Basic Genetics Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A complete set of chromosomes, which is inherited as a unit from one parent is called:


2 - A cross between F1 hybrids with either of the parent is called:


3 - A heterozygous individual which carries unexpressed recessive gene for a sex-linked character is known as:


4 - A ratio of 3:1 in F2 individuals is suggestive of:

Monohybrid cross

5 - A true breeding tall pea plant when crossed with a true breeding dwarf plant yielded tall plants in F1 generation which on selfing gives rise to 787 tall and 277 dwarf plant in F2 generation. The plants of F1 generation are:


6 - Allelic gene interaction is exhibited by which of these:

All of these

7 - Before proposing his theory, Mendel:

Had no idea of factors and genes

8 - Besides devising checker-board method Bateson is also known for:

Coining the term allelomorph for genes of contrasting expressions of characters

9 - Branch of biology, which deals with the laws of heredity or similarities and dissimilarities between individuals related by descent, is called:


10 - Examples of non-allelic gene interaction are:

Complementary genes

11 - Genes that reduce the viability of individual or cause its death of bearer are called:

Lethal genes

12 - Genetic complement is called:


13 - Genetics is a branch of biology, which deals with:

Laws of heredity and variations

14 - Genotype of an organism is its:

Genetic consititution

15 - Gregor John Mendel is famous for:

Laws of heredity

16 - Hybridization in pre-mendelian era:

Was unsuccessful when attempted by workers

17 - If a genotype is not known it is crossed with recessive parent to reveal what is hidden then the cross is known as:

Test cross

18 - If a tall plant is crossed with a dwarf plant the cross is called:

Green colour of cotyledons

19 - If F1 generation of a cross between tall and dwarf plants is of tall plants, it indicates the character to be:


20 - If opposite alleles come together, one of these only expresses while masking the other. It can be described as:

Law of dominance

21 - In a cross between blue and white Andalusian fowls the results due to incomplete dominance will be:

50% blue and 50% white fowls

22 - In a dihybrid cross between round yellow and wrinkled green plants the F2 generation will have 16 individuals in the ration of:


23 - In a gene interaction the gene that masks the expression of another gene is termed:

Epistatic gene

24 - In a monohybrid cross between red plants (RR) and white plant the F1 hybrids (Rr) are all pink. It is indication of the fact that gene R is:

Incompletely dominant

25 - In case red flower colour is dominant to white flower colour which of these statements is correct:

Only white-flowered plants from white-flowered plants

26 - In cross between more than one pair of contrasting characters the assortment of unit factors is independent of parental combinations is the theme of:

Law of independent assortment

27 - In Drosophila, red eye character is dominant over white-eye character. When a homozygous red eye individual is crossed with a homozygous white eye individual and individuals of F1 generation are intercrossed, 12 individuals are produced. White-eye individ


28 - In man certain characters may be dominant and recessive. Which of these characters are dominant:

Normal coloured vision and normal clotting

29 - In monohybrid cross between tall (TT) and dwarf (tt) parents F2 plants produced in the ration of 3 tall : 1 dwarf are:

Only in phenotype

30 - In which of the respect Mendel was lucky in selecting pea plants for his experiments in explaining laws of inheritance:

All the seven characters he selected were located upon different pairs of chromosomes

31 - Instead of usual mendelian ratio of 9:3:3:1 often ratio of 9:7 is obtained in some of the crosses which is possibly due to interaction of:

Complementary genes

32 - Law of dominance states that:

Out of the two unit factors of contrasting expression of a trait present in an individual only one is expressed

33 - Law of dominance was given by:


34 - Mating of closely related individuals is called:


35 - Mendel selected which of the following traits for his studies:

All of these

36 - Microbial genetics is:

Genetics of bacteria and viruses

37 - Mule is an example of:

Both (a) & (b)

38 - Mule is hybrid offspring of:

Female horse and male donkey

39 - On the basis of which of these rations, we can prove law of independent assortment:


40 - Out breeding in sheep produces improved strains of sheep which provide increased amount of meat and wool than in breeds. This is an example of:


41 - Phenotypic ration of F2 hybrids in cross between tall (TT) and dwarf (tt) plants is 3 Tall : 1 dwarf but genotypic ration will be:

1 TT : 2Tt : 1tt

42 - Punnet devised a geometrical method for determining genetic combinations during crosses and know the possible expressions which is called:

Checker-board method

43 - Ratio of 27:9:9:9:3:3:1 in F2 individuals is suggestive of:

Trihybrid cross

44 - Ratio of 9:3:4 is obtained instead of 9:3:3:1 under the condition when there is gene interaction involving:

Supplementary genes

45 - Segregation of alleles occurs at the time of:

Crossing over

46 - Skin colour inheritance in mammals is usually:


47 - Term genetics was first used by:


48 - The contrasting characters of individuals are represented by unit factors which separate at the time of gamete formation is explained by Meddel's law of:

Dominance and Recessiveness

49 - The fact that F1 plants when backcrossed with double recessive parent gave four types of plants in equal proportions proves that the F1 plants produced:

Four type of gametes in equal number

50 - The ratio of progeny of dwarf plants in a cross between heterozygous tall plant with homozygous dwarf plant will be:


51 - The term gene was first used by:


52 - The worker who studied experimentally and proposed the laws of heredity was:


53 - Theory of continuity of germplasm suggests that:

Germinal material of body passes through gametes from one generation to another

54 - Two homologous genes are exactly similar in a genotype, which is:


55 - Unit factor term for controlling characters of individuals was given by:


56 - Unit of inheritance is called :


57 - Vapour theory of inheritance was put forward by:


58 - Visible characters in an organism are called:


59 - What will be the ration of plants in F2 generation when parents with tall stem (TT) are crossed with dwarf parents (tt):

3 tall : 1 dwarf

60 - When red and white cattles are crossed, they produce a roan offspring which has both red and white hairs on skin, it is called:


61 - When two pea plants with white flowers were crossed, F1 hybrids produced purple colour unlike their parents but like their remote ancestors, this is an example of:


62 - Which of these characters is dominant:

Axial position of flowers

63 - Which of these do not follow mendelian ratios:

All of these

64 - Which of these is a heterozygous condition:


65 - Which of these is a recessive trait in Drosophila (fruit fly):

Red eye colour

66 - Which of these terms indicate a pair of contrasting characters or factors:


67 - Which of these workers coined terms 'homozygous' and 'heterozygous' that we use very commonly in genetics:

Both (a) & (b)

68 - Which will be the correct genotypes of F2 plants obtained by cross between tall (TT) and dwarf (tt) parents:

TT : tt : Tt : tt

69 - Who claimed to observe a mini form of man inside the sperm?


70 - Who discovered the ova for the first time:

All of these

71 - Who formulated chromosomal theory of inheritance:


72 - Who gave laws of segregation and dominance?


73 - Who is considered father of genetics:


74 - Who observed sperms for the first time?


75 - Why pea plants were most suitable for Mendel's experiments than dogs because:

Pea plants can be selfed


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