workplace among those who share special understandings about their occupation ?


330 - __________ movements advocate for progressive change using different methods than those that have previously failed and are often considered to be anti-government ?


331 - __________ refers to the reputation that a specific person has earned within an occupation?


332 - _____________ is the term commonly used to describe the early days of a social movement characterized by a general mood of discontent ?


333 - _____________ uses multiple data collection methods on the same area of interest?


334 - _______________ Of what is the failure of companies to adhere to legal regulations that apply to them an example ?

corporate crime

335 - ________________ view standards of deviant behavior as merely reflecting cultural norms whereas __________ and _______________ theorists point out that the most powerful groups in a society can shape laws and standards and determine who is (or is not) pro

functionalists conflict labelling

336 - __________________ groups often emerge in the workplace among those who share special understandings about their occupation ?


337 - ____________involves the transformation of raw data into numbers to make it suitable for further analysis ?


338 - 120 years since Marx's death have witnessed fragmentation of capitalist class in Europe are called

The fragmentation of the capitalist class

339 - 17th century unpublish

Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès

340 - 18th century philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason


341 - 1930-1990, divorces have ..... as a result of legal changes and attitudes.


342 - 19th century European society was dominated by

Hereditary aristocratic families

343 - A "code of ethics" is most like.....

A guide for what to consider or do before, during and after research

344 - A "handshake" in one culture means something else to another. This can be addresed by what concept?

Symbolic Interaction

345 - A "normative" theory is

subjective and value-based

346 - A "positive" theory is one that's

objective and fact-based

347 - A ..... includes all the statuses a person occupies.

status set

348 - A ..... is a category of people who share distinguishing attributes, beliefs, values, and/or norms that set them apart in a significant manner from dominant group.


349 - A ..... is a group in which interaction is impersonal and temporary in nature

secondary group

350 - A ..... is a group of interdependent people who have organized in such a way as to share a common culture and feeling of unity.


351 - A ..... is a group that is part of the dominant culture but that differs from it in some important respects.


352 - A ..... is a group with two members.


353 - A ..... is a long-term, deeply ingrained pattern of socially unacceptable behavior that is harmful to the person who displays it and to others.

Personality disorder

354 - A ..... is a positive consequence an element has for the stability of society.


355 - A ..... is a set of people who interact on the basis of shared expectations and share a common identity


356 - A ..... is a small, often secretive group that is a new religion or a new version of an old one. This is also known as a new religious movement (or NRM).


357 - A ..... is a type of social group that commands a member's esteem and loyalty, but an ..... is a social group toward which a person feels competition or opposition.

ingroup; outgroup

358 - A ..... is practiced by enough people that it becomes accepted to be a trait of the cultural group.


359 - A ..... is the result of all the groups you are a part of.

Sociological identity

360 - A ..... of the automobile is to gain social standing through the display of wealth.

latent function

361 - A ..... school attempts to excel in a specific area such as mathematics or the graphic arts.


362 - A ..... society relies on foraging: collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals.


363 - A ..... was constructed after the students answered a series of questions which tried to determine similar interests and dislikes with other classmates.


364 - A / An ..... may be able to say how many people commit what types of crime (quantitative).


365 - A / An ..... will want to find out why they commit crimes.


366 - A ___________ is a substantial number of people who interact on the basis of loosely defined norms ?


367 - A 21-year-old criminology student is unable to stop studying until she has memorized the entire set of notes for each of her courses. Making comprehensive list of all the subjects she must study also takes up her study time. Because of this, she constantl

Compulsive personality disorder

368 - A 44-nation survey regrading religions found that.

59 percent of Americans said that religions played an important role in their lives

369 - A 46-year-old man asks his doctor to refer him to a physician who attended a top-rated medical school. He says that he knows the doctor will not be offended because she will understand that he is better than her other patients. Which of the following diso

Narcissistic personality disorder

370 - A 90-year-old college student exemplifies .....

status inconsistency

371 - A baseball game


372 - A basketball arena, an airliner, a slice of pizza, and a television set can all be considered examples of

material culture

373 - A behavior that an individual is supposed to perform toward others


374 - A behavior that individuals are expected to perform toward others


375 - A behavior that individuals can expect from others


376 - A behavior that is intended/obvious is know as a ..... behavior.


377 - A behavior which is shaped by understanding, interpretations, and intentions and is in response to, coordinated with, or oriented toward the actions of others is a

social actions

378 - A belief that cultures should be judged by their own standards.

Cultural Relativism

379 - A biological anthropologist would probably not focus on:

Variations in cultural systems.

380 - A book name "suicide" was written by

Emile Durkheim

381 - A book name "suicide" was written in year?


382 - A boss who is trying to keep employee morale high while also asking them to work long periods of overtime is an example of .....

role strain

383 - A branch of psychology that focuses on promoting mental health and happiness rather than just treating mental illness.

Positive Psychology

384 - a break with past experiences and the learning of new values and norms


385 - A bureaucracy is an example of a formal organization because

bureaucracies are deliberately created to reach long-term goals.

386 - A bureaucracy is based on


387 - a bureaucratic form of education that has a set curriculum

traditional school

388 - A capacity to learn a particular skill or acquire a particular body of knowledge.


389 - A capacity to learn a particular skill or acquire a specific body of knowledge


390 - A capitalist economy supports encourages accumulation of private property and defines a profit-minded orientation as natural and simply a matter of doing business

Pursuit of personal profit

391 - A capitalist economy supports right of individuals to own almost anything this type of economy is called as

Private ownership of property

392 - A car is supposed to be used to get from point A to point B. This is known as a car's .....

manifest function

393 - A case study is most useful when.

facts must be established

394 - a case study where the researcher becomes a member of the group being studied

participant observation

395 - A caste system is a social class system in India in which people are born into their social standing and will remain in it their whole lives. This is an example of

a closed system

396 - A certain high school student is wearing "cool" clothing and is considered "cool." What would a symbolic interactionist say about this situation?

Only (A) & (B)

397 - A change in occupation within the same class

horizontal mobility

398 - A change in occupational position or role without involving any change in its position in the social hierarchy is called.

Horizontal mobility

399 - A change in occupational position or role without involving any change in its position in the social hierarchy is called____________?

Horizontal mobility

400 - A change in one's attitudes or beliefs


401 - A change upward or downward in occupational status or social class

vertical mobility

402 - A characteristic that can be measured numerically

Quantitative variable

403 - A characteristic that can differ from one individual, group, or situation to another in a measurable way:


404 - a characteristic that CAUSES something to occur

independent variable

405 - A characteristic that causes something to occur. Such as Poverty.

Independent Variable

406 - a characteristic that is defined by its presence or absence in a category

qualitative variable

407 - A characteristic that is subject to change


408 - a characteristic that REFLECTS a change

dependent variable

409 - A characteristic that reflects a change. Such as hunger.

Dependent Variable

410 - A child learns behaviors values and actions from his family It is_______________?

Primary socialization

411 - A child learns behaviours values and actions from his family It is.

Primary socialization

412 - A child learns to behave within her family by watching how her parents judge her behavior and the judging herself accordingly. This is called the .....

looking glass self

413 - A child shows her parents how to operate a computer This situation reflects.

reverse socialization

414 - A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in school This is an example of___________?

a self-fulfilling prophecy

415 - A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in school. This is an example of_____________?

a self-fulfilling prophecy

416 - A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in school.This is an example of.

a self-fulfilling prophecy

417 - A child's ability to understand the attitude, viewpoints and expectations of society as a whole is called

generalised others

418 - A church group building a house for a homeless family.


419 - A circle of friends is an example of a(n) ..... group.


420 - A civilization process is called as

Configuration theories

421 - A class of people separated from the rest of society that lack certain commitments to society eg. hard work, self-discipline etc.


422 - A classic version was given by


423 - A classless society

Karl Marx

424 - a classroom is an example of

a secondary group

425 - A close connection between religion and economic forces has been presented by.

Emile Durkheim

426 - A close connection between religion and economic forces has been presented by____________?

Emile Durkheim

427 - A closed stratification system traditionally found in India.....


428 - A closed system of social inequality in which status is determined at birth, people are locked into their parents' social position and differences of purity or prestige form the basis of hierarchy

caste system

429 - A cluster of interrelated traits, such as football games is an example of?

Cultural Variation

430 - A cluster of interrelated traits.

Culture Complexes

431 - A collective near-panic situation, often in response to media reports

Mass hysteria

432 - A college counselor met a student who was experiencing stress due to family problems. During lunch, the counselor shared with her friend of the session she had with the student and the family issue the student was facing. This shows that the counselor had


433 - A college student finding it difficult to balance studying for midterms and working double shifts at Starbucks is experiencing

Role Conflict

434 - A combination of many traits a trait is.


435 - A combination of many traits a trait is______________?


436 - A commitment to the full development of one's talents and potential is


437 - A common method used for the study of social institution is

historical method

438 - A common way to examine inequality is rank the nation's families by income from lowest to highest and then to divide this distribution into .....


439 - A community is more than any specific organisation that rise within it", it is said by

R. M. Maclver

440 - A community of people who share a common culture.


441 - A community that shares a government, common language, and culture.

A nation

442 - A company hiring workers overseas for its billing services is an example of:


443 - a competitive physical activity


444 - a composite ranking based on various dimensions of inequality.

Socioeconomic Status

445 - A computer operator figures out a way to steal from the bank where he works by sending money to a secret account. This is an example of

white-collar crime.

446 - a computer or internet group

electronic community

447 - A condition of normlessness and separation from legitimate modes of behavior is termed.


448 - A condition that undermines the well-being of some or all members of society

social problem

449 - A conflict theorist believed in a link between slavery and the oppression of women. Translated Comte's Positive Philosophy from French to Enlgish.

Harriet Martineau

450 - A conflict theorist believed problems are caused by an imbalance of power. Effects of industrialization on the lower classes. Major ideas: Women's suffrage and discrimination

Jane Addams

451 - A considerable amount of control may be exerted by means of

all of these

452 - A considerable amount of control may be exerted by means of

all of these

453 - A corporation with headquarters in one nation but with factories and other operations in many other nations is known as a:

multinational corporation.

454 - A corporation.

all of the above

455 - A counter culture_______________?

Has to be against the existing ethos/values

456 - A counterculture is a subculture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society


457 - A counterculture.

opposes values of the mainstream culture

458 - A countertrend observable since the 1950s is.

urban decentralization

459 - A country becomes over populated when.

Its resources fail to cope with its requirement

460 - A country becomes over populated when_____________?

Its resources fail to cope with its requirement

461 - A criminal act that is motivated by prejudice is called

hate crime

462 - A crisis of legitimacy indicates that.

the public perceives that legitimate government has failed

463 - A critical worldview that argues that people construct narratives through which to make sense of the world

postmodernist perspective

464 - A cultural universal is

are patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies.

465 - A cultural universal is described as a .....

features of a society common to all cultures.

466 - A culture

is integrated

467 - A culture complex is.

a cluster of traits centered around a common activity

468 - A culture with lifestyles and values opposed to those of the established culture.


469 - A culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society is .....

a value

470 - A data collection method in which the researcher does not interact with the subject(s) being studied is called_______________?

an unobtrusive

471 - A decline in the rural population was due chiefly to.

the continued improvements in agricultural methods

472 - A decline in which of the following does Putnam link to the spread of television ?

social capital

473 - A decline in which of the following does Putnam link to the spread of television ?

social capital

474 - A decline in which of the following does Putnam link to the spread of television?

social capital

475 - a defined group serving as the subject of a study


476 - A definition of culture is

A shared way of life of a group of people with shared norms and values.

477 - A deliberate attempt to persuade the individual to accept a particular belief or to make a specific choice uncritically is.


478 - A demand-side theory that focuses on the role of money to finance aggregate demand is termed.


479 - A description comprised of the essential characteristics of some aspects of society are:

Ideal type

480 - A description compromised of the essential characteristics of some aspect of society is known as:

Ideal type

481 - A description of the essential characteristics of some aspect of society (HHS can be considered a school)?

Ideal Type

482 - A design of living and refer to ways of life are called


483 - A detailed investigation of a single social unit in order to study it in depth is.

a case study

484 - A detailed plan for obtaining data scientifically is called .....

Scientific method

485 - A detailed plan or method for obtaining data scientifically called a (n)

research design

486 - A detailed plan or method for obtaining data scientifically called a (n) ?

research design

487 - A detailed plan or method for obtaining data scientifically called a (n)_____________?

research design

488 - A detailed, written description of a culture resting on actual interaction with that culture is known as:


489 - a diagram that represents relationships within a group, especially likes and dislikes of members for other members


490 - A difference between the caste system in India and the caste system in So. Africa is that ins So. Africa the caste is based largely on .....

racial classification

491 - A direct challenge to enlightenment thinking and modernity is called

Postmodern society

492 - a disadvantage of Ethnography as study method could be

it is expensive and time consuming

493 - A disadvantage of using questionnaires in research is that they

place limitations on Reponses

494 - A disadvantage of using questionnaires would be

limitations on quality of responses

495 - a distinct part, especially of society or of a nation's economy


496 - A doctor had made plans to visit her elderly mother this weekend, but she was just called in to work for a patient's medical emergency. This is an example of

role conflict

497 - A doctor who always helps patients to the best of his or her ability would have a high level of


498 - A doctor would most likely belong to which class

upper class

499 - A double barreled has the potential of having______________?

Both A and B

500 - A double barrelled question has the potential of having.

Both (a) and (b)

501 - A factor held constant to test the relative impact of the independent variable is known as a

control variable

502 - A factory worker's son earns his way through college and eventually becomes a sociology professor. This is an example of

intergenerational mobility.

503 - A family in which an individual is born is known as

orientation family

504 - A family in which individual gets married is known as

procreation family



506 - A feeling of powerlessness in, and disassociation from social institutions.


507 - a fellow worker or friend (usually related to an office)


508 - A file clerk whose father was a college professor is an example of:

downward intergenerational mobility.

509 - A film star whose parents were both factory workers illustrate ?

upward intergenerational mobility

510 - A film star whose parents were both factory workers illustrates.

upward intergenerational mobility

511 - A five point scale that allows an individual to express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement.

Likert Scale

512 - A form of learning in which the consequences of behavior determine the probability of its future occurrence is called______________?


513 - A form of qualitative analysis involving the very careful and complete observation of a person, a situation or an institution", is said by

Biesanz and Birsnz

514 - A form of social stratification in which people are owned by others as property are called


515 - A form of stratification in feudal societies in the medieval period in Europe .....


516 - A form of treatment for severe mental disorders that has been largely abandoned is.


517 - A formal structure of an organizations is its.

bylaws and body of officers

518 - A framework for building theory that sees society a complex system which is interconnect to promote solidarity and stability is called as

Social structure

519 - A French philosopher who is considered the "Father of Sociology" and believed in establishing social laws.

Auguste Comte

520 - A Frenchman and the father of sociology; believed social behavior needed to be studied scientifically; coined the term sociology.

Auguste Comte

521 - A from of learning in which the consequences of behaviour determine the probability of its future occurrence is called.


522 - A functionalist theorist, that believed pre-industrial: consensus of beliefs = mechanical solidarity. During industrial, interdependence with specialized roles = organic solidarity

Emile Durkheim

523 - A functionalist theorist, that believed society = parts working together for well-being and survival. Social change leads to progress. Survival of the fittest in society Social reform interfered with selection.

Herbert Spencer

524 - A functionalist theorist, that believed sociology could use scientific procedures and promote social progress. Major Ideas: positivism, sociology, social statics, social dynamics.

Auguste Comte

525 - A gathering of people who have limited interaction with each other and do not share clearly defined, conventional norms or a sense of group unity.


526 - A general in an army chart of command positions would constitute a.


527 - A general perspective in sociology that places its main emphasis on functional integration and social structure

structural functionalism

528 - A general perspective in sociology that stresses the importance of power and conflict in social relationships, as well as the problems brought about by social and economic inequalities

conflict theory

529 - A general theory of the universe advanced by a religion is called


530 - A German scholar who emphasized the role conflict plays in social change; coined terms bourgeoisie and proletariat, predicted class conflict between rich and poor.

Karl Marx

531 - A German scholar, a lawyer by trade, coined terms bourgeoisie and proletariat, predicted class conflict.

Karl Marx

532 - A ghetto tends to contain.

a concentration of one racial group in an area

533 - A gifted scholar, this sociologist published studies on race and poverty in early 20th century America and founded the NAACP

W.E.B. Dubois

534 - A goal of resocialization in most total institutions is to change an individual's

social behavior

535 - A good example of a primary group is.

a family

536 - A government that has been a monarchy for over 500 years is an example of ..... authority.


537 - A great deal of leadership and authority rests upon the skilful manipulation of the group as a.

control device

538 - A great deal of leadership and authority rests upon the skillful manipulation of the group as a___________?

control device

539 - A group decision is riskier than an individual decision.

Risky Shift

540 - A group in which interaction is impersonal and temporary

secondary group

541 - A group made up of people who interact with on another through the internet is called a(n) .....

electronic community

542 - A group of 2 people interacting


543 - A group of independent people people who have organized in such a way that they have a shared culture is known as


544 - A group of independent people who have organized to share in a common event would be?

Social Interaction

545 - A group of interdependent people who have organized in such a way as to share a common culture and have a feeling of unity


546 - A group of neighbors believes the city government is not removing snow from their streets frequently enough in the winter. This group sends representatives to the city council to present the problem. The city council is an example of a(n) .....

formal group

547 - A group of neighbors believes the city government is not removing snow from their streets frequently enough in the winter. This group sends representatives to the city council to present the problem. This neighborhood group is an example of a(n)

informal group.

548 - A Group of people affiliated by consanguinity affinity and co-residence is.


549 - A Group of people affiliated by consanguinity affinity and co-residence is______________?


550 - A group of people identified by cultural, religious, or national characteristics is:


551 - A group of people is responsible for discovering and digging up old communities. Based on the fossils and artifacts found during the excavation, they try to put these pieces of evidence together to describe the community, its people, their culture, and tr


552 - A group of people that an individual will compare themselves to either because they are like the group or aspire themselves to become like that group.

Reference Group

553 - A group of people that represent a larger population


554 - A group of people who because of their physical characteristics or cultural practices are singled out and treated unequally is known as

minority group

555 - a group of people who have gathered based on similar goals or beliefs


556 - A group of people who live in a defined geographic area, interacting with one another, sharing a common culture


557 - a group of people who live in a defined geographical area who interact with one another and who share a common culture


558 - A group of people who live in the mountains and whose primary work is herding sheep is an example of a(n)

pastoral society

559 - A group of people who live with one another, interact with one another, and share a common culture is known as a .....


560 - A group of people who live within the same territory and share a common culture is called.

a society

561 - A group of people who live within the same territory and share a common culture is called?

A society

562 - A group of people who live within the same territory and share a common culture is called______________?

a society

563 - a group of people who share a common culture or territory


564 - A group of people who share a common time period in which they were born, thus experiencing some of the same significant events

Age cohort

565 - a group of people who share a culture and a territory


566 - A group of people who share a culture and a territory is known as a(an).....


567 - A group of people with a shared culture and territory


568 - a group of people with certain specified characteristics


569 - A group of people with physical or cultural traits different from those of the dominant group in a society is that cause unfair treatment


570 - A group of people with the same or related occupations is usually termed as.

Professional community

571 - A group of people with the same or related occupations is usually termed as___________?

Professional community

572 - A group of soccer teams has been playing in the same league for five years and frequently gets together socially, where the primary topic of conversation is professional soccer. This is an example of

a sport subculture.

573 - A group of three is called a?


574 - A group of two is called?


575 - A group opposed to the beliefs of the majority is called


576 - a group targeted for opposition and antagonism


577 - a group that has distinct roles and norms and is organized around a sport activity

sport subculture

578 - a group that has three members in it


579 - A group that rejects the values, norms, and practices of the larger society and replaces them with a new set of cultural patterns.


580 - a group that shares specified characteristics


581 - A group that you look up to is best an example of

Reference Group

582 - A group used for self-evaluation and the formation of attitudes, values, beliefs and norms.

reference group

583 - A group way of life lends itself to disorder because.

human behavior is unpredictable

584 - A group whose members are related by ancestry marriage or adoption is a(n)


585 - A group whose norms, attitudes, values, and lifestyle directly challenge or seek to change those of the dominant or mainstream culture.


586 - A group with its own unique values, norms, and behaviors that exists within a large culture


587 - a group with two members in it


588 - A group with which we identify and to which we belong is called a(n)


589 - A group with which we identify and to which we belong is called a(n) ?


590 - A group within a culture whose norms, values, beliefs are in some way difference from the mainstream is.....


591 - A group's shared practice, values, and beliefs. A way of life from routine.


592 - a group's shared practices, values, and beliefs


593 - A groups way of thinking, acting, and material objects that form a way of life is?


594 - A Guttman scale emphasises

both of these

595 - A hidden ethnicity is something that applies to

a dominant ethnic group.

596 - A hierarchy of authority

is shaped like a pyramid.

597 - A hierarchy of power.....

is often shaped like a pyramid, with a few people holding most power

598 - A highly conformist culture is less prone to.


599 - A highly conformist culture is less prone to_______________?


600 - A Hispanic woman and a Jewish man working together as computer programmers for an electronics from overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other,s strengths and talents This is an example of____________?

the contact hypothesis

601 - A Hispanic woman and a Jewish man working together as computer programmers for an electronics from overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other's strengths and talents This is an example of.

the contact hypothesis

602 - A human being deprived of all communication with other humans from birth would lack all but one of the following ?

rudimentary personality

603 - A human being deprived of all communication with other humans from birth would lack all but one of the following.

rudimentary personality

604 - A humanistic psychology that emerged as a reaction to the limitations of behaviorism and psychoanalysis, this theory contends that human beings are innately good physical beings with personal agency who are mentally healthy when focused upon achieving sel

Third Force Psychology

605 - A husband and wife discuss the disciplining of one of their children

Role Conflict

606 - A Hypothesis is a

A prediction of outcomes

607 - A Hypothesis should predict

the relationship between 2 variables

608 - A junior staff in a big corporation receives a promotion to become the General Manager of the company after working for several years. What kind of social mobility is this?


609 - A key challenges for sociology is to search and understanding of

Social life

610 - a king or queen is an example

traditional authority

611 - A kinship system is based on.

common descent

612 - A lack of basic essentials to survive physically is known as.....

absolute poverty

613 - A lake is polluted The fish in it die The algae make unpleasant odors It may be said that.

all of the above

614 - A large group of people exhibit the same state of mental agitation.

Mass Hysteria

615 - A large kinship group whose members inhibit one geographical area and believe that they are descendent from a common ancestor is known as a.

Kin group

616 - A large kinship group whose members inhibit one geographical area and believe that they are descendent from a common ancestor is known as a_______________?

Kin group

617 - A large scale point of view is


618 - A Latent function of College is:

to socialize students

619 - A lawyer who often helps corrupt individuals escape justice would have a low level of


620 - A lawyer whose father works as a truck driver best illustrates

intergenerational mobility.

621 - a leader who issues orders and assigns tasks

authoritarian leader

622 - A level of analysis that involves the study of large-scale systems or society as a whole.


623 - A level of analysis that involves the study of large-scale systems or society as a whole; employed by the functionalist and conflict perspectives:


624 - A Likert scale emphasises


625 - A list of cultural universals was compiled by anthropologist.

George Murdock

626 - A list of cultural universals was compiled by anthropologist_______________?

George Murdock

627 - A logical system that bases knowledge on direct systematic observation is known as


628 - A long term conscious effort to promote of prevent social change

social movement

629 - A long-term and deeply ingrained pattern of socially unacceptable behavior is

personality disorder

630 - A loosely woven society is one

in which there are no rigid social norms.

631 - A low incidence of crime is more characteristic of.

only and b

632 - A mail carrier works hard to give his son the opportunity to go to college and then medical school to become a doctor. This is an example of:

Intergenerational Mobility

633 - A major criticism of Fred's theory is.

his overemphasis on early childhood

634 - A MAJOR difference between positivists and interpretivists is that positivists

use quantitative research methods while interpretivists use qualitative research methods

635 - A Major difference between the positivists and interpretivists is that positivists

use quantitative research methods while interpretivists use qualitative research methods

636 - A major disadvantage of using mail naires to collect data is____________?

the response rates

637 - A major reason that Adolf Hitler was able to achieve so much power was because he had ..... authority.


638 - A majority of Americans are

Only (A) & (B)

639 - A makeshift organizational network which often parallels bureaucratic administration is called.

informal bureaucracy

640 - A man is graduating from college and looking forward to his new role in his job as a computer scientist for a large firm. This is an example of

anticipatory socialization

641 - A manager has been tasked to keep the workers positive but at the same time must ask the workers to produce more is suffering from .....

role strain

642 - A mark of disgrace that sets a deviant off from the rest of society is a .....


643 - A McDonald's worker that starts a become a self made business owner is an example of which type of mobility?

vertical mobility

644 - A mean, median and mode are all examples of_______________?

measures of central tendency

645 - a measure of a study's consistency that considers how likely results are to be replicated if a study is reproduced


646 - A measure of the relationship between two variables


647 - A measurement is considered ..... if it actually measures what it is intended to measure, according to the topic of the study


648 - A mechanic who changes jobs to become a plumber is an example of which type of mobility?

horizontal mobility

649 - A medical model of deviance assumes that it is caused by.

all of the above

650 - A member of a Navajo tribe can graze his sheep on clan land but he cannot sell it Navajo land is what kind of property?


651 - A method for a detailed study of secondary data. For example word counts of newspaper articles

Content analysis

652 - a method for presenting Qualitative findings would be in the form of

Written accounts

653 - A metropolitan area consists of.

a central city and surrounding suburbs and small towns

654 - a micro level theory in which shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivations behind people's actions (Mead)

Symbolic Interactionism

655 - A middle-class family ran a popular restaurant. The children eventually took over the family business and the restaurant became a restaurant chain. What kind of social mobility is this?


656 - A mini version of a full scale study to test the various elements is called a

Pilot study

657 - A minority group consists of.

people distinguished by their physical or cultural traits

658 - A minority group is one that is both disadvantaged and.

has some sense of collective or group solidarity

659 - A minority group is one that is both disadvantaged and______________?

has some sense of collective or group solidarity

660 - A minority group is one that is both disadvantaged and_______________?

has some sense of collective or group solidarity?

661 - A minority group that defined in terms of the size of its population relative to other groups in society.

Sometimes this is the case, but it is based on power, wealth and prestige

662 - A modern definition of class maintains that social class is constituted by.

persons who have similar forms of power prestige or wealth

663 - A modern society puts a premium on self directed discipline for early Calvinists of course such an approach to life was rooted in religious beliefs are called as

Personal discipline

664 - A modified version of elitist theory holds that.

all of the above

665 - A mom wants to work late tonight to be afford a Christmas present for her son, but wants to also be home when he gets off the school bus today. This is an example of

role conflict

666 - A moral panic occurs when.

the media exaggerate reports of deviant groups generating hostile reactions

667 - A moral panic occurs when_______________?

the media exaggerate reports of deviant groups generating hostile reactions

668 - A motel manager requires that all maids wear the same uniform or they will be fired. This is an example of


669 - A mother preparing lunch for her child is an example of a(n)


670 - A mother who says "If you hang out with bums you will become a bum" favors which theory of deviance?

Differential association

671 - A name of a group that has form for a common goal is known as this.....


672 - A nationalistic revolution occurred in the.

American Revolution

673 - A nation's flag is:

A symbol

674 - A nation's flag, which can express a range of meanings associated with a given culture, is

a symbol

675 - A necklace with a cross on it is an example of.

Symbolic interactinalism

676 - A Necklace with a symbol of cross on it, is an example of

Symbolic Interactionism

677 - A negative consequence a particular sociological element has for the stability of a social system is known as a(n):


678 - A negative consequence an element has for the stability of the social system.


679 - A negative consequence an element has on society or community for the stability of the community


680 - A negative label that devalues a person and changes his or her self-concept and social identity is known as


681 - A negative sanction includes:

Suspending a student

682 - A network of interrelated statuses and roles that guide human interaction

social structure

683 - A network of roles according to which each person accepts certain duties towards others makes ?

Social Order

684 - A network of roles according to which each person accepts certain duties towards others makes.

Social Order

685 - A new combination or a new use of existing knowledge is termed as.


686 - A new religious cult in the United States has been discovered that does not use any modern technology, lives in primitive conditions with no electricity or running water, and treats women as less valuable than men. Children born into this cult are forced

Only (A) & (B)

687 - A new working class has developed due to: (3)

All of the above

688 - A nineteenth-century model of rote education which imitated the assembly line was called the.

Lancaster system

689 - A norm is a

Specific guide to action

690 - A number of celebrities in the entertainment world have been married five or six times They may be said to have had.

a faulty distribution of power in their marriages

691 - A number of social commentators fear that having become a nation of hyphenated Americans.

we may begin to question our national identity

692 - A one-on-one conversation between the researcher and the subject.


693 - A paradigm can be defined as:

Philosophical and theoretical frameworks used within a discipline to formulate theories, generalizations, and the experiments performed in support of them.

694 - A Paradigm is:

a point of view

695 - A parent saying one thing but doing another is an example of

unintended socialization

696 - A parent secretly monitoring the babysitter through the use of GPS, site blocker, and nanny cam is a good example of:

panoptic surveillance

697 - A parents child attaining higher education and a better job is an example of

Intergenerational Mobility

698 - A particular point of view


699 - A particular point of view is a


700 - A particular point of view is called a .....


701 - A particular system of religious belief and teachings


702 - A pastoralist society depends upon ?

domesticated livestock

703 - A pastoralist society depends upon.

domesticated livestock

704 - A pattern of behaviour that constitutes" is called

social problem

705 - a pattern of organized relationships among groups of people within a society

social structure

706 - A Peer group is a kind of

Primary group

707 - A Peer group is a kind ofà¤ÂªÃ ¥€Ã ¤¯Ã ¤° ग्रुà¤Âª एक à¤ÂªÃ ¥Ã ¤°Ã ¤•Ã ¤¾Ã ¤° का होता हà¥Ë†

Primary groupà¤ÂªÃ ¥Ã ¤°Ã ¤¾Ã ¤¥Ã ¤®Ã ¤¿Ã ¤• समूह

708 - A person affected by nationalism.

all of the above

709 - A person changes his job from a waiter to a cashier. What kind of social mobility is this?


710 - A person does poorly on a college chemistry test and later tells a friend "The exam wasn, t fair! There were trick questions and it covered material that we weren, t assigned"This is an example of.


711 - A person does poorly on a college chemistry test and later tells a friend "The exam wasn't fair! There were trick s and it covered material that we weren't assigned "This is an example of____________?


712 - A person does poorly on a college chemistry test and later tells a friend "The exam wasn't fair! There were trick s and it covered material that we weren't assigned! "This is an example of______________?


713 - A person from which of the following groups is most likely to live in poverty?


714 - A person in order to fit in must learn the new culture and give up the original culture.


715 - A person is able to practice his/her own culture while learning a new culture and interact with it, but does not have to give up his/her own culture.


716 - A person is consciously motive primarily by his.

Social values

717 - A person is consciously motive primarily by his_______________?

Social values

718 - A person is in jail for burglary. Two weeks after he is released, he begins burglarizing homes again and is soon back in prison. This is an example of


719 - A person that goes from a higher social class to a lower social class is experiencing

Downward movement

720 - a person that is guilty of or responsible for an offense or fault


721 - A person that is young-old, is in the age group of


722 - A person torn between roles because of a sick child, job, social obligations and cleaning their house may be dealing with what?

Role Strain

723 - A person who argues that society doesn't natural adapt or social change is a?

Conflict theorist

724 - A person who has a mental condition that causes him/her to act out in bad ways toward society is called a(n) .....


725 - A person who has a mental condition that causes them to to act out in bad ways towards others is called a .....


726 - A person who has a mental conditions that causes them to act out in bad ways is known as a .....


727 - A person who is going from a lower social class to a higher social class is experiencing

upward mobility

728 - a person who is important or of high rank within a specific, usually fashionable group


729 - A person who is suddenly set down on a commune in rural China would most likely undergo.

the process of resocialization

730 - a person who lives in seclusion or apart from society


731 - a person who suffers from an antisocial mental disorder


732 - A person who teaches high school has more prestige than?

A person with money

733 - A person who violates the norms of society


734 - A personality refers to.

all of the above

735 - A person's family in addition to being a primary group is also a.


736 - A person's individual identity is the


737 - A person's level of education, occupational prestige, place of residence, and income indicate

socioeconomic status.

738 - A person's overall position in society is called.

master status

739 - A person's overall position in society is called______________?

master status

740 - A person's overall position in society is called_______________?

master status

741 - A person's race or gender is generally considered an

ascribed status

742 - A person's self-esteem – low or high -is mainly a function of________________?

social comparisons

743 - A person's self-esteem-low or high-is mainly a function of.

social comparisons

744 - A persons socioeconomic status is determined by income

education level and place of residence

745 - A person's subjective experience of their symptoms. It occurs before the disease, such as headache.


746 - a person's wages or investment dividends


747 - A perspective that focuses on power relations between spouses is called.

resource theory

748 - A perspective that outlines certain assumptions about the nature of social life.

Theoretical perspective

749 - A philosophy that holds that people construct their own social reality in accordance with the ways they experience and understand their social world.


750 - A physical anthropologist studies:

Humans as a biological species.

751 - A Pilot Study is

A test of your research processes

752 - A place of dense human settlement, or in other words, a location where many people live close together.


753 - a place of work and residence where a great number of similarly situated people, cut off from the wider community for a considerable time, together lead an enclosed, formally administered round of life

Total institutions

754 - a place that is almost totally controlled by those who run it

total institution

755 - a player who has to attend a match in his game and practice with his team in the club is an example of

role strain

756 - A plumber has stolen thousands of dollars fromindividuals by installing substandard plumbingfixtures. The judge says that the plumber mustpay for new fixtures for these people's homes.This is an example of


757 - A plumber whose father was a physician is an example of.

downward intergenerational mobility

758 - A plumber whose father was a physician is an example of_________________?

downward intergenerational mobility

759 - A police car came when the injured man .off the road.

was being carried

760 - A police office follows a speeding car and when the car finally stops she is horrified to discover her husband at the wheel In giving him a ticket she experiences.

role conflict

761 - A population change is itself a

social change

762 - A population change is itself a

social change

763 - A population pyramid shows.

sex and age distribution within a population

764 - A position a person occupies within a social structure


765 - A position that is earned or chosen

Achieved Status

766 - A position that is neither earned nor chosen but assigned

ascribed status

767 - A position that is neither earned nor chosen; it is assigned to us

Ascribed Status

768 - A position that someone has in the society is known as .....


769 - A position that strongly affects most other aspects of a persons life

master status

770 - A positive consequence that an element of society produces for the maintenance of the social system.


771 - A positive sanction includes:

Giving a student 5 extra credit points for turning in an assignment on time

772 - A possible positive outcome from riots is that trouble-makers get arrested or expelled.


773 - A postmodernist who analyzes the traditions and narratives of individuals within a number of Native American tribes without an eye toward universal narratives is engaging in what type of critical analysis?


774 - A practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment during a study and in publishing results.

value free

775 - a practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment during the course of a study and in publishing results

value neutrality

776 - A predictable "bundle" of actions linked with a particular position in society such as a mother or a teacher.

Social role

777 - A predisposition toward certain points of view is called.


778 - A preference for foreign culture and products is called.


779 - A preference for foreign culture and products is called________________?


780 - A primary group composed of individuals of roughly equal age and similar social characteristics.

Peer Group

781 - a Primary source of data would be

An observation you carried out in college

782 - A prison is a.

total institution

783 - A prisoner who is given tutoring to obtain his GED is given.....


784 - A private country club


785 - A problem with laissez-faire economic policy is that there is.

no provision for public goods

786 - A problem, produced by society, that influences a considerable number of the individuals.

social issue

787 - A process by which a whole category of people is expelled from useful participation in social life are called

Social exclusion

788 - A process by which people come to lack authority, status and sense of self that many professionals tend to have


789 - A process by which there is transfer of results of labour of one social group to benefit another is


790 - A process that people go through to detach from a role that was previously central to the social identity is a person's .....

role exit

791 - A process through which cultural elements become closely connected and mutually interdependent is also known as______________?

cultural integration

792 - A process where a greater percentage of the population lives in cities and suburbs than in rural areas.


793 - A process where ideas, resources, and practices slowly operate toward a worldwide policy than toward a local framework.


794 - A professional trained in a narrow abstract field is a.


795 - A protest for women's rights would be an example of which social interaction?


796 - a public school that is given a great deal of freedomand does not have to report to a school board

charter school

797 - A punishment or reward given by a official organization or regulatory agency, such as a school, business, or government

formal sanction

798 - a punishment or the threat of punishment used to enforce conformity

Negative Sanction

799 - A punishment or the threat of punishment used to enforce social norms of a society and enforce conformity

negative sanction

800 - A purely capitalist economy would operate with no government interference sometimes called a laissez faire approach

Free competition

801 - A question that has a scaled response, e.g. Agree, disagree, strongly disagree, etc. is known as what?

Graded Question

802 - a questionaire asks you to indiate whether you are 21 years of age or not. Your answer is an example of ..... variable


803 - A questionaire lists 20 leisure-time activities and asks you to pick your three favorites from the list. This is an example of a(n) ..... question.


804 - A questionnaire asks you to indicate whether or not your are over 21 years of age. Your answer is an example a(n) ..... variable.


805 - A questionnaire asks you to indicate your average marks in the science courses you completed in high school. Your answer is an example of a ..... variable.


806 - A questionnaire asks you to specify your age. Your answer is an example of a(n) ..... variable.


807 - A random sample that accurately reflects the whole population is called

representative sample

808 - A rating that combines social factors to determine a person's stratification is defined as .....

Socioeconomic Status

809 - A reason used to explain political affiliation

Religious affiliation

810 - A reduction of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere leads to.

climate changes

811 - A reference group for Millard South students

Millard West High School

812 - A reference group is a(n).

formal or informal organization to which one belongs

813 - A reference group provides an individual with.....

a basis of behavior that a person can learn

814 - A refocus in history and society on the contributions of Africans and African-Americans is known as:


815 - A related form of dishonesty arise with deception in sociology, dilemma appears where researcher conceals his or her identity and cons his way into a new group is


816 - a relationship between two variables that is actually caused by a third factor

Spurious Correlation

817 - a relationship between two variables.


818 - A Religious History of American People" was written by

Max Weber

819 - A religious organization that arises out of a need to reform an existing religious organization.


820 - A research measure that provides consistent results is considered


821 - A research method in Sociology where the researcher becomes part of the group being studies is called

Participant observation

822 - A research project is supported by a grant of funds from a

both of these

823 - A research project normally has a

fixed duration

824 - A research question should be


825 - A research question should be


826 - A researcher can obtain a higher response rate by using which type of survey ?


827 - A researcher can obtain a higher response rate by using which type of survey ?


828 - A researcher can obtain a higher response rate by using which type of survey?


829 - A researcher chose to write about indigenous people in Mindanao and he described them using some concepts such as kinship, gender and power. He tried to compare them to other groups of people. Which of the following fields of science did the statement abo


830 - A researcher examines the literature written by Black novelists during the "Negro Renaissance" (1913-1935) to see if they reflect the political movements going on in the Black community in the United States at that time What type of research methodology i

content analysis

831 - A researcher examines the literature written by Black novelists during the "Negro Renaissance" (1913-1935) to see if they reflect the political movements going on in the Black community in the United States at that time What type of research methodology i

content analysis

832 - A researcher is interested in studying the behavior of high-school basketball teams. Over one season, she joins the team during practice, watching the players' interactions first-hand. What type of research is this?

participant observation

833 - A researcher is interested in studying the behavior of high-school basketball teams. Over the period of a season, he joins the team during practice, watching the players' interactions first-hand. What type of resaerch is this?

participant observation

834 - A researcher is seated in a room adjacent a group of students. Unknown to the students, he observes them with a hidden camera. What observation technique is the researcher using?

covert non-participant

835 - A researcher sends you a form to fill out concerning your favorite books. This is an example of a.....


836 - A researcher sends you a form to fill out concerning your favorite movies. This an example of

a questionaire

837 - A researcher should tell participants about their role in the study, any risks and their freedom to leave the study at any time.

Informed consent

838 - A researcher stands at the street corner and over a period of time administers questionnaires to 40 married women passing by. What sampling method is the researcher using?


839 - A researcher to consider variable of gender at all is

Gender blindness

840 - A researcher was able to prove that, on average as age increases eyesight declines In research terminology this is called a (n) ?


841 - A researcher will settle for pinpointing a correlation when.

a causal relationship is of no consequence

842 - A researchers must be careful not to distort what they study by applying different standards to men and women is

Gender blindness

843 - A reward or punishment riven by a regulatory agency, a school, a business, or government is a(n)

formal sanction

844 - A rigorous set of techniques to technically record and then analyse what happens in everyday speech is called

Conversational analysis

845 - A rising suicide rate associated with normlessness and a lack of social regulation can be described as.

anomic suicide

846 - A rising suicide rate associated with normlessness and a lack of social regulation can be described as______________?

anomic suicide

847 - A sample survey deals with.

a statistically valid section of a population

848 - A sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population as a whole

representative sample

849 - A sanction in the form of a punishment

negative sanction

850 - A sanction is reaction on the part of a


851 - A scale is

set of closed questions

852 - A scattered collection of people who share a common interest or a concern about an issue are a (n).


853 - A scholarly research step that entails identifying and studying all existing studies on a topic to create a basis for new research.

literature review

854 - a school in which all the 6-year-olds are inone class, the 7-year-olds in another, etc

age-based classrooms

855 - A school of psychology that attempts to integrate aspects of transcendental religious teachings within the framework of modern psychology.

Fourth Force Psychology

856 - A school of psychology that believes psychological research should be concerned with studying observable measures of behavior and not the unobservable events that take place in the mind.


857 - A school of psychology that reduces all behavior to cognitive functioning and seeks to explain behavior by examining underlying cognitive causes.

Cognitive Behaviorism

858 - a school that attempts to excel in a specific area, such as math or science

magnet school

859 - a school that is supported by public money but is runusing modern business practices

for-profit school

860 - A school's role in teaching math skills is a

manifest function

861 - A science is really any practice that uses a systematic method of observation to gain knowledge. And you probably know that systematic method as

Scientific Method

862 - A science that seeks to answer about man's existence and his social experiences


863 - A secondary group is a social group that .....

is impersonal and engages in some specific activity.

864 - A secondary group is characterized by.

formal interaction

865 - A sect is organised around.

voluntary membership democratic leadership and high levels of emotional commitment

866 - A sect is organized around______________?

voluntary membership democratic leadership and high levels of emotional commitment

867 - A sect is organized around_______________?

voluntary membership democratic leadership and high levels of emotional commitment

868 - A selection from a large population which is statistically found to be representative of that population is called


869 - A self-administered survey is a research method where

respondents answer some pre-set questions with a list of possible answers

870 - A sense of shared interests and problems among members of the same social class

Class Consciousness

871 - A separation of institutional forms is most characteristic of.

industrial societies

872 - A series of complexes centering upon an important activity is___________________?


873 - A series of complexes centring upon an important activity is.


874 - A series of rules and beliefs towards leadership which governs the people of a society


875 - A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question.

scientific method

876 - A series of unfolding stages are called

Evolutionary theories

877 - A set of assumptions about an area of study accepted as truth.

theoretical perspective

878 - A set of assumptions about an area of study.

Theoretical Perspective

879 - A set of assumptions about reality that inform the questions we ask and the kinds of answers we arrive at as a result.

Theoretical Perspective

880 - A set of assumptions accepted as true by supporters is called a

theoretical perspective

881 - A set of behavioral expectations that are linked to chronological and biological age that change as we get older are referred to as____________?

age grades

882 - A set of behaviors, attitudes, obligations, and privileges expected of anyone who occupies a particular status is called a .....


883 - A set of characteristics of a society that meet social needs and helps historians understand social groups.

social institutions

884 - a set of competitive activities in which winners and losers are determined by physical performance within a set of established rules is:


885 - A set of distinctive norms, values, knowledge, artifacts, language, and symbols that a particular group in society uses to distinguish itself from the dominant culture


886 - A set of guidelines that the American Sociological Association has established to foster ethical research and professionally responsible scholarship in sociology.

code of ethics

887 - A set of interrelated propositions, or statements that attempt to explain some phenomenon.


888 - A set of two or more people who interact on the basis of shared expectations and who possess some degree of common identity.


889 - A setting in which people are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time and are subject to tight control

total institution

890 - a setting in which people are isolated from the rest of society for a specific period of time and subject to tight control.

total institution

891 - A shared human perception of an aspect of reality that already exists is known.


892 - A shool's role in fostering the development of close friendships is a

latent function

893 - A situation that arises when norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable


894 - A situation that exists when a change in one variable is regularly associated with a change in another variable.


895 - A situation that might cause a panic is which of the following?

A burning building

896 - a situation that occurs when a person has difficulty meeting the expectations of a single status is an example of .....

role strain

897 - a situation that occurs when fulfilling the expectations of one status makes it difficult to fulfill the expectations of another status.

role conflict

898 - A situation when the non-material dimensions are unable to match the advances of technology.

cultural lag

899 - A small but representative selection of people studied in a survey or other research project.


900 - A small group of people chosen by the researcher that is usually hoped to be representative


901 - A small group of people w/c develop norms, values, belief, and special language which make distinct from the broader society. Examples: Tagalogs, Cebuanos, Ilonggos


902 - a small group of people who interact over a long period of time directly & personally

primary group

903 - a small number of cases drawn from the larger population


904 - A small number of people that represent a larger or target group being studied

A sample

905 - A small quantity of something that accurately reflects the larger entity.

Representative Sample

906 - A smaller group of people in a study that accurately reflect the larger population


907 - A smaller group that's representative of the population.


908 - A small-scale study carried out as a trial of the main study is known as

Pilot study

909 - A social class is a category of people who share similarities in which attribute(s)?

wealth, power, and prestige

910 - A social class is a group of people who stand in a common relationship to the means of production Whose perspective does this definition describe ?

Karl Marx

911 - A social class is a group of people who stand in a common relationship to the means of production Whose perspective does this definition describe?

Karl Marx

912 - A social class is a portion of community marked off from the rest by social status" is defined by

Maclver and Page

913 - A Social Class is.....

a grouping of people with similar levels of wealth, power, and prestige

914 - a social condition in which privileges and obligations are given to some but denied to others

social inequality

915 - A social condition in which values are conflicting weak or absent is called.


916 - A social condition in which values are conflicting weak or absent is called____________?


917 - A social group of organisms sharing an environment normally with shared interests is a.


918 - A social group of organisms sharing an environment normally with shared interests is a______________?


919 - A social movement which becomes a formal organization is said to have undergone.


920 - A social problems is

an issue that negatively affects a person's state of being in a society.

921 - A social science that involvesthe study of past events in human societies is known as


922 - A social stratum is.

a level in the social hierarchy comprising people with shared life chances

923 - A social stratum is_______________?

a level in the social hierarchy comprising people with shared life chances

924 - A social stratum is________________?

a level in the social hierarchy comprising people with shared life chances

925 - A social system in which social position is fixed for a lifetime What type of social stratification does this describe ?


926 - A social system in which social position is fixed for a lifetime What type of social stratification does this describe?


927 - A social system were individuals are divide by their relative power, prestige and socioeconomic status is known as

Social Stratification

928 - A social system.

all of the above

929 - A social value

outside the personality of individuals.

930 - A socially defined group or society is called a?


931 - A socially defined position in a group or society.


932 - A socially prominent person is known as this.


933 - A socially prominent person is known as this. They are wealthy, but not really famous.


934 - A socially prominent person is known as this.....


935 - A society based on close personal ties is a.


936 - A society based on tradition, kinship, and close social relationships.


937 - A society consists of a group of interdependent people who share all of the following except

the same subcultures

938 - A society generally tries to use an innovation in

old, familiar material

939 - A society in which food is obtained primarily by raising and taking care of animals

Pastoral society

940 - A society in which social status is based on ability and achievement


941 - A society in which the economic emphasis is on providing information and services


942 - A society includes a number of group of people who interact on the basis of

all of theseE.None of these

943 - A society includes a number of group of people who interact on the basis of

All of hese

944 - A society shares all of the following EXCEPT:

a single, common language

945 - A society that depends on science and technology to produce its basic goods and services

Industrial society

946 - A society that focuses on the domestication of animals.....


947 - A society that raised animals as the primary means of obtaining food was called


948 - A society that separates church and state is a ..... society.


949 - A society that survives by hunting animals and gathering edible plants

Hunting and gathering society

950 - A society that survives primarily through the growing of plants

Horticultural society

951 - A society that survives primarily through the growing of plants (immediately after hunting and gathering)


952 - A society that uses plows and draft animals in growing food

agricultural society

953 - A society where food is obtained primarily from raising and taking care of animals

pastoral society

954 - A society where the bulk of this production is carried out with machines in factories, with unskilled workers replacing skilled craftsmen.


955 - A society which is socially isolated but still provides for all the needs of its members, is called.

Total institution

956 - A society which is socially isolated but still provides for all the needs of its members, is called______________?

Total institution

957 - A society's economic system is largely determined by its concept of.


958 - A sociological perspective that argues that all social structures serve an important function.


959 - A sociological research approach that seeks in-depth understanding of a topic or subject through observation or interaction; this approach is not based on hypothesis testing.

Interpretive framework

960 - A sociologist analyzing the interactions among individuals during their everyday lives is using what level of analysis?


961 - A sociologist decides to study the interaction among students in the college's computer center. When the students realize they re under observation, they become shy and reserved in their interactions. This is an example of

the Hawthorne effect

962 - A sociologist defines society as a group of people who live in a defined area, share a culture, and who:


963 - A sociologist is concerned with understanding society in a/an ..... way.


964 - A sociologist is concerned with understanding society in a/an ..... way.एक समाà¤Å“शास्त्री समाà¤Å“ को ..... तरीके से समझने से संबंधित हà¥Ë†Ã ¥¤

disciplinedअनुशासन à¤ÂªÃ ¥Ã ¤°Ã ¤¿Ã ¤¯

965 - A sociologist making a connection about an event in their paper and their society is using what?

Sociological Imagination

966 - A sociologist studying the conflict between teachers on strike and the state education board would be best served using which sociological perspective?

Conflict Perspective

967 - A sociologist studying the struggle between teachers on strike and the state education board and the attempt to bring about change would be best served using which sociological perspective?

Conflict Perspective

968 - A sociologist who decides to research the prevalence of teenage pregnancy over various generations in a society is pursuing

a longitudinal study

969 - A specific group of people in a survey.

population of interest

970 - A speed limit sign is an example of a/an:

Formal Norm

971 - A split labor market ?

Underlies the development of ethnic tensions

972 - A split labour market.

Underlies the development of ethnic tensions

973 - a spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval given by an individual or a group

Informal Sanction

974 - A standard of living that is below the minimum level considered adequate by society is classified as .....


975 - A state in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent


976 - A state of balance between cooperation and conflict is


977 - A state of living where people can afford necessities but are unable to meet their society's average standard of living

Relative Poverty

978 - A statistical norm is.

What actually exists

979 - A statistical norm is______________?

What actually exists

980 - A statistical relationship (with or without causation) between two variables is called


981 - A statistical relationship between two or more variables is called


982 - A status assigned according to standards beyond one's control.

Ascribed Status

983 - A status group, according to Max Weber, is characterised by


984 - a status that is earned or chosen.


985 - a status that is important because they influence most other aspects of a person's life.

master status

986 - A status that is neither earned nor chosen

ascribed status

987 - a status that is neither earned nor chosen, but it is assigned to us.


988 - a status that is obtained by individual's effort or knowledge

achieved status

989 - A status that strongly influences aspects of a person's life is called

master status

990 - A stay home dad who also works from home to make a living for his children and himself would be an example of

multiple masculinities

991 - A stratification structure that does not allow social mobility

caste system

992 - A stratification system in which there are few obstacles to social mobility, positions are awarded on the basis of merit, and rank is tied to individual achievement.

open stratification system

993 - A stratified society is one marked by inequality", is said by


994 - A stratum of people of similar positions in the social status continuum are termed as.

Social class

995 - A stratum of people of similar positions in the social status continuum are termed as_____________?

Social class

996 - A strong predictive factor of becoming an abusive parent is.

to have felt unloved and unwanted by one's own parents

997 - A student in a poorly funded school is more likely to:

have a knowledge gap due to less access to technology

998 - A student is supposed to study the material presented by the teacher. This is a student's


999 - A student reads all about ballet dancers andadmires their discipline and hard work. This isan example of a(n)

reference group.

1000 - a student who is suppose to study but he is going out with his friends all the time is an example of

role performance


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