Metabolism Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A reaction when a cell absorbs energy from environment can denoted as:


2 - A sum of the constructive processes in our body is called:


3 - Acceleration of carbohydrae metabolism is done by:


4 - All the processes in metabolism are:

Both (a) & (b)

5 - All the reactions during anabolism are:


6 - Amino groups of excess of amino acids are converted into urea within the:


7 - Ammonia is formed more during the condition of acidosis in body because it:

Neutralizes the acids

8 - Anaerobic respiration involves partly or wholly the process of:


9 - Anaerobic respiration is a kind of:

Incomplete oxidation

10 - As a result of Glycolysis in the body:

Glucose is transformed into pyruvic acid

11 - ATP (adinosine tri phosphate) is:

An energy rich compound

12 - ATP is synthesized within:


13 - Before combining with oxaloacetic acid the pyruvic acid in Kreb's cycle is transformed into:

Acetyl CoA

14 - Besides normal glycolytic pathway, the pyruvic acid can be also formed in the body by:

Deamination of alanine

15 - BMR abbreviation means:

Basal metabolic rate

16 - BMR in an adult male human ranges from:

1000 - 1200 Cals

17 - BMR in our body means:

Minimum energy required to maintain normal activities at complete rest in a warm atmosphere of 12 - 18 hour of food intake

18 - Carbohydrate metabolishm is controlled by:

All of these

19 - Citric acid cycle was worked out by:


20 - Common phase between anaerobic and aerobic respiration is:


21 - Commonest intermediate source of energy and important means of energy in cellular activity is:


22 - Conversion of ATP into ADP would release:


23 - Double energy is produced from 1 gram of:


24 - During carbohydrate metabolism the insulin helps in:

Both of these processes

25 - During lipogenesis in our body:

Glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid and then to acetyl CoA which polymerises into long chain fatty acids

26 - Energy gained through serobic respuation of 1 molecule of glucose during cellular respiration is sufficient to produce:

30 ATP

27 - Energy in hydrolysis, is released as:

Kinetic energy

28 - Energy obtained in a cell by catabolic reactions is directly stored in:


29 - Energy produced from one gram of:

Is same in all of these

30 - Energy rich compound that it is formed during the process of biological oxidation of glucose is:

Adenosine tri phosphate

31 - Energy stored as reserve food in our body within the:

Adipose tissue

32 - Example of intermediary metabolism may be sited by:

Both (a) & (b)

33 - First stage in the utilization of glucose concludes in the formation of:

Pyruvic acid

34 - Formation of fat from glucose begins in order to:

Keep constancy of blood sugar level

35 - Formation of fats in the body of man begins when:

Liver and muscles cannot store any more glycogen

36 - Formation of glucose from glycogen is termed:

Glycogenolysis and occurs within liver

37 - Glycerol is metabolized in which of the following ways:

It is phosphorylated to form 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde which enters glycolytic pathway

38 - Glycolysis means:

Formation of pyruvic acid from glucose

39 - High energy compounds are those which:

Are produced in respiration process only

40 - Impaired secretion of glucogon in our body will:

Decrease glycogenolysis

41 - In a woman BMR ranges from:

750 - 1000 Cals

42 - In anaerobic condition the energy in the cell is produced by degradation of glucose into:

Lactic acid

43 - In case of more intake of food, the surplus is deposited as:

Glycogen and Fat

44 - In fatty liver the fat contents are:


45 - In our body the storage of carbohydrates is done in form of:

Glycogen in muscles and liver

46 - In the process of Glycolysis the glucose is converted into:

Pyruvic acid

47 - In the process of respiration, the pyruvic acid formed during Glycolysis is:

Broken down to two carbon fragments

48 - Kerb's cycle begins with:

Pyruvic acid

49 - Kreb's cycle eventually leads to:

Storage of energy in ATP

50 - Kreb's cycle means:

Formation of citric acid with acetyl CoA and oxaloacetic acid and then transformation of it to form oxaloaetic acid again

51 - Last step in the Kreb's cycle is the breakdown of:

Malic acid

52 - Lipogenesis in our body occurs when:

Storing capacity of glycogen and carbohydrates exhausts in liver and muscles

53 - Main source in our body for bioenergy is:


54 - Main source of energy in animal cell is:


55 - Matabolic rate in animal during hibernation will be:


56 - Maximum energy from glucose can be obtained by:

Kreb's cycle

57 - Metebolic rate of a man can be increased by giving an injection of:

All of these

58 - Mitochondria are regarded as 'power' house of the cell' since they:

Have Kerb's cycle inside them

59 - Net gain of ATP molecules in breakdown of one molecule of glucose into two monecules of pyruvic acid molecules is:


60 - Number of ATP molecules synthesized out of reaction 2, acetyl CoA - 4CO2


61 - Our body can also use proteins but for that the proteins are first deaminated within the:


62 - Process of deriving glucose from sources other than carbohydrates is called:


63 - Process of glycogenesis is:

Synthesis of glycogen from excess glucose and monosaccharides

64 - Process of glycogenolys is means:

Breakdown of glycogen into glucose

65 - Protein metabolism in our body is controlled by:

Both (a) & (b)

66 - Reason for yielding double amount of energy by fats is:

That one fatty acid forms two molecules of acetyl CoA on oxidation

67 - Respiration is an example of:


68 - Synthesis of glycogen from sugars within the liver is called:


69 - Term intermediary metabolism means:

Linking of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolisms

70 - Term metabolism means the total sum of:

All chemical activities taking place in living organism of energy release or gain in the body

71 - The common point in all metabolic pathway is:

Acrtyl CoA

72 - The correct sequence of reactions during glycogenolysis is:


73 - The energy yielded by complete oxidation of 1 gram mole of glucose is:

6860000 calories

74 - The glucose is broken finally into H2O and CO2 in which of these:

Both (a) & (b)

75 - The significance of the Kreb's cycle lies in:

Formation of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation

76 - Thecatabolism generally included reactions that are:


77 - We need carbohydrates for energy and can get it from:


78 - When liver fat contents of our body increase then the condition leads to:

None of them

79 - Which are the substances that can be used for glycogenesis:

All of these

80 - Which hormone controls process of glycogenesis:


81 - Which of these are formed during catabolism of proteins within our body:

All of these

82 - Which of these catalyze the metaboliic reactions in our body:


83 - Which of these from adrenal cortex influence the carbohydrate metabolism:


84 - Which of these glands influence carbohydrate metabolism through their hormones:

All of them

85 - Which of these increases gluconeogenesis in our body:


86 - Which of these is correct ATP production out of oxidation of one molecule of glucose:


87 - Which of these is example of anabolism:

Protein synthesis

88 - Which of these is formed both during Kreb's cycle and deamination of amino acids:

Alpha-ketogluteric acid

89 - Which of these is formed during deamination of amino acids in the liver:


90 - Which of these is odd than rest of three:

Glycolytic pathway

91 - Which of these is readily available source of biological energy:

Adenosine triphosphate

92 - Which of these is rich in catabolic enzymes and has electron transport system:


93 - Which of these processes are accelerated by insulin during carbohydrate metabolism:

All of these process

94 - Which of these regulate the fat metabolism in our body:

All of these

95 - Which of these substances will be different characteristically in different animal species:


96 - Which of these substances will yield twice the amount of energy as compared to equivalent weight of carbohydrate:


97 - Which one is correct sequence of reaction during glycogenesis:


98 - Which one is important in oxidative and fat metabolism:

Acetyl CoA

99 - Which one of these brings an increase in the rate of carbohydrate metabolism:


100 - Which will be donor in energy transfer process from ADP to ATP:

Inorganic phosphate


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