Chronological Order of Evolution Important Job Related MCQs

1 - Age of fossils can be estimated now by:

Remaining quantity of radioactive carbon in relevant rocks

2 - Age of Holocene Epoch is about:

11 lakh years

3 - Ago of Man"" and diversification of modem species are faunal specialties of:

Holocene Epoch

4 - Brachiopods and Copepods dominated in:

Ordovician period

5 - Carbonferous period which existed about 34.5 Crore years ago is respobsible for burial of forests leading to formation of:

Coal fields of today

6 - Coenozoic Era began about:

6.5 crore years ago

7 - Coenozoic Era has periods namely:

Quarternary, Tertiary

8 - Dinosaurs originated:

With mammals

9 - Dinosaurs were:

Extinct reptiles

10 - Diversification of brachiopods, copepods, primitive echinoderms and arachnids occurred in:

Cambrian period

11 - Evolution of human society and culture occurred during:

Pleistocene period

12 - Evolution of primitive man-like apes occurred during:

Tertiary period

13 - Evolutionary history of an organisms is called:


14 - First Great Revolution"" occurred about:

4 billion years ago

15 - First Great Revolution"" occurred during:

Coenozoic Era

16 - First land vertebrate originated during:

Ordovician period

17 - Giant Reptiles flourished during Jrassic period but became extinct during:

Cretaceous period

18 - Giant Reptiles"" and ""Primitive Mammals"" originated during:

Cretaceous period

19 - Himalaya Andes, Alps etc. evolved during the period:


20 - Horse-like hoofed animals originated in:

Eocene Epoch

21 - In geological history of the earth, the beginning of birds and mammals occurred in:

Jurassic period

22 - In which of the following Epochs apes originated from monkeys:


23 - In which of the following eras, the protozoans specially shelled radiolarians flourished:


24 - In which of the following periods the crocodiles, alligators and advanced lizards originated:


25 - In which of the following periods, chordates originated:


26 - Jurassic period is famous for:

Age of Giant Reptiles""

27 - Land elevation at places formed deep continental seas in the period:


28 - Large and winged insects originated about 34.5 erore years ago during the period known as:


29 - Mesozoic Era in geological history of earth is specially called the age of:

Ruling reptiles

30 - Narine metazoa originated in ""Second Great Revolution"" which occurred 2.5 billion years ago in the Era known As:


31 - New mountain ranges (Cascade, Sierra etc.) formed upon American continent and new volcnic ranges appeared in North-West American during the period:


32 - Non-chordates of all phyla flourished during the period:


33 - Number of Eras in ""Geological Time-Scale"" are:


34 - Oldest fossil belonged to the period:


35 - Periods between origin of gaseous cloud and the earth's crust is called:

Azoic Era

36 - Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes originated and diversified in primitive ocean during:

First Great Revolution""

37 - Quarternary Period of Coenozoic Era began:

18 lakh years ago

38 - Rocky Mountain Revolution"" occurred during:

Mesozoic Era

39 - Second Great Revolution"" occurred, about:

2.5 billion years ago

40 - Sherw-like first Eutherian mammal originated during:

Cretaceous period

41 - Span of Pleistocer period was:

7 lakh years

42 - Sponges originated in Proterozoic Era which is associated with:

Second Great Revolution""

43 - The ancestral form supposed to begin human genealogy must have shown which of the following characteristics as signs of human characteristics:

All of these

44 - The Era in which ""Applinchian Revolution"" took place is:


45 - The feature which enabled reptile to dominate earth's fauna for 100 million years was their:

Heavy armour

46 - Which has a longer palaeontological history than other three:


47 - Which of the following eras in geological time-scale corresponds to the period when life had nnot originated on earth:


48 - Which of the following eras is 'Era of Invisible Life"":


49 - Which of the following period is ""Age of Fishes"":


50 - Which of the following periods does not belong to Mesozoic Era:



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