Cell Division Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A cell cycle has which of the following phases:

All of these

2 - A gamete has:

x number of chromosomes

3 - A rough idea of cell division was given by:


4 - A zygote has:

2 x number of chromosomes

5 - Anaphase occurs in:

Both mitosis and meiosis

6 - Arrangement of chromosomes at equatorial place of spindle occur during:


7 - Blueprint of heredity in chromosomes is:


8 - Cell division in animal cells occur by:

All of these methods

9 - Cell division in eukaryotic cells involves:

Both (a) & (b)

10 - Cell division in plants was described first by:


11 - Cell division takes place in which of these phases of cell cycle:

D - phase

12 - Chromosomes are composed of:

DNA + Proteins

13 - Chromosomes during metaphase:

Occupy equatorial position

14 - Commencement of diploid phase in the life cycle of an animal is marked by:


15 - Continuous fibres in spindle are those which connect:

One centriole with other and attached pole to pole

16 - Daughter cells of meiotic division are haploid which shows:

That genes are located on chromosomes

17 - Division of centromeres during mitosis occurs during:


18 - Division of cytoplasm is termed:


19 - DNA duplication is:


20 - DNA polymerase is associated with:

Process of DNA duplication

21 - Duration of G1 - phase in cell cycle is:

10 hours

22 - Duration of S-phase of cell cycle is:

8 hours

23 - During amitotic cell division in animals there is:

Only elongation of nucleus and subsequent breaking into two daughters

24 - During G1 phase of cell cycle there is:

Synthesis of substances essential for biosynthesis of DNA

25 - During meiotic cell division the centromeres of chromosomes occurs during:

Anaphase of second meiotic division

26 - First stage of cell division is marked by:


27 - For mitotic division the DNA is:


28 - G2 - phase of cell cycle lasts for about:

5 hours

29 - How many mitotic divisions are required to make 256 daughter nuclei:


30 - Importance of cell division in heredity was emphasized by:


31 - In a cell the number of chromosomes after first meiotic division is 46, the number of chromosomes in its daughters after completion of the process will be:


32 - In a cell, the cell division occurs when:

It has attained optimum growth

33 - Intact nuclear membrane, chromatin fibres, double DNA etc, characterize which of these phases:


34 - Interphase is constituted in cell cycle by:

All of these

35 - Meiosis differs from mitosis because in it:

Chromosomal number is halved

36 - Meiosis is the only division in which:

Chromosomal number is reduced to half

37 - Meiosis was termed by:

J.B. Farmer and Moore

38 - Mitosis is a process of cell division during which there is:

Distribution of same number of chromosomes in daughter cells

39 - Mitosis is a regular feature of cells but a sudden as well rapid mitosis leads to formation of:


40 - Mitosis occurs:

Somatic cells only

41 - Mitotic cell division occurs in:

Somatic cells

42 - Mitotic cell division results in the:

No change in chromosomal number

43 - Mitotic spindle is formed in:

Both mitosis and meiosis

44 - Most important significance of mitosis lies in which of these:

It regulates karyo-cytoplasmic relation

45 - Movement of chromosomes during anphase is:

Dependent on association of spindle fibres with kinetochore

46 - M-phase of cell cycle lasts for about:

1 hour

47 - Nucleic acid forming chromosomes is:


48 - Nucleous originates from:


49 - Number of chromosomes in human karyotype is:


50 - Process of meiosis is seen to occur when a cell:

Has to undergo sexual reproduction

51 - Prophase in mitotic division is characterized by which of these events:

All of these

52 - Replacement and repair of body is done through which of these cell divisions:


53 - S - phase of cell cycle is characterized by:

Duplication of DNA

54 - Separation of chromatids and their movement to opposite poles of the spindle occurs in which of these:


55 - Some microtubules in spindle which remain attached to spindle and also to the poles are called:

Interchromosomal fibres

56 - Some of microtubules of spindle attaching to centromeres of chromosomes are called:

Chromosomal fibres

57 - Spindle is formed during cell division by:

Both (a) & (b)

58 - Strausberger observed

Cell division in plants

59 - Structure present in chromosomes is:


60 - Sutton emphasized:

Importance of cell division in heredity

61 - The correct sequence of various substages in first meiotic prophase is:

Leptonema, zygonema, pachynema, diplonema and diakinesis

62 - The replication of chromosomes occurs in:


63 - When during meiotic cell division, chromosomes first appear duplicated, each bivalent is called:


64 - Which of these can best explain the significance of meiosis:

It ensures transmission of same genetic material from generations to generations

65 - Which of these changes mark the tolophase in mitosis:

Both of these changes

66 - Which of these divisions help sex cells to increase in their number:


67 - Which of these divisions helps in asexual reproduction of bacteria:


68 - Which of these divisions in necessary for the growth in the animals:


69 - Which of these marks the beginning of diploid phase in our life cycle:


70 - Which of these organelles are not shared by the daughter cells:


71 - Which of these plays important role in cell division in animal cell:


72 - Who described the cell division first?

Hugo Von Mohl

73 - Who observed first that the reproductive cells have different division than somatic cells?


74 - Who used the word karckinecs for cell division?

Hugo Von Mohl

75 - Word mitosis was coined by:

W. Flemmings


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