Sexual Reproduction Physiology Important Job Related MCQs

1 - About which of these number of oocytes are shed by a female frog in one copulation:


2 - Copulation in frogs is called:


3 - Copulation in frogs occurs

July to September

4 - Copulation in frogs occurs:

From late night to end of dawn

5 - Copulation in rabbits is termed:


6 - Copulation in rabbits occurs during:

February to May/June

7 - During spermatogenesis how many spermatids are formed from one primary spermatocytes:


8 - Eggs in frogs are enclosed in a jelly like mass which is called :


9 - Fertilization in frogs is:

External and takes place in water

10 - Fertilization in rabbits is:

Internal and takes place in upper portion of fallopian tubes

11 - Gametogenesis has which of these:

All these sequentially

12 - How many ootids are formed from one primary oogonium during oogenesis:


13 - How many polar bodies are formed during the maturation of oocyte in frog:


14 - How many primary oogonia will be required to form 100 over


15 - In rabbits during how much time the sperms reach the upper portion of fallopian tubes:

4 hour of inseminization

16 - Out of several sperms which one in frogs is able to fertilize the ovum:

One that is adhering the animal hemisphere

17 - Ova were first identified by:

Von Baer

18 - Process of sexual reproduction in animals involves:

All of these

19 - Release of oocyte from Graffian follicle in rabbit is done by:

Release of leutinizing hormone from pituitary

20 - Semen in rabbit reaches from vagina to upper fallopian tube by:

Peristalisis caused by ejaculation of semen into vagina

21 - Significance of meiosis during gametogenesis lies in the fact that it:

Is responsible for both of these

22 - Spermlysin in rabbits digests the cells of:

Zone pellucida

23 - Sperms are derived from mother cells called:

Primary spermatogonia

24 - The spawn of frogs always is seen on the surface of pond because:

Jelly is bouyant and keeps them on surface to provide them with proper heat and facilitate heat loss

25 - Which of the sperm fertilizes the ovum in rabbits:

One that is ahead of all the sperms

26 - Which of these cell divisions occur during formation of primary spermatocytes from primary spermatogonium:


27 - Which of these enzymes digest cells of corona radiata in rabbits:


28 - Which of these enzymes helps in fertilization in case of frogs:

Sperm lysine

29 - Which of these is haploid structure:

Secondary spermatocyte

30 - Who discovered sperms for the first time:



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