Integumentary System Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A frog is transferred from 20?C to 30?C, its body temperature:

Rises to 30?C

2 - A homoiothermal animal is one in which:

Body temperature remains constant under all environmental conditions

3 - Bears have thick fur because these animals live in:

Cold climate

4 - Capability to change the colour of skin in frog is termed:


5 - Capacity of mammals to raise their hairs erect by muscles attached to hair follicles is primarily concerned with:

Greater insulation for preservation of body heat

6 - Capacity to regulate temperature is found in:

Warm-blooded animals

7 - Colouration in frog and other amphibians is due to:


8 - Dense fur in temperate animals protects them from:


9 - Difference in colouration of dorsal and ventral surfaces of skin of frog is helpful in:

Both of these

10 - Elephant is inhabitant of hot climate. This is suggested by:

Almost hairless skin

11 - Epidermis in rabbit consists of:

5 strata

12 - Epidermis in the mammals is:

Compound stratified epithelium

13 - Excessive sweating or perspiration in mammals helps mainly in:

Maintaining body temperature at a constant level by losing heat

14 - Exoskeleton in frog consists of:

None of these

15 - Exoskeleton or rabit consists of:

Hairs and claws

16 - Had the dead keratinized cells of our skin been living ones, most important disadvantage would have been:

Growth of bacteria upon skin

17 - Hairs in mammals are derivatives of:


18 - In a homoiothermal animal:

Constant body temperature is maintained

19 - In frog the dermis is differentiated into:

Both (a) & (b)

20 - In rabbit the skin is hairy but in frog it is smooth and naked. This feature is necessary because:

Skin in frog is respiratory

21 - In taxidermy, the skin is:

Preserved with the help of chemicals

22 - In the process of tanning the:

Dermis is treated with salts of heavy metals

23 - In which of the strata of epidermis of mammals the pigment carotene is found:

Strarum comeum

24 - Integument is called ""Jack of all things"" because it:

Performs various functions

25 - Living organisms consume the matter constantly and this is replenished from the environment through the process called:


26 - Maintenance of high body temperature helps mammals in carrying out fast:


27 - Mammary glands in mammals are modified:

Apocrine swet glands

28 - Mclanin is present generally in which of the following strate of mammalian epidermis:

Stratum malpighi

29 - Milk glands are characteristics feature of:

All mammals

30 - Milky secretion of which of the following glands is responsible forcharacteristic smell of rabbits:

Inguinal glands

31 - Modified sebaceous glands in the margins of eyelids are called:

Meibomian glands

32 - Nails, hoofs and horns are examples of:

Keratinized derivatives

33 - Nature of mammary glands is:


34 - Normaly body temperature of man is 98.6?F but of rabbit is:


35 - Olive green colour of skin of frog is due to:

Due to combined effect of all of these

36 - One of the mechanisms for increasing heat production and conservation in mammals involves:

Decreased flow of blood into skin to decrease heat transfer to it

37 - Pelage is the term given to:

Hairy covering of skin

38 - Poikilothermy in the animals means:

Fluctuating body temperature

39 - Presence of mucous over the skin of frog is an adaptation for:

Cutaneous respiration

40 - Regulation of body temperature in a homiotherms during high environmental temperature would involve:

Dialation of blood vessels of skin

41 - Sebaceous glands occur in rabbits in:

Skin dermis

42 - Secretion of sebaceous glands in mammals helps mainly in:

Making skin soft and supple

43 - Several pairs in two ventrolateral rows the mammary glands are found in:

Dogs, cat, pig

44 - Shedding of skin by frog is called:


45 - Shivering and clattering of teeth in extreme cold are concerned with:

Production of heat

46 - Skin of frog is characterized by the absence of:


47 - Some mammals also hibernate. The body temperature of these animals' remains:

Slightly higher than that of surroundings due to combined regulation by skin and fat

48 - Subcutaneous fat in mammals primarily serves to:

Provide thermal insulation against cold

49 - Sweat glands in mammals are concerned primarily with:

Regulation of body temperature

50 - Tear producing glands are:

Lacrymal glands

51 - Temperature regulation by sweating occurs in:


52 - Temperature regulation in animals involves:

Maintenance of a constant body temperature in all conditions

53 - Temperature regulation within the body is helped by:

Blood circulation

54 - The body colour in mammals is determined by:

All of these

55 - The warm-blooded nature of mammals is aimed:

Keeping body temperature constant under fluctuating environmental temperature

56 - Thermoregulatory centre in mammals is located in:


57 - Wax of ear"" is produced by:

Ceruminous glands

58 - Whale is warm-blooded animal but survives in cold seas. The main device for keeping the animal warm in thick:


59 - When a bird is transferred from 30?C to 10?C, its body temperature:

Is maintained at original constant level due to increased conservation and production of heat

60 - When frog is kept in water for sometime, it sheds a thin covering of skin which is:

Squamous dpithelium

61 - Which group has homiothermal animals:

Whale, pigeon, bat

62 - Which of the following chromatophores in frog have guanin in them:


63 - Which of the following features of human skin tends to prevent evaporation of water from it:

Dry, dead cells of stratum corneum

64 - Which of the following glands in skin are responsible for temperature regulation:

Sweat glands

65 - Which of the following helps in keeping warm:

Fatty layer of skin

66 - Which of the following pigments is present throughout the mammalian epidermis:


67 - Which of the following strata in the epidermis of rabbit has eleidin in the cell:

Stratum ludidum

68 - Which of these is a cold blooded (poikilothermal) animal:

Snake or tortoise

69 - Which organ in mammals performs largest number of functions:


70 - Which sets of characters will be more useful to the animal when outside temperature is considerably higher than body temperature:

Skin soft, with abundant sweat glands


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