Vision and Hearing Physiology Important Job Related MCQs

1 - A person having deficiency of rhodopsin should take:


2 - A slight accommodation in frog's eyes can be brought about by:

Protractor lentis muscles

3 - At rest the mammalian eye is focused for distant objects by:

Relaxation of ciliary muscles which flattens the lens and enables it to have maximum focal length

4 - Common defect developing in the eyes of persons of old age is:


5 - Common eye defect that develops in old age is:


6 - Cone cells in our eyes are of three types for three basic colours namely:

Red, green and blue

7 - Duration of temporary blindness on going suddenly from brightness to dark and vice-versa in our eyes is for:

1-2 seconds

8 - During change in our body balance, the otoconia of endolymph stimulate the cells of:

Macula utriculi

9 - During night the slow intensity of light is detected by:

Crystalline lens

10 - Focal length of lens is controlled by:

Ciliary muscles

11 - Frog's eyes are capable of:

Slight accommodation

12 - Glare due to tepatum layer in the eyes of certain mammals helps to:

Perform both of these functions

13 - Hypermetropia is a condition in human eyes in which the image is formed:

In front of retina and can be corrected by using convex lenses

14 - If light source in front of our eye suddenly becomes bright, then:

We have a temporary blindness for 10-30 seconds during which pupil constricts

15 - Impulses of gravitational disturbances are responded by:

Macula utriculi

16 - In bright light rhodopsin:

Disappears or is reduced

17 - In the eyes of hoofed mammals, elephant, whales etc, is found:

Tepatum fibrosum

18 - In water the frogs are:


19 - In which of these eye defects the anteroposterior diameter of the eye ball is short:


20 - In which of these eye defects the lens looses its transparency and the defect occurs at the aging:


21 - Increase in intraocular pressure of aqueous humour results in development of:


22 - Iodopsin is also called:

Visual voilet

23 - Least distance vision for a person of hypermetropia is:

25 cms

24 - Lenses to be used by a person who cannot see distant objects are:


25 - Lenses used by the persons who cannot see objects of nearby are:


26 - Mammalian eyes have remarkable power of accommodation by:

Capability to change the convexity of lens which changes its focal length

27 - Myopia is a defect in human eyes in which image is formed:

In front of retina and can be corrected by using concave lenses

28 - Night blindness is caused by:

Deficiency of rhodopsin

29 - Night blindness is due to the deficiency of:


30 - On land frogs are:


31 - Opacity of lens interfering in the transmission of light to retina is seen during:


32 - Owing to reduction of the diameter of eye ball the retina comes close to lens and the light rays strike the retina before they have converged again resulting in blurred image, this defect is called:

Hypermetropia and generally occurs with the aging

33 - Phtosensitive pigment is:

Similar in all vertebrate eyes

34 - Pressure of vibrations received by membrane of fenestra ovalis are received by perilymph present in:

Scala Vestibuli

35 - Rhodopsin is a pigment found in:

Retinal cells

36 - Rhodopsin is also called:

Visual purple

37 - Rhodopsin is related to:

None of these

38 - Stato acaustic impulses are transmitted to brain by which of these nerves:

VIII cranial nerve

39 - Tepatum callulosum is found in the eyes of:


40 - Tepatum fibrosum is found in the eyes of:

All of these

41 - Tepatum lucidum is found in the eyes of:

Deep sea fishes

42 - The diameter of eye ball in an adult man is:

20-21 cms

43 - The disappearance of rhodopsin is an adaptation in:

Diurnal animals

44 - The nerve centre for sight is located in:

Both (a) & (b)

45 - The pigment that helps some nocturnal animals to see during night is:


46 - The reformation of rhodopsin is an adaptation in:

Nocturnal animals

47 - Visual pigment in the cone cells of our eyes is:


48 - Visual pigment in the rods of our eyes is:


49 - When the near objects are to be focused by our eye then the:

Ciliary muscles are contracted and lens becomes maximum convex

50 - Which equilibrium is concerned with the orientation of the animal at rest:

Kinetic equilibrium

51 - Which of the following organs is involved to help us feel the earthquake:


52 - Which of these is a balancing organ:


53 - Which of these structures of ear are associated with kinetic equilibrium:

Crista ampullaris

54 - With the change in the intensity of light from one to one hundred the response of our eye will be increased by:



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