Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 4

1 - Consider the following Statements: People's behavior within a group setting can be predicted from their personal characteristics. A sociologist is more likely to study an individual member of a group rather than the group as a whole. Virtually all societies have had some form of religion since 5000 BC Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

2 - Consider the following Statements: Perspective is a particular point of view. Breaking a folkway usually results in a reprimand or minor punishment. Once participants have started the research study they cannot withdraw unless the researcher gives permission. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

3 - Consider the following Statements: Postindustrial societies have more white collar workers than blue collar workers Language is a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted Not one sociological theory works alone. A combination of all three gives us the most complete understanding. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

4 - Consider the following Statements: Postindustrial societies have more white collar workers than blue collar workers Virtually anyone can be poor, and poverty is randomly distributed throughout the population of the U.S. Social groups interact regularly with each other. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

5 - Consider the following Statements: Power is not an important concept in Conflict Theory One of the Latent function of education is to have friends or even special someone. Through the process of socialization, we often internalize the norms and values of our culture. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

6 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists study the behavior of individuals. Anthropology is most interested in examining modern industrial societies. There can be a culture without a society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

7 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists study the behavior of individuals. Harriet Martineau believed that a thorough societal analysis was necessary to understand men's status under women. Sociologists studied the experiences of white ethnics because white ethnics have also faced open discrimination. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

8 - Consider the following Statements: Psychologists study the behavior of individuals. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

9 - Consider the following Statements: Quantitative research methods include case studies, where you observe people. Most rapists are mentally ill The theory of social darwinism supported "survival of the fittest" applied to humans - and was later used to justify racism and imperialism. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

10 - Consider the following Statements: Quantitative research uses numerical data. Each era of adulthood is divided into several distinct periods. A church, culture or career could be a type of reference group. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

11 - Consider the following Statements: Questionnaires are cheaper and faster than interviews when doing research. A specific territory composed of people who share a common culture is called a nation A family is a group, but all of the people attending a football game are not a group, because they are two diverse. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

12 - Consider the following Statements: Racial categories are rooted in biology. : Global inequality is on the decline. Sociology helps people appreciate diversity and live in a diverse world Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

13 - Consider the following Statements: Reddys are the dominant class of Gujarat. Society has an influence on an indidviduals personality and beliefs. There can be a culture without a society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

14 - Consider the following Statements: Reference group is also called "identity association group". Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Charles Darwin coined the phrase "survival of the fittest." Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

15 - Consider the following Statements: Reference group is also called "identity association group". When a father leaves a demanding job in the middle of an important meeting to attend his daughter's first soccer game, he is experiencing role exit. All deviance is crime Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

16 - Consider the following Statements: Religion has little influence on how children are socialized to learn aspects of group life, such as work and proper gender roles. There can be a culture without a society According to the principles of symbolic interactionism, symbols not only allow relationships to exist, they also allow society to exist. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

17 - Consider the following Statements: Resocialization is always involuntary A family is a group, but all of the people attending a football game are not a group, because they are two diverse. Studies in institutions have shown that it is possible for well-fed children with proper medical care to waste away and die from a lack of love and attention. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

18 - Consider the following Statements: Role conflict can be reduced when we try to take a positive attitude when examining our situation A 12- year-old's significant others include children who are in her peer group. Symbolic interactionists say that we are able to communicate with one another because we have a set of symbols that have similar meanings to all of us. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

19 - Consider the following Statements: Role conflict can be reduced when we try to take a positive attitude when examining our situation We live in a postindustrial society Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

20 - Consider the following Statements: Role exit occurs when a father leaves a meeting to attend his son's soccer game Today, in sports, men and women receive equal pay. Émile Durkheim systematically applied the methods of science to the study of society. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

21 - Consider the following Statements: Role exit occurs when a person leaves a role that was once central to their lives. a survey is useful when a soiologist wants to study a large number of people The U.S. is an example of a pure democracy Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

22 - Consider the following Statements: Role exit occurs when a person leaves a role that was once central to their lives. Non-state institutions are bridges for the members of the community who can't reach the governments assistance due to many factors Most governments in the world today are a blend of capitalism and socialism Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

23 - Consider the following Statements: role performance must match with the role expectation. Sociologists look for patterns in society The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

24 - Consider the following Statements: Role performances are socially determined behaviors expected of a person performing a role Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Language is not considered a component of culture. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


25 - Consider the following Statements: Role performances are socially determined behaviors expected of a person performing a role Master status plays the greatest role in shaping a person's life and his/her social identity Sociologists assume that social relationships are not determined only by the particular characteristics of the people involved. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

26 - Consider the following Statements: Role taking involves assuming the perspective of another. Informal groups are created because people's needs are not being met by any formal group. These children are being socialized by their primary agent of socialization Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

27 - Consider the following Statements: Role taking involves assuming the perspective of another. Marriage over career is one factor that distinguishes female development from male development during adulthood. Practically everyone votes in the U.S. because confidence in the political system is very high. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

28 - Consider the following Statements: Roles associated with a student might include doing homework, studying for tests, and following school rules. Division of labour is complex in rural community. : Role set is different roles that are attached to one status. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

29 - Consider the following Statements: Schools socialize individuals by transmitting cultural values like patriotism Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Self-fulfillment is a commitment to the full development of one's personality, talents, and potential. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

30 - Consider the following Statements: Secondary deviance usually results in the individual being labeled as deviant Global stratification refers to unequal distribution of wealth, power, and resources among countries. Social action is a central concept in symbolic interactionism Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

31 - Consider the following Statements: Secondary groups are larger, more impersonal groups that undertake a particular activity or goal. Anticipatory socialization often occurs in prisons and other total institutions. A church and a denomination are the same thing Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

32 - Consider the following Statements: Secondary groups are larger, more impersonal groups that undertake a particular activity or goal. Charter schools are private schools Neo Modernization theory is rooted in classical sociology-no set definition- came to the fore in the 1950s & 1960s Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

33 - Consider the following Statements: self-fulfillment is a new value that has emerged in the U.S. "Group Dynamics study the way that individuals affect groups and groups affect individuals" Language is not learned, but it comes by nature. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

34 - Consider the following Statements: SLAVERY EXISTED FOR CENTURIES AS A FORMAL INSTITUTIONS Sport may encourage cheating because some people believe that winning is moreimportant than anything else. The primary agent of socialization in the United States is the family. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

35 - Consider the following Statements: SLAVERY EXISTED FOR CENTURIES AS A FORMAL INSTITUTIONS Unlike other animals, humans are already socialized when they are born. role performance must match with the role expectation. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

36 - Consider the following Statements: Social action is a central concept in symbolic interactionism Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. The change in social conditions began in the late 18th century and into the 19 century. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

37 - Consider the following Statements: Social change can take place in a short time and may take centuries to be noticed Parents responses to the children can encourage or discourage the development of certain aptitudes. Interactionist Perspective focuses on the interaction of individuals with each other. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

38 - Consider the following Statements: Social norms are the same from culture to culture and group to group. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: : Social Darwinism stresses that only the strongest members of society will survive/thrive Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

39 - Consider the following Statements: Social roles are the same for every culture Emile Durkheim coined the terms mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity is based on a widespread social consensus and values and a dependence upon family and tradition. Organic solidarity is the social dependence based upon a high degree of specialization. Schools socialize individuals by transmitting cultural values like patriotism Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

40 - Consider the following Statements: Social roles rarely conflict with each other Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future Groupthink can lead to conformity having seriously negative results. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

41 - Consider the following Statements: Social roles rarely conflict with each other Studies in institutions have shown that it is possible for well-fed children with proper medical care to waste away and die from a lack of love and attention. Because it requires internalizing the generalized other, the game stage of role-taking least resembles real life. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

42 - Consider the following Statements: Socialization is not a life long process. There can be a culture without a society A person's wealth is the amount of money he or she makes in a year. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


43 - Consider the following Statements: Society can be both big and small: People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Because of how they are structured bureaucracies can never led to oligarchy. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

44 - Consider the following Statements: Society has an influence on an indidviduals personality and beliefs. Sociologists look for general social patterns in the behavior of particular individuals. The members of an out-group are that group of people who are targeted by an in-group. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

45 - Consider the following Statements: sociological imagination is the ability to see the connection between the larger social world and our personal lives. Marx argued that, in Capitalism, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer The U.S. is an example of a pure democracy Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

46 - Consider the following Statements: Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future A mentor is someone who fosters an individual's development. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

47 - Consider the following Statements: Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future Individuals do not change their behavior to match the expectations of a group. In industrial societies, machines have replaced the power previously supplied by people and animals Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

48 - Consider the following Statements: Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future Race is a group of people who share observable physical traits and whom others see as belonging to a distinct group. Durkheim believes that society is limited to specific individual actions. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

49 - Consider the following Statements: Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future Variables can be dependent or independent. Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

50 - Consider the following Statements: Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future When you try to understand your friend's feelings by placing yourself in her situation, you are using verstehen. False conciousness is the identification with the goals and interests of a social class Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

51 - Consider the following Statements: Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the futureसमाजशास्त्रीय कल्पना वह है जिसका उपयोग समाजशास्त्री यह कल्पना करने के लिए करते हैं कि भविष्य में क्या हो सकता है Marx argued that, in Capitalism, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer About 1 in 5 people in England have a long standing limiting disability or illness. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

52 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologist design experiments guided by ethics. A person with power always possess prestige. A large percentage of terrorists are mentally ill Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

53 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologist use cultural relativism to avoid bias when studying other cultures. Max Weber is associated with the substantive view of religion sociological imagination is the ability to see the connection between the larger social world and our personal lives. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

54 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologist use cultural relativism to avoid bias when studying other cultures. Sociology is one of the oldest sciences, have been around about 400 years. Sociology uses a wider range of research methods than history Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

55 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists assume that social relationships are not determined only by the particular characteristics of the people involved. There can be a culture without a society Globalization has greatly slowed down the speed of cultural diffusion. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

56 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists call the different roles attached to a single status a role set Among high-income nations, the U.S. has the greatest income inequality. Full Form of OER- Open education resource Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

57 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists call the different roles attached to a single status a role set Teenagers who engage in primary deviance are frequently never caught by authorities. The purpose of the adult & juvenile corrections system is for retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation & social protection. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

58 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge Anthropologists focus mainly on modern, industrial societies. : A Criticism of the description of culture given by the Structural-Functional Paradigm is that cultural systems are always changing so the culture of isn't as stable as it seems in this theory Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

59 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge In a primary group members are often replaceable by someone else that can do the same role or task. Herbet Risley believed that India was a unique 'laboratory' for studying the evolution of racial types. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

60 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists examine cultures in an unbiased manner. Symbols, slogans or badges are often worn by reference groups. Sociologists rarely challenge conventional social wisdom. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

61 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists focus on patterns of behavior The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. Unlike other animals, humans are already socialized when they are born. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

62 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists focus on the similarities and differences between cultures. The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. a job interview could be both structured and unstructured Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

63 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists found that the effects of institutionalization on infants, i.e. lack of a caring environment, will result in slower development of their mental, physical, and emotional skills. Conflict based on caste is called communalism. In India the term 'Surdas' is used commonly for the person for disability of deafness. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

64 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists look for general social patterns in the behavior of particular individuals. Most groups encourage their members to conform to the group's way of thinking and behaving. : Manifest functions are intended and recognized. One of the manifest functions of school is to teach math skills. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

65 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists look for patterns in society Social structure refers to the occasional patterns of social behaviors in a group or society. There can be a culture without a society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

66 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists rarely challenge conventional social wisdom. Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Self-Concept is your belief of yourself, while looking-glass self is your idea of what other people are like Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

67 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists rarely challenge conventional social wisdom. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Society can be both big, small or inbetween: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

68 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists rarely use data collected by the Census Bureau because it is not representative of the population. Aptitude is the capacity to learn a particular skill or acquire a particular body of knowledge. The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people rather than their individual differences Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

69 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists speak of a young man, a toddler, a factory worker, or a teenager. They do not concentrate on categories of people. The Modernization theory considers that traditional society can successfully reside alongside modern society. Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


70 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. A group is set of people who interact on the basis of shared expectations and who possess some degree of common identity Social model is concerned with the experiences of disability and believes disability is caused by the way society is organised. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

71 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. acceptance and observation of various norms set by the group is not a factor. There are pros and cons (positives and possible negatives) associated with each of the sociological research methods. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

72 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. It is lawful for sports clubs to treat disabled people less favourably for a reason related to their disability Sport reflects society at large. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

73 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Not one sociological theory works alone. A combination of all three gives us the most complete understanding. A negative of competition is that it is a means of motivating people to perform the role society asks of them. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

74 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Racial categories are rooted in biology. Sociology is an individualizing science Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


75 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Social structure refers to the occasional patterns of social behaviors in a group or society. Sociological perspective is a view that looks at behavior of groups, not individuals. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

76 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Sociology helps us think critically about whether we believe what our culture tells us to believe. Examples of positive sanctions include praise, frowns, cheers, and scolding. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

77 - Consider the following Statements: Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Your parents economic status can play a role in determining your personality. There can be a culture without a society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

78 - Consider the following Statements: Sociology helps people appreciate diversity and live in a diverse world Some countercultures can actually be a threat to the stability of society. Functionalism assumes that societies will not return to a state of stability after periods of upheaval. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

79 - Consider the following Statements: Sociology is one of the oldest sciences Ethnocentrism is the sharing of rules of conduct that tell us how to act in specific situations. Sociology is one of the oldest sciences, having been around about 400 years. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


80 - Consider the following Statements: Sociology is one of the oldest sciences, having existed for over 400 years. : A Criticism of the description of culture given by the Structural-Functional Paradigm is that cultural systems are always changing so the culture of isn't as stable as it seems in this theory Stereotypes were more common in the past and are no longer relevant. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

81 - Consider the following Statements: Sociology is one of the oldest sciences, having existed for over 400 years. A subculture embraces the larger culture in addition to their own unique culture. : A researcher has more control over observations in a lab setting. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

82 - Consider the following Statements: Sociology is the scientific study of social structure : Sociology focuses on individual behavior, while psychology focuses on group behavior. "The leader can influence the whole group" Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

83 - Consider the following Statements: Solidarity refers to how connected a person feels to others Anthropology is Culture, Sociology is Society Anthropology is study of human primitive culture Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

84 - Consider the following Statements: Some countercultures can actually be a threat to the stability of society. Tourism evolves a mutual trust and respect for one another and the dignity of life on earth. The earnings of U.S. women have just about caught up with those of U.S. men Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

85 - Consider the following Statements: Sometimes it is impossible to reverse the effects of prolonged isolation, even with the help of dedicated specialists. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: : Social-Conflict Paradigm describes culture as a complex strategy for meeting human needs and maintain society's stability. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

86 - Consider the following Statements: South African's system of apartheid is an example of subjugation One way to develop the sociological imagination is to look at your own society as an outsider. In sport today, men and women receive approximately equal pay. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

87 - Consider the following Statements: Sport is hard to define. People who come to the U.S. from other countries are frequently surprised at how little importance Americans place on winning at sport. One reason that sociologists ask open-ended questions is that the results are relatively easy to quantify Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

88 - Consider the following Statements: Sport may encourage cheating because some people believe that winning is moreimportant than anything else. One of the Latent function of education is to have friends or even special someone. Sociology is a normative discipline Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

89 - Consider the following Statements: Sport reflects society at large. Sociology is the scientific study of social structure A higher level of education increases prestige. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

90 - Consider the following Statements: Sport teaches some of the basic values of a society. Social roles are the same for every culture Sociology is concerned with right and wrong answers. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

91 - Consider the following Statements: Sports and recreation can be a good way to bond within a culture. Diffusion is the source of social change that brings about the most change in the least amount of time With conflict, the goal is to defeat the opponent. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

92 - Consider the following Statements: Sports and recreation can be a good way to bond within a culture. Only one agent of socialization helps a child learn their culture from the age of 5 to 10 The child poverty rate in the U.S. is higher than in any other industrialized country Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

93 - Consider the following Statements: Srinivas criticised the British administrator anthropologists who had put forward a picture of the Indian village as constantly changing, never self-sufficient and have various kinds of economic, social and political relationships at the regional level. acceptance and observation of various norms set by the group is not a factor. Conflict theory states that the majority uses prejudice and discrimination to control a minority. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

94 - Consider the following Statements: statistical method are used to analyze qualitative data There can be a culture without a society : The first step in the research process is to develop a hypothesis. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


95 - Consider the following Statements: Statistical methods are used to analyze qualitative research Linguistics and sociology studies should NOT work together. They are different fields of study. Secondary type relations are significant in Rural community. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


96 - Consider the following Statements: Statistical methods are used to analyze qualitative research The members of a social aggregate must all have similar social statuses. Society has an influence on an indidviduals personality and beliefs. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

97 - Consider the following Statements: Studies in institutions have shown that it is possible for well-fed children with proper medical care to waste away and die from a lack of love and attention. Scholars argue that there is no coherent basis for treating tribes as "pure" Conflict based on caste is called communalism. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

98 - Consider the following Statements: Substantive definitions of religion are inclusive Primary groups are the largest and most complex groups. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

99 - Consider the following Statements: Symbols are gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words, help people understand their world Anthropology is most interested in examining modern industrial societies. Sport is good, is this an example of an ideological belief. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

100 - Consider the following Statements: Symbols like the American flag have shared meaning in our culture. Formal institutions-like schools, workplaces, and the government-teach people how to behave in and navigate these systems Conformity means behavior that matches group expectations. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

101 - Consider the following Statements: Technology includes only tools or other material objects we use. Language is not considered a component of culture. statistical method are used to analyze qualitative data Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


102 - Consider the following Statements: The class system first appeared in the pastoral societies Empirical Statement describes what is in the social world without evaluating it; based on facts, not opinion. The cultural process of learning to participate in group life is called rehabilitation. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

103 - Consider the following Statements: The cultural process of learning to participate in group life is called rehabilitation. Sociology is the scientific study of social structure W.E.B. Dubois scientifically studied the social structure of African American Communities. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

104 - Consider the following Statements: The emotional needs of human infants are as important as their physical needs. The Functional Integration concept is central to functionalism Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

105 - Consider the following Statements: The emotional needs of human infants are as important as their physical needs. wars & conquest are a source of resistance to social change. Resocialization is always involuntary Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

106 - Consider the following Statements: The family is the least important agent of socialization in almost every society. When you see whether you or your brother can swim the length of the pool the fastest, you are engaging in sport. self-fulfillment is a new value that has emerged in the U.S. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

107 - Consider the following Statements: The gender gap in personality traits is based entirely on heredity. Sociology cannot be applied to personal growth because it encourages people to be active members of their society. The positive impact of successes and continuing problems go hand in hand Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


108 - Consider the following Statements: The industrial revolution began in the 1970s when the first computers became common place. statistical method are used to analyze qualitative data The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

109 - Consider the following Statements: The labeling theory differs because it focuses on groups that are labeled as faithful and never commit deviant acts. All deviant behavior is criminal. People tend to adjust better to retirement if they were unsatisfied with their careers. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


110 - Consider the following Statements: The looking-glass self may not be an accurate reflection of how others view us Supporters of the conflict perspective see social living as a contest for resources. Sociology is the scientific study of social structure Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

111 - Consider the following Statements: The looking-glass self may not be an accurate reflection of how others view us There can be a culture without a society People who work at low skilled jobs and have an income below the poverty line are the aristocracy. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

112 - Consider the following Statements: The media have no effect on our socialization. Cyberpunk movement and anarchists are examples of countercultures. Sociology is the scientific study of social structure (human social behavior). Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

113 - Consider the following Statements: The media have no effect on our socialization. Not one sociological theory works alone. A combination of all three gives us the most complete understanding. Sometimes it is impossible to reverse the effects of prolonged isolation, even with the help of dedicated specialists. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

114 - Consider the following Statements: The members of an out-group are that group of people who are excluded from the in-group. The family is the least important agent of socialization in almost every society. Socialization helps determine one's level of self-control. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

115 - Consider the following Statements: the most serious mores are formalized into laws Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge Kinship is a relationship linked by marriage Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

116 - Consider the following Statements: The Physical Environment is a source of resistance to social change Sociology cannot be applied to personal growth because it encourages people to be active members of their society. Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


117 - Consider the following Statements: The positive impact of successes and continuing problems go hand in hand The family is the main unit of socialization in early years Offenses committed by individuals of high social status in the course of their professional lives is known as a white collar crime. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

118 - Consider the following Statements: The primary agent of socialization in the United States is the family. Social norms are the same from culture to culture and group to group. Agriculture and Cuisine makeup a portion of people's culture Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

119 - Consider the following Statements: The process by which cultures become more and more alike is called cultural lag. People's behavior within a group setting can be predicted from their personal characteristics. Anthropology is study of human primitive culture Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

120 - Consider the following Statements: The process of socialization ends once a child has reached adulthood. People who work at low skilled jobs and have an income below the poverty line are the aristocracy. Master status plays the greatest role in shaping a person's life and his/her social identity Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

121 - Consider the following Statements: The process of socialization requires prolonged social contact with others. Without socialization, it would be hard for people to know how to act and prosper in society. Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

122 - Consider the following Statements: The purpose of the adult & juvenile corrections system is for retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation & social protection. In 1610, Galelio invented telescope to see the moons of Jupiter. This is a Psychology Class Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

123 - Consider the following Statements: the size of a group affects its integration. A system of rewards and punishments is one way a total institution resocializes people. Dramaturgy is defined as human interaction is like a theatrical performance. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

124 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Conflict cannot be positive. peer groups became the main unit of socialization during the teens Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

125 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Research shows that overall, men are more talkative than women, although there is significant variation by context. The evidence suggests that conversational differences are influenced more by social rather than biological forces. One of benefits of Bureaucracies is that they can ability to coordinate large numbers of people to achieve a goal. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

126 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Sociologists conduct research to gain knowledge In a primary group members are often replaceable by someone else that can do the same role or task. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

127 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Sociology is one of the oldest sciences Subcultures do not pose a threat to the larger culture. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

128 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Stereotypes were more common in the past and are no longer relevant. On the basis of language, tribes are classified into 6 categories. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

129 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. The ruling classes establish ideologies that explain deviance as a problem found among the lower classes to maintain their power. Role exit occurs when a father leaves a meeting to attend his son's soccer game Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

130 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Vested interest is the recognition of new uses for existing elements or a new understanding of these elements. Behavior that violates significant social norms is known as a crime. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

131 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the common behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. Your parents economic status can play a role in determining your personality. Sociologists rarely use data collected by the Census Bureau because it is not representative of the population. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

132 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological Perspective can lead to Sociological imagination. Ethnicity is based on physical traits. Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

133 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. a survey is useful when a soiologist wants to study a large number of people Groupthink can lead to conformity having seriously negative results. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

134 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. Being willing to compromise is a necessary part of pluralism. We live in a postindustrial society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

135 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. One way to develop the sociological imagination is to look at your own society as an outsider. Urban sociology is basically no different with the rural sociology Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

136 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: E V Ramasami was the one to arouse people to realise that it is the birthright of every individual to enjoy liberty and equality. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

137 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. Sociology helps us think critically about whether we believe what our culture tells us to believe. Most groups let their members think independently instead of encouraging members to conform to the group's way of thinking Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

138 - Consider the following Statements: The sociological perspective only studies an individual's behavior. Symbols are gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words, help people understand their world Correlations can be either positive or negative, or none. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

139 - Consider the following Statements: The theory of social darwinism supported "survival of the fittest" applied to humans - and was later used to justify racism and imperialism. A social institution is the system of statuses, roles, values, and norms that are organized to satisfy one or more of the basic needs of society. Variables can be dependent or independent. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

140 - Consider the following Statements: The Theory of Verstehen says a sociologist should place themselves in someone else's shoes and see it through their eyes. Charter schools are private schools Tabula Rasa theory suggests that individuals are born with personality. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

141 - Consider the following Statements: The three sociological perspectives are Functionalism, Conflict Perspective, and Humanitarianism. Education is important in the society because it helps us become more aware of what is happening in the society. Anticipatory socialization occurs as a person "rehearses" for a new role, occupation, or relationship Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

142 - Consider the following Statements: The U.S. Department of Labor has identified approximately 75 different occupations in the country today. Sociologists studied the experiences of white ethnics because white ethnics have also faced open discrimination. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

143 - Consider the following Statements: Theory of socialization can be look into two perspectives Mass media plays a role in the socialization of children because it is constantly displaying role models that children may imitate. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

144 - Consider the following Statements: There are four institutions found in every society. In literate societies ideas are transcribed in books and documents and preserved in libraries, institutions or archives. Socialization helps determine one's level of self-control. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

145 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society A church, culture or career could be a type of reference group. Sociologists examine cultures in an unbiased manner. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

146 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society Ascribed status is assigned according to standards that are beyond a person's control : Gender roles are behaviors and choice s that are associated with being male or female. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

147 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society ethnocentrism is a source of resistance to social change. "Group Dynamics study the way that individuals affect groups and groups affect individuals" Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

148 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society Groups help connect us to the larger society A manifest function is unintended and unrecognized Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

149 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society In postmodernism, absolute meanings of words do not exist. Rather, the meaning of words is based on context, culture, and community. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

150 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society Individuals adapt their behavior to fit with a group There can be a culture without a society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

151 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society Industrial societies use heavy machinery. Sociology is the scientific study of social structure Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

152 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society Minority Groups are a group of people who are singled out for unequal treatment because of their physical characteristics or cultural practices. Gender, race, and family are examples of achieved statuses. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

153 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society Perspective is a particular point of view. Herbert Spencer coined the phrase "survival of the fittest." Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

154 - Consider the following Statements: There can be a culture without a society ROLES AND STATUS ARE NOT GIVEN AND FIXED People tend to be lonely in the city Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

155 - Consider the following Statements: There is a connection between crime and poverty African-American pro athletes have about the same chance of becoming a tv announcer as white pro athletes sociologists must always consider the ethical implications of the research methods Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

156 - Consider the following Statements: There is social order without religious commitments. Society can be both big, small or inbetween: Anthropologists focus only on modern, industrial societies. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

157 - Consider the following Statements: There is social order without religious commitments. Sometimes it is impossible to reverse the effects of prolonged isolation, even with the help of dedicated specialists. Social nature is a subsidies system of travel through the intervention of the government, employer, or labor union to achieve social goals and purposes. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2,

158 - Consider the following Statements: Today, in sports, men and women receive equal pay. Correlations can be either positive or negative, or none. A system of rewards and punishments is one way a total institution resocializes people. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

159 - Consider the following Statements: Total institutions use desocialization to destroy old self-concepts of identity People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Deviance is easy to identify. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

160 - Consider the following Statements: Total institutions use desocialization to destroy old self-concepts of identity. the given statement :Begum Rokia Sekhawat wrote her book 'Sultana Ka Sapna' (1905) in 'Urdu' language. Total institutions use desocialization to destroy old self-concepts of identity Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

161 - Consider the following Statements: Total institutions use desocialization to destroy old self-concepts of identity. It can sometimes be impossible to reverse effects of prolonged isolation People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

162 - Consider the following Statements: Tourism evolves a mutual trust and respect for one another and the dignity of life on earth. Ethnocentrism is the sharing of rules of conduct that tell us how to act in specific situations. the size of a group affects its integration. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

163 - Consider the following Statements: Tribes are classified on the basis of their 'permanent' and 'acquired' traits. Supporters of the conflict perspective see social living as a contest for resources. India has six fundamental rights in its Constitution. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

164 - Consider the following Statements: Unemployment occurs when a person does not have a job but is actively seeking employment. Solidarity refers to how connected a person feels to others . Deviance is easy to identify and describe. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

165 - Consider the following Statements: Unemployment occurs when a person does not have a job but is actively seeking employment. The family (the private sphere) is linked to the economic, political, cultural, and educational (the public) spheres. People require both the "I" and "me" aspects of the self. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

166 - Consider the following Statements: URBAN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES ARE BASED ON RUDIMENTARY TECHNOLOGY. Children rescued from situations of extreme isolation experienced no socialization or developmental difficulties the most serious mores are formalized into laws Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

167 - Consider the following Statements: URBAN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES ARE BASED ON RUDIMENTARY TECHNOLOGY. Culture is a set concept, therefore, there is a set number of cultures in our world today: Theoretical perspective is viewed as true by its supporters and it helps them organize their research. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

168 - Consider the following Statements: Vested interest is the recognition of new uses for existing elements or a new understanding of these elements. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Society can be both big and small: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

169 - Consider the following Statements: vested interests are a source of resistance to social change. A mentor is someone who fosters an individual's development. People who share the same language and live in the same area could still have pretty different cultures: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

170 - Consider the following Statements: vested interests are a source of resistance to social change. Women hold more administrative and coaching positions than men. Only one agent of socialization helps a child learn their culture from the age of 5 to 10 Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

171 - Consider the following Statements: VILLAGE IS AN EXAMPLE OF PRIMARY GROUP , you have to be a member of your reference groups Anthropology is Culture, Sociology is Society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

172 - Consider the following Statements: VILLAGE IS AN EXAMPLE OF PRIMARY GROUP The belief that the feeling of discomfort is brought by a visitor who supposedly has an evil eye is called usog. Modernization theory states that countries can improve their situation through industrialization and a change in culture Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

173 - Consider the following Statements: Violent crime, crime against property, victim less crime, white collar crime and organized crime are known as the give general categories of crime. Globalization has greatly slowed down the speed of cultural diffusion. Emo, hipster and goth and some examples of subcultures in the US. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

174 - Consider the following Statements: W.E.B. Du Bois scientifically studied the social structure of African American communities. Verstehen is understanding social behavior by putting yourself in the place of others. Women's lower socioeconomic status is the primary explanation for poverty in the U.S. today. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

175 - Consider the following Statements: We live in a postindustrial society Today, most scientists would agree that the interaction of both our genes and our environment influences and shapes our development and behaviors. Women hold more administrative and coaching positions than men. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

176 - Consider the following Statements: WEB DuBois believed in full integration of African Americans in the United States In mediation, a third party makes a decision that is binding on both parties. The rate of social change is same for all societies Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

177 - Consider the following Statements: When a father leaves a demanding job in the middle of an important meeting to attend his daughter's first soccer game, he is experiencing role exit. Symbolic interactionism sees socialization as one long power struggle, with those in power struggling to keep their power. A role is a not a behavior Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


178 - Consider the following Statements: When children play house, dress up in their parent's clothes and pretend to be doctors they are role-taking. Only a very small percentage of athletes will ever play professionally, so it is mistake to forego academics to try to make a living as an athlete. Primary groups are the largest and most complex groups. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

179 - Consider the following Statements: When completing a sociological experiment, it is important your subjects *do not know* they are being studied. Formal institutions-like schools, workplaces, and the government-teach people how to behave in and navigate these systems Sociologists found that the effects of institutionalization on infants, i.e. lack of a caring environment, will result in slower development of their mental, physical, and emotional skills. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

180 - Consider the following Statements: When conducting research, sociologists must always consider ethical implications of their research methods Sociological imagination is what Sociologists use to imagine what could happen in the future Sociology is the scientific study of social structure Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

181 - Consider the following Statements: When Karl Marx spoke of false consciousness, he was referring to the working class's acceptance of capitalist ideas. "Modernization theory conceptualizes the relationship between modernity and the world system in a naive way. To the extent that the theory examines relationships between different regions of the world, it assumes that they are based on consensus and shared values rather than on unequal power relations or conflict." With socialization, an individual is unable to learn beliefs and values. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

182 - Consider the following Statements: When Karl Marx spoke of false consciousness, he was referring to the working class's acceptance of capitalist ideas. Social relations between people who would normally meet. Formal sanction occurs because some aspects of society change less rapidly than other aspects of society. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

183 - Consider the following Statements: When you see whether you or your brother can swim the length of the pool the fastest, you are engaging in sport. According to positivism, all elements of society make a positive contribution. A server at a restaurant is part of the tertiary sector of the economy. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 3,

184 - Consider the following Statements: When you try to understand your friend's feelings by placing yourself in her situation, your are using verstehen. : Indigenous people live mainly in arid areas Sociology is the scientific study of social structure Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

185 - Consider the following Statements: White-collar workers are part of the tertiary sector of the economy. Sociologists tend to focus on individual rather than group behavior. There can be a culture without a society Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1,

186 - Consider the following Statements: With conflict, the goal is to defeat the opponent. Cultural relativism promotes biases and stereotyping: India is a secular country Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 3

187 - Consider the following Statements: With life so rushed and more women working for wages, today's parents spend less time with their children than previous generations did. Large groups are more estable Verstehen is understanding social behavior by putting yourself in the place of others. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

188 - Consider the following Statements: With socialization, an individual is unable to learn beliefs and values. Racial profiling is the practice of assuming the nonwhite Americans are more likely to commit a crime than white Americans. People who share the same language and live in the same area can have a different culture: Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 2, 3

189 - Consider the following Statements: Without socialization, it would be hard for people to know how to act and prosper in society. Informal groups are created because people's needs are not being met by any formal group. Mores are never laws. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

Only 1, 2

190 - Consider the following Statements: Women's lower socioeconomic status is the primary explanation for poverty in the U.S. today. This is a Psychology Class Individuals do not change their behavior to match the expectations of a group. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


191 - Consider your research paper to a campus, newspaper, social media, magazine or making presentation to seminar, a meeting of any people you have been involves is called

Share your result

192 - Considered founder of sociology as distinct subject; studied basic issues of order and change

Auguste Comte

193 - Considered the "founder of Sociology" because he applied scientific methods to the study of society. Who was he?

Auguste Comte

194 - considered the father of sociology

Auguste Comte

195 - Considered the first female sociologist and credited with translating Auguste Comte's scholarly work?

Harriet Martineau

196 - Considered the founder of Sociology.

August Comte

197 - Considered the founder of the conflict perspective; emphasized importance of economic organization on society

Karl Marx

198 - Considered to be the founder of Sociology

Auguste Comte

199 - Considered to be the founder of Sociology. He coined the term Sociology

Auguste Comte

200 - Considered to be the founder of the Functionalist perspective of sociology.

Emile Durkheim

201 - Considered to be the founder of the symbolic perspective of sociology.

Max Weber

202 - Considering what a person is going through to see things from their perspective would be an example of what?


203 - Consists of relatively unsophisticated artistic creations that appeal to a mass audience. Ex. Movies, tv shows, musical performances and other entertainments that attract large audiences.

Popular Culture

204 - consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society.

Non-material culture

205 - Constitution are.

instruments for limiting governmental power

206 - Constraints accounting for suicide were real" in book "Suicide" were explained by

Emile Durkheim

207 - Constructed reality is.

the principle that meaning derives from social interaction in daily life

208 - Constructed reality is________________?

the principle that meaning derives from social interaction in daily life

209 - Constructionist definitions of religion.....

Only (A) & (B)

210 - Constructionist studies of old age view it as.

a social category

211 - Constructionist studies of old age view it as_______________?

a social category

212 - Consumer sovereignty means that.

all of the above

213 - Contagion theory argues that crowds have what type of effect on people?


214 - Contemporary Sociological Theories" was written by

Pitirm Sorokin

215 - Contemporary sociology includes.

postmodernism feminism and critical theory

216 - Contemporary sociology includes______________?

postmodernism feminism and critical theory

217 - Contemporary technologically advanced societies tend to be.


218 - Content analysis is

analysis of themes in written or spoken communications.

219 - Continued dependence on foreign countries, in chapter 10, is known as


220 - Contoh gejala sosial yang menggambarkan adanya keterkaitan antara norma dengan keteraturan sosial adalah .....

kedispilinan dalam belajar memperkuat kepribadian, suka bekerja keras tidak mengenal waktu

221 - Contoh interaksi antara individu dengan kelompok adalah

seorang guru mengajar di kelas

222 - Contrary to Karl Marx's expectations communist revolutions occurred in.

all of the above

223 - Contribution of social division of labour has been discussed in depth by

Emile Durkheim

224 - Control of the Government over education is unavoidable because

a. education costs money ; and money can be provided by the government only.

225 - Control through force


226 - convert into

to change or transform into

227 - Convictions that people hold to be true is what?


228 - Cooking, games, and clothing are examples of .....

cultural universals

229 - Cooley presented the idea of "looking glass self" a personality type in which self is discovered through.

Reactions of others

230 - Cooley presented the idea of"looking glass self" a personality type in which self is discovered through ?

Reactions of others

231 - Cooley's lookingglass self refers to.

self regard based on instinct

232 - corporate advertising

advertising that promotes the company as a whole instead of a firm's individual products

233 - Corporations have been disinvesting in the U.S. displacing millions of people from their jobs. Economists refer to this as the ..... of America


234 - Corporations wield power through:

All of the above

235 - Correlation is not causation because

there are other factors that could be involved

236 - Cosmopolitanism looks for answers

in rational arguments backed up by evidence

237 - Countercultures are.

groups whose values are in explicit opposition to those of the wider societal culture

238 - counterfeit

fake; false

239 - craft

make by hand and with much skill

240 - Craft unions differed from industrial unions in that they:

Were horizontally organized

241 - Craftsmen foremen secretaries office workers belong to the.

working class

242 - Created a biological model of society. Believed in the idea of Social Darwinism.

Herbert Spencer

243 - Created Conflict Theory

Karl Marx

244 - Created Social Darwinism

Herbert Spencer

245 - Creation of something new from previously existing items or processes


246 - Creator of Communism, believed in class struggle (conflict theory)

Karl Marx

247 - Credentialism opens jobs.

to members of skilled professions

248 - Credited with the first use of statistics to give credibility to sociological research

Emile Durkheim

249 - Crime and deviance can be learned from the environment and enforced or discouraged by those around us. This idea is based on:

Symbolic interactionism

250 - Crime and deviance is regulated by

systems of formal and informal social control

251 - crime committed by white-collar workers in a business environment

corporate crime

252 - Crime is defined as.....

an act that violates the law

253 - Crime is most likely to occur in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control.

Social disorganization theory

254 - crimes committed by high-status people

white-collar crimes

255 - Crimes that are tolerated more than others because they seldom include violence include.

all but B

256 - Criminal act motivated by prejudice

hate crime

257 - Criminal behaviour is learnt primarily

by same process as non-criminal behaviour.

258 - Criminal behaviour is learnt primarily

by same process as non-criminal behaviour.

259 - Criminologists Cloward and Ohlin Classified delinquent gangs into which of the following categories?

Criminal realist conflict

260 - Critical thinking and reading, logical thinking, as well as ..... may all be required to solve a situation puzzle.

lateral thinking

261 - Criticises Rex and Thomlinson for not clarifying the relationship between class and ethnicity. They are not separate characteristics, but connected to amplify inequality.


262 - Criticisms of structuralfunctionalism include.

all of the above

263 - Critics maintain that the following issues are present in higher education.

all of the above

264 - Critics of our school system sate that.

education is used to foster the acceptance of our political system without question

265 - Critics of the concept of relative poverty argue that.

in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor

266 - Critics of the concept of relative poverty argue that______________?

in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor

267 - Critics of the concept of relative poverty argue that_______________?

in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor

268 - Critics of the culture of poverty thesis point out that.

the poor have had their access to achievement blocked by the social order

269 - Critics of the culture of poverty thesis point out that________________?

the poor have had their access to achievement blocked by the social order

270 - Critics of the spread of Western cultural products across the globe argue that a cultural empire has been created What term do they use to describe this ____________?

media imperialism

271 - Critics of the spread of Western cultural products across the globe argue that a cultural empire has been created What term do they use to describe this?

media imperialism

272 - Critiques of bureaucratic forms of business administration argue that.

vertical hierarchies of power are too sluggish

273 - Cross-cultural research on infant care has found the following.

Methods of caring for babies are linked to other elements of a society's culture

274 - Cross-cultural research on infant care has found the following______________?

Methods of caring for babies are linked to other elements of a society's culture

275 - Crowd means

a temporary collection of persons react in spontaneous interaction.

276 - Crowd means

a temporary collection of persons react in spontaneous interaction.

277 - Crowds and masses differ in that.

people in a crowd are in close proximity to one another

278 - Crowds have three characteristics in common Which of the following is NOT one of those characteristics ?


279 - Crowds have three characteristics in common Which of the following is NOT one of those characteristics?


280 - Crowds may engage in unpredictable behavior because.

BOTH they are temporary and individuals are anonymous

281 - Cults differ from sects in that.

all of the above

282 - Cults provide

A sense of community

283 - Cultural awareness positions people to be ..... ..... in both personal and professional relationships.

) more successful

284 - Cultural base means

accumulation of knowledge and technique available to the inventor.

285 - cultural beliefs that justify social stratification.


286 - Cultural change can also occur through______________?

invention and discovery

287 - Cultural change is always.

both of the above

288 - Cultural diffusion can start only from

centres of cultures anywhere

289 - Cultural diffusion can start only from

centres of cultures anywhere

290 - Cultural diffusion means

merger of cultural traits.

291 - Cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture


292 - Cultural growth is

a continuing process

293 - Cultural growth is

a continuing process

294 - Cultural lag describes the disharmony between related parts of

single culture

295 - Cultural lag is a difference between

two material cultures.

296 - Cultural lag is a difference between

two material cultures.

297 - Cultural lag is a state in a society when

value clash to change

298 - Cultural lag occurs because

some aspects of society change less rapidly than other aspects.

299 - Cultural lag.

is the adjustment gap between material and nonmaterial culture

300 - Cultural lag________________?

is the adjustment gap between material and nonmaterial culture?

301 - Cultural lags are

numerous and persistent

302 - Cultural patterns that are a separate part of a segment of society's population is known as a/an:


303 - cultural patterns that are widespread among society's population

Popular Culture

304 - cultural patterns that distinguish a society's elite

High Culture

305 - cultural patterns that set apart some segment of a society's population


306 - Cultural Patterns that strongly oppose those widely accepted within society


307 - Cultural preferences located with the Upper class.

High Culture

308 - Cultural racism means that non-white groups are seen as non-British because of their 'failure' to adopt British culture


309 - Cultural relativism is the idea that societies have to be studied in terms of their.

own meanings and values

310 - Cultural relativism is the idea that societies have to be studied in terms of them ?

own meanings and values

311 - Cultural relativism is the idea that societies have to be studied in terms of them_____________?

own meanings and values

312 - Cultural relativism is what?

stating that each culture has its own idea of what is right or wrong, and that it is wrong for one culture to judge another's value system.

313 - Cultural relativism is:

Understanding a culture from the point of view of its members or judging a culture by its own standards (rather than by ones own culture).

314 - Cultural relativity ideally implies.

tolerance and respect for the cultural values of others

315 - Cultural restructuring has involved ?

all of the above

316 - Cultural restructuring has involved.

all of the above

317 - Cultural restructuring has involved________________?

all of the above

318 - Cultural sanctions can also be viewed as ways that society:

Regulates behavior

319 - Cultural standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Put values into action through rewards, sanctions and punishments


320 - Cultural standards for cleanliness (bathing) and personal care (shaving, trimming, etc.) are examples of:


321 - Cultural traits are formed on basis of what?

Need of life

322 - Cultural traits are formed on the basis of

needs of life

323 - Cultural traits are formed on the basis of

needs of life

324 - Cultural traits that exist in all cultures are called


325 - Cultural Universals are

All of them.

326 - Cultural universals include.


327 - culturally defined standards by which people assess desirability, goodness, and beauty and that serve as broad guidelines for social living


328 - Culture

Refers to the language, norms, values, beliefs, knowledge, symbols, and physical objects that are shared by members of a society or group. The concept of culture is incorporated in each of the three major theoretical perspectives

329 - Culture and society are

interlinked with each other.

330 - Culture as a Producer of Action

cultures offers solution to everyday problems and shape behaviors

331 - Culture based on the tastes of ordinary people rather than an educated elite

Popular Culture

332 - Culture change means

change in the culture of a society.

333 - Culture change means

change in the culture of a society.

334 - Culture Complexes combine to form .....

Culture Patterns

335 - Culture existing inside our heads regarding what we believe to be good and what we should do.

Ideal Culture

336 - Culture has two essential qualities. They are

Learned and shared

337 - Culture includes

only non-material things such as values and beliefs

338 - Culture includes which of the following?

All of the above

339 - Culture is


340 - Culture is a 'way of life' of a society and includes which of the following elements

All of the above

341 - Culture is an organised body of conventional undertaking", is said by


342 - Culture is based on.

learning thorough symbols

343 - Culture is defined as

language, values, customs, and physical objects that are passed from generation to generation among members of a group

344 - Culture is defined as the shared ..... within a group of humans or society.


345 - culture is divided into material culture and.....-


346 - Culture is the basis of.

human social life

347 - Culture is totality of group ways of thought", is said by


348 - Culture is usually assumed to be_______________?

always changing

349 - Culture makes the society to function


350 - Culture refers to

interwoven pattern of behaviour

351 - Culture refers to

interwoven pattern of behaviour

352 - Culture.

is arguably possessed to some degree by nonhuman primates as well as humans

353 - Current events have a very imposing control over the minds of


354 - Customs are also called


355 - Customs, manners, or morals of a particular group.


356 - Cyberfeminism

may be combatted through new media to help eliminate gender stereotypes

357 - Cyclical theorists.

try to predict the course of a civilization or society

358 - Cyclical theorists_______________?

try to predict the course of a civilization or society

359 - Cytoplasm is filled with 80% of


360 - Дождь заставил их вернуться домой.

The rain made them return home.

361 - Ты сможешь выполнить эту работу завтра?

Will you be able to do this work tomorrow?

362 - Напрасно ты брала зонтик. Дождя так и не было.

needn't have taken

363 - Dahrendorf Rex and Habermas focused their attention on.

Power domination and conflict

364 - Dahrendorf Rex and Habermas focused their attention on_____________?

Power domination and conflict

365 - Dahrendorf Rex and Habermas focused their attention on_____________?

power domination and conflict

366 - Dana post images of herself to Instagram and is payed for her product endorsements. Which term below do we best associate with her?

Electronic Community

367 - Daniel Bell has called the newly emerging from of society.


368 - Darius, Anthony, and TJ all get together after school each day and play badminton together. This is an example of.....


369 - Das capital was authored by .....


370 - Data collected by researchers themselves

Primary data

371 - Data drawn from research that has been carried out by the researcher is known as

Primary data

372 - Data gathered on the same sample of participants over a long period of time is called

a Longitudinal study

373 - Data in the form of numbers that can be displayed as tables or graphs.

Quantitative data

374 - 'Data protection' is found under what ethical sub-heading


375 - Data that already exists; has been collected by others or exists as texts such as diaries

Secondary data

376 - Data that are collected directly from firsthand experience.

primary data

377 - Data that existed before the sociologist started their research is known as

Secondary data

378 - Data yang diperoleh seorang peneliti dari literatur buku merupakan data .....


379 - Davie (2013) argues that fundamentalism occurs when people who hold traditional beliefs and values.....

feel threatened by modernity and want to defend themselves against this threat.

380 - Закончив работу, она пошла домой

Having finished her work, she went home

381 - De Gournay coined the phrase an illness of bureau mania to describe ?

the developing power of officials

382 - De Gournay coined the phrase an illness of bureaumania to describe.

the developing power of officials

383 - Deals with literature written by citizen of colonial countries that portrays colonized people as its subject matter.


384 - Death rates are highest in.

tropical African

385 - Death rates are.

defined as the number of deaths per 1000 people per country per year

386 - Death resulting out of failure in love affair is an example of

Fatalistic suicide

387 - Debate about how far human behaviour is influenced by society as opposed to genetics/instinct.

the nature/nurture debate

388 - Decrease in population of a society

can create crisis at some stages.

389 - Defense mechanisms function to.

deflect anxiety

390 - Define a "Structured Interview".

A conversation with a prepared list of questions

391 - Define a "Unstructured Interview".

An informal conversation with topics in mind but no set questions

392 - Define bureaucracy

A large administration that pursues a large variety of goals

393 - Define commodity fetishism

The process of ascribing magic qualities to an object, whereby the human labour required to make that object is forgotten once the object is associated with a monetary value

394 - Define conformity.

We as individuals feel the pressure to change our behaviour.

395 - Define cultural diffusion

the spreading of culture traits from one society to another

396 - Define culture.

A way of life for a group of people or a society.

397 - Define ethnocentrism

The tendency to view one's own culture and group as superior

398 - Define 'high culture'

The culture of the 'elite'.

399 - Define how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important. Most members of the society adhere to them


400 - define income

amount of money received within a period of time

401 - Define Mores.

A stronger version of a norm.

402 - define power

controlling others when even against their will

403 - Define rationalization

Social actions motivated by efficiency or benefit, not by custom or emotion

404 - Define self-fulfillment:

commitment to the full development of one's potential

405 - Define Significant others

any person who has great importance to an individual's life or well-being

406 - Define Significant othersमहत्वपूर्ण अन्य को परिभाषित करें

any person who has great importance to an individual's life or well-beingकोई भी व्यक्ति जो किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन या कल्याण के लिए बहुत महत्व रखत

407 - Define social interaction

Behaviour of groups in a society

408 - Define social perspective

Idea that almost every aspect of someone's behaviour are based on other people

409 - Define Socialization

the study of social problems

410 - Define society

Group of people that have a territory or culture in common

411 - Define sociology

The scientific study of human society and human interaction

412 - Define the idea of a feral child.

Children who, through either accident or deliberate isolation, have grown up with limited human contact.

413 - Define the term 'role'.

The culturally expected behaviour of particular members of society.

414 - Define theory.

Word that describes an explanation of the relationship among particular phenomena

415 - Define values

Shared ideas and standards that are considered acceptable and binding

416 - define verstehen

to grasp by insight

417 - define wealth

economic resources held by a person

418 - deliberate attempt to oppose, harm, control by force or resist the will of another person or persons


419 - Deliberate purpose of teaching basic reading, writing, arithmetic, and other skills

Class activities

420 - deliberately created to achieve one or more long term goals

formal organization

421 - deliberately treacherous or deceitful


422 - Demand and supply are.

market forces

423 - Demand and supply curves.

simplify the analysis of market actions

424 - dem-is a Greek root meaning


425 - Democracy is based on.

the value of the individual

426 - Democratic capitalism means that.

the economy is regulated through legislation and taxation

427 - Democratic Leaders are:

Leaders that allow for member involvement in decision making

428 - Democratic socialism is an ideology that.

seeks to provide essential services to all

429 - Demographers believe that.

the demographic transition represents a general pattern

430 - Demographers criticize Malthusian Theory because.....

It does not take into account improvements in Agricultural technology

431 - Demographers who once believed that the U.S population would stabilize between 290 and 300 million people now believe that it will stabilize at around 390 million people because its.

all of the above

432 - Demographers who once believed that the U.S population would stabilize between 290 and 300 million people now believe that it will stabilize at around 390 million people because its________________?

all of the above

433 - Demographic Transition exhibits.

High birth rate and high death rate in its first phase

434 - Demographic Transition exhibits_____________?

High birth rate and high death rate in its first phase

435 - Demographic Transition Theory states that the industrialization of a country leads to population booms due to-

Improved sanitation and health services

436 - Demographics are about a population's .....


437 - Demography is the social science of


438 - Demography is the social science of


439 - denial of equal access based on everyday practice

de facto segregation

440 - denial of equal access based on the law

de jure segregation

441 - Denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups that results from the normal operations of society is

institutional discrimination

442 - Density of population is very much related to


443 - Dependency theorists from low-income countries drew on the ideas of.

Karl Marx

444 - Dependency theorists from low-income countries drew on the ideas of_____________?

Karl Marx

445 - Dependency theorists from low-income countries drew the ideas___________?

Karl Marx

446 - Dependency theorists suggest large corporations?

increases global inequality

447 - Dependency theory is defined as

an approach contending that as developing countries make economic advances, they remain weak and subservient to core nations

448 - depicts human interaction as a theatrical performance


449 - Depicts human interaction as theatrical performances.


450 - Dept. of Agriculture uses the term ..... for people whose access to adequate food is limited by lack of money and resources.

food insecure

451 - Describe Alzheimer's disease

An organic degenerative disease of the brain

452 - describe what is in the social world without evaluating it; based on facts, not opinion

Empirical Statement

453 - Description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures


454 - Descriptive research where one person or group is studied in depth; ex. Genie

case study

455 - Descriptive statistics.

convey information about central tendency

456 - Design stage includes a small scale dress rehearsal of entire project is called

pilot study

457 - Designed to collect data from a large number of participants in a standard form


458 - Desire of a group to maintain some sense of identity separate from the dominant group

cultural pluralism

459 - Despite boasting of freedom and democracy in the United States, only men had the right to vote until 1920. This is an example of

Conflict Theory

460 - Despite the introduction of a national curriculum in 1988, girls continued to face disadvantages in education because:

All of the above

461 - Determine which are MANIFEST functions and which are LATENT functions of Kelly's job: Kelly earned a paycheck

Manifest Function

462 - Determine which are MANIFEST functions and which are LATENT functions of Kelly's job: Kelly learned how to hold her own emotions in check in order to serve a customer because she is a representative of the business.

Latent Function

463 - Determine which are MANIFEST functions and which are LATENT functions of Kelly's job: Kelly learned how to iron clothes.

Latent Function

464 - Determine which are MANIFEST functions and which are LATENT functions of Kelly's job: Kelly paid \$42 in taxes to the government.

Manifest Function

465 - Determine which are MANIFEST functions and which are LATENT functions of Kelly's job: Kelly sold 78 pairs of shoes for Brown's.

Manifest Function

466 - Determining that a particular act is deviant may depend on.

all of the above

467 - Detoxification includes

clearance of toxic refuse

468 - Detoxification includes

clearance of toxic refuse

469 - Developed the concept of the looking-glass self

Charles H. Cooley

470 - Developed the theory of ideal type

Max Weber

471 - Development has traditionally been measured in terms of economic indicators, such as:select all applicable answers.

Only (A) & (B)

472 - Development of economic, political and social relationships worldwide.


473 - Deviance and crime are evidence of inequality in the system

Conflict Theory

474 - Deviance contributes to social change in that.

some actions initially defined as deviant eventually become generally accepted

475 - Deviance in which an individuals life and identity are organized around breaking society's norms

secondary deviance

476 - deviance involving occasional breaking of norms that is not a part of a person's lifestyle or self-concept

primary deviance

477 - Deviance is a key component of a functioning society

Functionalist View

478 - Deviance is a social necessity since it reinforces norms by reminding people of the consequences of violating them. This idea is based on:

Structural functionalism

479 - Deviance is defined as.

behavior that passes the limits of what the social group tolerates

480 - Deviance is defined.

in the context of time and place

481 - Deviance is dysfunctional in that it.

can impair and undermine organized social life

482 - Deviance is dysfunctional in that it_______________?

can impair and undermine organized social life

483 - Deviance is relative because.

the definition of social norms varies by culture and subculture

484 - Deviance that has been exposed leads to.


485 - Deviance that has not been discovered is called.

primary deviance

486 - Deviance that is covered by the laws of a society is called.


487 - Deviance.

all of the above

488 - Deviant individuals.

set examples for others thus reaffirming existing norms

489 - Deviant is an agent of.


490 - Devolution means

the antonym of revolution.

491 - Devolution means

the antonym of revolution.

492 - Difference between a master status and a status set.

master status is one important status within a status set

493 - Difference between a survey and a sample?

A survey is a method where people respond to questions and a sample is the group of people that represents the population

494 - Difference between Prejudice and discrimination

Prejudice is an opinion, discrimination involves an act

495 - Different behaviours associated with the different sexes.

gender roles

496 - Different groups compete to achieve their own interests rather than cooperate to benefit all.


497 - Different role attached to a single status.

Role set

498 - Different segments of a society compete to achieve their own self-interest rather than cooperate to benefit others.

Conflict Theory

499 - Diffusion is

selective process

500 - Diffusion is

selective process

501 - Diffusion is

cultural differences within a common society.

502 - Diffusion is a _______ way process?


503 - Diffusion is a stage of

losing identity

504 - Diffusion is a stage of

losing identity

505 - Diffusion is a..... way process.


506 - Diffusion of innovations among the cultures means.

Both (a) and (b)

507 - Diffusion of innovations among the cultures means______________?

Both A and B

508 - Diffusion takes place whenever

societies come into contact.

509 - Diffusion" is

spread of cultural trait from group to group.

510 - Dignity personal integrity and inviolability of body and mind are all examples of_____________?

human rights

511 - Dimension of social stratification made up of assets and income


512 - Diplomacy today gives diplomats.

limited roles as messengers

513 - disassociate (v)

to break ties with a group; to end a friendship; to sever a relationship

514 - Disciplinary power was exercised in the 19th century factories by.

punctuality uninterrupted work and the threat of dismissal

515 - Disciplinary power was exercised in the 19th century factories by_______________?

punctuality uninterrupted work and the threat of dismissal

516 - Disciplines that study human social behavior or institutions and the functions of human society in a scientific manner.

Social Sciences

517 - discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment


518 - Discouraging criminal acts by threats ofpunishment


519 - Discoveries become a factor in social change when

new knowledge is put to new uses.

520 - Discrimination against the elderly has been especially apparent in the area of.


521 - Discrimination is.

an action taken as a result of prejudicial feelings

522 - Discrimination may occur .....

At the individual or institutional level

523 - Discrimination occurs.

with or without accompanying prejudice

524 - Discrimination refers to a(n)....., while prejudice refers to a(n) .....

act, attitude

525 - Discrimination that is an outgrowth of the structure of society

Institutionalized discrimination

526 - Discrimination, objectification, oppression, and stereotyping are associated with.....


527 - Discriminatory behavior prompted by the knowledge that prejudice exists on a society wide level is called.

institutional discrimination

528 - Disengagement refers to.

aged persons abandoning their regular roles so that younger people may assume them

529 - Disengagement theory holds that it is functional for society if as people reach old age they.

take on less taxing and important roles

530 - Disengagement theory holds that it is functional for society if as people reach old age they_____________?

take on less taxing and important roles

531 - Disney, Comcast, Time Warner & CBS are examples of:

media consolidation that has led to oligopoly

532 - Disorganization means

security, morale and purpose in life is damaged.

533 - disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life

Culture Shock

534 - Disruption in the rules and understandings that guide and integrate social life and give individuals a sense of their place in it


535 - Distinct social classes appear for the first time in the ..... society


536 - Distinct way of life shared by people living in a city


537 - distorted, exaggerated or oversimplified image applied to a category of people


538 - Dividing participants between control and experimental groups, with independent and dependent variables.


539 - Division of labor is a characteristic of_______________?


540 - Division of labor social class formal government institutions and system of trade and commerce all are peculiar to any_____________?

Urban Community

541 - Division of labour create less skilled workers stated by

Karl Marx

542 - Division of labour is a characteristic of


543 - Division of labour social class formal government institutions and system of trade and commerce all are peculiar to any.

Urban Community

544 - Division of labour was written by

Emile Durkheim

545 - Division of society into categories, ranks, or classes

Social Stratification

546 - Division of society on the basis of class is

found in all societies since times past.

547 - Divorce rates have gone up in the last 50 years because the education of children has moved from the home and to the schools.

Functional Analysis

548 - Divorce rates have gone up in the last 50 years because the power structures between men and women have changed.

Conflict Theory

549 - Divorce rates have gone up in the last 50 years because women have migrated from being primarily housewives to working outside of the home

Functional Analysis

550 - Divorce rates have increased because the meaning of parenthood has changed in the last 50 years.

Symbolic Interactionism

551 - Divorce takes place when

termination is legally accepted.

552 - Divorce.

appears to lead to greater family disorganization

553 - Divorced men as compared to married men are subject to.

all of the above

554 - Do I really have to include Sociology terms when I complete my project?

Yes, include at least 10 words throughout your writing or video.

555 - Do I really have to read a book for the project?

No, but I do get more points and will learn MUCH more about the topic I am studying.

556 - Do you mind my .the window?


557 - Мне не пришлось звонить сапожнику. Я знала, что Джон уже позвонил ему.

didn't have to call

558 - Does a feminist have to be female?


559 - Does community have no legal status?


560 - Does Karl Marx's communist society exist today?


561 - Does not allow people to shift levels and do not permit social relationships between levels

Closed system

562 - Does the fact that we sometimes ignore cultural guidelines make ideal culture meaningless?

Absolutely Not!

563 - doesn't generally control other strata of society, but its members do exert control over their own lives

middle class

564 - Domestic violence is physical abuse by one family member against another which two of the following are most likely to be victims of such abuse ?

female partners/spouses and children

565 - Domestic violence is physical abuse by one family member against another which two of the following are most likely to be victims of such abuse?

female partners/spouses and children

566 - Dominant groups tend to use all but which of the following methods in dealing with minorities?

cultural relativity

567 - Donald Trump is of a higher status than a mechanic. This is an example of

Social Stratification

568 - Don't eat people. Example of:


569 - Don't stop talking! .I'm listening.

go on

570 - Downward mobility factors are.


571 - Downward mobility factors are______________?


572 - Downward mobility factors are_________________?






575 - Drama in which we play and roles we play selves we present is called as

All of the above

576 - Dramaturgical analysis and the labeling approach are most aligned with which sociological perspective?


577 - Dramaturgy Theory

the presentation of self in everyday life

578 - Dramaturgy, impression management, and the theatrical representation of life was the idea of

Erving Goffman

579 - Dropout rate in Pakistan is.


580 - Dropout rate in Pakistan is_____________?


581 - Drug addiction has been characterized as a victimless crime meaning.

addicts choose to be addicted and hurt no one but themselves

582 - Drug dependence means

depend on drugs as addict.

583 - Drug dependence means

depend on drugs as addict.

584 - Drug is a very wide term and can be used for both medicinal and.


585 - Drug is a very wide term and can be used for both medicinal and__________________?


586 - Dual labour market. Primary market has good condition and a high pay scale. Secondary market has low status and lack of power.

Barron and Norris

587 - Due to this woman's tireless efforts to fight poverty in America, she was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in the field of sociology.

Jane Addams

588 - Due to urbanization Pakistanis urban population increased from six million in 1951 to_____________?

57 million

589 - Due to urbanization Pakistan's urban population increased from six million in 1951 to.

57 million

590 - Dultural diffusion means

merger of cultural traits.

591 - During 1956, which were the countries visited by the study group comprising representatives from the Government, trade unions and the employers from India to study the experiences of workers' participation in management?

U.K., Sweden, France, Belgium, West Germany, Yugoslavia.

592 - During and after a depression the government can use fiscal policy through its powers of.

spending and taxation

593 - During his career Andrew has worked as a juvenile police office, corrections counselor in a state prison, and as the executive director of an urban redevelopment program. Considering this, which best describes Andrew's career path?

Andrew has been an applied sociologist

594 - During Mead's Stage of Play, kids primarily

Take on roles like doctors and fireman.

595 - During middle Ages, as comte noted most people thought of society as expression of

God's will

596 - During the Enlightenment of the 18th century.

a number of scholars believed human social life could be studied scientifically

597 - During the late 1700s Great Britain evolved from an agricultural to industrial society. What re two main characteristics of an industrial society?

mechanization and urbanization

598 - During the middle years a person's emphasis often shifts from

family to professional concerns.

599 - During the Second World War Christians living in Nazi Germany had to choose between trying protect Jewish friends and associates and turning them in to the authorities This is an example of.

role conflict

600 - During the Second World War Christians living in Nazi Germany had to choose between trying to protect Jewish friends and associates and turning them in to the authorities This is an example of____________?

role conflict

601 - During theological stage people regarded society as an expressions of

God's will

602 - During which major era was sociology created?

Industrial Revolution

603 - During World War II content analysis was used to study enemy propaganda by

Harlod D. Lasswell

604 - Durkheim argues that deviance:

Has a function in society.

605 - Durkheim believed that religion.

was a reflection of human society

606 - Durkheim defined ..... as the communal beliefs, morals, and attitudes of a society.

Collective Conscience

607 - Durkheim defined social facts as.

ways of acting thinking and feeling that are collective and social in origin

608 - Durkheim defined social facts as___________?

ways of acting thinking and feeling that are collective and social in origin

609 - Durkheim defined social facts as______________?

ways of acting thinking and feeling that are collective and social in origin

610 - Durkheim died in


611 - Durkheim died in


612 - Durkheim introduced the ideas of Anomic which means.


613 - Durkheim introduced the ideas of Anomic which means________________?


614 - Durkheim referred to patterns of behavior that characterize social groups as

social facts

615 - Durkheim viewed religion as a form of social.


616 - Durkheim was


617 - Durkheim was one of the first scientific sociologists who studied.


618 - Durkheim,s famous definition of religion includes three main elements Which of these is not one of the three ?

religion involves belief in God

619 - Durkheim's analysis suggests that so-called primitive people.

projected their human ideals and personified them as gods

620 - Durkheim's approach to religion involved the opposed concepts of.

sacred and profane

621 - Durkheim's concept of ..... refers to how much people are tied to their social groups.

social integration

622 - Durkheim's famous definition of religion includes three main elements Which of these is not one of the three? W

religion involves belief in God

623 - Durkheim's shortest book is

The rules of Sociological method (1895)

624 - Durkheim's social factors are based on?

All of the above

625 - Durkheim's study of suicide helps us to understand (a) Society's hold over the Individual (b) Individual's hold on the society. (c) Suicide rates of various societies (d) Degree of social integration ofa society. Codes:

and (d)

626 - Durkheim's term "anomie" refers to a very specific condition. Which of the following best describes this condition?

a sense of disorientation, despair, and being at loose ends, due to a drastic change in circumstances

627 - Durkheim's term for a group's patterns of behavior

Social Facts

628 - Durkheim's term for the interdependence that results from the division of labor; people depending on others to fulfill their jobs

Organic Solidarity

629 - Durkheim's term for the unity (a shared consciousness) that people feel as a result of performing the same or similar tasks

Mechanical Solidarity

630 - Письмo уже отправили почтой.

the letter has already been posted

631 - Dying.

requires a new definition of self

632 - Dying_______________?

requires a new definition of self

633 - Dysfunctions

negative consequences of people's actions

634 - Dysfunctions are

undesired consequences

635 - Он, возможно, был пораненным

He may have been hurt

636 - Отправленная телеграмма была подписана врачом.

The telegram sent was signed by the doctor.

637 - E.Sutherland founded the theory of

White collar crime

638 - Each invention may be new in form", pointed out by


639 - Each of the following is a significant component of culture EXCEPT:


640 - Each part of society contributes to society as a whole.


641 - Each part of society works together for the benefit of the whole much like a living organism. This refers to


642 - Each social class is a subculture with a system of.

All of above

643 - Each social class is a subculture with a system of______________?

All of above

644 - Each society must make the following decisions of an economic nature regarding the.

production distribution and consumption of goods and services

645 - Earliest era, extending through to medieval period in Europe, was

Theological stage



647 - Early farmers practiced ..... agriculture in order to clear land for crops.


648 - Early societies are known as


649 - Early societies formed ..... in order to create safer and more stable communities.


650 - Early sociologist BEST described as a feminist

Harriet Martineau

651 - early sociologist that worked helping immigrants at the Hull House in Chicago

Jane Addams

652 - Early theories of collective behavior emphasized ________ a view that crowd behavior is like a mental illness that a person cannot resist ?


653 - Early villages formed near rivers because people needed water for the ..... of their crops.


654 - Earn incomes 25-100K per year

middle class

655 - Ecology is the discipline concerned with.

the way living things relate and adjust to each other in a common habitat

656 - Economic changes such as the recession has.....

made people aware of social class differences

657 - Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there is.

Improved technology

658 - Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there is_______________?

Improved technology

659 - Economic inequality is associated with .....


660 - Economic policies do not work as well as they should because of obstacles posed by.

all of the above

661 - Economic relationships are based on cooperation and generosity is valued

hunting and gathering

662 - Economic standing includes.

wealth that which people own (have)

663 - Economic standing includes______________?

wealth that which people own (have)

664 - Economic system based on private ownership of property & pursuit of profit


665 - Economic system based on private ownership of wealth which is invested and reinvested in order to produce profit


666 - Economic system founded on the belief that the means of production should be controlled by the people as a whole


667 - Economic system in which privately owned businesses compete in a free market.


668 - Economic system with privately owned factories and profit.


669 - Economics deals with.

all of the above

670 - Economics focuses on the production and distribution of society's goods and services. Economists study why a society chooses to produce what it does, how money is exchanged, and how people interact and cooperate to produce goods.Is the statement correct?


671 - Economists chart the limits of resources and technology on output through:

production-possibility schedules

672 - Economy centers around applying genetics.

Bioeconomic Society

673 - Education can be defined as


674 - Education helps keep the rich in power and deprive the workers of their rights

Conflict theory

675 - Education is a system in the sense that

it has all the above characteristics.

676 - Education is beneficial because you can get the cream of the crop

Structural Functionalism

677 - Education is thought to serve as a mechanism for reproducing the class structure of society, thereby reproducing the privileges of the dominant culture.


678 - Education is undergoing a transformation in which the boundary between schooling and the outside world is breaking down allowing for workplace education beyond the confines of the classroom and at many different times How is this broad change usually described ?

lifelong learning

679 - Education moves from the home to formal schooling


680 - Education of women is the most important step in.

Controlling Population

681 - Education of women is the most important step in_____________?

Controlling Population

682 - education that focuses on a variety of social and ethnic traditions

multicultural education

683 - education that is provided & regulated by society

formal schooling

684 - Education that is provided and regulated by society

formal schooling

685 - educational curriculum that empahsizes differences among gender, ethnic & racial categories

multicultural education

686 - educational program intended to improve the academic performance of disadvantaged kids

compensatory education

687 - Educational self-fulfilling prophecies.

may result in student alienation and failure

688 - Educational self-fulfilling prophecies_______________?

may result in student alienation and failure

689 - Educators must have a good understanding of the social forces because

education is influenced by the social forces.

690 - Effective social movement leadership requires.

all of the above

691 - Efficiency in economic terminology means.

obtaining the highest output in the least amount of time

692 - Eight Stages of Man (Psycho-social stages)

Erik Erikson

693 - Eleanor is researching the effect social media has on worldwide political awareness and revolution. Felix is examining the effect World of Warcraft has on the romantic relationships of middle-aged men in his metro area. Eleanor's analysis is ....., while Felix's analysis is .....

Macro-level; micro-level

694 - Electronic communities are unique because although they often lack face-to-face interactions they often.....?

Exhibit behaviors of primary groups

695 - Elementary education covers education from class ..... to class .....-.

class 1 to 8

696 - Elementary subordination" said by

August Comet

697 - elements of society that have negative consequences


698 - Elements that harm social stability like crime.


699 - Elias was a


700 - Elias was born in


701 - Elias was bron in


702 - Ellis Lee and Peterson developed a research exploring how parents raise their children relative to their class They viewed that lower class parents were more likely to emphasize____________ in their children?


703 - Embezzlement and fraud are two examples of.

white collar crime

704 - Embody the moral views and principles of a group. The strongest mores are legally protected with laws


705 - Embracing language and ethnic and cultural difference is thought to be a core Canadian value called______________?

support for diversity

706 - emerge

to come into view

707 - Emergence of a consolidated network of business leadership is most compatible with which ideal type of capitalism is in society?

Institutional capitalism

708 - Emergent norm theory argues that collective behavior arises when expectations regarding how to act are_____________?


709 - Emile Durkheim believed that

society exists because of a broad agreement among the members of that society.

710 - Emile Durkheim born in


711 - Emile Durkheim concluded that ..... plays the key role in social life.

Social Integration

712 - Emile Durkheim is associated with .....

Structural Functionalism

713 - Emile Durkheim was born in


714 - Emile Durkheim was born in


715 - Emile Durkheim was considered the founder of:

Structural Functionalism

716 - Emile Durkheim was interested in how societies united their members by shared values and other social bonds to produce .....

social integration

717 - Emile Durkheim, Agust Comte, Pierre Bordieu and Max Weber are the main representatives of.....


718 - Emile Durkhiem :Mechanical Solidarity (Pre-industrialization)

With these societies, there was widespread consensus of values and beliefs, strong social pressures for conformity, and dependence on tradition and family

719 - Emile Durkhiem :Organic Solidarity

Social interdependency based on a web of highly specialized roles. These specialized roles make members of a society dependent on one another for goods and services, such as the dependence between bankers and customers.

720 - Emotional crowd ready to use violence for a specific purpose


721 - emotional or mental condition with respect to cheerfulness, confidence, etc., especially in the face of hardship


722 - Emotional stress and maladjustment may occur as a result of.

all of the above

723 - Emotions are socially constructed and presented sociologists looks at feeling rules that are found in specific situations and


724 - Empathetic understanding of the meanings others attach to their actions is called .....


725 - Emphasis on achieved status is characteristic of

a class system.

726 - Emphasis on ascribed status is characteristic of

a caste system.

727 - Emphasized the roles of symbols and language as core elements of all human interactionism: symbolic interactionism.

George Herbert Mead

728 - Emphasizes conflict, competition, change, and constraint within society.

conflict perspective

729 - emphasizes stability in society


730 - emphasizes the contribution of each part of society. All parts of society exists for the betterment of society. Ex- family, economy, religion.


731 - Emphasizes the contributions of each part of society (family, economy, and religion).


732 - Emphasizes the role of conflict, competition, change, and constraint within a society.

Conflict Theory

733 - Enacting legislation.

all of the above

734 - Endogamy and exogamy are.

social limitations placed on marriages

735 - Enduring properties of social life that shape or constrain the actions individuals can take.

social facts

736 - Enduring" means

social institutions exist over a considerable time.

737 - Engineers lawyers investment bankers top CEOs entertainers and so on are described as.

symbolic analysts

738 - engulf

to surround or enclose completely

739 - Enjoys Art - nature or nurture?


740 - Entities such as the U.N and the European Economic Community (Common Market) are classed as.


741 - Entomology is the science that studies .....-


742 - Environmental and social learning is a part of


743 - Environmental depletion is the term used to mean that.

natural resources are decreasing as demand for them increase

744 - Environmental issues were central to the work of.

Non of these

745 - Environmental issues were central to the work of_____________?

None of these

746 - Environmental pollution is the result of.

human actions that have harmful consequences

747 - Episode of largely random destruction & violence carried out by a crowd


748 - Equality of ethnicities and analyse nation and ethnicities is called

Anti racism

749 - Equality of sexes and analyse of gender difference in sociology is called as

Sex difference in the society

750 - Equilibrium and Stability are associated with .....

Structural Functionalism

751 - Erik Erikson a German scholar trained in Freudian psychoanalysis presented a theory of life-cycle socialization through ?

Eight stages

752 - Erik Erikson a German scholar trained in Freudian psychonalysis presented a theory of life-cycle socialization through.

Eight stages

753 - Erving Goffman defined this as a place where people are stripped of their sense of self and given a new identity after being "built up" (often done through extreme episodes of humiliation).

Total institution

754 - Erving Goffman in 1961 whose work we will look at in observed and life in a mental hospital and other kind of


755 - Erving Goffman made a distinctive contribution to sociology by popularizing a particular type of interactionist method known as____________?

the dramaturgical approach

756 - Erving Goffman made a distinctive contribution to sociology by popularizing a particular type of interactionist method known as_________________?

the dramaturgical approach

757 - Erving Goffman saw broad similarities with life in

Mental hospital

758 - Erving Goffman used the term ..... to mean that social life is like a drama or a stage play.


759 - Essential characteristic of culture lag is


760 - Established and accepted cultural practices and behaviors


761 - Estate systems .....

are characterized by control of land

762 - Estimate the mean weight


763 - Ethical concerns about people's well-being


764 - Ethical neutrality is the opposite of.

judgmental social science

765 - Ethnic group or Ethnicity means which of the following?

A social group or subgroup: a tribe, the Bedouins, or identity by language, or regional identity

766 - Ethnic groups are based on.

common customs and /or identities

767 - Ethnic groups.

are groups identified on cultural grounds

768 - Ethnic groups_______________?

are groups identified on cultural grounds

769 - Ethnic identity refers to.

a felt sense of group membership on the basis of religion language or history

770 - Ethnic identity refers to_____________?

a felt sense of group membership on the basis of religion language or history

771 - Ethnic identity refers to______________?

a felt sense of group of group membership on basis of religion language or history

772 - Ethnic minorities are part of the main class structure but are not accepted by others.


773 - Ethnic minorities are scapegoats, blamed by the media for social problems.

Hall and Jefferson

774 - Ethnic minorities can be classified based on which of the following:

All of the Above

775 - Ethnic minorities experience low class and low status. These are compounded by racism so they also lack party. Black underclass has developed in many British cities and is one that feels frustrated and alienated from society.

Rex and Thomlinson

776 - Ethnicity is defined with reference to

Inherited socio-cultural attributes

777 - Ethno methodology is largely creation of Californian-based sociologist called

Harold Garfunkel

778 - Ethnocentrims means.

no other society is like yours and your society is superior to the others

779 - Ethnocentrims means_____________?

no other society is like yours and your society is superior to the others

780 - Ethnocentrism can BEST be described as the I. existence of cultural diversityII. ethnic group at the centre of the universe III. evaluation of culture from one's perspective IV. viewing of one's culture as morally correct

III and IV only

781 - Ethnocentrism does all of the following except

Encourage diversity

782 - Ethnocentrism encourages

all of these

783 - Ethnocentrism encourages

all of these

784 - Ethnocentrism has two meanings The version which may alternatively be called ethnochauvinism refers to the conviction that.

one's own culture subculture or society is best bar none

785 - Ethnocentrism is a real human reaction, found in all

all of these

786 - Ethnocentrism is a real human reaction, found in all

all of these

787 - Ethnocentrism means

Both of these

788 - Ethnocentrism refers to.

an attitude with which members of one society judge another society according to their own standards

789 - Ethnographic research produces qualitative data because.

ti uncovers rich detailed accounts from an insider's perspective

790 - Ethnographic research produces qualitative data because_____________?

it uncovers rich detailed accounts from an insider's perspective

791 - Ethnomethodologists explore ..... assumptions about how the world operates that underlie our behavior.


792 - Etiology of deviance means

study of causes of violation of official norms.

793 - Etiology of deviance means

study of causes of violation of official norms.

794 - Etymological form of Sociology = Socius +


795 - Eucation is undergoing a transformation in which the boundary between schooling and the outside world is breaking down allowing for workplace education education beyond the confines of the classroom and at many different times How is this broad change usually described?

lifelong learning

796 - Europe may be seen as a culture that has generally highlighted a principle of hierarchy and people should recognize their superiors and


797 - Europeans gave firearms whiskey and small pox to India in exchange of corn potatoes tobacco This is an example of.


798 - Evaluating a culture by the standards of one's own culture, with the view that one's own culture is superior is referred to as:


799 - evaluating and judging another culture based on how it compares to one's own cultural norms.


800 - Evaluating cultural meanings and practices in their own social contexts is known as:

Cultural Relativism

801 - Even in a democracy the state can.

imprison persons

802 - Even though Doug studied hard during the first semester of physics class, he still received a D. During the second semester, he decided it was hopeless and quit studying. Which of the following best describes his behavior?


803 - Even though Stephan studied hard during the first semester of chemistry class, he still received a D. During the second semester, he decided it was hopeless and quit studying. Which of the following best describes his behavior?


804 - Even though women worked in factories during World War II, most families and businesses believed that women should return to the home when the soldiers came home. These viewpoints support which sociological perspective?

symbolic interactionist

805 - Even today we find places where the caste system still exist in .....

India & South Africa

806 - Eventually discrimination will fade. Racism disappears as immigrants are assimilated.


807 - Every culture contains a large number of guidelines which direct conduct in a particular situation. Such guidelines are known as-


808 - Every hypothesis must.

predict a relationship between two factors

809 - Every man in society occupies a number of statuses. Different statuses associated with a single person are known as

Status set

810 - Every part of society has a purpose.


811 - Every research project can usually be divided into

five stages

812 - Every society handles many tasks be making them part of a sex role Yet boys and girls from their vary childhood start learning their respective.

Sex roles

813 - Every society has some level of ..... ....., or differing levels of wealth, power, prestige and other resources.

Social inequality

814 - Every society have their own bound up with rules and regulations all society have food rules on what can or cannot be eaten this type of bound is called

Religious bounds and taboos

815 - everyday behavior during face-to-face interaction


816 - Everyone from different cultures come together into one culture "The American Culture"

Melting Pot Theory

817 - Everything which is socially learned and shared is called.


818 - Everything which is socially learned and shared is called______________?


819 - Evidence for Secularization Which one of these is not evidence of Religious diversity?

Religion is now a specialised institution - it is no longer the centre of society, e.g. for education

820 - Evidence for Secularization. Technological worldview

Events explained through technology E.g. instead of praying for help for an illness we use medicine

821 - Evidence for Secularization. What does disenchantment mean?

Magic and religious ways of thinking have been 'squeezed out'.

822 - Evidence for Secularization. What is Rationalization

Everyone who is sane and rational knows there is no God without the need for proof.

823 - Evidence for Secularization. Which of the statements is not evidence for 'Structural Differentiation'

Society is now no longer unified under the single sacred canopy provide by one church

824 - Evidence that comes from direct experience, scientifically gathered data, or experimentation.

empirical evidence

825 - Evolutionary Perspective is based on the work of.

Comte and Spencer

826 - Evolutionary Perspective is based on the work of_______________?

Comte and Spencer

827 - Evolutionary theory is of the view that society like biological organisms moves from.

simple to complex

828 - Evolutionary theory is of the view that society like biological organisms moves from___________?

simple to complex

829 - ex convicts, divorced people, former nuns and priests and retirees of former job are examples of:

role exit

830 - Examination of large-scale patterns of society (functionalists, conflict theorists)

Macro Sociology

831 - Examination of small-scale patterns of society (symbolic interactionists)

Micro Sociology

832 - Examined emerging American society (c 1834), wrote Society in America

Harriet Martineau

833 - Example of a Bureaucracy:

Only (A) & (B)

834 - Example of institutions include

All of the above

835 - Example: The higher the temperature of the air in the oven, the faster a cake will bake.In this example, the time it takes the cake to bake is the .....

Dependent Variable

836 - examples include imprisonment, pay raises, suspension from school, and medals

formal sanctions

837 - Examples include praise, cheers, and applause.

positive sanctions

838 - Examples include punks, hippies, or anarchists. Groups that go against the larger culture and reject the values and norms.


839 - examples might include schools that specialize inteaching drama, science, or music

magnet school

840 - Examples of symbols in American culture are?


841 - Examples of the profane include.....

waking up in the morning, going to college, eating breakfast

842 - Examples of THIS type of sanction include suspension from school, imprisonment, pay raises, awards, and medals:


843 - Examples of variables include marital status, country of residence, race, education, and favorite foods.


844 - Exceptions to the circular flow are.

B and C only

845 - Excessive government intervention to try to alleviate poverty has created which type of culture, according to Charles Murray?

Dependency culture

846 - Exchange of culture and ideas in the macro level and breakdown of families in the micro level as a result of economic migration by Filipino workers


847 - Exchange, Competition, Conflict, Cooperation, and Accommodation are the 5 main forms of.....

Social Interaction

848 - Exchange, Cooperation, and Accomodation encourage.....

Societal Unification and Stability

849 - Exchanges with other countries, particularly in cultural, scientific, and economic ..... are very important


850 - Exclusive group that demands loyalty from its members


851 - Ex-con, class president, and doctor are examples of .....

achieved status

852 - exercise of legitimate power


853 - exists when the performance of a role in one status clashed with the performance of a role in another.

role conflict

854 - expand on

to give more details about something you have said or written

855 - Expanded Piaget's theory of moral development in children: Key concepts: Stages of Moral Development, the "Heinz scenario"

Lawrence Kolhberg

856 - expectation that leads to behavior that causes the expectation to become reality

self-fulfilling prophecy

857 - Expected behavior associated with a particular status is a


858 - Experience felt by those immersed in a new and unfamiliar culture is called what?

Culture Shock

859 - experiencing feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another


860 - Experiment is

means for verifying the hypothesis

861 - Experiment is divided into

two groups

862 - Experiments are not often used in Sociology because

there are too many ethical concerns involved

863 - Experiments are of two types.

both a & b

864 - Experiments are of two types_____________?

both A & B

865 - Experiments are.

based on controlling a variable and observing the results

866 - Experiments result in what type of data?


867 - Experiments.

all of the above

868 - Explains human behavior through over 10,000 instincts.


869 - Explains that strong bonds between individuals and society reinforce social norms

control theory

870 - Explains why deviance is relative

labeling theory

871 - Explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere


872 - Exploitation of the working class is a core principle of what theory?

Marxist theory

873 - expresses a value judgment about whether a situation is desirable or undesirable; expresses a judgment about what ought to be.

Normative Statement

874 - Expresses the reduction of alienated labor to a simple question of creation and appropriation of wealth.

Class Struggle

875 - Expressing a judgement about whether a situation is desirable or undesirable. (What do you think it should be)

Normative Statement

876 - Expressing information without distortion or bias from preconceived attitudes and beliefs What terms does this definition describe?


877 - Expressive Leaders are:(Choose all that apply)

Only (A) & (B)

878 - Extraction of raw materials occurs in which sector of the economy?


879 - Extreme climatic conditions are.

obstacle to cultural development

880 - Extreme climatic conditions are_____________?

obstacle to cultural development

881 - extreme form of prejudice that assumes superiority of one group over others


882 - Extreme poverty is often defined as living on less than US$1 per day how has extreme poverty changed between 1981 and 2004 ?

fell form 1.5 billion people to 1 billion

883 - Extreme poverty is often defined as living on less than US$1 per day how has extreme poverty changed between 1981 and 2004?

fell form 1.5 billion people to 1 billion

884 - extreme self centeredness


885 - Extreme self-centeredness


886 - Eyeballing is a technique that involves.

scanning a table to identify general patterns and significant figures

887 - Eyeballing is a technique that involves________________?

scanning a table to identify general patterns and significant figures

888 - Face to face interaction is the focus of analysis in

Symbolic interactionsim

889 - Faced with a rapid changing, uncertain world, fundamentalists prefer

All of the above

890 - Factors in social change are predominately

social and culture

891 - Factors in the decline of the marriage rate include.

all of the above

892 - Factors in the urban crisis include.

all of the above

893 - Factors Leading to Resisting Social Change: Situation in which some aspects of the culture change less rapidly, or lag behind, other aspects of the same culture

vested interest

894 - Factors Leading to Resisting Social Change: Strong resistance to outside influences: can lead to segregation/isolation


895 - Factors like wealth, income, race, education, and power help to determine what sociologists refer to as

Social Stratification

896 - Fail to consider the experiences of women of colour who are also working-class. Fail to consider that middle-class white women are often freed from capitalism and patriarchy as they take advantage of working-class and ethnic minority women to achieve it.


897 - fallacy

a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument

898 - Families are an example of which of the following?

Primary groups

899 - Families meet the needs of society to socialize children and reproduce new members. This statement most closely reflects .....


900 - Families that had lived for generations in rural towns and villages were tightly integrated into a hard-working, slow moving way of life said by


901 - Families, marriages, and children are examples of what?

Cultural Universals

902 - Family


903 - Family is a haven form the world where basic ingredients are.

All of the above

904 - Family is an

Group of member

905 - Family is as follows: The father and mother are both high school teachers. They both have a 4 year college degree. They have 1 child, and 1 dog. They plan on having 1-2 more children. Which social class would they be located in?

Lower Middle Class

906 - Family is included under the following social group

Primary group

907 - Family is the basic point of _______ for the children ?

enculturation and socialization

908 - Family is the basic point of..... for the children.

enculturation and socialization

909 - Family members is an example of this group.


910 - Family started with patriarch" belongs to the theory of


911 - Family subgroups that can impact socialization include which of following?

All of the above

912 - Family, school, peers and the media are the

agents of socialization

913 - Famous for his study on suicides (1897)

Emile Durkheim

914 - Fascism first emerged.

in Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini

915 - Fascism.

distrusts reason

916 - Fatalism means

belonging to fate, ill fortune to a particular individual.

917 - Fatalism means

belonging to fate, ill fortune to a particular individual.

918 - Father of Sociology

August Comte

919 - Father of Sociology .....

August comte

920 - Father of sociology, coined the term

Auguste comte

921 - Father of sociology; proved value of empirical research in to study of social life


922 - Faulty role performance.

all of the above

923 - Features common to all cultures.

Cultural Universals

924 - Features common to all societies

Cultural Universals

925 - Features that apply to all cultures

cultural universals

926 - Federal legislation has sometimes been prompted by.

all of the above

927 - Federalism many be defined as a system of.

concurrent power

928 - Female-headed families have.

all of the above

929 - Femininity have this kind of types, except .....


930 - Feminism is a.....

Macro scale

931 - Feminism is often criticized on the grounds that_____________?

it lacks objectivity

932 - Feminist perspectives are distinctive in sociology because.

they emphasize the centrality of gender in social analysis

933 - Feminist perspectives are distinctive in sociology because______________?

they emphasize the centrality of gender in social analysis

934 - Feminist perspectives are distinctive in sociology because_______________?

they emphasize the centrality of gender in social analysis

935 - Feminist sociologists research on ..... differences.


936 - Feminist theory bas borrowed much of the ideas of.

conflict and Marxist theories

937 - Feral children point strongly to the conclusion that our personality comes from our

cultural environment.

938 - Ferdinand Toennies mentioned Kuerville or artificial will as the basis of


939 - Feudal lords as social class emerged on the basis of

wealth they possessed.

940 - Field of investigation is basic element of

formulating the problem

941 - Field of study that began because of American Revolution/French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and Aguste Comte


942 - Fill in the blank: "In sociology, ..... is a term used to describe the extent to which religion influences societies and intersects with other areas of public life. It defines the role that religion plays in society, including the extent of people's beliefs, commitments, and levels of engagement with their particular religion."


943 - Fill the missing word..... is dividing an entire year-group into different groups for all subjects based on ability.


944 - Find the mean of the numbers below:12, 8, 14, 5, 1, 3, 0, 8, 10, 11


945 - Find the median class of this data.

20 < x <= 35

946 - Finding the relationship between and individual's problems and how society as a whole is involved in that problem is:

Sociological imagination

947 - Finish the Sentence -Social mobility is the ability to move between social .....


948 - Fiona signed up to volunteer with the Voter Registration Council, a group that registers local high school graduates to vote in upcoming elections. This group has come together for a specific purpose and is an example of a(n):

Secondary Group

949 - Firms based in highly industrialized societies with operating facilities throughout the world


950 - Firms sell their products in.

product markets

951 - First African American doctorate from Harvard. Spent much of his time studying African American society and was an activist for civil rights?

W.E.B. Du Bois

952 - First female socialist that was a women's rights activist.

Harriet Martineau

953 - First Industrial Revolution took place.

in Europe during 18th and 19th centuries

954 - First Industrial Revolution took place______________?

in Europe during 18th and 19th centuries

955 - First Mexican American Sociologist


956 - first Mexican American to earn a doctorate in sociology

Julian Samora

957 - First of our classic visions of society comes from Karl Marx in


958 - First sociologist to win the Nobel peace prize

Jane addams

959 - Floods serious damage.

have caused

960 - Focus on examining past cultures and present simple-or less advanced-societies


961 - Focus on meanings that people place on their own and one another's behavior.

Symbolic Interactionism Perspective

962 - Focused his research on groups rather than on whole society;thinks sociologist should uncover the feelings behind individuals actions.

Max Weber

963 - Focused on effect of society on individual; with Verstehen one puts oneself in the place of others to see through their eyes to understand the actions of individuals

Max Weber

964 - Focused on ego conflict through the life span and how they are resolved

Erik Erikson

965 - focused on problems due to imbalance of power

Jane Addams

966 - Focuses on areas of inequality-gender.

Feminist Perspective

967 - Focuses on how individuals interact with one another in society and with symbols.

Interactionist Theory

968 - Focuses on how individuals interact with one another in society.

Interactionist Perspective

969 - Focuses on the forces in society that promote competition and change.

Conflict Perspective

970 - focuses on the interactions among people based on mutually understood symbols

symbolic interactionism

971 - Focuses on the interactions of people based on mutually understood symbols. A. Functionalism B. Rationalization C. conflict theory D. symbolic interactionism

symbolic interactionism

972 - focuses on the negative consequence of an aspect of society


973 - Focuses on the negative, conflicted, and ever-changing nature of society

conflict perspective

974 - Focusing on the patterns of behavior shared by members of a group is what who do?


975 - Folk cultures tend to this type of religion, which means that they attribute supernatural powers to plants, animals, and inanimate objects.


976 - Folksongs, myths, yakshagana are ..... sources.


977 - Folkways

norms that don't have moral significance attached to them

978 - Folkways are

The common customs of everyday life

979 - Folkways are BEST defined as being:

the common customs of everyday life

980 - Folkways are simply the

customary ways in which the group of a people do things.

981 - Folkways means

ordinary modes of behaviour governed by norms.

982 - Folkways means

ordinary modes of behaviour governed by norms.

983 - Following a divorce both partners remarry in what percentage of cases?


984 - Follows the tradition of Max Weber.

Interactionist Theory

985 - Follows the traditions of Karl Marx

Conflict Theory

986 - Food habits like the way of cooking foods, habits of dressing up, relationship with family members or with in-laws, and many others are some of the focuses of this anthropological field.

Cultural & social anthropology

987 - Food is certainly a material resources for living but in all cultures it plays a very important role in shaping a way of

All of the above

988 - For a data containing 15 items arranged in ascending order, what item is the median of the data

8th item

989 - For a young guitar player a rock band seen on TV would represent a (n).

reference group

990 - For Charles, being a man is an ....., while being a college graduate is an .....

ascribed status/ achieved status

991 - For Durkheim, people who performed similar tasks had in common the way they looked at life, which he called

mechanical solidarity

992 - For explanatory research that specifies relationships among variables generates quantitative data is called


993 - For exploratory, descriptive or explanatory research whenever suitable data are available is called


994 - For Functionalists the amount of crime is important, too much leads to


995 - For many second and third generation immigrants ethnic background is less a focus of identity than.


996 - For many, the government provides much-needed support through food assistance, medical care, and housing


997 - For Marx, Capitalism alienates the workers from.....

their product

998 - For Marx, what did 'conflict' represent?

Tension between social classes

999 - For neo-realists the international order is one of.

centralized power

1000 - For sociology, the significance of technology is

how it changes our way of life


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