Animal Tissues Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A bone kept in 10% KOH solution for three days will:

Remain unchanged

2 - A tendon serves to join:

Muscles with bones

3 - Aging in our body is associated with deterioration in our:

Connective tissue

4 - Areolar tissue is found:

In all of these structures

5 - Basement membrane upon which the epithelial cells rest is formed of:

Hyaluronicacid + glycoproteins + layer of reticular fibres

6 - Bones are joined to bones with the help of:


7 - Branch of Science dealing with microscopic anatomy of tissues is called:


8 - Calcified cartilage is found in:


9 - Cells of squamous epithelium are:

Flat and tile-like

10 - Chondrin is found in the matrix of:


11 - Chondrin is made up of:

Chondrotin sulphate + mucoprotein

12 - Chondrin is transleuscent and pearly white/bluish in:

Hyaline cartilage

13 - Connective tissue in our body constitutes:

30% of body mass

14 - Connective tissue mainly functions to:

Perform all the above functions

15 - Cuboidal epithelium is found in:

All of these

16 - Desmosomes which are button-like junctions between epithelial cells with tonofibrils are responsible for:

Bearing mechanical stress

17 - Diaphyses in long bones are:

Hollow and compact in texture

18 - Diploic bones are present in:


19 - Ear pinnae, epiglottis and bronchiolar cartilages are:

Yellow elastic

20 - Elastic pads at articular ends of long bones are formed of:

Hyaline cartilage

21 - Ends of large bones contain:

Red bone marrow

22 - Entire cell when filled with secretions is discharged in the:

Holocrine glands

23 - Epiphyses of long bones are:


24 - Epithelial cells lining cavities have:

All of these

25 - Epithelium by origin is:

All of these

26 - Excessive stretching of ligaments results in:


27 - Exchange of materials between blood and tissue fluid occurs through:


28 - Exchange of materials between blood and tisue cells occurs through:

Tissue fluid

29 - Glands in which secretions collect in apical part which later breaks off and discharged are called:


30 - Groups of similar cells specialized to perform specific functions constitute:


31 - Hardest connective tissue in our body is:


32 - Haversian canals during life may contain:

Only an artery and a vein

33 - Haversian cannals and Volkmann's canals are characteristic of bone in:


34 - Histology is considered synonymous to:


35 - If femur of frog is kept in dilute HCI for about three days, it will:

Become soft and elastic

36 - In our body the ciliated epithelium is found in:

Trachea, neurocoel of central nervous system and oviducts

37 - In tanning which of the following fibres are treated with salts of heavy metals:


38 - Inner surface of intestine is lined by:

Epithelial tissue only

39 - Ligaments and tendons are made up of:

Collagen fibres

40 - Ligaments join:

Bones to bones

41 - Ligamentum flava is made up of:

Elastin fibres

42 - Ligamentum nuchae found in the neck of quadrupeds is example of:

White fibrous tissue

43 - Lumen of stomach and intestine has:

Columnar epithelium

44 - Main functions of areolar tissue are:

All of these

45 - Main hardening materials in bones are:

Phosphates of calcium and magnesium

46 - Major constituent of bone is:

Calcium phosphate

47 - Mammalian bone differs from cartilage in having:

Haversian canals

48 - Mammalian bones differ with those of frog in having:

Haversian canals

49 - Mast cells are present in:

Areolar tissue

50 - Mast cells areolar tissue secrete

All of these

51 - Matrix with collagen fibres, elastin fibres, reticular fibres, fibrocytes, macrophages, mast cells, plasma cells, eosinophils etc. is found in:

Areolar tissue

52 - Mixed glands which release both serous and mucous secretions are represented in our body by:

Both (a) & (b)

53 - Muscular tissues are more active than others, which organelles are expected to be more numerous in the cells of this tissue:


54 - One of the following substances acts as a vasoconstrictor to arrest bleeding and also to increase blood pressure is:


55 - Osteocytes of bones show:

No division

56 - Our body becomes bit taller during sleep or after death because:

White fibrous cartilage present on intervertebral discs relax during sleep and after death

57 - Panniculus adiposus, in man, hump in camel and blubber in whale are formed of:

Adipose tissue

58 - Pigmented epithelium is characteristic of:

Retina of eye

59 - Rings of trachea and hyoid are made up of:

Hyaline cartilage

60 - Schneiderian membrane is:

Stratified epithelium

61 - Sebaceous and compound salivery glands are:

Alveolar glands

62 - Sebaceous glands associated with hair follicles are:

None of these

63 - Secretory units are rounded in:

Acinus glands

64 - Sesamoid bone is formed by:


65 - Sheaths of cartilages, muscles and nerves are formed of:

White fibrous tissue

66 - Simple and compound glands basically differ in one of the following points:

Both of these points

67 - Simple epithelium is associated with:

All of these

68 - Simple squamous epithelium is the characteristic of:

All of these

69 - Simple, squamous epithelium is found in the lining of:

All of these

70 - Skin in a vertebrate consists of:

Both of these

71 - Stratified epithelium is found in:


72 - Stratified epithelum is found on:

Protective surfaces

73 - Stratum corneum has dead, cornified cells but had these cells been living, the possible disadvantage would be that:

Microbes could grow freely on skin surface

74 - Study of tissues is called:


75 - Successful transplantation of tissues from one animal body to the other can occur without extra measures in case:

Skin is transplanted among inbred strain of mice

76 - Term ""Epithelia"" was introduced by:


77 - Term ""Histology"" to separate branch for study of tissues as given by:

Mayer (1819)

78 - The pseudostratified epithelium is:

A columnar epithelium with additional layer of basal cells all resting upon basement membrane

79 - The tissue in which Mast cells occur is:

Connective tissue proper

80 - Thin fibrous lining around the bone marrow in long bones of mammals is called:


81 - Tissues found in our body are derived from:

All of these

82 - Tonofibrils are found in:


83 - Transitional epithelium is:

Adapted for distension of the organ where it is present

84 - Umbelical cord, cock's comb and vitreous body of eye are made up of:

Mucous connective tissue

85 - Wharton's jelly is made up of:

Mucous connective tissue

86 - Which of the bone marrows is haemopoietic tissue:

Red bone marrow

87 - Which of the following cells of areolar tissue form antibodies:

Plasma cells

88 - Which of the following changes in connective tissue are responsible for aging in our body:

Both of these changes

89 - Which of the following connective tissues helps in defence of the body:


90 - Which of the following glands are apocrine in nature:

Mammary glands

91 - Which of the following glands are examples of compound glands in our body:

Liver, pancrease, saliver glands

92 - Which of the following glands secrete a wating fluid:

Serous glands

93 - Which of the following is a single type of tissue:


94 - Which of the following minerals is maximum in the bone:

Calcium phosphate

95 - Which of the following sets represent merocrine glands:

Mammary glands and sweat glands

96 - Which of the following substances secreted by Mast cells of arreolar tissue is anticoagulant:


97 - Which of the following tissues lacks collagen and elastin fibres:

Adipose tissue

98 - White fibres are made up of:


99 - Who coined the term protoplasm?

None of these

100 - Yellow bone marrow is found:

In the middle part/shaft of large bones


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