Thermal And Electrochemistry MCQs For Job Test Preparation

1 - ________________ is study about energy of a chemical system


2 - Anything which depends upon initial and final state of a system is

state function

3 - Apparent charge on atom in molecule is

oxidation number

4 - Capacity of one lead accumulator cell is

2 volts

5 - Chemical used in salt bridge is


6 - Decrease in oxidation number is called


7 - Density of H2SO4 in lead accumulator is


8 - E0red of an element cab be calculated by comparing it with


9 - Electricity in voltaic cell is produced due to

both b & c

10 - Electrode potential of Zn is

depends on the nature of the coupled electrode

11 - Enthalpy change can be

both a and b

12 - For the measurement of standard electrode potential Zn is dipped in

1 M ZnSO4 solution

13 - Greater value of standard reduction potential greater will be tendency

both b and c

14 - Greater value of standard reduction potential smaller will be tendency

to form positive ions

15 - H2 gas in SHE is filled at pressure of

760mm of Hg

16 - If electricity is passed through CuSO4 solution by using Pt electrode then which of the following possible change occurs?

Colour of the solution becomes fade

17 - If internal energy of the system is increased


18 - In a galvanic cell

Chemical energy is converted into electricity

19 - In alkaline battery the anode is made up of


20 - In an electrolytic cell current flows ?

From anode to cathode outside the cell

21 - In electrolytic cell electricity carries

non-wpontaneous reaction

22 - In electrolytic solution conductance of electricity is due to


23 - In Galvanic cell electrons flow from anode to cathode through

external electric circuit

24 - In galvanic cell Zn acts as an anode so its value of standard reduction potential in comparison to coupled electrode would be


25 - In K2Cr2O7 the oxidation number of chromium is


26 - Lead accumulators are

both a & c

27 - List of elements based on hydrogen scale is called

electrochemical series

28 - Molten NaCl conducts electricity due to the presence of

Free ions

29 - Most of thermodynamic parameters are

state functions

30 - Percentage of sulphuric acid in lead accumulator is


31 - Potential of SHE is considered as


32 - Reaction at anode is called


33 - Right half cell contains __________ electrode


34 - Salt bridge transfers


35 - Secondary cell is


36 - Stronger the oxidizing agent greater is the

Reduction potential

37 - Temperature for the measurement of standard electrode potential is


38 - The degree of dissociation of week electrolyte increases as

Dilution increases

39 - The element that act as anode always have _______ position in electrochemical cell


40 - The environment in which a system is studied is


41 - The half cells are interconnected through

salt bridge

42 - The rate of reaction

Decreases as the reaction proceeds

43 - The reduction potential Zn is


44 - The strength of solution of an element whose electrode potential is to be measured is


45 - Total energy of a system is

P.E + K.E

46 - Two fundamental ways to transfer energy are

heat and work

47 - Unit of heat in SI system is


48 - Voltaic cell can be recharged by

by replacing external circuit with external source of electricity

49 - Voltaic cell is a

all of the above

50 - Which has maximum oxidation number?


51 - Which of the following cell is not rechargeable?

Silver oxide cell

52 - Which of the following element act as inert electrode


53 - Which of the following is true in the case of Zn-Cu cell?

Zinc acts as an anode and copper as cathode

54 - Which one is not state function



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