Viruses Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A bacteriophage consists of:


2 - A collar-like structure between head and tail as well as an end plate is present in:

Bacteriophage viruses

3 - A virus which grows inside bacteria is called:


4 - Abbreviation 'TMV"" is used for:

A virus causing disease in plant

5 - Bacteriophage term was coined for virus infecting Escherichia coli by:

Twort and D' Herelle

6 - Core"" in the virus is made up of:

Nucleic acids

7 - First virus was discovered by:


8 - In a virus, the virion consists of:

Capsid and both nucleic acids

9 - Metabolic enzymes are absent in viruses whether this statement is:


10 - Nucleic acids form:

6% of virus

11 - Nucleoproteins and histones are present in:


12 - Organisms in the nature having characters of both living and non-living are called:


13 - Presence of viruses was established by:

Beijerinck and Loeffer

14 - Protective sheath in virus is called:


15 - Protein molecules forming capsid in a virus are called:


16 - Smallest virus is 10m in size while largest known virus is 350m, whether this statement is:


17 - Smallpox and chickenpox are:

Viral diseases

18 - Study of viruses is called :


19 - Term bacteriophage is given to:

A bacteria which is parasite on viruses

20 - The enzymes helping a virus to penetrate into host cell by dissolving its wall is:


21 - The viruses are:

None of these

22 - TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) is rod whaped while Polio and Influenza viruses are spherical"" whether this statement is:


23 - Virion term is given to:

DNA complex present in the virus

24 - Viruses are composed of:

Nucleic acids and proteins

25 - Viruses were first demonstrated by:


26 - What will happen if capsid of a virus is removed:

Will it die

27 - Which is first known human viral disease:


28 - Which of the following characters justify the living nature of viruses:

All of these

29 - Which of the following characters justify the non-living nature of viruses:

All of these

30 - Which of the following charcters justifies the living nature of viruses:

Nucleic acids in them can induce protein synthesis to form capsid

31 - Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus:


32 - Which of the following is an interesting feature of viruses:

That they multiply only inside the cytoplasm of host cell

33 - Which of the following is viral disease:

All of these

34 - Which of the following sets is a viral disease set:

Mumps, Yellow fever, chickenpox

35 - Which of the following statements does not hold good for the viruses:

They can grow in dilute sugary syrups in warm weather

36 - Which of the following statements is true for viruses:

They multiply in host cells

37 - Which of the following will survive if boiled in a test tube at 100?C:


38 - Which one of the following is not a viral disease?

Common cold

39 - Who called the fluid from virus infected plant as Contagium vivum fluidum



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