Receptors Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A feeling of pain in our stomach would be due to:


2 - A narrow tubular passage that connect the middle ear with pharynx is called:

Cochlear duct

3 - Algesioreceptors are concerned with receiving:

Stimuli of pain

4 - Among vertebrates the largest eyes are found in:


5 - An aperture controlling entry of light in eyes is called:


6 - An aperture controlling entry of light in the eye is called:


7 - Annulus tympanicus is associated with:

Middle ear of frog

8 - At the apex of cochlea the scala vestibuli and scala tympani communicate with each other through:


9 - Axons of cytons of neuroeptithelial receptors:

Extend to central nervous system

10 - Bitter taste in man is recognized by which part of tongue

Posterior part of tongue

11 - Blind spot in human eye is the place where:

Image is not formed

12 - Blind spot in the vertebrates eye is located:

At the point where from the optic nerve leaves the retina

13 - Bulbs of Krause found in conjunctiva, external genitalia, hair follicles of skin are:


14 - Cavity of vitreous humour is:

Behind the lens

15 - Cochlea and organ of Corti in human ear are concerned with:


16 - Cochlear apparatus in man is divided into:

None of these

17 - Cohlea of our ear and retina of our eye are examples of:

Epithelial receptors

18 - Concha is a steep cavity found in the:

Auricle of ear

19 - Cytons of epithelial receptors are located:

Close but outside the central nervous system

20 - Endolymph is a fluid found in the:

Internal ear

21 - Eustachian canal in the ear helps to:

Equalize the pressure of air in the middle and external ear

22 - Eustachian tube connects:

Pharynx with middle ear

23 - Examples of Teloreceptors are:

Both of these

24 - External ears are characteristics of:


25 - Eyes in most vertebrates have monocular vision but in some birds and mammals there is binocular vision which is due to:

Eyes are shifted to frontal position so that the monocular visions overlap

26 - Feeling of earthquake by us involves which of the following sensory organs:


27 - Funnel-shaped part of the external ear is called:


28 - How many stimuli from a different source fall on our eye:

Light only

29 - If a light source in front of our eyes suddenly becomes bright then:

Pupil will enlarge

30 - In a vertebrate eye the chief function of rods and cones is that:

The rods are important for vision in dim light and cones in bright light

31 - In frog which type of lingual papillae are found:

Filiform and fungiform

32 - In human beings the colour vision is possible due to:


33 - In the skin of lips, nipples, penis, palms, soles and finger tips the tangoreceptors present are called:

Pacinian corpuscles

34 - In which of the following animals the Jacobson's organs are not found:


35 - In which of the following order the three ear ossicles are arranged:

Malleus, incus, stapes

36 - In which of the following the external and middle ears are absent:

All of these

37 - In which part of the ear are found semicircular canals:


38 - Iris in the vertebrate eye functions to:

Alter the diameter of pupil

39 - Jocobson's organ in frog is sensitive to:

Smell of food

40 - Kidney of adult frog is formed by:


41 - Lacobson's organ is connected with which of the following senses:


42 - Limbus in the eye is term used for:

Sclero corneal junction

43 - Low intensity of light during night hours is detected by:


44 - Main functions of rods and cones in retina of vertebrate eye are:

Rods are important for vision in dim light and cones in bright light

45 - Merckel's discs in rabbit are associated with:

Both of these

46 - Neuronal receptors are made up of:

Pseudopolar neurons

47 - Nocturnal animals like owl move freely during night because they have:

Only rods and no cones in their retina

48 - One of these chambers of cochlea contains endolymph:

Scala media

49 - Ora serrata is the structure associated with:


50 - Organ of Corti contain which of the following cells:

All of these

51 - Organ of Corti is found in:


52 - Organs of Ruffini are excited by:


53 - Organs of Ruffini are found:

Deeper in the layer of dermis

54 - Our taste organs located on the tongue are example of which type of these receptors:


55 - Pars basilaris is found in sacculus and a similar outgrowth from utriculus is called:

Pars neglecta

56 - People with blue eyes have:

Rich pigment in iris and choroid layer

57 - Perilymph is a fluid found in the:

Optic capsule

58 - Primates have 3D stereoscopic vision because:

They have highly evolved motor understanding of visual sensations

59 - Pupil can be dialated by:


60 - Retina in the vertebrates consists of:

Rods, cones, neurons and glia

61 - Rods and cones are present in the:


62 - Rods are found in the:


63 - Rods of cones in the vertebrate eyed differ in one of the following respects:

Rods are stimulated by low and cones by high intensities of light

64 - Salty taste in man is recognized by the:

A small part behind anterior end

65 - Sense organs concerned with equilibrium are located in:

Internal ears

66 - Simultaneous contraction of skeletal muscles during our movements is ensured by:


67 - Stiff supporting structure in pinna of ear is:

Elastic cartilage

68 - Stimuli falling from a distant source on our eyes are:

Light and sound

69 - Sweet taste in man is recognized by:

Anterior part of tongue

70 - Tangoreceptors respond to:


71 - Taste organs located in the tongue are example of:


72 - Tectorial membrane is present over

Organ of Corti

73 - The eyes of nocturnal animals are different than those of diurnal animals in having:

Only rods in retina

74 - The membranous labyrinta in the ear is called stato - acaustic organ because it is concerned with:

Both (a) & (b)

75 - The receptors that are stimulated by the movements, pressure, position in locomotory systems are called:


76 - There are three ear ossicle in the middle ear, their names are:

Incus, malleus and stapes

77 - Tympanic cavity is connected to auditory capsule through:

Fenestra ovalis

78 - Utriculus in mammals internal ear functions mainly to:

Maintain body equilibrium

79 - Uvea is term used collectively for:

Choroid, iris and ciliary body

80 - Which of the following are concerned with receiving and transferring sound waves to internal ear:

Both of these

81 - Which of the following are sensitive to itching:


82 - Which of the following are tangoreceptors in mammals:

All of these

83 - Which of the following has got three semi-circular canals:

Internal ear

84 - Which of the following is responsible for colour detection in the eye:


85 - Which of the following receptors are concerned with hunger, thirst, nausea, comfort, fatique, urinatin rectal distension and sexual sensations:


86 - Which of the following structures connect the middle ear with pharynx:

Eustachian tube

87 - Which of the following structures of our eye will be affected when a very bright source of light is put suddenly before our eyes:

Sphincters of iris

88 - Which of the following types of lingual papillae in rabbit do not have taste buds:


89 - Which of these chambers of cochlea has perilymph:

Both of these

90 - Which of these outgrowths project from sacculus of frog:

Both (a) & (b)


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