Hormones in Our Body Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A decrease in amount of ADH in blood would affect nicturition in which of these ways:


2 - A hormone is:

A chemical messenger

3 - A person suffering with ateliosis has a height of:

120 cms

4 - Acromegaly and gigantism are due in:


5 - Acromegaly is caused by:

Hypersecretion of GH

6 - Acromegaly is exhibited by which of these symptoms:

All of these symptoms

7 - Acromegaly results after adolescence due to hypersecretion of:

Growth hormone

8 - Addition of a trace of thyroid extract in water containing tadpoles of frog will:

Hasten their metamorphosis

9 - Adenohypophysis in pituitary constitutes about:

75% of its part

10 - Adenohypophysis is distinguished into:

Both (a) & (b)

11 - Asymmetrical protrusion of eye balls giving an angry, frightened look is seen in which of these:

Exophtalmic goitre

12 - Ateliosis is caused by the defect of:

Hyposecretion of STH

13 - Beside regular endocrine glands the other structures of endocrine nature are:

All of these

14 - Both in gigantism and acromegaly there is enlargement of body but the major difference is:

In gigantism the growth of body and skeleton is symmetrical but not in acromegaly

15 - Chemically hormones are:

Both proteins and steroids

16 - Chemicals directly released into blood are called:


17 - Chief similarity between enzymes and hormones is that both are:

Used in minimum amount

18 - CRF (corticotropic release factor) from hypothamus controls release of which of these from pituitary:


19 - Ductless glands which pour their secretions directly into the blood are known as:


20 - Dwarfs of circus are called:


21 - Endocrine glands are characterized by presence of:

Of no ducts to carry secretions

22 - Endocrine glands are featured by:

Absence of a duct

23 - Endocrine glands are those, which secrete their fluiids:

Directly into blood

24 - Endocrine glands secrete their secretions:

Into blood

25 - Enlargement of tubules in diffuse manner and enlargement of one of more tubules of thyroid glands would cause:

Grave's disease and Plumar's disease respectively

26 - Father of endrochrinology is:


27 - Fluffy body, weak body, shrunken genitals and declined fertility are symptoms seen in:

Pituitary myxodema

28 - General metabolic rate in our body is controlled by:


29 - Gonadotropins are produced in:

Adenphypophysis of pituitary

30 - Gonadotropins is a collective term used for:


31 - Greatest concentration of iodine is found in:


32 - Growth of muscle, bones connective tissues, cells, promotion of DNA and RNA synthesis, gluconegenesis process are done by:

STH of Pituitary

33 - Hormone secreted by pituitary gland are:

All proteins

34 - Hormones differ from enzymes in the respect that they:

Are used completely in matabolism

35 - Hormones in our body are the substances which are:

Secreted in restricted areas and influence the activities of various parts of body

36 - Hyperthyroidism is ordinarily a genetic disorder but often provoked by:

Both (a) & (b)

37 - Hypophysis cerebri is a term used for:


38 - Hyposecretion of ADH would cause:

Diatetes instipidus

39 - Hyposecretion of hormone from pituitary would lead to:

Diabetes insipidus

40 - Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone causes:

Both (a) & (b)

41 - Hypothyroidism in adulthood would lead to:


42 - ICSH is a hormone from:


43 - In man the pituitary weights about:

0.5 gms

44 - Increased BMR, increased oxygen consumption, palpitation, profuse sweating, insomnia, excitement, restlessness etc are the symptoms of:


45 - Inhibition of STH of pituitary is done by:

A factor from hypothalamus

46 - Intermedin is also the name of:


47 - Intgrative systems in our body are:

Nervous & Endocrine

48 - Irregularities in which of these glands will affect our body most:


49 - Master gland in our body is:


50 - Metabolic rate in our body can be increased by giving an injection of:


51 - Metemorphosis in frog's tadpole is under the control of:


52 - Nanism caused due to hyposecretion of STH is often seen in:


53 - Neurohypophysis contains:

Both (a) & (b)

54 - One of the defects of surgical removal of pituitary gland is fall in the level of sodium ions in blood and rise in potassium level. The reason for this being:

Atrophy of adrenal cortex

55 - Parathyroids in man weight:

About 0.05 - 0.3 gms

56 - Pituitary gland is also called:

Hypophysis cerebri

57 - Pituitary gland is called leader of endocrine orchestra because:

It controls activities of all other endocrine glands in body

58 - Pituitary glands is found in:


59 - Pituitary in a woman is:

Larger than man

60 - Pituitary in frog consists of:

Both (a) & (b)

61 - Pituitary is supplied blood from:

Circle Willis

62 - Posterior lobe of pituitary is also called:


63 - Promotion of thyroid growth and synthesis as well as release of hormones from it is controlled by:


64 - Rate of oxidative metabolism in man is increased by:


65 - Release of ova in mammals occurs under the influence of:

FSH and LH

66 - Removal of thyroid in frog's tadpole would:

Keep it in tadpole stage throughout life

67 - Secretion of all of the hormones of pitulitary gland is controlled by which of these:

Neurosecretions of hypothalamus

68 - Secretion of androgens by testes is under the regulatory influence of:

Luteinizing hormone

69 - Secretion of STH or GH of pituitary is stimulated by:

A release factor from hyothalamus

70 - Secretion of which of these is not much controlled by pituitary:

Adrenal medulla

71 - Secretion of which of these is under nervous control:

Adrenal cortex

72 - Simple goiter is caused due to:

Iodine deficiency in food leading to hyposecretion of thyroid

73 - Spermatogenesis is under direct regulation of:

Luteinizing hormone

74 - The hormones of pituitary are drained through:

Hypothalamo-hypophysial portal vein which also supplies controlling factors from hypothalamus

75 - The name hormone was first suggested by:


76 - Thyroid secretes its hormones under the influence of:

TSH of adenohypophysis

77 - Thyroxine is:

A hormone

78 - Thyroxine was isolated by:

None of these

79 - TSH stands for:

Thyroid stimulating hormone

80 - Undersecretion of STH or GH from pituitary would cause:


81 - Which is true for hormones:

They are never present in our food and always synthesized in body

82 - Which of the hormones of adenohypophysis checks breakdown of cells in our body:


83 - Which of these are the disorders of hypothyroidism:

All of these

84 - Which of these functions hormones perform in our body:

All of these

85 - Which of these hormones are secreted by thyroid gland:

Both (a) & (b)

86 - Which of these hormones from pituitary is responsible for activation of breasts during pregnancy, secretion of milk after birth and functioning of corpus luteum during pregnancy:

Both (a) & (b)

87 - Which of these hormones of adenohypophysis is essential for intensification of synthesis of hormones from adrenal cortex under a direct feed-back regulation:


88 - Which of these hormones of pituitary are also inhibited by factors from hypothalamus:

All of these

89 - Which of these hormones of pituitary stimulates contraction of uterine muscles to induce labour pains for delivery:


90 - Which of these is an organ of mixed nature secreting both juice and hormones:


91 - Which of these is both endocrine and exocrine:


92 - Which of these is different from rest of three:


93 - Which of these parameters are true for thyroid gland in man:

3 - 5 cms and 25 - 30 gms

94 - Which of these properties are not present in hormones:

They have a high molecular weight and not found in plants

95 - Which of these secretes gonadotropins:

Ant pituitary

96 - Which of these secretes oxytocin:


97 - Which of these sets of names is applicable to one and same hormone:

Vasopressin, ADH and pitressin

98 - Which one of these is involved with the initiation of metamorphosis of frog's tadpole:


99 - Which one of these regulates BMR in our body:


100 - Which set of these disorders is due to oversecretion of concerned hormones:

Cretinism and diabetes mellitus


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