Classification of Animals Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A new species is formed when:

Genotypic changes accumulates in a population resulting in its reproductive isolation from other populations

2 - A new species is formed when:

Individual variations reflect reproductive isolation amongst them

3 - A true gut cavity is found in:

Both (a) & (b)

4 - Air bladder is:

Hydrostatic organ of bony fishes

5 - All eumetazoa are:


6 - All the four limbs in a tetrapod are basically equal and similar. If their digits are webbed mode of locomotion will be :


7 - Amniota group includes:

Reptiles, birds and mammals

8 - Amphibians are:


9 - An animal with scales on body, separate gill slits, fins, scroll valve will be identified as member of:


10 - An operculum covering gills is characteristic of:


11 - Anaminota group includes:

Both (a) & (b)

12 - Animals giving birth to young ones are called:


13 - Animals living at the bottom of the sea are known as:


14 - Animals living at the surface of the sea are called:


15 - Archaeocyte cells are characteristically found in:


16 - Archaeocytes and interstitial cells are found respectively in:

Sponges and coelentrates

17 - Arthropods may have blood which:

Circulates through an open system

18 - Biggest phylum in animal kingdom is:


19 - Binomial system of nomenclautre was introduced by:


20 - Blood in chordates and non-chordates is different in which of the following respects:

Respiratory pigment in chordates is present inside definite cells but dissolved in plasma in non-chordates

21 - Body is metamerically segmented in:


22 - Body is not segmented in:

Ship-worms, round-worms and star-fish

23 - Both crocodiles and alligators have respiratory organs to breath in:

Air only

24 - Cephalopoda, is a group of animals in which:

Foot is located on the head of the animal

25 - Choanocytes are characteristic cells of:


26 - Dorsal tubular nerve cord is characteristics of:

All chordates

27 - Double ventral nerve cord is found in:

All of these

28 - Earth worms and tape-worms differ in one of the following respects:

Earthworms have segmentation but tape-worms are not longer than the tape-worms

29 - External ears are characteristic of:


30 - Flame cells are characteristic of:


31 - Gizzard is found in the alimentary canal of:


32 - In ""Binomial Nomenclature"" each organism has:

One double scientific name having first generic and second one of species

33 - In binomial nomenclature, name of animals is written in two words which designate:

Genus and family

34 - In our neighbouring country India the lions are now found in:

Gir forests of Gujrat and Kathiawar

35 - In which of the following animals eggs develop inside cocoons:

Both (a) & (b)

36 - In which of the following animals radial symmetry is seen:


37 - In which of the following Indian states, the lion are found:


38 - In which of the following places the egg-laying mammals are confined:


39 - Insects are characterized by:

3 pairs of legs

40 - Integument of arthropods is covered with:

Chitinous cuticle

41 - Linnaeus is known for:

Binomial system of nomenclature

42 - Lion is found

Both (b) & (c)

43 - Millipedes and centipedes differ in:

Having two pairs and one pair of legs per segment respectively

44 - Monotremata is a group of animals which includes:

Mammals with cloacal opening

45 - Most important character of group Arthropoda is that they have:

Jointed legs

46 - Myrlapods are characterized by:

Chitinous exoskeleton, ventral nerve cord, several body segments and one pair of antennae

47 - Nervous system in form of nerve net was first studied in:


48 - Pearls are produced in ""Pearl Ovster"" around the:

Some external particles becoming embedded in the skin of oyster

49 - Peculiarity of fish heart is that it has:

Only venous blood

50 - Plasmodium vivax is parasite in the:

Blood of man and gut of Anopheles

51 - Platyhelminthes are characterized by:

Absence of coelom due to development of parenchyma

52 - Point out taxonomicaly unmatching set from following:

Oyster, Octops, Otter

53 - Rudula is found in the buccal cavity of:


54 - Scientist making significant contribution in the field of animal taxonomy by introducing the system of binomial nomenclature was:

Carolus Linnaeus

55 - Sepia and Octopus are two common marine animals. Their active swimming is affected by:

Expelling water in a gut through siphons

56 - Septal nephridia are found in:


57 - Some times different authors give different names to same species. In such a situation:

Name under which species was first described is valid

58 - Spider makes its web from the fluid that comes out of its:

Posterior part of abdomen

59 - Spiny ant-eater is a:

Mammal and native of Australia

60 - Sponges have skeleton of:

Both (a) & (b)

61 - Syncitial hypodermis and muscle layers in:


62 - Tetrapoda group includes:

All of these

63 - Tissues can be defined as:

Layers or groups of structurally similar cells performing the same function

64 - To which group do snakes belong to:


65 - Under mentioned animals are mammals except:


66 - Viviparous animals are those which:

Give birth to young ones

67 - Viviparous animals are:

Whales, rabbits, scorpions

68 - Which group of character of a whale justifies its inclusion in the class mammalia:

Hairs, mammary glands, viviparity

69 - Which is not correct statement among following ones:

Plague is arthropod disease

70 - Which is odd among following statements:

Allmammals are viviparous

71 - Which is true among following statements:

All insects have 3 pairs of legs

72 - Which of the following animals is called a ""Ship-worm"":


73 - Which of the following animals is terrestrial animal:


74 - Which of the following animals uses setal for locomotion:


75 - Which of the following annelids is aquatic animal:


76 - Which of the following arthropods are totally equatic:


77 - Which of the following characters established the living nature of sponges:

Water current through the body

78 - Which of the following feature is characteristic mark for identification of an arthropod:

Chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation and paired as well as jointed appendages

79 - Which of the following gastropod molluscs has religious importance:


80 - Which of the following group is not bilaterally symmetrical group of animals:


81 - Which of the following group of animals has porous body:


82 - Which of the following groups has hermaphrodite animals:

Leech, hydra, tape-worm

83 - Which of the following groups of animals are caracterized by ""soft-body"":


84 - Which of the following groups of animals has no parasites:


85 - Which of the following groups of characteristics of sponges could justify their animals nature by Ellis:

Constant water current through their body

86 - Which of the following groups of characters are confined exclusively to Chordates:

Notochord, dorsal tutular nerve cord, pharyngeal slits

87 - Which of the following is a group of pseudocoelomates:


88 - Which of the following is a true fish:


89 - Which of the following is acoelomate phylum:


90 - Which of the following is not a fish:


91 - Which of the following is not a non-chordate:


92 - Which of the following is odd one:

Cray-fish, cuttle-fish hag-fish

93 - Which of the following is unmatching group:

Pila, Hermania, Scoliodon, Bufo

94 - Which of the following molluscs has shell made up of 8 calcareous plates:


95 - Which of the following molluscs produces pearl:


96 - Which of the following parasitic animals has two hosts in life cycle:


97 - Which of the following phyla of animals is exclusively marine:


98 - Which of the following sets is matching one from taxonomic point of view:

Frog, toad, salamander

99 - Which of the following systems is found in the chordates:

Hepatic-portal system

100 - Which one of the following is not a true statement:

All insects have six pairs of legs


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