Cytogenetics Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A functional units of gene which specifies the synthesis of polypeptide is called:


2 - A zygote has which of these number of chromosomes:


3 - Amount of DNA in all cell of body is:


4 - An individual with two identical members of a pan or genetic factors is called:


5 - An operon is constituted by:

All of these

6 - Beads in chromosomes are formed by:

DNA molecule taking two turn

7 - Biochemical nature of gene was established by:

Avery, Macleod and McCarty

8 - Cenetic information is encoded in the structure of which of these:


9 - Central dogma of molecular genetics is:

RNA - DNA - Proteins

10 - Chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by:


11 - Chromosomal theory of linkage was given by:


12 - Chromosomes are made up of:

DNA, RNA and proteins

13 - Crossing over which means an exchange of segments between members of a homologous pair of chromosomes occurs during:


14 - Distance between two genes upon a chromosome is measured in cross over units which represent:

Percentage of crossing between them

15 - DNA model was studied with help of x-rays by:

Watson and Crick

16 - Dr. Khorana got Nobel Prize for his researches on:

Genetic Code

17 - Five major types of histones are:

H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5

18 - Genes are made up:


19 - Genetic mutations occur in:


20 - In chromosomes the material controlling heredity is:


21 - In eukaryotes the regulation of genes involves:

Both (a) & (b)

22 - In Morgan's experiment on linkage the recombinant types of test cross with F1, hybrids of gray body long winged and black body vestigial winged parents are:

Both (a) & (b)

23 - In negative regulation which of these gene of operon is involved:


24 - In positive regulation which of these genes are involved:


25 - In test cross between hybrids of F1 generation of gray body long winged and black body vestigial winged parents Morgan found which of these ratios:


26 - Linkage is:

Tendency of two genes to remain together during process of inheritance

27 - Linkage was first suspected by:

Sutton and Boveri

28 - Mutations are harmful:


29 - Nucleic acid was discovered by:


30 - Nuclein from nuclei of pus cells was separated by:


31 - Nucleosomes are beaded structure on chromosomes and formed of:

DNA and histones

32 - Nucleosomes are the unit of:


33 - Percentage of recombinant types in Morgan's experiment was:


34 - Promotor gene is stimulated to interact with RNA polymerase on interacting with:


35 - Spacer in chromosomes is associated with:


36 - Sperms do not have histones but they have

A basic protein protamine

37 - Sutton and Boveri are associated with:

Chromosomal theory of inheritance

38 - Term gene refers to:

A portion of DNA

39 - The places in between beads of nucleosomes in chromosomes, where DNA is straight, are termed:

Both (a) & (b)

40 - Theory of one gene - one enzyme was proposed by:

Beadle and Tatum

41 - Unusual method of DNA duplication is called:


42 - Which of these do not code for proteins:

Both (a) & (b)

43 - Which of these in operon inhibits transcription of mRNA on combining with repressor protein:

Regulator gene

44 - Which of these is carrier of genetic information:


45 - X-rays cause mutations by:

Routing the nuclear membrane


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