Nervous System Physiology Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A nerve fibre can transmit impulses at the rate of:

130 metre per second

2 - A nerve which conducts impulses from a tissue to nerve is called:


3 - A very common example of reflex action is:

Salivation of mouth at the sight of a favourite food

4 - A voluntary response is one that:

Is under cerebral control and aimed to achieve difinite object

5 - Acetylcholine is responsible for transmission of nerve impulses through:


6 - Acetylcholine is:

Chemical transmittor across synapses

7 - Afferent nerve fibres conduct impulses from:

Receptors to CNS

8 - An impulse travels along the nerve fibre as a :

Self propagative wave of some electrochemical changes

9 - An impulse will travel through a nerve fibre only if the membrane becomes more permeable to ions of:


10 - At the point of stimulation the depolarization is of axolemma brought about by:

Increased permeability for sodium ions resulting in influx of Na+ from ECF into cytoplasm

11 - Change in heart rate is an example of:

Autonomic reaction

12 - Chemical transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to the other or from neuron to muscle is done by:


13 - Cholinergic fibres are those which liberate at their free ends:


14 - Concentration of K+ in cytoplasm is about:

30 times more than in ECF

15 - Concentration of Na+ and Cl- into ECF is:

10-14 times more than in Cytoplasm

16 - Conduction of nerve impulse depends upon:

All of these

17 - Conduction of nerve impulse through a nerve fibre is purely:

An electrochemical phenomenon

18 - Demonstration of conditioned reflex was first made by:


19 - Destruction of acetylcholine by acetylcho-linesterase is required because of:

Its presence will make further transmission impossible

20 - During conduction of an impulse, electric potential on inside of axolemma changes from:

Positive to negative and remain positive

21 - Each cell in resting stage is in polarized state with a membrane potential of:

?70 mV

22 - ECF contains which of these in large amounts:

Both of these substances listed in (a) & (b)

23 - Entry of some particle in our trachea will cause coughing which is example of:

Autonomic reaction

24 - Functional junction between dendritic region of one reuron or nerve axon ending of other neuron is termed:


25 - How can we disturb the conduction of impulse through a nerve fibre:

By all of these processes

26 - If heart is stimulated through vagus nerve, the heart rate will:

None of these

27 - Impulses from CNS to effectors are always carried by:


28 - In animals with closed circulation the ECF has which of these compartments:

Both (a) & (b)

29 - In resting stage the axolemma is poorly permeable to Na+ but quite permeable to K+ and Cl- by:

50-100 times

30 - In saltatory transmission the impulse propagates:

From one node of Ranvier to other and so on so forth

31 - In the resting stage the axolemma is:

Both (a) & (b)

32 - In vertebrates the reflex action is:


33 - Longest cell in our body may be:

Nerve cell

34 - Maintenance of osmotic equilibrium between ECF and cytoplasm with the help of sodium - pump leaves every cell with a net difference of which of these between its cytoplasm and ECF

42 mEq

35 - Maximum length of a nerve fibre can be:

10 metre

36 - Membranes at synaptic terminals of motor fibres innervating skeletal muscles are highly folded but these folds are:

Absent in both cardiac and smooth muscles

37 - Motor fibres inervating skeletal muscles are:


38 - Nerve impulse is in fact, a process which is associated with which of these phenomenon:


39 - Nervous inervation of heart is primarily meant for:

Starting the heart beat

40 - Neurohormones inhibiting post-synaptic transmission are:

Both (a) & (b)

41 - Neutralization of negative charges over complex organic molecules by K+ ions is a necessary process:

To protect the coagulation of cytoplasm which could occur due to electric potential established within the cytoplasm

42 - On cutting off the parasympathetic supply to heart completely, the heart will:

Beat but without nervous control

43 - Once synaptic junction has allowed transmission of a nerve impulse, it is made ready to transmit the next impulse by the action of:


44 - Reflex action in a vertebrate is an essential display exhibited by:

Motor nerves

45 - Reflex action is controlled by:

Central nervous system

46 - Response is:

Nervous reaction to stimuli

47 - Responses in our internal organs without any knowledge to animal are called:

Autonomic reaction

48 - Saltatory transmission of nerve impulse occurs in the:

Myelinated neurons

49 - Sensory ganslion connected with reflex action is located in:

Dorsal root of spinal cord

50 - Sodium pump means:

Expelling of Na+ into ECF and intake of K+ from cytoplasm against concentration gradient

51 - Sodium-potassium-pump operates with the help of which of these enzymes:

Na+ - K+ ATPase

52 - Sodium-pump functions mainly to:

Maintain osmotic equilibrium between ECF and cytoplasm

53 - Some particle in nasal chamber would lead to:


54 - Stimulation of heart through sympathetic nerve is a result of:

Release of adrenaline

55 - Sympathetic fibres of autonomic nervous system:

Inhibit the function of a visceral organ by secreting epinephrine

56 - Sympathetic postganglionic fibres except those innervating sweat glands and uterus are:


57 - Synapse is a gap between adjacent:

Nerve cells

58 - Synapses between motor fibres and end plates are called:

Neuromuscular synapses

59 - Term synapse was applied by:

Sir Charles Sherrington

60 - The action potential on inner side of axolemma is:

45 mV

61 - The distal ends of which of these neurons lie adjacent to blood stream:

Neurosecretory neurons

62 - The electric potential across membrane of each resting cell is:

Resting potential

63 - The impulses from sense organs are always carried from sense organs to CNS by means of:


64 - The inhibitory effect of vagus nerve on the heart is due to the secretion of:


65 - The main chemical secreted by sympathetic nervous system to prepare the organism for an emergency reaction is:


66 - The negative charges over complex organic molecules are neutralized by:

Potassium ions

67 - To avoid the danger of osmotic equilibrium due to passive transport of Na+ and Cl- from into cytoplasm from ECF and that of K+ from cytoplasm into ECF, all the cells:

Constantly expel Na+ into ECF and take K+ from cytoplasm against concentration gradient

68 - Transmission across the synapses is done with the help of:

Both (a) & (b)

69 - Transmission in myelinated fibres occurs:

At about 50 times faster rate than non-myelinated ones

70 - Transmission through synapses is:

Very short lived and occurs only for 0.5 milliseconds

71 - Under the condition of disturbed electrical equivalence between axoplasm and ECF the conduction of nerve impulse will be:


72 - Under the condition of disturbed permeability of axolemma the nerve impulse will:

Conduct abnormally

73 - Under the condition of hypoxia in our body our heart rate is increased due to:

Autonomic reaction

74 - Under the condition of increased CO2 concentration in blood our rate of respiration is increased which is an example of:

Autonomic reaction

75 - When a foreign particle falls on the surface of our eye than it shows a reflex response during which:

Both (a) & (b)

76 - When an electric shock is given to a pithed frog it:

Shows contraction of leg muscles

77 - When stimulation of heart is done through sympathetic nerve, then heart rate will:


78 - When sympathetic nerve supply to heart is completely cut off then heart rate will:

Show no change

79 - Which of these are not neurohormones:

Thyroxine, gastrin, secretin, enterokrinin, cholecystokinin

80 - Which of these are voluntary responses in man and other animals:

All of these

81 - Which of these have excitability:

Both (a) & (b)

82 - Which of these illustrates a reflex are:

Receptor ? spinal cord ? muscle

83 - Which of these is a correct statement:

All of these statements

84 - Which of these is not a neurohormone:


85 - Which of these is not a reflex action:

None of these

86 - Which of these is not a reflex reaction :


87 - Which of these is not a voluntary response:

Blinking of eyes when something falls in it

88 - Which of these is not example of conditioned reflex:


89 - Which of these is not the example of autonomic reactions in our body:

Search for food

90 - Which of these is not the example of reflex actions:

Catching a prey

91 - Which of these neurons secrete neurohormones:


92 - Which of these processes are only found in the animals:

Nervous control

93 - Who established the physiological importance of synapses:



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