Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set. 2

1 - A study has shown that the more education, obtained the higher the career income. This is:

a positive correlation

2 - A study of male identical twins one of whom had been castrated by accident during circumcision and treated as a little girl until puberty showed that.

the castrated male still acted like a tomboy

3 - A study of people & culture


4 - a study's participants being randomly selected to serve as a representation of a larger population

random sample

5 - A subculture ?

includes members of a group that participate in the main culture while sharing another culture

6 - A subculture can BEST be defined as a group

which has norms and values that differ from those of mainstream society

7 - A subculture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores.


8 - A subculture.

includes members of a group that participate in the main culture while sharing another culture

9 - A subgroup that pushes back on the mainstream culture in an attempt to change how society functions are known as the:


10 - A subject is asked by a sociologists to give up hours often hundreds of hours it might be very painful and involve a great deal of effort is


11 - A supporter of Conflict Theory may compare social interactions to:

animal behavior

12 - A Survey is

a Research Strategy

13 - A survey method in which a trained researcher asks questions and records the answers


14 - A survey should avoid asking.

leading questions

15 - A survey should avoid asking_____________?

leading questions

16 - A survey that asks the respondent to indicate their age and includes response categories of age 20-30 age 30-40 age 40 50 and age 50+ violates which important rule for constructing closed-ended items for naires ?

mutually exclusive

17 - A survey that asks the respondent to indicate their level of education and includes response categories of some high school high school and university violated which important rule for constructing close-ended items for naires ?


18 - A symbiotic relationship exists between.

all of the above

19 - A symbol is

anything that represents something else.

20 - a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted.


21 - a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy.

Social Stratification

22 - A system characterized by social inequality each part of society benefits some categories of people more than others is called as


23 - A system in which all property is collectively owned.


24 - A system in which people can neither rise nor fall socially in called a (n) ..... systems.


25 - A system in which people have great difficulty changing their status is called a(n)

closed system

26 - A system in which people have great difficulty changing their status is called a(n) ______________?

closed system

27 - A system in which social class is based off merit and individual effort; movement is allowed between classes

open class system

28 - A system of beliefs or ideas that justifies the social, moral, religious, political, or economic interests held by a group or society


29 - A system of economic enterprise based on economic exchange is known as


30 - A system of interrelated parts that is relatively stable based on widespread consensus as to what is morally desirable is called as


31 - A system of marriage in which husband has only one wife is called


32 - A system of statuses roles, values, and norms that is organized to satisfy one or more of the basic needs of society is called .....

social institutions

33 - A system of statuses, roles, values, and norms that are organized to satisfy one or more of the basic needs of society

Social Institutions

34 - A system of stratification under which peasants were required to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection is known as a(n)

estate system

35 - A system of stratification where positions are partly achieved and mobility is common is one based on.


36 - A system of stratification where positions are partly achieved, and mobility is common is one based on ?


37 - A system of stratification where positions are partly achieved, and mobility is common is one based on_____________?


38 - A system of verbal (and usually also written) symbols with rules about how those symbols can be strung together to convey more complex meanings.


39 - A system that puts categories of people in a social class is


40 - A system where personal choice s and effort are the only things that determine success


41 - A systematic plan for gathering and analyzing observations about the world.

Research method

42 - A team of researchers studied a nomadic tribe in North Asia for 18 months. They were careful to limit their interaction with the tribe members, and observed from afar. What type of research is this?

Case study

43 - a technique in which the results of virtually all previous studies on a specific subject are evaluated together


44 - A teen took a picture of himself with 3 other people. His camera was faced toward them. Normative or empirical statement?

Empirical statement

45 - A temporary collection of people gathered in the same place at the same time becomes a crowd when they.

respond to a common stimulus

46 - a temporary halt to the competition or conflict until a compromise can be reached.


47 - A temporary, loosely formed collection of people who may or may not interact is a .....


48 - a term coined by Charles Horton Cooley to refer to the process by which our self develops through internalizing others' reactions to us

looking-glass self

49 - a term coined by Harold Garfinkel to a ritual whose goal is to remakes someone's self by stripping away that individual's self-identity and stamping a new identity in its place

degradation ceremony

50 - a term that refers to a period following high school when young adults have not yet taken on the responsibilities ordinarily associated with adulthood

transitional adulthood

51 - A terrritorial community refers to an area that has a geographical location and which is a source for all the social and cultural needs of its members. which of the following is not true of a territorial community?

it is a formal organisation

52 - A testable educated guess about predicted outcomes between two or more variables.


53 - A testable explanation to a problem that has not yet been tested.


54 - A testable proposition about social interactions.


55 - a testable statement of relationships among well-defined variables


56 - A testable statement of relationships among well-defined variables is called a .....?.....


57 - a theoretical approach that sees society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals that make up that society


58 - a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of various parts, each with a function that, when fulfilled contributes to society's equilibrium

functional analysis

59 - a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of various parts, each with a function that, when fulfilled, contributes to society's equilibrium; also known as functionalism and structural functionalism (Durkheim)

Functional Analysis

60 - a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and communicate with one another

symbolic interactionism

61 - A theoretical perspective that focuses on how individuals interact with one another in society:

Interactionist perspective

62 - A theoretical perspective that focuses on small-scale everyday interactions.


63 - A theoretical perspective that focuses on those forces in society that promote competition and change:

Conflict perspective

64 - A theoretical perspective that involves viewing society as a system of gender inequality in which men dominate women.

Feminist perspective

65 - A theoretical perspective that views society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system:

Functionalist perspective

66 - A theoretical system of concepts that are evolved to handle a particular problem like how economy, our minds or even solar system works is called as


67 - A theory is

A systematic explanation of the relationship among phenomena

68 - A theory is a.

set of concepts and generalization

69 - a theory that addresses the relationship between having socially acceptable goals and having socially acceptable means to reach those goals

strain theory

70 - a theory that examines social and economic factors as the causes of criminal deviance

conflict theory

71 - A theory that focuses on how individuals come to be identified as deviant

Labeling theory

72 - A theory that focuses on the relationships among individuals within a society.

Symbolic Interactionist Theory

73 - a theory that looks as society as a competition for limited resources

conflict theory

74 - A theory that proposes that social interaction is like a drama being performed on stage.


75 - a theory through which scholars examine the relationship of individuals within their society by studying their communication

symbolic interactionism

76 - a thing that represents an idea or language


77 - a thorough frequently long-term study of a person, group, or incident

case study

78 - A thorough investigation of a single group, incident, or community is called a .....

case study

79 - A thorough, frequently long-term study of a person, group or incident is called a .....?.....

case study

80 - a thought or belief about something or someone:.....


81 - A Thurstone scale emphasises

equal or equal appearing intervals

82 - a time period in which a dramatic change from an agricultural to an industrial society

Industrial Revolution

83 - A totalitarian regime.

all of the above

84 - A trained observer.

knows which data are relevant to the research problem

85 - A trained person who asks questions and records answers is called an .....


86 - A training technique developed by Ivan Pavlov that pairs a naturally occurring stimulus and response with an unrelated stimulus, so that eventually, the unrelated stimulus is able to produce the desired response in absence of the natural stimulus.

Classical Conditioning

87 - a trait or characteristic that is used to label someone in a negative way


88 - A trait required of all members of the society is called


89 - a trait used to label someone in a negative way


90 - A traits that are part of every known culture is called as

Cultural universals

91 - A two-member group is called


92 - A type of analysis that deals with numbers, or the number of times that people do something.


93 - A type of question that has people chose from pre- determined responses

Closed Ended

94 - A type of question that lets someone respond in their own words

Open Ended

95 - A type of society that focuses on mass production.


96 - A type of society that focuses on mass production.....


97 - A unified system of beliefs and practices concerned with sacred things


98 - A university that serves as a meeting ground for people seeking marital partners is performing.

a latent function

99 - A university that serves as a meeting ground for people seeking marital partners is performing______________?

a latent function

100 - A university that serves as a meeting ground for people seeking marital partners is performing_______________?

a latent function

101 - A useful distinction between conformity and obedience was made by social psychologist ?

Emile Durkheim

102 - A useful distinction between conformity and obedience was made by social psychologist.

Emile Durkheim

103 - A useful way of presenting Quantitative data is in the form of


104 - A value is..... (Choose two)

Only (A) & (B)

105 - a variable changed by other variables

dependent variables

106 - A variable is changed by other variables. the effect of a situation

dependent variable

107 - A variable that can be measured and given a numerical value is called a

quantitative variable

108 - A variable that causes something to occur is called [blank]

independent variable

109 - A very important organelle which is also called power house of cell is


110 - A view that looks at behavior of groups, not individuals

sociological perspective

111 - A view that looks at group behaviors not individuals.

social perspective

112 - A view that looks at the behavior of a group not individuals.

Sociological perspective

113 - a view that looks at the behavior of groups, not individuals

Sociological Perspective

114 - A violation of a culture's norms is


115 - A voluntary action performed in the expectation of getting something in return.

social exchange

116 - A voluntary action that involves the expectation of a reward

social exchange

117 - A waitress at a restaurant fits into what sector of society?


118 - A way of calculating the total output of the economy and all incomes earned within the Pakistan regardless of whether the resources are Pakistan or foreign is.

the GDP

119 - A way of calculating the total output of the economy regardless of where resources are located is.

the SPQR

120 - A way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm


121 - a way of looking at a situation; a viewpoint


122 - A way of looking at our personal experiences in the context of what is going on in the world at large around us.

sociological imagination

123 - A way of thinking about a situation is


124 - a way of understanding the functions of society using the scientific method- describes which of the following terms?


125 - a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms WITHOUT laws, rules or mandates

Social Control

126 - A weakness of Ethnography is.....

The sociologist is at risk of going native and joining/befriending their target group.

127 - a web of relationships that is formed by the sum total of an individual's interactions with other people.

social network

128 - A white collar revolution has transformed Marx's industrial proletariat is

white-collar work and a rising standard of living

129 - a wide-scale view of society would be


130 - a wide-scale view of the role official structures within a society


131 - a widespread consensus of values and beliefs, strong social pressures for conformity and dependence on tradition and family.

mechanical solidarity

132 - A woman may be a student,but also caring for her disabled cousin. This may cause a clash on which role to perform when she is needed at the same time. What term is used to reflect this?

Role conflict

133 - A working wife and mother is likely to encounter.

role strain

134 - A written set of questions that survey participants answer by themselves.


135 - A written set of questions to be answered by a research participant


136 - A young high-school dropout is sent to prison for repeated car thief. While in prison, the individual is helped in obtaining his high-school equivalency degree to increase his chances of getting a good job when he is released. This is an example of


137 - A young high-school dropout is sent to prison forrepeated car theft. While in prison, the individualis helped to obtain his high-school equivalencydiploma. This increases his chances of getting agood job when he is released, and is an exampleof


138 - A young person thinks marriage is a romantic idea. After several years of marriage this person feels the romance has gone out of the marriage. They now believe the marriage is meaningless and begin treating their spouse cruelly. This change is behavior is

Definition of the Situation

139 - A(n) ..... enables a researcher to test a hypothesis under highly controlled conditions established by the investigator.


140 - A(n) ..... is a set of beliefs that supports the status quo.


141 - A(n) ..... is any group to which a person does not belong.


142 - A(n) ..... is the behavior - rights and obligations - expected of someone occupying a status.


143 - A(n) ..... status is given to you; you do not earn it.


144 - A(n) is a subgroup that deliberately opposes certain major beliefs or attitudes of the dominant culture.


145 - A.R. Radcliffe-Brown conducted fieldwork among the

Andaman Islanders

146 - A.R. Radcliffe-Brown contributed to


147 - Aag ka Darya" is about

descriptions of sub-cultures of Pakistan

148 - Aalia aged 7 lives in a private home with her parents her grandmother and her aunt Alice,s family is an example of a(n)?

extended family

149 - Aalia aged 7 lives in a private home with her parents her grandmother and her aunt Alice's family is an example of a(n)

extended family

150 - Abby appears Asian; specifically she is from India. Her mother is Irish but she sees this ethnic connection as irrelevant. Abby is engaged in

selective forgetting.

151 - ability of one's party to get other parties to do its will.


152 - Ability to control he behavior of others


153 - Ability to control other's behaviors


154 - Ability to see link between self & society

sociological imagination

155 - Ability to see the connection between the larger world and our personal lives.

Sociological Imagination

156 - Ability to see the link between society and self

Socialogical imagination

157 - Ablutophobia is a fear of .


158 - Abnormality or impairment in the function of a specified bodily organ or system.


159 - Abolition of intermediaries has taken place in ..... community.


160 - About 25% of the population of Alabama is African American, but ..... of the inmate population in Alabama is African American.

More than half

161 - About 52% of the population makes up this class.

the middle class

162 - About how many families in North America are considered "a nuclear family"?


163 - About one - sixth of tribal population of India is found in the ..... zone.


164 - Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are associated with the following theories of personality.

stressing selfconcept and selfactualization

165 - Abraham's parents taught him that all white southerners believe that African Americans are inferior to whites. This is an example of

a prejudice.

166 - Absence of body contact and stimulation in infants inhibits.

development of higher learning functions

167 - absence of enough money to secure life's necessities

absolute poverty

168 - Absolute poverty refers to a set standard which is consistent over time and.

between countries

169 - Absolute poverty refers to a set standard which is consistent over time and______________?

between countries

170 - Abstract human creations form this for a group.

Nonmaterial Culture

171 - Abstract human creations, such as ideas, language, rules, political systems and so on are

non-material culture

172 - Abstract human creations, such as language, ideas, beliefs, rules, skills, family patterns, work practices, and political and economic systems

nonmaterial culture

173 - Abstract human creations.


174 - Abstract human products such as religion, language, or economic way of life are called ..... products.


175 - Abstract sediments are________________?

are compellers of action

176 - Acceptance of an innovation can be discouraged when

it conflicts with existing culture.

177 - Acceptance of innovations is always


178 - Acceptance of innovations is never


179 - Accommodation occurs when a minority

maintains its own culturally unique way of life.

180 - According Piaget's developmental theory.

a child of eight can master addition

181 - According the C. W. Mills, the sociological imagination involves:

Seeing issues from a broad perspective which is free of bias, and making links between personal troubles and public issues

182 - According to ..... Untouchability is a heinous expression of caste system.


183 - According to ....., the people with the most power are seen as the most valuable to society.

Conflict Theory

184 - According to __________ a variety of life experiences can come to be viewed as illnesses or not?

labelling theory

185 - According to _____________ a variety of life experiences can come to be viewed as illnesses or not ?

labeling theory

186 - According to A. Schutz, the phenomenologist

'suspends' the belief in the existence of outer world for the construction of social reality.

187 - According to A.R. Desai, the second phase of the development of nationalism (from 1885 to 1905) is characterized by

the development of industry.

188 - According to Émile Durkheim, where is consensus strongest?

in small tribal societies

189 - According to anthropology that branch of philosophy which investigates nature of knowledge and truth is called as


190 - According to Auguste Comte, what is the study of social change?

social statics

191 - According to Bernstein and Young, middle class parents are more likely to buy.....?

Educational Toys

192 - According to Blau and Duncan occupational upward mobility is greatly influenced by.

all of the above

193 - According to Bourdieu cultural capital exists in three forms Which one of the following is not one of the three ?

a symbolic form

194 - According to Bourdieu cultural capital exists in three forms Which one of the following is not one of the three?

a symbolic form

195 - According to C. Wright Mills, each society is located in a broad stream of events. This is an example of.....


196 - According to Castells Which of the following is a world city ?


197 - According to Castells Which of the following is a world city?


198 - According to Castles and Miller which ONE of these is NOT a developing tendency in migration ?


199 - According to Castles and Miller which ONE of these is NOT a developing tendency in migration?


200 - According to conflict theorists, social conflict arises from competition over limited .....


201 - According to Conflict theory, culture is maintained through the_________ of society?

dominant ideology

202 - According to Conflict theory, economic stratification is ..... for society.


203 - According to conflict theory, which of the following is the main method of controlling conflict in prisons?

the superior power of the guards

204 - According to contagion theory the "mob mind" develops through_____________?

imitation suggestibility and circular reaction

205 - According to contagion theory the "mobmind" develops through.

imitation suggestibility and circular reaction

206 - According to Cooley, children develop a sense of self through interactions with their

primary group

207 - According to criminologists.

the death penalty does not act as a deterrent

208 - According to Dahrendorf, Marx's Theory of Class Conflict is

to be rejected, accepted and modified contextually

209 - According to Daniel Bell the first technological revolution.

was the first of three such revolution

210 - According to Davis (1995) women may seek cosmetic surgery because.

they perceive a part of their body as stigmatizing in relation to a cultural ideal

211 - According to Davis (1995) women may seek cosmetic surgery because_____________?

they perceive a part of their body as stigmatizing in relation to a cultural ideal

212 - According to demographic transition theory, both birth and death rates are high in which stages of demographic transition ?

the first stage

213 - According to demographic transition theory, both birth and death rates are high in which stages of demographic transition?

the first stage

214 - According to dependency theorists, multinationals:

mistreat workers in poor nations.

215 - According to diffusion of innovations theory, which is NOT a factor that influences the spread of a new idea?

Distance from the equator

216 - According to dramaturgy, when you are alone, you are .....

on a back stage

217 - According to Dumont theory, in a rigid society there was tendency for

no tendency for birth ration to decline.

218 - According to Dumont, social capillarity is more effective in a country where movement from class to class

is weak and hindrances are very few.

219 - According to Durkheim an important component of social life was.

Social solidarity

220 - According to Durkheim an important component of social life was______________?

Social solidarity

221 - According to Durkheim religion separates objects and symbols into the sacred and which of the following ?

the profane

222 - According to Durkheim religion separates objects and symbols into the sacred and which of the following?

the profane

223 - According to Durkheim social facts are.

ways of behaving that are external to individuals

224 - According to Durkheim social facts are_____________?

ways of behaving that are external to individuals

225 - According to Durkheim social facts are________________?

ways of behaving that are external to individuals

226 - According to Durkheim socially sanction behaviourals are


227 - According to Durkheim stronger social ties and religious affiliation.

Decrease them

228 - According to Durkheim stronger social ties and religious affiliation______________?

Decrease them

229 - According to Durkheim the division of labor in industrial societies brings about______________?

a loss of social solidarity

230 - According to Durkheim the division of labour in industrial societies brings about.

a loss of social solidarity

231 - According to durkheim the greater rates of suicide in protestants were due to more emphasis on.


232 - According to durkheim the greater rates of suicide in protestants were due to more emphasis on____________?


233 - According to Durkheim, key dimension of change is a society's expanding specialized economic activity is called

Division of labour

234 - According to Durkheim, modern societies are characterized by:

Organic solidarity

235 - According to Durkheim, the social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent is called


236 - According to Durkheim, which of the following is NOT a social fact?

All of these are social facts

237 - According to ecological school of though main cause of crime is

social conditions

238 - According to Edward T Hall which of the following zones of personal space is the one normally used in interaction with friends and close acquaintances ?

personal distance

239 - According to Edward T Hall which of the following zones of personal space is the one normally used in interaction with friends and close acquaintances?

personal distance

240 - According to Emile Durkheim religious affects society by

uniting the members

241 - according to Emile Durkheim, a .....- is the consequence that an element of the society produces for the maintenance of its social system.


242 - According to Emily Durkheim the mechanic solidarity is based on______________?

divine of labor and specialization

243 - According to Emily Durkheim the mechanic solidarty is based on.

divine of labour and specialization

244 - According to Erving Goffman, how many strategies are utilized in 'self enhancement'


245 - According to exponential principle, if we have four chemicals in a laboratory, then

ten combinations are possible.

246 - According to exponential principle, if we have only two chemicals in a laboratory

only one combination is possible.

247 - According to feminists an androcentric bias in research is the direct result of______________?

using males as the accepted norm

248 - According to Ferdinand Tonnies, industrial societies are characterized by

weak family ties

249 - According to Foucault carceral organizations.

isolated people and put them under surveillance

250 - According to Foucault carceral organizations________________?

isolated people and put them under surveillance

251 - According to French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau the state emerged.

after the establishment of private property

252 - According to Freud basic drives need to be controlled and incorporated them and society into a model of personality with

All of the above

253 - According to Freud certain mental problems are caused by an adult being fixed in a stage of development. From that perspective an adult who constantly licks lollipops is stuck in which stage?

oral stage

254 - According to Freud the crucial institution for the development of personality is.

the family

255 - According to Functionalism ..... stratification is useful for society.


256 - According to Functionalism some aspects of society are intended. Intended functions of society are .....


257 - According to functionalism the fundamental human needs are.

survival and expressiveness

258 - According to Functionalist theory, what is the state that society always wants to be in?


259 - According to Functionalist, families serve the following purpose.....

all of these

260 - According to functionalist's society must be concerned with motivation because the duties associated with various statuses ?

are not equally pleasant

261 - According to functionalists society must be concerned with motivation because the duties associated with various statuses.

are not equally pleasant

262 - According to functionalists, why do all complex societies have economies, families, governments, and religions?

Most aspects of society exist to promote a society's survival and welfare.

263 - According to G.S. Ghurye, which are the features of society which is characterized by caste system? Use the code below: I. Segmental Division of Society. II. Civil and Religious abilities. III. Hierarchy and Restrictions on feeding and social intercause I


264 - According to George H.Mead mind is.

none of the above

265 - According to George Herbert Mead the self is.

an individual's selfconcept or self awareness

266 - According to George Mead, this is the stage where the children begins to do role play and pretend to be other people. The self in this stage is developing.

The Play Stage

267 - According to George Mead, this is the stage wherein the children is able to see and consider other people in the course of his action which is called generalized other. In this stage, the self is now present

Game Stage

268 - According to George Mead, this is the stage wherein the children's behavior is primarily based on imitation and the self is not yet present

Preparatory Stage

269 - According to Gerald Suttles a gated community would be an example of a(n)

defended neighborhood

270 - According to Gerald Suttles a gated community would be an example of a(n)_____________?

defended neighborhood

271 - According to Gerald Suttles a gated community would be an example of a(n)_____________?

defended neighborhood

272 - According to Giddens, late modern society is characterised by

All of the above

273 - According to Ginsbert, goods in the past were exchanged was

hospitality and exchange of gifts.

274 - According to Goffman, once we become accomplished actors we become more attuned to the reactions of others and adjust our behavior. Which term is he refering to?


275 - According to Goffman, what are our self presentation motives?

All of the above

276 - According to Goffman, when our attention is focused on the 'self,' we are talking in which term?

Self Awareness

277 - According to Goffman's scheme, we have ..... where we can have some privacy and relax.

back stage

278 - According to Gordon Allport much prejudice is based on.

economic competition among different groups

279 - According to Gordon Allport's theory of contact.

equal status between groups leads to reduced competition

280 - According to Half the Sky India's economy has struggled in comparison to China. Why?

China is utilizing more of their workforce in legitimate jobs - including women

281 - According to Herbert Gans residents who remain in the city to take advantage of the unique cultural and intellectual benefits of the city are called.


282 - According to Herbert Gans residents who remain in the city to take advantage of the unique cultural and intellectual benefits of the city are called_____________?


283 - According to Herbert Gans residents who remain in the city to take advantage of the unique cultural and intellectual benefits of the city are called_____________?


284 - According to him, sociology is concerned with the study of social life and its relations to the factors of culture, natural environment, heredity and group.


285 - According to Ibn-e-Khaldun, there are

two types of civilisation

286 - According to Irene Frieze and Esther Sales, females undergo how many phases of adult developement?


287 - According to Jean Baudrillard What is hyper reality ?

the merging of reality and media representations

288 - According to Jean Baudrillard What is hyper reality?

the merging of reality and media representations

289 - According to Jurgen Habermas, subordinated social groups that are unable to participate equally in the public sphere would produce:


290 - According to Karl Marx main cause respobsible for the emergence of social class was


291 - According to Karl Marx, a communistic society would

be classless

292 - According to Karl Marx, capitalists exploit which group who only make enough to stay alive?


293 - According to Karl Marx, in a capitalist economy

the interests of working classes clashed with those of the non-working classes.

294 - According to Karl Marx, main cause responsible for emergence of social class was


295 - According to Karl Marx, what defines the historical clash between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?

class conflict

296 - According to Karl Marx, what was the primary dimension of stratification in class systems?


297 - According to Karl Marx, which type of people were known to have less money and power?


298 - According to Karl Marx, who are those that own the means of producing wealth in industrial society?


299 - According to Karl Marx, workers are referred to as


300 - According to Karl Marx.

classes are determined by the relationship of a group in society to the means of production

301 - According to lllich which one of the following is NOT transmitted through the hidden curriculum ?


302 - According to lllich which one of the following is NOT transmitted through the hidden curriculum?


303 - According to Maclver, state is

more association than a community.

304 - According to Maclver, the basis of social class formation was

class consciousness

305 - According to Malthus:

people could use "moral restraint" to reduce the birth rate.

306 - According to Malthus____________?

people could use "moral restraint" to reduce the birth rate.

307 - According to Manual Castells which is the defining organizational structure of our age ?


308 - According to Manual Castells which is the defining organizational structure of our age?


309 - According to Manuel Castells which is the defining organizational structure of our age ?


310 - According to Marshall McLuhan which of the following is being created by the electronic media ?

global village

311 - According to Marshall McLuhan which of the following is being created by the electronic media?

global village

312 - According to Marx and Dehrendorf, unequal class position of a social group is determined by which of the following forms and extent of one's control over

economic and political resources respectively.

313 - According to Marx Capitalism replaced feudalism and itself will be displaced by.


314 - According to Marx Capitalism replaced feudalism and itself will be displaced by_____________?


315 - According to Marx he said a continuation of themes first analyzed by Marx and which is so called modern societies are called

Late capitalism

316 - According to Marx industrial capitalism alienates workers from their human potential is called as

Alienation from human potential

317 - According to Marx saw work itself as productive affirmation of human community and industrial capitalism is called as

Alienation from workers

318 - According to Marx the fruit of labor should go to________________?

the working class

319 - According to Marx the fruit of labour should go to.

the working class

320 - According to Marx which group constituted a ruling elite?

The bourgeoisie

321 - According to Marx, class consciousness among the non-propertied class will come

by the doings of the propertied class.

322 - According to Marx, these are the two main groups that come into conflict in society.

Bourgeoisie & Proletariat

323 - According to Marx, this group was taken advantage of by owners and had nothing of value except their own labor


324 - According to Marx, what suited to the working class was

corporate class consciousness.

325 - According to Marx:

an excess of the working class population depends on the availability of employment opportunities not on fixed supply of food.

326 - According to Marx_____________?

an excess of the working-class population depends on the availability of employment opportunities not on fixed supply of food.

327 - According to Marxian philosophy,

propertied, classes inherit class consciousness.

328 - According to Marxian philosophy,

propertied classes inherit class consciousness.

329 - According to Marxian view each stage contained within itself the seeds of.

both b and c

330 - According to Marxism, the economic system that provides for people's material needs:


331 - According to Marxism, the finally serves to

produces a suitable labour force

332 - According to Marxism, there are ways in which society transmits ideas that legitimate or justify the capitalist system:

Ideological state apparatus

333 - According to Marxism, this term includes all cultural institutions of society (eg. families, the education system etc.)


334 - According to Marx's Conflict Theory, the Bourgeoisie are.....

owners of the means of production in a capitalist society

335 - According to Marx's ideas especially beliefs and values have transforming


336 - According to Max Weber agrarian societies are

Social prestige

337 - According to Max Weber the ideal type refers to.

a model based on certain features of a phenomenon

338 - According to Max Weber the ideal type refers to______________?

a model based on certain features of a phenomenon

339 - According to Max Weber, ..... authority is power whose use is considered just and appropriate by those over whom the power is exercised.


340 - According to Max Weber, ..... is entirely reasonable.


341 - According to Max Weber, the empathetic understanding of the meaning others attach to their actions is called:


342 - According to Max Weber, the key factor in society is .....


343 - According to Max Weber, the Protestant ethic was a central factor in the birth of.....


344 - According to Max Weber, the three types of legitimate authority are:

traditional authority, rational-legal authority, and charismatic authority.

345 - According to Mead childrens first learn to use language and other symbols in form of


346 - According to Mead infants respond to others only in terms of

All of the above

347 - According to Mead socialization continues as long as we have social


348 - According to Mead the earliest stage of socialization is called the ___________ stage?


349 - According to Mead the generalized other is.

societal norms

350 - According to Mead to refer to widespread cultural norms and values we use as references in evaluating ourselves are called

Generalized other

351 - According to Mead, the part of the self that is created through socialization


352 - According to Mead, the part of the self that is spontanious, unpredictable, and creative


353 - According to Merton the most common adaptation in the anomie theory of deviance is.


354 - According to Merton the most common adaptation in the anomie theory of deviance is_____________?


355 - According to Merton, achieving culturally set goals through unconventional, unapproved means is called.....


356 - According to Merton, what occurs when people reject the goal but continue to use the accepted means of reaching the goal?


357 - According to Merton, when a person basically "drops out" of society, rejecting both the means & the goals it is called.....


358 - According to Mills sociology as an escape and it shows our lives


359 - According to Mills, this term refers to our experiences within society which give us our orientation of life.


360 - According to N.K. Bose, the development of Indian Civilization is the result of I. the repeated experiences of war leading to the spirit of nationalism. II. A pattern of cultural pluralism under relatively peaceful conditions. III. The communities in Indi


361 - According to Oscar Lewis, the growth of single parent households in the Catibbean is a result of


362 - According to peter Saunders in modem societies stratification depends on.

Social and economic classes

363 - According to peter Saunders in modem societies stratification depends on___________?

Social and economic classes

364 - According to Piaget the phase at which children master abstract logical notions are able to grasp causality and can recognize false reasoning is the ?

concrete operational phase

365 - According to Piaget the phase at which children master abstract logical notions are able to grasp causality and can recognize false reasoning is the.

concrete operational phase

366 - According to pioneers of sociology flowered in precisely those societies, France, Germany and


367 - According to post modernists which ideas of modernity are considered gone by or dead?

Reason, rationality and progress.

368 - According to postmodernism, humans are

Social constructs

369 - According to postmodernism, which of the following affects how we see the world?

All of these affect how we see the world

370 - According to Quinine, crimes of "domination and repression" are committed by ______________?

The ruling elite

371 - According to R.K. Merton, those observed consequences which lessen the adaptation or adjustment of the system are


372 - According to Reader's Digest Dictionary the one which causes euphoria in the taker and pre-disposes hint to addiction is.


373 - According to Readers Digest Dictionary the one which causes euphoria in the taker and pre-disposes hint to addiction is______________?


374 - According to recent findings from across Europe which of the following statements best characterises cohabitation?

an experimental stage before marriage

375 - According to recent findings from across Europe which of the following statements best characterizes cohabitation ?

an experimental stage before marriage

376 - According to recent research..... are more likely to live in poverty than Americans in any other age groups

the elderly

377 - According to reports describing ..... children, they walked on all fours, growled, and showed no sensitivity to cold.


378 - According to researcher writing your final report and specify conclusions supported by data is called


379 - According to Richard Jenkins, our understanding of who we are and of who other people are, and reciprocally other people understanding of themselves and of others are called

Social identity

380 - According to Riley Dunlap which one of the following is not a basic function that the natural environment serves for humans ?

the environment provides a natural setting for social inequalities

381 - According to Riley Dunlap which one of the following is not a basic function that the natural environment serves for humans ?

The environment provides a natural setting for social inequalities

382 - According to Robert Merton, this is created when cultural goals are seen as unobtainable by legitimate means.


383 - According to Robert Salisbury the crucial factor in turning awareness of an issue into an organized movement is.


384 - According to Roy Wallis' typology which groups may be considered 'world-rejecting'? (2)

Only (A) & (B)

385 - According to Sassan which of these is NOT a necessary trait of a global city ?

they are visited by large numbers of tourists from across the world

386 - According to Sassen which of these is NOT a necessary trait of a global city?

they are visited by large numbers of tourists from across the world

387 - According to Scott (1990) a document is authentic if it________________?

is a sound original, or reliable copy of known authorship

388 - According to Scott (1990) a documents is authentic if it.

is a sound original, or reliable copy of known authorship

389 - According to Sigmund Freud, this balances the forces between our id and society.


390 - According to Simon Kuznets, in which type of society is social stratification greatest?


391 - According to Smelser's model which of the following determinants of collective behavior occurs first ?

structural conduciveness

392 - According to Smelser's model which of the following determinants of collective behaviour occurs first?

structural conduciveness

393 - According to sociological researchers more and more, sports are subject to market forces and develop large industries around them is called


394 - According to sociologies Karl Marx was born in


395 - According to sociologist a man with a mobile phone and laptop on a tropical beach is called

All of the above

396 - According to sociologist inequalities cover a wide range of

Social life

397 - According to sociologist Max Weber,

class systems are based on three dimensions of stratification: class, power, and prestige

398 - According to sociologist what is significance of local and national cultures?


399 - According to sociologists a century ago people thought most human behaviour was guided by biological instinctive a human behavior is called

Social environment

400 - According to sociologists a group of people in often informal or non existent of society is called


401 - According to sociologists a group size explains that larger a group and smaller group by contrast more members will reach groups of social circus is called

Large groups turn inwards

402 - According to sociologists a large, secondary groups that are organized to achieve their goals efficiently are called

Formal organisations

403 - According to sociologists a second cause of culture change involves like changing of foods, changing of athletic prowess and also a scientific research is called as


404 - According to sociologists a social group that serves as a point of reference in making evaluations or decisions are called

Reference group

405 - According to sociologists a study of this settlement people who believe in different Gods of 100 people Muslims believe in


406 - According to sociologists a study of this settlement would reveal some starting conclusions people believe in very different Gods of 100 people Christians are


407 - According to sociologists a triad is more stable than a


408 - According to sociologists agrarian is

Large-scale farming

409 - According to sociologists aircraft was invented in


410 - According to sociologists all problems that Max weber raised about dysfuntionality is called


411 - According to sociologists an environment in which all groups have roughly equal standing encourages people of all social backgrounds to mingle and from social ties is called

Social parity promotes contact

412 - According to sociologists an important sociological concept which captures those connections among individuals over time which create social bonds is

Social capital

413 - According to sociologists as early as fifth century Japan was an

Agrarian society

414 - According to sociologists birth of brain evolved, first elements of culture some 2 million years ago and development of culture reached point we call birth of civilization in how many years ago?


415 - According to sociologists Buddhists are called as


416 - According to sociologists burakumin or outcastes stood further down in that country is called


417 - According to sociologists' Canadian culture has been shaped by_____________?


418 - According to sociologists capitalism remains as extensively exploitative system with wealth in hands of few are

Wealth remains high

419 - According to sociologists caste systems are typically of

Agrarian life

420 - According to sociologists caste systems rest on powerful cultural


421 - According to sociologists change in one dimension of a culture usually accompanies other transformations as well is called

Culture change

422 - According to sociologists children with shaved heads and yellow uniforms sit in rows in a classroom of an orphanage delinquents in any place are

All of the above

423 - According to sociologists classless society was given by

Karl Marx

424 - According to sociologists coercive organisations are distinguished by

Involuntary membership

425 - According to sociologists concept of Historical Materialism was established in

The Garman ideology

426 - According to sociologists core values are seen to

Shape society

427 - According to sociologists cultural is basis for everyone's reality, it is no wonder that people everywhere exhibit are called


428 - According to sociologists Cultural structure means

The collection of values, norms, and roles

429 - According to sociologists earth was home to how many billion people who lived in cities


430 - According to sociologists Emile Durkheium was born in


431 - According to sociologists employees have organisational strengths that they lacked a century ago workers have won right to organise into trade unions that can and do make demands of management backed by threats of working to rule and strikes

More extensive legal protections

432 - According to sociologists food is greatest worry for majority of population

Every year

433 - According to sociologists food is usually seen as basic need of

All of the above

434 - According to sociologists high-income but also white-collar work remains monotonous and routine especially low-income jobs commonly held by women are called

Work remains degrading

435 - According to sociologists how are lives stratifies by generation and age?

Age stratification

436 - According to sociologists how does being a man or women shape social life?

Gender order

437 - According to sociologists how does food become a "design for living" with its own values, beliefs, behaviours and practices are called


438 - According to sociologists how does work, income, wealth shape life is called?

Class order

439 - According to sociologists how has "food" changed across societies past and present? how can we understand these food changes in societies are called


440 - According to sociologists how many types of solidarity was given by Durkheium?


441 - According to sociologists how many years ago our ancestries were used fossil, fire, tools and weapons

2 million

442 - According to sociologists human personality develops the


443 - According to sociologists humans build culture on symbol by attaching meaning to objects and


444 - According to sociologists in bureaucratic organisations rules take precedence over personal whim this impersonality encourages uniform treatment for each client as well as other worker is called


445 - According to sociologists in Japan a caste system which is called Samurai dressed and behave according to a

traditional code

446 - According to sociologists Indian culture built on

Hindu tradition

447 - According to sociologists interpretivist or humanism is known as

Humanism epistemology

448 - According to sociologists it could be argued that race is often used as a tool for c

Caste system

449 - According to sociologists japanese legally banned social category of


450 - According to sociologists marketing genius behind expansion of McDonald's set out with goal of serving a hamburger is called


451 - According to sociologists marriage in our society is


452 - According to sociologists material culture refers to tangible of

Human creation

453 - According to sociologists members typically engage in many of same activities is called

Small group

454 - According to sociologists membership and involvement in social networks and unceasing effort of sociability is called

Social capital

455 - According to sociologists much of production of goods in twenty first century has shifted from high-income countries to low-income countries are called

The global system of capitalism

456 - According to Sociologists now a days, which is more impactful?


457 - According to sociologists one of key functions of religion in indeed to define good life and mark out boundaries of


458 - According to sociologists ownership of wealth means of production is called

Economic capital

459 - According to sociologists people do not like to think they are


460 - According to sociologists people who refers to people who interact in a defined space and share culture is called


461 - According to sociologists physical space affects chances of contacts among groups are called as

Physical boundaries foster social boundaries

462 - According to sociologists postmodern culture is usually seen to originate in provinces of architecture and


463 - According to sociologists postmodern fusion and McDonaldisation is


464 - According to sociologists prestige, status and social honor is

Symbolic capital

465 - According to sociologists primary groups display a

Personal orientations

466 - According to sociologists process of creating new cultural elements is called


467 - According to sociologists rise of mass production technological food is


468 - According to sociologists role of ethnic and cultural difference in social life is

Racial formation

469 - According to sociologists slavery no longer exists in its

Classical forms

470 - According to sociologists social composition of organisatin should ideally make no one feel out of place because of gender, race or ethnicity is

Social inclusiveness

471 - According to sociologists social group with three members are called


472 - According to sociologists societal changes affect people's individual social standing in a process is called

Structural social mobility

473 - According to sociologists spread of cultural traits from one society to another is called


474 - According to sociologists system is mandating that people marry others of same ranking sociologists call this pattern

Endogamous marriage

475 - According to sociologists term used for love affairs, marriages and closest friendships are called

All of the above

476 - According to sociologists the critical agent of socialization is thought to be_____________?

the family

477 - According to sociologists there are more then how many languages in all over world


478 - According to sociologists there are raw materials, labour, time and technologies are called as


479 - According to sociologists those who experience this constant monitoring feel that their workload has been taken is


480 - According to sociologists to belonging, about what you have in common with some people and what differentiate you from others is called as


481 - According to sociologists trade unions may have advanced interests of workers during early twentieth century and regular negotiation between workers and management may now be frequent activity are called

Labour activity has been weekend

482 - According to sociologists traditional caste structure japan legally banned social categories in


483 - According to sociologists traditional ideas about gender still shape

Japanese society

484 - According to sociologists Weber's principals of bureaucracy are

All of the above

485 - According to sociologists what a food network? How does 'Food get organized in social life'? How is it produced, distributed, sold and consumed through network and organisations is

Organisations and network

486 - According to sociologists what is power?

One party getting another party to do their bidding

487 - According to sociologists, a Methodist, Lutheran, or Baptist church are all examples of


488 - According to sociologists, chinese philospher K'ung Futzu, also known as


489 - According to sociologists, differences and conflict between dominant and disadvantages of people rich in relation to poor, white to black, men versus women is

Conflict perspective

490 - According to sociologists, England, home of

Industrial revolution

491 - According to sociologists, if you born in 1700 years ago how would you imiagine

None of the above

492 - According to Sociologists, individuals marry people who share.....

all of these

493 - According to sociologists, sport

must be a competitive physical activity.

494 - According to sociologists, telephones invented in


495 - According to sociologists, television introduced in


496 - According to sociologsits where governments forcibly recruit labour this often involves childrens who may be forced to leave home is

Forced labour

497 - According to sociology a descriptive norm

Can either decrease or increase pro-environmental behavior

498 - According to sociology a group of people who have tensions between in-groups and out-groups are stressed by

Conflict theories

499 - According to sociology a group of two or more people who indentify and interact with one another is called

Social group

500 - According to sociology a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific interest or activity is called

Secondary group

501 - According to sociology a new form of society that is much more fluid than previous modern and traditional ones is called

liquid society

502 - According to sociology a norm is a

The behavior of others

503 - According to sociology a process by which a centre, core or essence is destabilized and weakened is called

Decent red

504 - According to sociology a simple technology refers for gathering and vegetation is called as

Hunting and gathering

505 - According to sociology a system of social stratification based on personal merit such societies are called


506 - According to sociology about everyone who works for income is a member of a

Utilitarian organisations

507 - According to sociology all societies are composed of

Social Institutions

508 - According to Sociology an idea developed by Eisenstaedt to suggest that there are many past route into present which is called as

Multiple moderates

509 - According to sociology as capitalism develop, there appeared an increased concern with human individuality, which starts to make issue of

Human individuality

510 - According to sociology asking questions for doing research and consider what consequence it might have for us for our research is called as

All of the above

511 - According to sociology associated with Anthony Giddens, David Harvey generally they do not agree with ideas of postmodernists and another theme developed which is called as

Late modernity

512 - According to sociology class less societies are


513 - According to sociology Confucianism was closely linked with teaching of education classes and aimed to explain world respecting its past and rejecting

Primitive beliefs

514 - According to sociology controversially put forward by Francis of communism he argued that society had now reach its historical end point in worldwide of liberal capitalism is

The post-industrial society

515 - According to sociology culture is way of

All of the above

516 - According to sociology cultures may be approach functionally and core values, culture traits this type of culture is called

Both A and B

517 - According to sociology descriptive social norms

Beliefs about social approval or disapproval for particular behaviors

518 - According to sociology early hunters and gatherers formed primitive of

Communist society

519 - According to sociology Europe has been dominated by versions of


520 - According to sociology European values have been structures but development of

All of the above

521 - According to sociology expanding of opportunities reduce number of employs stuck in routine, dead end jobs with little motivation to perform well is called

Opportunities for advancement

522 - According to sociology Family started with patriarch belongs to theory of


523 - According to sociology first major suggestion and used widely suggestion and used widely between 1960 and 1990 is called

The post-history society

524 - According to sociology first McDonald's operating manual declared weight of a regular raw hamburger is called


525 - According to sociology flow of goods extent of international trade has never been greater global economy has introduced many of same consumer goods are called

Global economy

526 - According to sociology flow of information a century ago, communication around world depends on written messages delivered by boat, train, horse and wagon are called

Global communication

527 - According to sociology flow of people knowledge about rest of world motivates people to move where they imagine life will be better is called

Global migration

528 - According to sociology for gathering information about issues that cannot be directly observed, such as attitudes and values useful for descriptive and explanatory research is called


529 - According to sociology formal organisations are

Government agencies

530 - According to sociology high patterns refers to a

Elite class

531 - According to sociology high-income countries are nations with highest overall

standards of living

532 - According to sociology human beings are

Homo Narran

533 - According to sociology hunters and gathering is called

Hunting and gathering

534 - According to sociology hunting and gathering societies are based on


535 - According to sociology idea of late modernity, but here stress is on a society in which people become more aware is called as

Reflexive modernity

536 - According to sociology important building blocks of societies are called

social groups

537 - According to sociology in poor countries one third of people live in


538 - According to sociology in USA there are two types of race and caste system

Black and white

539 - According to sociology innovation and change is a key problem of


540 - According to sociology innovative combinations of approaches keep in mind that appropriate method depends on kinds of question you are asking as well as resources available to support your research

Devise a research strategy or design

541 - According to sociology invention, discovery, and diffusion all generate

Cultural change

542 - According to sociology knowledge of arts and culture are

Cultural trait

543 - According to sociology language is major means of

Cultural reproduction

544 - According to sociology many scientists argue that culture is key to grow and


545 - According to sociology meaning of social bonds, based on shared morality, that unite members of pre-industrial societies is called as

Mechanical solidarity

546 - According to sociology more internally heterogeneous a groups is, more likely its members are to interact with members of other groups are called

Heterogeneous groups

547 - According to sociology most human history everyone pursued basic goals of securing food and shelter is called


548 - According to sociology most important part of man's culture is

All of the above

549 - According to sociology most poor societies in world are

All of the above

550 - According to sociology nations with highest overall standards of living are called as

High-income countries

551 - According to sociology norms guide

The belief people have about what others do in a particular situation

552 - According to sociology of culture which country eat with chopsticks rather then knives and forks


553 - According to sociology one of most persistent questions asked by all societies concerns nature of good and evil this usually takes us into realm of


554 - According to sociology participant observation is typically called

Qualitative research

555 - According to sociology people look here at how people do things together like they play together, teams, managers, business, orgnisations, media professionals, families, communities are called as

Action and interaction

556 - According to sociology people who join not for income but to pursue goals are called

Normative organisations

557 - According to sociology people work both to meet immediate needs and to develop their long range personal potential is called as

Alienation from the act of working

558 - According to sociology peoples with ties to land, water and wildlife of their ancestral domain is called

Indigenous peoples

559 - According to sociology practice of judging a culture by its own standards is called

Cultural relativism

560 - According to sociology process of movements, gestures and facial expressions rather then speech are called

Non verbal communication

561 - According to sociology product of work belongs not to work but to capitalists, who dispose of it for profit is called as

Alienation from the product of work

562 - According to sociology public sociology takes works of

Social scientists

563 - According to sociology Social influence refers to

Rule for expected behavior

564 - According to sociology social norms refer to

Individual actions by suggesting what is normal, expected, or correct

565 - According to sociology social stratification keeps society


566 - According to sociology socialization theory can ask five broad questions

All of the above

567 - According to sociology standards people have about what is good and bad, which very from culture to culture is called


568 - According to sociology survival self expression dimension involves themes which link to arrival of so called postmodern is called

Post materialist society

569 - According to sociology technology based on using hand tools to cultivate plants through soil and digging stick to punch holes in ground for seeds are called as


570 - According to sociology to refer to a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy is called

Social stratifications

571 - According to sociology to represent his or her culture is called

All of the above

572 - According to sociology wealth, income and property are

Economic capital

573 - According to sociology what is social facts of individuality?


574 - According to sociology when a person want to gain goals its called

All of the above

575 - According to sociology where people labour to pay off a debt that they will probably never be able to reply and that they will probably never be able to repay and which may be inherited by subsequance generations is

Debt bondage

576 - According to sociology who was father of religion?

Emile Durkheim

577 - According to sociology, a person who are not rich they are nations with standard living of about average for world as a whole are called

Middle-income countries

578 - According to sociology, nations with a law standard of living in which most people are poor

Low income

579 - According to statistics, in Britain, mothers of which heritage are more likely to be a full-time mother, stopping full-time work?

Asian heritage

580 - According to Steve Bruce (1996) which of the following was a factor in generating strong religious commitment in the USA as compared to Europe ?

late and very rapid industrialization

581 - According to Steve Bruce (1996) which of the following was a factor in generating strong religious commitment in the USA as compared to Europe?

late and very rapid industrialization

582 - According to Strain theory, ____ are those individuals who have traditional success goals but substitute deviant means by which to achieve them ?


583 - According to Strain theory, retreatants are likely to engage in what type of deviant activity ?

drug abuse

584 - According to Stuart Hall, ethnic hybridity is:

In countries with diverse populations, individuals create new hybrid ethnic identities that grew out of multiple national ethnicities, with shared social experiences and relationships in that individuals adopted country.

585 - According to Terror in the Mind of God, what accounts for the rise in religious violence?

extremist religious beliefs grant a sense of control

586 - According to the "broker rule" school of though.

power is diffused among numerous interest groups who compete and compromise on the decisionmaking process

587 - According to the 1981 census, a total number of persons had migrated within the country are

5.92 million

588 - According to the act , children of which age group will be provided free and compulsory education

6 years to 14 years

589 - According to the Auguste Comte, during the metaphysical stage of human progress, what was the primary social structure?


590 - According to the Belmont Report, this principle refers to 'maximizing good outcomes and avoiding unnecessary risk.


591 - According to the centre for longitudinal studies, by the age of three years old, how many years behind are poorer students compared to more privileged students.

1 year behind

592 - According to the chart, a family of 4 is considered living in poverty if the maximum gross annual income is:


593 - According to the Church-sect continuum, which of the following groups has the most influence over society?


594 - According to the cognitive development theory children learn gender roles according to.

which stage of cognitive development they have reached

595 - According to the cultural transmission theory deviance is learned through.

close association with deviants

596 - According to the Davis-Moore thesis:

All answers are correct

597 - According to the differential association theory deviant acts are.

learned through interaction with others

598 - According to the Dramturgical model, this term refers to impressions which are managed within contexts


599 - According to the functionalist perspective what are the four functions served by the state?

enforcement of norms planning and direction arbitration of conflicting interests and protection against other societies

600 - According to the Functionalist perspective, what is the focus of religion?

Contributing to Society

601 - According to the functionalist perspective, which of the following is a functional requisite that a society must meet in order to survive?

producing and distributing goods and services

602 - According to the functionalist view,

stratification is necessary to induce people with special intelligence, knowledge, and skills to enter the most important occupations

603 - According to the Gandhian Approach, strike is .....

the last option

604 - According to the information presented in the lecture, what can be said about personality?

All of the above

605 - According to the introduction to chapter 3, what are the three parts of culture?

All of the above

606 - According to the Kuznets Curve, as the United States develops a postindustrial economy, economic inequality is:


607 - According to the labeling theory which of the following concepts explains why a labeled individual becomes deviant?

Selffulflling prophecy

608 - According to the research of Solomon Asch, .....

many people are willing to compromise their own judgment to avoid being seen as different by others.

609 - According to the strain theory, if you accept society's goals but reject the means to achieve them, you are a(n) .....


610 - According to the structural functionalism, religion provides .....

answers to the society's questions on the existence and significance

611 - According to the text the following people were/are deviant.

The Hell's Angels

612 - According to the textbook, ..... involve constructing abstract interpretations that can be used to explain a wide variety of situations.


613 - According to the textbook, ..... was the first to turn a sociological eye on previously ignored issues, such as marriage, children, domestic and religious life, and race relations.

Harriet Martineau

614 - According to the textbook, George Herbert Mead reasoned that language allows us to become self-conscious beings-aware of our own individuality. This idea forms the basis of the theoretical perspective known as:

symbolic interactionism

615 - According to the theory of voluntarism, the rich produce less children because

they wish to enjoy the benefits of prosperity.

616 - According to the Trussell Trust, how many people were in food poverty in 2014?

4.7 million

617 - According to the U.S Census Bureau a CMSA is defined as.

any locality with a population of one million people or more

618 - According to the United States Department of Labor about _______ percent of "downsized "employees find new jabs ?


619 - According to the United States Department of Labour about..... percent of "downsized"employees find new jabs.


620 - According to the World Bank Which of these is a middle-income country ?


621 - According to the World Bank which of these is a middle-income country ?


622 - According to the World Bank which of these is a middle-income country?


623 - According to the World Health Organization which of these is NOT a main cause of chronic disease and long-term impairments in developing countries ?

poor education

624 - According to the World Health Organization which of these is NOT a main cause of chronic disease and long-term impairments in developing countries?

poor education

625 - According to theory of capillarity, movement from one class to the other was due to

decline in birth rate

626 - According to theory of social capillarity, people in the cities produce less children because

they have desire to go up.

627 - According to this theory, the people with the most power are seen as the most valuable to society.

Conflict Theory

628 - According to Travis Hirschi's ..... ....., conformity to social norms depends on the presence of strong bonds between individuals and society

control theory

629 - According to United nations estimates by 2025 the worlds average life expectancy will have reached.


630 - According to United nations estimates by 2025 the worlds average life expectancy will have reached_________________?


631 - According to Wallersteins classification, the nations that industrialized first are known as the ..... nations.


632 - According to weber change in religion and economy is callled


633 - According to Weber rationalization meant that_______________?

humans would eventually seek out the most efficient means to accomplish a particular task

634 - According to Weber sentiments and belief's passed from generation to generation is called as


635 - According to Weber the driving force of society was.


636 - According to Weber the driving force of society was_____________?


637 - According to Weber, we all have how many ranks in society?


638 - According to Weber, you belong to the same "class" with someone else if both of you have similar levels of .....

Wealth and income

639 - According to Weeks et al which ONE of the following is a characteristic of gay and lesbian partnerships ?

shared emotional labor

640 - According to Weeks et al which ONE of the following is a characteristic of gay and lesbian partnerships?

shared emotional labour

641 - According to which sociological theory, ideas of individual can change society

Symbolic interactionism

642 - According to which theory two different personality traits that are the counterparts of each other provide a sense of completeness when they are joined?

complementary needs

643 - According to William Sansom, eye contact is another crucial element of

Non verbal communication

644 - According to World Bank in 2030 larger proportion of poor will be living in.


645 - According to World Bank in 2030 larger proportion of poor will be living in_____________?


646 - According to world systems analysis, a nation that has a marginal economic status would be referred to as a nation at the


647 - According to Wright some class locations are contradictory because _______________?

they are impossible for sociologists to measure and classify

648 - According to Wright some class locations are contradictory because.

they are impossible for sociologists to measure and classify

649 - According to Wright some class locations are contradictory because______________?

they are impossible for sociologists to measure and classify

650 - According to your textbook, what do all religions have in common?

a system of beliefs & rituals

651 - According to..... a variety of life experiences can come to be viewed as illnesses or not.

labeling theory

652 - According to________________ theory unique customs develop and persist because they are adaptive?


653 - accurate information

Provides a valid and reliable reflection of reality

654 - Achieved status correlates to what?


655 - Achieved status would be especially important in.

none of the above

656 - Achieved Statuses

a social position that a person attains through personal effort or assumes voluntarily

657 - Achieved statuses result from


658 - achievement of a racial balance in the classroom

school desegregation

659 - Acting out human interactions as theatrical performances is called?


660 - action that produces an intended result

manifest function

661 - Acts committed in violation of the law


662 - Adam Smith was a:

Liberal economist

663 - Addition of new words in a language is a.

Cultural Change

664 - Addition of new words in a language is a______________?

Cultural Change

665 - Addresses macro not micro level phenomena.

Shortcomings of Conflict Theory

666 - Addresses micro not macro-scale phenomena.

Shortcomings of structural functionalism

667 - Addresses the questions of social organizations and how they are obtained.

Structural Functional Theory

668 - Adds to knowledge while dealing with social problems" is

social research

669 - Adequate growth of the economy refers to the goals of.

all of the above

670 - Adivasis often exercised ..... over the plains people


671 - Admiration of power and intolerance of differences is linked to a.

authoritarian personality

672 - Adolf Hitler used this theory to justify the persecution of non-Aryans during the Holocaust.

Social Darwinism

673 - Adopting and adapting other culture traits into your own.


674 - adoption of the ideas of the dominate class by less powerful class

false consciousness

675 - Adult socialization typically.

is less effective and easier to resist than childhood socialization

676 - Advantage of social class is

it helps in locating competent persons for manning important jobs in society.

677 - Advisory committee on social and moral hygiene was set up in 1954 under the chairmanship of

Rukminidevi Arundale

678 - Advocated against social reform efforts to poor people because it disrupts the natural selection process of evolution

Herbert Spencer

679 - Advocates of the elitist approach believe that the ruling elite maintains its power by.

manipulation of the masses

680 - African American concerned with racial discrimination and segregation

W.E.B DuBois

681 - African American educator and social activist

W.E.B. Dubois

682 - African American educator and social activist who focused on the question of race.

W.E.B. Du Bois

683 - African American who accepted segregation and became an educator

Booker T. Washington

684 - African Americans make up about 13% of the population in the United States. Approximately what percent of the inmate population in the U.S. is African American?


685 - African-Americans, co-founded NAACP.

W.E.B Subois

686 - Afte all of the fighting and drama that the kids were creating, some of students chose to ..... themselves from the group.


687 - After a Chinese man was severely beaten by authorities on a United Airlines flight. The media began to circulate stories about this man's past as a way of justifying the crime committed against him. What is this an example of?

Victim Discounting

688 - After constructing the research design, sociologists collect, tabulate or categorize, and analyze data toformulate.....


689 - After death of Comte's who continued development of sociology?

Emile Durkheim

690 - After death of Prophet Muhammad Muslim community split between

2 part

691 - After independence, the community development programme was started in .....


692 - After sociology, Samantha has greater knowledge about the social class system and why it exists as it does. Her greater awareness could be called

class consciousness

693 - After the following description of a concept, find the concept and a correct example from the options below."Behaviour expected of you in specific situations from the society you live in"

Only (A) & (B)

694 - After the following description of a concept, find the concept and a correct example from the options below."Behaviour expected of you in specific situations from the society you live in"(tick 2 boxes - one for concept, one for example)

Only (A) & (B)

695 - After the following description of a concept, find the concept and a correct example from the options below."General beliefs about what is right or wrong, and about the important standards that are worth maintaining and achieving in society"

Only (A) & (B)

696 - After the following description of a concept, find the concept and a correct example from the options below."General beliefs about what is right or wrong, and about the important standards that are worth maintaining and achieving in society" (tick 2 boxes

Only (A) & (B)

697 - After the following description of a concept, find the concept and a correct example from the options below."How individuals see and define themselves and also how others see and define them"

Only (A) & (B)

698 - After the following description of a concept, find the concept and a correct example from the options below."How individuals see and define themselves and also how others see and define them" (tick 2 boxes - one for concept, one for example)

Only (A) & (B)

699 - After the introduction of ....., markets began to act like the key instrument of productive life.


700 - After the study is complete researchers should provide participants with full details about the study.


701 - After the wife went away, the husband was ..... with debts which seemed hard to be settled.


702 - After watching children play, coming to the realization that boys engaged in risk-taking behaviours more often than girls did would be an example of

naturalistic observation

703 - After weeks of protest in Zuccotti Park, NYC's "Occupy Wall Street" divided into two camps: one composed of higher income protestors, and one composed of lower-income protesters. A ..... would be most interested in the relationship and nature of day-to- d

Symbolic interactionists

704 - After what War did the United States take the lead in developing the field of sociology?


705 - After witnessing his criticizing the company in public, his co-workers ostracized him. Ostracize(d) means:

avoided him in the group.

706 - against the basic rules of a group; harmful to the people in a group


707 - Age group that is the most prone to be impoverished


708 - Ageism asserts that.

the young are superior to the old

709 - Agencies of socialisation are


710 - agents of socialization (choose all that apply)

All of the above

711 - Agents of socialization consist of.

none of these

712 - Agents of socialization include which of the following?

All of the above

713 - Aggregate demand is defined as.

the total demand in a society or on a world level for goods and services

714 - Aging is an important phenomenon in developed countries specially ______________?

Both A and B

715 - Aging is an important phenomenon in developed countries specially.

Both a and b

716 - Agrarian social structure is characterized by which of the following? I. Land owner and landless labourers. II. Land owning and businessmen. III. Peasants and village-money lenders. IV. Peasants and crop-sharers. Mark the correct answer from the codes giv


717 - Agrarian societies are based on.

the use of the plow

718 - Agricultural labourers are the best example of

Unorganised Labour

719 - Agricultural society relies on .....

Cultivation of plants and livestock.

720 - Agriculture accounts for 25% value added and _________% of work force?


721 - Agriculture accounts for 25% value added and.....% of work force.


722 - Agriculture and horticulture was developed in.

Fertile crescent Region of Middle East

723 - Agriculture and horticulture was developed in______________?

Fertile crescent Region of Middle East

724 - Agriculture began how many years ago?


725 - Agriculture cannot absorb the population concentration of human activities and settlements around the downtown areas when the residential area shift outward this is called.


726 - Agriculture cannot absorb the population concentration of human activities and settlements around the downtown areas when the residential area shifts outward this is called____________?


727 - Agriculture in industrial nations is now based on.

greater productivity of farms because of mechanization

728 - Aim of social research is


729 - Aim of social research is


730 - Aims for effective practices, focus on social aspect of disease motivated by medical problems not social investigation.

Sociology IN medicine

731 - Air pollution is .....

the addition of any substance that has harmful or toxic effects to air

732 - Aletha had an accident in which she fell into hot cooking grease. Despite many operations and treatments, her face, neck, and hands were forever altered. Regardless of her accomplishments or occupation, many others viewed Aletha's disfigurement as her ...

master status

733 - Alice S. Rossi was professor of Sociology at

University of Massachusetts

734 - Alienation - to suffer a loss or no longer know their own self. Commonly happens in the workplace - labour is sold for a wage and becomes the end focus. People go to work purely for income rather than to take pride. Workers engage in the cut-throat compet

Marx and Engles

735 - All are part of sociology characteristics EXCEPT one.

Institutions are not necessarily value-laden

736 - All aspects of society are interdependent and contribute to society's stability and functioning as a whole is a?

Functionalist perspective

737 - All but WHICH of the following characteristics of humans led to the development of science?

The use of reason

738 - All civilizations are in an endless cycle of three cultural systems this theory was presented by.

Pitirim Sorokin

739 - All civilizations are in an endless cycle of three cultural systems this theory was presented by_____________?

Pitirim Sorokin

740 - All countries pass through various stages of demographic transition. Which one of the following is not such a stage?

Optimum stage

741 - All Culture Patterns together make up .....

A Culture

742 - All cultures are constantly


743 - All early sociologists emphasized that_____________?

sociology should follow scientific method

744 - All factors that can change in an experiment.


745 - All forms of communication designed to meet broad audiences.

Mass Media

746 - All languages encompass and express notions of.

none of the above

747 - All of the following are ascribed statuses except:


748 - All of the following are basic American values EXCEPT:


749 - All of the following are basic elements that make up a culture except.....


750 - All of the following are categories of a group EXCEPT

face to face contact

751 - All of the following are common criteria of prestige EXCEPT

life expectancy.

752 - All of the following are considered a subfield of cultural anthropology except:

Cultural resource management

753 - All of the following are core American values according Robin M. Williams Jr. EXCEPT:

Free time

754 - All of the following are early sociologists except

Sigmund Freud

755 - All of the following are examples of media (print, digital & electronic means of communication) except:

utility patents

756 - All of the following are examples of subcultures EXCEPT .....


757 - All of the following are functions of primary groups EXCEPT

goal oriented

758 - All of the following are later European sociologists EXCEPT:

Karl Marx

759 - All of the following are overall reasons for the development of sociology as a field of study except:

physical upheaval

760 - All of the following are patterns of conflict EXCEPT

Cultural Pluralism

761 - All of the following are possible sources of change in a society EXCEPT:

vested interests

762 - All of the following are prerequisites except what?


763 - All of the following are reasons why Sociology was started during the FRENCH REVOLUTION Except:

Unfair labor practices in factories

764 - All of the following are reasons why Sociology was started during the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Except:

Peasants were protesting

765 - All of the following are social agents EXCEPT


766 - All of the following are social sciences except:


767 - All of the following are sources of resistance to social change except

wars and conquests

768 - All of the following are specific types of feminism, EXCEPT:

Patriarchal feminism

769 - All of the following are the Three Major Sociological perspectives presented in Unit 1 EXCEPT .....

The Sociological Perspective

770 - All of the following are useful purposes that conflict serves except:

social stability

771 - All of the following are ways North America's original settlers displayed their ethnocentric beliefs toward Native Americans except by .....

building villages and living together

772 - All of the following is true of Culture EXCEPT:

It is only a part of some cultures

773 - All of the following make up Freud's theory of the psyche EXCEPT


774 - All of the following were early European sociologists EXCEPT:

Emile Durkheim

775 - All of the following would be considered peers EXCEPT

Tech support

776 - All of the statues a person occupies at any particular time is referred to as their?

Status set

777 - All of the statuses that a person occupies at any particular time

status set

778 - all people having speified characteristics


779 - all people with the characteristics a researcher wants to study


780 - All religions once established consist of.

beliefs rituals and organization

781 - All societies confront three basic economic problems Which of the following is NOT one of them?

determining how much each individual should be paid

782 - All systems of stratification display the following characteristics except.


783 - All the following except one are methods that sociologists use to conduct research

laboratory experiements

784 - All the people with characteristics a researcher wants to study is a .....


785 - All the people with the characteristics that a researcher wants to study.


786 - All the perspectives are.

b and c

787 - All the perspectives are______________?

B and C

788 - All the physical objects, or artifacts, that people make and attach meaning to

material culture

789 - All the shared products of human groups.


790 - All this started to change with development of a second wave of


791 - All trails which form cultural complex

have nothing to do with each other.

792 - All trails which form cultural complex

have nothing to do with each other.

793 - Allows people to see relationships between events in their personal lives and society

social imagination

794 - Al-Muqaddimah" was written by


795 - Also called a closed class system, a social class system in which it is difficult or impossible to move up the social hierarchy.

closed stratification system

796 - Also known as "physical anthropology", this refers to the study of humans as biological organisms including their evolution and contemporary variation.

Biological Anthropology

797 - Alteration is the state of affairs in which.

None of these

798 - Alteration is the state of affairs in which_____________?

None of these

799 - Altercations that occur when the exercise of power meets resistance


800 - Although families sought to know about the reality of the patients' conditions, the patients were less sanguine concerning hospice or end-of-life planning. Sanguiene means

confident and hopeful

801 - Although many Americans speak various languages, English is the principle language of what?

All of the above.

802 - Although there is no requirement concerning attire for the high school tennis team, the members all wear white clothing to competitions. This is an example of group


803 - Amelia doesn't get to spend much time with her daughter because she has to spend a lot of time at work as an executive. This demonstrates a .....

role conflict

804 - Amelia doesn't get to spend much time with her daughter, so she feels conflicted between being an authority figure and a friend. This problem demonstrates a .....

role strain

805 - Amelia ended up getting divorced because she spent too much time at work and was never able to be much of a parent to her daughter. Now she has to get all new friends. This situation demonstrates the problem of .....

role exit

806 - America typically identifies how many social classes?


807 - American Cultural Values" was written by

Conard M. Avensbery and H.Niehoff

808 - American foreign aid after World War II.

boosted international trade

809 - American military policy has been built on.

assured destruction capability

810 - American sociologist who believed the poverty among minorities was due to prejudice and discrimination.

W.E.B. Debois

811 - Americans


812 - Americans are an inventive people with a belief that every problem has a solution and seek to find new and useful ways to do things.

Efficiency & Practicality

813 - Americans are likely to experience culture shock.

when they come in contact with an unfamiliar culture

814 - Americans glorify academic progress and material success. However, most students do not graduate with honors and most citizens are not wealthy. This condition characterizes the difference between ..... and .....

Real culture; ideal culture

815 - Americans proclaim the need for honesty but cheat on their tax returns This situation indicates that.

Americans often follow a covert culture in actual behavior

816 - Americans think we should all have equal opportunity. This is an example of:

Values and Beliefs

817 - Americans who join voluntary associations are generally.


818 - America's largest social class.....

Lower Middle Class

819 - America's social structure is best defined as:

class system

820 - Amjad must finish writing a report for work that is due the next day His son,s school just called and said the child must be picked up from school because he is sick Amjad,s wife is out of town on business As a result Amjad is experiencing ?

role conflict

821 - Amjad must finish writing a report for work that is due the next day His son's school just called and said the child must be picked up from school because he is sick Amjad's wife is out of town on business As a result Amjad is experiencing.

role conflict

822 - Among other things, functionalists compare .....which are apparent and conscious, to ..... that are often unconscious, unintended, or hidden.

manifest functions/ latent functions

823 - Among the approaches that seek to explain the causes of social movements which one states that revolutions are most likely to take place when a prolonged period of social and economic betterment is followed by a period of sharp reversal ?

the deprivation approaches

824 - Among the approaches that seek to explain the causes of social movements which one states that revolutions are most likely to take place when a prolonged period of social and economic betterment is followed by a period of sharp reversal?

the deprivation approach

825 - Among the causes of violence the most probable is/are.

poverty drugs and hopelessness

826 - Among the changes in the family institution which is false?

families have gotten larger

827 - Among the factors that favor individual mobility are.

late marriage

828 - Among the leading causes of divorce are.

none of the above

829 - Among the post structuralists who has focussed on the 'linkage between knowledge and power'?


830 - Among the reason for overturning death penalty verdicts on appeal are.

all of the above

831 - Among which occupational group are infant mortality rates the lowest?


832 - Among which occupational group are infant mortality rates the lowest____________?


833 - amount of money received by an individual or group over a specific period of time


834 - Amount of money received by an individual or group over a specific time period


835 - an .....- is a description of a social phenomenon comprised of that phenomenon's essential characteristics.

ideal type

836 - An abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture is called


837 - An accountant is part of which sector?


838 - An act committed in violation of the law


839 - An action that produces an intended and recognized result

manifest function

840 - An action that rewards a particular kind of behavior

positive sanction

841 - An adequate project plan includes

both of these

842 - An adjective for a person who is very friendly would be .....Also someone who talks all the time in class is described as this too.


843 - an advantage of using questionnaires could be

All of the above

844 - An American Sociologists who believed manifest and latent functions should be considered when studying society

Robert Merton

845 - An answer or statement that must be able to be tested


846 - An anthropologist living with a group of people and engaging in some of their rituals is using the following research method.

participant observation

847 - An anthropologist would probably not study:

Dinosaur bones.

848 - An approach that emphasizes the functions of each part of a society is called


849 - An approach to education based on student-teacher collaboration

integrative curriculum

850 - An approach to human behavior as constructed in interaction and interpreted through culture, stressing the collective attribution of meaning to social life. The most widespread theoretical orientation within interactionism.

symbolic interactionism

851 - An approach to psychology developed by Sigmund Freud whereby a psychologist attempts to resolve a patient's psychological problems by uncovering and discussing the patient's unconscious, unfulfilled, or repressed desires.


852 - An area which is today in the first stage of the demographic transition is the following.

Tropical Africa

853 - An argot is a specialized language used by members of a subculture. Doctors and nurses for example, have developed a language system that is not easily understood by patients but enables medical professionals to communicate more easily, rapidly, and preci


854 - An arrangement where a product is moved from worker to worker, with each person performing a single task in the making of the product.

Assembly Line

855 - An artificially created situation that allows the researcher to manipulate variables and to introduce control variables is known as a(n)


856 - An ascribed status is

assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life

857 - An ascribed status that a person cannot change is.


858 - An association between two variables which is in fact caused by other factor(s) is called a_____________?

spurious correlation

859 - An association between two variables which is in fact caused by other factor(s)is called a.

spurious correlation

860 - An association between two variables which is in fact caused by other factor(s)is called a______________?

spurious correlation

861 - An attempt to control by force, having few rules of conduct?


862 - An attempt to explain problems, actions, or behavior in a comprehensive manner is called a(n):


863 - An attempt to understand the social world by situating social events in their corresponding environment is called.


864 - An attempt to understand the social world by situating social events in their corresponding environment is called_____________?


865 - An automated call that asks 2 questions about the upcoming election is an example of a(n) .....


866 - An automobile accident that involves several people is not a social action unless it

is intentional

867 - An automobile accident that involves several people is not a social action unless itएक ऑà¤Å¸Ã ¥‹Ã ¤®Ã ¥‹Ã ¤¬Ã ¤¾Ã ¤‡Ã ¤² दुर्घà¤Å¸Ã ¤¨Ã ¤¾ à¤Å“िसमें कà¤Ë† लोग शामिल होते हà¥Ë†Ã ¤‚, एक सामाà¤Å“िक क्

is intentionalà¤Å“ानबूझकर

868 - An automobile factory that has manufacturing plants around the world is a(n)


869 - An awareness of the relationship between a person's behavior and experience and the wider culture that shaped the person's choice s and perceptions.

Sociological Imagination

870 - An ecclesia is.

a religious organization that claims total spiritual authority over its members

871 - An ecclesia is___________________?

a religious organization that claims total spiritual authority over its members

872 - An ecological city is.

the central city suburbs and satellites

873 - An economic system in which the government owns several important industries, but much property remains in private hands, and political freedom is widespread is called ..... socialism.


874 - an economic system that states that the means ofproduction should be controlled by everyone


875 - An economic system that tries to stop economic exploitation and businesses are owned collectively.


876 - An economic system where the main goal is profit and businesses are owned by private individuals.


877 - An effective Hypothesis must always be


878 - An effort to present the self well and manage the impression that the audience receives


879 - an emerging stage of the life course between retirement and when people are considered old

transitional older years

880 - An emotional disorder that still allows one to work in society is called a(n).


881 - An empathetic understanding of the meanings others attach to their actions is known as:


882 - An employer is to be obeyed by his or her employees. This is an example of


883 - An Englishwoman, never in good health, she translated Comte's work in English, a friend of Queen Victoria, she toured the United States, one of the first "feminists"

Harriet Martineau

884 - An enumeration of a population is called


885 - An established scholarly research method involves asking a question, researching existing sources, forming a hypothesis, designing and conducting a study, and drawing conclusions.

scientific method

886 - An ethical question is one about what is.....(best answer)

wrong or right

887 - An event occurs as a result of several factors working in combination is called

multiple causation

888 - an examination of large-scale patterns of society

macro-level analysis

889 - An example of ..... would be assuming all African Americans can run fast.


890 - An example of ..... would be being a female.

ascribed status

891 - An example of a (n) ..... status would be being a child of a school teacher.


892 - An example of a basic pivotal institution is.

the family

893 - An example of a category would be.

all the redheads currently imprisoned in the U.S

894 - an example of a gender role is

Men are strong and don't cry

895 - An example of a government generated secondary source of data would be;

The Census

896 - An example of a permanent or enduring subculture would be.

the military establishment

897 - An example of a police officer's ..... is to be respected?


898 - An example of a primary group is .....

a family that has gathered to celebrate a religious holiday.

899 - An example of a rural asset.

All of the above

900 - An example of a state that has had to worry about and defend its very physical existence is.


901 - An example of a student's ..... is to study the material presented by the teacher


902 - An example of a teacher's ..... is to be respected by their students.


903 - An example of a temporary subculture would be.

the MTV generation

904 - an example of a..... would be all the high school football players in the state of Nebraska.


905 - An example of an ascribed status is


906 - An example of assimilation would be

a fast food menu written in English and Spanish

907 - An example of deviance promoting social change in the 1960s.

Civil Rights Movement

908 - An example of High Culture is:

Opera Music

909 - An example of material culture would be .....


910 - An example of nonmaterial culture would be?


911 - An example of polytheism is.


912 - an example of primary groups:


913 - An example of resource versatility is:

land used for both mining and recreation

914 - An example of the caste system would be.....


915 - An example of this is..... The democratic party believes or values that all Americans have the chance to live out their American Dream. Each political party has a platform that includes their ideas, beliefs, and values.


916 - An example of this would be people who live in Iowa.


917 - An example of this would be the physical objects, beliefs, values, and behaviors shared by a group.


918 - An example of unconscious socialization would be.

child absorbing parents attitudes toward race

919 - An example of xenophobia includes which idea?

France banning the hijab or any other kind of head covering that women who are Muslim wear.

920 - an example serving as a model pattern


921 - An example would be traffic lights such as the red light.


922 - An expected behavior associated with a particular status


923 - An expected behavior that is associated with a particular status is a(an)?


924 - An experiment can be defined as.

an attempt to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions

925 - An experiment can be defined as______________?

an attempt to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions

926 - An experiment can be defined as_______________?

an attempt to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions

927 - An experiment in which "participants" unanimously choose the wrong line. It is clear to you that they are wrong, but they have all given the same answer.

Solomon Asch Line Experiment

928 - An experiment is performed on plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth. Each plant in the experiment is given a different liquid; water, apple juice, or milk. Each plant has the same amount of soil, sunlight, and listens to the same music.

Plant growth

929 - An experiment is performed on plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth. Each plant in the experiment is given a different liquid; water, apple juice, or milk. Each plant has the same amount of soil, sunlight, and listens to the same music.

The type of liquid

930 - An expression of disapproval or punishment for breaking a norm is a

Negative sanction

931 - An extreme example of the consequences of ethnocentrism in the sense of ethnochauvinism is.

ethnic cleansing

932 - An extreme form of prejudice that assumes superiority of one racial group over other groups.


933 - An extreme type of coercive organizations is called a(n)

total institution

934 - An idea formulated by Abraham Kuyper, it is the belief that God ordained certain spheres of society, such as the church, family, and state, and that society functions best when each sphere is properly managing its own are of responsibility.

Sphere Sovereignty

935 - an idea or practice that a group of people agree exist

social construct

936 - An identifiable relationship between two variables is a .....?.....


937 - An ideology is.

a set of ideas values and attitudes

938 - An ideology or doctrine spread through persuasion is.


939 - An image of ourselves based on imagining how we appear to other is called

the looking-glass self

940 - an image of ourselves based on imagining how we appear to others.

looking-glass self

941 - An image of yourself as having an identity separate from other people


942 - An image of yourself as having an identity unique from other people is called the

self concept.

943 - An immigrant family started out as factory workers in a developed nation. The children eventually became lawyers and consultants. What kind of social mobility is this?


944 - An important aspect of labelling theory is the recognition that some people or groups have the power to define labels and apply them to others This view recalls the emphasis placed on the social significance of power by the.

conflict perspective

945 - An important aspect of labelling theory is the recognition that some people or groups have the power to define labels and apply them to others This view recalls the emphasis placed on the social significance of power by the______________?

conflict perspective

946 - An important characteristic of a minority is that

it is dominated by the majority.

947 - An in-depth examination of a single group, problem, or community is known as a/an:

Case Study

948 - An indicator of people's attitudes or behaviour is called


949 - An individual asks you open-ended questions about your spending habits and the stores you visit. Which type of research is this?

an interview

950 - An individual learns to be a human being by.


951 - An individual that helps shape who you are, is called

Significant Other

952 - An individual tool, act, or behavior that relates to a particular situation or need.

Culture Traits

953 - an individual who breaks the law


954 - an individual who significantly influences someone else

significant other

955 - An individual, group, or social interaction undertaken in an effort to receive a reward in return for actions.


956 - An individual's ..... consists partially of cultural practices that he or she may or may not chose to embrace.


957 - An infant's cries for help.

are instrumental in cementing the mother-infant bonding

958 - An infant's personality can be molded and shaped at will is a description of:

tabula rasa

959 - An influencing issue related to observation studies is

Observer effect

960 - An influential New Right thinker and an American political scientist:

Charles Murray

961 - An innovation is most quickly accepted when its usefulness can be easily


962 - An innovation is most quickly accepted when its usefulness can be easily


963 - An instance of focused interaction is called.

an Encounter

964 - An instance of focused interaction is called______________?

an Encounter

965 - An instance of focused interaction is called_________________?

an Encounter

966 - An institution to express belief in a divine power


967 - An instructor wants to determine if giving essay tests increases student learning In one class that the instructor teaches she continues to test as she has always done In another class She then measures the differences in learning if any between the two c

experimental group

968 - An instructor wants to determine if giving essay tests increases student learning In one class that the instructor teaches she continues to test as she has always done In another class She then measures the differences in learning if any between the two c

experimental group

969 - An instructor wants to determine if giving essay tests increases student learning one class that the instructor teaches she continues to test as she has always done In another class she gives the students essay questions She then measures the differences

experimental group

970 - An instructor wants to determine if giving essay tests increases student learning one class that the instructor teaches she continues to test as she has always done In another class she gives the students essay s She then measures the differences in learn

experimental group

971 - An instrument or procedure, when repeatedly used under similar conditions, gives the same result, it refers to


972 - An integrated whole where parts and institutions work to hold it all together, sometime it falls apart and things do not function well


973 - An intended and recognized consequences of some element of society are:

Manifest functions

974 - An intended consequence of a situation.


975 - An intensive analysis of a person, group, event, or problem is:

Case study

976 - An intensive study of an individual or a small group is made by using the following research method.

case study

977 - An interview would be a type of

qualitative research

978 - An interviewer asks you to name your three favorite ways to spend your leisure time. This is an example of a (an) ..... question.


979 - An invention cannot be completed

unless the cultural base provides the necessary preceding inventions and discoveries.

980 - An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity is known as

a glass ceiling

981 - An object, gesture, sound, image, or design that represents something other than itself


982 - An Observation, Questionnaire and Interviews are examples of what type of research?


983 - An ongoing process of social interaction in specific settings based on symbolic communications individual perceptions of reality are variable and changing is known as

Both A and B

984 - An open question gives respondents the opportunity to what?

All of the above

985 - An open society is one that.

allows people to move between levels of the hierarchy

986 - An open society is one that_____________?

allows people to move between levels of the hierarchy

987 - an organization specifically created to influencepolitical decision making

interest group

988 - An overall scheme of scientific activities which scientists engage in order to produce knowledge is a.

Research design

989 - An overall scheme of scientific activities which scientists engage in order to produce knowledge is a________________?

Research design

990 - An oversimplified, exaggerated, and unfavorable generalization about a group of people is known as


991 - An unchanging, biologically basis of all social behavior.


992 - An unchanging, biologically inherited behavior pattern.


993 - An understood rule for accepted and expected behavior is a


994 - An undesirable label that may adversely affect a person


995 - An unintended and [blank] consequence of some element of society is called a latent function


996 - An unjustifiable (and usually negative) attitude toward a group and its members. involves stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings, and a predisposition to discriminatory action


997 - Analyze difference, culture positions and understandings of equality of cultures is called as


998 - Analyzed society in terms of the INTERDEPENDENCE between groups

Emile Durkheim

999 - Analyzed the social structure of black community in early 20th century

W.E.B. Du Bois

1000 - Analyzing the behaviors of individuals and the society as a whole is called.....



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