Respiratory System Physiology Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A catabolic process by which the chemical degradation of body fuel substances is done to obtain energy is called:

Tissue respiration

2 - A person belonging to sea-level town migrates to high altitude of about 8000 feet then his blood after 15 days will show:

Greater number of RBCs and more Hb

3 - A person having anaemia is likely to suffer from:


4 - A person having lowering of general blood circulation is likely to suffer from:


5 - A person living at high altitude has likely the higher number of RBCs per unit volume because of which of the following reasons:

Air is less dense

6 - A person on inhaling air having well as carbon monoxide suffers from suffocation because:

Hb of blood combines with CO instead of O2 and the product cannot dissociate

7 - A person will die of oxygen dificiency when under certain conditions his P50 value of Hb rises to 100 mm Hg, the reason being that:

He can neither load nor unload oxygen in the lungs

8 - Acetyl CoA used normally in Kreb's cycle is derived from pyruvic acid but it can also be formed from:

Both (a) & (b)

9 - After completion of Glycolysis and Kreb's cycle we have a net gain of how many molecules of ATP when one molecule of glucose is oxidized:


10 - After each expiration the alveoli of lungs contain which of these amounts of air:


11 - Air we inhale has which of the following substances in it:

All of these

12 - An increase in body temperature during fever will:

Increase the rate of our respiration

13 - Asphyxia occurs on:


14 - At the end of cleavage stage in Glycolysis we get:

Both (a) & (b)

15 - At the end of Glycolysis how many molecules of ATP are synthesized:

Four molecules

16 - Because being trapped in 'dead space' which of these amounts of inhaled air does not reach alveoli of our lungs:


17 - Below how much concentration of oxygen the pyruvic acid will not pass into Kreb's cycle and would convert into CO2 and alcohol:


18 - Blood leaving the lungs has all its haemoglobin oxygenated and gives up oxygen to tissues due to one of the following reasons:

Oxygen concentration in tissues is lower and CO2 concentration is higher than in lungs

19 - Body tissues obtain oxygen from oxyaemoglobin because its dissociation is caused by:

Low O2 and high CO2 concentration

20 - By which of the following the medullary respiratory centre is affected directly:


21 - Cardiac cycle in frog is completed in:

0.94 seconds

22 - Cellular respiration in man and other vertebrates in includes:

Both (a) & (b)

23 - CO2 content in the inspired air on being markedly increased would:

Increase the breathing movements

24 - Cyandies are deadly poisons because they:

Inactivate enzymes for cellular oxidation and create anoxia of hypoxia

25 - Deoxygenation of oxyhaemoglobin is:

Directly proportional to blood PCO2

26 - During activation of glucose in Glycolysis, the end product formed is:

Fructose 1, 6 diphosphate

27 - During cellular respiration the electrons are received by which of the following substances:

All of these

28 - During one circuit of blood from lungs to the tissue and back through circulatory system the percentages of haemoglobin giving up its oxygen to tissues is:


29 - Embden Meyerhof pathway is also called:

Glycolysis that occurs anarobically

30 - Enzyme bringing conversion of dihydroxy acetone phosphate into 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde is:

Triose phosphate isomerase

31 - Enzyme bringing coversion of 3-phosphoglyceric acid into 2-phosphoglyceric acid is:

Phosphoglyceric mutase

32 - External respiration usually called breathing involves:

Both of these processes

33 - Faster breathing during condition of fever is mainly due to which of the following facts:

High temperature of our body

34 - For a man using carbohydrates, proteins and fats in diet the figure for RQ is:


35 - Forced deep breathing for few minutes in a person sitting at rest may be followed bya temporary cessation in breathing which is due to:

Too much O2 and very little CO2 in his blood

36 - Haldane effect states that:

Oxyhaemoglobin behaves as a strong acid so more and more amount of it formed releases more and more H+ions

37 - Heart shows rhythmic contractions and expansions withour pause and fatigue which may be defined as

Heart beat

38 - How can combining of haemoglobin with oxygen in the lungs be promoted?

By decreasing the concentration of oxygen in blood

39 - How many times dose the heart of frog beat per minute:

64 times

40 - How many times we breathe per minute:

12 time

41 - How much Cals are trapped in 38 molecules of ATP which are gained during oxidation of one molecule of glucose:

4,56,000 Cals

42 - How much oxygen binds with 1 gm of haemoglobin in normal state:


43 - Hypoxia accompanied by increased tension of CO2 in the body is:


44 - Hypoxia may occur when a person goes to:

High altitude

45 - Imitation of throat and respiratory passage dueto smoking and dust allergy causes:


46 - In case the concentration of oxygen in the tissues were almost as high as at the respiratory surface then:

Oxyhaemoglobin would not dissociate tosupply oxygen to tissues

47 - In the first state of Glycolysis called activation the endproduct formed from glucose is:

Fructose, 1, 6, diphosphate

48 - In which of these forms major amount of carbondioxide is transported in our blood:

As bicarbonate ions

49 - In which of these manners the oxygen is transported to tissues in the vertebrates:

All of these ways

50 - In which way the frog respires during period of hibernation:

Through moist skin

51 - In young male which of these amounts of oxygen diffuse per minutes per mm of respiratory membrane:


52 - Major portion of CO2 formed during cellular respiration is transported to lung in form of:


53 - Our breathing rate will be lowest when we are:

Playing football

54 - Our normal O2 intake per minute amounts to:


55 - Oxygen capacity of haemoglobin is:

The amount of oxygen which 1 gm of haemoglobin can bind

56 - Oxygen carrier in the blood of vertebrate is:

Haemoglobin can combine with oxygen

57 - Oxygen content in our expiratory air is:


58 - Oxygen in the blood is transported mainly by:


59 - Oxygen percentage in the inhaled air is about:


60 - People especially women between age of 17-25 years are more susceptible for which of these respiratory diseases:


61 - Reduced supply of oxygen to tissues is termed:


62 - Respiration in absence of oxygen is termed:


63 - Respiratory centre in medulla is directly affected by:

Arterial blood entering it

64 - Respiratory quotent (RQ) means:

Ratio of carbondioxide liberated to that of oxygen taken

65 - Respiratory site of the cell is:


66 - RQ for carbohydrates is:


67 - RQ for carnivores is:


68 - RQ for fats is:


69 - RQ for herbivores is:


70 - RQ for omnivores is:


71 - RQ for proteins is:


72 - Sudden deep inspiration may be due to:

Either increase in the concentration of oxygen of decrease in concentration of carbondioxide

73 - The amount of air of respiratory importance reaching into alveoli is:


74 - The atmosphere of industrial area loaded with chimines is considered harmful to health because:

There is carbonmomonoxide which can bind with Hb 230 times more than oxygen and its pressure of about 0.7 mm Hg is lethal

75 - The blood absorbs oxygen in respiration with one of these:

RBCs production in his body will step up

76 - The concentration of carbonic acid does not increase in our blood because of the presence of which of the following:

Sodium ions

77 - The contraction of the heart during heartbeat is known as:


78 - The dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin would increase under a given concentration in blood in case:

pH of blood falls

79 - The enzyme converting glucose into glucose-6-phosphate during activation stage of Glycolysis is:


80 - The impulse for voluntary forced breathing starts in the:


81 - The number of ATP molecules of ATP synthesized after oxidation of one molecule of glucose is:


82 - The number of oxygen molecules associating with haemoglobin in man is:


83 - The relaxation of heart during heart beat is called:


84 - Third bond of ATP on hydrolysis yields:

ADP + 33,000 joules

85 - To start the kreb's cycle, the pyruvic acid formed during Glycolysis is converted into:

Acetyl CoA which reacts with oxaloacetic acid to form citric acid

86 - Under certain conditions, an increase in P50 value of haemoglobin would bring which of these changes in the affinity of pigment to combine with oxygen:

No change

87 - We inhale about which of these amounts of air in one breathe:


88 - We loose which of these amounts of CO2 per minute:


89 - What will happen when a person of Kerala goes to Mount Everest:

His breathing rate and hearbeat will decrease

90 - What will happen when a person stays at Mount Everest for some days:

His body will step down the production of RBCs

91 - Which of the following occur without enzymes:


92 - Which of these enzymes is responsible for conversion of 2-phosphoglyceric acid into phosphoenolpyruvic acid:


93 - Which of these factors influence our respiratory centre:


94 - Which of these facts sugests that oxygen is transported from lungs to the tissues combined with haemoglobin rather than dissolved in blood plasma:

Oxygen carrying capacity of whole blood is higher than that of plasma

95 - Which of these is termed Bohr effect:

Deoxygenation of oxyhaemoglobin is directly proportional to PCO2

96 - Which of these microorganisms cause whooping cough:

Haemophilus pertussis

97 - Which of these statements are correct:

All of the animals need a medium for cellular respiration

98 - Which of these steps occur during Glycolysis:


99 - Which of these substances are initially required to start Kerb's cycle:

Both of these

100 - Which one of the following statements define Bohr effect:

A rise in P50 with an increase in pH and decrease in PCO2


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