Evolution of Man Important Job Related MCQs

1 - According to Dr. Sapiro the present man is going to be changed to Homo sapiens futuris and will have:

All of these features

2 - As per fossil record early - Neanderthal man changed into Cro-Magnon man at several different or specific centres and later migrated to other centres"". Wheather this statement is:


3 - Burial dead bodies was found in:

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

4 - Changes brought about in order to provide erect posture during course of human evolution were:

All of these

5 - Chief character of man having importance in the direction of evolutionary line was:

All of these

6 - Closest relative of modern man is:


7 - Coloured rock-paintings were first done by:

Cro-Magnon man

8 - Course of cultural evolution has been divided into Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze and Iron ages since:

Cro-Magnon man

9 - Cro-Magnon man's fossils were first discovered from Cro-Magnon rocks of France by:

Mac Gregor

10 - Cro-Magnon was:


11 - Difference in Homo erectus and Cro-Magnon was in the:

All of these

12 - During the course of human evolution which of the following features would have resulted:

Both (a) & (b)

13 - Earliest fossil Old World Monkey leading evolution of apes and man was:


14 - Elephant shrews are supposed to mark the beginning of primate base due to which of the following features:

All of these

15 - Erect posture in human begins is respobsible for making the face:


16 - Evolution of man was possible perhaps because our ape-like ancestors:

Adopted bipedalism upon open ground

17 - First probable fossil man was:


18 - Fossil of Pithecanthropus were found in:


19 - Great apes and Man have which of the following similarities:

All of these

20 - Homo erectus differed from Homo sapiens fossilis in:

Having receding jaws

21 - Homo erectus erectus is considered to have existed in:

Java only

22 - Homo erectus erectus is scientific name of:

Java man

23 - In which of the following ages agriculture, knowledge of clothes and utensils etc. were developed by modern man:

Neolithic age

24 - In which of the following continent most of the fossils of primitive man have been excavated:


25 - In which of the following form the highly mobile could rotate head so much that it can face backwards (180?):


26 - In which of the following series has the evolution of man occurred :

Fish - amphibian - reptile - man

27 - Intelligence was important characteristics for human evolution because it enables human being capable of:

All of these

28 - Lemuroids which arose from tree shrews showed important advancements:

Only in limbs due to opposable thumbs

29 - Man of today first appeared about 11,000 - 10,000 years ago in the region around Caspean sea from where the members migrated westwards, eastwards and southwards respectively changing into present day white, mongoloid and black races"" Whether the statemen


30 - Name given to fossil man of Shivalic Hills in India is:


31 - Neanderthal - Man existed during:


32 - Neanderthal man was:

Less developed than modern man

33 - Old World Monkeys led to evolution of apes and man"" this statement can be supported by one of the following facts that they have:

All of these

34 - Old World Monkeys, apes and man had certain similarities which are:

All of these

35 - Oligopithecus excavated from Oligocene rocks of Faiyam Depression in Sahara Desert near Cairo in Egypt (Africa) possessed:

All of these

36 - One of the following fossils possessing a cranial capacity almost equal to or even slightly larger than modern man is:

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

37 - One of the major advantage of bepedalism is that it:

Releases the forelimbs for other purposes

38 - Orthognathous face in human beings has been formed as a result of shifting of skull to apical position due to:

Forward and downward shifting of formen magnum

39 - Ramapithecus is name of fossil man of:

Shivalik hill of India

40 - Ramapithecus was found in:


41 - Scientific names of Java man and modern man respectively are:

Home erectus erectus and homo sapiens sapiens

42 - Skull of pithecanthropus erectus was discovered in:


43 - Tarsioids were found to live in pairs and the female had menstrual cycle"" whether the statements is:


44 - The character of Tarsius in the direction of evolution of man-like primates was its:

All of these

45 - The character which was not in the direction of evolution of human species is:

Shortening of jaws

46 - The prehistoric ancestor of man existing during Pleistocene era was:


47 - Tree shrews which arose from elephant shrews had:

All of these

48 - Which among the following is the closest relation of modern man:


49 - Which is true for Homo sapiens sapiens:

Cranial capacity 1450cc

50 - Which of the following ancestors of man first stood erect:


51 - Which of the following animals mark the beginning of primate base where from the evolution of man has taken place:

Elephant shrews

52 - Which of the following changes occurred in the direction of development of sensitivity in the series of human evolution were:

All of these

53 - Which of the following characteristics of apes show close phylogenetic relationship with man:

All of these

54 - Which of the following characters is not related in the direction of evolution of man:

Claws of fingers

55 - Which of the following features could not be regarded correct in the line of human evolution:

Decrease in intelligence

56 - Which of the following features have been associated with erect posture in the human beings:

All of these

57 - Which of the following groups of animals has a cellular or unicellular body:


58 - Which of the following had largest cranial capacity of 1600cc:

Cro-Magnon man

59 - Which of the following is not in the spe-stock of human evolution;

Oligopithecus and Australopithecus

60 - Which of the following prehistoric human beings did ""Ceremonial burial of dead bedies"":

Pre-Neanderthal man

61 - Which of the following statements is correct :

Proconsul was more near to an ape

62 - Which of the following statements is correct with regards to human genaeology:

Proconsul was possibly the common ancestor of apes and man

63 - Which of the following statements is true for Homo sapiens:

Chin is receding

64 - Which of these is Cro-Magnon:

Homo sapiens fossilis

65 - Which one of the following fossils was quite like Dryopithecus but showed some divergence towards human evolutionary line and has been a promising one to represent the starting point at which human line of evolution branched off from ape line about 1.5 cr


66 - Which primitive man was using tools:


67 - Who were the first prehistoric human beings to believe in ""Immortality of soul"":

Pre-Neanderthal man

68 - With which of the following fossils, first evidence of burial of dead have been found:

Homo heidelbergensis

69 - Zoological name of man is:

Home sapiens sapiens


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