Excretion Physiology Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A colloidal pressure found at the entry of the blood into glomerular capillaries is:

28mm Hg

2 - A large amount of plasma (about 20%) filters out through glomerular capillaries due to filtration pressure of :

10-15mm Hg

3 - A person having more urination, thirst is the case of deficiency of:


4 - About which of the following percentages of filtrate is reabsorbed by epithelium of tubule in its proximal part:


5 - Ammonia is chief excretory product in the:

Tadpole of frog

6 - Ammonia is the chief nitrogenous excretory material in which of the following animals:

Fresh water fishes

7 - Amount of urine in our body is regulated by:

Both of these hormones

8 - Aquatic animals are mostly ammonotelic because:

Excretion of this type requires plenty of water which is available of animals

9 - Besides urine formation which of these functions are also regulated by our kidneys:

Blood pH regulation

10 - Between afferent and afferent neurons are found:

Internuncial neurons

11 - Birds are uricotelic because:

They have to conserve water which can be done only by its insoluable nature and property of safe retention in the body

12 - Birds are urictelic so that:

None of these advantages are there

13 - Capsular pressure in human kidney is equal to:

18mm Hg

14 - Capsular pressure in human kidney is:

Pressure exerted by filtrate in Bowman's capsule upon filtration

15 - Chief excretory waste in the mammals is:


16 - Chief nitrogenous waste product present in the urine of frog is:


17 - Collecting part of the tubule has:

Permeability to water

18 - Composition of bblood is regulated by:

None of these

19 - Deanination of excess of amino acids occurs in the:

Liver of all vertebrates

20 - Diabetes insipidus is characterized by:

Frequent urination with thirst

21 - Diuresis is a condition when we excrete diluted urine, the osmolality of this urine is:

75ml osmol/litre of water

22 - Excess of amino acids are synthesized into urea within the:


23 - Excretion of nitrogenous wastes mainly in form of uric acid in the birds is an example of:

Conservation of water

24 - Excretory product of insects is:

Uric acid

25 - Excretory substance is ammonia in:

Fresh water fishes

26 - Functionally neurons may be:

Both (a) & (b)

27 - Glomerula pressure in human kidney is:

45-75mm Hg

28 - Glomerulus in man is a network of about:

50 capillaries

29 - Guanine is formed as excretory waste in:


30 - Henle's loop contains:

Glomerular filtrate

31 - Hippuric acid excreted in rabbit's urine is formed by combination of:

Benzoic acid in food with glycine

32 - How much amount of blood circulates through our kidneys every 24 hours:

1800 litres

33 - In a nephron the glucose is generally absorbed in:

Proximal convoluted tubule

34 - In biochemical phase of excretion, the ammonia is formed by:

Deamination of excess of amino acids

35 - In case of permanent blockade of ADH secretion in our body we suffer with a disease called:

Diabetes insipidus

36 - In glomerular filtrate the composition of fluid is:

Same as plasma minus proteins

37 - In the condition of dilution of our extra-cellular fluid we have:

More amount of diluted urine

38 - In which of the following respects the kidney of vertebrates resembles with the contractile vacuole of Amoeba:

In expelling out excess of water from the body

39 - In which of these ammonia is an excretory substances is termed:

Fresh water fishes

40 - In which of these animals the ammnia formed by deamination of excess of amino acids is converted to urea:

Ureotelic animals

41 - In which of these organs the ammonia is converted into urea:


42 - In which of these respects the glomerular filtrate is different than blood plasma:

In all of these

43 - In which of these the benzoic acid of food combines with ornithine to form ornithuric acid:


44 - Integrative systems in our body are which of he following:

Both (a) & (b)

45 - Kidneys help in protecting RBCs from bursting by:

Regulating the osmolality from getting decreased when they absorb more water and burst

46 - Kidneys protect shrinking of our RBCs by:

Regulating osmolality from getting increased

47 - Kidneys regulate blood pressure by:

Formation of angiotensin-I and angiotensin-II which is a powerful vassopressor

48 - Loop of Henle is a part of:


49 - Man is:


50 - More release of ADH in our body will:

Produce more amount of urine

51 - Nervous system in organisms, in general, serve to:

All of these functions

52 - One of the following substances is more toxic comparatively:


53 - One of these is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle:


54 - Ornithine cycle occurs in the:

Liver of all ureotelic animals

55 - Osmolality of our general ECF remains about:

300 ml osmol/litre of water

56 - Out of 1.5 litres of blood circulating through our kidney each minute uriniferous tubules obtain only which of these amounts of plasma as filtrate:


57 - Out of 125 ml of plasma obtained by uriniferous tubules per minute in our body the amount excreted as urine is:


58 - Out of 180 litres of plasma filtered out each day by tubules in our kidneys we form which of these amounts as urine:

1.45 litres

59 - Out of 1800 litres of blood circulating through kidneys per day we filter out 180 litres of plasma and out of this we form only 1.45 litres of urine due to which of these mechanisms:

Both by selective re-absorption and secretion

60 - Out of 1800 litres of blood circulating through our kidneys in 24 hours amount of plasma fittered out in tubules is:

180 litres

61 - Out of 5 litres of blood circulating through human body how much amount of blood circulates through kidneys per minute:

1.5 litres

62 - Passing out of urine is called:


63 - Pressure of the blood flowing through peritubular capillaries of tubule is very slow and equal to:

13mm Hg

64 - Process eliminating nitrogenous and other excretory substances is termed:


65 - Process of selective reabsorption involves:

Both (a) & (b)

66 - Process of ultrafiltration occurs in which of these organs:

Bowman's capsule

67 - Process of ultrafiltration occurs:

Within the glomerulus when blood from efferent renal arteriole passes through its capillaries

68 - Routing of signals to one of several alternative circuits, amplification of certain signals while reduction of others, integration of signals from diffuse sources, learning etc, are performed by:


69 - Selective re-absorption and secretion process occur in:

In whole of the tubule beyond neck

70 - Snakes living in the desert are mainly:


71 - Specific gravity of urine in a normal man is:

1.012 = 1.020

72 - The desert snakes are mostly:


73 - There are two enzymes with a slightly different spellings which of these is secreted by our kidneys:


74 - Thick portion of ascending limb of uriniferous tubule has:

Both (a) & (b)

75 - Thin segment of the ascending limb of uriniferous tubule is:

Impermeable to water

76 - Thin segment of the ascending limb uriniferous tubule has which of these qualities:

All of these properties

77 - Transport of urea is done by:


78 - Tri methyl aminoxide formed as excretory material in certain marine molluscs is:

Methylation of ammonia

79 - Trimethylaminoxide is excreted in:

Fresh water fishes

80 - Ultrafiltration occurs in a glomerulus when:

Hydrostatic pressure exceeds the osmotic pressure

81 - Under the condition of renal hypertension the patient is to be administered with:

All of these

82 - Under the condition when our kidneys fail to dilute the urine the ECF remains diluted and this causes:

No effect on our body

83 - Urea is obtained by dissociation of:

Amino acids

84 - Urea is synthesized during:

Ornithine cycle

85 - Urea is synthesized in the liver because of the presence of:


86 - Uricotelic excretion is found in the:


87 - Waste product of adenine and guanine metabloism excreted by man as:


88 - We feel urination when:

Our urinary bladder is full with about 300ml of urine

89 - We have more amount of diluted urine passed (polyurea) when our:

ECF is diluted

90 - What causes liquid art of the blood to filter out from glomerulus into renal tubule?

High hydrostatic pressure

91 - What causes liquid part of blood plasma to filter out from glomerulus into Bowman's capsule:

Glomerular hydrostatic pressure

92 - What happens when amount of ADH decreases:

Our rate of micturition increases

93 - When we take more tea we pass more urine because:

Caffeine present in it is diuretic

94 - Which of these enzymes are secreted by our kidney:


95 - Which of these excretes only nitrogenous waste products:


96 - Which of these excretory products is found in the birds:

Uric acid

97 - Which of these is actively secreted in the glomerular filtrate of kidney tubule:

Sodium ions

98 - Which of these is also called ornithine cycle resulting in the formation of urea from ammonia:

Kerb's cycle

99 - Which of these is not an excretory waste product:

Pyruvic acid

100 - Which of these is not uricoteli:

Fresh water fishes


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