Teaching Aptitude in Education MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - ____________ tests measure the extent of students learning in a given content area.


2 - A backward child is a slow learner. He does not respond satisfactorily to the ordinary school curriculum and to the usual methods. The causes of this phenomena are

All of the above

3 - A college wants to give training in use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to researchers. For this the college should organise :


4 - A good teacher must be

resourceful and participative

5 - A mentally retarded student attends your lecture and sits in a deaf and dumb manner. What will you do?

Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him.

6 - A person can enjoy teaching as a profession when he

commands respect from students.

7 - A research problem is not feasible only when

it is new and adds something to knowledge

8 - A researcher wants to study the future of the Congress-I in India. For the study which tool is most appropriate for him?


9 - A serious minded teacher as a rule:

Allows the mistakes to be committed and explains how to minimise those mistakes

10 - A smart classroom is a teaching space which has

All of the above

11 - A teacher can be successful if he/she

presents the subject matter in a well organized manner

12 - A teacher can establish rapport with his students by:

impressing students with knowledge and skill

13 - A teacher can get important place in society if he

Performs his responsibility honestly

14 - A teacher exploits students in your school. In this situation, what you will do?

Guide the teacher please stop this activity.

15 - A teacher is said to be fluent in asking questions, if he can ask

meaningful questions

16 - A teacher who is not able to draw the attention of his studetns should

Evaluate his teaching method and improve it.

17 - A teacher's major contribution towards the maximum self-realization of the student is affected through

Strict reinforcement of academic standards

18 - A teacher's major contribution towards the maximum self-realization of the student is affected through:

Sensitivity to students' needs, goals and purposes

19 - A teacher's most important challenge is:

To make teaching-learning process enjoyable

20 - â€Å“A diagram speaks more than 1000 words.” The statement means that the teacher should

use teaching aids in the class.

21 - â€Å“Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man” was stated by

Swami Vivekanand

22 - â€Å“mm-hmm” is a type of ……………. Feedback


23 - â€Å“Spare the rod and spoil the child”, gives the message that

undesirable behaviour must be punished.

24 - According to Swami Vivekananda, teacher's success depends on:

His renunciation of personal gain and service to others

25 - All of the following are the characteristic features of an effective Teacher except

Emphasis upon the quick control of problematic situations.

26 - All of the following statements about a teacher are correct except that he/she is

teacher that the students do not know

27 - All of the following tend to erode local control of education in favour of national control, except the

National Institute of Mental Health

28 - An effective teacher adopts the norms of the

Democratic Society

29 - An effective teacher is one who can:

motivate students to learn

30 - An effective teaching aid is one which

activates all faculties

31 - An effective teaching means all of the following except

A teacher finds fault in his students.

32 - An individual's ability to learn is


33 - As a teacher, select the best option to ensure your effective presence in the classroom.

Adoption of well-established posture  Â

34 - As per the NCTE norms, what should be the staff strength for a unit of 100 students at B.Ed. level?

1 + 10

35 - At the primary school stage, most of the teachers should be women because they

can deal with children with love and affection.

36 - Attitudes, concepts, skills and knowledge are products of:


37 - Before starting instruction a teacher should

All of these

38 - Below are given some probable characteristics of an ineffective teacher, which of the following is most likely to be characterised the ineffective teacher?

Emphasis upon the control of immediate situation

39 - By which of the following methods the true evaluation of the students is possible?

Continuous evaluation

40 - Certificate for copy right waiver is generally given in

thesis writing

41 - CIET stands for

Central Institute for Education Technology

42 - CLASS stands for

Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools

43 - Classroom communication is normally considered as


44 - Classroom communication must be

Student centric

45 - Classroom discipline can be maintained effectively by:

Providing a programme which is according to need and interest of Pupils

46 - Democracy in the classroom is best reflected through

You will justify that most of the female students are more sincere towards their studies than male students.

47 - Discussion Method can be used when:

The topic is difficult

48 - During lecture in classroom, some students hesitate to say that they are unable to understand your lecture. What may be the reason for this?

You are unable to communicate effectively.

49 - Dynamic approach to teaching means

The students should be required to learn through activities

50 - Dyslexia is associated with

reading disorder

51 - Education is a powerful instrument of:

All the above

52 - Educational quality is

None of these

53 - Effective teaching involves

teacher and pupil interview

54 - Effective teaching is a function of

Teacher's making students learn and understand

55 - Emotional development is as much affected by maturation and learning as sensory processes, muscular growth and intellectual functions. Parlous experiment showed emotional responses could be learned th


56 - Failure of the teacher to communicate its ideas well to the students may result in

All of these

57 - Feedback is

response of receiver to communicator's message

58 - For a teacher, which of the following methods would be correct for writing on the blackboard ?

Writing the important points as clearly as possible.

59 - For an efficient and durable learning, learner should have

desired level of ability and motivation

60 - For knowledge lessons

Herbart's five-stage system is used

61 - For maintaining an effective discipline in the class, the teacher should

Deal with them politely and firmly.

62 - For providing evaluative feedback to students, the teacher should

All of these

63 - Formulation of hypothesis may not be necessary in

fact finding (Historical) studies

64 - Good evaluation of written material should not be based on:

Comprehension of subject

65 - How can students in a class be made attentive?

By creating curiosity in students

66 - How will you demonstrate your impartial behavior?

By making own behaviour more balanced and fair.

67 - Hypothesis cannot be stated in

general terms

68 - If a group of students enter your room and abuse you and behave violently with you, at that time how would you control your emotions?

First, you will try to pacify their emotions and then ask politely about their behaviour.

69 - If a parent approaches the teacher to do some favour to his/her ward in the examination, the teacher should

refuse politely and firmly

70 - If a student is absent from the classes for a long time

both (a) and (b)

71 - If a student is constantly rubbing his eyes and is unattentive during blackboard work, he is having

visual problem

72 - If a teacher had to establish his credibility in evaluating answer sheets he must be


73 - If a teacher is cracking filthy jokes in a class and you are enable to stop him, then what will you do ?

persuade him/her decently not to waste their time-in filthy jokes.

74 - If a teacher is not able to answer the question of a pupil he should

Say that he will answer after consultation

75 - If in a reserach independent variables cannot be manipulated then it is known as

Non-experimental Research

76 - If majority of students in your class are weak you should

Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright pupils.

77 - If students are not able to follow your lectures what will you do first?

You will try to know the cause and find the right solution for that.

78 - If students do not understand what is taught in the class the teacher should feel

to explain it in different way

79 - If the Principal of your Institution is not satisfied with your performance and charge you with the Act Of Negligence Of Duties, How would you behave with him?

You would keep yourself alert and make his efforts unfruitful.

80 - If you are doing experiments on a large group of samples which method of controlling will you adopt?


81 - If you get an opportunity to teach a visually challenged student along with normal students, what type of treatment would you like to give him in the class ?

Arrange a seat in the front row and try to teach at a pace convenient to him.

82 - If you invite personal friends and colleagues in your son's birthday party, the procedure of invitation will be

Extend invitation to all the teachers without any distinction.

83 - If your own son is in your class. How will you behave with your students in comparison to your son?

Just like your own son.

84 - In a classroom, a communicator's trust level is determined by:

eye contact

85 - In a lively classroom situation, there is likely to be

frequent teacher-student dialogue

86 - In case of equal emoluments. The best profession is that of


87 - In comparing the lecture and developmental lessons which one of the following is false?

Slow children derive more benefits from a lecture than brighter children do

88 - In order to produce a quality of research, it depends on

dedication on the part of researcher

89 - In our present society where values are deteriorating, the excellent education will be which

Works for establishment of human and cultural value

90 - In the classroom, the teacher sends the message either as words or images. The students are really


91 - In the guidance of learning a teacher has many important roles. Which one of the following is the least important aspect of the teachers role in the guidance of learning?

The development of insight into what constitute the pitfalls and danger to be avoided.

92 - In which year the University Grants Commission was established ?


93 - In your institution, a debate test would be held shortly then how would you support your students?

You will tell students where to consult for Literature

94 - In your view arrangement for â€Å“education on environment” in the school

Is important for creating an awareness among an awareness among students about the environment

95 - Interaction inside the classroom should generate


96 - Logic of induction is very close to

logic of sampling

97 - Mainstreaming is a term associated with

education for handicapped

98 - Many experienced teachers go into a classroom and embark straight away upon a lesson. As a beginner to the teaching profession will you

Make a written note of your preparation

99 - Maximum participation of students is possible in teaching through:

discussion method

100 - Micro teaching is more effective

during the teaching-practice

101 - Micro teaching is most effective for the student-teacher :

after the practice- teaching

102 - Micro teaching is most effective for the student-teacher:

during the practice-teaching

103 - Moral values can be effectively inculcated among the students when the teacher

himself practices them

104 - Now a days the most effective mode of learning is

Both (a) and (b)

105 - Objective type questions are not helpful in testing

All of the above

106 - Of great importance in determining the amount of transference that occurs in learning is the

IQ of teacher

107 - Of the following learning theories, the one that embodies the idea that the learning takes place through insight is known as


108 - Of the following objectives of an Elementary Music Programme the one of lowest priority is

To develop a group of performers for Hiliday Assemblies.

109 - On the first day of his class, if a teacher is asked by the students to introduce himself, he should

tell them about himself in brief

110 - On which of the following statements there is consensus among educators?

Disciplinary cases should be sent to the principal only when other means have failed.

111 - One of your student is too poor to buy a book. How will you help him?

You will provide the books from library.

112 - Professors need to study educational philosophy mainly because

they may improve their work by classifying their philosophy

113 - Quality of education in a school/college can be measured through

All of the above

114 - Research has shown that the most frequent symptom of nervous instability among teachers is

Explosive behaviour

115 - Some students are weak in studies. What will be your attitude towards them?


116 - Some students in a class exhibit great curiosity for learning. It may be because such children

Are gifted

117 - Successful Communication in classroom teaching is


118 - Suggestion helps in the development of information moral behavior, aesthetic sense and character traits. Which of the following is the chief source of suggestions which would his life?


119 - Suppose a student wants to share his problems with his teacher and he visits the teacher's house for the purpose, the teacher should

extend reasonable help and boost his morale

120 - Suppose you are asked by your friends to take the membership of the teachers association. How could you take decision in this situation?

You will try to avoid the issue.

121 - Teacher uses visual-aids to make learning:


122 - Teacher's primary responsibility lies in

planning educational experiences

123 - Teacher's role at higher education

promote self learning in students.

124 - Teachers who are enthusiastic in the classroom teaching

involve their students in the teaching learning process

125 - Teaching in higher education implies

Helping students how to learn

126 - Teaching model is a way to

Both (a) and (b)

127 - Team teaching has the potential to develop :

The habit of supplementing the teaching of each other

128 - Team teaching has the potential to develop:

The habit of supplementing the teaching of each other

129 - The academic performance of students can be improved if parents are encouraged to

supervise the work of their wards

130 - The adage of maintaining good relations with others is

Attractive features and mental make up

131 - The aim of vocationalization of education is :

making liberal education job-oriented

132 - The best method of teaching is to

initiate a discussion and participate in it

133 - The best way to reacty to a wrong answer given by a student is :

To explain why the answer is wrong

134 - The black-board can be utilized best by a teacher for

Writing the important and notable points

135 - The criteria for grading should be

All of these

136 - The decline of the British Empire should have spelt the decline of English

the statement is a prejudice

137 - The depth of any research can be judged by:

objectives of the research

138 - The e-content generation for undergraduate courses has been assigned by the Ministry of Human Resource Development to

Consortium for Educational Communication

139 - The essence of an effective classroom environment is

lively student-teacher interaction

140 - The first important step in teaching is

knowing th background of students

141 - The first Indian chronicler of Indian history was:


142 - The first question that a researcher interested in the applicable for statistical techniques to his problem has to ask

whether the data could be quantified

143 - The function of a teacher is in the order of :

Guiding the child, helping him towards progress and evaluation

144 - The greatest important Cause Of Failure In The Beginning For A Teacher Lies In The Area Of :

Interpersonal relationship

145 - The historical research is different from experimental research in the process of

All of the above

146 - The introduction of career courses in schools and colleges aims at

Providing professional knowledge to students.

147 - The main aim of teaching is :

Both (a) and (b)

148 - The main aim of teaching is:

Both (a) and (b)

149 - The main function of educational psychology is to provide prospective teacher with:

How to deal with students and everyday class situation.

150 - The main objective of teaching at Higher Education Level is:

To develop the capacity to take decisions

151 - The main purpose of evaluating listening is

both (a) and (b)

152 - The main role of education according to Plato is :

All of these

153 - The male students in your class are annoyed with you on the pretext you that have a favor to the female students. In such an embarrassing situation how would you like to control them in class?

You will justify that most of the female students are more sincere towards their studies than male students.

154 - The members of a group act, feel and think together, in a way which is different from the normal acting, feeling and thinking of individual, who come together to form the group. It is known as


155 - The most appropriate meaning of learning is

modification of behaviour

156 - The most appropriate meaning of learning is

Modification of behaviour

157 - The most appropriate purpose of learning is:

modification of behaviour

158 - The most common cause of nervous instability amongst teacher is


159 - The most important cause of failure for teacher lies in the area of:

lack of command over the knowledge of the subject

160 - The most important quality of a good teacher is

Sound knowledge of subject matter

161 - The present annual examination system:

All of the above

162 - The present annual examination system:

all the above

163 - The primary duty of the teacher is to

help all round development of the students

164 - The primary responsibility for the teacher's adjustment lies with

The principal

165 - The primary task of a teacher is :

to modify their behaviour according to the needs of our society and country

166 - The professional requirements of a teacher as explained in the Unesco Publication is /are

All of the above

167 - The project method of teaching is best associated with the philosophy of

John Dewey

168 - The quality of research is judged by the

Relevance of research

169 - The quality of teaching is reflected :

By the quality of questions asked by students

170 - The quality of teaching is reflected:

By the quality of questions asked by students

171 - The research guide requires which of the following essential qualities?

All of these

172 - The students who keep asking questions in the class

Should be encouraged to continue questioning.

173 - The students who keep on asking questions in the class should be:

encouraged to find answer independently

174 - The study in which the investigators attempt

‘Ex-post Facto' Research

175 - The teacher has been glorified by the phrase "Friend, philosopher and guide" because:

He transmits the high value of humanity to students

176 - The teacher has been glorified by the phrase â€Å“Friend, philosopher and guide” because

He transmits the high value of humanity to students

177 - The teacher ought to know the problems prevalent in the field of education. The reason is that

Only a teacher can do something about solving them.

178 - The teacher's role at the higher educational level is to:

promote self-learning in students

179 - The test on the basis of which a teacher takes decision about the students is known as

Performance Test

180 - The type of communication that the teacher has in the classroom, is termed as

Group communication

181 - The University which telecasts interaction educational programmes through its own channel is

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

182 - The Verstehen School of Understanding was popularised by

German Social scientists

183 - This methodology trains the child to search facts, rules and principles led by his own efforts, organize the set of knowledge gained and delineate general rule. The aforesaid statement is about which


184 - Those teachers are popular among students who

help them solve their problems

185 - To gain popularity among students, teacher should :

personally help them in their study

186 - Universities having central campus for imparting education are called :

Residential Universities

187 - Use of radio for higher education is based on the presumption of :

Replacing teacher in the long run

188 - Use of radio for higher education is based on the presumption of:

Everybody having access to a radio set

189 - Use of telecast materials -

Enhances concentration and learning.

190 - Value-education stands for:

inculcation of virtues

191 - Verbal guidance is least effective in Teaching -


192 - Verbal guidance is least effective in the learning of:


193 - What are required for good teaching?

All of the above

194 - What can a teacher do to develop integrated personalities of his Pupil?

All of these

195 - What is the full form of abbreviation HFT used in research?

Holzman Inkblot Test

196 - What is the reason behind the adoption of ‘GRADE' system instead of our old ‘MARKS' system?

It will eliminate the differentiation between students on marks basis.

197 - What is/are the objectives of workshop in research ?

Both (a) and (b)

198 - What quality the students like the most in a teacher?


199 - What will you do as a teacher if the students do not attend your class?

Know the reason and try to remove them

200 - When a normal student behaves in an erratic manner in the class, you would:

talk to the student after the class

201 - When some students are deliberately attempting to disturb the discipline of the class by making mischief, what will be your role as a teacher?

Giving them an opportunity for introspection and improve their behaviour.

202 - When you make a mistake while teaching in the class and your students point it out angrily then what will you does?

You will feel sorry for committing the blunder

203 - Which among the following gives more freedom to the learner to interact?

Small group discussion

204 - Which can be described as an ideal teaching technique?

Both (a) and (b)

205 - Which is most favorable for education?

Social stratification

206 - Which is the least important factor in teaching?

punishing the students

207 - Which is the most important aspect of the teacher's role in learning?

The development of insight into what constitutes an adequate performance

208 - Which is the source of primary data


209 - Which of the following are true about teaching?

All of these

210 - Which of the following belongs to a projected aid?


211 - Which of the following can be termed as most import task in teaching among the given?

Directing students in development of experiences.

212 - Which of the following does not belong to a projected aid ?


213 - Which of the following indicates evaluation?

All the above

214 - Which of the following institutions is responsible for the implementation of reforms in teaching profession?

National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration

215 - Which of the following is /are correct?

All of these

216 - Which of the following is a disadvantage of teaching machine?

The insurance of attention

217 - Which of the following is a good method of teaching?

Seminar and project

218 - Which of the following is a product of learning?


219 - Which of the following is a purposive sampling?

Deliberate sampling

220 - Which of the following is a teaching aid?

All of the above

221 - Which of the following is a teaching aid?

All the above

222 - Which of the following is ‘NOT' true?

All of the above

223 - Which of the following is fast step of teaching ?


224 - Which of the following is more interactive and student centric?

Group Discussion

225 - Which of the following is most important for effective learning in classroom?

All of the above

226 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good achievement test ?


227 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of research ?


228 - Which of the following is not a prescribed level of teaching?


229 - Which of the following is not a product of learning?


230 - Which of the following is not a quality of teacher?

He may not know child psychology.

231 - Which of the following is not a step of research?

None of these

232 - Which of the following is not instructional material?


233 - Which of the following is not the characteristic of a research ?

Research is not a process

234 - Which of the following is responsible for uniformity in curriculum at higher level in India?

University Grants Commission

235 - Which of the following is the educational implication of the of the learning process?

All of the above

236 - Which of the following is the highest level of cognitive ability


237 - Which of the following is the most important characteristic of Open Book Examination system?

It compels students to think.

238 - Which of the following is the most important signal factor in underlying the success of beginning a teacher?

Personality and its ability to relate to the class and to the pupils

239 - Which of the following is true about Micro Teaching?

All of the above

240 - Which of the following is wrongly matched?

Skinner — Gestalt

241 - Which of the following is/are components of ethical research ?

All of the above

242 - Which of the following is/are step/steps of Research plan?

All of these

243 - Which of the following is/are the examples of qualitative variable ?

Both (a) and (b)

244 - Which of the following is/are the qualities of teacher?

All of these

245 - Which of the following methods of communication would be most effective in classroom?

Multimedia method

246 - Which of the following methods of teaching encourages the use of maximum senses?

Laboratory method

247 - Which of the following must be the qualities of teacher except?


248 - Which of the following one is most effective for a teacher?

Teaching skills

249 - Which of the following qualities is most essential for a teacher?

He should have patience.

250 - Which of the following skills are needed for present day teacher to adjust effectively with the classroom teaching?

All of the above

251 - Which of the following statement is correct ?

All of the above

252 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Researches lead to discovery

253 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Communicator should have fine senses

254 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Reliability and validity are independent of each other

255 - Which of the following statement is not correct?

Lecture Method can develop reasoning

256 - Which of the following statements is correct?

Syllabus is a part of curriculum.

257 - Which of the following statements is most appropriate?

Teachers help can create in a student a desire to learn.

258 - Which of the following statements regarding motivation is correct?

All of these

259 - Which of the following systematically discovers relations and interaction among variables in real life situations such as school, factory, community etc ?

Field study

260 - Which of the following teacher, will be liked most?

A loving teacher

261 - Which one is not the objective of Special Education?

All of these

262 - Which one is the highest order of learning?

Conditioned-reflex learning

263 - Which one of the following is a primary task of a teacher?

To stimulate and guide students learning

264 - Which one of the following is a scaled down teaching situation?

Micro teaching

265 - Which one of the following is appropriate in respect of teacher student relationship?

Cordial and respectful

266 - Which one of the following is considered a sign of motivated teaching?

Students asking questions

267 - Which one of the following is least required during the preparation of lecture?

Factual materials in indirect way

268 - Which one of the following is not a quality of teacher?

Teacher should maintain an autocratic atmosphere in the class.

269 - Which one of the following is not concerned with the duties of a teacher?

To participate in extra curricular activities

270 - Which one of the following is the best method of teaching ?

Demonstration method

271 - Which one of the following is the best method of teaching?


272 - Which one of the following is the most important quality of a good teacher ?

Content mastery and reactive

273 - Which one of the following languages can be the best medium of instruction at primary level?

Mother Tongue

274 - Which one of the following should a teacher adopt in his lecture in a class?

Precise and low tone.

275 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Curriculum includes both formal, and informal education.

276 - Which one of the following teachers would you like the most:

having research aptitude

277 - Which one of the following types of evaluation assesses the learning progress to provide continuous feedback to both teachers and students during instruction ?

Formative evaluation

278 - While dealing with juvenile delinquents a teacher should

Talks with them frankly and guide and channelize

279 - While delivering lecture if there is some disturbance in the class, a teacher should

motivate to teach those causing disturbance

280 - While delivering lecture if there is some disturbance in the class, then a teacher should

Keep quiet for a while and then go on.

281 - Who among the following propounded the concept of paradigm?

Thomas Kuhn

282 - Who defined teaching as a â€Å“An organised system of specific activities aimed to help the learner learn something ” ?


283 - Who has signed an MOU for Accreditation of Teacher Education Institutions in India?


284 - Who has the least chance of becoming an effective teacher?

One who has no interest in teaching.

285 - Who said that members of the same species are not alike?


286 - Why a teacher is called the leader of the class?

He is autocratic emperor of his class.

287 - Why do teachers use teaching aid?

To teach within understanding level of students

288 - With respect to the development of skills, all of the following are correct except that

Pupil of same mental age should learn at the same rate.

289 - You are a teacher of literature. A chapter of a book deals with a biography of a scientist and his works. In this situation, What would you do with chapter?

You would consult other books concerning with the scientist and then teach the lesson tostudent.

290 - You bringing your pupil for a monument visit outside your city. A father is reluctant to send his child for this. What will you do?

Try to convince him for sending his child by explaining the importance of such as educational and cultural trip


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