Embryo Genesis Important Job Related MCQs

1 - 1st cleavage in frog's egg begins after:


2 - 2nd cleavage in frog's egg begins after:

30 minutes of 1st cleavage

3 - 3rd cleavage in frog's egg begins after:

4-5 hours of fertilization

4 - A tadpole of frog metamorphoses into adult after:

Three week

5 - A vertebra in frog having same length as vertebra column, midventral prominent crest and two concavities anteriorly:


6 - A vertebra in which centrum is concave at both the ends is:

8th vertebra of frog

7 - Accomodation of trophoblastic villi into uterine wall in mammals marks the:


8 - Actual embryo in mammals in formed by:

Embryonal knob

9 - Addition of a trace of thyroid extract to water containing tadpole will:

Accelerate their metamorphosis

10 - An intimate connection between the body of mother and embryo is called:


11 - Angulosplenial is a:

Bone found in the lower jaw of the frog

12 - Animal pole in frog's egg in water remains upwards because:

It is free from yolk

13 - Animal pole in frog's egg represents perspective:

Head end

14 - Archenteron is a cavity found in which of the following stages of frog's development:


15 - Articulation of hind limbs is affected at:

Pelvic girdle

16 - As a result of metabolism in the body of mammalian embryo:

Waste products are eliminated through mother's body

17 - Blastopore is found in:


18 - Coracoid with a coracoid process is present in the:


19 - Coracoids in the pectoral girdle of frog are:

Well developed with cartilaginous pre and epicoracoids

20 - Development in all the fertilized eggs occurs in a definite sequence which of these is a correct sequence?

Zygote, cleavage morula, blastula gastrula

21 - Development of Indian frog is completed in about:


22 - Egg in rabbit is:


23 - Eggs in frog are:


24 - Endodermal cells in mammalian gastrula are formed by:

Cells of inner surface of embryonal knob

25 - Energy yielding food includes:

Carbohydrates only

26 - Foetal membranes are found in:

Reptiles, birds and mammals

27 - Foetal part of mammalian placenta has:

All of these structures

28 - Formation of which of these occurs during gastrulation of frog:


29 - Fully grown tadpole breathes mainly with the help of:


30 - Gastrula is a stage in the the development of frog in which embryo possesses:

Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm layers

31 - Gastrula is completed in about:

30 hours of oviposition

32 - Gastrulation in frog involves:

All of these

33 - Gray crescent in frog's egg marks the future:

Dorsal side of the embryo

34 - Gray crescent is present in the:

Fertilized egg of the frog

35 - How many bones form the lower jaw in frog:


36 - How many bones form the lower jaw in man:


37 - In case of frog the vertebrae are generally procoelous except :

8th and 9th

38 - In frog's egg the plane cutting through entrance point, sperm path and median line of gray crescent represents:

Sagittal plane of future embryo

39 - In rabbit the coracoids are:

Reduced and fused with the scapula of their sides

40 - In rabbit the glenoid cavity is formed by:

Scapula only

41 - In the atlas vertebra of rabbit:

All of these features are present

42 - In which of the cervical vertebrae of rabbit the vertebrarteial canals are found:

All of these

43 - In which of these animals the upper jaw has quadraro-jugals and the jugals are absent:


44 - In which of these the atlas vertebra has transverse processes:


45 - Jugals are present in the upper jaw of:


46 - Lower jaw in frog consists of:

Dentary, angulosplenial, Mickel's cartilage and mentomeckelian

47 - Lower jaw in mammals is formed of:

Dentary only

48 - Mammalian gastrula is different from frog's gastrula in one of the following respects:

Blastopore and archenterons are not formed

49 - Mammalian ovum has which of the following coverings around it:

Both of these

50 - Mammalian placenta has:

Both (a) & (b)

51 - Maternal part of the placenta in man consists of:

All of these

52 - Maxilla in rabbit has which of the following types of teeth:

Premolars and molars

53 - Number of vertebrae in man is:


54 - Pelvic girdle in frog has two arms which:

Articulate movably with 9th vertebra

55 - Placenta in man is:

None of these

56 - Posterior side of future embryo of frog will be the side:

Opposite to entrance point of sperm

57 - Posteriorly the skull opens by a wide gap through which brain continues into spinal cord. It is called:

Foramen magnum

58 - Prefrontal and lacrimal bone are present in the skull of:


59 - Prenaxillae in frog have two tows of smaller teeth but in rabbit only have:


60 - Prezygapophyses are present in the atlas vertebra of:


61 - Septomaxillary bones are present in the skull of:


62 - Skull in frog, rabbit, man and other mammals is:


63 - Stout, slender, rod-like ilium with a crest is found in:


64 - Tadpole in frog hatches out in about:

110 hours of oviposition

65 - Tadpole larva is stage in life history of frog which:

Is different in structure an behavious than adult frog

66 - Teeth in rabbit are:

Heterodont and diphyodont

67 - The 8th vertebra in frog is:


68 - The centrum is absent in the atlas of:


69 - The entra of all the vertebrae in frog are procoelous except:

Both (a) & (b)

70 - The entrance point of sperm in frog's egg marks which of the sides of future embryo:

Anterior side

71 - The extra embryonic membranes in rabbit are:

All of these

72 - The fertilization in mammalian ovum occurs:

Inside the fallopian tube

73 - The fore limbs are articulated at:

Pectoral girdle

74 - The scapula in frog is different than rabbit in:

Not having an acronion process and spine

75 - The vertebrarteial canals are found in which of these vertebrae of rabbit:


76 - Trophoblast cells just above embryonal knob in mammalian blastocyst are called:

Cells of Rauber

77 - Upwardly directed pigmented part of frog's egg is related with:


78 - Vomers are free and with vomerine teeth in frog whereas in rabbit these are:

Fused but without teeth

79 - Which of these bones in frog is unpaired:


80 - Which of these is paired bone in frog:


81 - Which of these organs do not undergo any special change during metamorphosis:


82 - Which of these show the number of vertebrae in rabbit:

Cervical-7, thoracic-12-13, lumber-6, sacral-4, caudal-16-17

83 - Which of these vertebra in frog has stout transverse processes, centrum with one anterior convexity and two posterior convexities:


84 - Which of these vertebrae are absent in frog:

All of these

85 - Which of these vertebrae in rabbit has flat centrum, elongated and pointed neural spine, reduced transverse processes, facets for articulation on centrum and transverse processes:


86 - Which of these vertebrae in rabbit has flat centrum, long and forked transverse processes, anapophyses, metapophyses and a hypapophysis:


87 - Y' shaped bone in the skull of frog is:


88 - Yolk plug in frog's embryo appears during:

Gastrula formation

89 - Zygomatic arch in the skull of rabbit is formed by:

Both by zygomatic process of maxilla and of squamosal


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