Scope of Zoology and Origin of Life Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A Cell devoid of nuclear membrane and mitochondria will belong to:


2 - A Virion is:

Inactive particle - like form of virus

3 - According to Horowitz (1945) and Leslie Orgel (1975) the life originated in the sea as free naked gene which linked into chains and later proteins gathered around them to form viruses. The viruses by gathering other molecules and forming a thin binding membrane organized into prokaryotes. Whether this statements is:


4 - According to most accepted theories, the atmosphere of earth before origin of life consisted of a mixture of:

Ozone, Methane, Oxygen and Water

5 - Amino acids, Sugards, Glycerol, Fatty acids, Nitrogen bases etc. formed in the primitive ocean survived because they were neither oxidized nor putrified. The reason were:

Both (a) and (b)

6 - Believers of theory of spontaneous generation assumed that:

Organisms arose not only from other similar organisms but also spontaneously

7 - Carbondioxide of the present atmosphere is entirely produced by:

Respiration of animals and plants

8 - Chemosynthetic bacteria are able to:

Utilize radiant energy for preparation of food

9 - During the course of time of origin of life, the nucleic acids were formed in the primitive ocean. Certain proteins like histones associated with these nucleic acids to form nucleoproteins which appeared as ""Self-duplicating System"" by virtue of this property the nucleic acid became capable of performing hereditary function. The statement according to your opinion is:


10 - Ethnology is the study of:

Mankind behaviour

11 - Experiments of Spallazani and Pasteur lead to the conclusion that:

Air is essential for biogenesis

12 - Genetic system in prokaryotes and eukaryotes:

Differ in the fact that prokaryotes system lack histones

13 - In his experiment Stanley Miller was successful to demonstrate the formation of amino acids by passing an electric discharge in a mixture of ammonia, water, hydrogen and:


14 - Instruments in the hospital are boiled prior to surgery in order to make them:


15 - It can be concluded on the basis of Miller's experiment that:

Life originated in form of amino acid

16 - Karyon is the basis of differentiation in between:

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

17 - Life originated about:

Three billion years ago

18 - Life originated during:

Pre-cambrian period

19 - Life originated with the creation of universe and it reached the earth from Sun part of universe is the central idea of:

Cosmosic Theory

20 - Life originated:

In water

21 - Louis Pasteur is known for:

Germ Theory of disease

22 - Louis-Pasteur succeeded in disproving the spontaneous generation theory because:

He was ingenious in crawing out necks of glass flasks so as to provide access to air but not to micro-organisms

23 - Miller synthesized simple amino acids from:

Hydrogen, Ammonia, Methane and Water Vapours

24 - Miller synthesized:


25 - Moon is:

Satellite of Earth

26 - Most important condition for the origin of life is presence of:


27 - Myology is the study of:


28 - Name the science for the study of human beings:


29 - Nucleoproteins most probably gave the first sign of:


30 - Origin of life is now due to:

Spontaneous generation

31 - Originally the primitive atmosphere was reducing because:

Hydrogen atoms were most abundant and active

32 - Our earth came into existence about:

4.6 billion years ago

33 - Oxygen present in the atmosphere has been formed by:

Photosynthesis by plants

34 - Prokaryotic Genetic System contains:

Only DNA and no histones

35 - Science for the genetical improvement of human race is called:


36 - Solar System originated about 4.5-5 billion years ago according to the theory proposed by:


37 - Stanley Miller in his classical experiment on formation of amino acids passed an electric discharge in the mixture of:

Steam, Methane, Hydrogen and Ammonia

38 - Study of plasmodium and Amoeba is termed:


39 - The branch of zoology under which fossils are studied, is called:


40 - The coaservates which acquired nucleoproteins became first cellular organisms and their parts later became modified during the course of time due to chemical changes in the nucleic acid is the view of the scientist:


41 - The hard Liithosphere was studded with volcanic eruptions pouring out hot lava. The Nitrogen and Carbon Atoms of atmosphere formed nitrides and Carbides respectively by reacting with metallic atoms of lava. The hot water vapours of atmosphere and carbides reacted to form Methane and water vapours and metallic nitrides reacted to form Ammonia. This statement regarding origin and evolution of organic compounds is:


42 - The most recent branch of taxonomy is known as:


43 - The organism having characteristics of both living and non-living are:


44 - The science of characters and distribution of race is known as:


45 - The study of animal behaviour is known as:


46 - The study of animals with respect of their environment is termed as:


47 - The study of birds is known as:


48 - The study of cause of disease is known as:


49 - The study of growing old is known as:


50 - The study of immunological reaction occurring in the blood is known as:


51 - The study of interaction of antigens and antibodies in the blood is known as:


52 - The study of molluscan shells is called:


53 - The study of nests of birds is known as:


54 - The study of nuclear cytology is known as:


55 - The study of preservation of life or the study of organisms at low temperature is known as:


56 - The study of snakes is called:


57 - The study of the liver is termed as:


58 - There is no life on Moon because there is deficiency of:


59 - To prove that organic molecules formed in the primitive ocean were respobsible for origin of life on earth, Millar carried out their synthesis from:

NH3, H2, CH4, water vapour

60 - True Nucleus is absent in bacteria because:

The nuclear membrane is absent

61 - True nucleus is not present in:


62 - Universe or cosmos began as a dense, red hot, gaseous cloud about:

7-10 billion years ago

63 - Virion of a virus consists of:

Caspid and both nucleic acids

64 - Viruses are:

None of these

65 - Which of the following is likely to have been absent in free form at the time of origin of life:


66 - Which of the following must have evolved in the direction of ""Origin of Life"":

Proteins and amino acids

67 - Which of the following planets has conditions essential for life:


68 - Which of the following statement is true for viruses:

They multiply in host cells

69 - Which of the following theories of origin of life was contradicted by experiment of Louis-Pasteur:


70 - Why is it must to boil the instruments in hospitals before surgery:

To kill all the pathogene which may be infecting the insturment

71 - Ylem"" is term also use for:



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