Cells in Animals Important Job Related MCQs

1 - According to cell theory the cell is:

Both structural and functional unit of organization of living things

2 - Animal cells are:


3 - Animal cells is limited outside by:

Plasma membrane

4 - Boveri animal which of these organelles:


5 - Carbohydrates link with proteins and fats of plasma membrane form:

Both (a) & (b)

6 - Cell may be regarded a:

Both (a) & (b)

7 - Cell membrane in animals is composed mainly of molecules of:

Lipids and proteins

8 - Cell membrane is made up of:

Phospholipids and proteins

9 - Cell of largest diameter is:

Ostrich egg

10 - Cell organoids with electron transport system and considered as powerhouse of the cell are:


11 - Cell theory postulated by Scheiden and Schwann is:

Neither new nor wrong

12 - Cellular organelles containing hydrolytic enzymes are:


13 - Cellular respiration occurs in the:


14 - Centriole is found in:

Animal cell only

15 - Centriole, was discovered in animal cells by:


16 - Centrosome is:

A cytoplasmic structure of animal cell

17 - Chemically ribosomes are made up of:

RNA + proteins

18 - Contraction, cyclosis, endocytosis, cytokinesis etc, in animal cell are due to the presence of:


19 - Cristae are:

Folds on inner wall of mitochondria

20 - Cytoplasm in the cell is:

Substance between plasmalemma and karyon

21 - During cell division the centriole functions to:

Form enzymes carrying out process of cell divisions

22 - Elementary particles are found on which of these structures of mitochondria:


23 - Elementary particles on cristae of mitochondria are also called:

Both (a) & (b)

24 - Endoplasmic reticula bring detoxification of:

All of them

25 - Endoplasmic reticulum is present in the:


26 - Endoplasmic reticulum was discovered by:


27 - Eukaryotic cells are characteristic of

Both (a) & (b)

28 - First person to see the celi under a microscope was:

Robert Hooks

29 - For which of these the lysosomes in the cells are responsible:

Digestion of organic molecules within the cells

30 - Function of centrosome is to:

Initiate cell division

31 - Human egg has a diameter of:

0.1 mm

32 - In liver cells the endoplasmic reticulum which helps in biosynthesis of flycogen and lipoproteins is:


33 - In plasma membrane protein molecules penetrating deeply into lipid layer are:

Intrinsic molecules

34 - In prokaryotic cell the nucleus has:

No definite nuclear envelope

35 - Longest cells are:

Nerve cells

36 - Lysosomes are reservoirs of which of these substances:

Hydrolytic enzymes

37 - Lysosomes were first isolated by:

de Duve

38 - Maintenance of internal turgot pressure of cell is done by:


39 - Microflaments in the cell forming an endoskleton are generally made of a protein called:


40 - Mitochondria are associated with:

Cellular respiration

41 - Mitochondria are concerned with:

All of these

42 - Mitochondria in animal cell are concerned with:

Formation of ADP from ATP

43 - Mitochondria were first observed and named sarcosomes by:


44 - Mitochondria will be found according to:

Maximum activity

45 - Modern cell theory envisages that cells are:

All of these facts

46 - Non-living structures incapable of multiplication and formed as a result of cellular activity are called:


47 - Nuclear membrane at telophase is formed by:


48 - Nuclear membrane has pores a regular intervals for communication which have a diameter of:

50 Angstrom

49 - Nucleus ws named:

Robert Brown

50 - Omnis cellula e cellula means that:

Cells come from pre-existing cells

51 - Omnis cellula e cellula"" was stated by:

Rudolph Virchow

52 - One of the property of nerve cells is that they:

Both (a) & (b)

53 - Organelles are the structures in cytoplasm which are:

Provided with all of these characteristics

54 - Organoids in cell associated with secretroy activities are:

Golgi complex

55 - Peroxisomes are vesicles like lysosomes but they contain:

Oxidative enzymes

56 - Plasma membrane in an animal cell ws first seen by:

Both (a) & (b)

57 - Plasma membrane is animal cells was confirmed by:


58 - Plasma membrane is double layer of lipid molecules was suggested by:


59 - Plasma membrane is:

Selective barrier

60 - Plasmalemma in animal cell is;

All of these qualities

61 - Present of an envelope over the nucleus or nuclear membrane was first demonstrated by:

O. Hertwig

62 - Prokaryotic cells are found in:

Bacteria and blue green algae

63 - Protein molecules bound loosely at the polar surface of lipid layer in plasma membrane of animal cell are:


64 - Ribosomes are several thusands to millions in a cell and have diameter of:


65 - Ribosomes in the animal cell are:

Sites of protein synthesis

66 - Ribosomes were first observed by:


67 - Smallest cells in multicellular animals is of diameter of:

0.004 mm - 0.03 mm

68 - Study of nucleus is termed:


69 - Suicide bags of the cell are:


70 - Supporting net work in dendrites and axons is formed by:

Intermediate filaments

71 - Term sarcode for protoplasm was used by:


72 - The cell theory proposed by Schleiden and Schwann states that:

Cells are fundamental and functional unit of animals and plants

73 - The cell theory was proposed by:

Both (a) & (b)

74 - The core of plasma membrane is lipid bilayer in fluid phase and protein molecules are distributed in mosaic patterned was established by:

Singer and Nicholson

75 - The matrix of cytoplasm having various structures suspended in it is called:


76 - Transport of materials inside the cell in fluid state is called:


77 - Transport of solid substances inside the cell is termed:


78 - Tubulin forms in animal cell which of these:


79 - Units of Golgi complex are termed:


80 - Wall of mitrochondria is made up of:


81 - Walls of endoplasmic reticula are formed by:

Both (a) & (b)

82 - Which is the correct sequence of composition of plasma membrane in an animal cell:

Proteins 42% lipids 32% Carbohydrates 6% and water 20%

83 - Which of the following is the best explanation for earlier discovery of nucleus that the cell theory:

Robert Brown had a better magnification device

84 - Which of these are respobsible for cellular motality:


85 - Which of these does not have mitochondria:

Mature RBC

86 - Which of these endoplasmic reticula are called rough endoplasmic reticulum:

One with granules on the surface of the membranes

87 - Which of these has got extranuclear DNA:


88 - Which of these has got only one giant mitochondrion:


89 - Which of these is not an organelle in animal cell:

Fat droplets

90 - Which of these statements reflect the correct position of 'cell theory':

It was proposed by Schleiden and Schwann

91 - Which of these structures in animals cell help in the identification of one cell to other:

Plasma membrane

92 - Which of these structures in the animal cell form its endoskeleton:

All of these

93 - Who called plasma membrane unit membrane?


94 - Who cointhe word cell?

Robert Hooks

95 - Who defined cytoplasm?


96 - Who established that the plasma membrane is lipid protein bilayer:

Danelli and Davson

97 - Who named lysosomes:


98 - Who observed jelly-like protoplasm in:


99 - Who observed the free living cells and noted the presence of a central structure in each cell:


100 - Who postulated the plasma membrane to be bimolecular layer made up of phospholipids and sphingolipids:

Gorter and Grendel


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