Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set.12

1 - What is an Esate system

ownership of property and exerize of power are monopplized by an elite class who have total control over societial resources

2 - What is an Ethnic Minority?

is socially identified by unique characteristics related to culture or nationality.

3 - What is an example of a conflict?

interaction to defeat an opponent

4 - What is an example of a Latent Function?

Day-care facilities

5 - What is an example of a More?

Using loud profanity during a religious service (not a great idea)

6 - What is an example of a Primary Group?


7 - What is an example of a reference group?


8 - What is an example of a Secondary Group?


9 - What is an example of a social group?

All of these

10 - What is an example of a Social Institution?

Only (A) & (B)

11 - What is an example of a subculture?

San Francisco Chinatown

12 - What is an example of an achieved status?

The lead in the school play

13 - What is an example of bias that can affect your research.

all of these are examples

14 - What is an example of culture change due to discovery?

more women participating in competitive sports

15 - What is an example of ethnocentrism at its worst?

The Nazi Holocaust

16 - What is an example of Formal Organizations?


17 - What is an example of Nationalistic communication?

French people speaking French

18 - What is an important difference between sociology and anthropology?

Sociology investigates social behavior from a group perspective; anthropology investigates culture.

19 - What is an important difference between sociology and anthropology? a. Sociology studies human mental processes; anthropology deals with human emotions. b. Anthropology studies social structure; sociology studies culture. c. Sociology studies the theory

Sociology investigates social behavior from a group perspective; anthropology investigates culture.

20 - What is an indicator of poverty, according to the Consensual Measure?

lacking 3 or more necessities

21 - What is an ingroup?

a social group that commands your loyalty

22 - What is an open-classroom?

is a non-bureaucratic approach to education based on democratic relationships, flexibility, and non-competitiveness.

23 - What is an out-group?

a social group toward which you feel competition or opposition

24 - what is an underlying pattern of social relationships?

social structure

25 - What is an understood rule for accepted and expected behavior?


26 - What is an unstructured interview?

when the questions are not planned in advance

27 - What is anomie?

When society does not provide enough ways for people to be successful therefore people feel frustrated and turn to crime

28 - What is Anthropology

the comparative study of past and present cultures

29 - What is anthropology?

the comparative study of past and present cultures

30 - What is Anticipatory Socialization?

The process, facilitated by social interactions

31 - What is applied social research _________________?

research that aims to intervene in and improve social life

32 - What is applied social research?

research that aims to intervene in and improve social life

33 - What is ascribed status?

something that is assigned according to qualities beyond your control

34 - What is at the center for all the social sciences

The study of Human behaviour

35 - What is at the center for the branch of Sociology?

The Study of society

36 - What is behavior towards a group or individual which treats them differently from other groups or individuals called ?


37 - What is behavior towards a group or individual which treats them differently from other groups or individuals called ?


38 - What is behaviour towards a group or individual which treats them differently from other groups or individuals called?


39 - What is bias?

An attitude or belief in a stereotype that affects our understanding, actions, and decisions towards others.

40 - What is biomedical Approach?

Focuses on the physical or biological aspects of disease and illness

41 - what is caste

ascribe status

42 - What is causation?

Events occur in a particular order and that one event causes another

43 - What is class conflict theory?

A view in society that there is socio-economic competition among the social classes or between rich and poor

44 - what is class consciousness

sense of identification with goals and interest with the members of a social class

45 - What is cognitive ability?

The capacity for thinking abstractly

46 - What is common to magic, religion and science?

Orientation towards the unknown

47 - What is conflict theory's explanation of stratification?

Stratification results from lack of opportunity and from discrimination and prejudice against the poor, women, and people of color.

48 - What is considered a dependent variable?

Something that is subjected to change by another variable

49 - what is conspicous consumption

display of goods to define ones social status

50 - What is cooperative learning?

Students study in groups, with teachers as guides rather than as the controlling agents

51 - What is cosmopolitan democracy ?

a form of world government with global citizenship

52 - What is cosmopolitan democracy?

a form of world government with global citizenship

53 - What is counterculture

subculture that deliberately opposes certain

54 - What is created by the structure of sociology?


55 - What is Critical Sociology?

Study of society that focuses on the need for social change

56 - What is Cultural Diversity/Awareness?

) Recognizing different beliefs, values, and customs that other people have, that are based on their origins or upbringing.

57 - What is cultural pluralism?

it recognizes immigrants' desire to maintain at least a remnant of their "old" ways

58 - What is cultural relativism?

assessing a culture by its own standard

59 - What is cultural transmission?

The passing on of culture from one generation to the next

60 - What is Culture

language, norms,vaules , knowledge, customs to physical objects

61 - What is culture?

A shared of life

62 - What is defined as a set of ideas tied together under the belief in some type of divine being, a guiding set of morality, and a belief in an afterlife


63 - What is defined as ‘non-conformity to a given set or norms that are accepted by a significant number of people in a community or society ?


64 - What is defined as non-conformity to a given set of norms that are accepted by a significant number of people in a community or society ?


65 - What is defined as non-conformity to a given set of norms that are accepted by a significant number of people in a community or society?


66 - What is defined as the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group called?


67 - What is defined as the cultural practices and outlooks of a given community of people that set them apart from others ?


68 - What is defined as the cultural practices and outlooks of a given community of people that set them apart from others ?


69 - What is defined as the cultural practices and outlooks of a given community of people that set them apart from others?


70 - What is defined as the dispersal of an ethnic population from an original homeland into foreign areas often in a forced manner ?


71 - What is defined as the dispersal of an ethnic population from an original homeland into foreign areas often in a forced manner?


72 - What is Desocialization?

Process of the giving up or loss of old norms

73 - What is detracked learning?

When all levels of students learn in the same classroom from the same teacher



75 - What is differential association theory?

A person's tendency toward conformity or deviance depends on the amount of contact with others who encourage or reject conventional behavior.

76 - What is differentiation?

When teachers and the school attempt to cater for higher and lower ability students and students with different needs.

77 - What is Diffusion

the borrowing of aspects from another culture

78 - What is discrimination?

Act of unfair treatment directed against an individual or group

79 - What is Disneyization?

The transformation of society to resemble Disney parks

80 - What is Dramaturgy?

a method that approaches human interaction as a theatrical performance

81 - What is earned option honors?

When all levels of students learn in the same classroom from the same teacher

82 - What is education ?

a social institution promoting the acquisition of skills and knowledge

83 - What is education?

a social institution promoting the acquisition of skills and knowledge

84 - What is Educational Equality?

Exists when schooling produces the same results, in terms of achievement and attitudes, for lower-class and minority children as it does for less disadvantaged children.

85 - What is egalitarianism?

There is no real class distinction because everyone perceives themselves as being equal

86 - What is emphasized in postindustrial societies?

education and technology

87 - What is equity?

being fair

88 - What is ethnocentrism?

judging a culture by your own cultural norm

89 - What is ethnomethodology ?

the study of the methods people uses to make sense of the world

90 - What is ethnomethodology?

the study of the methods people use to make sense of the world

91 - What is feminism?

the idea that women should have equal political, economical and social rights

92 - What is field research?

Research that takes place in a natural setting

93 - What is Folkway

norms that lack more significance

94 - What is foreign policy?

a country's relations with other nations

95 - What is Formal Sanction

imposed by people given special authority

96 - what is functionalism

ordered and stable society every, every element serves a purpose

97 - What is Functionalism?

Society as a whole, made up of all different parts that work together

98 - What is gender conflict theory?

A theory that is best understood as men attempting to maintain power and privilege to the detriment of women.

99 - What is gender expression?

Gender expression refers to how a person shows their gender to the world.

100 - What is generalization?

a statement that goes beyond the individual case and is applied to the broader group or situation.

101 - What is gentrification ?

renovation of run-down city neighborhoods to attract high income groups

102 - What is gentrification?

renovation of run-down city neighbourhoods to attract high income groups

103 - What is group conformity?

Group Pressure to fit in and obey group Norms

104 - What is Groupthink?

A phenomenon when a group of people get together and start to think collectively

105 - What is guilty knowledge

Witnessing illegal or immoral behaviour and deciding whether or not to prioritise research participants right to confidentialloty

106 - What is Herbert Spencer's sociological theory that is often referred to as the "survival of the fittest?"

social Darwinism

107 - What is Howard Becker's famous definition of deviance ?

deviant behavior is behavior that people so label

108 - What is Howard Becker's famous definition of deviance?

deviant behavior is behavior that people so label

109 - What is Ideal Culture?

Refers to cultural guidelines publicly embraced by members of a society.

110 - What is identity?

The qualities, characteristics or beliefs that make a person who they are.

111 - What is immediate gratification?

Wanting rewards now, not wanting to work or wait for success

112 - What is in and out groups?

The division of different stereotypes

113 - What is incorrect about SEWA?

It is restricted to Ahmedabad only.

114 - What is industry?

Industry refers to the place where the goods and services are produced for consumption in an economy.

115 - What is Informal Sanction

rewards or punishments given by most people

116 - What is Interpretive Sociology?

The study of society that focuses on the meanings people attach to their social world

117 - What is intersectionality?

Understanding that identities can overlap and affect each other.

118 - What is it called when a cultural trait takes a very long time to develop and grow?

Cultural Lag

119 - What is it called when a small groups end up dominating an organization?

Iron Law of Oligarchy

120 - What is it called when members of a group think, feel, and behave in similar ways.


121 - what is it called when the group is aware they are being observed?


122 - What is it called when two or more people or groups oppose each other to achieve a goal that only one can attain?


123 - What is Jaya's favourite colour?


124 - What is Jaya's hobby?


125 - what is kairavi "s favorite work

all of the above

126 - What is known as separation of groups by transferring the minority population to a new territory?

Population Transfer

127 - What is known as social change?

Social Dynamics

128 - What is known as social dependency based on a widespread consensus of values and beliefs, enforced conformity, and dependence on tradition and family?

mechanical solidarity

129 - What is known as social interdependency based on a high degree of specialization in roles?

organic solidarity

130 - What is known as something that is used to mean something else?


131 - What is known as the ability to control the behavior of others?


132 - What is known as the study of social stability and order?

Social Statics

133 - What is known as the systematic study of human society and social interaction?


134 - What is known as the understanding social behavior by putting yourself in the shoes of others?


135 - What is known as the unequal treatment of individuals based on their group membership?


136 - What is legitimate power that is given because of historical practice and custom?

Traditional authority

137 - What is legitimate power through a leader's personal or emotional appeal?

Charismatic authority

138 - What is macro level of analysis

All of the above

139 - What is macrosociology?

Approach of sociology that analyzes large scale systems

140 - What is marriage out of your class?


141 - What is Master Status?

A status that has exceptional importance for social identity

142 - What is material culture?

It consists of the concrete, tangible objects within a culture- automobiles, basketballs, chairs, highways, art, etc.

143 - What is Mead's part of self created during socialization?


144 - What is Mead's part of self that's creative, unpredictable, & spontaneous?


145 - What is meant by "debriefing"?

giving participants information about the study after it is complete

146 - What is meant by reflexivity in sociological research ?

research findings feed back into society and as a result may change it

147 - What is meant by reflexivity in sociological research?

research findings feed back into society and as a result may change it

148 - What is meant by reliability

Where the study can be replicated and similar results obtained

149 - What is meant by the "hidden curriculum" at school?

This is all of the informal lessons you learn that are supposed to prepare you for life. It includes messages about expected behaviours.

150 - What is meant by the public sector?

Economic activities in which the government engages for the public good

151 - What is meant by the term culture?

the way of life of a society

152 - What is meant by the term Looking-Glass Self?

an image of yourself based on what you believe others think of you.

153 - What is meant by the term 'representative'?

When the sample size is large enough to get a real picture of what is going on

154 - What is meant by the term 'validity'?

A theoretical issue in sociology that allows you to get a true picture of what is really going on within the research.

155 - What is Merton's strain theory of deviance?

Society puts pressure on individuals to achieve socially accepted goals (such as the American dream) though they lack the means, this leads to strain which may lead the individuals to commit crimes.

156 - What is mixed ability teaching?

Having classes where students are not separated by ability.

157 - What is multiculturalism ?

policies encouraging ethnic groups to live together in harmony

158 - What is multiculturalism?

policies encouraging ethnic groups to live together in harmony

159 - What is multiple causation?

the belief that an event occurs as a result of several factors working in combination

160 - What is necessary for Sanskritization?

Psychological Preparation

161 - What is 'Neoliberalism'?

Only (A) & (B)

162 - What is NOT a major sociology perspective?


163 - What is NOT a method of Sociological Research?

Outsider Observation

164 - What is NOT a reason why sociologists should do a Existing Source Analysis before beginning a study?

To write down the findings of another researcher so they can make them seem like their own.

165 - What is NOT a way that the upper class influences society and decision making?


166 - What is NOT included in wealth?


167 - What is objectivity?

not imposing personal bias when conducting or analyzing research.

168 - What is one characteristic of groups?

The members of a group tend to includeinsiders and outsiders.

169 - What is one difference between Freud's developmental stages and Erikson's?

Freud stopped at adolescence

170 - What is one drawback in using official statistics?

Doesn't take into account the motivations of individuals

171 - What is one important function of a primary group?

to promote socialization

172 - What is one of the most prominent sociological concerns?


173 - What is one of the three ways that culture can change?


174 - What is one way that sociology and history differ?

Sociologists use a wider range of research methods.

175 - What is one way to distinguish between psychology and sociology?

All of the above

176 - What is open enrollment?

When you can sign up for honors if you want (without needing approval)

177 - What is Participant Observation?

Research method in which investigators systematically observe people while joining them in their routine activities

178 - What is peer pressure?

The influence that a peer group has on its members to persuade them to perform.

179 - What is positivism?

The idea that the truth only comes from scientific knowledge

180 - What is Postmodernism?

the belief that every human being should decide what is true for themselves

181 - What is primary socialisation? (two answers)

Only (A) & (B)

182 - What is psychology?

All of the above.

183 - What is public policy?

How governments or public institutions change to promote equality for everyone

184 - What is qualitative data?

Data in the form of words

185 - What is quantitative data?

Information and facts that take a numerical form.

186 - What is race conflict theory?

A view that focuses on inequality and conflict between people of different racial and ethnic categories

187 - What is racial formation?

Process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and/or destroyed

188 - What is real culture?

Refers to actual behavior patterns

189 - What is 'relative poverty'?

Only (A) & (B)

190 - What is religious fundamentalism ?

strict or literal adherence to basic religious principles and beliefs

191 - What is religious fundamentalism?

strict or literal adherence to basic religious principles and beliefs

192 - What is retreatism?

Reject both goals and means of achieving them.

193 - What is Role Strain?

Incompatible demands put into a single status

194 - What is said to exist when a change in one variable is regularly associated with a change in another variable?


195 - What is Scientific Sociology?

The study of society through the use of science that is based on systematic observation of social behavior

196 - What is scientific study of the processes and phenomena of aging called?


197 - What is second analysis?

Using pre-collected information

198 - What is Secondary Analysis

Method in which a researcher uses data collected by others

199 - What is secondary socialisation?

Later processes of socialisation that occur in education, at work and in your peer groups. You learn more specific roles and statuses.

200 - What is Self-fulfilling prophecy?

A prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true,

201 - What is Social Aggregate

A collection of people who happen to be at the same place at the same time but who have no other connection to one another

202 - What is Social Control?

ways to encourage or promote conformity to society's norms.

203 - What is social location?

Social location is the group memberships that people have because of their location.

204 - What is Social Moblilty

movement from one class to another

205 - What is social role ?

socially defined expectations of people in a given social position

206 - What is social role?

socially defined expectations of people in a given social position

207 - What is social statics?

Forces that provide stability to society

208 - what is social stratification

is the ranking of people or groups according to their UNEQUAL access to resources

209 - What is Social Stratification?

The division of society into categories, ranks, or classes.

210 - What is social structure of society?

All of the above

211 - What is Social Structure?

The structure of social network ties between individuals or organizations.

212 - What is sociological imagination?

The ability of individuals to see the relationship between events in their personal lives and events in their society.

213 - What is sociological perspective?

understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context

214 - What is sociology?

It studies human society and human behavior

215 - What is something chosen to represent something else?




217 - What is Structural Functionalism?

view the social world as a dynamic system of interrelated and interdependent parts

218 - What is structure according to A. Giddens?

Rules and resources that actors use in interaction contexts.

219 - What is subculture?

A cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.

220 - What is Symbolic Interactionism?

People create symbols as ways to understand the world and shape our identities.

221 - What is the "Me" in Mead's Me vs I?

The learned behaviors, attitudes, and expectations of others and of society.

222 - what Is the % of working poor class


223 - What is the ability of individuals to see the relationship between our personal lives and our society?

sociological imagination

224 - What is the ability to achieve desired ends despite resistance?


225 - What is the ability to control the behaviors of others?


226 - What is the ability to see the connection between the larger world and our personal lives?

sociological imagination

227 - What is the achievement gap studied in this research?

Only (A) & (B)

228 - What is the adjective used to describe a person who is friendly?


229 - What is the age range for the young-old phase of aging?

65-74 years old

230 - What is the approach to ethnic integration which requires immigrants to adopt the culture and values of the majority called ?


231 - What is the approach to ethnic integration which requires immigrants to adopt the culture and values of the majority called ?


232 - What is the basic unit of Society?


233 - What is the basis for the type of knowledge called science?

empirical evidence gained through direct, systematic observation

234 - What is the basis of Capitalism?

private ownership of the means of production

235 - What is the basis of economy in all societies?


236 - What is the basis of racist ideology?

An inaccurate interpretation and social application of Darwin's theory of evolution

237 - What is the belief that events occur in predictable ways and that one event leads to another?


238 - What is the belief that Sociologist should look beyond what they can seen and try to understand peoples thoughts and feelings?




240 - What is the best definition for technology?

the application of science to address the problems of daily life

241 - What is the best definition of cultural universals?

they are traits that exist in all cultures

242 - What is the best descriptor for group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks?

Instrumental leadership

243 - What is the best example of informal norm?

asking a woman to try on her shoes

244 - What is the best way to find out what to do for the project?

Go to the "about" page on google classroom and read about it.

245 - What is the blending of culturally distinct groups into a single group with a common culture and identity?


246 - What is the central message of postmodernism?

rejection of the idea of a single, shared understanding of history and society

247 - What is the central question posed by supporters of the conflict perspective?

Who gets what?

248 - What is the chief ethical concern concerning all the new sources of data available through new technological means like Internet research?

the privacy of the subjects

249 - What is the chivalry thesis?

The belief that the police and courts, are more strict on males and easier on women.

250 - What is the class interval of the data below?


251 - What is the class interval where the median lies?

6 < w < 9

252 - What is the compulsion of proximity ?

the need to meet each other face to face

253 - What is the compulsion of proximity?

the need to meet each other face to face

254 - What is the concept of society prescribed by Islam?

Each individual is social unit, the centre of gravity and the launching instrument to put Islam into a full action on a full scale.

255 - What is the concept used by Karl Marx to explain workers loss of control over their labor power in capitalist societies ?


256 - What is the concept used by Karl Marx to explain workers loss of control over their labour power in capitalist societies?


257 - What is the Conflict Perspective?

the focus on the forces in society that promote competition and change

258 - What is the Conflict Theory?

This theory views society as a system of groups that are not equal, and therefore consistently generate conflict and change.

259 - What is the correct definition of content analysis?

When observational techniques are used to analyse media products in order to create quantitative data

260 - What is the correct term of exclusion faced by ethnic minorities by the economy?


261 - What is the current population of the United Kingdom?


262 - What is the definition for ritualism?

Start out wanting the cultural goals but give up after discouragement.

263 - What is the definition of "sociology"?

Sociology is the systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior.

264 - What is the definition of CULTURE?

objects and symbols, their meanings, norms, values, and beliefs

265 - What is the definition of deviance?

Behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society.

266 - What is the definition of government?

A human organization with the legitimate monopoly on violence

267 - What is the definition of nature?

the part of human behavior that's biologically determined and instinctive

268 - What is the definition of Positivism?

the application of the scientific approach to the social world

269 - What is the definition of sanctions?

rewards and punishments that are used to foster norms

270 - What is the definition of subculture?

a group that is part of, yet different from, the dominant culture

271 - What is the definition of subjective meanings?

the meanings that people give their own behavior

272 - What is the definition of the mean?

The average

273 - What is the development of economic, political, and social relationships that stretch worldwide called?


274 - What is the deviant path of rebellion?

Reject both goals and means of achievement, replacing with new goals.

275 - What is the difference between a dependent and independent variable?

A dependent variable is reflects a change and an independent variable causes something to occur

276 - What is the difference between a primary group and a secondary group?

A primary group is small, consisting of emotional face-to-face relationships; a secondary group is larger and impersonal.

277 - What is the difference between a quantitative and qualitative variable

A qualitative variable is a characteristic that is defined by its presence or absence in a category and a quantitative is a quality that can be measured numerically

278 - What is the difference between an interview and a questionaire

A questionnaire is a written set of questions to be answered by a research participant and an interview is a survey where a researcher asks questions and records answers

279 - What is the difference between an questionaire and a structured interview?

A structureed interview is conducted personally a questionaire is not

280 - What is the difference between microsociology and macrosociology?

the level of analysis

281 - What is the difference between positive and negative correlation?

positive = directly related variables (the variables change in the same direction) negative = indirectly related variables (the variables change in opposite directions)

282 - What is the difference between Positive and Negative Deviance?

Negative Deviance refers to under conforming to norms, positive deviance is over conformity to societies norms.

283 - What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

Prejudice is an opinion, not an act.

284 - What is the difference between status and roles?

you OCCUPY a status and you PLAY a role

285 - What is the difference between the game stage and play stage?

The play stage is when children act in ways they imagine others would while game stage is when they anticipate actions of others based on social rules.

286 - What is the difference between wealth and income?

Wealth is how much you have while Income is how much you make

287 - What is the Differential Association theory

deviance is learned based on the number of divans acts/norms one is exposed to.

288 - What is the Digital Divide?

A significant contrast in the access to and equity of technology experience based on categories such as income, race, gender, location, or education.

289 - What is the empathetic understanding of the meanings others attach to their actions?


290 - What is the essential element of state?


291 - What is the evil thing in "The Gods Must be Crazy."

Coke Bottle

292 - What is the expected behavior for a particular status or social position?

Social Role



294 - What is the expected behaviors for someone living with the culture called? Such as giving a bus seat to an elderly person out of respect.


295 - What is the favorite food of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


296 - What is the final step when reading tables and graphs?

draw conclusions from observations

297 - What is the first action taken when using the Scientific Method?

identify the problem

298 - What is the first step in the scientific method for sociology?

Identify a problem

299 - What is the first step in the scientific Method?

determine your research Question

300 - What is the first step of the research process?

define a problem

301 - What is the first step of the sociological research process?

defining the research problem

302 - What is the first thing a sociologist should do when reading tables and graphs?

read the title carefully

303 - What is the formalized system of symbols representing sounds used to record language called?

Written Language

304 - What is the formula in finding the mean of Grouped Data?

x̄ = Σfx/Σf

305 - What is the fourth fundamental theory?

There are only three theories

306 - What is the full name of Auguste Comte?

Isidore Marie Auguste Francois Xavier Comte

307 - What is the function of families for individuals and societies?

All of the above

308 - What is the functional analysis theory?

Society is a whole unit, made up interrelated parts that work together

309 - What is the Functionalist Perspective?

view society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable environment

310 - What is the functionalist view of social control?

Functionalists believe that the process of socialization ensures that people conform to societies' norms and values as they have internalized the societies norms and values and want to do the right thing.

311 - What is the generation that were young in the late 70's and 80's called?

Gen x

312 - What is the German word for "putting yourself in someone else's shoes"?


313 - What is the Glass Ceiling?

Women can see the high positions in the company, but cannot reach them because of an invisible barrier

314 - What is the goal of Scientific Sociology?

To gather data about society that can be measured

315 - What is the Hawthorne Effect and how can it affect an experiment?

A change in a subject's behavior due to awareness of being studied

316 - What is the HBAI?

Households Below Average Income

317 - What is the hidden curriculum?

Lessons which are learned but not openly intended

318 - What is the idea of false consciousness?

The idea that you are not aware that you are being exploited

319 - What is the idea of the Looking-Glass?

We become who we are based on how we think others see us.

320 - What is the idea that racism pervades all of society's structures in a systematic way called ?

institutional racism

321 - What is the idea that racism pervades all of society's structures in a systematic way called ____________?

institutional racism

322 - What is the idea that racism pervades all of society's structures in a systematic way called?

institutional racism

323 - What is the important task of entering the adult world ages 23-27?

exploring relationships & being a responsible member of society

324 - What is the important task of the early adult transition period 17-22?

leaving home

325 - What is the important task of the transition period ages 28-32?

make a place for yourself in the adult world and to construct a life structure that fits you

326 - What is the initial element of sociological research ?

define the research problem

327 - What is the initial element of sociological research?

define the research problem

328 - What is the Integrative Curriculum?

Subject matter is selected and organized around certain real-world themes or concepts.

329 - What is the Interactionist Perspective?

They focus on how individuals interact with each other and their outcomes

330 - What is the Iron Law of Oligarchy?

Contends that organizational democracy is an oxymoron

331 - What is the key distinction between a caste system and a class system?

Social Mobility

332 - What is the Labeling Theory

theory that society acts creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant

333 - What is the last step of scientific method?

present results

334 - What is the literacy rate of India


335 - What is the MAIN aim of Educational Sociology?

to study social interaction.

336 - What is the main aim of Political Party?

To get power

337 - What is the main consequence of well-defined ethnic existing within established nations states ?

nations without states

338 - What is the main consequence of well-defined ethnic existing within established nations states?

nations without states

339 - What is the main difference between a participant observation and a case study?

Participant Observation researchers are more deeply imbedded in the culture.

340 - What is the main difference between polls and surveys?

Polls are shorter and more specific

341 - What is the main focus of an interactionist perspective?

how individuals interact with one another in society

342 - What is the main goal in a capitalist system?


343 - What is the main goal of a socialist system?

Meeting the needs of citizens

344 - What is the main role of the International Monetary Fund ?

to maintain stability in the world financial system

345 - What is the main role of the International Monetary Fund?

to maintain stability in the world financial system

346 - What is the mean for the quiz scores in Question 3? 18 20 13 18 19 17 16 15 18 20 15 14 16.


347 - What is the mean of these numbers?4,5,5,2,3,3,2,8


348 - What is the mean to fulfil the aims of state?


349 - what is the mean? of10 8 0 4.5 12 10 7.5 9 10.5 10 5


350 - What is the meaning of Sovereignty of State?


351 - What is the measure of child poverty, according to the Social Mobility & Child Poverty Commission?

if family income <60%of average earnings

352 - What is the median score for the quiz scores in question 3? 18 20 13 18 19 17 16 15 18 20 15 14 16.


353 - What is the Metaphysical stage?

When society is based on universal rights for people

354 - What is the minimum number of workers who can apply to sanction a new work


355 - What is the mode of the data set:Black Blue RedPink Black BlackGray Green BlueBlue Blue RedYellow Blue Red


356 - What is the most accurate difference between a culture and a society

A society has a territory

357 - What is the most common form of collecting data?


358 - What is the most common reason people give for not reporting a crime ?

too trivial for the police

359 - What is the most common reason people give for not reporting a crime?

too trivial for the police

360 - What is the most popular summer vacation location?

the ocean or a beach

361 - What is the most used research method in sociology?


362 - What is the name of a group that has formed a common goal?


363 - What is the name of a sample who more accurately represents the whole population called?

representative sample



365 - What is the name of the famous sociologist who is also known for starting the NAACP

WEB DuBois

366 - What is the name of the institution founded by Jane Addams?

Hull House

367 - What is the name of the place that is said to keep suspected terrorists.

Guantanamo Bay

368 - What is the name of the process by which we acquire a sense of identity and become members of society ?


369 - What is the name of the process by which we acquire a sense of identity and become members of society?


370 - What is the name of the process by which we acquire a sense of identity and become members of society____________?




372 - What is the name of the study to see if people follow orders no matter how unethical it is?

Milgram's Experiment

373 - What is the nature of State?


374 - What is the network of interrelated statuses and roles that guide human interaction?

social structure

375 - What is the nonverbal language system using a series of recognizable gestures, facial expressions, and even eye contact called?

Kinesics Language

376 - What is the one reason as to why immigrants are accepted?

as long as they conform to the "accepted standards" of the society

377 - What is the optimum group size for problem solving ?


378 - What is the optimum group size for problem solving?


379 - What is the over or under representation of certain racial groups for a particular position known as?


380 - What is the part of the self created through socialization called?


381 - What is the part of the self that accounts for unlearned, spontaneous acts called?


382 - What is the Phillips curve?

a graphic representation of conflict between full employment and inflation

383 - What is the policy that allows each group within society to keep its unique cultural identity?

Cultural Pluralism

384 - What is the policy that physically separates a minority group from the dominant group?


385 - What is the Positive stage?

Society uses science to solve problems instead of religious or moral tenets

386 - What is the practice where dominance is maintained by force?


387 - What is the primary agent in childhood socialization?




389 - What is the primary difference between the SOCIAL and NATURAL sciences?

Social sciences examine the human relationship while natural sciences to try understand the world of nature

390 - What is the process by which people, places, regions, and countries become more interlinked and more interdependent at a planetary scale?


391 - What is the process by which schools help to perpetuate social and economic inequalities across the generation called?

cultural reproduction

392 - What is the process by which schools help to perpetuate social and economic inequalities across the generation called______________?

cultural reproduction

393 - What is the process by which schools help to perpetuate social and economic inequalities across the generations called ?

cultural reproduction

394 - What is the process of analyzing and interpreting numerical data- even in large amounts called?


395 - What is the process of assuming the viewpoint of another and using that viewpoint to shape self-concept called?

Role Taking

396 - What is the process of learning to participate in a group called?


397 - What is the process through which a piece of culture is transferred from group to group and from society to society?


398 - What is the purpose of a Total Institution?

to control and manipulate someone to permanently change their lives.

399 - What is the purpose of Harlow's Monkey Experiment?

To show the importance of closeness and comfort between a child and their mother.

400 - What is the quote that Mr. O'Keefe believes in?

A society that forgets its past is doomed to repeat it.

401 - What is the relationship between globalism and ethnocentrism?

ethnocentrism is always in conflict with globalism

402 - What is the resistance to social change because one is happy with his/her current situation?

vested interests

403 - What is the resolution of the story, "The Lottery"?

Tessie is stoned to death

404 - What is the result of a consensus of values in society?


405 - What is the result of participant observation?


406 - What is the result of the looking-glass self process?


407 - What is the room number for Mrs. B's classroom????


408 - What is the rule described in The Peter Principle?

employees in a bureaucracy are promoted to positions for which they have little ability

409 - What is the scientific method?

Using objective, systematic observation to test theories

410 - What is the scientific study of human society and interactions?


411 - What is the scientific study of social behavior and human groups?


412 - What is the secondary agent of socialization?


413 - What is the significance of time order in causal relationships?

it determines whether or not an action is the result of another action

414 - What is the sisters last name?


415 - What is the sociological definition of deviance?

Breaking the norms of society

416 - What is the sociological imagination?

The way individuals see how events in their own lives relate to events in society.

417 - What is the Sociological Perspective?

the understanding of human behavior by placing it within its broader social context

418 - What is the sociology of education?

is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes

419 - What is the source of the conflict, according to Coser?

limited resources

420 - What is the spoken communication following a formal and informal structure called?

Verbal Language

421 - What is the spread of a cultural trait from an originating culture called?

Cultural Diffusion

422 - What is the standard method for obtaining a representative sample.

Random selection

423 - What is the study of cultures?


424 - What is the study of small-scale interactions between individuals called?




426 - What is the syllabus code for Cambridge Sociology O'level?


427 - What is the symbolic interaction theory?

Symbols are the key to understanding how we view the world and communicate with one another

428 - What is the systematic elimination of one ethnic group at the hands of another called ?


429 - What is the systematic elimination of one ethnic group at the hands of another called ______________?


430 - What is the systematic elimination of one ethnic group at the hands of another called?


431 - What is the systematic study of human society to understand its development, structure, and functions?




433 - What is the tendency to view one's own culture or group as superior?


434 - What is the term called in interviews where the researchers characteristics (age, mannerisms, posture etc) can impact and modify the respondents behaviour?

Hawthorne effect

435 - What is the term for a primary group composed of individuals of roughly equal age and similar social characteristics?

peer group

436 - What is the term for associations that members enter and leave freely ?

voluntary organizations

437 - What is the term for associations that members enter and leave freely?

voluntary organizations

438 - What is the term for society working like nature if left alone (survival of the fittest)?

Social Darwinism

439 - What is the term for the ways in which a specific culture expresses universal traits?

cultural particulars

440 - What is the term that describes repeat offending by those who have been in prison ?


441 - What is the term that describes repeat offending by those who have been in prison?


442 - What is the term used by Francis Fukuyama (1992) to describe the triumph of Western-style democracy has over other forms of government ?

the end of history

443 - What is the term used by Francis Fukuyama (1992) to describe the triumph of Western-style democracy has over other forms of government?

the end of history

444 - What is the term used to describe individuals, groups, & institution that enable socialization to occur

Agents of socialization

445 - What is the term used to describe the stages from one's birth into a family with a specific status through formation of a new family unit ?

socioeconomic life cycle

446 - What is the term used to describe the stages from one's birth into a family with a specific status through formation of a new family unit?

socioeconomic life cycle

447 - What is the Theological stage

When society is based on the laws of God

448 - What is the theory of Dramaturgy?

This depicts human interaction as a theatrical performance

449 - What is the third step of the scientific method?

formulate hypothesis

450 - What is the transmission of genetic characteristics from parents to children=


451 - What is the unsocialized, spontaneous, self-interested component of one's personality?


452 - What is the violation of norms or rules of expected behaviors?


453 - What is the wrong stage for Transtheoretical model?


454 - What is theoretical perspective? A) B) C) D)

A set of assumptions about an area of study

455 - What is this a picture of?


456 - What is this an example of:Do you prefer Rap or Country music?

Closed Ended Question

457 - What is this an example of:What is your favorite song?

Open Ended Question

458 - What is this an example of? When we become aware that our attitudes and our actions clash, we can reduce the resulting dissonance by changing our attitudes.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

459 - What is this? A female,wife, mother, author, church choir director

status set

460 - What is Title IX

A Law allowing women to have the same opportunities as males

461 - What is traits that identify us such as attitudes, beliefs, & values


462 - What is triangulation?

When you cross check your qualitative with your quantitative data

463 - What is true about culture

All of these

464 - What is true about social change?

Social change happens continuously in society.

465 - What is Truman scared of?




467 - What is urban recycling ?

refurbishing old buildings and finding new uses for previously used land

468 - What is urban recycling?

refurbishing old buildings and finding new uses for previously used land

469 - What is urbanization?

concentration of population in cities

470 - What is Verstehen

Understanding social behavior empathically

471 - What is your achieved status?

a status based on your own direct efforts

472 - what is your name?


473 - What is/are advantages of Ethnocentrism?

Only (A) & (B)

474 - What is/are ethical obligation(s) Sociologists must follow? (Check all that apply)

All of the above

475 - What is/are positive reason(s) for using Secondary Analysis over other research methods? (Check all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

476 - What isn't a typical role of an average 10-yr.-old?


477 - What issues did the Chicago School focus on?

All of the above

478 - What kind of a system is the economic institution?

Cultural and social

479 - What kind of boss would provide rewards for qualified people to do the most important work in an organisation?


480 - What kind of data are always either measurable or countable?

Quantitative Data

481 - What kind of fundamental shape of people's lives in society?

All of the above

482 - What kind of individual is valued in industrial and postindustrial societies?

manual workers

483 - What kind of labor does the craft method require?

High-cost, highly skilled

484 - What kind of research method would you use to see if the robotics club was benefiting the students involved?

Program Evaluation

485 - What kind of society makes heavy use of mechanization?


486 - What level of analysis studies face-to-face and small group interactions?


487 - What level of analysis studies large-scale social structures?


488 - What made gender discrimination illegal in educational institutions?

Title IX

489 - What major affect did the agricultural revolution have on population?

population increased

490 - What major contribution did W.E.B DuBois make to sociology ?

He developed a theoretical understanding of racial inequality

491 - What major contribution did W.E.B DuBois make to sociology?

He developed a theoretical understanding of racial inequality

492 - What makes Sociology a science?

Ability to apply the scientific method

493 - What method did researchers John Mihelich and John Papineau use to study Parrotheads?

web ethnography

494 - What method of determining social class is considered the least biased

Objective Method

495 - What models did the frames of the Constitution use for the office of the presidency?


496 - What name did Norbert Elias give to the dynamic of competition between social units that eventually gave rise to a nation state ?

the monopoly mechanism

497 - What name did Norbert Elias give to the dynamic of competition between social units that eventually gave rise to a nation state?

the monopoly mechanism

498 - What occurs in Lawrence Kohlberg's conventional level?

Children begin to consider what society considers moral and immoral.

499 - What occurs when fulfilling the role expectations of one status makes it difficult to fulfill the role expectations of another status

role conflict

500 - What occurs when people conform to social pressure and refuse to express their concerns?


501 - What occurs when someone is being resocialized into their new situation?

Someone adopts new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors.

502 - What occurs when two opposing parties each give up something in order to come to a mutual agreement?


503 - What of the following does not fall within the preview of social demographer?

To collect data about infant.

504 - What of the following shapes a person's identity and often all aspects of their life?

Master status

505 - What of these historical events contributed to the development of sociology as a field of study?

Industrial Revolution

506 - What one is a total institution?


507 - What other elements do most questionnaires have in common?

Only (A) & (B)

508 - What part of culture is used for management of difficult times or natural calamities?

Cognitive Elements

509 - What part of society are we currently in?


510 - What path do innovators follow?

Accept the goals of society, but use illegitimate means to reach them.

511 - What people earn during a particular time period, either from employment or investments.


512 - What people own and can draw on in times of need and pass to future generations


513 - What percent of Americans live in poverty?


514 - What percent of the population is the upper class


515 - What percent of total work hours must be used to fix errors that occur on the assembly line in mass-production plants?


516 - What percentage of American business revenues do corporation represent?


517 - What percentage of children achieved 5 GCSEs grades A-C last year?

50% Attainment - varies by gender and ethnicity - Gypsy Roma - 23% - Chinese 68%

518 - What percentage of the earth's people live in high-income areas?


519 - What percentage of the earth's people live in low-income areas?


520 - What percentage of the global population lives in What the World Bank describes as high-income countries ?


521 - What percentage of the global population lives in What the World Bank describes as high-income countries?


522 - What percentage of the Nepalese workforce is employed in agriculture ?


523 - What percentage of the Nepalese workforce is employed in agriculture?


524 - What percentages of marriages end in divorce in the UK?


525 - What perspective believes in a structural theory?


526 - What perspective believes that each part of society has a function?


527 - What perspective believes that society is based on a consensus?


528 - What perspective believes that we live in a communist society.

Marxist perspective

529 - What perspective focuses on the role of conflict, competition, and constraint within a society


530 - What perspective has many variations focusing on women's roles. What they are and how they're developed?


531 - What perspective identifies how the structures of society functions and focuses on stability, harmony and evolution


532 - What perspective is a doctor talking to you?


533 - What perspective is a NHS?


534 - What perspective is based on everyone having a role to play?


535 - What perspective looks at stresses contribution to social change? Says society is about competition

Conflict Theory

536 - What perspective or "ism" is known for the economic (money) system?


537 - What Perspective or "ism" looks at the working class and the rich?


538 - What perspective or ism is like a human body?


539 - What philosophy is the scientific method is rooted in?


540 - What profession came from the early sociologists working on actual social reform out in society?

Social Workers

541 - What proportion of employment in nonurban counties in the United States is accounted for by agriculture ?

9 per cent

542 - What proportion of employment in nonurban counties in the United States is accounted for by agriculture?

9 per cent

543 - What proportion of malnourished children under the age of five in the world,s low-and middle-income countries live in countries that actually produce a food surplus ?

more than 75%

544 - What proportion of malnourished children under the age of five in the world's low-and middle-income countries live in countries that actually produce a food surplus?

more than 75%

545 - What proportion of the world's annual wealth output is concentrated in high-income countries ?


546 - What proportion of the world's annual wealth output is concentrated in high-income countries?


547 - What proportion of the world's societies today are thought to be authoritarian rather than democratic ?

one third

548 - What proportion of the world's societies today are thought to be authoritarian rather than democratic?

one third

549 - What proportion of world trade is accounted for by transnational corporations ?

two thirds

550 - What proportion of world trade is accounted for by transnational corporations?

two thirds

551 - What refers to the gap between what Americans claim to believe and how they actually behave?

American Dilemma

552 - What refers to the ways that society keeps people from breaking the laws and norms?

Social control

553 - What reflects a society's values?


554 - What research method did John S. Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd mainly use in their Middletown study?

participant observation

555 - What research method is cheap and easy to make, and can yield data on a broad range of topics, but can have problems like bias questions or dishonest responses?


556 - What research method is popular because it is comparatively inexpensive and well-suited to studying large numbers of people ?


557 - What research method is this definition describing: Quantitative data collected by government or other official bodies

Official Statistics

558 - What research method is this definition describing: The researcher makes their true identity and purpose known to those being studied

Overt Observation

559 - What research method is this definition describing: The researcher simply observes the group without taking part in it

Non-participant Observation

560 - What role do secondary groups play in society?

They are transactional, task-based, and short-term, filling practical needs.

561 - What serves as a view, or lens, through which we look at the social experiences of groups - and not individuals?

sociological perspective

562 - What shows us the difference between personal topics and impersonal ones, C. Wright Mills created it?

Social Imagination

563 - What signified "wealth" in 19th century Western European society?

Land ownership

564 - What social class includes people who are businessmen or professionals such as doctors and lawyers

Upper Middle Class

565 - What social institution do sociologists suggest has the greatest impact on society?


566 - What social institution is represented in the picture?


567 - what society does Karl Marx believe in?


568 - What sociological approach argues that religions can be fruitfully understood as organization in competition with one another for followers ?

religious economy

569 - What sociological approach argues that religions can be fruitfully understood as organization in competition with one another for followers?

religious economy

570 - What sociological research method is most popular?


571 - What sociological theory of crime and deviance emphasizes sub-cultural belief systems as a major contributor to crime ?

Lower Class Focal Value theory

572 - What sociologist created the sociological method verstehen, the understanding of social behavior of others by putting yourself mentally in their place

Max Weber

573 - What sociologist said that changes in society are caused by rationalization?

Max Weber

574 - What sociologist was responsible for developing the concept of anomie ?




576 - What stage of life is most crucial in the process of socialization?

Infancy (0-3)

577 - What subject applies the principles of the Scientific Method to study ways in which humans interact with each other and as part of a group?


578 - What subject focuses on the roles of individuals, groups, and institutions?


579 - What system do we have in the United States?

Class System

580 - What system gives power to the people as a whole?


581 - What system that lied in urban society


582 - What term describe people wanting to own the latest and best products?


583 - What term describes the ability of individuals to see the relationship between events in their personal lives and events in their society?

sociological imagination

584 - What term describes the belief that knowledge of social behavior should be acquired by scientific observation?


585 - What term describes the fixed and inflexible characterizations of social groups ?


586 - What term describes the fixed and inflexible characterizations of social groups?


587 - What term describes the patterned interaction of people in social relationships?

social structure

588 - What term describes ties between individuals established through marriage or blood ?


589 - What term describes ties between individuals established through marriage or blood ?


590 - What term describes ties between individuals established through marriage or blood?


591 - What term describes when we present the image of ourselves we want others to see while we perform our assigned roles?


592 - What term is defined as the learned values, norms, and customs of people?


593 - What term is defined as the learned values, norms, and customs of people?लोगों के सीखे हुए मूल्यों, मानदंडों और रीति-रिवाजों के रूप में किस शब्


594 - What term is used for a set of expected behavior patterns associated with a particular position in a social unit?


595 - What term is used to describe tha phenomenon whereby newspapers can be read online radio stations accessed on digital televisions and mobile phones enable internet access?


596 - What term is used to describe the idea that people try to control what others think about them?

impression managemetn

597 - What term is used to describe the movement of individuals up or down the social scale during the course of their working lives ?

intragenerational mobility

598 - What term is used to describe the movement of individuals up or down the social scale during the course of their working lives?

intragenerational mobility

599 - What term is used to describe the phenomenon whereby newspapers can be read online radio stations accessed on digital televisions and mobile phones enable internet access ?


600 - What term is used to describe the way that the varied aspects of an individual's identity-such as class ethnicity gender disability and location -interact to produce complex patterns of inequality poverty and discrimination ?


601 - What term is used to describe the way that the varied aspects of an individual's identity-such as class ethnicity gender disability and location-interact to produce complex patterns of inequality poverty and discrimination?


602 - What term is used to refer to people playing a number of different roles?

Multiple roles

603 - What term means the ability to control the behavior of others?


604 - What term refers to a position a person occupies within a social structure?


605 - What term refers to any of the process by which people influence one another as the interrelate?

Social interaction

606 - What term refers to economic crimes like bribery, fraud, and embezzlement?

White-Collar Crime

607 - What term refers to the systematic study of social behavior and social structure?


608 - What theoretical perspective is affiliated with Karl Marx?

Conflict Theory

609 - What theorist talked about the "5 stages of Dying?"


610 - What theory argues that only certain people will be attracted by the opportunity to participate in a given episode of collective behavior ?


611 - What theory describes this statement: Socialization keeps the status quo.

Conflict Theory

612 - What theory of social movement development currently dominates academic though ?

Resource Development

613 - What theory says that society is like a machine

Structural functionalism

614 - What theory would say that deviance is most likely when there is a gap between culturally appropriate goals and the legitimate inability to reach those goals?

Strain Theory

615 - What theory would say that two people can do the same thing, but one may be considered deviant, and the other will not depending on their social standing in a society?

Labeling Theory

616 - What theory would say that two people can do the same thing, but one may be considered deviant, and the other will not?

Labeling Theory

617 - What theory would study how an everyday object might become sacred

Symbolic interactionism

618 - What tv show is this


619 - What two terms does Durkheim use to explain how societies grow and change over time?

mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity

620 - What type of concept is income?

A flow concept

621 - What type of concept is wealth?

A stock concept

622 - What type of economy is depicted in the picture above?

Traditional Barter Economy

623 - What type of education the family imparts to the child?


624 - What type of femininities have developed as a reflection of women's changing position in society? (4)

All of the above

625 - What type of fish is Nemo?


626 - What type of function does Malinowski believe religion performs?


627 - What type of functions are intended and recognized?

manifest functions

628 - What type of groups are united only by one purpose?


629 - What type of interview did Paul Willis conduct?

Group interview

630 - What type of interview has the highest level of reliability?

Structured interview

631 - What type of mobility has a person move froma warehouse worker to a bank executive

Vertical Mobility

632 - What type of perspectives would use things as symbol in identifying the social classes of each individual?

Symbolic Interactionism

633 - What type of power did Hitler, John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. all have


634 - What type of question would you ask to maximise reliability? (Can questionnaires be repeated to achieve similar results?)


635 - What type of question would you ask to maximise validity? (accurate and truthful data)


636 - What type of questionnaire has the greater cost implication

Postal questionnaire

637 - What type of questionnaire has the highest response rate

Email questionnaire with a completion incentive (eg £5 gift card).

638 - What type of research is being conducted if a language researcher goes to a preschool and interacts with children?

Qualitative Research

639 - What type of research is focus groups, interviews, and observations?

Qualitative Research

640 - What type of research is surveys and polls?

Quantitative Research

641 - What type of research relies on data instead of observations?

Quantitative data

642 - What type of research translates the social world into numbers that can be treated mathematically to find cause-and-effect relationships?

Quantitative Research

643 - What type of research works with non-numerical data such as texts, interview transcripts, and photographs to understand how people make a sense of their world?

Qualitative Research

644 - What type of sanction is this: A teacher gives out extra credit to a class because of their great answers during discussion that day, even though she didn't plan on it.

Postive In-Formal

645 - What type of social interaction is a state of balance between cooperation and conflict?


646 - What type of social interaction is often used with cooperation to motivate members to work harder for the group?


647 - What type of society is the San of the Kalahari from "The Gods Must be Crazy?"

Hunting and Gathering

648 - What type of society is the US in right now?

Post -Industrial

649 - What type of sociology is conflict theory?


650 - What type of sociology is feminist sociology


651 - What type of sociology is structural functionalism?


652 - What type of sociology is symbolic interactionism?


653 - What type of standards did Parson's say children are judged on in school?


654 - What type of standards did Parsons say children are judged on in the family


655 - what type of status is this: female, son, grandparent

ascribed status

656 - What type of status is this: President of the United States

achieved status

657 - What type of works come under Individual assets?

horticulture, sericulture

658 - What value a variable takes is its .....


659 - What variable in an experiment is measured? - it is also called the responding variable.

Dependent variable

660 - What was Benjamin's conclusion in her study?

Despite improved social standing of African Americans in the USA, they still feel the sting of racial hostility

661 - What was Durkheim's perspective on society's change?

Society is changing because the underlying structure has changed

662 - What was France's social structure before their revolution?

Three Estate system

663 - What was Jane Addams' establishment called?

Hull House.

664 - What was Marx' most influential work?

The Communist Manifesto

665 - What was not one of the six society groups we talked about in class?


666 - What was one of Jane Addams most known achievements? Hull House, University of Chicago, tenament restructuring, capitalism.

Hull House

667 - What was Sue Sharpe's study?

Girls' ambitions changed from wanting to be mothers (in the 1970s) to wanting to have a career (in the 1990s)

668 - What was the 1983 study on poverty called?

Breadline Britain

669 - What was the event that most influenced Auguste Comte to explore patterns within society and what holds society together?

the French Revolution

670 - What was the Hull House - Jane Addams

place for refuge, homeless



672 - What was the main finding of Harlow's study?

Contact comfort is more important than food

673 - What was the major contribution of the sociologist Herbert Spencer?

Applied to principles of Charles Darwin to come up with his theory of "Social Darwinism"

674 - What was the major criticism of megachurches ( Frankson,2020)?

Too large to develop relationships

675 - What was the name of the university which made major contributions to Sociology in the late 1800s/early 1900s?

The Chicago School

676 - What was the rate of poverty in the Victorian age?


677 - What was the second stage of sociology

developing knowledge

678 - What was the system of forced racial segregation in South Africa known as ____________?


679 - What was the system of forced racial segregation in South Africa known as _____________?


680 - What was the system of forced racial segregation in South Africa known as?


681 - What were castes traditionally linked to?


682 - What were guilds?

Only b and c



684 - What were the goals of the Constitutional Convention?

To form a government that would serve the interests of all groups in the society

685 - What were the names of the sociologists who conducted a field experiment to explore teacher's perceptions of labelling?

Rosenthal and Jacobson

686 - What were the results of Harlow's monkey experiment

monkey wanted cloth with out

687 - What were Weber's 3 diminesions to stratifcation

All of the above

688 - What word best describes the amount of money a person earns within a specific time period?


689 - What word means a feeling of sadness, anger, fear; bad feeling that immigrants may have in the first years of living in a new cultural group?

Culture Shock

690 - What word means a need for other people; working together to help each other?


691 - What word means a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth?


692 - What word means a prize; a positive response; something food that you receive for doing something well?


693 - What word means actions that a society feels are polite? Saying Please and Thank You!


694 - What word means beliefs, traditions, behavior, and social norms that define a group of people?


695 - What word means courteous; acting in a kind or "correct" way?


696 - What word means expected actions or behaviors of people in a cultural group? Unwritten Rules.....


697 - What word means free from pain or fear; well?


698 - What word means having many cultural groups?


699 - What word means how a person acts, moves, or responds?


700 - What word means ideas, beliefs, or things that a person or cultural group thinks are important?


701 - What word means natives of one country who go to another country to live?


702 - What word means not depending on anyone? Being free and alone.....


703 - What word means not polite; doing something that offends other people?


704 - What word means pain or penalty; a negative response a person receives because of doing something bad or not "correct"?


705 - What word means people living together in some type of community?


706 - What word means satisfactory; expected? Something that is good!


707 - What word means social scientists who study the behavior and culture of groups of people?


708 - What word means to act; to function; to respond; to do something?


709 - What word means to honor someone; to say good things about a person?


710 - What word means to need someone; to rely on someone else?


711 - What word means to push something or some person away?


712 - What word means to question something?


713 - What word means to shame someone or the shame yourself by doing something that is not usual or acceptable?


714 - What word means to upset another person; to do or say something that is not acceptable to another person?


715 - What word means trying to do better than other people? To race or a contest?


716 - What word means unusual or surprising in a way that is unsettling or hard to understand?


717 - What word means watching; noticing?


718 - What word means working together for the good of everyone?


719 - What would be the best example of a manifest function for the automobile in society?

it allows for people to travel around quickly

720 - What would Marx argue needs to happen to transform a society's culture?

the economic foundation would have to be changed

721 - What would the concept of self-reliance be an example of?


722 - What, according to C. Wright Mills, is the function of the sociological imagination?

It enables us to connect our personal experience with the larger forces of history.

723 - Whats the first step of the scientific method

identify a problem

724 - What's the main difference between a dyad and a triad?

dyads are less stable than triads.

725 - What's the name of this study?statistical study of the population (education, nationality, religion, ethnicity)


726 - What's the name of this study?Study of human behavior, patterns of relationships, interaction, social institutions, culture.


727 - When a baby wave "bye-bye" he is using a


728 - When a baby waves "bye-bye", he is using a


729 - When a business has multiple absentee owners with limited liability it is a.


730 - When a criminal commits more criminal acts after getting out of prison, that is an example of


731 - When a crowd is directed with a specific focus and accompanied by violence, it is called what?


732 - When a father leaves a demanding job in the middle of an important meeting to attend his daughter's first soccer game, he is experiencing

role conflict

733 - When a few powerful corporation dominate as industry the condition is called.


734 - When a group a person belongs to and feels is an integral part of his/her identity, it is known as a/an


735 - When a Hindu male marries a woman from his lower caste, it is called


736 - When a meaning or definition is attached to someone or something e.g. "bad student"


737 - When a member of the same generation changes over to new occupation, the type of mobility is called

intra-generation mobility.

738 - When a minority group accepts the culture of the dominant group it is called.


739 - When a new nation is formed.

all of these

740 - When a norm becomes a part of a persons personality it is known as


741 - When a number of researchers use the same operational definition to measure a variable and achieve the same results the measure is said to be_______________?


742 - When a parent has a good attitude towards education and a good understanding of the education system

cultural capital

743 - When a person has difficulty meeting the role expectations of a single status

role strain

744 - When a person has given up on the goals of society


745 - When a person is a resident of a total institution, the fi rst step in attempting to change the person is


746 - When a person is a resident of a total institution, what is the 1st step in trying to change the person?


747 - When a person leaves a status to get another of the same level it is called

horizontal mobility

748 - When a person uses more than one substance to maintain his dependence is called.

poly drug abuse

749 - When a person uses more than one substance to maintain his dependence is called_____________?

poly drug abuse

750 - When a predominantly foreign government is overthrown the revolution is called.


751 - When a question asks about two or more issues at once, but only allows for a single answer.

Double-Barrelled Question

752 - When a research is not deceptive about the field research that he/she is this person is probably assuming the role of____________?


753 - When a research method is repeatedly applied and consistently produces the same results in a study, it is said to be


754 - When a researcher becomes a member of the group being studied.

Participant observation

755 - When a researcher collects data personally, it is called:


756 - When a sociologist immerses themselves in the population they are studying:

participant observation

757 - When a state experiences a foreign policy crisis.

both general and administrative personnel are involved

758 - When a status may have many roles to play It is known as.

Role sets

759 - When a status may have many roles to play It is known as______________?

Role sets

760 - When a status plays the greatest role in influencing a person's life it is known as a what?

Master Status

761 - When a student lacks the norms, values, language and attitudes needed to succeed in education

cultural deprivation

762 - When a subordinate person breaks the tacit rules of everyday interaction this is called what ?

interactional vandalism

763 - When a subordinate person breaks the tacit rules of everyday interaction this is called what?

interactional vandalism

764 - When a teacher talks to a student about attending college and helps them talk about a career plan, this is known from a socialization perspective as:

Hidden Curriculum

765 - When a toddler waves "bye-bye" to his grandparents, he is using a


766 - when a truck driver's son becomes a doctor

intergenerational mobility

767 - When a typical religious person enters a nudist camp, he may experience shock and show disbelief.


768 - When after marriage husband lives in the residence of wife, the system is known as

patrilocal residence family

769 - When Ahmed is in 5th grade, he does poorly in math and science. His teachers recommend him for lower-level classes throughout middle school in all subjects, and he's not given the chance to excel elsewhere. This process is known as:


770 - When all media sources report a simplified version of the environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing, with no effort to convey the hard science and complicated statistical data behind the story, ..... is probably occurring.


771 - When Americans travel to other countries and behave inappropriately they are inflicting what on the people?

Culture shock

772 - When an American takes his meals seated at a table and uses a knife, fork and spoon to eat, he follows the U.S.A cultural


773 - When an athlete holds a clenched fist over her head after scoring a point, she is using a


774 - When an innovation conflicts with existing cultural patterns, there are at least

three possible outcomes

775 - When an outsider is brought in to impose a settlement on two sides within a dispute.


776 - When Anahi was researching, she sat quietly in a corner, not making her presence known to other people. Is this covert or overt research?


777 - when animal and human labor is replaced by power driving machines.


778 - When any of the maids on a motel's staff is not feeling well, it is understood that the other maids will help her out by doing part of her work. This is an example of

social exchange.

779 - When are the Victorian ages?


780 - When Berger & Luckman said that reality is socially constructed they meant ?

people negotiate shared definitions of their situation and live according to these often forgetting that these social worlds are not fixed and external

781 - When Berger & Luckmann said that reality is socially constructed they meant.

people negotiate shared definitions of their situation and live according to these often forgetting that these social worlds are not fixed and external

782 - When both parties realize the importance of surviving in difficult times, ..... barging takes place.


783 - When both the independent variable and the dependent variable change in the same direction

positive correlation

784 - When both the variables change in opposite directions. An increase in the independent variable is linked to a decrease in the dependent variable.

negative correlation

785 - When cars are offered at low prices but people still do not buy them the situation is one in which.

demand is inelastic

786 - When children reach school age their parents.

experience a decline in martial satisfaction

787 - When Christy entered high school, she noticed that most of her female classmates wore lipstick. Christy bought some lipstick and started wearing it so that she could fit in with the other young ladies. This is an example of:


788 - When citizens or government agencies attempt to peacefully correct laws or institutions they are engaged in.


789 - When Comet wrote of sociology as a positive science he meant ?

that it should apply the same methods as physics or chemistry

790 - When Comet wrote of sociology as a positive science he meant.

that it should apply the same methods as physics or chemistry

791 - When coming to the United States, what is a feeling of dislike immigrants were faced with because of their different race or culture?


792 - When conducting an observation people might act differently because they know they are being watched. This is called .....

The Hawthorn Effect

793 - When conducting social research what is the next step in the scientific method after a review of the literature ?

formulating a hypothesis

794 - When conducting social research what is the next step in the scientific method after a review of the literature?

formulating a hypothesis

795 - When conflicting expectations arise from 2 or more statuses that an individual occupies?

Role Conflict

796 - When confronted with evidence contrary to their beliefs prejudiced persons will.

refuse to change the original judgment in spite of evidence to the contrary

797 - When considering the role of morality in foreign policy analysts observe that.

each nation has different standards as to what is proper behavior and values

798 - When criminal acts are a defining characteristic of your lifestyle

Secondary Deviance

799 - When dealing with sociology, what is power?

Ability to impose one's will on others

800 - When decoding a source it is important to look at Headings Trends Conclusions that the data supports All of these

all of these

801 - When deviance becomes a lifestyle

secondary deviance

802 - When did sociology begin (include year span)?

Industrialization (1750-1850)

803 - When did Sociology first appear as a separate discipline?


804 - When did the term sociology coined?


805 - When did the United States government begin to function as a cohesive unit?

Both B and C

806 - When did Walt Disney open the first Disneyland park?


807 - when different generations of a family to belong to varying social classes

Intergenerational Mobility

808 - When discussing vertical mobility, which of the following is true for today's group of teenagers?

Most will only see a small improvement over their parents' social class standing.

809 - When do you think the Cycle 5 Project is due?

Thursday April 5th (A) or Friday April 6th (B)

810 - When do you use case studies in Sociology?

When your findings in one case can be replicated in other cases.

811 - When does a society need laws?

when the folkways and mores are not sufficient to control behavior

812 - When doing research, a group of people with certain characteristics is referred to as a .....


813 - When elementary school children sing "America the Beautiful" in music class, their sense of patriotism is being reinforced. This is an example of

a hidden curriculum.

814 - When experimenting with the growth of a plant, a scientist uses three (of the same type of) plants, two different fertilizers, equal light, and equal water. What type of variable is the fertilizer?


815 - When farms are destroyed in favor of factories and suburbs it is an example of.


816 - When fulfilling the role expectations of one status makes it difficult to fulfill the role expectations of another status.

Role Conflict

817 - When gathering data the scientist is required to exhibit all BUT which one of the following traits?

Social involvement

818 - When government regulations become so complex that they make it hard for citizens to accomplish their work efficiently, the negative result is


819 - When grade-school students elect a class president they are learning


820 - When groups clash, it is disruptive and harmful to the overall society


821 - When groups work together to benefit all people it is called?


822 - When harmful effects of folkways are socially pointed out people

strongly define it

823 - When humans learned to ..... plants and animals it provided them with a reliable source of food.


824 - When husband and wife live alternately at each other's residence, the marriage system is known as


825 - When I am virtually learning I need to

Check my email frequently and read all Canvas announcements

826 - When in sociology we speak of researchers using controls we mean.

holding some variables constant to look at the effects of others

827 - When in sociology we speak of researchers using controls we mean_________________?

holding some variables constant to look at the effects of others

828 - When in sociology we speak of researchers using controls, we mean_______________?

holding some variables constant to look at the effects of others

829 - when income does not meet expectations and perceptions.

Subjective Poverty

830 - When individuals are forced to behave in a certain way


831 - When individuals work in groups they ?

may engage in social loafing

832 - When individuals work in groups they.

may engage in social loafing

833 - When interaction is guided by shared and patterned expectations of behavior the social system has acquired a(n).

social structure

834 - When is socialization most important?

Early stages of life

835 - When is the birthday of Harriet Martineau?

June 12, 1802

836 - When is your first Exam?

Friday the 15th, during your class period

837 - When is your next quiz and scenario project?

Only (A) & (B)

838 - When it comes to media and technology, a functionalist would focus on:

the way that various forms of media socialize users

839 - When it comes to technology, media, and society, which of the following is true?

Technology, media, and society are bound and cannot be separated.

840 - When Juan drinks his morning coffee, he thinks about its production in Colombia, its transportation through many countries, the taxes and tariffs applied for international commerce, and the diverse array of social relations behind his drink. According to

a global perspective

841 - When Karl Marx said workers experience alienation, he meant that workers:

do not feel connected to their work

842 - When mediation fails, a third party makes a decision that is binding on both parties


843 - When meeting new people, you should always be .....


844 - When metropolitan areas start to merge with each other the result is.

a megalopolis

845 - When Michael starts high school, he joins the basketball team. He begins to look to his teammate friends for cues on how to behave at dances, in the hallways, and even in the classroom. Michael's basketball team is serving as Michael's .....

reference group

846 - When middle class and upper class families teach their children that college is important and expect them to attend college, this is an example of:

Class Socialization

847 - When old rules and laws are ignored and rebellious crowds set up new rules of behavior social scientists call this situation.


848 - When one culture borrows traits from another culture the borrowing culture tends to be.

selective in borrowing

849 - When one cultures believes it is better than another culture, this is called?


850 - When one knows the roles that one is expected to play and is willing and able to do so one is.

successfully socialized

851 - When one man married one woman only with definite regulations, the system was known as


852 - When one part of the culture develops more rapidly than other parts, the following description is made

cultural lag

853 - When one part of the culture develops more rapidly than other parts, the following description is made

cultural lag

854 - When organisations ease right organisational structures, they spread power and responsibilities are called

Sharing of responsibility

855 - When parents give rewards for certain sex role behavior the process is called conditioning and is the basis for.

the social learning theory

856 - When people achieve a new social class position they experienced

social mobility

857 - When people adhere to societal norms and values.


858 - When people break norms, they receive

Negative sanctions

859 - When people gather in the same place at the same time but lack social organization or lasting patterns of interaction, they form

an aggregate

860 - When people interact in an effort to receive a reward or a return for their actions is called .....


861 - When people or groups attempt to defeat an opponent by the use of force it is?


862 - When people's beliefs about the inferiority of a certain group undergo change the process is called.

cultural change

863 - when performing quantitative research, sociologists rely on..... about 90 percent of the time

precollected data

864 - when police do not investigate crime in poor neighborhoods as well as they do in rich neighborhoods

victim discounting

865 - When politicians refer to the intention of the framers of the Constitution of the United States they are making recourse to.

traditional authority

866 - When practices, values, and beliefs are shared by a group, this is called.....


867 - When President Kennedy told the Soviet leader to withdraw Russian missiles in Cuba it was an illustration of one of the following types of foreign policy.


868 - When pre-teens look to adolescents as a model of values and behavior, they are using

reference group

869 - When researchers observe people by joining them in their daily routines.

participant observation

870 - When researchers use data from only people of one sex to support conclusions about both sexes is


871 - When size of sample increases, the size of sampling error


872 - When so much attention is focused on group survival the group often experiences __________ which is a loss of focus regarding its original intent?

goal displacement

873 - when social norms lose their hold over individual behavior


874 - When sociologists group people into categories based on their age, gender, educational level, job, and income, they are trying to determine their

Social location

875 - When sociologists study the structure of layers in society and people's movement between them they call this.

social stratification

876 - When sociologists study the structure of layers in society and people's movement between them they call this____________?

social stratification

877 - When sociologists study the structure of layers in society and people's movement between them, they call this_____________?

social control

878 - when sociology was introduce in India


879 - When some members of a group align against others.


880 - When someone doesn't want to talk and keeps themselves, they are being .....


881 - When someone is mean to you year after year, maybe it is time to ..... from them.


882 - When someone is mean to you year after year, perhaps it is time to ..... from him.


883 - When someone starts to believe in their label and becomes the label they have been given e.g. when a student is labelled as a bad student so they begin to behave badly

self-fulfilling prophecy

884 - When study subjects behave in a certain manner due to their awareness of being observed by a researcher.

hawthorne effect

885 - When supply and demand are essentially equal the economy is said to be in.


886 - When the ..... got out of the limo, reporters had their cameras flashing.


887 - When the American Cigar Co buys a pizza chain the process is called.


888 - When the government must pay for fighter planes based on commitments made five years previously the spending the spending is called.


889 - When the lk of Uganda lost their traditional hunting grounds they.

their formerly outgoing personalities changed

890 - When the person seeks medical help, needs to be diagnosed, to treat the underlying issue, usual via medications.


891 - When the public perceives that the government has failed the state may be said to be undergoing.

a crisis of legitimacy

892 - When the relationship between two variables that is actually caused by a third factor

spurious correlation

893 - When the researcher takes part in the the behavior being studied. Which of the following may apply?

All of the above

894 - When the sisters find Thackery spying on them, they cast a spell on him. His punishment is to live forever living as what?

A cat

895 - When the supply and demand curves intersect the final lasting price is achieved This is called.

equilibrium price

896 - When the time you spend working at a fast-food restaurant causes you to do poorly on an American History test, you are experiencing

role conflict

897 - when thinking in a group is self-deceptive, based on conformity to group beliefs and created by group pressure


898 - When two or more complexes are combined, it is


899 - When two or more complexes are combined, it is


900 - When two or more cultural themes are integrated, the product is called


901 - When two or more cultural traits are combined, it is


902 - when two or more groups or persons oppose each other to achieve a goal only one can attain it is called?


903 - When two or more people or groups oppose each other to achieve a goal only one can achieve.


904 - When two or more people or groups oppose each other to achieve a goal that only one can attain is called .....


905 - When two or more people or groups work together to achieve a goal that will benefit more than one person is called


906 - When two or more people or groups work together to achieve a goal that will benefit more than one person it is called .....


907 - When two or more person meet it can be called as

Social group

908 - When two parties at odds each give up something to come to a mutual agreement


909 - When two parties cannot reach a compromise through their own efforts, a mediator will step in (The United Nations)


910 - When two people interact with each other, they form

A dyadic group

911 - When two variables move together.


912 - When using statistical data, sociologists may used modes, means, or medians to express "....." numbers


913 - When was Charles Darwin born?

February 12, 1809

914 - When was Satya Shodhak Samaj Started?


915 - When was the attack at two mosques in Christchurch happened?


916 - When was the World Wide Web invented at a Swiss physics laboratory ?


917 - When was the World Wide Web invented at a Swiss physics laboratory ?


918 - When was the World Wide Web invented at a Swiss physics laboratory?


919 - When was Title IX first put into action (used).


920 - When was widoe remarriage act passed?


921 - When we are at school we learn that we are the same as everyone else and are treated the same as everyone else (Functionalist)

universalistic standards

922 - When we refer to how people really behave we.

use statistical norms

923 - when we shift from primary to secondary group we also shift from.

Informal to formal

924 - when we shift from primary to secondary group we also shift from________________?

Informal to formal



926 - When workers organized unions and forced management to recognize that they were not object, theorists of formal organizations began to revise the________________?

both a and b

927 - When workers organized unions and forced management to recognize that they were not objects theorists of formal organizations began to revise the.

both a and b

928 - When workers organized unions and forced management to recognize that they were not objects theorists of formal organizations began to revise the________________?

both A and B

929 - When would Sociologists do content analysis?

To investigate the media

930 - When written informed consent is obtained, participants must be told.....of the experiment

The nature and purpose

931 - When you add up all the economic resources a person has, such as her savings, home, personal property, etc., you have determined that person's


932 - When you are discussing with your friend what to do on Friday night, you engaging in

social interaction

933 - when you cant meet the expectations of one status, it is called .....

role strain

934 - when you change jobs from a cashier at IGA to a cashier at Publix

horizontal mobility

935 - when you change jobs from being a cashier at Publix to being a registered nurse at Lexington Medical Center

vertical mobility

936 - When you design your experiment and analyze the data you gather, you need to remain as ..... as possible.


937 - When you design your experiment and analyze the data you gather, you need to remain as ..... as possible. This means trying to remove your bias.


938 - When you deviate from the mores of a culture, you are probably

going to get into a lot of trouble.

939 - When you don't do something because you know it's wrong.

Internal social control

940 - When you join a sports team, and are trying to determine the patterns of relationships among members, you are determining the groups'

social structure

941 - When you look at a situation from another person's perspective you are using.....


942 - When you make new friends sometimes you stop spending time with your old friends. What did you do to your old friends?


943 - When you reject a goal, but continue to use socially accepted means of achieving it, you are engaging in


944 - when you reject a goal, but continue to use socially accepted means to achieve the goal


945 - When you spend time going to diver's education classes causing you to miss a basketball practice, you are experiencing?

role conflict

946 - When you try to understand your friend's feelings by placing yourself in her situation, you are using.....


947 - When you use machines to make goods it is called:


948 - When you want your tested group to accurately reflect the larger group

Representative Sample

949 - Whenever a third party becomes significant its platform.

is integrated into the platforms of the two main parties

950 - Whenever people interact in an effort to receive a return or reward, this has taken place.


951 - Whenever people interact in an effort to receive a reward or return for their actions is known as


952 - Where can people find Formal Norms?

Any book that is written and explains rules

953 - Where did Ball conducted his study?

Beachside Comprehensive School

954 - Where did permanent settlements first develop?

river valleys

955 - Where did poor people live in the Victorian ages?

Small houses

956 - Where did sociology begin?

Western Europe

957 - Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?




959 - Where do cultures explain how the world came to be?


960 - Where do poor children work in Victorian ages?


961 - Where does political socialization occur?


962 - Where does Truman try to escape to?


963 - Where does your teacher stand in the agent v strcuture debate and the freedom of the individual in the late modern era. Does he agree most with Giddens or with Borudieu?


964 - Where every 5th, 10th or 100th or whatever, name on a list is chosen

Systematic sample

965 - Where is the Living Wage higher?


966 - Where modernity seeks to establish Grand Narratives, postmodernity seeks to encourage mini-narratives, or stories which do not emphasize large scale, ..... concepts.


967 - Where one stands in the social hierarchy is intimately related to.

only B and C

968 - Where participants help to recruit more participants, useful for studying harder to access subcultures.

Snowball sample

969 - Where Sociology was started firstly


970 - Where someone taking part in research has pre-conceived ideas which might influence or skew results.


971 - Where was Marx born?


972 - Where was the first department of sociology established in 1892?

University of Chicago

973 - Where was the first Disneyland park?


974 - Where women and childern may move between countries in hope of work, only to find themselves part of human chain of sex is called

Both B and C

975 - Where women are given in marriage without right to refuse is

Servile marriage

976 - Where would you live .anywhere?

if you could live

977 - Whether or not research is a true reflection of what is happening.


978 - Whether research can be repeated and is coherent with other studies


979 - Whi os the founding father of functionalism?

Emile Durkheim

980 - Which accounts of the worth of education stress that it enables individuals to think freely and rationally which makes social progress and innovation possible ?


981 - Which accounts of the worth of education stress that it enables individuals to think freely and rationally which makes social progress and innovation possible?


982 - Which Act has banned the Child Marriage?

Sharda Bill

983 - Which activist believed that African-Americans should quietly accept social segregation while receiving vocational training and working hard?

Booker T. Washington

984 - Which agent of socialization focuses on subculture within a society - it is unique, and is the only group not controlled by adults.


985 - Which agent of socialization has intended and unintended curriculum, where teachers are models for students.


986 - Which agent of socialization has the most impact on our development?


987 - Which agent of socialization is the instruments of communication that can reach large audiences instantly?

Mass Media

988 - Which agent of socialization is the most important and where socialization first occurs?


989 - Which amendment of the Constitution ensures free and compulsory education to all children?

Article 21A

990 - Which among the below represents Buddhist beliefs

All the Above

991 - Which among the following is a Caste?


992 - Which among the following is the youngest social science?


993 - Which among the following statements is correct?

a. Society depends today more on law than on customs

994 - Which among these is the type of family where authority lies with woman and she is the head of the family

Matriarchal family

995 - Which answer best defines the "sociological perspective"?

Helps you see that all humans are social beings; behavior is dependant on social factors and the behavior of those around you.

996 - Which approach framed their analysis of crime and deviance in terms of this preservation of power by the ruling class ?

new criminology

997 - Which approach framed thier analysis of crime and deviance in terms of this preservation of power by the ruling class?

new criminology

998 - Which approach holds that deviance is not a feature of a group or individual a process of interaction through which one group becomes defined as deviant ?

labelling theory

999 - Which approach holds that deviance is not a feature of a group or individual a process of interaction through which one group becomes defined as deviant?

labelling theory

1000 - Which approach holds that deviance is not a feature of a group or individual but a process of interaction through which one group becomes defined as deviant ?

labelling theory


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