Teaching And Research Aptitude MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - _______ is referred to as "the father of research on teaching"?

N. L. GageÂ

2 - A baby sucking her thumb is an example of


3 - A method in which the skill and expertise of many teachers is combined to teach a class is called as

Team teaching

4 - â€Å“Give me a dozen of healthy children I can make them Doctor, Judge, Beggar and even a Thief” – Comment made by

J.B. Watson

5 - â€Å“No disinterested pursuit of knowledge and no intellectual education for its own sake” was the slogan of the


6 - â€Å“Reverse the usual practice and you will almost always do right” was the dictum of


7 - â€Å“Rising knowledge to wisdom is real education” was said by

Chhandogya Upanishad

8 - â€Å“The greatness of a nation is to be measured not by its material power and wealth but by the intercultural relationship of its people.” Who said this?

Dr. Radhakrishnan

9 - â€Å“The individual develops through the head, the heart, and the hand”, this was the educational philosophy of:


10 - â€Å“Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words” was the slogan of the


11 - According to 2011 Census, the overall literacy rate in India is about


12 - According to Freud, Super Ego is properly developed during

Latency period

13 - According to Guilford's SI model, total number of factors that constitute to human intellect is


14 - According to Piaget, at what stage does abstract thinking begin to develop?

Formal operational

15 - According to psycho-analysis theory of personality, neurotic disorders are caused by

Repression of desires

16 - According to whom â€Å“Educational Psychology is the Science of Education”?


17 - Archimedes found the solution of his problem when he was in his bath tub. This will come under which step of process of creativity?


18 - Behaviour pattern that increases in frequency when followed by a reward is known as

Operant Conditioning

19 - Child centred education means

education geared to child's needs and aspiration.

20 - CLASS stands for

Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools

21 - Coherence' is the criterion of truth is


22 - Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE) in school education was started by


23 - Cultural Lag' is the term used by


24 - Curriculum means

All the experiences which students get in school.

25 - Delinquency is committed by the children of the age group

7 – 15 years

26 - Development of language in children, according to B.F. Skinner, is the result of

Imitation and reinforcement

27 - DIET stands for

District Institute of Elementary Teachers

28 - Distance education is not

Work oriented education

29 - During the first year of life a child's height increases by about:


30 - Epistemology is the branch of philosophy which deals with the theories of


31 - Epistemology' means

study of the nature of knowledge

32 - In a kindergarten class it would be unreasonable to expect a child to:

know when it is time to clean upÂ

33 - In operant conditioning the reinforcement is contingent upon

Nature of the response

34 - In the conditioning approach to learning:

The unnatural stimulus follows the natural stimulus.

35 - Inclusive education is about

both (A) and (B)

36 - Individual psychology of personality was given by

A. Adler

37 - Intelligence Quotient is computed by which of the following formula ?

M.A./ C.A. × 100

38 - International Institute of Educational Planning is at


39 - Introspection method lacks in

All of these

40 - It takes a maturation of ........................ months for the child to take his first step in walking.

10 to 12

41 - Kindergarten (KG)system of education is indebted to


42 - Martin Luther's greatest contribution to education was his:

Translation of the Bible into German

43 - Metaphysics' means

exploring the nature of ultimate reality

44 - Mirambaka' – The school based on ideas of free progress education was advocated by


45 - Philosophy' means

Attempt to find answer to fundamental and ultimate questions.

46 - Programmed learning is based on the principles of


47 - Project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding on a social environment”, it was defined by


48 - Psycho-analytic approach of counselling was first introduced by


49 - Purpose of creation of the universe and its relation to man and god is discussed in


50 - Sociology of education includes

Society and its relationship with the individual

51 - Sociology of Education is

An analysis of Sociological processes involved in the institutions of Education.

52 - Solomon's Four Group design falls under

True-experimental design

53 - Stanford Binet Scale measures the following attribute of an individual :


54 - Statement that not match correct:

Mahatma Gandhi -Â The doctrine of dharma

55 - Techno-Pedagogic competency is

A set of skills of interweaving technology into teaching and learning both scientifically and aesthetically.

56 - Tests that do not require the use of language of the subjects but responses are in the form of activities are called as

Performance tests

57 - That the mind of an infant is a tabula rasa is the contribution of:

John Locke

58 - The ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism is called


59 - The child who reads numbers wrongly has the following learning disability


60 - The concept of pratityasamutpade (that nothing happens without a cause) is one of the central principles of


61 - The current movement of behavior modification, wherein tokens are awarded for correct responses, is a reflection of:

Thorndike's Law of Effect

62 - The Dalton Scheme of Education is useful for which one of the following?

For older children

63 - The educator who advanced the idea of the five formal steps in leaving was


64 - The evaluation of personality is best made through the use of an :

projective test

65 - The family imparts education to the child


66 - The four fold valuation of Indian culture (Catu puru artha), when arranged in an ascending hierarchy in terms of the height of values, will constitute which of the following orders?

Artha, Kama, Dharma, Moksha

67 - The great sociologist who held the view that â€Å“education doesn't bring about social change; rather the social change results into an educational change” was


68 - The great sociologists who held the view that education does not bring about social change, rather the social change results into an educational change' was


69 - The idea of Four Pillars of Education was suggested by


70 - The most ascetic School of Indian Philosophy is


71 - The most important challenge for a teacher is

To make teaching process enjoyable.

72 - The nature of social values is


73 - The normal twelve –year –old child is most likely to:

be eager for peer approval

74 - The pioneer of functionalism is

William James

75 - The process of imbibing one's own culture in one's personality is termed as


76 - The professional requirement of a teacher as explained in the UNESCO publication is/are

All of the above

77 - The Rosarch Inkblot test consists of

Five black and white & five multi-coloured cards

78 - The teacher has been glorified by the phrase – â€Å“Friend, Philosopher and Guide” because

He transfuses the high values of the humanity into young ones sitting in the classroom.

79 - The term identical elements' is closely associated with:

transfer of learning

80 - The trial and error method of instruction is best enhanced by:

independent study

81 - The two basic divisions in Schools of Indian Philosophy are

Orthodox and Heterodox

82 - The ultimate goal of education in Jainism is


83 - The use of media either sequentially or simultaneously in a single communication is called as

Multi-media Instruction

84 - The Vedas teach us that

Creation is without beginning and without an end.

85 - There are three phases of teaching given by P. Jackson, which of the following is incorrect one?

Underactive phase

86 - Those whose educational philosophy is rooted in pragmatism

claim that knowledge is tentative, truth is relative.

87 - Thumb sucking, Nail biting etc, similar actions are due to:


88 - Use of Science and Technology in replacing existing social practices is termed as


89 - What are the stages involved in a comprehensive guidance programme? Choose the correct sequence of stages

Accepting individual, appreciating problem, consideration of problem, taking action, referral

90 - What is meant by Culture'?

Complex whole of what man has achieved as being a member of the society.

91 - When an individual repeats those leanings that, in the past, proved to be highly satisfying such behavior can best be explained by the law of


92 - Which is the most effective reinforcement schedule according to operant conditioning theory of learning for stable learning?

Variable ratio reinforcement

93 - Which of the following agency regulates education?


94 - Which of the following does not specify Max Weber's concept of social stratification?

Educational Status

95 - Which of the following is meant of information collection?


96 - Which of the following is not a principle of development?

Principle of proceeding from specific to general response.

97 - Which of the following is not match correctly?

Drive reduction - Skinner

98 - Which of the following is not match correctly?

Freud -Â Multifactor theory

99 - Which of the following is the incorrect pair?

Social Learning Theory – Bruner

100 - Which of the following is the incorrect pair?

Theory of Instinct  -Freud

101 - Which of the following is the incorrect pair?

Learning by doing -Â Existentialism

102 - Which of the following is the incorrect pair?

Vivekananda -Â Gurukul

103 - Which of the following is the incorrect pair?

Personality Test -Â Likert

104 - Which of the following is the least important aspect of the teachers' role in the guidance of learning?

The development of insight to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles.

105 - Which of the following philosophies are most tilted to individualism?


106 - Which of the following qualities of a teacher will be liked most by you?


107 - Which of the following theories is most quantitatively measurable?


108 - Which of the following thinkers said Literacy itself is not education, literacy is only a means to education'?

Mahatma Gandhi

109 - Who advocated the creation of a classless society?

Karl Marx

110 - Who advocated the logical analysis of language for getting the true meaning?

A.J. Ayer

111 - Who among the following is not a cognitive gestalt psychologist?


112 - Who coined the term cultural capital'?

Bourdieu and Passeron

113 - Who defined sociology of education as a study of the relation between education and society'?


114 - Who emphasized that the aim of education should be the development in children the feeling of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding ?


115 - Who had suggested that questions are a powerful means of triggering thinking and can lead people from â€Å“unconscious ignorance to conscious ignorance”?


116 - Who is not in favour of logical analysis ?


117 - Who is the exponent of experience centered curriculum?

John Dewey

118 - Who propounded Self Theory of Personality?


119 - Who propounded the self' theory of personality?


120 - Who said that â€Å“Material and spiritual knowledge is already present in man covered by a curtain of ignorance”?


121 - Who said that the school be made as miniature society?


122 - Who said this â€Å“Education is man making. It is that by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, intellect is expanded and by which man can stand on his own feet”?


123 - Who, of the following thinkers declared education as a man making process?


124 - Xerophthalmia is a result of insufficient amount of

Vitamin A


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