Circulatory System Physiology Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A decrease in the rate of beating of heart is called:


2 - A pace-maker is found in the:


3 - A person having bradycardia is likely to have which of the following:

Low temperature of his body

4 - A person having high concentration of CO2 in his blood would have:

Accelerated heart rate

5 - A person having hypoxia, high temperature and increased CO2 level in his blood would likely have:


6 - Acetylcholine retards the rate of heart beating by:

Both (a) & (b)

7 - After coming from gymnaseum, our heart rate would be:


8 - Amino acids are formed as waste products of protein metabolism in:

Both (a) & (b)

9 - Ammonia is formed as a result of deamination of amino acids in vertebrates and those which pass out urine in form of ammonium hydroxide are called:


10 - An increase in the heart rate is termed:


11 - At the end of ventricular systole the closure of semilunar valves of pulmonary and systemic aortae produces a sound called:


12 - Blood pressure is the force which:

Heart exerts on blood going out of it

13 - Brain receives which of these percentages of cardiac output:


14 - Bundle of His in mammalian heart extends through:

Interventricular septum

15 - By beating 72 times per minute, our heart pumps about how much of blood into the body:

5 litres

16 - Closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves during ventricular contraction produces:

Low-pitched sound called 'lubb'

17 - Diastolic blood pressure in a normal healthy man is:

80mm of Hg

18 - During artrial systole only 30% filling of ventricle is done the remaining 70% filling of the ventricles is done during:

Their own diastole which occurs earlier

19 - During average span of 50 years of life, the human heart beats about for:

Two bullion time

20 - During condition of fever the rate of our hearbeat will be:


21 - During diastole the:

Blood leaves the heart

22 - During exercise a person is likely to have:


23 - During Ischaemia of myocardium the blood supply to muscles of heart in coronary artery is:


24 - Electrocardiogram is:

Recording of electrical activity in the heart

25 - Excretion, in strict sense, is the process of:

Removal of waste products of protein metabolism

26 - Fall in the concentration of CO2 in one's blood will induce:


27 - Flow in medium sized arteries is:

250mm per second

28 - Flow of blood in large arteries is:

500mm per second

29 - Flow of blood in the capillaries of man will be:

1/500 times that of aorta

30 - Free nerve endings of sympathetic nervous system will release which of these substances during the condition of tachycardia in our body:


31 - Heart beat in man is initiated by:


32 - Heart beat is conducted by a nodal tissue made up of specialized muscles called:


33 - Heart beat is under the control of:

Autonomic system

34 - Heart in vertebrates is:


35 - How many times does the heat of man beats per minute

72 times

36 - How much filling of the ventricle is done artrial systole:


37 - How much percentage of cardiac output is received by the digestive organs in the body:


38 - Hypoxia in our body would bring which of these conditions:


39 - Hypoxia in our body would:

Increase our heart rate

40 - Ichaemia of myocardium in a person may often lead to:

Mycardial infraction

41 - If a person is given an injection of noradrenaline, then his heart would show:


42 - Impulse passes through bundle of His at the rate of:

5mm per second

43 - In case of ureotelic animals:

Urine is passed out in form of solution of urea

44 - In which of these animals the ammonia formed primarily as a result of protein metabolism is converted to urea:

All of these

45 - Instrument for measuring blood pressure is called:


46 - Kidneys receive:

20% of cardiac output

47 - Mass of self-excitatory nodal fibres in mammalian heart is represented by:


48 - Neural control of heart beat is done by which of the following nerves:

Sympathetic fibres occurring in some spinal nerves

49 - Node of Tawara in rabbit's heart is:


50 - Noradrenaline accelerates the beating of heart by:

By bringing all these changes

51 - Of the cardiac output which of these percentages of blood is received by the muscles of heart itself:


52 - One of the main causes of ischaemia of myocardium is:

Both of these reasons together

53 - Other organs of the body receive:

30% of the cardiac output

54 - Pace-maker in heart of man influences:

Contraction of heart muscles

55 - Pacemaker of the heart is situated:

In the wall of right auricle close to Eustachian valve

56 - Parasympathetic nerve fibres decrease the rate of heartbeat by releasing which of these at their free endings:


57 - Parasympathetic stimulation of heart is done at:

Both (a) & (b)

58 - Percentage of blood contained in pulmonary circulation in man is:


59 - Persons suffering from hypertension should take following precautions in order to avoid excessive rise in he their blood pressure:

Avoid emotional disturbances and excitements

60 - Physiology of blood circulation was first described by:

William Harvy

61 - Principle pacemaker in mammalian heart is:


62 - Pulse is defined as:

An alternate expansion and recoil of an artery

63 - P-wave in electrocardiogram is produced by:

Activation of SA-Node

64 - P-wave in the electrocardiogram is produced by:

Beginning of ventricular relaxation

65 - Regulation of heart beat in mammals is only due to:

Presence of pace-maker in the heart

66 - Right fasciculum of bundle of His is:

Cylindrical bundle made up of slender fibres

67 - Role of pace-maker is:

To initiate the heart beat

68 - SA-Node in rabbit's heart is found in the:

Wall of right auricle near the opening of right anterior vena cava

69 - SA-Node initiates heart beat in:

Right and left both

70 - Slowing of heart rate in man is done by:

Parasympathetic nerve fibres by releasing acetylcholine

71 - Sphygnomanometer means an instrument that measures:

Blood pressure

72 - Sympathetic nerve fibres increase the rate of heartbeat by releasing which of these at their free endings:


73 - Sympathetic stimulation of heart is done during:

All of these

74 - Systolic blood pressure in a young man normally is:

120mm of Hg

75 - The cardiac output means:

Amount of blood pumped by heart per minute

76 - The depressor nerve in the heart is a branch of:

10th cranial nerve

77 - The heart rate in man is increased by:

Sympathetic nerve fibres by releasing sympathin at free verve endings

78 - The heart rate of a person having 102?F temperature as compared to a person having normal temperature will be:


79 - The heart sounds can be heard by using a:


80 - The impulse from SA-Node to AV-Node is conducted by means of:

A bundle of specialized fibres

81 - The rate of blood flow in capillaries of man will be:

1mm per second

82 - The rate of conduction through bundle of His is:

Very fast

83 - The total cross-sectional area of capillaries in man is:

500 times that of aorta

84 - Time taken respectively in contraction and relaxation of ventricles is:

0.3 second and 0.5 second

85 - Time taken to complete a cardiac cycle in man is:

0.83 seconds

86 - Under which of these conditions, the heart rate is retarded by liberating acetylcholine:

None of these

87 - Under which of these situations the rate of heartbeat is accelerated by noradrenaline:

All of these

88 - What will happen to our heart beat in case our body temperature is decreased:

First increased then decreased

89 - Which of these are conducting elements in the heart of mammals:

All of these

90 - Which of these is correct percentage respectively of blood received by the heart muscles, brain, digestive organs, kidneys and other organs:

10%, 15% 25%, 20% and 30%

91 - Which of these is time taken respectively in contraction and relaxation of atria in man?

0.1 second and 0.7 second

92 - Which of these muscles in the body have no pause and fatigue:

Cardiac muscles

93 - Which of these nerve fibres accelerate the rate of heart beat:

Sympathetic nerve fibres from some spinal nerves

94 - Which of these refers to sounds in the heart:

Both of these

95 - Which of these situations may be present in the body during tachycardia:

Both (a) & (b)

96 - Which of these structures is respobsible for conducting heart beat in rabbit's heart:

Perkinjie fibre

97 - Which of these substances will be produced by our body in order to bring state of bradycardia:


98 - Which of these will be produced in the body during fever when we have tachycardia:


99 - Which one is the percentage of blood contained in the heart in man is:


100 - Why do we have techycardia during fever?

Because the increase in temperature increase the heart rate


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