Muscle Contraction Physiology Important Job Related MCQs

1 - Actin has a strong affinity to myosin and readily combines with it to form actomyosin but this is inhibited by:

Troponin through its Tpc subunit

2 - After death rigor mortis occurs in the muscles because:

Actomyosin ADP complex is not broken dur to lack of supply of ATP as oxygen and other substrates for its synthesis are not present

3 - Besides ATP the other sources of providing energy for muscular contraction are:

Both (a) & (b)

4 - Chief source of energy for muscle contraction is:


5 - Contraction and relaxation phase of a muscle is called:


6 - Cross bridges are found on:


7 - Dragging of actin filaments towards 'M' line is termed as:

Power stroke

8 - During biochemical events or muscle contraction which of these processes occur:

All of these processes

9 - During first stage of breakdown of glycogen which of these occur:

Glycogen ? formation of glucose-6-phosphate

10 - During muscle contraction:

Actomyosin contracts so that cross bridges tilt dragging filaments of actin towards 'M' line

11 - During recovery phase of muscle contraction the processes occurring are:

All of these

12 - During relaxation the calcium ions are:

Forced back from sarcoplasm to sarcoplasmic reticulum

13 - Flexing or bending of our arm is done by:


14 - Formation of lactic acid from pyruvic acid during muscle contraacton is catelyzed by which of these enzymes:

Lactic dehydrogenase

15 - Function of boosters in the contraction of cardiac muscles is performed by:

Intercalary discs

16 - Functional unit of contractile system in a striped muscle is:


17 - How much lactic acid formed is broken by oxidation to form CO2 and water:

1/5 part

18 - How much lactic acid formed is resynthesized into glycogen:

4/5 part

19 - If a contracting muscle is given a second stimulus during its contraction phase then it is seen to produce 'M' curve on kymogram. This phenomenon is termed:


20 - In which of these conditions the muscle offers no contraction:


21 - In which of these phenomenon we get few initial sequentially increasing curves on kymogram if we stimulate a muscle periodically while permitting its normal relaxation:


22 - M' curves on kymogram are seen during:


23 - Muscles are fatigued by accumulation of:

Lactic acid

24 - Muscular contraction involves which of these events:

Both (a) & (b)

25 - Paralysis occurs in the muscles by:

Cut off in its motor nerve supply

26 - Refractory period in frog's muscles is about:

None of these

27 - Refractory period in muscles of man is:

None of these

28 - Shivering of body and clattering of teeth in cold is a method for:

Production of heat by muscular contraction

29 - Shivering of body and clattering of teeth in winters is associated with:


30 - Sliding filament theory was proposed by:

H.E. Husley

31 - Spur-like structures are found in the molecule of:


32 - Straightening of our flexed arm is done by:

Biceps which extends from shoulders to radius

33 - The 'A' band in myofibril occupies:

2/3rd of length of sarcomere so that muscle shortens by 1/3rd of its length during contraction

34 - The cause of muscular tentany is:

Deficiency of parathyroid hormone

35 - The contraction of of a muscle is caused by:


36 - The decomposition of lactic acid is done by:

Both of these processes

37 - The energy required for muscular contraction is derived from:


38 - Troponin subunit Tpc inhibits actomyosin formation by:

Binding with Ca++ ions

39 - Under which of these disorders the muscle remains atrophied for a long time:


40 - Upwards and downwards rotation of body parts is done by:

Pronators and suppinators

41 - When a muscle is repeatedly stimulated during its contraction period without permitting relaxation for a very long time it does not relax. This stage is called:


42 - Which of these are examples of antgonistic muscles in our body:

All of these

43 - Which of these are released before muscle contraction from sarcoplasmic reticulum:

Calcium ions

44 - Which of these muscle respectively flex and straighten our arm:

Biceps and triceps

45 - Which of these processes mark the beginning of muscular contraction:

Release of calcium ions from sarcoplasmic reticulum

46 - Which of these proteins are attached with actin of myofibril:

Both (a) & (b)

47 - Which of these reactions are correct:

Creatine phosphate ? Creatine + H3PO4 ADP + H3PO4 ? ATP

48 - Which of these structures over myosin help in contraction of the muscle fibre:

Cross bridges over spur

49 - Which of these substances on accumulation causes muscular fatigue:

Lactic acid


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