Human Genetics & Eugenics Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A patient of alkaptonuria can be recognized by the:

Both of these things

2 - A person of blood group - AB can donate his blood to a person of blood group:


3 - A person of blood group AB can receive blood from donor of:

All group

4 - A person of blood group O can donate his blood to persons of blood groups:

A, B, AB & O

5 - A son must be born to a couple when:

The zygote composition has XY combination

6 - ABO Blood groups were discovered by:


7 - Absence of melanin is termed:


8 - Agglutinins are not found in the blood group:


9 - Agglutinogens are not found in the blood group:


10 - Agglutiongens are absent in the blood of the blood group:


11 - Albinism is a:

Hereditory disease

12 - Albinism is exhibited by:

Pink skin, pink eyes and white hairs

13 - Albinism is:


14 - Albinos are reported only in:

Both (a) & (b)

15 - Alkaptonuria is an inborn biochemical disorder in which the person excretes:

Homogentisic acid

16 - Allele is the:

Total number of genes present on a chromosome

17 - An autosome means:

A sex chromosome

18 - Apart from transfusion of blood, the blood groups are also important in:

Settling paternity disputes

19 - Average ratio of men and women in human population is:


20 - Cause of red-green colour blindness is:


21 - Colour blindness and night blindness are:

Dissimilar because former is sex-linked while later is due to deficiency of vit. A

22 - Colour blindness generally affects males but factor for it is transmitted to boys through mother, this is because the factor is located on:


23 - Colour blindness in man is a:

Sex-linked disorder

24 - Correct situation of chromosomes in man is:

44 autosomes + 2 sex chromosomes

25 - Daltonian disease is:

Colour blindness or haemophilia

26 - Dizygotic twins are:


27 - During mismatched blood transfusion:

RBC of donor agglutinate

28 - Erythroblastosis foetalis in developing embry is caused by:


29 - Even if the donor and recipient belong to same blood group the transfusion of blood leads to agglutination some time this is due to the fact that:

One is Rh+ and other is rh-

30 - Even though donor A and recipient B have same blood group, transfusion leads to agglutination. This is due to the fact that:

A is Rh+ and B rh-

31 - For a patient of AB - group a donor can be of:

Any of ABO - groups

32 - For a person of blood group -A, the blood groups acceptable for transfusion are:


33 - For a recipient belonging to blood group A the appropriate donor must belong to group:


34 - For a recipient of blood group O the appropriate donor is person belonging to blood group:


35 - Fraternal twins are produced when:

Two ova are fertilized simulataneously by two different sperms

36 - Haemophilia affects generally males because it is:

Recessive X-linked

37 - Haemophilia is a disease in which there occurs:

Failure of blood coagulation

38 - Haemophilia is caused by the deficiency of:


39 - Hereditory characters are passed from parent to offspring chiefly through:


40 - Heterozygous woman and man for pigmentation would have:

Some normal some albino

41 - Homologous chromosomes include:

One chromosome from each parent

42 - How much percent people lack ability to taste PTC:


43 - Human ovum has got:

One X chromosome

44 - Identical twins are born when:

Fertilized egg after 1st cleavage divides into two separate blastomeres

45 - Identical twins are those which are formed by:

Complete separation of two blastomeres formed by 1st cleavage

46 - Identical twins develop from:

A single fertilized egg whose blastomeres separating after 1st cleavage

47 - If a haemophilic father marries a normal woman the children will be:

All normal

48 - If a normal woman marries an albino man and gets two normal and two albino sons then the woman is:


49 - If a parent belongs to blood group A and other to B the offsprings can inherit:

All of the blood groups

50 - If a patient of blood group - B needs a transfusion, the donor must belong the blood group:

O & B

51 - If father of a body is haemophilic and mother a carrier, then chances of the body in inheriting the disease will be:


52 - If two opposite alleles come close together, one of the two finds morphological expression masking other in the body of the organism, the fact is described is:

Law of dominance

53 - In case of a baby of blood group A whose mother belongs to blood group B the father cannot be a person of blood group:

Both (a) & (b)

54 - In colour blindness the person fails to distinguish:

Only red and green colours

55 - In human beings which of these types of sex chromosomes are found:

Both XY chromosomes

56 - In pedigree analysis of which family 50 men were found to be excellent musicians out of 99 men among the descendents:

Bach family

57 - In phenylketonuria the conversion of phenylakanine is disturbed due to absence of the enzyme:

Phenylalanine hydroxylase

58 - In which of these disorders the accumulation of gentisie acid in joints cause arthritis::


59 - In which of these situations the daughter of a colour blind fater can be colour blind:

If the mother is phenotypically normal but genotypically is carrier

60 - Incedence of ablinism is:

One per 20,000

61 - Karyotype of man can be represented by:

Both (a) & (b)

62 - Man has which of these numbers of chromosomes:


63 - Nature of identical twins is:


64 - Normally sex-linkedgenes are located in X-chormosome in man this indicates that:

X chromosome is longer than Y

65 - One of the way of determining sex-linked inheritance is:

Sons resemble mother and the daughters the father

66 - Phenotype of phenylketonura shows:

All of these symptoms as mentioned baove

67 - Phenotypes in which of these conditions are called syndromes:


68 - PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) tastes:


69 - Rh factor is associated with:

Blood transfusion and pregnancy

70 - Rh-factor was discovered by:

Both (a) & (b)

71 - Rh-factor was named on the basis of:

Rhesus monkey

72 - Role of Rh factor is in:

Both (a) & (b)

73 - Serum of person having blood group AB will have:

None of these

74 - Sex determination in human beings is of:

XY type

75 - Sex in human beings is deermined by:

Size of egg being fertilized

76 - Sex-linked characters are usually:


77 - Sickle-cell anaemia is a case of:

Incomplete dominance

78 - Sickle-cell anaemia is due to:


79 - Sickle-cell anaemia is exhibited by:

Defect in beta-chain of haemoglobin

80 - Sickling of RBCs occurs in 50% of which of these:

Heterozygous forms

81 - Terms proband, proposita and sibiling are used:

All of these

82 - The fact that law of biology and genetics can also be applicable to human beings was brought to light by:


83 - The father of a baby belonging to blood group -MN whose mother is of group -N the father cannot be


84 - Total number of autosomes in fertilized egg of man is:


85 - Traits controlled by X-chromosome are said to the:

Sex-linked disorder

86 - Twins formed by simultaneous fertilization of two different ova by two separate sperms are called:

Siameses twins

87 - Universal donor is a person of blood group:

O - group

88 - Urine of a person suffering from which of these disorders turns black on exposure to air:

One suffering from alkaptonuria

89 - What is the incedence of occurrence of phenylketonruia in human population?

One in 18,000

90 - Which blood group person may be called a universal acceptor or recipient?


91 - Which of the blood can be given to any person:

O - group

92 - Which of these abbreviation sands for a genetic trait:


93 - Which of these disorders in genetically similar to haemophilia:

Colour blindness

94 - Which of these genotypes and phenotyes may be the correct result of aneuploidy in sex chromosomes:

22 pairs + XXY males

95 - Which of these is biologically incompatible marriage because of chances of Erythroblastosis foetalis:

Rh+ man and rh- woman

96 - Which of these is totally a genetic disorder:


97 - Which one is universal recipient:

Person of AB - group

98 - Which one of these is sex-linked inheritance?

Colour blindness or haemophilia

99 - Who for the first time successfully interpreted alkaptonuria and phenylkeotnuia in man:


100 - Who recommended pedigree analysis and twin study for determining human genetic traits:

Sir Francis Galton


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