Tissue and Tissue System in Plants MCQs For Job Test Preparation : Botany MCQs

Plant anatomy and physiology are important subjects for those seeking a career in the field of agriculture, horticulture, or botany. To test a candidate's knowledge in these subjects, multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on Tissue and Tissue System in Plants are commonly used. MCQs based on Tissue and Tissue System in Plants are an excellent way to assess an individual's understanding of the subject and their ability to apply the knowledge in real-life scenarios.

Tissue and Tissue System in Plants MCQs are an important tool for assessing an individual's understanding of the subject. By understanding the types of plant tissues and their functions, individuals can excel in their careers and make a significant contribution to the field of agriculture, horticulture, or botany.

MCQs under the topic of Tissue and Tissue System in Plants covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

1 - The group of cells performing some collective function is called ?


2 - A thin inner layer is present close to middle lamella in sieve elements is called ?

Nacreous layer

3 - A thin layer of cutin on the epidermal cells is called ?


4 - Agave is example of ?

Brush fibers

5 - Agave sisalana is example of ?

Hard fiber

6 - Atriplex is example of ?

Glandular trichom

7 - Bubble like cells present in many monocots is called ?


8 - Butter cup is example of ?

Anomocytic stomata

9 - Calcium carbonate crystalls are present in ?

Lithocytes cells

10 - Cicer is example of ?

Glandular trichom

11 - Collenchyma tissue is ?

Simple tissue

12 - Cordage fibers obtained from ?

Hard fiber

13 - Cotton is example of ?

Non glandular trichom

14 - Cotton is example of ?

Filling fibers

15 - Cruciferae is example of ?

Myrosin cells

16 - Cucurbitaceae is example of ?

Lithocytes cells

17 - Cuticle proper formed by the secretion of cutin this process is called ?


18 - Flax is example of ?

Soft fiber

19 - Formation of adventitious roots and union of grafts by ?


20 - Gaseous exchange occurred through ?


21 - Glands are example of ?

Secretory tissue

22 - Glandular trichom are ?


23 - Guard cell is surrounded by certiain number of cells is called ?

Anomocytic stomata

24 - Hairs are example of ?

Secretory tissue

25 - If guard cell is surrounded by one or more cells ?

Paracytic stomata

26 - If guard cell is surrounded by three subsidiary cells ?

Anisocytic stomata

27 - In collenchyma tissues lamellae is rich of ?


28 - In epidermal cell outer layer is formed of cuting only is called ?

Cuticle proper

29 - In some cases tissues become dead cells is ?


30 - Isodiametric shape is present in ?

Stone cells

31 - Jute is example of ?

Filling fibers

32 - Jute is example of ?

Soft fiber

33 - Living conducting tissue is ?


34 - Musa textilis is example of ?

Hard fiber

35 - Oil gland is example of ?

Secretory tissue

36 - Onion is example of ?

Paracytic stomata

37 - Palmae is example of ?

Brush fibers

38 - Parenchyma cells of flowers and fruits contain ?


39 - Parenchyma shape found in palisade mesophyll tissues of plants is ?


40 - Parenchyma shape found in palisade tissue of leaf is ?


41 - Parenchyma Shape found in stem of plants is ?


42 - Parenchyma tissue is ?

Simple tissue

43 - Parenchyma walls are cheifly composed of ?


44 - Phloem is example of ?

Compound tissue

45 - Potato is example of ?

Anisocytic stomata

46 - Present in the form of hard mass of cells ?


47 - Regeneration in plants is caused by ?


48 - Sclerenchyma tissue is ?

Simple tissue

49 - Smaller cells of stomata cells act as ?

Mother cels

50 - Sorghum vulgare is example of ?

Brush fibers

51 - Special absorbing tissue of aerial root is ?


52 - Spoon shape present in ?


53 - Star shape present in ?


54 - Sticky substance secreting trichomes present in ?


55 - Stomata develop form ?


56 - The cell sap of epidermal cells of many flowers contain pigments called ?


57 - The cells present in epidermis is ?


58 - The eary primary xylems are called ?


59 - The elongated cells with characteristics sieve area in their walls are called ?

Sieve elements

60 - The fiber originate in cortex is ?

Cortical fiber

61 - The fiber originate in monocot and dicot is ?


62 - The fiber originate in phloem is ?

Phloem fibers

63 - The fiber present in phloem and cortex tissues ?


64 - The fiber present in the periphery of vascular cylinder ?


65 - The fiber used for making brushes ad brooms ?

Brush fibers

66 - The fiber used for the making coarse fabrics is ?


67 - The fiber used for the making of rope is ?

Cordage Fiber

68 - The fiber used for the mattresses and life belts ?

Filling fibers

69 - The fiber with intermediate thickness between tracheids and fibiform fibers ?


70 - The fiber with very thick wall and simple pits is ?


71 - The fibers used in manufacture of fabrics are ?

Textile fiber

72 - The inner layer of epidermal cell is called ?

Cuticular layer

73 - The inner most layers of fibers is rich in cellulose is ?


74 - The liginified tissues which lack protoplast at maturity are called ?


75 - The major part of xylem is ?


76 - The outer wall of epidermis have remnants of plasmodesmata called ?


77 - The parenchyma cells of mesophyll tissues of leaves are rich in chloroplast are called ?


78 - The parenchyma cells with uneven angular thickening which support young growing part of plant are called ?


79 - The phloem formed as a result of secondary growth is called ?

Secondary phloem

80 - The phloem present inside the xylem is called ?

Adaxial phloem

81 - The phloem present outside the xylem is called ?

Abaxial phloem

82 - The process of deposition of cutin is called ?


83 - The protoplast of the adjacent cells in aerenchymas is connected by ?


84 - The scientific name of jute is ?

Corchoms capsularis

85 - The shape of epidermal cells is ?


86 - The shape of filiform sclereids is ?

Long slender

87 - The shape of Guard cell is ?


88 - The simple tissues with cells having thin and elastic walls are called ?


89 - The specialized water and salt conducting cells of xylem are called ?

Tracheary elements

90 - The terpene secreting cells present in ?


91 - The thin walled parenchyma cells closely associated the sieve elements is called ?

Companion cells

92 - The tissue with different type of the cells is ?

Compound tissue

93 - The tissue with similar type of cells are called ?

Simple tissue

94 - The tissues found in the form of single cell or isolated group of cells ?

Secretory tissue

95 - The tissues which provide support to weak stems ?


96 - The tracheary elements which are elongated tube like with tapering ends are called ?


97 - The tracheary elements which are short wide and wirh perforated end walls are called ?

Vessel members

98 - The variable shaped sclerenchymatous cells with strongly lignified wall having simple pits are called ?


99 - The xylem appear late during differentiation are called?


100 - The xylem produced as a result of primary growth is called ?

Primary xylem

101 - The xylems which are produced as a result of secondary growth are called ?

Secondary xylem

102 - Trichomes is example of ?

Secretory tissue

103 - Type of sclereids present in seed coat is ?


104 - Types of sclereids are ?


105 - Types of stomata is ?


106 - Types of the fibers are ?


107 - Types of tissues are ?


108 - Types of xylary Fibers are ?


109 - Vascular tissue is belong to ?


110 - Very long and narrow sclerenchymatous cells with tapering ends are ?


111 - When each guard cell is surrounded by two subsidiary cells is called ?

Diactiyic stomata

112 - When epidermis have single layer is called ?


113 - When guard cell is surrounded by the circle of radiating cells?

Actinocytic stomata

114 - When phloem strand or layers are included in the secondary xylem is called ?


115 - Which fiber have best water holding capacity ?


116 - Which of the folllowing is giving harness and strength to nuts ?


117 - Which of the following is compound non living conducting tissue?


118 - Which of the following have look like plant hairs ?


119 - Which of the following have stinging hair cells?


120 - Which of the following is form the outermost layer of cells on the primary plant body ?


121 - Which of the following is give colours to petals and fruits ?


122 - Which of the following is present in ground tissue ?


123 - Which of the following is store food in fruits and roots ?

Storage Parenchyma

124 - Which of the following tissues are elastic in nature ?


125 - Which tissues are absent in roots ?


126 - Wound healing in plants is occurred by ?


127 - Xylem is example of ?

Compound tissue


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