Digestive System Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A Saprophyte:

Needs help of enzymes for absorption

2 - Absorption of digested food occurs mainly in:

Small intestine

3 - Argentaffin cells are present in mucous membrance of:

Stomach of rabbit

4 - Argentaffin cells in stomach possibly secrete:

Both of these

5 - Biosynthesis of urea in our body in done within:


6 - Bitter raste is felt by:

Posterior end

7 - Brunner's glands are found in:

Duodenum and ileum

8 - Caecum is meant for digestion of:


9 - Canines are absent in rabbit because the animal is:


10 - Cardia is present between:

Oesophagus and stomach

11 - Cells of liver in man associated with phagocytosis are:

Kupffer's cells

12 - Chewing of cud' is seen in:


13 - Ciliated epithelium is found on mucous membrane in:

Oesophagus of frog

14 - Ciliated mucous membrane with goblet cells is found in the buccopharyngeal cavity of:


15 - Common bile and pancreatic duct is found in:


16 - Crypts of Leiberkuhn secrete:

Succus entericus

17 - Dental formula for an adult man is:

i2/2, c 1/1, p 2/2, m 3/3

18 - Dental formula for rabbit is:

I 2/1, c 0/0, p 3/2, m 3/3

19 - Dental formula i2/2, c/1/1, p 2/2, m 3/3 is seen in:


20 - Detoxification in our body is done by:


21 - Diastema is a:

Space in teeth in mammals

22 - Duct of parotid glands in mammals is called:

Stenson's duct

23 - External respiration is:

A simple physical process involving gaseous exchanges

24 - Flipping of tongue at prey is seen in:


25 - Flipping of tongue in frog is brought about by:

Both (a) & (b)

26 - Function of Meisner's plexus is to

Control activity of glands in the alimentary canal

27 - Glisson's capsule is


28 - Glottis is a structure which:

Allow air to enter in trachea

29 - Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis are done in our body within:


30 - Heterodont condition of teeth is found in:

All of these

31 - How many teeth grow twive in man:


32 - In colon of rabbit, the constrictions of its walls form a series of pocket like structures called:


33 - In which of the following animals the molars are monophyodont:


34 - In which of the following animals, the buccopharyngeal cavity is highly vascularized:


35 - In which of the following animals, the stomach has oblique muscles in addition to circular and longitudinal muscles:


36 - In which of the following animals, the tongue helps in temperature regulation:


37 - In which of the following mammals, the last molar is called wisdom tooth:


38 - In which of the following organs of alimentary canal of rabbit the serosa also contains subserous areolar tissue:

Both of these

39 - In which of the following organs of alimentary canal of rabbit the serosa is made up of peritoneum and loose connective tissue:


40 - In which of the following organs of alimentary canal, there is least or no peristalsis:


41 - In which organ of alimentary canal of rabbit are present Peyer's patches:


42 - Inflammation due to viral infection called 'mumps' is associated with which of the salivary glands:


43 - Intestinal villi are more larger in posterior part of intestine than in the anterior part because:

There is more digested food in the posterior part

44 - Intestinal villi help in:


45 - Intestine in from is about:

25 cm long

46 - Intestine in human body is about 29 feet long because:

More length increases food absorption

47 - Longest oesophagus is found in:


48 - Longitudinal muscles and thinner submucosa are found in stomach of:


49 - Lumph nodes in the lateral wall of oropharynx in mammals are called:


50 - Meisner's plexus are present in the alimentary canal between:

Circular and longitudinal muscles

51 - Mucosa without muscularis mucosae and lamina propria is present in the oesophagus of:


52 - Muscles are absent in the buccopharyngeal cavity of:


53 - Muscular contractions of stomach are called:


54 - Muscularis mucosae is poorly developed and limina propria is well developed and thick in rabbit within the:


55 - Muscularis muscosae, lamina propria and multicellular glands are absent in:


56 - Names of liver lobes in rabbit are:

All of these

57 - Narrower distal end of stomach is called:


58 - Number of incisors, canines, premolars and molars in each jaw of man is respectively:


59 - Number of monophyodont teeth in man is:


60 - Number of teeth in one half of lower jaw of rabbit is:


61 - Omnivorous heterotrophs derive their food from:

Both of these

62 - Oxyntic cells are found in:

Gastric glands and secrete HCI

63 - Palatine rugae are associated with:

Hard palate of rabbit

64 - Peristalsis in the alimentary canal is controlled by:

Mesentery plexus of Ayurbech

65 - Pharynx and tongue are lined with endodermal stratified squamous epithelium but nasopharynx is lined in rabbit with:

Columnar ciliated epithelium

66 - Presence of which of the following distinguishes intestine with stomach:


67 - Pylorus in frog is found between:

Stomach and duodenum

68 - Regurgitation of food from stomach to oesophagus is prevented by:


69 - Respiration is:

An energy yielding process

70 - Rumen is found in the stomach of:

Both of these

71 - Sacculus rotundus has role in:

None of these

72 - Sensory vibrissae are found in rabbit on:

Each side of median cleft

73 - Serosa is absent in:

The oesophagus of frog

74 - Serous glands near lingual papillae in the buccopharyngeal cavity of rabbit secrete:

Watery fluid

75 - Space between incisors and cheek teeth in rabbit is called:


76 - Stenson's duct opens in vestibule of buccal cavity:

Opposite the second molar of its side

77 - Stomach in rabbit is distinguished into:

Cardiac, fundus, pyloric and pylorus

78 - Stomach in ruminants is divisible into many chambers these are:

Rumen, reticulum, omassum and abomassum

79 - Storage of inorganic substances is done within:


80 - Stratified squamous epithelium is found in the buccopharyngeal cavity of:


81 - Teeth absent in 'Milk dentition"" are:


82 - Teeth in frog are:


83 - The salivary glands in te rabbit are:

One pair

84 - Total number of teeth in rabbit is:


85 - Underlying connective tissue of buccopharyngeal cavity has lymphoid nodules in:


86 - Upper lip to divided by a median cleft in:


87 - Uvula in mammals is also termed:

Velum palati

88 - Ventromedian fold on the tongue of rabbit is called:

Frenulum linguae

89 - Vermiform appendix is a part of:

Alimentary canal

90 - Villi are present in the wall of:


91 - Which is largest gland in our body:


92 - Which of the following animals has the condont, heterodont and diphyodont teeth:


93 - Which of the following glands has both endocrine and exocrine nature:


94 - Which of the following glands is concerned with heparin formation:


95 - Which of the following is associated with deamination:


96 - Which of the following mammals can store gallons of water in its rumen:


97 - Which of the following papillae on tongue do not have taste buds in mammals:

Filiform papillae

98 - Which of these terms is used for two different parts with a slight difference in spellings, not in pronunciation:


99 - Which one is a common passage in swallowing food and breathing:


100 - Which part of tongue in man feels sweet taste:

Anterior end

101 - Which region of tongue feels sour taste:

Sides of the tongue


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