Variation and Mutations Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A mutation means:

A change that is inherited

2 - A sudden heritable change is called:


3 - All somatogenic variations are:

Always non-heritable

4 - Ancon sheep of Sethwright's Farm in Massachusetts (America) is example of:

Substantive discontinuous variation

5 - Change in gene pattern bringing about variations may be due to:

All of these

6 - Concept of a sudden genetic change which breeds true in an organism is visualized:


7 - Continuous variations are small variations from one extreme to the other which are always found amongst members on a same species like variations in shape, colour size, weight etc. These were considered heritable and 'raw materials' for evolution by:

Charles Darwin

8 - Currently it is held that somatic variations are not inherited, while heritable mutations which help organism in adoption are selected by ""Nautre"" and get maximum chance for transmission to future generations and form basis of evolution. State whether this statement is:


9 - Determinate variations are also called:

Orthogenic variations

10 - Determinate variations are controlled by strong genes or their recombination which are often so strong that the characters continue to develop beyond usefulness, to bearer and ultimately bring extinction of the species. The example of such are:

Both (a) & (b)

11 - Determinate variations are:

Adaptive and selective variations of definite evolutionary lines

12 - Difference in somatogenic and blastogenic variations is that:

Former mayor may not be inherited but later are always inherited

13 - Discontinuous variations are:


14 - Discontinuous variations are:

Sudden and heritable

15 - During gametogenesis when one or more pieces of chromosome may reunite at wrong sites is called:


16 - EOLOGICAL Time Scale"" represents:

Chronological order of earth's history

17 - Gene Point Mutations"" are:

Changes in nucleotide sequence of DNA molecule usually at a single place affecting single gene

18 - Generally the mutations are:


19 - Hereditary variations can be produced in plants by using:

Gibberellic Acid

20 - If all the organisms would have inherited same genotype there would have been:

No evolution

21 - In absence of of organic evolution there world have been:

All of these

22 - In bacteria the mutations can be induced by:

Exposure of organisms to high energy radiations

23 - In chromosomal Aberration the change involves a considerable part of chromosome so that a number of genes are affected simultaneously"". Whether this is:

A correct statement

24 - In which of the following conditions of gene, the pregnancy of mutant gene is expected to increase in a population:


25 - Muller induced mutation in Drosophila melanogester by exposure to:


26 - Mutations among members of a species arise due to:

Abrupt changes in genes

27 - Mutations are respobsible for bringing:

Large variations in the organisms

28 - Mutations in an organism are:

Changes that are inheritable

29 - Mutations occur during process of gametogenesis due to errors in chromosome duplication and crossing over by:

All of these processes

30 - Mutations were also called ""Sports"" by:


31 - One cannot induce a specific gene to mutate as:

Scientists have yet not found any method and have not been able to do so.

32 - Ordinarily the continuous variations are considered:

Heritable or non-heritable

33 - Presence of only four digits in hand will be an example of:

Negative quantitative discontinuousvariations

34 - Process related with mutations where one or more chromosome pieces may fail to re-unite and dissolve in cytoplasm is called:


35 - Quantitative discontinuous variations are positive when:

The number of some variant part is more than normal

36 - Role of nutation in the process of organic evolution is:

Genetic variation

37 - Somatogenic variations are dissimilarities which:

Confine to 'soma' only and are inheritable

38 - Sudden changes in characteristics of organism due to chemical changes in their genetic materials are called:


39 - The mutations are mainly responsible for:

Variations in the organisms

40 - The rate of mutations can be increased by means of:


41 - The term ""Saltatory or Discontinuous Variations"" was used by Bateson for:

Sudden changes in the characteristics of organisms due to chemical changes in their genetic material

42 - There would have been no organic evolution if:

Individuals in a population did not show gene variation

43 - Variations are:

All the dissimilarities

44 - What is the name for event during gametogenesis when pieces of chromosome may reunite atcorrect sites but with wrong ends:


45 - Which of the following are somatogenic variations:

All of these

46 - Which of the following chemicals can induce mutations:

All of these

47 - Which of the following is not an example of somatogenic variation:

Birth of monstrous babies in progenies of people of Hiroshima and Nagaski

48 - Which of the following is not the example of positive quantitative variations:

Presence of two ear pinnae in man

49 - Who considered variations as characters acquired by the organisms during their life-time:


50 - Who demonstrated development of important variations in mice reared at 5?C and 21?C:

Tower and Agar


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