Digestive System Physiology Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A child showing poor body and retarded mental growth is suffering from:


2 - A child suffering from kwashiorkor must be given in diet:

Milk and fish

3 - A man suffering from rhodopsin deficiency must take:


4 - A person suffering from marasmus shows which of the following symptoms:

All of these

5 - Anaemia in our body iscaused due to dificiency of:

Both (a) & (b)

6 - Appetite is a psychological reflex depending upon:

All of these

7 - Ascorbic acid is rechly found in:


8 - Ascorbic acid is the name of:

Vitamin C

9 - Belching is expelling of air swallowed from:

Upper part of gastrointestinal tract

10 - Beri-beri is caused by deficiency of which of the following vitamins:

Vitamin B1

11 - Bile jiice helps in the digestion of fats by:

Increasing alkalinity

12 - Bile juice contains:

Bilirubin, biliverdin, bicarbonates, glycholates and taurocholates

13 - Bilirubin is found in:

Bile jucie

14 - Biosynthesis of cholesterol and corticoids as well as sex hormones is done by:


15 - Carbohydrates which we need as a source of energy are obtained from:

Starches of cereals

16 - Casein is changed into calcium paracaseinate by the action of:


17 - Casein is milk:

Protein digested by rennin in the stomach

18 - Cheilosis and beri-beri are caused respectively due to deficiencies of:

Vitamin B2 and B1

19 - Deficiency of vitamin A in our body will cause:


20 - Deficiency of vitamin A in our body would lead to:

Night blindness

21 - Deficiency of vitamin B1 will cause:


22 - Deficiency of vitamin C will cause:


23 - Diarrhoea which is indicted by rapid movements of faeces down the large intestine bringing loose motions is caused due to:

Both (a) & (b)

24 - Duodenal wall is stimulated to release secretion and cholecystokinin pancreozymin due to the presence of:

Semidigested food in it and the presence of HCI in it

25 - During deglutition in our case the respiration is blocked for sometime, it is:

1/6 second

26 - Each day we loose which of the following amounts of water:


27 - Enzymes are essential for our body because they:

Catalyze various biochemical reactions in our body

28 - Foul smell in flatus is due to amines formed by decarboxylation of tryptophan with the help of colon bacteria. The chief amines formed this way are:

Both (a) & (b)

29 - Frog's food, as compared to mammalian foodm has only which of these:

Both (a) & (b)

30 - Frogs get fats form:

Fat bodies of prey

31 - Function of vitamin K is in the process of:

Blood clotting in our body

32 - Hormone initiating secretion of gastric juice is:


33 - Hunger centres are located in:


34 - Hunger centres are stimulated by:

Both of these factors

35 - If a person live exclusively of diet of milk, eggs and bread, he is likely to suffer with:


36 - In case the intestinal digestion and absorption is not sufficient, we pass down a large amount of CO2, H2O, H2, NH3, methane and other nitrogenous substances which often has a foul smell and is called:


37 - In mammals deglutition is affected by:

All of these precesses

38 - In stomach the pH of the food is changed from:


39 - In which part of the brain centre of hunger, satiety and thirst are located:


40 - Inhibition of gastric juice secretion is done by a hormone from duodenal mucosa, the name of this hormone is:


41 - Intake of food in human beings depends upon:

Both (a) & (b)

42 - Kwasiorkor is a common disease of children and is caused by deficiency of:


43 - Maintenance of live stage of protoplasm is done by:


44 - Marasmus is caused by the deficiency of:


45 - Nucleic acids are long chain polymers of nucleotides and are called:


46 - Number of salivary glands in man approximately:

Three and half crore

47 - Obesity very commonly seen in most human beings is caused due to:

Overfeeding than required

48 - One of the richest sources of vitamin B1 is:

Wheat bread

49 - Our body does not evaporate despite high temperature and does not freeze despite low temperature because:

Our body has 70-90% of water which has high specific heat coefficient and latent heat

50 - Pellagra, commonly called 3-Ds disease in medical world (dermatistis, diarrhoea and dementia) is caused due to deficiency of:

Niacin (nicotinic acid)

51 - Polysaccharides differ with oligosaccharides in one of the following respects:

Oligosaccharides have linkage of 2 - 10 monosaccharides

52 - Presence of which of the following centres is not certain in frog:

All of these

53 - Proteins are long-chained macromolecules formed by the linking of:


54 - Proteins must be present in our food because:

They are required for growth

55 - Ptyalin is secreted by:

Salivary glands

56 - Ptyalin present in saliva acts in:

Slightly acidic medium

57 - Ptylin present in our saliva forms maltose from:


58 - Pyloric valve activity is controlled by:


59 - Rabbits, contrary to human beings, stop feeding for sometime and masticate the food collected in their buccal cavity and resume feeding after swallowing it, this is because:

They have diastema between incisors and premolars

60 - Regulation of permeability pH and osmotic concentration in our body is done by:


61 - Relaxation of sphincter of Oddi will bring release of:

Bile jucie

62 - Respiration means:

All of these

63 - Rickets is a disease which is caused by deficiency of one of the following vitamins:

Vitamin D

64 - Role of vitamin K in our body is to help in:

Blood clotting

65 - Saliva cleans buccal cavity and also kills bacteria due to the presence of:

Thiocyanate and lysozyme in it

66 - Saliva in man is secreted daily in which of the following amounts:


67 - Salts form which of these percentages of our body:


68 - Scurvy is caused by:

Deficiency of Ascorbic Acid

69 - Secretin hormone secreted by duodenal wall, on reaching blood stimulates:

Both of these functions

70 - Seprophyes are those organisms which:

Can absorb complex food directly from dead matter

71 - Sucrose is present in:

Cane sugar

72 - The micronutrients are:

Less important as macronutrients

73 - To keep us healthy, strong, energetic and long-lived, we must provide our body with:

Balanced fiet

74 - Vitamin are the substances which:

We use but cannot synthesize them

75 - Vitamin B works as:

A coenzyme

76 - Vitamin C is helpful in:

Wound healing

77 - Vitamin necessary for blood clotting in our body is:

Vitamin K

78 - Vitamins are named so by:


79 - Water is important to living organisms because it:

Has all of these properties

80 - We et more in winter than summers because:

Decrease in bdoy temperature excites our hunger centres

81 - We loose hunger in fever because:

Increase in body temperature suppresses excitement of hunger centre

82 - Whether an action can provide sportsmen competing successfully in Olympics is decided by:


83 - Which of the following percentages of carbohydrates is digested by ptyalin of saliva in man:


84 - Which of the following proteins have role in heredity:


85 - Which of the following statements is correct for enzymes:

All enzymes are proteins

86 - Which of the following substances is a monosaccharide:


87 - Which of these are involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA:

Deoxyribose and ribose

88 - Which of these has importance in blood clotting heart beat, muscle contraction and nerve conduction:


89 - Which of these is a polysaccharide:


90 - Which of these is also called vitamin B2


91 - Which of these is essential for coagulation of blood in our body:


92 - Which of these is not a monosacharide:


93 - Which of these is the common source of Vitamins A, D and B:


94 - Which of these is useful to RBCs formation:

Folic acid and cyanacobalamine

95 - Which of these proteins is helpful in locomotion:


96 - Which of these provide us with ample supply of carbohydrates:


97 - Which of these should not be taken much during hot months:


98 - Which of these substances from 45 - 80% of total animal body:


99 - Which of these vitamins is named cyanacobalamine:

Vitamin B4

100 - Which one of these vitamins is essential for normal vision in our eyes:



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