Skeletal System Important Job Related MCQs

1 - 8th and 9th pairs of ribs in rabbit are:

True ribs

2 - A tympanic bone

A tympanic bone reinforced by periotic bone

3 - A vertebra in frog having same length as vertebra column, midventral prominent crest and two concavities anteriorly:


4 - A vertebra in which centrum is concave at both the ends is:

8th vertebra of frog

5 - Acetabulum in frog is formed by:

Ilium, ischium and pubis equally as there is no cotyloid bone

6 - Allisphenoids, basisphenoid, orbitos phenoids and presphenoid are the bones found in the brain box of:

Rabbit and man

7 - Angulosplenial is a:

Bone found in the lower jaw of the frog

8 - Appendicular skeleton in vertebrates consists of:

Girdles and limbs

9 - Articulation of hind limbs is affected at:

Pelvic girdle

10 - Auditory capsules in frog are formed by:

A pro-otic bone

11 - Axial skeleton in man includes which of these:

Both (a) & (b)

12 - Bone formed by ossification in tendon is called:

Sesamoid bone

13 - Brain box in frog is formed by:

All of these

14 - Broad, flat ilium, ischium with tuberosity and pubis with pubic symphysis are found in the pelvic girdle of:

Rabbit and other mammals

15 - Coracoid with a coracoid process is present in the:


16 - Coracoids in the pectoral girdle of frog are:

Well developed with cartilaginous pre and epicoracoids

17 - Development in frog is:


18 - Glenoid cavity in rabbit is formed by:

Scapula only the coracoids do not take any part

19 - How many bones form the lower jaw in frog:


20 - How many bones form the lower jaw in man:


21 - Hyoid apparatus is bony and its anterior cornua is four jointed in which of these animals:


22 - Iha in rabbit are:

Broad, flattened and without a crest

23 - In a craniostylic jaw suspension the lower jaw is suspended at:


24 - In a tropibasic skull:

Both the orbits are separated by an interorbital septum

25 - In an autostylic jaw suspension the lower jaw is suspended at:


26 - In case of frog the vertebrae are generally procoelous except :

8th and 9th

27 - In frog the sternal element over omosternum is called:


28 - In rabbit the acetabulum is formed by:

Only ilium and ischium and not by pubis as the cotyloid bone restricts it

29 - In rabbit the coracoids are:

Reduced and fused with the scapula of their sides

30 - In rabbit the glenoid cavity is formed by:

Scapula only

31 - In the atlas vertebra of rabbit:

All of these features are present

32 - In which of the cervical vertebrae of rabbit the vertebrarteial canals are found:

All of these

33 - In which of the following the public bones are united at a symphysis:


34 - In which of these animals the upper jaw has quadraro-jugals and the jugals are absent:


35 - In which of these the atlas vertebra has transverse processes:


36 - In which of these the ischium and pubic are separated by an obturator foramen:


37 - In which of these the obturator foramen is absent in the pelvic girdle:


38 - Inverted 'Y' shaped bone in the sternum of frog is:


39 - Ischium of pelvic girdle has a tuberosity in which of these:

Rabbit and man

40 - Jaw suspension in frog is:


41 - Joints by which the skull bones are articulated in frog are:


42 - Jugals are present in the upper jaw of:


43 - Lower jaw in frog consists of:

Dentary, angulosplenial, Mickel's cartilage and mentomeckelian

44 - Lower jaw in mammals is formed of:

Dentary only

45 - Lower jaw in rabbit is formed of:

Only dentary bones

46 - Maxilla in rabbit has which of the following types of teeth:

Premolars and molars

47 - Number of vertebrae in man is:


48 - Number of vertebrae in rabbit is:


49 - Occipital segment of frog differs with that of rabbit in having:

Supraoccipetal and basioccipetal

50 - Pectoral girdle in vertebrates consists of:

All of these

51 - Pelvic girdle in frog has two arms which:

Articulate movably with 9th vertebra

52 - Posteriorly the skull opens by a wide gap through which brain continues into spinal cord. It is called:

Foramen magnum

53 - Pre and epicoracoids present in the pectoral girdle of frog are:

Cartilaginous structures

54 - Prefrontal and lacrimal bone are present in the skull of:


55 - Prenaxillae in frog have two tows of smaller teeth but in rabbit only have:


56 - Prezygapophyses are present in the atlas vertebra of:


57 - Protection of heart by forming a thoracic cage is done in frog by:

Two halves of arch-like pectoral girdle fused mid ventrally with sternum

58 - Ribs belonging to 10th, 11th and 12th pairs in rabbit are:

False ribs

59 - Ribs of 7th pairs, in rabbit are joined with which of these:

Last sternebrae of mesosternum

60 - Scapula in rabbit is provided with:

Both (a) & (b)

61 - Septomaxillary bones are present in the skull of:


62 - Skeleton in aquatic animals may be less bulky and less strong than terrestrial animal due to:

Bouyancy of water

63 - Skull in frog does not have which of the following regions as compared to that of rabbit:

Facial region

64 - Skull in frog is:


65 - Skull in frog, rabbit, man and other mammals is:


66 - Sternal parts of first seven ribs in rabbit are connected with:


67 - Stout, slender, rod-like ilium with a crest is found in:


68 - Suprascapula in rabbit is:

Cartilagenous strip like structure

69 - Teeth in rabbit are:

Heterodont and diphyodont

70 - The 8th vertebra in frog is:


71 - The centra of vertebrae of rabbit are:


72 - The centrum is absent in the atlas of:


73 - The entra of all the vertebrae in frog are procoelous except:

Both (a) & (b)

74 - The fore limbs are articulated at:

Pectoral girdle

75 - The number of cervical vertebrae in mammals is seven except in:

Some sloths and sea-cows

76 - The number of stemebrae in rabbit is:


77 - The reason for long neck in camel or giraffe is:

Increase in the length of neck vertebrae

78 - The scapula in frog is different than rabbit in:

Not having an acronion process and spine

79 - The term development which means formation of body from a single called zygote includes which of the following processes:

All of these

80 - The vertebrarteial canals are found in which of these vertebrae of rabbit:


81 - Vomers are free and with vomerine teeth in frog whereas in rabbit these are:

Fused but without teeth

82 - Which of these animals have an obturator foramen in between ischium and pubis:


83 - Which of these are false ribs in rabbit:

7th pair

84 - Which of these are parasites of human blood:


85 - Which of these bones form zygomatic arch in the skull of rabbit or dog:

Jugal and a process of maxilla and squamosal

86 - Which of these bones in frog is unpaired:


87 - Which of these elements of pectoral girdle in frog are calcified cartilage:


88 - Which of these is paired bone in frog:


89 - Which of these pairs of ribs are floating ribs in rabbit:

None of these

90 - Which of these show the number of vertebrae in rabbit:

Cervical-7, thoracic-12-13, lumber-6, sacral-4, caudal-16-17

91 - Which of these skulls are dicondylic:

All of them

92 - Which of these structures in the sternum of frog is rod-like:

None of these

93 - Which of these vertebra in frog has stout transverse processes, centrum with one anterior convexity and two posterior convexities:


94 - Which of these vertebrae are absent in frog:

All of these

95 - Which of these vertebrae in rabbit are strongest to bear the jerk occurring as a result of leaping:


96 - Which of these vertebrae in rabbit do not have transverse processes:


97 - Which of these vertebrae in rabbit has flat centrum, elongated and pointed neural spine, reduced transverse processes, facets for articulation on centrum and transverse processes:


98 - Which of these vertebrae in rabbit has flat centrum, long and forked transverse processes, anapophyses, metapophyses and a hypapophysis:


99 - Xiphisternum is found in the sternum of:

Both (a) & (b)

100 - Y' shaped bone in the skull of frog is:


101 - Zygomatic arch in the skull of rabbit is formed by:

Both by zygomatic process of maxilla and of squamosal


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