Nervous System Important Job Related MCQs

1 - 3rd, 6th and 11th cranial nerves in rabbit are respectively the:

Occulomotor, abducens and spinal accessory

2 - 4th ventricle is present in:

Medulla oblongata

3 - A nerve carrying impulses from a tissue to nerve centre is called:


4 - Anterior commissure in frog's brain connects:

Corpora strata

5 - Aqueduct of Sylvius is found in:


6 - Blood sugar and hearbeat is increased by:

Sympathetic system

7 - Brain and spinal cord in frog are covered with which of the following meniges:

Both of these

8 - Brain of rabbit differs with that of frog in having:

Corpus callosum

9 - Branchial plexus in frog is formed by:

Union of ventral rami of 2nd and 3rd spinal nerves

10 - Butterfly shaped gray matter is found in the:

Spinal cord of rabbit

11 - Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolisms are controlled by:


12 - Cauda equina is a term given to:

A structure present over the tail of horse

13 - Cavity within the spinal cord is called:


14 - Cerbral hemispheres in rabbit by anterior and inner hippocampal lobes with the help of:

Hippocampal fissure

15 - Cerebral hemispheres are centres of:

All of these

16 - Ciliated epithelium lining the neurocoel is called:

Epindymal epithelium

17 - Communication between two paracoels is called:

Foramen of Monro

18 - Control centres for hunger, thirst, sleep, sweating, fatigue temperature, sex, emotions etc, are present in the:


19 - Cordial plexus of sympathetic system in frog is formed by:

None of these

20 - Corpus albicans just behind the stalk of pituitary glands in rabbit is formed by:

Wall of diencephalon

21 - Cranial nerves of mixed nature are:

V, VII, IX & X

22 - Cranial nerves of purely motor nature are:


23 - Crura cerebri connect:

Fore brain with hind brain

24 - Crura cerebri serve to:

Transmit motor impulses to limb muscles from cerebrum

25 - Depressor nerve innervating diaphragm is the branch of:


26 - Dorsal and posterior commissures connect:

Two thalami together

27 - Dorsal wall of diocoel is called epithalamus and is made up of ependymal epithelium forming:

Corpus callosum

28 - Epidural space contains:

All of these

29 - Epidural space is present between:

Duramater and the sheath of overlying bone

30 - Fibrous, transverse commissure extending across the roof of diencephalons and connecting two optic thalami in the brain of rabbit is called:

Habenular commissure

31 - Fomix in rabbit's brain connects:

Hippocampal lobe with hypothalamus

32 - Foramen of Monro is an aperture between;

Lateral and third ventricles

33 - Function of nervous tissue is:


34 - Heart is innervated by:


35 - Heart-beat is under control of:

Autonomic system

36 - Hypothalamus is formed by:

Ventral wall of diencephalon

37 - If cerebral hemispheres of frog are removed, it will:

Stop feeding

38 - In rabbit all thoracis, first 3 pairs of lumber and 2nd, 3rd, 4th pairs of sacral spinal nerves have additional rami called:

White ramus communicans

39 - In rabbit the brachial plexuses are formed by the union of:

Ventral rami of 4th to 8th pairs of cervical spinal nerves

40 - Integrative systems in our body are:

Nervous and endocrine systems

41 - Lateral appendage of each cerebellar hemisphere in rabbit is called:


42 - Lateral ventricles are found in:


43 - Lateral walls of thalami in rabbit bulge into diocoel forming:

Massa intermedia

44 - Longest cranial nerve that supplies regions of body other than head is:


45 - Lyra in rabbit's brain connects:

Two hippocampi together

46 - Main function of cerebellum is:

Co-ordination of voluntary activities

47 - Meta-encephalon's anterior part has broad, transverse band of white fibres in rabbit's brain which is called:

Pons varolii

48 - Muscular movements are coordinated by:


49 - Neopallium is:

Dorsal thick wall of cerebrum

50 - Nervous band connecting cerebral hemispheres in rabbit is corpus:


51 - Nervous system in vertebrates consists of:

Central + peripheral + autonomic nervous systems

52 - Ninth cranial nerve is called:


53 - Number of cervical, thoracic, lumber, sacral and caudal spinal nerves in rabbit respectively:

8 pairs, 12 pairs, 7 pairs, 4 pairs and 6 pairs

54 - Number of cranial nerves in frog are 10 pairs but in rabbit it is:

12 pairs

55 - Number of cranial nerves in frog is:

Ten pairs

56 - Number of meninges in rabbit is:


57 - Number of spinal nerves in frog and rabbit respectively is:

10 to 37 pairs

58 - One of the deadly disease caused by inflammation of covering layers over the brain is called:


59 - Outermost covering of brain is:


60 - Outermost covering of brain is:


61 - Oxygen and nutrition to brain and spinal cord are provided by cerebrospinal fluid but CO2 and wastes from it are drained by:

Subdural veins

62 - Part of brain not present in frog but present in rabbit is:

Corpus callosum

63 - Parts of brain respobsible for hearing is:


64 - Peristalsis is stimulated by:

Parasympathetic system

65 - Pons varolii connect:

Lateral parts of cerebellar henispheres

66 - Posterior choroids plexus are formed by dorsal wall of:


67 - Rathke's pouch forming pituitary gland is formed by:

Epithelial outgrowth from buccal cavity

68 - Receptors are the organs that:

Carry impulses from environment to brain

69 - Reflex responses are controlled by:

Spinal cord

70 - Roof of each paracoel is called:


71 - Sciatic plexus in frog are formed by:

Union of ventral rami of 7th, 8th and 9th spinal nerves

72 - Seat of highest mental faculties like consciousness, intelligence and articulate speech in the brain is:


73 - Second cranial nerve is called:


74 - Sensory nerve fibres enter spinal cord through:

Dorsal root

75 - Solar plexus is term associated with:

Sympathetic nervous system

76 - Solar plexuses in frog are formed by:

Preganglionic fibres from 3rd - 6 pairs of sympathetic ganglia

77 - Space inside the olfactory lobes is called:


78 - Subarachnoid space separates:

Piamater and arachnoid

79 - Subdural space is present in:

Frog only

80 - Sulci and gyri are present in which of the following parts of rabbit's brain:

Both of these

81 - The alkaline and lymph-like serous fluid present inside the cavity of brain and spinal cord is called:

Cerebro-spinal fluid

82 - Thermoregulatory centre in human brain is:


83 - Third ventricle is found in:

Brain of rabbit

84 - Tongue is under the control of:


85 - Total number of sensory cranial nerves in rabbit is:


86 - Vasoconstriction in body is done by:

Sympathetic system

87 - Ventral and ventrolateral walls of mid brain are thickened due to the presence of two peduncles called:

Crura cerebri

88 - Ventricles present in cerebral hemispheres are called:


89 - Vermis in the brain of rabbit is the part of:


90 - Vital involuntary activities in body are coordinated by:

Autonomic nervous system

91 - Which of the following branches of spinal nerves connect them with autonomic nervous system:

Ramus communicans

92 - Which of the following is respobsible for nervous responses in a pithed frog:

Both of these

93 - Which of the following meninges present in rabbit is not found in frog:


94 - Which of the following nerves originates from medulla:


95 - Which of the the following is supreme controller of total body responses:

Autonomic nervous system

96 - Which of these cranial nerves are purely:


97 - Which one of the following is a mixed nerve:


98 - Which one of the following is purely motor nerve:


99 - Which one of the following statements is correct:

All motor nerve fibres leave spinal cord via ventral root

100 - Which one of these processes is found only in animals:

Nervous control


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