Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 5

1 - For the better part of recorded history knowledge about social relationships was principally based on.


2 - For the study of institution like family and religion dependable, method of study is

historical method

3 - For this grouped data, what is the mean?


4 - For this table of data, what is the modal class?


5 - For this table of information, how many 1s occurred in the data?


6 - For Thomas Robert Malthus the appropriate way to control population was to.

postpone marriage

7 - For Thomas Robert Malthus the appropriate way to control population was to_____________?

postpone marriage

8 - For Thomas Robert Malthus the appropriate way to control population was to_____________?

postpone marriage

9 - Forces in society that promote competition and change.


10 - Foreign aid is an instrument of:

foreign policy

11 - Foreign aid:

has been used as an instrument of foreign policy by the U.S

12 - Foreign policy decisions may be categorized into those that are.

all of the above

13 - Forgiving factor in community life is

community sentiments

14 - Form of authority in which the legitimacy of a leader is rooted in custom

traditional authority

15 - Form of authority in which the pwoer of government officials is based on the offices they hold

rational-legal authority

16 - form of dispersed collective behavior in which people respond to real or imagined event with irrational, frantic, and often self-destructive behavior

Mass Hysteria

17 - Form of interaction in which individuals or groups combine their efforts to reach a goal?


18 - form of social interaction in which individuals or groups are forced to give in to the will of others


19 - form of social interaction in which individuals or groups are voluntarily doing something for another and expecting something in return

social exchange

20 - form of social interaction in which individuals or groups combine their efforts to reach some goal.


21 - form of social interaction in which individuals or groups work against on another for a larger share of the rewards


22 - Form the dawn of history through the development of agriculture.

all of the above

23 - Form" refers to the

shape of the new object

24 - Formal organisations date back thousands of years like in chine its a

Great wall

25 - Formal organizations have

a bureaucratic system

26 - Formal Sanction

reward or punishment that is given by some formal organization or regulatory body, such as the government, the police, a corporation, or a school

27 - Formal sanctions often inflict punishments, like going to jail. Which of the concepts best exemplifies informal sanctions?

Being ignored by the person sitting next to you

28 - Formalized norms


29 - formed within formal organizations in which personal relationships are guided by norms.

informal organization

30 - Forms of ..... include: rationalization, arbitration coercion, and mediation.


31 - forms of communication, such as radio, newspapers, and television that are directed to mass audiences

mass media

32 - Formulating the hypothesis is the .....step in the scientific method?


33 - Formulating the hypothesis is the _________ step in the scientific method?


34 - Formulating the hypothesis is the _____________ step in the scientific method?


35 - Formulating the hypothesis is the..... step in the scientific method.


36 - fought for emancipation of slaves and women

Harriet Martineau

37 - Found in large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits even if there is much diversity.

Popular Culture

38 - Founded Hull House for the poor in Chicago

Jane Addams

39 - Founded Hull House in Chicago after visiting a London settlement house.

Jane Addams

40 - Founded the discipline of social work in America. Built a settlement house to help the poor in inner cities.

Jane Addams

41 - Founded the Hull House in Chicago to give aid to the urban poor

Jane Addams

42 - Founder of Conflict Theory

Karl Marx

43 - Founder of Functionalism

Robert K. Morton

44 - Founder of Functionalist Theory

Emile Durkheim

45 - Founder of political / economic theory of socialism (communism)

Karl Marx

46 - Founder of race conflict theory and sociology.

W.E.B. DuBois

47 - Founder of Symbolic Interactionist Theory

Max Weber

48 - Four friends went shopping for school clothes. Kim bought 5 shirts, Jill bought 4 shirts, Leslie bought 6 shirts, and Crystal bought only 1 shirt. Which answer choice represents the mean of the shirts purchased?


49 - Four primary social processes are.

conflict exchange cooperation and competition

50 - Four principles of McDonaldisation are

Efficiency calculability uniformity automation

51 - Framing legislative policies abolishing or limiting political dynasties all over the Philippines

Political Science

52 - Fred is a intelligent student Last year he was on the honor roll This year he began hanging out with friends who spend more time playing video games than studying they routinely earn C, s and D, s Over time Fred slowly stops doing his homework and turning

differential association theory

53 - Fred is a intelligent student Last year he was on the honour roll This year he began hanging out with friends who spend more time playing video games than studying they routinely earn C's and D's Over time Fred slowly stops doing his homework and turning

differential association theory

54 - Fredrich Nietzsche believed in which of the following philosophical movements?


55 - freedom of religion, speech, and the press are

important American freedoms

56 - French sociologist who was the father of Structural Functionalism. He imagined society as a single organism with different parts all working together to maintain the whole, where problems arose from malfunctions or deviations from normal function.

Emile Durkheim

57 - Freud contended that biology is diffuse but plays an important part in

Social development

58 - Freud divided self into three parts the id the superego and the.


59 - Freud divided self into three parts the id the superego and the______________?


60 - Freud located the "libido"

within the ld

61 - Freud saw self and society in basic conflict not in harmony He named this self as.

Antisocial self

62 - Freud saw self and society in basic conflict not in harmony He named this self as_________________?

Antisocial self

63 - Freudian psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the importance of the.

unconscious level of personality

64 - Freud's notion of the ego referred to.

the conscious part of the mind that regulates emotional drives on a practical rational level

65 - Freuds notion of the ego referred to________________?

the conscious part of the mind that regulates emotional drives on a practical rational level

66 - Freud's term for a balancing force between the id and the demands of society


67 - Freud's term for our inborn basic drives


68 - Freud's term for the conscience


69 - friendly or agreeable


70 - friendly; enjoys companions; outgoing


71 - friendship


72 - From a sociological perspective, what can wealth do to rich people?

Insulate them from the realities of life for poor people

73 - From a sociological perspective, which factor does not greatly influence a person's socialization?

blood type

74 - From a sociological viewpoint to say that deviance has functions means that.

deviance may contribute to group cohesion

75 - From among the following who believed in Social Darwinism?


76 - From the ..... viewpoint, a person's behavior is a result of environment and learning


77 - From the agents of socialization:

All of the above

78 - From the point of view of Catholicism Protestantism began as a(n)


79 - From this perspective, stratification exists so that the most qualified people fill the most important positions and the least qualified people fill the other positions


80 - From wealthy femily, founded the Hull House.

Jane Adams

81 - Fruits and vegetables are the main sources of food in which society?


82 - Fruits and vegetables grown in garden plots that have been cleared from the jungle or forest


83 - Full form of RtE Act is

Right to Free and Compensatory Education Act

84 - Function of social institutions is

to meet the fundamental needs of the society.

85 - Function of social institutions is called

The collection of values, norms, and roles

86 - Function" refers to the

what the invention does

87 - Functional integration

Refers to the interdependence among the parts in a social system. Each part has contributions that it must make for the whole system to function well. This concept is central to functionalism.

88 - Functionalism argues that ..... is the main cause of social change.


89 - Functionalism came from the writings of

Emile Durkheim

90 - functionalism is

a sociological theory

91 - Functionalism is called as organic or ..... analogy because it compares society to a living organism


92 - Functionalism is interested in.....?

all of the above

93 - Functionalism sees society as being made up by several organs or social structures. These social structures are often referred to as social institutions. Which of the following is not considered a social institution?


94 - Functionalism states that network television is a force for stability because

everyone is exposed to the same shared beliefs and values

95 - Functionalist Émile Durkheim viewed society as:

An organism in which each portion plays a vital role in keeping the organism stable and healthy

96 - Functionalist Perspective.

Emile Durkheim

97 - Functionalist perspectives analysis of society

Macro (large scale)

98 - Functionalist see society as.....

A set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system

99 - Functionalist sociologists rely on measures of ..... such as education, income, and occupation, to determine someone's social class.

socioeconomic status

100 - Functionalist theorists explain culture as

a system for meeting needs and values determines how they are met

101 - Functionalist theorists view stratification system as.

all of the above

102 - Functionalists accept "Change" as a.


103 - Functionalists and conflict theorists tend to focus on the ....., or large scale patterns of society, in conducting analyses.

macro level

104 - Functionalists approach the state as a tool to.

maintain order

105 - Functionalists argue that even though ethnic conflict is dysfunctional it my still serve some important functions in society Which of the following is NOT one of those important functions ?

Conflict attributable to ethnic stratification problems may reach an unacceptable frequency and intensity

106 - Functionalists argue that even though ethnic conflict is dysfunctional it my still serve some important functions in society Which of the following is NOT one of those important functions?

Conflict attributable to ethnic stratification problems may reach an unacceptable frequency and intensity

107 - Functionalists refer to how parts of a society fit together to form a whole as .....

a structure

108 - Functionalists see society as one ..... unit with smaller parts, each with ..... to be fulfilled.

Only (A) & (B)

109 - Functionalists state that sport

provides a safe release for feelings of aggression

110 - Functionalists view social control as.

an indispensable functional requirement for social survival

111 - Functionalists view social control as_______________?

an indispensable functional requirement for social survival

112 - Functions

beneficial consequences of people's actions

113 - Functions generally performed by social structures, such as families socializing their children.

Social Functions

114 - Fundamental deep rooted ideas that shape our values and are shaped by them


115 - Fundamental of caste system a group of traditional is linked with


116 - Fundamentalism exists

in most world religions

117 - Fundamentalism requires rigid adheriance to

Religious beliefs

118 - Furnishing historical data about past societies with no written records is the task of:


119 - Future generations will have to pay interest on the current debt because.

budget deficits are funded with borrowed money

120 - Futurist Alvin Toffler called his concept.

future shock

121 - Gaining a view into ourselves and the world around us by taking a new point of view

Sociolgical Perspective

122 - Gambling and prostitution are included in the category of.

social order crimes

123 - Gambling public drunkenness prostitution and smoking marijuana are often considered ?

"victimless" crimes

124 - Gambling public drunkenness prostitution and smoking marijuana are often considered.

"victimless" crimes

125 - Garden Cities' means

its population should not generally exceed 50,000.

126 - Gary Slapper and Steve Tombs have studied

Corporate Crime

127 - Gathering data from a natural environment without doing a lab experiment or a survey.

field research

128 - Gender assignment is based on.

a combination of biology and socialization

129 - 'Gender difference' denotes an analytical framework in which

social and ideological differences between sexes are explained.

130 - Gender identity is mostly developed at what stage in life?


131 - Gender inequality is an area of study in .....


132 - Gender is determined by


133 - gender is.....

a person's sense of being male, female, neither or both

134 - Gender roles are a part of which perspective?


135 - Gender, race, and family heritage are examples of

ascribed statuses

136 - General cultural traits that exist in all cultures are called .....

cultural universals

137 - General ideas that people share about what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable.


138 - General impression is one of the shortcuts in judging others. General impression refers to

halo effect

139 - general patterns in the behavior of particular people

sociological perspective

140 - Generally, what kind of economy does the USA have?


141 - Gentrification is the trend of.

middle class professionals renovating old city housing and using them as

142 - geo- is a Greek root meaning


143 - Georg Simmel was

German sociologist

144 - Georg Simmel was born in


145 - George Herbert Mead was a leading US philosopher was born in


146 - George Herbert Mead was a(n)

symbolic interactionist

147 - George Herbert Mead's "I" refers to

The "what do I want"/seeking self fulfillment

148 - George Herbert Mead's theory that says seeing ourselves through other's eyes and acting according to their expectations is known as what?


149 - George Herbert was philospher at university of


150 - George Mead explained that the person's capacity to see the self through others implies that the self is composed of two parts

The I and Me Self

151 - Gerhard Lenkst argues that social inequality may have once served the overall purposes of society, but the degree of social and economic inequality that now exists far exceeds the need to provide for goods and services. This facet of Lenski's analysis is


152 - Gerhard Lenski argued that what makes society evolve?


153 - German sociologist who introduced the concept of "Verstehen".

Max Weber

154 - German sociologist who was the father of Symbolic Interactionism. Weber believed sociology needed to focus on individuals' social situations and the meanings they ascribed to them.

Max Weber

155 - Gesellschaft is used by

Emile Durkheim

156 - Gesellschaft is used by

Emile Durkheim

157 - Gestalt psychology looks at.

behavior as whole



159 - Getting a pay raise would be an example of which type of mobility

Vertical Mobility

160 - Getting an education at school is what type of function?

Manifest Function

161 - Giddens' concept of regionalization implies that

The reproduction of relations not only across time but also space.

162 - Giddens defines 'cosmopolitanism' as the opposite of fundamentalism. Cosmopolitanism is characterised by

All of the above

163 - Giddens' view of cosmopolitan religion is similar to.....

Hervieu-Leger's 'pilgrims' who explore new spiritual ideas

164 - Girish is a husband, a son, an entrepreneur, and an amateur ornithologist. A sociologist would say that these statuses or positions make up Girish's .....

status set

165 - Give an examples of symbols in school

Letterman Jacket

166 - Give Characterstics of a tribe?

All of these

167 - Give one advantage of qualitative research

It is usually high in validity

168 - Give one example of an ethical issue social researchers need to consider when conducting social research.

Gain informed consent

169 - Global economic inequality refers primarily to.

systematic differences in wealth and income between countries

170 - Global economic inequality refers primarily to_____________?

systematic differences in wealth and income between countries

171 - Global economic inequality refers primarily to______________?

systematic differences in wealth and income between countries

172 - Global inequality is evident in.

all of the above

173 - Global inequality is primarily caused by core nations exploiting semi-peripheral and peripheral nations

Dependency Theory

174 - Global studies indicate that one...... of all women have been beaten coerced into sex or otherwise physically abused in their lifetime.


175 - Globalisation / globalism means which of the following?

Post WWII rapid spread of global trade, industry and marketing by large MNCs like Coca-Cola or the dominance of English, Hollywood etc.

176 - Globalisation and globalization as key social process of interconnections across cultures is called as


177 - Globalisierung I Spain and Latin America it is called


178 - Globalism:

refers to the fact that capitalism has become the economic system of choice around the world

179 - Globalization and the quick rate of diffusion brought this concept into existence

cultural leveling

180 - GM crops are different from anything that has existed before because ______________?

they involve transplanting genes between different organisms

181 - GM crops are different from anything that has existed before because.

they involve transplanting genes between different organisms

182 - God's will or a test of their belief in God. If they hold such beliefs, they will neither blame their poverty on the rich nor rebel against the rich. This is an example of religious beliefs helping to create .....

false consciousness

183 - Going against your own cultural norms.

Cultural Violations

184 - Going beyond the individual and understanding how structural forces shape individuals and their action

Sociological Imagination

185 - Going to the dentist always makes me nervous.


186 - Goldthorpe identified the Service class as.

those in non-manual occupations exercising authority on behalf of the state

187 - Goldthorpe identified the Service class as______________?

those in non-manual occupations exercising authority on behalf of the state

188 - Gossip usually consists of information about a person ?

personal affairs

189 - Governance theory is mainly occupied with institutional change and it involves ______ agency.

Human agency

190 - Government based on the rule of either the landed gentry the educated and privileged or the hereditary nobility is called.


191 - Government is characterized by a(n).

all of the above

192 - government that has been a monarchy for 500 years is what type of authority


193 - Government, family, school are all examples of

social institutions

194 - Government.

all of the above

195 - Governments are composed of powerful groups from very few families with vast privilege. The state is run by capitalists so governments actively protect capitalism. The state/government are a tool to maintain capitalism - not concerned with improving the l


196 - graph- is a Greek root meaning


197 - Great civilizations of world developed in.

Lowlands of great river basins

198 - Great civilizations of world developed in________________?

Lowlands of great river basins

199 - Group identified as "they"

Out group

200 - group identified by cultural, religious or national characteristics

ethnic minority

201 - Group interaction aimed at defeating an opponent.


202 - Group interaction in which a group or individual are forced to behave certain way.


203 - Group marriage.

has never been consistently or extensively practiced

204 - Group membership is exclusive

Closed group

205 - group membership that people have because of their location in history and society

social location

206 - Group of people who represent a larger population


207 - Group of people with certian specified characteristics


208 - Group of people with physical or cultural traits different from those of the dominant group of the society


209 - Group of three.


210 - Group of two.


211 - Group that an individual belongs to and identifies with.


212 - Group that serves as a comparison

Reference Group

213 - Group that shares only a part of their lives while focused on a goal or task.

Secondary Group

214 - group toward which in group members feel opposition, antagonism or competition

out groups

215 - Group we join by our own choice

Voluntary group

216 - Group who is emotionally close, knows each other well and seek one another's company.

Primary Group

217 - Group whose norms and values are used to guide behavior

reference group

218 - Grouping of people with similar levels of wealth, power, and prestige

Social Class

219 - Groups are ethnocentric because man is a


220 - Groups are mainly divided into main categories in-groups and out-groups, family, religion se, Xthese are examples of.


221 - Groups are of two types the more close and intimate groups is.


222 - Groups are of two types the more close and intimate groups is_____________?


223 - Groups based on race, religion, personal tastes, and other non-economic factors, which help establish a social hierarchy

status groups

224 - Groups compete as they attempt to preserve and promote their own interests.

Conflict Theory

225 - Groups deliberately created for the achievement of specific objectives are called.

formal organizations

226 - Groups deliberately created for the achievement of specific objectives are called_____________?

formal organizations

227 - Groups of people working together to achieve a shared goal.


228 - Groups that are larger and more impersonal that are task-focused and time limited

secondary groups

229 - Groups that go directly against the main culture are known as .....

counter cultures

230 - groups that reject and oppose society's widely accepted cultural patterns


231 - groups that require extreme loyalty from its members

in groups

232 - groups that result when heads of corporations sit on one another's boards

interlocking directorates

233 - Groups to which an individual compares herself, such as cheerleader or band member

reference groups

234 - groups used to evaluate ourselves and to acquire attitudes, values, beliefs and norms

reference group

235 - grow food but use plows and animals to do the manual labor.

Agricultural Societies

236 - Habits we create, change and live with in different arenas of life is known as

The psychology

237 - Habitus is:

our taste, preferences, and skills that we develop that influence how we see the world.

238 - happen when a person has trouble meeting the many roles connected with a single status.

role strain

239 - Harlod D. Lasswell was

poliitical scientist

240 - Harlow's monkey research proved that

touch is the most important part of bonding

241 - Harold A. Phelps has given following classification of social problems.

Physical, cultural and economic.

242 - Harriet Martineau : Feminist Theory

She believed women's lack of economic power helped keep them dependent.

243 - Harriet Martineau : Political Economy

It is a branch of the social sciences that focuses on the interrelationships among individuals, governments, and public policy.

244 - Harriet Martineau : Research Methods .....

Investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts.

245 - Harriet Martineau born in.....


246 - Harriet Martineau established herself as a pioneering feminist theorist because she saw a link between

slavery and the oppression of women

247 - Harriet Martineau is considered an early feminist theorist because she

wrote about the link between slavery and the oppression of women

248 - Harriet Martineau is considered an early feminist theorist because she.....

wrote about the link between slavery and the oppression of women.

249 - Harriet Martineau visited and critiqued the United States in her work "Society in America." What was NOT one of her ideas on the treatment of American women.

Women were fairly treated in the justice system

250 - Harriet Martineau was a

sociologist who translated August Comte's book on sociology, contributed ways to perform research in sociology as well as feminist theory and the political economy.

251 - Harry Harlow conducted study of.

rhesus monkeys that had been raised away from their mothers

252 - Harry Harlow conducted study of______________?

rhesus monkeys that had been raised away from their mothers

253 - Harry Harlow worked with Thesus Monkeys in

None of these

254 - Harry Harlow worked with Thesus Monkeys in

None of these

255 - has little control over their work or lives, have less of an educational background and earn smaller incomes

lower class

256 - Have experienced unemployment and poverty for several generations and many rely on government programs


257 - have power and control over their own lives and over others' lives

upper class

258 - Having a ..... refers to a person's ability to see the connection between the larger world and our personal lives.

sociological imagination

259 - Having a strong knowledge about social class and awareness of one's own status is called

class consciousness

260 - having committed a crime, violation, or wrong.


261 - Having more choice has led to a means of expressing identity and impressing others


262 - he actual conduct or behavior involved in performing a role.

role performance

263 - He advocated that the conflict theory is proven in the fact that society is pushed by the conflict among members of society.


264 - He and his ..... both arrived at the meeting at the same time.


265 - He believed that each person is born as a blank slate.

John Locke

266 - He believed that social interaction is like performing for an audience.

Erving Goffman

267 - He believed the fittest societies would survive over time; Social Darwinism.

Herbert Spencer

268 - He believes that in modern societies power rather than economics is the most important factor in defining stratification system, and that some inequality may actually help the functioning of a society.

Gerhard Lenski

269 - He came up with Social Darwinism.

Herbert Spencer

270 - he coined the term, Verstehen, one puts oneself in the place of others and tries to see situations through their eyes.


271 - He compared society to a living organism.


272 - He described social stability by comparing it to a human body.

Herbert Spencer

273 - He developed the method of verstehen, or putting yourself in the place of others.


274 - He developed this hierarchy of needs to help explain behaviors.


275 - He focused on 2 basic areas of study

social studies, social change

276 - He focused on social classes and conflict over wealth and power.

Karl Marx

277 - he implementation are surveys and interviews the method is.....


278 - He is a(n) .....supporter of Manchester United.


279 - He is infamous for being barbaric. Barbaric means:

extremely cruel

280 - He is known as the Father of Sociology.

Auguste Comte

281 - He is recognized as the father of Sociology.

Auguste Comte

282 - He is the first Sociologist to apply the methods of science to study society. He believed that Sociologists should study the aspects of society that were directly observable.

Emile Durkheim

283 - He is the proponent of the Conflict Theory

Karl Marx

284 - He proposed the principle of Verstehen.20 secMax WeberThis is a correct answerAuguste ComteThis is a wrong answerEmile DurkheimThis is a wrong answerHerbert Spencer

Max Weber

285 - He studied the the social structure of African American communities.


286 - He studies social change , also known as social dynamics.

Auguste Comte

287 - He was a French philosopher who advocated the idea of "positivism" or the use of empirical investigation to understand society and social phenomena.

Auguste Comte

288 - He was an American sociologist who believed the reason for poverty among minorities was the prejudice and discrimination in the U.S. He was also the first African American to receive a PHD from Harvard.

W.E.B. Debois

289 - He was an American sociologist who believed who believed the reason for poverty among minorities was the prejudice.

W.E.B Debois

290 - He was friendly and helpful, but often too ..... in class because he couldn't stop talking.


291 - He was interested by the concept of the ..... revolution


292 - He was interested in certain groups instead of an entire society. He used the idea of Verstehen to understand the actions of individuals.

Max Weber

293 - He was the Father of Sociology.

Auguste Comte

294 - He was the first to teach Sociology a university and the first to use statistical methods.

Emile Durkheim

295 - He worked on reforms for blacks in the confines of "separate but equal"

Booker T. Washington

296 - Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Who said this?

World Health Organisation

297 - Helping your parents with chores around the house so they will let you hang out with your friends.


298 - Helps to reinforce norms of society


299 - Herberg,s (1955) study of religion in America suggested that ?

all of the above

300 - Herberg's (1955) study of religion in America suggested that.

all of the above

301 - Herbert Gans called urban residents who prefer to live in their own tight-knit communities ?

ethnic villagers

302 - Herbert Gans called urban residents who prefer to live in their own tight-knit communities.

ethnic villagers

303 - Herbert Gans called urban residents who prefer to live in their own tight-knit communities___________?

ethnic villagers

304 - Herbert Spencer applied the ideas of.....


305 - Herbert Spencer compared society to what?

Living Organism

306 - Herbert Spencer introduced what?

Social Darwinism

307 - Herbert Spencer suggested that to help lower classes is to interfere with the natural process of survival of the fittest. This was called.....

social darwinism

308 - Herbert Spencer was a sociologist that is mostly credited with this belief?

Social Darwinism

309 - Herbert Spencer was strongly influenced by the views of biologist

Charles Darwin

310 - Herbert Spenser was born in


311 - Heredity is

the transmission of genetic characteristics from parents to children.

312 - Heroine was discovered in 1878 but its use was limited till.


313 - Heroine was discovered in 1878 but its use was limited till_____________?


314 - Hierarchy means which of the following?

Any system of persons or things ranked one above another

315 - Highlights mediated nature of reality is known as

The virtual age

316 - Highlights rapid growth of production and availability of all kinds of data and information is known as

The information age

317 - Highlights way in which human beings are more becoming adapted to and compelled to live with all manner of technologies, is known as

The cyber age

318 - Highlights way in which new ways of communicating and relating have developed mobile phones are called as

The network society

319 - High-speed automobile created a need for

super highway

320 - Hinduism and Judaism are common examples of religions in which members are born into their religions and do not actively seek converts to join their religion.

Ethnic Religions

321 - Hippie Culture is an example of a .....


322 - Hiring of part-time, short-term workers

contingent employment

323 - His belief that our sense of self develops as we interact with our world laid the foundation for symbolic interactionism

George Herbert Mead

324 - His most famous book is the, "Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism." He used the method of verstehen and identified rationalism.

Max Weber

325 - Historically nations are impacted by.

BOTH fluctuations in the distribution of power and technological progress

326 - Historically, many African Americans in southern states were denied the right to vote by government offi cials who treated them diff erently from whites; for example, by requiring them to pass complex exams to be able to vote. This is an example of

institutionalized discrimination.

327 - History is often NOT considered a social science because.

its primary concern is to record events of the past

328 - History is the study of

our past.

329 - Hitler led the German people by emotional speeches He derived his authority from.

personal charisma

330 - Holding multiple roles.

Role Set

331 - Holds that the bringing together of the cultures is/should be like a "tossed salad" where every piece has its individual taste or retains their own cultures.

Cultural Pluralism

332 - Holy; set apart


333 - Homo sapiens means

common man.

334 - Homo sapiens means

common man.

335 - Homogeneity farming and subsistent economy are salient features of_____________?

Rural community

336 - Homogenety farming and subsistent economy are salient features of.

Rural community

337 - Homosexuality.

has been known to exist throughout history



339 - Horizontal Mobility is.....

the movement of an individual from one social position to another of the same rank

340 - Horticultural societies.

experience the emergence of social stratification due to production of a social surplus

341 - Horticultural societies______________?

experience the emergence of social stratification due to production of a social surplus

342 - Horticulture and agriculture developed.

10, 000 to 80, 00, B.C.E

343 - Horticulture and agriculture developed_____________?

10,000 to 80,00, B.C.E

344 - Horticulture began how many years ago?


345 - hourly workers whose income is somewhat below average

working class

346 - How are decisions about production made in a market economy?

Through a price system

347 - How are discrimination and prejudice related?

They are separate but related features of the minority group experience.

348 - How are genetically modified foods different from previous techniques ?

they involve transplanting genes from one organism to another

349 - How are genetically modified foods different from previous techniques?

they involve transplanting genes from one organism to another

350 - How are language and culture connected?

We are able to read and discuss existing ideas to make something better

351 - How are mores formalized?

They are often made into laws.

352 - How are presidential programs funded?

By Congress

353 - How can Sociological imagination help us?

Only (A) & (B)

354 - How can sociologists make sure that there are no ethical issues with their research?

All of the above

355 - How did famines became events of the past?

Maintenance of Buffer stock

356 - How did growing more food help societies become stronger?


357 - How did nearly complete isolation as a child affect Danielle's verbal abilities?

She could not communicate at all.

358 - How did the Brundtland Commission (1987) define sustainable development ?

development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

359 - How did the Brundtland Commission (1987) define sustainable development?

development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

360 - How did the move from farm to factories change peoples lives?

cities grew as people moved to work in factories

361 - How do advantaged people protect their privileges?

Conflict Theory

362 - How do agricultural and horticultural societies differ?

Agricultural societies use animals and plows.

363 - How do behavior and meaning change from person to person and from one situation to another?

Symbolic Interactionism

364 - How do children learn gender role behaviors?

through socialization

365 - How do colonialism and neocolonialism contribute to world stratification?

By allowing a more powerful country to dominate a less developed nation

366 - How do disadvantaged people challenge the system seeking change?

Conflict Theory

367 - How do fashions differ from fads ?

Fashions enjoy widespread acceptance within society fads enjoy acceptance only among a segment of the population

368 - How do fashions differ from fads?

Fashions enjoy widespread acceptance within society fads enjoy acceptance only among a segment of the population

369 - How do industrial sociologists characterize Fordism and Taylorism ?

low trust systems

370 - How do industrial sociologists characterize Fordism and Taylorism?

low trust systems

371 - How do market and command economies differ ?

Market economies rely on privately held property whereas command economies rely on publicly-held property

372 - How do market and command economies differ?

Market economies rely on privately held property whereas command economies rely on publicly-held property

373 - How do people experience society?

Symbolic Interactionism

374 - How do schools help create common identity?

Learning an official language, sharing in national history and patriotic themes, and being exposed to similar informational materials promote a share identity.

375 - How do schools prepare children to one day enter the workforce?

All of the above

376 - How do schools promote personal growth and development?

Schools expose students to a wide variety of perspectives and experiences that encourage them to develop creativity, verbal skills, etc.

377 - How do schools transmit culture?

Instilling in students the basic values, norms, beliefs and attitudes of the society.

378 - How do sociobiologists view human behavior?

They assume that behavior is biologically based and transmitted genetically.

379 - How do sociologists define society?

a territory inhabited by people with a common culture

380 - How do sociologists describe former Third World societies that have moved towards an economic base in industrial production ?

newly industrializing countries

381 - How do sociologists describe former Third World societies that have moved towards an economic base in industrial production?

newly industrializing countries

382 - How do sociologists do research?

They go out into the real world and observe

383 - How do Sociologists refer to the combination of objects and rules for using those physical objects?


384 - How do Sociologists try to limit bias in their studies?

All of the above

385 - How do you make your measurement valid?

It has to actually measure something that directly reflects the concept that you're trying to study.

386 - How does a behaviorist study the mind?

By looking at how the conditioning of behaviors leads to our actions

387 - How does a cognitive/biological pyschologist study the mind?

By looking at the brain's processes and genetic aspects of our actions

388 - How does a conflict theorist view crime and deviance?

Law is in instrument of oppression designed by powerful to maintain status of privilege

389 - How does a conflict theory sociologist study society?

By looking at how competing interest groups create society

390 - How does a counterculture differ from a subculture?

A counterculture opposes the beliefs of the dominant culture

391 - How does a functionalist theory sociologist study society?

By looking at how interdependent parts work together to create society

392 - How does a hypothesis relate to the scientific method?

You make a hypothesis when using the scientific method

393 - How does a psychoanalyst study the mind?

By looking at the unconscious mind's affect on actions

394 - How does a psychologist study the world?

Looks at how the mind and brain affect people

395 - How does a sociologist study the world?

Looks at how people interact and society works

396 - How does a symbolic interaction sociologist study society?

By looking at the how meaning of objects and roles create society

397 - How does a total institution desocialize residents?

all dress alike

398 - How does an ethnic minority differ from a race?

Cultural differences define ethnic minorities.

399 - How does deviance clarify moral boundaries and affirm norms?

Punishment of a deviating group member helps make clear what it means to be a member of the group.

400 - How does people's social standing affect their everyday lives?

Symbolic Interaction View

401 - How does primary deviance differ from secondary deviance?

Primary deviance is deviant behavior that only happens once in a while.

402 - How does racial and ethnic stratification differ from other forms of stratification ?

Racial and ethnic groups often have the potential for carving out their own independent nations from the existing state

403 - How does racial and ethnic stratification differ from other forms of stratification?

Racial and ethnic groups often have the potential for carving out their own independent nations from the existing state

404 - How does society divide a population?

Conflict Theory

405 - How does the sociological imagination help us understand events around us?

It makes us challenge conventional social wisdom by seeing how social pressures affect our daily lives

406 - How has Grace Davie (1994) characterized the general religious position within Western Europe ?

believing without belonging

407 - How has Grace Davie (1994) characterized the general religious position within Western Europe?

believing without belonging

408 - How has the global human population grown between the Industrial Revolution of around 1750 and 2013 ?

771 million to 7.1 billion

409 - How has the global human population grown between the Industrial Revolution of around 1750 and 2013?

771 million to 7.1 billion

410 - How has the homeless population changed in recent years?

It increased

411 - How has the perception of old age changed?

Old age occurs later in life.

412 - How have ethnic groups faced constraints on their participation in sport?

Only (A) & (B)

413 - How is "theory" defined in sociology?

a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work

414 - How is a social identity formed?

Our sense of social identity arises out of our interaction with other, so that we develop our identity based on what others think of us ans well as our own perceptions of ourselves.

415 - How is human culture developed?

observation and experience

416 - How is poverty measured in the United States?

by setting an annual base level income for a family of four

417 - How is poverty measured?

Poverty threshold

418 - How is qualitative data shown?

Text, images and description

419 - How is society held together?


420 - How is terrorism different from the types of crime described by the Chicago School ?

all of the above

421 - How is terrorism different from the types of crime described by the Chicago School ?

all of the above

422 - How is terrorism different from the types of crime described by the chicago School?

all of the above

423 - How is the father of Sociology?

Auguste Comte

424 - How is the Living Wage calculated?

the basic cost of living in the UK

425 - How long does the Truman show run each day?

24 hours

426 - How long is the process of socialization?


427 - How long is the socialization process?


428 - How long should an ethnographer live within the society he or she is studying?

There is no simple answer. It may require a few months to a number of years, depending on the nature of the research questions.

429 - How many billion people living in Muslim cultures?


430 - How many books were written by Emile Durkheim?


431 - How many classes are in America's society?


432 - How many Disney resorts are there around the world?


433 - How many hats are within the Edward De Bono's theory?


434 - How many languages are recognized by Indian Constitution


435 - How many main languages are there in India


436 - How many main religions are there in India?


437 - How many months do the author need to finish his introduction?

5 months

438 - How many Muslim cultures across country?


439 - How many of the 'official' disney princesses are white/Caucasian?


440 - How many 'official' Disney princesses are there?


441 - How many parts make up the Sociological imagination?


442 - How many parts of government are there?


443 - How many people of India have Hindi as mother tongue


444 - How many people took the survey?


445 - How many schools are there in the scope of sociology


446 - How many stages were in the Prochaska & Diclemente?


447 - How many standards are there for judging causation according to sociologists


448 - How many steps are there in the Hypothetico-deductive model research process?


449 - How many students take the bus to school?


450 - How many theoretical perspectives are there in Sociology?


451 - How many types of family diversity have the key sociologists found?


452 - How many types of leadership decision-making styles are there?


453 - How many types of social groups are classifies in social group


454 - How many units form part of the Cambridge Sociology O'level?


455 - How many variables do we want to test/change during a controlled experiment?


456 - How may seats are reserved for tribal people in lok sabha?


457 - How might a conservative movement prevent change?

boycott a television movement

458 - How might in-group members identify one another?

By using a special handshake

459 - How might the label of deviance serve as self fulfilling prophecy?

A person labeled as a deviant might come to believe the label and behave accordingly.

460 - How might the New Age Movement and Religious Fundamentalism have commonalities? (2)

Only (A) & (B)

461 - How much do you spend on food every week .average?


462 - How much time and money will research require? What special equipment or skill are necessary? Can you do work yourself? What sources of funding are available to support research how should answer these questions we need a

Find out what others have learned about the topic

463 - How people behave towards one another when they meet is referred to as ___________ by sociologists ?

social interaction

464 - How people related to one another and influence each other's behavior.

Social Interaction

465 - How someone's actions are coordinated with his or her environment is called .....

Social Action

466 - How was Truman chosen to be on the show?

He was adopted by the show

467 - How would a positivist sociologist carry out research?

Using scientific methods to explain behaviour

468 - How would a school enforce functionalism?

All of the above

469 - How would an interpretivist sociologist carry out research?

Look at the meaning behind people's behaviour

470 - Howard Becker explored how teachers' categorization of students affected students' experiences of education as well as their opportunities of achieving success in school. He found that teacher-imposed labels can lead to:

self-fulfilling prophecy

471 - Howard Becker's term for the process whereby individuals are accused sermonized and punished is.


472 - Hubungan antara individu dengan individu, kelompok dengan kelompok, dan individu dengan kelompok disebut

interaksi sosial

473 - Human and animal societies differ in one characteristic.

Shared beliefs.

474 - Human and animal societies differ in one characteristic.

Shared beliefs.

475 - Human and animal societies share all but one of the following characteristics ?

shared beliefs and collective destiny

476 - Human and animal societies share all but one of the following characteristics.

shared beliefs and collective destiny

477 - Human behaving follows

a and b only

478 - Human behaving follows

a and b only

479 - Human behavior is guided by expectations held both by the individual and by other people is the basic notion of_____________?

role theory

480 - Human behaviour is guided by expectations held both by the individual and by other people is the basic notion of.

role theory

481 - Human being has two aspects, which are;

Body and Soul

482 - Human beings are born into a social world that is.

the result of cultural development over previous generation

483 - Human beings continually come together to form couples, families, circles of friends, gangs, neighborhoods, churches, business, clubs, communities, and social orgnisations are called

Social group

484 - human creations of a society

Material Culture

485 - Human creations, such as values, norms, knowledge, systems of government, language, and so on, that are not embodied in physical objects.

nonmaterial culture

486 - Human infants in order to become successful adults need.

all of the above

487 - Human life is acted out within a triangle of.

society culture and the individual

488 - Human life is based on the.....

Interaction and communication among members

489 - Human nature leads us to create and learn

Culture traits

490 - Human population can

not exist apart from socio-cultural interaction.

491 - Human races reflect.

mixtures of several populations

492 - Human relationships are examined by

The social sciences

493 - Human relationships are examined by .....

The Social Sciences.

494 - Human Rights Commission of Pakistan is Fighting for.

Human rights

495 - Human Rights Commission of Pakistan is Fighting for_________________?

Human rights

496 - Human traits like religion and envy are found in the genetic code.


497 - Humans depend on others for full development and generally live in groups They are.


498 - Hunger thirst and the need for sex are.

biological drives

499 - Hunter Gatherer way of life is based on

exploitation of wild animals and plants

500 - Hunter Gatherer way of life is based on________________?

exploitation of wild animals and plants

501 - Hunter-gatherers were ..... because they had to move in order to find food.


502 - Hunting and gathering societies have few formal leaders most of theme re shaman and

Spiritual leader

503 - Hunting and gathering societies rarely use their weapons which are

All of the above

504 - Hurbert M. Blalock was professor of Sociology at

University of Washington

505 - Hypothesis

proposed and testable explanation between two or more variables that predicts an outcome or explains a phenomenon

506 - I believed society has always been divided into two groups - oppressed and oppressor

Karl Marx

507 - I believed that human beings act on the basis of their understanding of a situation, and Sociologists must discover the personal meanings, values, beliefs, and attitudes that underlie human behavior

Max Weber

508 - I believed that Social Darwinism, and evolutionary social change, led to progress, and people should not interfere with the concept of survival of the fittest

Herbert Spencer

509 - I claimed that society is governed by laws and principles that could be understood using the scientific method (scientific observation)

Auguste Comte

510 - I don't believe it. Somebody my chocolates! They've nearly all gone!

has eaten

511 - I don't particularly enjoy .


512 - I may got to the USA next year .....,I'll visit a friend in New York.

If I go

513 - I studied life in an African American neighborhood in Philadelphia to bring attention to racial inequalities.

W.E.B. Du Bois

514 - I think we should try and keep our arrangements ..... at this stage.


515 - I was born in England, but I traveled to America, and, boy! I found a lot of problems there.Many call me the first female sociologist.

Harriet Martineau

516 - I was the 1st female sociologist

Harriet Martineau

517 - I was the creator of conflict theory

Karl Marx

518 - I was the creator of the functionalist perspective

Emile Durkheim

519 - I worked with Booker T. Washington to advance African American men and women.

Robert E. Park

520 - Ibd-e-Khadun believes in the

dynamic nature of civilisation.

521 - Ibn Khaldun divided his Muqaddimah into:

6 parts systematic approach

522 - Ibne Khaldun conceived a theory of.

Social conflict

523 - Ibne Khaldun conceived a theory of______________?

Social conflict

524 - Ibne Khaldun in his theories is near to.


525 - Ibne Khaldun in his theories is near to______________?


526 - Ibne Khaldun is best known for.


527 - Ibne Khaldun is best known for______________?


528 - Ibne Khaldun was born in.

Notrh Africa

529 - Ibne Khaldun was born in______________?

North Africa

530 - Ibn-e-Khaldun classified mankind into

two groups

531 - Ibn-e-Khaldun classified mankind into two groups which is

nomads and citizen

532 - Ibn-e-Khaldun was born in


533 - Idea of conflict was given by

Karl Marx

534 - Idea that your success is more likely determined by the social class you were born into rather than you abilities.

conflict theory

535 - Ideal capitalism is

All of the above

536 - Ideally children will graduate school, raise a family and build a tax paying career pathway is a?

Functionalist perspective

537 - Ideas about a society that people assume to be true.

Social conventional wisdom

538 - Ideas created by members of a group or society are called?

Nonmaterial culture

539 - Identification theory is based on the ideas of.


540 - identification with the goals & interest of a social class

class consciousness

541 - Identified 15 values essential to the American way of life.

Robin Williams

542 - Identified Class conflict theory, the first conflict theory, by examining the conflict between the bourgeoisie owners of the means of production and the proletariat production worker.

Karl Marx

543 - Identified Rationalization as a key influence in the change from a preindustrial to an industrial society. A. Max Weber B. Emile Durkheim C. Auguste Comte

Max Weber

544 - Identify ALL of the questions that are scientific knowledge in Sociology

Only (A) & (B)

545 - Identify ALL situations that have the approach using the Beginner's mind.

Only (A) & (B)

546 - Identify each item that is Practical Knowledge

Only (A) & (B)

547 - Identify each item that is scientific knowledge.

Only (A) & (B)

548 - Identify each question as a topic in microsociology.

Only (A) & (B)

549 - identify problem, review literature, formulate hypotheses, develop research design, collect data, analyze data, state findings and conclusions

Steps of the scientific method

550 - Identify the correct logical order as explained by Karl Marx:

Class-in-itself, class-for-itself, class conflict, social transformation

551 - Identify the dimension of power indicated by: Stock martket holdings


552 - Identify the dimension of power indicated by:Respect given to a doctor


553 - Identify the French philosopher

Auguste Comte

554 - Identify the group below.

Informal Group

555 - Identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country. 1. Framing legislative policies abolishing or limiting political dynasties all over the Philippines

Political Science

556 - Identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country.2. Preservation of cultural diversity and respect for traditions in this period of globalization


557 - Identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country.3. Referendum was held in selected provinces comprising the old Bangsamoro republic for the ratification of the Ban

Political Science

558 - Identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country.4. Exchange of culture and ideas in the macro level and breakdown of families in the micro level as a result of eco


559 - Identify the picture

R. Ambedkar

560 - Identify the social processes which are linked to change of social structure: (i) Industrialisation (ii) Sanskritization (iii) Modernisation (iv) Globalisation (v) Intergenerational mobility (vi) Intragenerational mobility Select the correct option:

(i) (iii) (iv)

561 - Identify the Sociology Thinker

M.N. Srinivas

562 - Identify various primary and secondary groups are called

Formal and informal organisations

563 - Identify which is not the Challenges faced by unorganized sector workers?

Social security

564 - Identify Which is not the features of Social Stratification?

It is modern

565 - Identify which theory is criticized for focusing on conflict and excluding the recognition of stability.

Conflict Theory

566 - Identifying the problem is the .....step in the scientific method?


567 - Identity relates to ethnicity in that:

All are correct

568 - Identity the Sociologist

August Comte

569 - Ideological notions of equality of opportunity are irrelevant in deciding the positions of individuals to different statues in a_____________ system of mobility ?


570 - Ideological notions of equality of opportunity are irrelevant in deciding the positions of individuals to different statuese in a..... system of mobility.


571 - ideological notions of equality of opportunity are irrelevant in deciding the positions of individuals to different statuses in a __________________ system of mobility?


572 - Ideologies.

direct people to act in a certain way

573 - Idetify the person in the picture.

Sri Narayana Guru

574 - If a broad spectrum of the population is surveyed at a given time the study is called:

cross sectional

575 - If a child develops a liking for sports because she practices playing soccer every day with her dad, it would be evidence of


576 - If a child has brown eyes when she is born, it would be an example of.....


577 - If a class is studying the Protestant ethic, the study will most likely include the work of

John Calvin

578 - If a deviant act is ‘normalized' it is______________?

seen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character

579 - If a deviant act is normalized it is.

seen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character

580 - If a deviant act is 'normalized' it is:

seen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character

581 - If a deviant act is normalized it is_______________?

seen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character

582 - If a janitor got a job as a security guard because it was closer to home he would be experiencing.

horizontal mobility

583 - If a particular social change promotes a harmonious equilibrium it is.


584 - If a particular social change promotes a harmonious equilibrium it is______________?


585 - If a person believes in cultural healing practices, s/he will go to .....

Albularyo to ask what is wrong

586 - If a person worked at the Smittertown ironworks, Marx would consider him to a member of the


587 - If a person's income is below that of the majority, this is known as.....

relative poverty

588 - if a researcher joins a sewing class and pretends to be just another one of the sewers taking part in all of the activities and discussions but keeps a transcript of the discussions without the other members knowledge they are involved in during the class

Participant - Covert study

589 - If a set of people dominates the other set of people it is because of the

none of these

590 - If a sociologist were to analyze pre-collected data, like U.S. Census Bureau reports or U.S. Department of Labor reports, what type of research would they be doing?

Secondary Analysis

591 - If Abraham Lincoln .so hard, he wouldn't have become the symbol of America.

hadn't worked

592 - If an individual fails to comply with the rules and regulations of the society he/she is usually termed as.


593 - If an individual fails to comply with the rules and regulations of the society he/she is usually termed as________________?


594 - If an object has a purely utilitarian value, change may be accepted

quite readily

595 - If children from poor parents end up in high-paying jobs, the children have experienced:

upward intergenerational mobility.

596 - If culture is comparable to a script for a play then.

society may be compared to a troupe of actors

597 - If I .you were coming I wouldn't have gone out.

had known

598 - If I am studying the attack on Pearl Harbor.....memorizing the date and who attacked who.....which social science class am I most likely in


599 - If I define teacher as a responsible individual who wears fuzzy sweaters and drinks coffee all day, and so I behave that way, then that is an example of which sociological theory in practice?

Symbolic Interactionalism

600 - If I do something for you, then you owe me. This is


601 - If I finish a project late, can I still turn it in.

Yes, but the earlier the better to avoid any late points off.

602 - If I get below a .....% on a summative assignment I MUST retake the assignment


603 - If I want to study a particular culture such as the Maya Tzoziles and I want to understand their cultural heritage; I would have to study their past by analyzing some cultural artifacts which my include codices, clothing designs, archaeological remains et


604 - If I was trying to assist somebody with welfare, what theory would I be supporting?


605 - If I were to compare the 2015 annual income of farmers to their 2005 annual income, what research method would I be using?

Demographic Information

606 - If labor market changes may lead to the rise of an occupational group within the social hierarchy it is_____________?

Structural mobility

607 - If labour market changes may lead to the rise of an occupational group within the social hierarchy it is.

Structural mobility

608 - If participants are deceived, which other ethical issue does this automatically create?

lack of informed consent

609 - If population growth in the underdeveloped nations continues unabated in 2050 world population will be.

10 billion

610 - If society is like a living organism, it had better learn to live on its own. Only the fittest survive, that's what I always say!

Herbert Spencer

611 - If someone believes that their culture is the best way of doing things and another's culture is weird, their viewpoint could be described as


612 - If someone is friendly, what adjective would you use to describe them?


613 - If someone that you think is your friend is mean to you over and over again, you might want to ..... yourself from them.


614 - If the bus come soon, I'll be late.


615 - if the correlation coefficient has a value of 0.2, the relative relationship strength between the variables would be


616 - If the daughter of a factory worker wants to become the president of the company for which her father works we may assume that.

she has a different reference group than her social class would indicate

617 - If the GNP increases by 8% and prices increase by 3% the actual growth rate is.


618 - if the hypothesis is the greater the amount of media coverage, the higher the public awareness. what would b the dependent variable?

public awareness

619 - If the information needed has already been written down somewhere it is looked up. It is called_____________?

Statistical Comparative studies

620 - If the information needed has already been written down somewhere it is looked up.It is called.

Statistical Comparative studies

621 - If the mean of a data set is 10, what is the missing piece of data? 5, 4, 7, 15, 12, .....


622 - If the poor do not recognize their interests as a class that does not control the means of production, they suffer from .....

false consciousness

623 - If the residents of a town meet once a year and vote on budgetary and other matters, this is an example of:

direct democracy.

624 - If the U.S. Patent Office were to issue a patent for a new type of tomato that tastes like a jellybean, it would be issuing a ..... patent?

plant patent

625 - If there can be multiple interpretations (paradigms) for the same data, how is sociology a science?

Actually, ALL scientific disciplines make assumptions about the world and ALL scientific disciplines use different perspectives depending on the questions they're asking, so sociology is no exception.

626 - If we add the numerical values of all our cases together and divide by the number of cases we get the.


627 - If we fail to respect and obey social norms we may face punishment through informal or formal ?


628 - If we fail to respect and obey social norms we may face punishment through informal or formal.


629 - If we look at government arrangements as two ends of a line, what is at the opposite end from totalitarianism?


630 - If we want to know why certain social phenomena happened, such as the television program Eat Bulaga's Kalyeserye gaining millions of tweets worldwide, this field of social science answers these occurrence


631 - If you are asked by an interviewer to give 2 examples of your favorite movies and why.....this is what type of question?


632 - If you are researching the effects of isolation in the socialization process, which method might be more useful:

Case study

633 - If you break a window and the judge orders you to pay for a new window that is an example of


634 - If you conduct observations of different groups, with one group being altered and a control group not being altered, which data collection method are you using?


635 - If you decide to spend time with new friends without spending time with your old friends, what did you do to your old friends?


636 - If you make a diagram of all your friends at Fairmont, what type of a diagram did you make?


637 - If you start out from business school as an upper-level manager and get laid off 10 years later because of corporate downsizing, you have experienced:

downward intragenerational mobility.

638 - If you suffer from arachnophobia, which animal are you scared of?


639 - If you think of society almost like an organism with different structures that keep it functioning well, then you would ascribe to what Sociological Paradigm?

Structural Functionalism

640 - If you think of society always is split between those with power and those without, leading to conflict, then you would ascribe to what Sociological Paradigm?

Social Conflict Theory

641 - If you think that people give symbols, like a handshake, meaning that influence and shape our entire society, then you would ascribe to what Sociological Paradigm?

Symbolic Interactionism

642 - If you wanted to know about what life is like on the South Side of Chicago so you moved in with a family there for a year, which data collection method are you using?

Participant Observation

643 - If your interested in how humans behave in the real world you don't want your..... to make them act differently than they otherwise would.

research methods

644 - illegal


645 - I'm not very good at speeches.


646 - imagining how we appear to others is called

the looking-glass self.

647 - Imitation, pretend play and organized games are G.H. Mead's

role-taking stages

648 - Immaterial culture .....

includes a person's beliefs

649 - Immigrants in the early twentieth century used what to help them learn the culture in North America?


650 - Immigration tourism and globalization all mean that_____________?

cultural diversity is increasing

651 - Impersonal social relationships, common in industrial societies, that arise with increased job specialization

Organic Solidarity

652 - implementation of manipulation of setting, sample group method used.....(keep in mind the Stanford case study)


653 - implementation of participant observation and case study, method used.....

field work

654 - Importance of Industrial Sociology is reflected in its role in aspects of .....

All of the above

655 - Important beliefs held by individuals and social groups.


656 - Important cause of death in society is

both a and b

657 - Impressionistic studies are.

less controlled

658 - Impressionistic studies are____________?

less controlled

659 - imprison; keep in narrow cramped quarters


660 - imprisonment, pay raises, suspension from school, and medals

formal sanctions

661 - In "Gesellschaft" the society of tradition is replaced with the society of ______________?


662 - In "Gesellschaft" the society of tradition is replaced with the society of.


663 - In "Social Statics", Spencer gave ideas on


664 - In ..... ..... every member of the target population has an equal chance of becoming part of the sample.

Random sampling

665 - In ..... societies, blood relationships begin to matter less as people separate for economic reasons


666 - In ..... societies, key economic activities once done in the home move to the factory


667 - In ..... societies, most people work in white- collar jobs

mechanical solidarity

668 - In ..... words, it helps us "grasp the connection between history and biography." With this understanding, we are in a better position to make our own decisions rather than merely conform.

Wright Mills'

669 - In ....., people are motivated by self-interest in their interactions with other people.

exchange theory

670 - In ....., people are rewarded based on how well they perform whencompared to the performance of others.


671 - In ....., the royal family claims a divine right to rule and exercises considerable power over their kingdom.

absolute monarchies

672 - In ....., the royal family serves a symbolic and ceremonial role and enjoys little, if any, real power.

constitutional monarchies

673 - In _______ authority rules are obeyed because their commands are within the impersonal formally defined scope of their office ?


674 - In 1848 Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto that a spectre was haunting Europe. What was this spectre?


675 - In 1970, sociologists outlined ..... values that are central to the American way of life.


676 - In 1971 in England and Wales what was the average age at first marriage for women ?


677 - In 1971 in England and Wales what was the average age at first marriage for women?


678 - In 1993 there were roughly 45 000 people in jail, what is the prison population today?

84,000 - it has nearly doubled in the last 20 years

679 - In 1994, people of the Hutu ethnicity in Rwanda killed thousands of ethnic Tutsi Rwandans in an attempt to make Rwanda 100% Hutu. This is an example of.....


680 - In 2001 in England and Wales what was the average age at first marriage for men ?


681 - In 2009, how many employees were paid below the standard of living?


682 - In 2013 which world region had the lowest proportion of Internet users per head of population but also the fastest rate of growth users ?


683 - In 2013 which world region had the lowest proportion of Internet users per head of population but also the fastest rate of growth users?


684 - In 2017 global military expenditure was more than \$1.7 trillion**. How much did the developed world spend on aid to developing countries?

$152 billion or more than 10 times less military spending

685 - In 2019 USA, Colombia and Brazil were some of the countries that sent humanitarian aid to Venezuela due to the crisis they were going through, what theory do these countries practice in providing aid?


686 - In 50s and 60s the national affairs of the country were controlled by.


687 - In 50s and 60s the national affairs of the country were controlled by_____________?




689 - In a capitalist economy, according to Karl Marx,

the interests of working classes clashed with those of the non-working classes.

690 - In a case study, the researcher may

Become a part of the group being studied

691 - In a caste system, marriage is ....., meaning that people are allowed to marry only in their own group.


692 - In a caste system, marriage is ....., meaning that people are allowed to marry within their own group only.


693 - In a caste system:

there is little or no social mobility

694 - In a community, effect of common locality is being much reduced by

developed means of transportation and communication.

695 - In a community, members are supposed to primarily share

common interests

696 - In a complex and rapidly changing society most important method of achieving social integration is

social planning

697 - In a confederacy.

all political power ultimately belongs to the states

698 - In a controlled experiment, the variable that is changed to test the hypothesis is called the -

Independent Variable

699 - In a country where castes are present, marriage within a caste is called ..... and ..... when it's not

endogamy, exogamy

700 - In a democracy.

the powers of government derive from the consent of the governed

701 - In a developing nation people start to obtain good jobs Then inflation cuts their income The people begin to feel.

a failure of rising expectations

702 - In a divorce situation they focus on how each party tries to benefit (blame game, custody battles, divorce settlements)


703 - In a few cultures a women can have several husbands at one time This custom is called.


704 - In a hunting and gathering society, which type of ascribed status is important?


705 - In a Midwest town there is a small group of individuals who control the elected positions and determine how the town is run. This is an example of


706 - In a non-fraternal polyandry wife

husbands stay at different places and wife visits them.

707 - In a non-fraternal polyandry woman is

permitted to have more than one husband who may or may not live at one place.

708 - In a patriarchal family the major decisions are taken be the.

the male head of the family who wields all the powers

709 - In a patriarchal family the major decisions are taken be the____________?

the male or female head of the family

710 - In a post industrial society people are often united by what?


711 - In a sense xenocentrism is a reverse form of.


712 - In a sense xenocentrism is a reverse form of_________________?


713 - In a sense xenocentrism is a reverse form of_________________?


714 - In a situation involving a self-fulfilling stereotype, we would expect which of the following?

the stereotype to produce behaviors that match the stereotype

715 - In a socialist society, important function of class differentiation is

to have a classless society.

716 - In a socialist society, important function of class differentiation is

to have a classless society.

717 - In a society with a (n) ___________ the political and religious institutions often act in harmony and mutually reinforce each other,s powers over their relative spheres of influence ?


718 - In a society with a (n)..... the political and religious institutions often act in harmony and mutually reinforce each other's powers over their relative spheres of influence.


719 - In a study of styles of grand parenting sociologists Andrew Cherlin and Frank Furstenberg Jr concluded that the most common style was for grandparents to ___________?

function as "specialists in recreational care-giving"

720 - In a study of styles of grand parenting sociologists Andrew Cherlin and Frank Furstenberg Jr concluded that the most common style was for grandparents to.

function as "specialists in recreational care-giving"

721 - In a study, a group of ten-year-old boys are fed doughnuts every morning for a week and then weighed to see how much weight they gained. Which factor is the dependent variable?

the weight gained

722 - In a system of social stratification social rankings are based on certain attributes which may

either be ascribed, acquired or constructed. Which is the correct one?

723 - In a(n) ..... system, people are born into unequal groups based on their parents' status and remain in these groups for the rest of their lives.


724 - In a(n) ....., the emphasis shifts from a production of food to a production of manufactured goods.

industrial society

725 - In a(n) ....., the sociologist socializes-works or lives with members of a group, organization, or community and perhaps participates directly in its activities as part of the research process.

ethnographic study

726 - In a(n) ....., the structure, goals, and activities of the group are clearly defined.

formal group

727 - in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word or words


728 - In Africa many children are.

social security for the future of the parents

729 - In Africa whites still hold most of desirable jobs, and blacks


730 - In agrarian societies, most men and women works at home and


731 - In all over world important aspect of culture in contemporary world is development of

Commercial industries

732 - In all over world radio and television industries are called


733 - In America, the social class consisting of people who have a great deal of bureaucratic authority in major corporations (and government) usually not based on ownership of those corporations

corporate class

734 - In America, the social class that comprises of people who own relatively little property, but whose occupations provide them with high-to-middle income, prestige, and authority. The middle class can be subdivided into the upper middle class and lower midd

middle class

735 - In America, the social class that includes people who don't own property, who frequently have no job, and who have no authority and usually no prestige.

lower class

736 - In America, the social class that is composed of people who own little or no property, whose jobs give them middle-to-low income and prestige, and who have little or no prestige.

working class

737 - In America, the social class that is made up of families who own large amounts of property, from which they derive a great deal of authority

upper class

738 - In American society, people tend to identify an individual by his or her


739 - In American society, we often formalize norms into


740 - In an experiment two groups are identical except for the change that researchers introduce into one group That group is called.

the experimental group

741 - In an experiment two groups are identical except for the change that researchers introduce into one group That group is called______________?

the experimental group

742 - In an open or class society.

status is both achieved and ascribed

743 - In animism.

all of the above

744 - In Asian countries there are many

Sub caste

745 - In assimilation

one culture is dominant and the other culture is either numerically small or marginal

746 - In Ball study, what did he call student's in the lower band?

Less able

747 - In biology the senescence is.

the process of aging

748 - In biology the senescence is______________?

the process of aging

749 - In C.Wright Mill's view what group constitutes an elite?

The military-industrial-governmental complex

750 - In case of emergency.....What is Mrs. B's Blood type????

Dr Pepper!!!

751 - in class system the resources are distributed based on

achieved status

752 - In common parlance, a person is said to be cultured if he is

all three

753 - In common parlance, a person is said to be cultured if he is

all three

754 - In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had ?

a much more rigid division of labor by gender

755 - In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had.

a much more rigid division of labour by gender

756 - In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had_____________?

a much more rigid division of labor by gender

757 - In contemporary Britain which ethnic group has the lowest proportion of one-parent families ?


758 - In contemporary Britain which ethnic group has the lowest proportion of one-parent families?


759 - In contemporary market systems competition.

is diluted by private and state monopolies

760 - In contemporary societies social institutions are.

highly specialized interrelated sets of social practices

761 - In contemporary societies social institutions are_______________?

no longer relevant to sociology

762 - In contemporary societies social institutions are_______________?

highly specialized interrelated sets of social practices

763 - In contrast to Marxian theory structural functionalism views different parts of society.

All of the above

764 - In contrast to Marxian theory structural functionalism views different parts of society________________?

All of the above

765 - In countries such as Iran and Iraq the Moslem religion is a(n)

ecclesia or universal church

766 - In defining nationalism A.R. Desai is influenced by

H. Carr

767 - In defining social sciences which of the following phrases is the most appropriate.

systematic and methodical study

768 - In demographic terms what is the main argument associated with Malthusianism ?

population growth tends to outstrip food production

769 - In demographic terms what is the main argument associated with Malthusianism?

population growth tends to outstrip food production

770 - In depth written data that comes from unstructured interviews or observations and often contains opinions and facts is known as what?

Qualitative data

771 - In developed countries the official definition of poverty used for statistical purposes is based on.

Relative poverty

772 - In developed countries the official definition of poverty used for statistical purposes is based on_____________?

Relative poverty

773 - In developed societies the success of national integration by a developed country is viewed

as a matter of concern

774 - In developed societies the success of national integration by a developed country is viewed

as a matter of concern

775 - In developing country like Pakistan marriage is considered

a religious institution

776 - In developing nations cities are growing along with rural areas because.

all of the above

777 - In developing nations which of the following influence(s) social change towards the liberal Western democratic style of society ?

literacy education and communication

778 - In developing nations which of the following influence(s) social change towards the liberal Western democratic style of society?

literacy education and communication

779 - In developing sociieties which of the factors is not good sign of healthy competition?

Leaking national secrets for getting technology.

780 - in Durkheim,s work the term collective representations refers to______________?

shared ideas and moral values often symbolized by an object or figurehead

781 - in Durkheim's work the term collective representations refers to.

shared ideas and moral values often symbolized by an object or figurehead

782 - In early stages of research values become crucial in making selections and problems this type of research is

Value relevance

783 - In economic growth it is important to consider.

all of the above

784 - In economic terms every action entials:

opportunity costs

785 - In economic terms incomes are distributed according to.

a person's marginal productivity

786 - In education.

the family is crucial to student success

787 - In enterprise society the important function of class differentiation is to

classify people

788 - In Erikson's system each of the stages present the individual with.

crises of self-definition

789 - In essence people need government because.

they live in groups and need a degree of order

790 - In every culture and society culture diversity includes rejection of conventional ideas or behaviour is called

Counter culture

791 - In every society culture is also used to defined people's social


792 - In every society elements like cloths, furniture's, clocks, newspapers, money and often food we eat are derived from

Others culture

793 - In every society high culture is


794 - In every society occupation

has no equal social status

795 - In every society there are

some contradictory norms

796 - in excess of

more than

797 - In feudal mode of production surplus is expropriated through


798 - In feudal society, stratification was affected by the factor


799 - In feudal society, stratification was based on

whether one was slave or free.

800 - In folds of membranes of mitochondrion are called


801 - In France globalisierung is


802 - In fraternal polyandry woman is treated wife

off all the brothers but son is that of the eldest brother.

803 - In Freud's terms, the ..... causes us to get our basic needs met.


804 - In general, societies that have a caste system are:


805 - In general, the mass media are more interested in what than in delivering the best product?


806 - In general, we see a(n) ..... as a means to an end; we see a(n) ..... as an end in itself.

secondary group; primary group

807 - In Gerhard Lenski,s theory of sociocultural evolution a society's level of __________ is critical to the way it is organized?


808 - In Gerhard Lenski's theory of sociocultural evolution a society's level of..... is critical to the way it is organized.


809 - In Groups are also knows as .....

We Group

810 - In Hagerman's account where did the public sphere as an arena of public debate first develop?in.


811 - In Hagerman's account where did the public sphere as an arena of public debate first develop?in____________?


812 - In her study of New Guinea societies, Margaret Mead found that:

Gender was arranged differently between the societies

813 - In his book "Society, Culture and Personality", he has said that sociology is more or less concerned with the working of human beings.


814 - In his book The Inevitability of Patriarchy Steven Goldberg asserts that.

all of the above

815 - In his evolutionary framework Marx arranged societies in the order of (1) Primitive Communism (2) Feudalism (3) Capitalism (4) Socialism The correct order is Codes:

(1), (2), (3), (4)

816 - In his study of suicide Emile Durkheim was primarily concerned with.

suicide rates and how they varied from county to country

817 - In his study of suicide Emile Durkheim was primarily concerned with_______________?

suicide rates and how they varied from county to country

818 - In his study of suicide Emile Durkheim was primarily concerned with________________?

suicide rates and how they varied from country to country

819 - In idealized views of science the experimental method is said to involve ?

isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another

820 - In idealized views of science the experimental method is said to involve.

isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another

821 - In idealized views of science the experimental method is said to involve_____________?

isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another

822 - In identifying social classes the reputational method is best suited for investigating social distinctions in.

small groups

823 - In identifying social classes the reputational method is best suited for investigating social distinctions in_____________?

small groups

824 - In imaginery world you would never have been to a shop you would not have encountered, cameras, mobile phone and McDonald these all are called as

Imaginary world

825 - In India Brahmins of local community develops its own language ways of building and

Endogamous marriage

826 - In India, the discussion on family often revolves around ..... and ..... family.

nuclear and joint

827 - In India's caste system, what type of mobility is allowed?


828 - In industrial societies consumption.

maintains and fuels demand

829 - In industrial societies the social class most likely to participate in social movements is the.

middle class

830 - In its study of language, which sociological perspective focuses on how people rely on shared definitions of phrases expressions in both formal speech everyday conversation ?

interactionist perspective

831 - In its study of language, which sociological perspective focuses on how people rely on shared definitions of phrases expressions in both formal speech everyday conversation?

interactionist perspective

832 - In Karl Marx,s view the destruction of the capitalist system will occur only if the working class first develops______________?

class consciousness

833 - In Karl Marx's theory of class conflict who are the bourgeoisie?

Those who own the means of production

834 - In Karl Marx's view the destruction of the capitalist system will occur only if the working class first develops.

class consciousness

835 - In Karl Marx's view, a worker who identifies with the wealthy and believes that she can achieve great wealth through hard work is likely to have developed a

false consciousness

836 - In laboratory experiments the sociological research is done while people are.

brought into laboratory

837 - In laboratory experiments the sociological research is done while people are_______________?

brought into laboratory

838 - In large developing nations, the most socially significant mobility is

the movement out of poverty

839 - In larger groups each person has ?

all of the above

840 - In larger groups each person has.

all of the above

841 - In larger groups each person has_____________?

all of the above

842 - In less developed countries this percentage is far less It is.


843 - In less developed countries this percentage is far less It is_____________?


844 - In 'loosely woven' type of integration there is variation in

both in individual and national behaviour.

845 - In many contemporary conflict's attempts are made to protect soldiers often at the expense of civilian lives in order to minimize political problems from media coverage of fatalities How are such conflicts described ?

risk-transfer wars

846 - In many contemporary conflicts attempts are made to protect soldiers often at the expense of civilian lives in order to minimize political problems from media coverage of fatalities How are such conflicts described?

risk-transfer wars

847 - In many countries across world twenty century has been an extraordinarily rapid


848 - In many parts of the world, people squat on the floor rather than sit in chairs. This is an example of .


849 - In many societies cannibalism is.

a taboo

850 - In many societies newlyweds move into the husbands house at marriage This arrangement is referred to as a _________ pattern?


851 - In Marx,s theory the made of production means_____________?

the organization of a society's technical and human resources

852 - In Marx's theory the made of production means.

the organization of a society's technical and human resources

853 - In Melanesia "mana"is.

a power that is neither good nor evil

854 - In Merton's terms, a person who has abandoned the goal of material success and become compulsively committed to the institutional means is a (an)


855 - In Merton's terms, a person who has abandoned the goal of material success and become compulsively committed to the institutional means is a (an)_____________?


856 - In microeconomics the household is defined as.

everyone who lives under one roof

857 - In Milgram's experiment, about what percentage of participants administered the maximum 450v to the learner?


858 - In Milgram's study on obedience to authority, what method was used?

'Learners' received an electroshock from 'teachers.'

859 - In Milgram's study on obedience to authority, what procedure were done?

'Learners' received an electroshock from 'teachers.'

860 - In modern rationality is exemplified by a proliferation of large scale orgnisations like Catholic Church, thousands of employs of national governments a people who work in a large scale orgnisations is called

Large-scale orgnisations

861 - In modern societies members perform different tasks and are highly interdependent this kind of solidarity is called.

Organic solidarity

862 - In modern societies members perform different tasks and are highly interdependent this kind of solidarity is called______________?

Organic solidarity

863 - In modern societies social status is typically measured by a person_____________?


864 - In modern societies social status is typically measured by a person_______________?


865 - In modern societies social status is typically measured by a person's.


866 - In modern societies which one of the following is not main cause of crime?

joint family system

867 - In modern society cultural change is most likely to be the by-product of.


868 - In modern society cultural change is most likely to be the by-product of_______________?


869 - In modern society death has acquired to some extent a sense of.


870 - In modern society people belong to so many group that a number of their in-group and out-group relationships overlap It has given the members of society a wide spectrum of.

behaviour learning

871 - In modern society people belong to so many groups that a number of their in-group and out-group relationships overlap It has given the members of society a wide spectrum of___________?

behavior learning

872 - In most instances how well a student does on a test is determined by how much the student studies for it in this example studying for an exam is a (n) ?

independent variable

873 - In most instances how well a student does on a test is determined by how much the student studies for it In this example studying for an exam is a(n).


874 - In most instances how well a student does on a test is determined by how much the student studies for it in this example studying for an exam is a(n)_____________?


875 - In most societies male dominance is evident through.

all of the above

876 - In most societies ownership of property takes one of three forms.

communal private public

877 - In most sociology, research subjects need to be guaranteed is


878 - In Mr. Davis' case study on Anna, the 5 year old girl in the shed, he discovered..... (check all that apply)

All of the above

879 - In multiracial society national integration can be achieved when

minority flows in the national stream on its own.



881 - In Muslim society affirmation there is no god but God, and Muhammad is messenger of God is called


882 - In Muslim society almsgiving, contributing wealth for poor and charitable causes is called


883 - In Muslim society Jihad means


884 - In Muslim society pilgrimage to Mecca birthplace of Muhammad, which all healthy Muslims should try to do at least once in their life is called


885 - In observation main part is played by


886 - In observation main part is played by


887 - In observational studies the scientist observes.

the things that happen by themselves

888 - In observational studies the scientist observes_______________?

the things that happen by themselves

889 - In one field experiment a black male or a white male act out stealing a bike by using a hacksaw to cut through the lock. Researchers documented how often the police were called for each "thief." The independent variable in this study is:

whether the thief was white or black

890 - In one sense of the term everyone is ethnocentric This is because.

it is virtually impossible not to view people and situations in terms of some of the norms and categories derived from one's own cultural experiences

891 - In open class society mobility is.


892 - In open class society mobility is_____________?


893 - In order for a deviant act to be considered a crime.

the state must undertake a political process of criminalizing it

894 - In order for a deviant act to be considered a crime______________?

the state must undertake a political process of criminalizing it

895 - In order for a variable to be measured, a researcher must provide a (n) ?

operational definition

896 - In order for field research to be successful the researcher must be________________?


897 - In order for power to be legitimate a government must have.

legitimate authority

898 - In order to find the central tendency, most of the time we find the average using?


899 - In order to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population a survey must be based on precise ?

representative sampling

900 - In order to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population a survey must be based on precise.

representative sampling

901 - In order to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population a survey must be based on precise___________?

representative sampling

902 - In order to improve learning of children admitted in the age appropriate classes and bring them to level of their class mates , there is a provision of

Special training

903 - In order to qualify as a random sample______________?

every sub-sample of the population must be represented

904 - In order to raise the GNP and the GDP per capita one must.

increase productivity

905 - In order to remain in a group, people must do what?

show that they agree to share the group's values and interests

906 - In our .....class, we learned that this cousre has its own perspective, never focusing only the individual but the social group as a whole.


907 - In our modern times

no society is either exclusively competitive or exclusively cooperative.

908 - In our study design, we have explored barriers and enablers to belonging and inclusion for which four factors:

Social attitudes, customs and traditions, political factors, the media

909 - In our times the family system is under heavy strains because of


910 - In Pakistan civil society is in developmental stages and ye has little influence in the.

Policy making

911 - In Pakistan civil society is in developmental stages and ye has little influence in the_____________?

Policy making

912 - In Pakistan society no laws were made for the protection of elderly citizens The major cause was the belief.

The sons are responsible

913 - In Pakistan society no laws were made for the protection of elderly citizens the major cause was the belief_____________?

The sons are responsible

914 - In Pakistan what kind of marriage system exist in society?

Both A and B

915 - In Pakistan, population belongs to working age group is


916 - In Pakistan, population resides in urban areas


917 - In participant observation research the role of the "complete" participant forces the researcher to be_______________?

discreet about his/her research

918 - In parts of the world, whistling during a performance means disapproval; in America whistling in good and booing is disapproval.

Symbolic Interactionism

919 - In past Pakistanis population had relatively ________ growth rate?


920 - In past Pakistan's population had relatively..... growth rate.


921 - In positive philosophy Comte noted that.

On systematic observation and classification

922 - In positive philosophy Comte noted that_____________?

On systematic observation and classification

923 - In postmodernity, ..... decide order and disorder based on your ..... and .....

you, culture, community

924 - In pre-Communist China the aged were.

Authority figures

925 - In pre-Communist China the aged were______________?

Authority figures

926 - In preindustrial societies education was intended for.

a small elite

927 - In pre-industrial societies solidarity was maintained due to.

both a & b

928 - In pre-industrial societies solidarity was maintained due to____________?

both a & b

929 - In primary groups social contacts are.


930 - In primary groups social contacts are____________?


931 - In Primitive societies everyone performed similar tasks and so their was a

Mechanical solidarity

932 - In Primitive societies everyone performed similar tasks and so their was a__________________?

Mechanical solidarity

933 - In primitive societies oracles were consulted to treat a person

of a disease attributed witchcraft.

934 - In recent years there was an awakening of ethnic identity among the following groups.

all of the above

935 - In regard to public and political opinion.

political opinion is all opinions expressed on political issues

936 - In research, when the sociologist is subjective and value-based, they are practicing:

Interpretative sociology

937 - In response to a repression, a minority group may do which of the following?

All of the above

938 - In reviewing capitalism worldwide following the downfall of communism in the Soviet Union some observers suggest that.

in dynamic Asian nations (e.g Japan Singapore Hong kong South Korea and Taiwan) government intervention in economic life has resulted in a "government-business symbiosis " different from that in Europe and the United States

939 - In reviewing capitalism worldwide following the downfall of communism in the Soviet Union some observers suggest that_____________?

in dynamic Asian nations (e.g. Japan Singapore Hong Kong South Korea and Taiwan) government intervention in economic life has resulted in a "government-business symbiosis " different from that in Europe and the United States

940 - In room 13, Ms. Wilson made a diagram matching each student with his or her friends. What type of diagram did she make?


941 - In Room 2b, Mrs. Arias made a diagram matching each student with his or her friends. What type of diagram did she make?


942 - In rural Pakistan a person must marry within his or her caste This custom is called.


943 - In school, rewards and punishments are based on


944 - In school, rewards and punishments are typically based on


945 - In science, a hypothesis that has been confirmed through numerous tests is known as:

a theory

946 - In so-called closed societies,

you have virtually no chance of moving up or down.

947 - In social change there is

no distinction

948 - In social science, the study of the biological evolution of man is important because it provides explanations on the reason behind the biological variations among contemporary human population. Which field of social science is described in the said statem

Biological Anthropology

949 - In society elite class is called

High culture

950 - In Society in America which early sociologist gave special attention to status distinctions and to such factors as gender and race ?

Harriet Martineau

951 - In Society in America which early sociologist gave special attention to status distinctions and to such factors as gender and race?

Harriet Martineau

952 - In society looking for taken granted rules, as well as wider, more public laws is called


953 - In society when family life is simple handshake and contributes to operation of society is called as

Social function

954 - In society, the type of sociological rule of good manners like saying thank you.


955 - In sociological perspective multicultural companies are

All of the above

956 - In sociological research involves asking questions about issues are

All of the above

957 - In sociological studies of race and ethnic relations.

minority refers to an oppressed group

958 - In sociological terms Which of the following constitute group ?

members of a hospitals business office

959 - In sociological terms Which of the following constitute group?

members of a hospital's business office

960 - In sociological terms, race and colour are examples of

ascribed status

961 - In sociological way means by which a ruling dominant group wins over a subordinate group through ideas is called as


962 - In sociology a bureaucratic organisation expect officials to have technical competence to carry out their official duties are

Technical competence

963 - In sociology a certain groups in society 20 percent of societies or so foreigners and criminals are dumping grounds, cities, can develop no go areas are

Elitism is efficient

964 - In sociology a key to progress for progressive cultures, but of marginal importance except for elites in static culture is called


965 - In sociology a major value for progressive societies leading to investment and financial security is called


966 - In sociology a preoccupation with rules and regulations to point of thwarting as organisation goals are called

Bureaucratic ritualism

967 - In sociology among hunters and gatherers, family was centre of virtually all activities like religious, political institutions and economic system are called as

Distinctive social institutions

968 - In sociology an old adage states that heart of bureaucracy is not people but paper work is called

Formal written communications

969 - In sociology at source of superego, culture operates to control

Human drives

970 - In sociology bureaucracies arrange personnel in a vertical hierarchy of office is called

Rules and regulations

971 - In sociology central for progressive societies but often a burden in static culture is called


972 - In sociology childrens and adults are divided into types and their education is funded differently are called

Elitism is efficient

973 - In sociology class system celebrate

All of the above

974 - In sociology creation of new tastes and brands we now eat breakfast bars, pick at taco crisps from a bag and Mexican dips in jars are


975 - In sociology cultural beliefs that serve to legitimate key interests and hence justify social stratification is called


976 - In sociology cultural tradition holds scant sway in bureaucracy are

Rules and regulations

977 - In sociology differences are caught in terms of cultural patterns that set apart some segment of society population is called


978 - In sociology directed at members of a group simply because they belong to that group is


979 - In sociology dispersed in progressive societies concentrated in static societies is called


980 - In sociology elements, values and norms of every culture encompasses a wide range of tangible human creations such type of culture is called

Material culture

981 - In sociology experience of work now becomes rigidly rules by assessments practitioners in various areas complain that this robs them of their own creativity is


982 - In sociology first came scientific discoveries and technological advances that produced a factory based industrial economy and


983 - In sociology food is processed through high technologies and cheap labor across world are

Processing food

984 - In sociology French Revolution organized in


985 - In sociology how many type soft sociological investigation are there?


986 - In sociology in progressive cultures, community extends beyond locality and family in static cultures is called


987 - In sociology it refers to tendency of bureaucratic organisations to perpetuate themselves are

Bureaucratic inertia

988 - In sociology largest and richest of these countries are known as


989 - In sociology lower orders is natural suspicions against immigrants, fecklee poor, security are

Prejudice against

990 - In sociology maintenance of power and privilege between social classes from one generation to next is called

Cultural reproduction

991 - In sociology Mar, X Durkheim, and Weber is known as

Both A and B

992 - In sociology more rigorous in advance societies, corruption is greater in static societies is called


993 - In sociology most unreliable element in McDonalds's system is human beings people after all wander or simply decide to try something a different way is called

Control through automation

994 - In sociology much food is now grown with aid of chemical and hybrid plants, and animals are reared on factory farms are called

Growing food

995 - In sociology performing biological activities and healthy bodies like sports, and traditional approaches this type of activity in society is called


996 - In sociology perspective an individual can walk into a McDonald's restaurants anywhere and receive same sandwiches, drink and desserts prepared in precisely same way are called

Uniformity and predictability

997 - In sociology primary relationships may well predominate in

Low income

998 - In sociology primary roles of education are

Social reproduction

999 - In sociology progressive societies find that religious influence on civic life dwindles in static societies religion has a substantial influence is called


1000 - In sociology progressives look to future, statics look to past or present is known as

Time orientation


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