Organic Evolution Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A Star Fish having 6 arms instead of 5 arms shows the example of:


2 - A Vestigial organ in man is:

Ear muscles

3 - A, B, AB and O blood Groups are present in man and also in other Anthropoids whether this statement is:


4 - According to Osborn who is Father of concept of Evolution?


5 - Amphibians were at climax during:

Carboniferous period

6 - Analogous organs are:

Having similar function but different origin

7 - Animal repeat their racial history during their embryonic development is the theme of:

Recapitulation Theory

8 - Antiserum is the serum that contains:


9 - Archaeopteryx a fossil discovered from Germany showed mixture of:

Reptilian and avian characters

10 - Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between:

Reptiles and birds

11 - Biogenetic Law in Organic Evolution States that:

Course of evolution of a race is repeated in the life history of its individuals

12 - Biogenetic Law states that:

Ontogeny repeats phylogeny

13 - Biological Energy carrier is ATP in all the organism which type of evidence of organic evolution it provides?

Evidence from comparative physiology

14 - Cause of sudden extinction of a species may be:

Catastrophic changes of environment

15 - Cephalopod Molluscs were dominant during:

Ordovician period

16 - Chordates as lower fishes in fresh water appeared in:

Ordovician period

17 - Connecting link between annelids and molluscs is:


18 - Connecting link between mammals and reptiles are:


19 - Dominant protozoans during proterozoic era were:


20 - End product of Protein Catabolism in all the vertebrates is:


21 - Evolution is an excellent working hypothesis to approach the problem of:

Diversity of organisms

22 - Firm evidence of organic evolution can be provided by the:

Presence of gill slits in embryos

23 - Fossils are remains of:

Extinct animals

24 - Fossils are studied under the branch called:


25 - Giant Dinosaurs became extinct during:

Cretaceous period

26 - Homologous Organs are important in the study of organic evolution because they show:

Evidence of divergent evolution

27 - Homologous structures in organisms are:

Similar in origin but similar or dissimilar in function

28 - In absence of organic evolution there would have been:

All of these

29 - In its most widely accepted sense, the organic evolution means Doctrine of Evolution is particularly concerned with:

Descent with modification

30 - Indicate which of the following sets of structures include only analogous organs:

Winds of butterfly, bat and birds

31 - Jean Baptist de Lamarck - a French Naturalist, besides giving his famous theory of organic, Evolution, also coined the word:

Both (a) & (b)

32 - Legs of pliohippus had well developed:

One digit

33 - Loan boy of Russia is example of:


34 - Mammals are as old as:

Coenozoic era

35 - Most Modern Breeds of domestic dogs have evolved as a result of:

Artificial selection

36 - Most primitive living mammals which provide an evidence of organic evolution from Geographical distribution are found in:


37 - Mutations in a population:

Often led to evolution

38 - One of the following is not example of connecting link:


39 - One of the following organ is not example of vestigial organ in man:

Adrenal gland

40 - Ontogemy means:

Life cycle of individual

41 - Ontogeny repeats Phylogeny the idea was given by:

Von Haeckel

42 - Organs once in use and fully developed but presently not in use in an organism are called:

Vestigial organs

43 - Palaeozoic era does not include:

Triassic period

44 - Peripatus is a connecting link between:

Annelids and arthropods

45 - Possibilities of evolutionary changes are maximum in the organisms that reproduce by:

Sexual reproduction

46 - Presence of Cytochrome-C in all Eukaryote organisms is evidence of organic evolution related to:

Comparative Physiology

47 - Presence of temporary gill pouches in embryos of snakes, birds and mammals suggest that:

Ancestors of these animals had gill pouches

48 - Primitive bird originated from:


49 - Prototheria are derived from:


50 - Recapitulation theory means that:

History of the animal reflects it's evolutionary history:

51 - Reptiles dominated during:

Mesozoic era

52 - Serological precipitation test help to determine similarity as well as dissimilarity in blood proteins of diverse vertebrates has been found to confirm their accepted phylogenetic relationship and represents evidence of organic evolution from:

Comparative physiology

53 - Serum of blood of man is mixed with rabbits antiserum, the result would be:

Precipitation into white ppt.

54 - Serum of human blood is injected into rabbit, the blood of rabbit would form:


55 - Should life history of frog reflect any one aspect of the evolution, it can be expressed as:

Ontogeny repeats phylogeny

56 - Snakes do not have legs because:

Legs degenerated during evolutionary course

57 - Some of the important evidences of organic evolution are:

Presence of homologous and vestigial organs in diffeent animals

58 - Sting of Honey Bee and sting of Scorpion are:

Analogous organs

59 - Taxonomy is science of study related to:

Classification of animals and plants

60 - Terrestrial Colonization started during:

Silurian period

61 - The Analogous Organs exhibit:

Evidence of convergent evolution

62 - The camel, horse, monkey, whale etc. originated during:

Eocene Epoch

63 - The early stages of embryonic development in all metazoans i.e. morula, blastula and gastrula are basically similar and indicate:

Monophyletic origin

64 - The field of study in which Geology and Zoology are closely connected is called:


65 - The fishes dominated during:

Devonian period

66 - The fore limbs of man and wings of birds are example of:

Homologous organs

67 - The heart when first develops in embryos of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals has got:

Two chambers

68 - The homologous organs are the organs:

Having similar origin

69 - The statement that evolution of living organism follows the changes in environment is:


70 - The sting of honey been is formed by modification of ovipositor while sting of scorpion is formed by modification of last abdominal segment whether this statement is:


71 - The study of functional Anatomy is called:


72 - Trilobites and Brachiopods were dominant during:

Cambrian period

73 - Urea is excretory product in:


74 - Vestigial organs are the:

Organs fully developed once but now reduced due to disuse

75 - Von Haeckels statement ontogeny repeats phylogeny is the theme of:

Recapitulation Theory

76 - Which are the examples of vestigials organs in man:

All of these

77 - Which of the following animals has become extinet rather recently:


78 - Which of the following are not Fossil forming processes:


79 - Which of the following birds had teeth in beak:


80 - Which of the following birds is unable to fly:


81 - Which of the following do not have any relation with the process of organic evolution:

Organs having different origin and different function

82 - Which of the following Enzymes is secreted from sponges to mammals:


83 - Which of the following is evidence of organic evolution:

All of these

84 - Which of the following is example of evidence of organic evolution from comparative physiology:

Precipitation test of blood

85 - Which of the following is not likely to disappear in the future generations of man:

Ear ossicles

86 - Which of the following is the meaning of organic evolution?

Descent with Modification

87 - Which of the following may lead to evolution:

All of these

88 - Which of the following organs is not theexampe of Vestigial Organs in man:


89 - Which of the following protozoans is considered a connecting link between animals and plants:


90 - Which of the following sequences is correct for evolution of horse as revealed by paleontology:

Eohippus, Mesohippus, Merychippus, Equus

91 - Which of the following sets represent all the vestigial characters in human body:

Coccyx, vermiform appendix and ear muscles

92 - Which of the following statements are true:

Both (a) & (b)

93 - Which of the following statements is wrong particularly with reference to Doctrine of Organic Evolution.

The descent with change or modification has led to diversities of forms

94 - Which of the following structures provide a strong evidence in support of the process of organic evolution:

Wings in the insects, birds and bats

95 - Which one represents a connecting link as an evidence from comparative anatomy in favour of organic evolution:

Duck-bill Platypus between reptiles and mammals

96 - Which proteolytic enzyme is found from Protozoans to mammals:


97 - Who recognized organic Evolution as Ladder like graduation?


98 - Who stated Man originated first as fish?


99 - Wings are vestigial in which of the following birds:

All of these

100 - Wings of insects and bat are example of:

Analogous organs


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