Sociology Most Important and Repeated MCQs in Job Test Set.9

1 - Tensions that exist in society.

Class Conflict

2 - Term that refers to rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms


3 - Terrorism is defined as .....?

using violence or threat of to gain political power

4 - Terrorist groups differ from liberation organizations in that.

they do not organize the masses on a large scale

5 - terse comment

response which is brief and to the point

6 - Test data on the basis of philosophy is

philosophical method

7 - Testable statement of relationships among variables


8 - Textbooks, computers, pencils, paper would all be part of the cultural complex for what?


9 - Th market model of state welfare is based on the principle of.

individuals buying welfare privately with some means-tested benefits

10 - Th market model of state welfare is based on the principle of_____________?

individuals buying welfare privately with some means-tested benefits

11 - The "Aag Ka Darya" is written by

Aga Khan

12 - The "back-to-basics" movement came about because

many adults became concerned that students were not learning important subjects like reading and writing.

13 - The "dependent variable" is also known as

Responding variable

14 - The "Father of Sociology"

Auguste Comte

15 - The "feminization of poverty " refers to.

the fact that female-headed households are usually poor

16 - The "hippy" movement of the 1960s is an example of .....


17 - The "I" is described as:

Spontaneous and creative.

18 - The "invisible hand" refers to.

a feature of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations

19 - The "Looking Glass Self"

Charles Horton Cooley

20 - The "looking-glass self" essentially explains ?

our imagination of how others see us

21 - The "me" and the "I" refer to what concept?

Generalized Other

22 - The "me" is described as

The social self.

23 - The "me" part of the Generalized other has which of the following components?

All of the above

24 - The "natural law" approach is essentially concerned with__________________?

the protection of universal human rights

25 - The "nature" argument suggests that people socialize and behave in certain ways because of

the way they are born

26 - The "New Class" is characterized as consisting of.

professionals with skills important in the information society

27 - The "parts of society" that exist do so because they perform a needed function.


28 - The "real revolution " of the last twenty years according to one sociologist refers to.

women's lack of interest in marriage

29 - The "significant others" of Mead's theory are.

important because they provide the initial role models

30 - The ..... Article provides for the establishment of minority educational institutions.

Article 30

31 - The ..... Article says free and compulsory education to all children between 6 to 14 years.

Article 21 A

32 - The ..... Article tells about right to speak and right to express one's opinion.

Article 19

33 - The ..... can be directly attributed to the digital divide, because differential ability to access the internet leads directly to a differential ability to use the knowledge found on the Internet.

knowledge gap

34 - The ..... city is one in which global finance and electronic information dominate.


35 - The ..... is the government's measure of official poverty, based on the cost of a minimal diet for a family multiplied by three.

poverty line

36 - The ..... is the unsocialized, spontaneous, self-interested component of personality and self-identity.


37 - The ..... measures the value of economic activity within a country.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

38 - The ..... of early humans probably included a belief that everything in nature had a spirit, including rocks, trees, and animals.


39 - The ..... perspective emphasizes the social contexts in which people live.


40 - The ..... perspective views society as a system of interdependent and interrelated parts.


41 - The ..... professor at the college taught students about the ways in which people in a society get along.


42 - The ..... sector is the part of the economy that takes and uses raw materials directly from the natural environment; its activities include agriculture, fishing, forestry, and mining.


43 - The ..... sector of the economy transforms raw materials into finished products and is essentially the manufacturing industry.


44 - The ..... sets forth the principles and ethical standards that underlie sociologists' professional responsibilities and conduct.

ASA's Code of Ethics

45 - The ..... system produces, distributes, and consumes goods and services.


46 - The ..... uses objective, systematic observations to test theories.

scientific method

47 - The ..... variable drives the outcome


48 - The ..... was created to help struggling veterans find housing and work.


49 - The ..... was famous for her spending habbits and always having the best of everything.


50 - The ..... was formed to help parents and teachers better serve the needs of the children in the community.


51 - The ....., according to Marx, were the workers who were oppressed by those who owned the means of production.


52 - The ....., an European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries, emphasised reason and individualism.


53 - The ....., as viewed by Freud, is the balancing mechanism in our personality.


54 - The .....perspective focuses on how individuals act with one another in daily situations.

Symbolic Interactionist

55 - The [blank] is a research principle that is concerned with achieving the greatest possible benefit with the least possible harm

code of ethics

56 - The ____ is the increase or decrease that results from immigration or emigration per 1000 member of the population in a given year ?

net migration rate

57 - The _______ is the number of deaths per 1000 inhabitants in specific age group ?

age-specific death rate

58 - The 11+ exam selects pupils for

Grammar School

59 - The 3 Stages of Role-Taking is associated with


60 - The 60 Minutes Rise of the Rest story best relates too.....

All the above

61 - The 7 steps for doing research, in order, are:

Identify the problem, Review the literature, Formulate hypotheses, Develop research design, Collect data, Analyze data, State findings and Conclusions

62 - The abbreviation "NIMBY" stands for "not in my backyard " a cry often heard when people protest.

all of the above

63 - The abbreviation "NIMBY" stands for "not in my backyard" a cry often heard when people protest____________?

all of the above

64 - The ability of a social actor control the actions of others, either directly or indirectly


65 - The ability of a sociologist to connect broad, abstract phenomena to personal experiences:

Sociological Imagination

66 - The ability of individuals to see the relationship between events in their lives and events in society.Your connection to a personal item may differ from societies.

Sociological Imagination

67 - The ability of individuals to see the relationship between events in their personal lives and events in their society.

Sociological Imagination

68 - the ability of the individual to see the relationship between events in their personal lives and events in society

sociological imagination

69 - The ability to achieve goals without opposition is called what?


70 - The ability to carry out your will and impose it on others is called?


71 - The ability to control others.


72 - the ability to control the behavior of others


73 - The ability to control the behavior of others, with or without their consent is.....


74 - The ability to exercise one's will over others is called


75 - The ability to influence others to do your will


76 - The ability to look beyond individuals as the only cause of success and failure in society.

Sociological perspective

77 - The ability to see and connect your social environment to your life

social imagination

78 - The ability to see connections between the larger world and yourself

Sociological Imagination

79 - The ability to see the connection between the larger social world and our own personal lives is known as .....

Sociological imagination

80 - The ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal lie.

Sociological imagination

81 - The ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal life is what sociologist C. Wright Mills called

the sociological imagination

82 - The ability to see the connections between the larger world and your personal life is called

sociological imagination

83 - The ability to see the link between society and self is Self imagination Sociological imagination Sociological patterns Perspective patterns

Socilogical imagination

84 - The ability to see the link between society and self.

Sociological Imagination

85 - The ability to understand relationships between what is happening in people's personal lives and the social forces that surround them is

Sociological Imagination

86 - The abolitionist movement sought the abolition of.


87 - The absolute poverty line is drawn to show.

the estimated minimum level of income needed for subsistence

88 - The absolute poverty line is drawn to show_____________?

the estimated minimum level of income needed for subsistence

89 - The acceptance of preventive medicine is an example of the process that Parsons called.

value generalization

90 - The acceptance of preventive medicine is an example of the process that Parsons called______________?

value generalization

91 - The act of attempting to achieve a particular outcome through concentrating and mediating upon that outcome.


92 - The act of moving from one social class to another is termed as.

social mobility

93 - The act of moving from one social class to another is termed as_____________?

social mobility

94 - The act of taking for granted or supposing


95 - the act of wandering away from the main topic or purpose in speaking or writing


96 - The act of working together


97 - The action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reason.


98 - The action of doing something that is different from the usual or common way of behaving.


99 - The action of treating people differently based on ethnicity, race, religion, or culture is:


100 - The activity of measuring and explaining the size of populations is know as_______________?


101 - The activity of measuring and explaining the size of populations is known as.


102 - The activity of measuring and explaining the size of populations is known as___________________?


103 - The actual behavior of an individual in a role

Role Performance

104 - The actual conduct involved in carrying out a role

role performance

105 - The actual or threatened use of coercion to impose one's will on others is called


106 - The adage that it's not what you know it,s who you know emphasizes the importance of connections This is most relevant to the concept of____________?

Social capital

107 - The adage that it's not what you know it's who you know emphasizes the importance of connections This is most relevant the concept of.

social capital

108 - The adage that its not what you know its who you know emphasizes the importance of connections This is most relevant the concept of________________?

social capital

109 - The Adolesceni Society to Clausen" is written by


110 - The Adolescent Society to Clausen" is about

descriptions of sub-cultures of Pakistan

111 - The adoption of North American lifestyles by Caribbean youth through the influence of the media is an example of


112 - The advantage of this descriptive method of research is that it creates an immense amount of data to be gathered quickly and inexpensively.


113 - The agent of socialization that transmits how the Duggars' date is:


114 - The agent of socialization that transmits how we celebrate birthdays is:

The Family.

115 - The agents of socialisation are

all of these

116 - The agents of socialisation are

all of these

117 - the Aim of research should always be to

all of the above

118 - The allocation of tasks to particular individuals who specialize in performing them is referred to as.

division of labor

119 - The al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks on American targets on 11th September 2001 In what year did al-Qaeda bomb a nightclub on the Indonesian island of Bali Killing more than 200 people ?


120 - The al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks on American targets on 11th September 2001 In what year did al-Qaeda bomb a nightclub on the Indonesian island of Bali Killing more than 200 people?


121 - The American democratic system is based on.

all of the above

122 - The American emphasis on time is shown through its usage of terms Era, Movement, Interim, Century, etc. this is an example of which principle?

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

123 - The Amish in American society would be an example of a


124 - The Amish rejection of modern methods and embracing older more traditional methods of farming refers to what component of Culture?


125 - The amount of money in a person's bank account, the cars a person owns, and the house the person lives in are examples of which dimension of social stratification?


126 - The and purpose of Evolutionary theory is.

A perfect man in a perfect society

127 - The and purpose of Evolutionary theory is_____________?

A perfect man in a perfect society

128 - The annual income for people in the underclass is in the ..... range.

$15,000 or less

129 - The anthropological term for the process by which culture traits are spread from one culture to another through direct long-term contact.


130 - The anthropologist George Murdock believes that the family.

has functions fundamental to human life

131 - The Apology (2008) by Kevin Rudd is more so focused on:

Symbolic reconciliation

132 - The application of evolutionary notions and the concept of the survival of the fittest to society is called.

Social Darwinism

133 - The application of evolutionary notions and the concept of the survival of the fittest to society is called_______________?

Social Darwinism

134 - The application of rules and regulations in an unimaginative and mechanical fashion refers to.

trained incapacity

135 - The application of rules and regulations in an unimaginative and mechanical fashion refers to_____________?

trained incapacity

136 - The application of the scientific approach to the social world (Comte)


137 - the application of the scientific method to the social world


138 - The approach to crime prevention based on increased surveillance (such as CCTV and Neighborhood Watch schemes) and target hardening (such as a car immobilizers and better home security ) is known as what?

situational crime prevention

139 - The approach to crime prevention based on increased surveillance (such as CCTV and Neighborhood Watch schemes) and target hardening (such as a car immobilizers and better home security) is known as what ?

situational crime prevention

140 - The approximately 2 million Native Americans represent a diverse array of cultures distinguishable by.

all of the above

141 - The approximately 2 million Native Americans represent a diverse array of cultures distinguishable by_____________?

all of the above

142 - The argument between genetic characteristics versus environment and social learning

nature vs nurture

143 - The argument that in some situations the government had to "prime the pump" was advanced by.

John Maynard Keynes

144 - The Article 17 of the Indian Constitution prohibits


145 - The attempt to develop an understanding that goes behind surface appearances to ask why and how events happen or conditions persist whether social conditions could be changed, and in which different ways a given problem can be conceptualized.

critical thinking

146 - The attitude of some Americans toward the minorities in their midst shows.

the importance of culture

147 - The author of "Positive Philosophy" is

Auguste Comte

148 - The authority of the President of the United States resides in the office of the presidency, not in the individual who happens to be President. As such, the authority of the President of the United States is most likely to be classified as ..... authority


149 - The authors explain that feminist research methodology.

is an approach to research which emphasizes inclusion fairness and humaneness

150 - The authors explain that feminist research methodology_____________?

is an approach to research which emphasizes inclusion fairness and humaneness?

151 - The average CEO's salary in 2005 was:

262 times that of the average workers

152 - The average number of live-born children produced by women of childbearing age in a particular society, called

Fertility Rate

153 - The awareness that allows people to comprehend the link between their immediate, personal social settings and the remote, impersonal social world is called

sociological imagination

154 - The balance-of-power system in which four of more major powers competed and formed shifting alliances to avoid any one becoming stronger than any other was called the:

multipolar system

155 - The basic assertion of ageism is that.

the young are superior to the old

156 - The basic components of the state include ALL BUT WHICH of the following?

Armed services

157 - The basic difference between classical and modern sociological perspectives is visible in the

Silent shift from macro to micro theoretical perspective

158 - The basic elements of social bonds are attachment, commitment, ....., and belief.


159 - The basic premise of the Davis-Moore thesis is that the unequal distribution of rewards in social stratification:

serves a purpose in society

160 - the basic principle behind sampling methods is that

it should represent the target population

161 - The basic purpose of social institution is

All the above

162 - The basis of 'common sense' knowledge is .....

general understanding

163 - The basis of the community is

common locality

164 - The behavior expected of one who holds a particular status is usually termed as_____________?


165 - The behavior expected of someone occupying a particular status.


166 - The behavior of an individual firm is part of.


167 - The behavior of groups that results from the interactions of individual group members.

Social Dynamics

168 - the behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females


169 - The behaviors that come with statuses are


170 - The behaviors, customs, and norms associated with a class are known as:

class traits

171 - The behaviour expected of one who holds a particular status is usually termed as.


172 - The behaviours, obligations, and privileges attached to social status is known as

Social role

173 - The belief and feeling that predisposes one to respond in a particular way to objects, people and events?


174 - The belief in and worship of a superhuman God or Gods with controlling power


175 - The belief in biological determinism of sex roles.

is based on the wrong assumption that biological differences indicate superiority or inferiority

176 - The belief in caring for others over yourself is an example of:

Non-Material Culture

177 - The belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group:


178 - The belief that all human beings have an innate predisposition toward submitting to Allah and acting morally.


179 - The belief that conformity to a single language helps to unify members of a society reflects which sociological perspective?

functionalist perspective

180 - The belief that cultures should be judged by their own standards is known as:

cultural relativism

181 - The belief that cultures should be judged by their own standards rather than by applying the standards of another culture

Cultural Relativism

182 - The belief that decisions are best handled at the organizational or societal level closest to the issues or persons affected.


183 - The belief that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to succeed is


184 - The belief that human beings are composed of a single substance.

Mind/Body Monism

185 - The belief that human beings are composed of immaterial minds and material bodies.

Mind/Body Dualism

186 - The belief that human beings are social constructions without any singular identifiable essence, nature, or soul.

Decentered self

187 - The Belief that joblessness can predictably lead to starvation is an example of.....


188 - The belief that one race is supreme, is called


189 - The belief that racism is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and can result in the thought of superiority over another race.


190 - The belief that society is made of functional parts that act together as a whole


191 - The belief that your children should have a better life than you, and that science should work to give you a more comfortable life than those that came before you shows that we value.....


192 - The beliefs and behaviors that a social group shares is known as:


193 - The beliefs and behaviors that a social group shares is known as:एक सामाà¤Å“िक समूह द्à¤ÂµÃ ¤¾Ã ¤°Ã ¤¾ साझा किए à¤Å“ाने à¤ÂµÃ ¤¾Ã ¤²Ã ¥‡ à¤ÂµÃ ¤¿Ã ¤¶Ã ¥Ã ¤ÂµÃ ¤¾Ã ¤¸ और à¤ÂµÃ ¥Ã ¤¯Ã ¤ÂµÃ ¤¹Ã ¤¾Ã ¤° के रूà¤Âª में à¤


194 - The beneficial consequences of people's actions are known as:

A Function

195 - The Beriln 1936 Olympics saw this man upset the Aryan superiority claims of the Nazis:

Jesse Owens

196 - The best approach to understand why a dominant group practices its position of power on minorities is:

Conflict theory

197 - The best definition of a social group is:

two or more persons who meet and interact with each other on a regular basis to achieve a common goal

198 - The best definition of an institution is

applies to both social norms such as customs or established behaviour patterns as well as established organizations that have endured over time

199 - The best example of a secondary group is .....

a Microsoft Corporation awards banquet.

200 - The best research method for analyzing church attendance patterns in the South following the Civil War would be

secondary analysis

201 - The biggest difference between the theories of Freud and Erikson is that Erikson believed ?

That culture rather than biology plays the biggest part in socialization

202 - The biological basis of human personality derives from.

all of the above

203 - The biological explanations of deviance include.

all of the above

204 - The biological inheritance of traits is


205 - The birthplace of sociology is generally considered to be.


206 - The birthplace of sociology is generally considered to be_______________?


207 - The Black movement to the urban North from the rural South was similar to.

immigration from Europe

208 - The blended family.

is made up of natural parents stepparents natural children and stepchildren

209 - The blended or reconstituted family.

only a and b

210 - The blending of culturally distinct groups into a single group with a common culture and identity is called.....


211 - The blending or fusing of the minority groups into the dominant society is known as.....


212 - The body of facts and beliefs people accumulate over time.


213 - The book "Anthropology" was written by

Ogburn and Nimkoff

214 - The book "Street Corner Society" was authored by

William F. Whyte

215 - The book "Suicide" was written in


216 - The book "Suicide" was written in


217 - The book 'Folkways' was written by


218 - The borrowing of aspects of culture from other cultures such as food.....


219 - The bourgeoisie are to the proletariat as

owners are to workers.

220 - The bourgeoisie were able to rule society and make inequality acceptable because they controlled the economy and creation of ideas. Creates a situation whereby the majority of people agree to their ideas without question. The rich can rule society because


221 - The branch of sociology emphasizing the analysis of concrete interpersonal encounters and the use of this analysis explain broader social patterns. (See Symbolic Interactionism)


222 - The breakdown of norms governing accepted social behaviour.


223 - The Bretton Woods institutions are.

The international Monetary Fund and the World Bank

224 - The Bretton Woods institutions are______________?

The international Monetary Fund and the World Bank

225 - The Bretton Woods institutions are_______________?

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

226 - The British Social Attitudes survey (2016)'s results suggests.....

.....that people's class identity is influenced by their family background and educational attainments



228 - The bystander effect (diffusion of responsibility to others)

Genovese Effect

229 - The cameras took many pictures of the ..... as they came out of the limousine.


230 - The capitalist class of the mid-twentieth century were said to join the upper class because them___________?

owned companies and financial assets that generated wealth through corporations

231 - The capitalist class of the mid-twentieth century were said to join the upper class because they.

owned companies and financial assets that generated wealth through corporations

232 - The captain of a football team, the president of the Yorkville National Honors Society, and leader of a religious organization have all increased which dimension of social stratification?


233 - The career mobility of married women is still greatly handicapped by.

household duties

234 - The career mobility of married women is still greatly handicapped by_____________?

household duties

235 - The career mobility of married women is still greatly handicapped by_______________?

household duties

236 - The case histories of Anna, Isabelle, and Genie showed

how important socialization is to development

237 - The case of Anna is an example of which of the following?

Extreme isolation

238 - The case of the former Soviet Union supports Kerr et al,s (1960) claims that___________?

totalitarian regimes are incompatible with the requirements of advanced industrial technology

239 - The case of the former Soviet Union supports Kerr et al's (1960) claims that.

totalitarian regimes are incompatible with the requirements of advanced industrial technology

240 - The cases of Anna, Isabelle, Genie, and the institutionalized infants show that social and psychological development requires

human interaction

241 - The caste system in India is an example of what kind of stratification?


242 - The caste system is generally associated with.


243 - The caste system is generally associated with______________?


244 - The categories used by researchers to pigeonhole people into social classes.

tend to be arbitrary and artificial

245 - The cause of freedom is served according to democratic capitalists when.

everyone has the chance to become a millionaire

246 - The centering on one's own culture while ignoring the rest.


247 - The central point of a culture is


248 - The central point of a culture is


249 - The changes caused by the Industrial Revolution, such as people moving from farms to cities, is an example of social


250 - The changes in people's behavior that result from their knowledge of being observed is called:

Hawthorne Effect

251 - the changing, biologically inherited behavior patterns each person has.


252 - The chapter-opening account of passenger deaths that accompanied the sinking of the ocean liner Titanic shows:

that social stratification can sometimes be a matter of life and death.

253 - The chief Architect of Indian Constitution is.....

Dr B R Ambedkar

254 - The chief reason that Congress is so ineffective is.

the traditional organization of the legislative branch

255 - The child watching Rookie and doing the exercises with the movies is in what stage:


256 - The children are very quiet. They videos all morning.

have been watching

257 - The choice of problems is always somewhat dependent on the availability of


258 - The circular nature of the economic process occurs from.

household to firm to consumer and back again

259 - The civil rights movement in the United States was a.

reform movement

260 - The civilian labor force consists of:

all noninstitutionalized civilians 16 years of age or older who work for pay or are looking for work.

261 - The civilisation which found in outlying regions and mountains is


262 - The civilisation which found in small communities and cities is


263 - The claim that religion is declining in importance is known as the

secularisation thesis

264 - The claim that social position reflects how able and hard working individuals are is commonly made in:

class systems.

265 - The class polarization that Marx predicted referred to.

a growing gap between rich and poor resulting in class consciousness

266 - The class polarization that Marx predicted referred to________________?

a growing gap between rich and poor resulting in class consciousness

267 - The classic definition of culture is given by anthropologist

Tylor Reads

268 - The classic definition of culture is given by anthropologist

Tylor Reads

269 - The classic sociological study of two juvenile groups called the "Saints" and the "Roughnecks" was conducted by______________?


270 - The classic textbook model of democracy is referred to as the.

majoritarian model

271 - The classical conservative approach to stratification is that.

inequality is the law of nature

272 - The classical neoclassical monetarist Keynesian refers to the discipline of.


273 - The classification of in-group and out-group was given by


274 - The classification of people according to shared traits or a common status.

Social Category

275 - The 'Close the Gap' campaign is more so focused on:

Practical reconciliation

276 - The Close the Gap campaign is:

A health campaign led by Indigenous groups and organisations (Indigenous and non-Indigenous) whose aim is to achieve health equality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. They call on the government to take action (through providing services and f

277 - The close-knit social relationships common in preindustrial societies that result when a small group of people share the same values and perform the same tasks.

Mechanical solidarity

278 - The coexistence of diverse groups is called.


279 - The coexistence of diverse groups is called_______________?


280 - The cognitive component of culture.

includes knowledge beliefs and technology

281 - The collection of all of the people who witnessed a train accident make up a(n)

social aggregate

282 - The collection of roles that goes with a given status is termed as

Role set

283 - The 'collective bargaining' usually centre around

Share in profit, job security and good working conditions

284 - The collective value of all social networks (who people know) and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other (the norms of reciprocity) is called ____________ ??

Social Capital

285 - The collective value of all social networks(who people know)and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other (the norms of reciprocity) is called.

Social Capital

286 - The combination of a number of culture complexes into an interrelated whole.

Culture Patterns

287 - The communism developed in USSR and china is.

opposite to Marxian view

288 - The communism developed in USSR and china is_______________?

opposite to Marxian view

289 - The Communist Manifesto was written by.

Friedrich Engels and karl Marx

290 - The Communist Manifesto was written by____________?

Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx

291 - The Communist Manifesto was written by_______________?

Friedrich Engels and karl Marx

292 - The comparative study of past and present cultures.


293 - The comparative study of various aspects of past and present cultures.


294 - The complete set of cases from which samples may be drawn is called a(n)


295 - The complex is intermediate between


296 - The compulsion of proximity describes.

wanting to meet face-to-face whenever possible

297 - The compulsion of proximity describes____________?

wanting to meet face-to-face whenever possible

298 - The compulsion of proximity describes_______________?

wanting to meet face-to-face whenever possible

299 - The concept anomie, together with the concept that it is a trait conspicuous of town life was originated by


300 - The concept anomie, together with the concept that it is a trait conspicuous of town life was originated by


301 - The concept hidden curriculum can be defined as:

A type of nonacademic knowledge that one learns through informal learning and cultural transmission.

302 - The concept of ..... is incorporated in each of the three major theoretical perspectives


303 - The concept of collective consumption is most closely associated with.


304 - The concept of collective consumption is most closely associated with______________?


305 - The concept of collective consumption is most closely associated with______________?


306 - The concept of cultural lag was developed by


307 - The concept of deviance refers to.

departure from social norms

308 - The concept of human inequality.

underlies fascism

309 - The concept of 'imperatively coordinated associations' was contributed by

Ralph Dahrendorf

310 - The concept of internalized attitudes, expectations, and viewpoints of society is the

Generalized other

311 - The concept of internalized expectations, ans viewpoints of society is the

generalized other

312 - The concept of primary group was introduced by:


313 - The concept of race is consistent across cultures.

Race is inconsistent enough that one can switch races by crossing a border.

314 - The concept of 'rationalization' came from.....

Max Weber

315 - The concept of social capillarity in studying population was used by


316 - The concept of 'Wert-rational' is associated with whom?

M. Weber

317 - The concept that our perception of situations, regardless of the accuracy of our perceptions, lead to real decisions and consequences.

The Thomas Theorem

318 - The concepts in a hypothesis are stated as______________?


319 - The concepts of protestant and Bourgeois were presented by.

Karl Marx

320 - The concepts of protestant and Bourgeois were presented by_______________?

Karl Marx

321 - The condition of an increase in prices NOT triggered by an increase in demand is called.


322 - The condition that results when underlying social forces bind people together

social solidarity

323 - The conflict Perspective is mostly based upon the work of.

Karl Marx

324 - The conflict Perspective is mostly based upon the work of______________?

Karl Marx

325 - The conflict perspective would note that.

Multinational corporations based in industrialized countries have reaped significant profits dumping unapproved drugs on unsuspecting Third World countries.

326 - The conflict perspective would note that____________?

Multinational corporations based in industrialized countries have reaped significant profits dumping unapproved drugs on unsuspecting Third World countries.

327 - The conflict perspective would note that____________?

Multinational corporations based in industrialized countries have reaped significant profits by "dumping" unapproved drugs on unsuspecting Third World countries

328 - The Conflict Theory focuses on .....

Disagreements between groups

329 - The conflict theory holds that stratification exists because.

it benefits individuals and groups who have the power to dominate and exploit others

330 - The conflict theory holds that stratification exists because____________?

its benefits individuals and groups who have the power to dominate and exploit others

331 - The conflict theory of inequality is based on the work of.

Karl Marx

332 - The conscious and rational part of the self is.


333 - The conscious and rational part of the self is______________?


334 - The conscious awareness of possessing a distinct identity


335 - The conscious awareness of possessing a distinct identity that separates one from other members of society


336 - The consequences that harm a society are known as:

A Dysfunction

337 - The Constitution of India allows afirmative action through ..... in education and employment.


338 - The continent which is gradually increasing in population is


339 - The corporate media that controlled cultural production and encouraged passivity and consumption is know as:

The Culture Industry

340 - The 'correspondence principle' (Bowles & Gintis) suggests that:

Schools prepare children for work by teaching them to be obedient

341 - The correspondence principle (Bowles & Gintis) suggests that_______________?

schools prepare children for work by teaching them to be obedient

342 - The correspondence principle (Bowles & Gintis) suggests that________________?

schools prepare children work by teaching them to be obedient

343 - The cottage or putting-out system refers to:

The fact that in early industrialization work was done in the home

344 - The Course of Positive Philosophy published between

1830 and 1842

345 - The Course of Positive Philosophy published between

1830 and 1842

346 - The Course of Positive Philosophy published in

six volumes

347 - The Course of Positive Philosophy published in

six volumes

348 - The creative potential of personality is accounted for by.

Trait psychology

349 - The creative potential of personality is accounted for by______________?

Trait psychology

350 - The creator of positivism, or the scientific study of social patterns.

Auguste Comte

351 - The crowd at a religious revival meeting is.


352 - The crude birth rate:

is the number of live births per 1000 members of a population in a given year

353 - The crude birth rate______________?

is the number of live births per 1000 members of a population in a given year

354 - The crude birthrate is the.

number of births per thousand people per year

355 - The crude birthrate is.

an important demographic concept

356 - The Cuban community in Miami is an example of.


357 - the cultural patterns of a society's elite

High Culture

358 - The Culture of Narcissism was written by

Christopher Lasch.

359 - The culture which consists of ideas is

non-material culture

360 - The culture within a society have some

norms and values

361 - The culture within a society have some

norms and values

362 - The current debate on sociobiology focuses on the work of Harvard University zoologist.

Edward O.Wilson

363 - The current debate on sociobiology focuses on the work of Harvard University zoologist___________?

Edward O.Wilson

364 - The current level of urbanization 32% in Pakistan is in SAARC Countries ?


365 - The current level of urbanization 32% in Pakistan is in SAARC Countries.


366 - The current Palestinians are a.

nation without a state

367 - The current transitional period in which there is uncertainty as to what will happen to political parties is termed.


368 - The current trend in the social sciences is toward.

using whatever technique seems best to fit

369 - The customary normal and habitual ways a group does things are called.


370 - The customary normal and habitual ways a group does things are called_____________?


371 - The customs, arts, social institutions and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group


372 - The cyberpunk movement, anarchists, organized crime families, and the hippie movement are examples of .....


373 - The data gathered in a research project is

both of these

374 - The daughter of a carpenter that goes to Harvard for medicine and eventually get her P.h.d is an example of which type of mobility?


375 - The Davis-Moore thesis states which of the following?

Social stratification performs an important function in society.

376 - The decentralized city can be identified by.

all of the above

377 - The decentralized city can be identified by____________?

all of the above

378 - The decentralized city can be identified by______________?

all of the above

379 - The decentralized city can be identified by______________?

all of the above

380 - The decision to send arms to Iran made by the National Security Council during the Reagan presidency was an example of the following type of foreign policy.


381 - The decline of unskilled factory jobs has increased black unemployment The situation is a result of.

structural discrimination

382 - The definition of meritocracy is.....

A social system, society, or organization in which people get success or power because of their abilities, not because of their wealth or social position.

383 - The definition of normative influence is.....

Conforming to what other people are doing so you can be accepted and avoid social ridicule

384 - The degree of attachment people have to social groups or to society as a whole is.....

Social Integration

385 - The degree to which a society is unified

social solidarity

386 - the degree to which a society is unified or can hold itself together in the face of obstacles.

Social Solidarity

387 - the degree to which a sociological measure accurately reflects the topic of study


388 - the degree to which people feel a part of social groups

social integration

389 - the degree to which people feel a part of social groups (Durkheim)

Social Integration

390 - The degree to which the parts of a culture form a consistent and interrelated whole.

cultural integration

391 - The deliberate, systematic killing of entire people or nation is called


392 - The democratic state is based on the social contract theories of Locke and Rousseau These theories maintain that.

the people allow themselves to be governed for their own good

393 - The Democrats lost the presidential elections in 1984 and 1988 because of.

running the wrong candidates

394 - The demographic transition is social trend that involves.

a decline in the birth rate greater life expectancy and an ageing population

395 - The demographic transition is social trend that involves____________?

a decline in the birth rate greater life expectancy and an ageing population

396 - The demographic transition refers to.

a change in the ratio of births to deaths

397 - The demographic transition refers to_____________?

a change in the ratio of births to deaths

398 - The demographic transition refers to______________?

a change in the ratio of births to deaths

399 - the denial of equal rights or equal treatment to certain groups of people


400 - The Department of Health and Human Services has summarized the "correct" mix of goods and services through.

165 social indicators

401 - The dependency ratio describes.

the size of working population supporting the young and the old

402 - The dependency ratio describes______________?

the size of working population supporting the young and the old

403 - The depression that occurs when the last child leaves the home is called______________?

empty-nest syndrome

404 - The desert and semi-arid regions of the Middle East are resource-poor except for.


405 - The destruction of a culture through conquest is referred to by anthropologists as_____________?


406 - The destructive consequences of tensions between in-groups and out-groups are stressed by ?

conflict theorists

407 - The destructive consequences of tensions between in-groups and out-groups are stressed by.

conflict theorists

408 - The destructive consequences of tensions between in-groups and out-groups are stressed by____________?

conflict theorists

409 - The determinants of fertility were explained in detail by

Kingsley Davis and Judiath Black

410 - The determinants of social class are.

All of above

411 - The determinants of social class are______________?

All of above

412 - The development of computers and the increased use of the internet are examples of what source of social change ?


413 - The development of computers and the increased use of the internet are examples of what source of social change?


414 - The development of economic, political & social relationships that stretch worldwide.....


415 - The development of economic, political, and social relationships that stretch worldwide, are known as:


416 - The development of modern culture is CHIEFLY dependent upon.

complex symbolic communication

417 - The development of sociology as a field of study was encouraged by

The Industrial Revolution

418 - The deviant subculture of homosexuals who met in seventeenth and eighteenth century London was called.


419 - The dialectic is based on.

two extreme positions giving rise to a middle position

420 - The difference between a stereotype and a generalization is:

Generalizations are usually nicer than stereotypes

421 - The difference between a totalitarian and authoritarian system is the degree of what?

Personal freedom

422 - The difference between an average worker's salary and that of the average CEO has:

greatly increased

423 - The difference between government and state is that.

government is a process and the state is an abstract symbol

424 - The difference between horticulture and agriculture is.

a and c both

425 - The difference between horticulture and agriculture is________________?

a and c both

426 - The difference between positivism and antipositivism relates to

whether sociological studies can predict or improve society

427 - The difference between racial minorities and ethnic minorities is.

racial minorities differ biologically ethnic minorities differ culturally from the dominant group

428 - The difference in attitudes of whites and African Americans is related to.


429 - The difference in the three most prevalent economic systems lies in how.

much the government interferes in the economy

430 - The differences in behavior between men and women.

are due both to biology and culture

431 - The different foods a culture eats


432 - The different roles attached to a single status

role set

433 - The different study units are:

Theoryand Methods, Culture, identity and socialisation, Social inequality, Family,Education, Crime, deviance and social control, Media

434 - The different ways that a culture regulates and controls the exchange of goods and services


435 - The difficulty with fighting terrorism is that.

terrorists have differing goals

436 - The digital divide (gap in technology access by poor) is best explained by this theory.

Conflict Theory

437 - The discipline that studies such disparate subjects as the environment religion politics criminality organization and so on is.


438 - The distinction between elements of material and nonmaterial culture was made by sociologist ?

William F Ogburn

439 - The distinction between elements of material and nonmaterial culture was made by sociologist ?

William F. Ogburn

440 - The distinction between elements of material and nonmaterial culture was made by sociologist.

William F. Ogburn

441 - The distinction between role and status is subtle: people ..... statuses and ..... roles.

occupy; enact

442 - The distinguishing feature of community and society is

both have some extensive common objective.

443 - The distribution of power in a society is of prime importance to this sociological perspective.

Conflict Theory

444 - The distribution of power in society is a concern for.


445 - The distribution of power in society is a concern for_____________?


446 - The distribution of power in society is a concern for______________?


447 - The distribution of power is important in which of the following theoretical perspectives?

conflict perspective

448 - The distribution of scarce resources and rewards is determined on the basis of achieved statuses.

Class System

449 - The division of a society into layers of people who have unequal amounts of any given scarce reward or resource


450 - The division of labor among physicians into obstetricians' internists surgeons and so forth is an example of the process that Talcott Parsons called_______________?

adaptive upgrading

451 - The division of labour among physicians into obstetricians internists surgeons and so forth is an example of the process that Talcott Parsons called.

adaptive upgrading

452 - The Division of Labour" was written by

Emile Durkheim

453 - The Division of Labour" was written in


454 - The division of society into categories, ranks, or classes is .....

Social Stratification

455 - The Domestic Violence Act was passed in which of the following years?


456 - The dominant classification of tribes, both in academic sociology as well as in politics and public affairs is the degree of ..... into Hindu society


457 - The dominant group in a society is the one that is the.

most powerful

458 - The dominant group will displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group. Which theory suggests this?

Scapegoat theory

459 - The dominant ideology in a capitalistic society served the interests of the ruling class according to which sociologist?


460 - The domination of dynamic personalities and great leaders is also a kind of

social control

461 - The double standard in the behavior of people in society is acknowledged by the existence of a(n).

overt and covert culture

462 - The dual economy mobility aids barriers and occupational structure are.

Structural factor

463 - The dual economy mobility aids barriers and occupational structure are_____________?

Structural factor

464 - The duties of a teacher is / are

All of the above

465 - The duty of sociologists to strive to be impartial and overcome their biases as they conduct their research

value neutrality

466 - The earliest and least complex society was.

hunting and gathering

467 - The earliest evidence of religious customs & taboos has been traced back as far as

50,000 B.C.

468 - The earliest theoretical perspective in sociology.

The Evolutionary Perspective

469 - The earliest theoretical perspective in sociology______________?

The Evolutionary Perspective

470 - The earliest type of society was a(n)

hunting and gathering

471 - The earliest type of society was the

hunting and gathering

472 - The earliest type of society was the ..... society

hunter and gathering

473 - The early sociologist who promoted active involvement in solutions to social issues, differing from other sociologists, was .....

Harriet Martineau

474 - The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying ?

how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources

475 - The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying ?

how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources

476 - The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying.

how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources

477 - The economic participant who decides how to use the factors of production and for what purpose in called a.


478 - The ecosystem is.

the way living things interact and interrelate with each other and their environments

479 - The effect of the Internet upon the public sphere has been to.

revive it by reaffirming a commitment of freedom of speech

480 - The effect of the Internet upon the public sphere has been to_____________?

revive it by reaffirming a commitment of freedom of speech

481 - The effectiveness of the research approach that can be tested by repeating the research


482 - The effort to control other people's perceptions of us in order to preserve our esteem and reach our goals is

impression management

483 - The elderly are a minority because they.

lack power

484 - The Elementary Forms of the Religions Life" by Durkheim is

analysis of the whole phenomenon of religion.

485 - The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life" was masierpiece of

Emile Durkheim

486 - the Elementary Forms of the Religious Life" was written in


487 - The elitist school of thought asserts that.

the elite is not always against the masses

488 - The embourgeoisement thesis is.....

when working class-families were following middle-class norms and values as their incomes and living standards improved

489 - The embourgeoisement thesis suggests that.

the affluent working class is adopting middle class values and ways of life

490 - The embourgeoisement thesis suggests that_____________?

the affluent working class is adopting middle class values and ways of life

491 - The emergence of a consolidated network of business leadership is most compatible with which ideal-type of capitalism ?


492 - The emergence of a consolidated network of business leadership is most compatible with which ideal-type of capitalism ?

institutional capitalism

493 - The emergence of a consolidated network of business leadership is most compatible with which ideal-type of capitalism?

institutional capitalism

494 - The emergence of the sate as a result of a "social contract" is the hypothesis found in the work of.

Thomas Hobbes

495 - The emergence of the self as a result of interaction with others is a common thread in ALL BUT ONE of the following theories.


496 - The emphasis on employment, individualism, and competition demonstrate that we value

Personal Achievement

497 - The emphasis on rural virtues.

is based on stereotypes

498 - The emphasis on the relationship between religion and which ONE of the following is distinctive to Weber's study of religion ?

social change

499 - The emphasis on the relationship between religion and which ONE of the following is distinctive to Weber's study of religion?

social change

500 - The end of the Cold war:

All of the above

501 - The enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people


502 - The enforcing of norms through either internal or external means

Social Control

503 - The enforcing of norms through either internal or external means is called

social control

504 - The enforcing of norms through either sanctions or internalization is

social control

505 - The enforcing of norms through either sanctions or internalization is known as:

social control

506 - The English word 'caste' is actually a borrowing from the Portuguese casta, meaning .....

Pure Breed

507 - the entire human environment, including interaction with others

social environment

508 - The environmental movement could be classified as which type of movement?


509 - The Equilibrium Model states that social change happens because society seeks which of the following?


510 - The essential function of punishment in society is.

affirmation of moral standards

511 - The essential function of punishment in society is_______________?

affirmation of moral standards

512 - The essential function of religion is to

Both these are correct

513 - The ethnic groups among whom arranged marriages are common include.

All of the above

514 - The ethnomethodology as an approach to study society is concerned with

The fundamental bases of social order

515 - The etymological meaning of Sociology is

The Science of Society

516 - The evaluation that a certain phenomenon is good beautiful moral right and therefore desirable is termed a.


517 - The events of which important historical event led to Auguste Comte's studies of society?

French Revolution

518 - The events surrounding Hurricane Katrina illustrate which of the following?

Social stratification

519 - The examinations of Cambridge Sociology O'level consist of:

2 papers

520 - the exchange of goods and services


521 - The exchange of goods and services is


522 - The exchange system is based on.

supply and demand

523 - The exercise of power through a process of persuasion is called


524 - The expectation behavior of someone occupying a particular status is known as this.


525 - The expectations of the society is known as:

The Generalized Other.

526 - The expectations people have regarding how husbands and wives ought to behave are called marital.


527 - The expected outcome of police force is to lower crime. As a result, a lower rate of crime is an example of a(n) ..... function.


528 - The experience of loss or impending loss of a person to whom one is close is called.


529 - The explanations of research aims being given and agreed to by the participant is known as what?

Informed Consent

530 - The exponential principle helps to explain

today's high rate of discovery and invention.

531 - The exponential principle states that as the cultural base grows its possible uses tend to grow in a

geometric ratio

532 - The extent of control exercised by the leaders varies from

Both of these

533 - The extent to which a research method describes or measues what it claims to describe or measure


534 - The fact that Americans tend to judge an item based on its usefulness shows that they value


535 - The fact that pizza is now a popular American food is due to.

cultural diffusion

536 - The fact that school schedules are organized around Christmas is evidence

that the US is not a totally secular society

537 - The fact that we care about discipline, dedication, and hard work as signs of virtue shows that we value


538 - The fact that your cell phone is using outdated technology within a year or two of purchase is an example of .....

planned obsolescence

539 - The factor of socialisation is


540 - The factor of socialisation is


541 - The factors influencing the political behavior of American voters include.

all of the above

542 - The factors of Rural Social Change include: (i) Electronic media (ii) Farm technology (iii) Rural ideology (iv) Khap Panchayats Find the correct combination according to code:

(i) and (ii)

543 - The factory system.

resulted from BOTH the convenience of housing workers and equipment together and gave more power to the entrepreneurs

544 - The failure of rising expectations is related to.

dissatisfaction based on relative deprivation

545 - The failure of the League of Nation.

illustrated that national interest is more important than collective security or moral opposition to aggression

546 - The family in which descent starts with the mother is known as


547 - The family in which father is the source of authority is known as


548 - The family into which you were born is called.

the family of orientation

549 - The family is even more important for these societies because the top priority is food production


550 - The Family is the most important agent in most societies


551 - The family is the prime example of a(n).

primary group

552 - The family structure has been profoundly altered by the twin processes of _______ and __________ ?


553 - The family today influences.

attitudes on politics

554 - The family-and particularly marriage-binds its members through.

legal and economic bonds

555 - The famous book 'Social Contract' was written by:


556 - The famous phrase 'Sociological imagnination' is attributed to:

Wright Mills

557 - The father of sociology is

Auguste Comte

558 - The father of sociology is.....


559 - The father of sociology:

Auguste Comte

560 - The favorable evaluation of presidents is based on.

dynamic political leadership

561 - The federal bailouts of the banking and auto industries can be considered

corporate welfare

562 - The federal government has increased its responsibilities at the local level because.

the states inefficiency

563 - The Federal Reserve Bank regulates the money supply by.

all of the above

564 - The federal system has worked particularly well in.

large sized countries with regional differences

565 - The federal system is contrasted with a (n)

BOTH unitary and confederate systems

566 - The feeling of aimlessness or despair often associated with unsettling conditions is.


567 - The feeling of aimlessness or despair often associated with unsettling conditions is_____________?


568 - The feeling of aimlessness or despair often associated with unsettling conditions is_______________?


569 - The female role as a passive and domestic creature may be conditioned by.

all of the above

570 - The fiftieth anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education is not the success it was intended to be because.

schools are becoming segregated again

571 - The figure that most frequently occurs in a given set of data is known as


572 - The final stage in demographic transition is marked by.

low birth-rates and low death rates

573 - The final stage in demographic transition is marked by_____________?

low birth-rates and low death rates

574 - The final stage in demographic transition is marked by_______________?

high birthrates and low death rates

575 - The final step of the Scientific Method is what?

State findings and conclusions

576 - The final step when conducting research is to

state findings and conclusions.

577 - The firemen arrived very quickly, but they couldn't the fire, and the house burned down.

put out

578 - The first airplane was a (n)


579 - The first book with the term sociology in its title was written by.

Herbert Spencer

580 - The first book with the term sociology in its title was written by_________________?

Herbert Spencer

581 - The first European people to form a nation were is.


582 - The first goal of each scientific discipline is to

Explain why something happens

583 - The first goal of science involves .....

trying to make sense of something

584 - The first goal of science is to

Explain why something happens

585 - The first Indian state which was created on a linguistic basis following a long-drawn agitation is:

Andhra Pradesh

586 - The first person to propose that the scientific method could be applied to the study of social life was .....

Auguste Comte

587 - The first stage according to Comte is that of.

Guided by supernatural wisdom

588 - The first stage according to Comte is that of_______________?

Guided by supernatural wisdom



590 - The first stage of research is

to select problem

591 - The first stage of research is

to select problem

592 - The first stage of the demographic transition is called the.

pretransition stage

593 - The first stage of the demographic transition is called the_____________?

pretransition stage

594 - The first stage of the demographic transition is called the________________?

Pre-transition stage

595 - The first stage that existed in Pre-British era was when civil society existed in the form of.

Both b and c

596 - The first stage that existed in Pre-British era was when civil society existed in the form of______________?

Both b and c

597 - The first stage, according to Comte was.


598 - The first stage, according to Comte was_______________?


599 - The first step in any sociological research project is to.

define the problem

600 - The first step in any sociological research project is to_____________?

define the problem

601 - The first step in any sociological research project is to_________________?

define the problem

602 - The first step in scientific method is.


603 - The first step in scientific method is________________?


604 - The first step in the research process is to

identify the problem.

605 - The first step of the qualitative analysis process, where you separate and label keywords.

Categorical Coding

606 - The first step when a convict enters most prisons in the US is , in which the person is issued a standard clothing, given a haircut, and deprived f privacy.


607 - The first technological revolution.

turned people from food gatherers to food producers

608 - The first to teach a university sociology course.

Emile Durkheim

609 - The first university with a college of sociology was.....

University of Chicago

610 - The first years of marriage.

all of the above

611 - The five pivotal institutions are.

the economy government religion family and education

612 - The focus of the research is:

research question

613 - The focus on day-to-day interactions of individuals and groups in specific social situations used in symbolic interactionism is referred to as .....

microlevel analysis

614 - The following are areas or interest of anthropology, EXCEPT

Social Structures

615 - The following are areas or interest of political science, EXCEPT

Customs and traditions

616 - The following are areas or interests of sociology, EXCEPT

Human's historical past

617 - The following are state institutions except which one:

Environmental Education Center

618 - The following are the goals of anthropology EXCEPT

Describe how political activities are organized in and out of our country

619 - The following are the goals of sociology, EXCEPT

Understand the political contexts in which people live

620 - The following are the three disciplines of social sciences that interlinked and therefore, you cannot separate one from another EXCEPT


621 - The following chart would most likely be used in what type of research method?

Secondary Analysis

622 - The following countries have complete coverage for it's citizens with universal healthcare:

All of the above

623 - The following events directly impacted Postmodern theory


624 - The following factors are important in production.

technology time efficiency

625 - The following people and groups are considered racist:

Only (A) & (B)

626 - The following people enjoy both status and wealth in our society.


627 - The following statement does NOT apply to Herbert Spencer

Wanted to correct social ills

628 - The forces and processes revolving around government is policies and actions are called.


629 - The foreign alliances the U.s has entered into have resulted in.

help in the Middle East

630 - The foremost advantage of a corporation is its.

ability to accumulate vast amounts of capital in a short time

631 - The form of capitalism that thrives in some developing countries is characterized by a high degree of____________?


632 - The form of transnational organization where overseas subsidiaries are managed by local firms in each country is called ?


633 - The form of transnational organization where overseas subsidiaries are managed by local firms in each country is called.


634 - The formal and informal understandings that govern the behavior of members of a society.

Social Norms

635 - The formal goal of investigator is to increase

scientific knowledge

636 - The founder of Hull House, which provided English lessons for immigrants, daycares, and child care classes, analyzed social problems

Jane Addams

637 - The founder of sociology is


638 - The founding father of sociology

Auguste Comte

639 - The founding of sociology occurred in this century.


640 - The four ideal types of social action that Weber identified were as follows instrumentally-rational value-rational traditional and____________?


641 - The four ideal types of social action that Weber identified were as follows instrumentally-rational, value-rational traditional and.


642 - The four ideal types of social action that Weber identified were as follows instrumentally-rational, value-rational traditional and_____________?


643 - The four primary agents of socialization in the U.S. are

family, school, peer group, mass media

644 - The four principles of McDonaldization are.

efficiency calculability uniformity automation

645 - The four principles of McDonaldization are_____________?

efficiency calculability uniformity automation

646 - The four principles of McDonaldization are_______________?

efficiency calculability uniformity automation

647 - The four principles of McDonaldization are________________?

efficiency calculability uniformity automation

648 - The fourth major perspective in sociology is ___________________________ theory.


649 - The fourth step of qualitative coding, where you come to your final conclusions.

Selective Coding

650 - The Frankfurt School built upon the work of Marx but the importance of which of the following did its members argue that he under emphasized ?


651 - The Frankfurt School built upon the work of Marx but the importance of which of the following did its members argue that he under emphasized ?


652 - The Frankfurt School built upon the work of Marx but the importance of which of the following did its members argue that he under emphasized?


653 - The from of interaction that occurs when two or more individuals try to possess a scarce object or value is.


654 - The fuel of politics.


655 - The function of a social policy, process, or action that is intended, obvious, and consciously designed.

Manifest Function

656 - The function of a social policy, process, or action that is intended, recognized, and consciously designed.

Manifest Function

657 - The function of a social policy, process, or action that is not intended, may be hidden, or may happen accidentally.

Latent Function

658 - The Functionalist Perspective says that.

All of above

659 - The Functionalist Perspective says that_______________?

All of above

660 - The functionalist theory of inequality suggests that.

high rewards and incentives ensures that the most skilled individuals will take the most important social positions

661 - The functionalist theory of inequality suggests that_____________?

high rewards and incentives ensure that the most skilled individuals will take the most important social positions

662 - The Functionalist view on social change sees development and modernization both________________?

slow and adaptive

663 - The functions of corrections includes ....., which is punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.


664 - The fundamental assumption of democratic socialism is that.

participation in political decision making should be extended to economic decision making

665 - The fundamental assumptions sociologists have about the social world that guide their thinking and research.

Theoretical Paradigms

666 - The fundamental attributes of human awareness" was explained in Durkheim's book


667 - The funding of post secondary institutions an example of which sociological perspective?

Conflict Theory

668 - The general fertility rate fell between 1964 and 2000 because of.

increases in the age of marriage and the age at which childbearing begins

669 - The general fertility rate fell between 1964 and 2000 because of_______________?

increases in the age of marriage and the age at which childbearing begins

670 - The general standards that maybe regarded as higher order norms are called


671 - The global dominance of American film exports raises questions about.

cultural imperialism

672 - The global dominance of American film exports raises s about_____________?

cultural imperialism

673 - The global economy and the concept of global interdependence is often accused of having_______________?

few boundaries

674 - The global social system differs from a societal social system in that.

all of the above

675 - The global spread of democracy is probably the most striking trend in geopolitics but in the established Western democracies what has now become a source of major concern ?

the decline in voter turnout

676 - The global spread of democracy is probably the most striking trend in geopolitics but in the established Western democracies what has now become a source of major concern?

the decline in voter turnout

677 - The GNI PPP figure represents:

the average annual income of a country's citizens

678 - The goal is to discover what makes people different from each other in order to understand and preserve diversity.


679 - The goal is to keep social order and harmony among different group of people.

Political Science

680 - The goal of psychology is to.....

All of the above.

681 - The goal of research should always be to

all of the above

682 - The goal of this is elimination


683 - The godfather of sociology is

August Comet

684 - The godfather of sociology is

August Comet

685 - 'The Golden Bough' was written by

James Frazer

686 - The government can curb excessive aggregate demand(inflation)by.

none of the above

687 - the government census could be used today as

Secondary data

688 - The government has ..... that the new tax policy has been a disaster.


689 - The government is.

BOTH ultimate and institutionalized social control

690 - The government of the U.S. is based on ..... authority.


691 - The government of the USA is based on what type of authority?


692 - The Great Depression.

only B and C

693 - The great importance of the cultural base is revealed by the principle of


694 - The Great Migration of 1916-1919 meant that Chicago became an ethnically diverse city The consequence of this was.

most ethnic groups were integrated into mainstream society but the black population remained in the city's ghettos

695 - The Great Migration of 1916-1919 meant that Chicago became an ethnically diverse city The consequence of this was_____________?

most ethnic groups were integrated into mainstream society, but the black population remained in the city's ghettos

696 - The greater your commitment to social goals, the more likely you are to conform. People who strongly accept the American goal of success are more likely to conform to the social norms for achieving that success.


697 - The greatest problem with capital punishment is that.

sometimes an innocent person is put to death

698 - The Green revolution resulted in 1970s in the establishment of.

Light engineering industry

699 - The Green revolution resulted in 1970s in the establishment of____________?

Light engineering industry

700 - The group NOT being "messed with"


701 - The Group that IS being "messed with"


702 - The group way of life characteristic of humans may be traced to.

the fact that human infants are helpless for a long period of time

703 - The group whose value, norms, traditions, and outlooks are imposed on the society as a whole.

dominant culture

704 - The groups in which we come to know people intimately as individual personalities are called.

Primary groups

705 - The groups in which we come to know people intimately as individual personalities are called______________?

Primary groups

706 - the groups of memberships that people have because of their location in history and society

social location

707 - The growth of cities due to movement of people from rural areas to cities.


708 - The growth of urban areas is caused by

expansion of commerce

709 - The growth rate is the difference between:

none of the above

710 - The growth rate is the difference between______________?

none of the above

711 - The Haitian boys played baseball to stay of the streets. Many of these boys were in what stage?


712 - The Harlows' study on rhesus monkeys showed that:

social comfort is more important than food

713 - The harmful consequence of a part of society are called:


714 - The health institution can be studied in connection to cultures. Thus, the health institution is often linked to .....?


715 - The hierarchical ordering of castes is based on the distinction between

Purity and Pollution

716 - The high cost of fighting crime is due in large part to.

an increase in prison inmates

717 - The high divorce rate in industrial societies related to.

the stress on values of individualism and personal goals

718 - The highest birthrates today are found in.

the underdeveloped nations

719 - The highest percentage of humans live in.


720 - the highest subcategory of the lower class, often land decent jobs in fields like custodial or food service

working class

721 - The highest victimization rates occur.

in the 0 to 3 year age group

722 - The Hippies of the 1960s would be an example of


723 - The history of technology began .....

in the early stages of human societies

724 - The history of the world according to Marx could be interpreted through.

dialectic materialism

725 - The Holocaust is an example of


726 - The hormone associated with male traits and aggression is.


727 - The hormones involved in the development of sex characteristics are.

progesterone and testosterone

728 - The horse disorganized the

plains Indian cultures

729 - The human action and interaction are understandable only through the exchange of meaningful communication or symbols, this is the basic assumption of.

Symbolic interactionism

730 - The human action and interaction are understandable only through the exchange of meaningful communication or symbols, this is the basic assumption of_______________?

Symbolic interactionism

731 - The human body would be a metaphor for which theory?

Structural-functional theory

732 - The human infant's first step in socialization is.

awareness of self

733 - The human social process most important for social interaction is.


734 - The hypothesis is a statement of.

a tentative statement of a topic that is subject to testing

735 - The id is the part of our personality that.....

desires food, comfort, and attention

736 - The idea of ..... came about when early humans realized that grain sprouted from spilled seed, which could be planted to raise crops.


737 - The idea that any element of culture is understandable only in relation to the rest of its cultural context and to a particular time, place, and set of circumstances.

cultural relativism

738 - The idea that classes vary according to their possession of cultural capital is associated with.

Pierre Bourdieu

739 - The idea that classes vary according to their possession of cultural capital is associated with_____________?

Pierre Bourdieu

740 - The idea that classes vary according to their possession of cultural capital is associated with________________?

Pierre Bourdieu

741 - The idea that deviant behavior is learned through culture, the way non-deviant behavior is learned, is an element of which sociological perspective?

Symbolic Interactionism

742 - The idea that events occur in predictable ways, with one event leading to another


743 - The idea that everyone has an equal chance to succeed as long as they work hard regardless of class, gender and ethnicity


744 - The idea that if you do something for someone, that person owes you something in return.


745 - The idea that only the fittest members of society deserve to survive and that social programs to help the poor will ultimately weaken the social order is known as.....

Social Darwinism

746 - The idea that our perception of what is real is created through many processes and different by societies is

social construction of reality

747 - The idea that social interaction is like a drama being performed on stage


748 - The idea that some values and beliefs are found in all cultures is known as:


749 - The idea that stratification is an inevitable balance resulting in different classes because some people are more motivated to work than others.


750 - The idea that technology changes social organization and ideology is called.

technological revolution

751 - The idea that the class you are in affects your opinion about other classes that you are not in. Which theory would have this perspective?

Symbolic Interactionalism

752 - The idea that we put ourselves in another shoes is called;


753 - The idea that we see ourselves as others see us is called:

The Looking Class Theory

754 - The idea that when one action occurs another always follows


755 - The idea that women work at home after working a full time job is called:

dual burden

756 - The idea that your subject must know you're observing them, and be made aware of any risks they take by being part of your study.

informed consent

757 - The ideas of right and wrong attached to folkways makes them.


758 - The ideas of right and wrong attached to folkways makes them____________?


759 - the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society, i.e. Democracy

Non-Material Culture

760 - The identical twin who lost his penis in a tragic accident.

preferred dolls to guns

761 - The identification of a new moon of Saturn was an act of.


762 - The identification of a new moon of Saturn was an act of_______________?


763 - The ideology of ageism.

asserts that the very young and the very old are inferior

764 - The illegal practice of denying financial services to people in certain neighborhoods is called .....


765 - The image above best relates to which key concept?

Division of Labor

766 - The image above best relates to which theoretical perspective?

Functionalist Theory

767 - The image is an example of what sociology term?


768 - The immigration stage is

Children merely copy the behavior of those around them without much understanding of the social meaning of the behavior

769 - The importance of shared symbols.

Symbolic interactionalism

770 - The importance of socialization has been drawn upon few cases of children who were through neglect.

Not socialized by adults while they were growing

771 - The importance of socialization has been drawn upon few cases of children who were through neglect____________?

Not socialized by adults while they were growing

772 - The importance of status is supported by.

a recent study by an epidemiologist

773 - The important book "Suicide" was written by

Emile Durkheim

774 - The important book "Suicide" was written by

Emile Durkheim

775 - The important characteristic in differentiate society dan community are

All of the above

776 - The important point about biological and cultural differences among people is.

the social meanings people give these differences

777 - The important process of socialization are:

Only (A) & (B)

778 - The independent variable

Causes something to change

779 - The Industrial Revolution began with.

the invention of a few basic machines

780 - The Industrial Revolution happening during the ..... and the .....

1700s, 1800s

781 - The industrial revolution mostly influenced the work of:

Karl Marx

782 - The Industrial Revolution shifted the emphasis in ownership from land to.

the means of production machines tools materials

783 - The Industrial Revolution was based on.

all of the above

784 - The Industrial Revolution.

began in England in the 1800s

785 - The infrastructure is capitalism or economic system. Whereas the superstructure is the ideological cultural lies, which is what deceives the proletariat into accepting the system.

Marx and Engles

786 - the inherited genetic characteristics versus environment and social learning is called .....

nature versus nurture

787 - The innovation may conflict with

existing patterns

788 - The inordinate growth of government is a side effect of.

government intervention in the economy

789 - The institution most closely associated with the process of socialization is the.


790 - The institution most closely associated with the process of socialization is the:


791 - The institution most closely associated with the process of socialization is the______________?


792 - The institution most closely associated with the process of socialization is the_________________?


793 - The instrumental role was traditionally assigned to.


794 - The instruments of communication that reach large audiences with no personal contact between the individual sending the information and those receiving it, such as newspapers, magazines, books, television, radio, films, and the Internet.

Mass Media

795 - The instruments of foreign policy may be defined as.

tools with which nations try to manipulate other nations

796 - The intellectual tradition at the heart of conflict theory begins principally with the work of.

Karl Marx

797 - The intellectual tradition at the heart of conflict theory begins principally with the work of_____________?

Karl Marx

798 - The intended and recognized consequence of some element of society is a .....

Manifest function

799 - The intended and recognized functions within society are referred to as being this.


800 - the intended beneficial consequences of people's actions

manifest functions

801 - The intended consequences of advertising is to:

All of the above

802 - The intentional destruction of an entire population is known as.....


803 - The interaction between physician and patient ?

may be evolving into a new type of relationship based on consumerism

804 - The interaction between physician and patient.

may be evolving into a new type of relationship based on consumerism

805 - The interactionist perspective focuses on:

language, words, and symbols

806 - The interactive process through which people learn the basic skills, values, and behavior patterns of society is .....


807 - The interactive process through which people learn the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of a society


808 - The internalized attitudes, expectations, and viewpoints of society are known as

generalized other

809 - the internalized attitudes, expectations, and viewpoints of society that guide a person's behavior

generalized other

810 - The internet has allowed society and people in that society to become more of a:

networked public

811 - The internet rearranges our experience of space-time by making it possible to.

communicate instantly with people far away

812 - The internet rearranges our experience of space-time by making it possible to_______________?

communicate instantly with people far away

813 - The internet rearranges our experience or space-time by making it possible to_____________?

communicate instantly with people far away

814 - The interpretative approaches' that, try to understand social action from the point of view of the social actors are

Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology

815 - The interventionist Perspective studies.

People and their interactions

816 - The interventionist Perspective studies_______________?

People and their interactions

817 - The Interventionist Perspective was developed by.

G.H Meads and C.H Cooley

818 - The Interventionist Perspective was developed by________________?

G.H Meads and C.H Cooley

819 - the interviewer can easily become an influencing variable in the research - this is known most commonly as

Interviewer Bias

820 - The Invasion from Mars" was written by

H. Cantril

821 - The invention is made independently by several persons at

about the same time

822 - The invention of a cellphone had the recognized consequence to communicate at faster speeds. This is an example of which function?

Manifest Function

823 - The invention of a cellphone led to us to communicate at faster speeds but it also lead to an increase in cyber crimes. This is an example of which function?

Latent Function

824 - The invention of an instrument for observing the coordinates of star. Kitab Al-Syifa' MetaphysicsBased on the statement above, which one is the correct founder?

Ibn Sina

825 - The iron law of oligarchy refers to.

the tendency for power inevitably to flow towards top

826 - The iron law of oligarchy refers to_____________?

the tendency for power inevitably to flow towards top

827 - The item alien to the concept of mass is.

None of these

828 - The item alien to the concept of mass is______________?

None of these

829 - The jana or tribes are believed to be people of the .....


830 - The jobs of the future will include.

all but A

831 - The jobs that people in the working class have are often called

blue collar

832 - The joke "Drink the Koolaid" came from which form of religious organization?


833 - The Juvenile delinquents in India belong to the age group of

Below 18 years

834 - The key concept in labelling theory is that of____________________?


835 - The key figure in Buddhism is

Siddhartha Gautama

836 - The key goal of the ruling class is to prevent the poor from achieving ....., or an awareness of their oppression and the true reasons for it.

class consciousness

837 - The Keynesian revolution acknowledged.

that the market was inherently unstable

838 - The kind of behavior a person is supposed to have in specific groups or societies. People often have many of these.


839 - The knowledge of how the blood circulates in the body is a(n)


840 - The Ku Klux Klan is an example of a(n)

change-resistant movement

841 - The kuznets hypothesis states that as economic development proceeds inequality ?

first decreases then increases before remaining high

842 - The kuznets hypothesis states that as economic development proceeds inequality.

first decreases then increases before remaining high

843 - The Labor Force includes all individuals age 16 and older who are..... (choose two)

Only (A) & (B)

844 - The Labour who gets compensation based on hours, days or month for Semi skilled work is considered as

Labour with pay

845 - The lack of a smile and her awkward mannerisms came off as very .....


846 - The language, knowledge, skills, norms and values of a particular society are referred to as.....


847 - The largest group in which individual have relationships is called


848 - The largest group to Which a person belongs is.


849 - The largest number of Latinos come form.


850 - The largest number of statistical areas in the United States are.


851 - The largest of the world regions containing 44 countries is.

Sub-Saharan Africa

852 - The largest single economic fact of Pakistan is.


853 - The largest single economic fact of Pakistan is______________?


854 - The last step when conducting research is to

state findings and conclusions

855 - The later the age for marriage, the ..... the chance for divorce.


856 - The law firm has hired 2 new people to work in the office. What are they called?


857 - The leaders of interest groups tend to be.

more liberal than the rank and file

858 - The learned norms, customs, values, knowledge, artifacts, language and symbols that are constantly communicated among people who share a common way of life


859 - The least important challenge to Indian education today is presented by the

poverty of the masses

860 - The legitimate possession of power is a definition of.


861 - The lens by which a sociologist analyzes society.

Theoretical Perspective

862 - The lens that an individual chooses to view the scope of society from

Sociological Perspective

863 - The level of analysis that involves looking at small-scaled settings and everyday interaction among group members.


864 - the level of public spending on Education has regrettably reduced from 2.6% in 1990, s to _____ in 2002-03 ?


865 - the level of public spending on Education has regrettably reduced from 2.6% in 1990's to..... in 2002-03


866 - The life-course model views aging as.

a process that continues from birth to death

867 - The life-course model views aging as______________?

a process that continues from birth to death

868 - The likelihood that individuals have the opportunity of sharing in the benefits of society is known as .....

Life Chances

869 - The limitaion of symbolic interactionism is that

It overlooks macro-level interaction

870 - The limitation of symbolic interactionism is that________________?

It overlooks macro-level interaction

871 - The local self-government that functions in rural areas is.....

Panchayati Raj

872 - The Looking Glass Self was developed by

Charles Horton Cooley

873 - The looking-glass self describes how our self develops through what?

Interactions with others

874 - The Looking-Glass Self is associated with


875 - The loss of entire categories of jobs without the creation of new occupations would be.

structural mobility of a negative sort

876 - The low birthrate in the United States is related to.

increase of women in work force

877 - The lower class is often considered to be living in.

culture of poverty

878 - The lower class is often considered to be living in_______________?

culture of poverty

879 - The Maasai of Kenya is an example of

Pastoralist society

880 - The Maasai of Kenya is an example of_______________?

Pastoralist society

881 - The Macpherson Report highlighted the increasing problem of.

institutional racism systematic forms of disadvantage built into the routines and practices of social institutions

882 - The Macpherson Report highlighted the increasing problem of_____________?

institutional racism systematic forms of disadvantage built into the routines and practices of social institutions

883 - The Mafia is an example of.

organized crime

884 - The Mafia is an example of____________?

organized crime

885 - The Mafia is an example of_______________?

organized crime

886 - The main agent in primary socialization is.


887 - The main agent in primary socialization is______________?


888 - The Main aspect of Conflict Perspective is.

Class conflict and class exploitation is prime force history

889 - The Main aspect of Conflict Perspective is_____________?

Class conflict and class exploitation is prime force history

890 - The main cause of crime due to population explosion is

earning capacity of the family comes down.

891 - The main cause of unhappiness in the working class according to Marx is.

Alienation from the results of production

892 - The main cause of unhappiness in the working class according to Marx is______________?

Alienation from the results of production

893 - The main difference between ethnography and other types of participant observation is:

ethnography isn't based on hypothesis testing

894 - The main difference between Marx's theory & Weber's theory of Conflict comes down to the influence of.....

Status & Prestige

895 - The main difference between Marx's theory & Weber's theory of social stratification and inequality?

Power & Prestige

896 - The main difference between subculture and counterculture is .....

countercultures actively oppose the mainstream culture

897 - The main difference between the caste system and the class system-

caste is determined by birth, while class system has mobility

898 - The main function of education of child is

transmission of cultural heritage

899 - The main function of organized labor is to.

bargain collectively

900 - The main problem facing societies with a surplus is.

what to produce how produce it and for whom to produce it

901 - The main purpose of a political party in a democracy is to.

gain power

902 - The main purpose or contribution made by each part of society is its ..... function, and benefits the society as a whole.


903 - The main sociologist associated in Functionalism is the American, .....

Talcott Parsons

904 - The maintenance of a group's unique cultural forms and characteristics in a diverse society is called

cultural pluralism

905 - The major advantage of interviews is________________?

the response rate is high

906 - The major assertion of Social Identity Theory is that.....

Our sense of self is influenced by the groups we belong to.

907 - The major assertion of The Looking-Glass Self theory is that.....

Our perception of ourselves comes from how we believe other people view us.

908 - The major assertion of the Social-Comparison Theory is that.....

Our sense of self is influenced by comparisons with others.

909 - The major assertion of the theory of Self-Presentation is.....

That our sense of self is influenced by the audiences we have

910 - The major assertion of the Upward and Downward Comparisons theory is.....

that social comparisons to both those people we feel "better than" or "not as good as" influences our self-esteem both positively and negatively.

911 - The major development task(s) in middle adulthood include(s)

love and work

912 - The major development task(s) in middle adulthood include(s)________________?

love and work

913 - The major difference between society and community is that

both are self-sufficient

914 - The major function of the legislative branch is.

to enact legislation

915 - The majority of the human population lives in.


916 - The majority of the labor force is employed in service work


917 - The man on the news was arrested because he was showing behavior that broke the rules of society. What was his behavior?


918 - The man on the news was arrested for showing behavior that broke the rules of society. What was his behavior?


919 - The man was arrested for his bad behavior. His behavior broke the rules of society so his behavior was .....


920 - The Manifest function of social media is:

to provide an online platform for socialization

921 - The manifest functions of government include.

the protection of the interests of the power elite

922 - The marginal productivity of labor.

all of the above

923 - The market system consists of planning by.


924 - The Marxian model of class structure divided the population into.

the bourgeoisie and the proletariat

925 - The Marxist concept for the idea that we are not all given equal opportunities to succeed in education, and that this is a lie we are told so that we think everything is okay.

myth of meritocracy

926 - The Marxist view of education stresses that .....

education allows the elite to dominate

927 - The Marxist view on education stresses that

education allows for the elite to dominate society

928 - The mass media especially TV have been.

none of the above

929 - The master status of George W.Bush was.


930 - The meaning of the red and blue color in the Philippine flag


931 - The measurable factor in an experiment is known as the:

Dependent Variable

932 - The measure of how things are related to one another is called


933 - The measure of the relationship between two variables is called


934 - The mechanism of the market system provides for.

all of the above

935 - The mechanisms of upward mobility of minorities did NOT include.

a social caste system

936 - The media has started playing is vibrant role more vigorously after the.

Launching of private news channels

937 - The media has started playing is vibrant role more vigorously after the____________?

Launching of private news channels

938 - The media present gender roles.


939 - The media-themes model of media influence claims that.

social interaction reinforces the ideas and images that audiences select

940 - The media-themes model of media influence claims that_____________?

social interaction reinforces the ideas and images that audiences select

941 - The members of a capitalist industrialized society who have no control over the means of production-primarily the workers


942 - The members of an industrial society are heavily dependent on one another because .

people have more specialized skills, and therefore, need others to meet many of their needs.

943 - The merging of majority and minority groups as happened in Brazil is called.


944 - The methods of quantification are not necessarily


945 - The microelements of societies are made up of.

processes of social interaction

946 - The Micropolitan Statistical Area consists of.

one urban cluster of at lest 10, 000 but less than 50.000 population

947 - The middle classes that developed over the nineteenth century were.

all of the above

948 - The middle classes that developed over the nineteenth century were_____________?

all of the above

949 - The middle statistic in a range of statistics in ascending/descending order is known as.....


950 - The middle-and low-income nation are located mostly in.

the southern regions of the world

951 - The middle-class are exploited by capitalism but they get to exploit the working-class. They control work processes, other workers, and the production itself. Those who rise up in the system will have very little interest in changing social structures bec


952 - The midlife crisis typically occurs when a person reaches

40 years old

953 - The Milgram Experiment (1963) was conducted to .....

investigate whether Germans are particularly obedient to authority figures as this was common explanation for the Nazi killings in World War 2

954 - the mind-set emphasizing knowledge, reason, and planning


955 - The mind-set emphasizing knowledge, reason, and planning as reasons things happen.


956 - The minimum income required to purchase the necessities is

poverty threshold

957 - The Minnesota Vikings


958 - The mistake of treating abstract concepts as concrete ones is called .....


959 - The model in urban ecology that stresses distance of residence from central business based on social class is the.

concentriczone model

960 - The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans contains an implicit critique of Blacks Hispanics and others for failing to succeed as well as the model minority has Which sociological perspective would view this as yet another instance of blaming the vi

conflict perspective

961 - The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans contains an implicit critique of Blacks Hispanics and others for failing to succeed as well as the model minority has Which sociological perspective would view this as yet another instance of blaming the vi

conflict perspective

962 - The model of the American class system developed by sociologist ..... is based on 3 elements: education, occupation of head of family and family income.

Dennis Gilbert

963 - The modern approach to studying social classes based on several dimensions of the stratification system is the.


964 - The more consumers are willing to pay for a product.

the more of the product will be produced

965 - The more educated a metropolitan population is, the lower its crime levels. This study shows:

a negative correlation

966 - The more hours I spend on TikTok, the lower my grades will be. This is an example of.....

negative correlation

967 - The more sleep I get, the more prepared I am for the next day. This is an example of

positive correlation

968 - The more time you spend studying the material for class, the higher your grades get as a result is an example of.....

Positive correlation

969 - The more time you spend studying, the higher your test score will be. This is an example of .....

Positive correlation

970 - The more traditional scientific approach is


971 - The most advanced form of regional cooperation is exhibited by.


972 - The most all-encompassing type of collective behavior is_____________?

social movements

973 - The most all-encompassing type of collective behavior is_______________?

social movements

974 - The most all-encompassing type of collective behaviour is.

social movements

975 - The most basic of Piaget's developmental stages is the ..... stage.


976 - The most closed system of stratification is the .....




978 - The most common form of marriage today is.

none of these

979 - The most common form of religious behavior is.


980 - The most common master statuses are based on what ?

gender and race

981 - The most common master statuses are based on what?

gender and race

982 - The most common method of sociological research is:


983 - The most common type of political participation is:


984 - The most common, probably easiest, method of sociological research is:


985 - the most commonly used type of field research

case study

986 - The most commonly used type of field research is a .....?.....

case study

987 - The most controversial quality identified as a characteristic of a minority group is that

membership is involuntary; if people are free to leave the group, they do not constitute a minority

988 - The most distinguishing characteristic of a caste system is that

social status is inherited and cannot be changed.

989 - The most dramatic change that followed each technological revolution was.

a dramatic increase in population

990 - The most dramatic population trend in the United States throughout the twentieth century has been.


991 - The most dramatic population trend in the United States throughout the twentieth century has been_______________?


992 - The most essential element of culture is.


993 - The most experimental of the social sciences is:


994 - The most extreme form of legalized social inequality for individuals or groups is ________________?


995 - the most frequently occurring score in a distribution


996 - The most fundamental factor(s)in stratification is (are).

education and income

997 - The most fundamental function of the family is.

ensuring the reproduction of the species

998 - The most important agent of socialization in almost every society is

the family.

999 - The most important beliefs or principles that a society holds are known as.....


1000 - The most important category of norms for maintaining social order are.



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