Respiratory System Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A frog can produce sound enen under water because:

Its external nares are generally closed

2 - A frog lust swallow air if lungs are to by expanded because frog:

Has no diaphragm

3 - Accumulation of fluid in pleural cavity generally associated with bacterial infection loads to a disease called:


4 - Amount of air inspired and expired is called:

Tidal volume

5 - At the tip of arytenoids cartilages in rabbit are present:

Cartilages of santorini

6 - Branches of bronchial tree have mucous membrane containing:

Both of these

7 - Bronchial tree in rabbit consists of:

All of these

8 - Chemical degradation of food substances occurs within cells during:

Tissue respiration

9 - Ciliated epithelium in trachea of mammals help in:

Pushing mucous out

10 - Common feature between trachea of rabbit and brachea of cockroach is that:

Both have non-collapsible walls

11 - Coughing and sneezing are reflex actions which are controlled by centres present in:

Medulla oblongata

12 - Coughing helps to clear on foreign matter inside:

Both of these

13 - Covering of lungs is made up of:


14 - Cutaneous respiration in frog account for about:

30% of total O2 intake

15 - During buccopharyngeal cavity is the floor of buccopharyngeal cavity is subjected to oscillatory movements by action of:

Perohyal muscles

16 - During buccopharyngeal respiration in frog:

Mouth, gullet, glottis and nares remain open

17 - During coughing the amount of air inspired by man is:

2.5 litres

18 - During hibernation, frog respires by:

Moist skin

19 - During inspiration in frog the air from buccopharyngeal cavity is forced into lungs by raising of floor which is brought about by contraction of:


20 - During inspiration in rabbit the pressure of air inside alveoli becomes:

757-759 mm of Hg

21 - During inspiration in rabbit, the diaphragm:

Contracts and flattens

22 - During inspiration the external nares in frog are closed by:

Contraction of submental muscles which raises mentomec kelian bones which in turn raise prearillae

23 - During sleep various pulmonary volumes in our body:

Become slightly lesser than normal

24 - Epiglottis closing glottis is present in:


25 - Even when there is no air in it, the human tracheal walls do not collapse due to:

Presence of cartilagenous

26 - Expiratory reserve volume is the amount of air that we can expire over and above tidal volume and in man it is:


27 - Functional residual capacity in man equals to about:

2300 ml of air

28 - Functional residual capacity in man is the amount of air that retains in lungs after normal expiration and it is equal to:

Expiratory reserve volume + residual volume

29 - Glottis is opened and closed in frog by:

Arytenoids with the help of certain muscles

30 - In all vertebbrates the circulatory system utilizes following transport media:

Both of these

31 - In coughing the air is forcibly blown through larynx while in sneezing it is blown through:

Nasal cavities

32 - In frog respiration occurs by:


33 - In frog the buccopharyngeal respiration accounts for about:

5% of total O2 intake

34 - In frog, glottis is controlled by muscles of:

Arytenoid cartilages

35 - In the frog the sound is also produced by the female, it is called:


36 - Inspiratory capacity in man is about:

3500 ml

37 - Inspiratory reserve volume in man is:


38 - Laryngotracheal chamber in frog is supported by:

Both of these pairs of cartilages

39 - Larynx in mammals is different in having:

Thyroid cartilages

40 - Loud sound in male frog is due to the fact that:

Vocal sacs works as resonators when filled with air

41 - Lungs in frog are:

Distensible, pinkish sac-like structures

42 - Lungs in rabbit and other mammals do not stick with walls of thoracic cavities because of:

Fluid filled double layer jacket of pleural membranes over them

43 - Lungs in rabbit are located inside:

Thoracic cavities

44 - Maximum amount of air we can inspire after maximum distension of our lungs is:

3500 ml

45 - Nasal cavities in rabbit help it:

Both of these functions

46 - Posterior part of nasal cavities in rabbit is highly complicated due to presence of:

All of these

47 - Residual volume in man is about:


48 - Residual volume is the amount of air that:

Is left in lungs after expiration

49 - Respiration in rabbit is helped by:

Intercostal muscles

50 - Respiratory organs in frog are:

All of these

51 - Robust persons and athletes have:

Greater pulmonary volumes than normal man

52 - Schneiderian membrane in rabbit is concerned with:


53 - Sound in rabbit is produced by:

Anterior pair of vocal cords

54 - Structure which does not contribute to breathing movements in mammals is:


55 - The amount of air we can inspire over and above the tidal volume is called:

Inspiratory reserve volume

56 - The space between two pleural cavities in rabbit is called:


57 - Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory reserve volume + Residual volume in man is called:

Total lung capacity

58 - Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume is called;

Inspiratory capacity

59 - Tidal volume in human beings is about:

500 ml

60 - Trachea in rabbit is long because the animal:

Has long neck

61 - Trachea in rabbit is supported at regular intervals by incomplete rings which:

Protect collapsing of its walls during passage of air through it

62 - Trachea, bronchi and their various branches bear cartilatinous:

Tertiary bronchi

63 - Various pulmonary volumes in man are:

20-25% lesser in woman

64 - Vestibules of nasal chamber in rabbit has:


65 - Visceral or pulmonary pleura in rabbit is:


66 - Vital capacity of lungs is defined as the maximum amount that one can expire after filling the lungs with maximum deep inspiratory and it is equal to:

Inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + expiratory reserve volume

67 - Vocal cords in mammals are:

Two pairs

68 - What is specially common in alveoli of lungs and villi of intestine in mammals:

Both provide a large surface area

69 - Which of the following contains vocal cords:


70 - Which of the following respirations in frog account for about 65% of O2 intake:


71 - Which of the following statements is correct:

All animals require a medium for cellular respiration

72 - Which of the following structures in not related with respiration in frog:


73 - Which of these contains vocal cords:


74 - Which one of the following is total lung capacity in man:



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