Circulatory System Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A cavity surrounding the heart is called:

Pericardial cavity

2 - A renal portal system is found in:


3 - An artery differs from a vein in having:

Strong muscular walls

4 - An artery is:

Thick-walled vessel in which blood flows under high pressure

5 - Auricular appendages in rabbit's heart are ridged internally due to the presence of band-like structures called:

M. pectinati

6 - Azygos vein in rabbit collects blood from:

Both of these parts

7 - Azygos vein in rabbit opens into:

Right precaval

8 - Bicuspid valve is also called:

Mitral valve

9 - Blood from dorsal body wall in rabbit is collected by:


10 - Blood from stomach and spleen is collected in rabbit by:


11 - Blood from the wall of heart itself in rabbit is collected by:

Coronary sinus

12 - Blood leaving the lungs is richer than the blood entering the lungs in:


13 - Blood of which of the following vessel in mammals carried least percentage of Urea:

Renal vein

14 - Blood to hind limbs is supplied by:

Iliac arteries

15 - Blood to skin of frog is supplied by:

Pulmocutaneous arch

16 - Blood transports:

Oxygen only

17 - Brachial and musculo-cutaneous veins in frog unite to form:

Subclavian vein

18 - Cardiac muscles:

Contract quickly and do not get fatifued

19 - Carotid artery carries:

Oxygenated blood to brain

20 - Chordae tendinae are found in:

Ventricle of heart

21 - Chordae tendinae connecting dorsal and ventral flaps of atrioventricular valve in from help in:

Protecting eversion of atrioventricular valve towards auricles by pressure of blood in ventricles

22 - Circulatory system of rabbit differs from that of frog chiefly in absence of:

Renal portal system

23 - Cistern chili in rabbit is:

Posterior dilated end of left lymphatic duct

24 - Cistern magna is found in frog:

Beneath vertebral column

25 - Compared to a vein in mammals, an artery:

Has no internal valves

26 - Coronary sinus in heart of rabbit opens:

At a small pore close to the opening of left precaval

27 - Crural lymph sinus in frog is found in:

Hind limbs

28 - Dorsal acrta in frog is formed by the union of:

Only two systemic arches

29 - Each precaval in frog is formed by confluence of:

External jugular, innominate and sub-clavian veins

30 - Eustachian valve is found is:

Right auricle of heart

31 - Eustachian valve is present in rabbit at:

The opening of postcaval into right auricle

32 - External jugular vein in frog is formed by confluence of:

Both of these

33 - External jugulars are connected together with the help of a transverse jugular commissure in:


34 - Graveyard of blood corpuscles is:


35 - Heart in frog has certain chambers which are not found in rabbit:

Sinus venosus and conus arteriosus

36 - Heart in frog lies within:

Abdominal cavity between two fore limbs

37 - Heart is made up of:

All of these structures

38 - Heart of frog differs that of rabbit by presence of:

Sinus venosus

39 - Hemiazygos vein in rabbit opens into:

Left precaval

40 - In a portal system:

A vein breaks up in an organ into capillaries and restarts by their reunion as a new vein in that organ

41 - In between the thoracic cavities the space containing heart in rabbit is called:


42 - In epidermis, hair follicle, cornea most, cartilages, brain and spinal cord lymphatic capillaries are:

Totally absent

43 - In rabbit each precaval is formed by the union of:

External jugular, internal jugular and sub-clavian

44 - In rabbit, posterior epigastric vein collects blood from:

Ventral body wall

45 - In which of the following renal arteries are one pair and asymmetrical:

All of these

46 - Innominate artery in rabbit divides into:

Common carotid arteries

47 - Interchange of materials between blood and the tissue cells occurs through:

Interstitial fluid

48 - Interchange of materials in the tissue occurs between:

Lymph and tissue fluid

49 - Lymph can be defined as blood minus:


50 - Lymph contains:

Negligible amount of nutrients and oxygen but abundant CO2 and metabolic wastes

51 - Lymph differs from blood in having:


52 - Mitral valve in mammals guards opening between:

Left auricle and left ventricle

53 - Name the aortic arch that carries only deoxygenated blood:

Pulmocutaneous arch

54 - Number of aortic arches arising from heart of rabbit are:


55 - Number of inercostal arteries in rabbit is:

5-7 pairs

56 - Number of renal arteries in rabbit is the pair but in frog is:

4-5 pairs

57 - One of the following structures is found in the heart as well as in other organ of body, which is:


58 - One of the peculiar feature of cardiac muscles forming myocardium of heart is that:

They have all these properties

59 - Only one precaval is found in which of the following mammals:

Both of these

60 - Opening of pulmonary veins in the left auricle do not carry any valve but there is no back-flow or blood while left auricle contracts because of the fact that:

Contraction of left auricle automatically closes the opening of pulmonary veins

61 - Papillary muscles are found in the:

Ventricles of heart in rabbit

62 - Postcaval vein in rabbit is formed by confluence of:

Both of these

63 - Pulmonary aorta in embryo comniunicates with carotico-systemic aorta by a thin vessel called ductus Botalli which later closes and remains in adult as:

Ligamentum arteriosus

64 - Pylangium and synangium in frog's heart are divisions of:

Conus arteriosus

65 - Right and left lymphatic ducts in rabbit open:

Directly into the precavals of their side

66 - Right auricle in mammalian heart receives blood from:

Precavals and postcavals

67 - Right azygos and hemiazgos veins are present in:


68 - Short aortic trunci in frog are formed by division of:


69 - Sinus venosus is formed by union of:

All of these

70 - Spiral valve in the heart of frog divides pylangium into:

Cavum aorticum and cavum pulmocutaneum

71 - Spleen produces RBCs in embryo but adult it produces:


72 - Study of structures associated with irritability is:


73 - Term ""Bicuspid"" is applied to:

A valve in the heart

74 - The DNA is composed of smaller units called_______________


75 - Thebesian valve is present in the heart of rabbit at:

The opening between left precaval and coronary sinus

76 - To reach the left side of heart, the blood must pass through:


77 - Total number of arches coming out of heart in case of frog is:


78 - Uterus in female rabbit blood is supplied by:

Internal iliac

79 - Vein carrying blood from tongue in frog is:


80 - Venus system of frog differs from that of rabbit in presence of:

Renel portal system

81 - Which of the artery in frog has a receptor in form of a labyrinth:

Internal carotid artery

82 - Which of the artery supplies blood to diaphragm:


83 - Which of the following arteries is absent in frog:


84 - Which of the following arteries is unpaired:


85 - Which of the following artery supplies blood to urinary bladder:


86 - Which of the following chambers are absent in the heart of rabbit:

Both of (b) & (c)

87 - Which of the following organ works as a ""Blood Bank"":


88 - Which of the following organs can form antibodies:


89 - Which of the following valves in the heart of rabbit is tricuspid:

Right auriculo-ventricular valve

90 - Which of the following vessels supplies muscles of jaws, tongue, hyoid etc. in frog:

External carotid artery

91 - Which of these has oxygenated blood:

Pulmonary veins

92 - Which one of the following organs can be called a sort of ""Blood Bank"" for body's requirements:


93 - Which vessels carry blood from lungs to heart:

Pulmonary arteries

94 - White pulp of spleen is formed by:

Accumulation of splenic cells around arteriole


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