Areas, Length, And Volumes Related MCQs For Job's Test Preparation

1 - 12 spheres of the same size are made from melting a solid cylinder of 16 cm diameter and 2 cm height. Find the diameter of each sphere.

4 cm

2 - 2 metres board pathway is constructed around a rectangular plot on the inside . Area of the plot is 96 sq.m. Rate of construction is Rs. 50 per square mere . Find the total cost of construction?

Data inadequate

3 - 25 pieces of shirt each 125 cm in length can be cut fror a reel of cloth. After cutting these pieces, 90 cm of clot is left. What is the length of the reel of cloth in metres

32.15 m

4 - 50 square stone slabs of equal size were needed to cover a floor area of 72 sq.m. Find the length of each stone slab.

120 cm

5 - A 60 cm wide path is to be made around a circular garden having a diameter of 12 metres. What is the area of the path ?

24 m²

6 - A big rectangular plot of area 4320 Sq.m is divided into 3 square shaped smaller plots by fencing parallel to the smaller side of the plot. However, some area of land was still left as a square plot could not be formed. So 3 more square shaped plots were formed by fencing parallel to the longer side of the original plot. Such that no area of the plot was left a surplus. What are the dimensions of the original plot?

120m × 36m

7 - A boat having a length 3 m and breadth 2 m is floating on a lake. The boat sinks by 1 cm when a man gets into it. The mass of the man is :

60 kg

8 - A box whose every side is a rectangle has a length of 10 cm, a width of 6 cm and a height of 8 cm. What is the total area of the box?

376 cm²

9 - A circle and a rectangle have the same perimeter. The sides of the rectangle are 18cm and 26cm.What is the area of the circle?


10 - A circular disc of 6 cm radius is divided into three sectors with central angles 1200, 1500,900. What part of the circle is the sector with central angles 1200. Also give the ratio of the areas of t


11 - A circular park has a path of uniform width around it. The difference between outer and inner circumferences of the circular path is 132 m. Its width is (take pi = 22/7)

21 m

12 - A circular path of 13 m radius has marginal walk 2 m wide all round it. Find the cost of leveling the walk at 25p per m^2?


13 - A circular wire of radius 42 cm is cut and bent in the form of a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of 6 : 5. The smaller side of the rectangle is

60 cm

14 - A circular wire of radius 42 cm is cut and bent in the form of a rectangle whose sides are in the ration of 6:5 The smaller side if the rectangle is:_________?

60 cm

15 - A cistern 6 m long and 4 m wide contains water up to a breadth of 1 m 25 cm. Find the total area of the wet surface.

49 m square

16 - A cistern 6 m long and 4 m wide contains water up to a depth of 1 m 25 cm. The total area of the wet surface is:

49 m²

17 - A courtyard 25 m long and 16 m broad is to be paved with bricks of dimensions 20 cm by 10 cm . The total number of bricks required is :


18 - A covered wooden box has the inner measure as 115cm 75cm and 35cm and the thickness of wood is 2.5cm. The volume of the wood is____________?

19 - A cube of edge 15 cm is immersed completely in a rectangular vessel containing water. If the dimensions of the base of vessel are 20 cm × 15 cm, find the rise in water level.

11.25 cm

20 - A cube of edge 5 cm is cut into cubes each of edge 1 cm. The ratio of the total surface area of one of the small cubes to that of the large cube is equal to:


21 - A cube of side one meter length is cut into small cubes of side 10 cm each. How many such small cubes can be obtained?


22 - A cuboidal water tank contains 216 liters is water. Its depth is 1/3 of its length and breadth is ½ of 1/3 of the difference between length and depth. The length of the tank?


23 - A farmer to start a 100 sq. m. rectangular garden. Since he has only 30 meter barbed wire, he fences three sides of the garden letting his house wall act as the fourth side fencing.find dimension?

20 m * 5 m

24 - A farmer wishes to start a 100 sq. m rectangular vegetable garden. Since he has only 30 m barbed wire, he fences three sides of the garden letting his house compound wall act as the fourth side fencin

20 m * 5 m

25 - A floor of the room 8 m long and 6 m wide is to be covered by square tiles. If each square tile is 0.8 m, find the number of tiles required to cover the floor. Also, find the cost of tiling at the rat

48 m square, $ 525

26 - A flooring tile has a shape of a parallelogram whose base is 28 cm and the corresponding height is 20 cm . how many such tiles are required to cover a floor of a area 2800 cm²

50000 tiles

27 - A girl walking at the rate of 9 Km per hour crosses a square field diagonally in 12 seconds. The area of the field is:

450 Sq.m

28 - A hall 20 m long and 15 m broad is surrounded by a verandah of uniform width of 2.5 m. The cast of flooring the verandah at the rate of Rs 3.50 per sq. Meter is__________?

Rs. 700

29 - A hall is a 15m long and 12m board. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the ceiling is equal to the areas of the 4 walls the volume of the hall is:

1200 Cu.m

30 - A large field of 700 hectares is divided into two parts. The difference of the areas of the two parts is one-fifth of the average of the two areas. What is the area of the smaller part in hectares ?

315 hectares

31 - A large field of 750 hectares is divided into two parts . The difference of he areas of the two parts is one -fifth of the average of the two areas. What is the area of the smaller part in hectares ?


32 - A large field of 900 hectares is divided into two parts. The difference of the areas of the two parts is one-fifth of the average of the two areas. What is the area of the smaller part in hectares?

405 hectares

33 - A man walked 20 m to cross a rectangular field diagonally. If the length of the field is 16 cm. Find the breadth of the field is________?

12 m

34 - A man walked diagonally across a square lot. Approximately, what was the percent saved by not walking along the edges?


35 - A man walking at the rate of 6 km per hour crosses a square field diagonally in 9 seconds. The area of the field is-

112.5 sq. cm

36 - A metallic sphere of radius 12 cm is melted and drawn into a wire, whose radius of cross section is 16 cm. What is the length of the wire?

None of these

37 - A painting is painted on a cardboard 19 cm and 14 cm wide, such that there is a margin of 1.5 cm along each of its sides. Find the total area of the margin.

90 cm²

38 - A paper is in a square form whose one side is 20 cm. Two semi circles are drawn on its opposites as diameters. If these semi circles are cut down what is the area of the remaining paper?

(400 – 100Ï€) cm^2

39 - A parallelogram has sides 12 cm and 9 cm. If the distance between its shorter sides is 8 cm, find the distance between its longer side.

6 cm

40 - A park shaped like a square with a side of 30 metres has an alley with the width of 2 metres. What's the area of the green zone?

840 m²

41 - A path all around the inside of a rectangular park 35 m by 25 m occupies 275 sq m. What is the width of the path ?

2.5 metre

42 - A path all around the inside of a rectangular park 60 m by 45 m occupies 2000 sq m. What is the width of the path ?

12.5 m

43 - A path of uniform width turns the inside of a rectangular field 38m long and 32m wide. IF the path occupies 600 m^2 than the width of the path is_______?


44 - A person sells an item at a profit of 42%. If the customer pays Rs. 12496 for that item what is the net profit (in Rs) of the prsons ?

Rs. 3696

45 - A piece of wire in the form of rectangle 40 cm long and 26 cm wide is again bent to form a circle. Find the radius of the circle.

21 cm

46 - A plot of land in the form of a rectangle has dimensions 240m x 180m. A draint 10m wide is dug all around it on the outside and the earth dug out is evenly spread over the plot increasing its surface level by 25cm. The depth of the drailent of


47 - A race track is in the form of a ring whose inner circumference is 220 m and outer circumference is 308 m. Find the width of the track.

14 m

48 - A rectangle has 15 cm as its length and 159 cm^2 as its area. Its area is increased to 1 1/3 times the original area by increasing only its length its new perimeter is:_________?

60 cm

49 - A rectangle has a length of 6 inches and a width of 4 inches. The area is -

24 in²

50 - A rectangle has a length of 8 centimeters and a width of 3 centimeters. Find the area.

24 cm²

51 - A rectangle has the length of 12 cm and the width 3 times smaller. Its area is-

48 cm²

52 - A rectangle measures 8 Cm on length and its diagonal measures 17 Cm. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

46 cm

53 - A rectangle with a length of 14 cm and a width of 10 cm is covered by black squares and blue squares with the same area. What is the total area of the blue squares?

72 cm²

54 - A rectangular carpet has an area of 120 sq metres and a perimeter of 46 metres. The length of its diagonal (in metres) is:


55 - A rectangular carpet has an area of 120 sq.m and a perimeter of 46 m. The length of its diagonal is:_________?

17 m

56 - A rectangular carpet has an area of 120 square meters and a parameter of 46m. The length of it’s diagonals is_________?


57 - A rectangular carpet has an area of 240 sq. cm. If its diagonal and the longer side are together equal to five times the shorter side, the length of the carpet is -

24 cm

58 - A rectangular carpet has an area of 60 sq.m its diagonal and longer side together equal 5 times the shorter side. The length of the carpet is:_________?


59 - A rectangular courtyard 3.78 m lang and 5.25 m broad is to be paved exactly with square tiles, all of the same size. The minimum number of such tiles is:

450 tiles

60 - A rectangular courtyard 3.78min long and 5.25m broad is to be paved exactly with square tiles all of the same size. The minimum number of such tiles is_________?


61 - A rectangular farm has to be fenced one long side, one short side and the diagonal. If the cost of fencing is Rs.10 per meter. The area of farm is 1200 m^2 and the short side is 30 m long. How much would the job cost?


62 - A rectangular field has area equal to 150 sq m and perimeter 50 m. Its length and breadth must be________?

15 m, 10 m

63 - A rectangular field has dimensions 25m by 15m. Two mutually perpendicular passage of 2m width have been left in it’s central part and grass has been grown in rest of the field. The area under the grass is____________?


64 - A rectangular field has to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required?


65 - A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required ?

88 ft

66 - A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required?

88 ft

67 - A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required?


68 - A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered.If the area of the field is 680 sq.ft, how many feet of fencing will be required ?

88 feet

69 - A rectangular grass field is 75 m * 55 m, it has a path of 2.5 m wide all round it on the outside. Find the area of the path and the cost of constructing it at Rs.2 per sq m?

675, Rs.1350

70 - A rectangular lawn of dimensions 80 m * 60 m has two roads each 10 m wide running in the middle of the lawn, one parallel to the length and the other parallel to the breadth. What is the cost of traveling the two roads at Rs.3 per sq m?


71 - A rectangular lawn of length 50 m and breadth 35 m is to be surrounded externally by a path which is 2 m wide. Find the cost of turfing the path at the rate of $3 per m².

356 m²

72 - A rectangular mat has an area of 120 sq.metres and perimeter of 46 m. The length of its diagonal is:

17 m

73 - A rectangular measure 8cm on length and it’s diagonals measures 10cm what is the perimeter of the rectangular?


74 - A rectangular paper, when folded into two congruent parts had a perimeter of 34 cm for each part folded along one set of sides and the same is 38 cm when folded along the other set of sides.

140 cm²

75 - A rectangular park 60 m long and 40 m wide has two concrete crossroads running in the middle of the park and rest of the park has been used as a lawn. If the area of the lawn is 2109 sq. m, then what

3 m

76 - A rectangular parking space is marked out by painting three of its sides. If the length of the unpainted side is 9 feet, and the sum of the lengths of the painted sides is 37 feet, find out the area?

126 sq. ft

77 - A rectangular parking space is marked out by painting three of its sides. If the length of the unpainted side is 9 feet, and the sum of the lengths of the painted sides is 37 feet, then what is the ar

126 sq. ft.

78 - A rectangular plot is half as long again as it is board and is area is 2/3 hectares , Then is length is :

100 m

79 - A rectangular plot is half as long again as it is broad and its area is 2/3 hectares. Then, its length is :

100 m

80 - A rectangular plot measuring 90 metres by 50 metres is to be enclosed by wire fencing. If the poles of the fence are kept 5 metres apart, how many poles will be needed ?


81 - A rectangular tank is 225 m by 162m at the base with what speed must water flow into it through an aperture 60cm by 45cm that the level may be raised 20cm in 5 hours?

5400 m/hr

82 - A rectangular tank measuring (5m x 4.5m x 2.1m) is dug in the center of the field measuring 13.5m x 2.5m. The earth dug out is speed every over the remaining portion of the field raised?


83 - A rectangular water tank is open at the top. Its capacity is 24Cu.m.It’s length and breadth are 4m and 3m respectively. Ignoring the thickness of the material used for building the tank the total cost of painting the inner and outer surface of the tank at Rs. 10 per Sq.m is_________?


84 - A room is 12 ¼ m long and 7w wide. The maximum length of a square tile to fill the floor of the room with whole number of it’s tiles should be_________?


85 - A room is 15 feet long and 12 feet board . A mat has to be placed on he floor of this room leaving 1.5 feet space from the walls. what will be the cost of the mat at the rate of Rs. 3.50 per square

Rs. 378

86 - A rope of which a calf is tied is increased from 12 m to 23 m, how much additional grassy ground shall it graze?

1210 m^2

87 - A side of a right-angle triangle is four times the second side. If third side, the hypotenuse of the triangle, is A/272 cm, what would its area be ?

32 cm²

88 - A silver wire, when bent in the term of a square, encloses an area of 625 cm². How much area would the same wire include if it is bent to form a circle ?

795.45 cm²

89 - A square flowerbed is surrounded by a path 10 cm wide around it. If the area of the path is 2000 cm², find the area of the square flower-bed.

1600 cm²

90 - A square room has a verandah of uniform width of 3m around it. The area of the verandah is 288 sq m. Find the cost of flooring the room if the cost of flooring per square metre is Rs. 15.

Rs. 4320

91 - A swimming bath is 24 m long and 15 m broad. When a number of men drive into the bath. The height of water rises by 1cm. If the average volume of water displaced by each man be 0.1m^3 how many mean are there in the both?


92 - A swimming pool 9 m wide and 12 m long is 1 m deep on the shallow side and 4 m deep on the deeper side. Its volume is:


93 - A tank is 25 m long, 12 m wide and 6 m deep. The cost of plastering its walls and bottom at 75 paise per sq. m, is

Rs 558

94 - A tank is 7m long and 4m wide at what speed should water run through pipes 5cm broad and 4cm deep so that in 6 hours and 18 minutes, the water level in the tank rises by 4.5cm?


95 - A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is ?


96 - A triangle and a parallelogram are constructed on the same base such that their areas are equal. If the altitude of the parallelogram is 100 m , then the altitude of the triangle is.

200 m

97 - A triangle of height 4 cm cut from a shaded square of sides 5 cm. What is the area, in cm² of the remaining shaded region of the square?

15 cm²

98 - A TV has a length of 80 cm and a width of 50 cm. If the border is 5 cm thick, the area of the screen is

2800 cm²

99 - A typist uses a paper 30cm x 15cm.He leaves a margin at 2.5cm at the top and the bottom and 12.5cm on either side. What percentage of paper area is approximately available for typing


100 - A wall has to be built with length 8 m, thickness 3 m and height 5 m. Find the volume of the wall in cubic cm.

120000000 cm³

101 - A wheel makes 1000 revolutions is covering a distance of 88 km. the diameter of the wheel is


102 - A wire in the shape of rectangle of length 25 cm and breadth 17 cm is rebent to form a square. What will be the measure of each side?

21 cm

103 - ABCD is a parallelogram in which AB = 20 cm, BC = 13 cm, AC = 21 cm. Find the area of parallelogram ABCD.

252 cm²

104 - ABCD is a trapezium in which AB ∥ CD, AD ⊥ DC, AB = 20 cm, BC = 13 cm and DC = 25 cm. Find the area of the trapezium.

270 m²

105 - An agricultural field is in the form of a rectangle of length 20m and width 14m. A pit 6m long 3m wide and 2.5m deep is dug in a corner of the field and earth taken out of the pit is spread uniformly over. The remaining area of the field. The level of the field has raised by________?


106 - An error 2% in excess is made while measuring the side of a square. The percentage of error in the calculated area of the square is


107 - An order was placed for the supply of a carper whose length and breadth were in the ratio of 3 : 2. Subsequently, the dimensions of the carpet were altered such that its length and breadth were in the ratio 7 : 3 but were was no change in its parameter. Find the ratio of the areas of the carpets in both the cases.


108 - Area of a square with side x is equal to the area of a triangle with base x. The altitude of the triangle is:________?


109 - At each corner of a square park with side equal to 40 m, there is a flower bed in the form of a sector of radius 14 m. What is the area of the remaining part of the park?

984 Square m

110 - Bilal’s room has a floor of 8m by 4m. He decides to tile the floor with tiles of 25cm x 20 cm. How many tiles will he need?

640 tiles

111 - External dimensions of a wooden cuboid are 30 cm × 25 cm × 20 cm. If the thickness of the wood is 2 cm all around, find the volume of the wood contained in the cuboid formed.

6264 cm³

112 - Find the altitude of the rhombus whose area is 315 cm² and its perimeter is 180 cm.

7 cm

113 - Find the area and height of an equilateral triangle of side 12 cm. (√3 = 1.73).

10.38 cm

114 - Find the area of a parallelogram with a base of 12 centimeters and a height of 5 centimeters.

60 cm²

115 - Find the area of a parallelogram with a base of 7 inches and a height of 10 inches.

70 in²

116 - Find the area of a parallelogram with base 24 cm and height 16 cm.

384 cm^2

117 - Find the area of a rhombus whose side is 25 cm and one of the diagonals is 30 cm?

600 sq.m

118 - Find the area of a square with each side measuring 2 inches.

4 in²

119 - Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are AB = 12 cm, CD = 36 cm and the non-parallel sides are BC = 15 cm and AG = 15 cm.

216 cm²

120 - Find the area of a triangle whose sides are 41 cm, 28 cm, 15 cm. Also, find the length of the altitude corresponding to the largest side of the triangle.

6.1 cm

121 - Find the area of a triangle, two sides of which are 40 cm and 24 cm and the perimeter is 96 cm.

384 cm²

122 - Find the area of an acute triangle with a base of 15 inches and a height of 4 inches.

30 in²

123 - Find the area of an obtuse triangle with a base of 5 inches and a height of 8 inches.

20 in²

124 - Find the area of circle whose radius is 7m?

154 sq m

125 - Find the area of right angled triangle whose hypotenuse is 15 cm and one of the sides is 12 cm.

54 cm²

126 - Find the area of shaded region of circle of radius =7cm, if ∠AOB=70 degree, ∠COD=50 degree and ∠EOF=60 degree.

77 cm²

127 - Find the area of shaded region, if the side of square is 28 cm and radius of the sector is ½ the length of side of square.

1708 cm²

128 - Find the area of the circle if its circumference is 132 cm.

1386 m²

129 - Find the area of the quadrilateral of one of its diagonals is 20 cm and its off sets 9 cm and 6 cm?

150 sq m

130 - Find the area of the rectangle if its perimeter is 48 cm and its breadth is 6 cm.

108 cm square

131 - Find the area of the rhombus having each side equal to 17 cm and one of its diagonals equal to 16 cm.

240 m²

132 - Find the area of trapezium whose parallel sides are 20 cm and 18 cm long, and the distance between them is 15 cm.

285 cm^2

133 - Find the breadth and perimeter of the rectangle if its area is 96 cm22 and the length is 12 cm.

40 cm

134 - Find the breadth of the rectangular plot of land whose area is 660 m2 and whose length is 33 m. Find its perimeter.

20 m, 106 m

135 - Find the circumference and area of radius 7 cm.

154 cm²

136 - Find the circumference of a circle whose area is 16 times the area of the circle with diameter 7cm

88 cm

137 - Find the circumference of a circle, whose area is 24.64 meter sqaure

17.60 m

138 - Find the cost of carpainting a room 13 m long and 9 m broad with a carpet 100 Cm broad at the rate of Rs.20 per meter.

177 m

139 - Find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 28 m at the rate of Rs.1.50 a meter?


140 - Find the height of the mountain, If the slant height of a conical mountain is 2.5 km and the area of its base is 1.54 km² .

2.4 km

141 - Find the number of square tiles to cover the floor of a room measuring 4 m * 9 m leaving 0.25 m space around the room. A side of square tile is given to be 25 cms?


142 - Find the perimeter and area of a square of side 11 cm.

121 cm square

143 - Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle of length 17 cm and breadth 13 cm.

60 cm, 221 cm square

144 - Find the surface area of a 10cm*4cm*3cm brick.

164 cm square

145 - Find the volume of a cuboid of length 20 cm, breadth 15 cm and height 10 cm.

3000 cm³

146 - Find the volume of the box,If the areas of the three adjacent faces of a cuboid box are 120 cm², 72 cm² and 60 cm² respectively.

720 cm³

147 - From a sheet of cardboard in the shape of a square of side 14 cm, a piece in the shape of letter B is cut off. The curved side of the letter consists of two equal semicircles & the breadth of the rect

143.5 cm²

148 - he perimeter of a circle and a square field are equal. What is the diameter of the circle field if the area of the square field is 484 sq.m?


149 - How many bricks, each measuring 25cm*11.25cm*6cm, will be needed to build a wall 8m*6m*22.5m


150 - How many envelopes can be made out of a sheet of paper 100 cm by 75 cm, supposing 1 envelope requires 20 cm by 5 cm piece of paper?

75 envelops

151 - How many meters of carpet 63cm will be required to be a floor of a room 14m by 9cm?


152 - How many paying stones, each measuring 2 1/2 m * 2 m are required to pave a rectangular court yard 30 m long and 16 1/2 m board?


153 - If a solid cylinder has a total surface area 462 sq. cm. & CSA is 1/3rd of it so what is the volume of the cylinder?

539 cm²

154 - If a square and a rhombus stand on the same base then the ratio of the areas of the squares and the rhombus is:_________?

equal to 1

155 - If an area enclosed by a circle or a square or an equal triangle is the same then the maximum perimeter is possessed by_________?

Both Triangle and Square

156 - If each side of a square is increased by 50% the ratio of the area of the resulting square to the area of the given square is__________?


157 - If length of rectangle is increased by 16 m & breadth is decreased by 5 m , then area of rectangle remains unchanged, and if length is decreased by 8 m and breadth is increased by 5 m, the area still

480 sq m

158 - If OA = OB = 14cm, ∠AOB=90 degree, find the area of shaded region.

21 cm²

159 - If the area of a circle is 75.44 square cm then what is the circumference of the circle?

30.8 cm

160 - If the area of a rectangle is equal to the area of a right angled triangle, what is the length of, rectangle ? I The base of the triangle is 10 m. II The height of the triangle is 15 m.

If both statements(l) and (II) even together are not sufficient.

161 - If the area of a rectangular plot increase by 30% while its breadth remains same what will be the ratio of the areas of new and old figures ?


162 - If the area of a square with the side a is equal to the area of a triangle with base a, then the altitude of the triangle is.


163 - If the area of circle is 616 sq cm then its circumference?

88 m

164 - If the base of rectangle is increased by 10 % and the area is unchanged then the corresponding altitude must be decreased by:________?


165 - If the circumference of a circle increases from 4 pi to 8 pi, what change occurs in the area ?


166 - If the circumference of a circle is 352 meters then its area in Sq.m is:________?


167 - If the diagonal of a square is doubled. How does the area of the square change?

Becomes fourfold

168 - If the diameter of a circle is increased by 100 % its area is increased by:_________?


169 - If the height of a triangle is decreased by 40% and its base is increased by 40% what will be the effect on its area?

16% Decrease

170 - If the length and the breadth of a rectangle is increased by 25% and 44% respectively, by what per cent does the area of that rectangle increase ?


171 - If the length and width of a rectangle are 10 m and 8 m, then find its area.

80 square meter

172 - If the length and width of a rectangle are 12 feet and 11 feet, then find its area.

132 square feet

173 - If the length and width of a rectangle are 15 cm and 13 cm, then find its area.

195 square cm

174 - If the length and width of a rectangle are 18 mm and 16 mm, then find its area.

288 square mm

175 - If the length and width of a rectangle are 8 cm and 6 cm, then find its area.

48 square cm

176 - If the length and width of a rectangular grand are each increased by 20% then what would be the percent increase in the area of the garden?


177 - If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and it’s breadth is decreased by 20% then it area________?

decreased by 4%

178 - If the length of diagonal AC of a square ABCD is 5.2 cm then area of the square ABCD is_________?


179 - If the perimeter of a rectangular garden is 600 m, its length when its breadth is 100 m is________?

200 m

180 - If the radius of a circle be reduced by 50% its area is reduced by:_________?


181 - If the radius of a circle is diminished by 10%, then the area is diminished by:


182 - If the radius of a circle is increased to 3 times, then how many times will it’s circumference be increased?


183 - If the radius of a sphere is increased by 2 cm, then its surface area increases by 352 cm² . The radius of the sphere before the increase was :

6 cm

184 - If the ratio of the areas of two squares is 225:256, then the ratio of their perimeters is :


185 - If the ratio of the areas of two squares is 9:1 ratio of their perimeters is_________?


186 - If the side of a square is 11 cm, then find its area.

121 square cm

187 - If the side of a square is 14 m, then find its area.

196 square cm

188 - If the side of a square is 19 inches, then find its area.

361 square inches

189 - If the side of a square is 23 feet, then find its area.

529 square feet

190 - If the side of a square is 7 m, then find its area.

49 sqaure feet

191 - If the side of a square is increased by 25 % then how much percent does it’s area get increased:


192 - If the side of a square is increased by 25% then it’s area is increased by_________?


193 - If the sides of a triangle are 26 cm, 24 cm and 10 cm, what is its area?

120 cm^2

194 - If the sum of a number and its square is 182, what is the number?

None of these

195 - If the volume of a room is 792 m³ and the area of the floor is 132 m², find the height of the room.

6 m

196 - If the wheel is 14 cm then the number of revolutions to cover a distance of 1056 cm is?


197 - In a Circle of Radius 5 cm if AB and AC are two equal chords of length 6cm each, then the length of chord BC is___________?

None of these

198 - In a rhombus whose area is 144 on of its diagonals is twice as long as the other. The lengths of its diagonals are:_________?


199 - In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a square of side 6cm. Find the area of the shaded region.


200 - Length and breadth of a rectangle are in a ratio 5 : 3. If its perimeter is 640 mts what will be the area of the rectangle ?


201 - Length, breadth and height of a room are 6 m 5 m and 3 m respectively. Find the volume of the room.

90 m³

202 - Milk and water in two vessels A and B are in the ratio 4:3 and 2:3 respectively in what ratio the liquids in both the vessels should be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel C containing half milk and half water?


203 - Of the two square fields, the area of the one is 1 hectare, while another one is broader by 1%. There differences in area is:

201 m²

204 - On a field whose length is 25 metres and width is 12 metres a house was built the shape of a square whose side is 9 metres. What's the area of the garden?

219 m²

205 - One side of a rectangular field is 4 m and its length along diagonal is 5 m. What is the area of the field?

12 sq m

206 - One side of rectangular field is 15 meter and one of its diagonals is 17 meter. Then find the area of the field.

126 m²

207 - parallelogram has sides 60 m and 40 m and one of its diagonals is 80 m long then its area is:__________?

600√15 sq.m

208 - Perimeters of a square and a rectangle are same. If the rectangle is 10 cms by 8 cms by what percentage area of the square will be more than that of the rectangle ?


209 - Rain water falls flat rectangular surface length 6 m & breadth 4 m is transferred into a cylindrical vessel of internal radius 20 cm. What will height of water in cylindrical in fall 1cm(Ï€ = 3.14)

191 cm

210 - Rectangle ABCD has a length of 8 cm and a width of 6 cm. What is the total area of the blue rectangles?

3 cm²

211 - Sides of a rectangular park are in the ratio 3: 2 and its area is 3750 sq m, the cost of fencing it at 50 ps per meter is_______?


212 - The altitude of an equilateral triangle of side 2√3 cm is_________?

3 cm

213 - The area enclosed between two concentric circles is 770 cm². If the radius of the outer circle is 21 cm, find the radius of the inner circle.


214 - The area of a circle is 154 sq cm. What is the circumference of the circle ?

44 cm

215 - The area of a circle is 24.64Sq.m. the circumference of circle is________?


216 - The area of a circle is 616 cm². Find its circumference.

88 cm

217 - The area of a circle is increased by when it’s radius is increased by 1cm. The original radius of the circle is_________?

3 cm

218 - The area of a parallelogram is 128sq m and its altitude is twice the corresponding base. Then the length of the base is_________?

8 m

219 - The area of a parallelogram is 24 square centimeters and the base is 4 centimeters. Find the height.

6 cm

220 - The area of a rectangle is 12 sq.metres and it’s length is 3 times that of it’s breadth. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

None of these

221 - The area of a rectangle is 12 square inches and the width is 3 inches. What is the length?

4 in

222 - The area of a rectangle is 45 cm². If its length is 9 cm, then its width is -

5 cm

223 - The area of a rectangle is 460 square metres. If the length is 15% more than the breadth, what is the breadth of the rectangular field ?

20 m

224 - The area of a rectangle is 460 square metres. If the length is 15% more than the breadth, what is the breadth of the rectangular field ?

20 metres

225 - The area of a rectangle is 5 1/3 Square metre and its length is 3 times its breadth. What is the perimeter of the rectangle ?

10 2/3 metre

226 - The area of a rectangle is 6 times the area of a square. The length of the rectangle is 300 cm and the breadth of the rectangle is 1/5 of the side of square. what is the side of the square?

10 cm

227 - The area of a rectangle is five times the area of a square.The length of the rectangle is 400 ft and breadth is 1/4 of the side of the square. What is the side of the square ?

20 ft

228 - The area of a rectangle is thrice that of a square. The length of the rectangle is 40 cm and the breadth of the rectangle is (3/2) times of the square. The side of the square in cm is__________?


229 - The area of a rectangle plot is 460 square metres. If the length is 15% more than the breadth, what is the breadth of the plot?

20 m

230 - The area of a rhombus in 2016 and its side is 65cm. The length of its diagonals are________?


231 - The area of a sector of a circle of radius 5 cm formed by an arc of length 3.5 cm is__________?

8.75 cm^2

232 - The area of a square field 3136 sq m, if the length of cost of drawing barbed wire 3 m around the field at the rate of Rs.1.50 per meter. Two gates of 1 m width each are to be left for entrance. What is the total cost?


233 - The area of a square field is 6050 Sq.m.The length of it diagonal is_________?


234 - The area of a square is 144 m². Find its perimeter.

48 m

235 - The area of a square is 16 in². Its side is -


236 - The area of a square is 69696 cm square. What will be its diagonal ?

373.296 cm

237 - The area of a square is 9 square centimeters. How long is one side?

9 cm²

238 - The area of a square is twice the area of a circle. The area of the circle is 392 cm² . What is the length of the side of the square ?

28 cm

239 - The area of a trapezium is 165 cm² and its height is 10 cm. If one of the parallel sides is double of the other, find the two parallel sides.

11 cm, 22 cm

240 - The area of a trapezium is 4000 sq cm and its parallel sides are 45 cm and 35 cm respectively. Then what is the height of the trapezium ?

100 cm

241 - The area of a triangle is 126 square metres and its base is 28 metres. Find the height ?

9 m

242 - The area of a triangle is with base 4m and height 5m?

10 sq m

243 - The area of a triangle is with base 4m and height 5m?

10 sq m

244 - The area of a triangle will be when a = 1m, b = 2m, c = 3m, a, b, c being lengths of respective sides.

0 sq m

245 - The area of a triangle will be when a = 1m, b = 2m, c = 3m, a, b, c being lengths of respective sides.

0 sq m

246 - The area of an equilateral triangle is 400√3 sq.m. its perimeter is

120 m

247 - The area of incircle of an equilateral triangle of side 42 cm is :

462 cm²

248 - The area of largest triangle that can be inscribed in a semicircle of radius R cm is__________?

R2 cm^2

249 - The area of rhombus is 150 cm square. The length of one of the its diagonals is 10 cm. The length of the other diagonal is:

30 cm

250 - The area of sector of a circle whose radius is 12 metro and whose angle at the center is 42° is?

52.8 m^2

251 - The area of the base of a rectangular tank is and the volume of water containing in it is 2-6 cubic meters. The depth of the water in the tank is


252 - The area of the biggest circle, which can be drawn inside a square a side of 21 cm (take pi = 22/7) is


253 - The area of the largest circle that can be drawn inside a rectangle with sides 18cm and 14cm is_________?


254 - The area of the square formed on the diagonal of a rectangle as its side is 108 1/3 % more than the area of the rectangle. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 28 units, find the difference between the sides of the rectangle?


255 - The areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboid are 180 cm sq., 96 cm sq. and 120 cm sq. what the volume of cuboid is.

1440 cm³

256 - The areas of two similar triangles are 12 cm^2 and 48SQ. cm .If the height of the smaller one is 2.1cm than the corresponding height of the bigger one is_________?


257 - The base and height of the triangle are in the ratio 3 : 2. If the area of the triangle is 243 cm² find the base and height of the triangle.

27 cm, 18 cm

258 - The base of a right triangle is 8 and hypotenuse is 10. Its area is________?


259 - The base of a triangle is 15 cm and height is 12 cm. The height of another triangle of double the area having the base 20 cm is :

18 cm

260 - The base of the parallelogram is thrice its height. If the area is 192 cm², find the base and height.

24 cm, 8 cm

261 - The breadth of a rectangular field is 60% of its length. If the perimeter of the field is 800 m, what is the area of the field ?

37500 sq. m

262 - The breadth of the rectangle is 8 cm and A its diagonal is 17 cm. Find the area of the rectangle and its perimeter

120 cm square, 46 cm

263 - The circumference of a circle exceeds the diameter by 20 cm. Find the radius of the circle

4.67 cm

264 - The circumferences of two concentric circles are 176 m and 132 cm respectively. What is the difference between their radii?

7 m

265 - The circumferenmce of a circle is 63cm. Find its area.

315.71 cm²

266 - The cost of building a fence around a circular field is Rs. 7, 700 at the rate of` 14 per foot. What is the area of the circular field ?

24062.5 sq.ft

267 - The cost of carpeting a room 18 m long with a carpet 75 cm wide at Rs. 4.50 per metre is Rs. 810. The breadth of the room is :

7.5 m

268 - The cost of the paint is Rs. 36.50 per kg. If 1 kg of paint covers 16 square feet, how much will it cost to paint outside of a cube having 8 feet each side.

Rs. 876

269 - The cross-section of a cannel is a trapezium in shape. If the cannel is 10 m wide at the top and 6 m wide at the bottom and the area of cross-section is 640 sq m, the depth of cannel is_________?

80 m

270 - The diagonal of a rectangle is √41 cm and its area is 20 sq. cm. The perimeter of the rectangle must be


271 - The diagonal of a square is 4√2cm. The diagonal is another square whose area is double that of the first square is__________?


272 - The diagonal of a square is 8 m. What is the area of the square ?

32 sq m

273 - The diagonal of the floor of a rectangular closet is 15/2 feet. The shorter side of the closet is 9/2 feet. What is the area of the closet in square feet?

27 sq.ft.

274 - The diagonal of the floor of a rectangular closet is 7 1/2 feet. The shorter side of the closet is 4 1/2 feet. What is the area of the closet in square feet ?

27 sq. ft

275 - The diagonals of a rhombus are 15 cm and 20 cm. Find its area?

150 sq m

276 - The Diagonals of two squares are in the ratio of 2:5. find the ratio of their areas.


277 - The diameter of a circle is 105 cm less than the circumference what is the diameter of the circle?

49 cm

278 - The diameter of a wheel of a motorcycle is 63 cm. How many revolutions will it make to travel 99 km?


279 - The diameter of a wheel of cycle is 21 cm. It moves slowly along a road. How far will it go in 500 revolutions?

330 m

280 - The difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23 m. If its perimeter is 206 m, then its area is


281 - The difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23 m. If its perimeter is 206 m, then its area is :

2520 m²

282 - The difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23 m. If its perimeter is 206 m, then its area is__________?

2520 m^2

283 - The difference between the radi of the smaller circle and the bigger circle is 7cm and the difference between the area of two circles is Radius of the smaller circle is_________?

None of these

284 - The difference of the areas of two squares drawn on two line segments in 32 sq. cm. Find the length of the greater line segment if one is longer than the other by 2 cm.

7 cm

285 - The dimensions of a room are 25 feet * 15 feet * 12 feet. What is the cost of white washing the four walls of the room at Rs. 5 per square feet if there is one door of dimensions 6 feet * 3 feet and three windows of dimensions 4 feet * 3 feet each?

Rs. 4530

286 - The floor of building consists of 2000 tiles which are rhombus shaped and each of its diagonals are 40 cm and 25 cm in length. Find the total cost of polishing the floor, if the cost per m² is $5.


287 - The inner circumference of a circle race track 18 m wide is 880 m. Find the radius of the outer circle.

140 m

288 - The largest size of bamboo that can be placed in a square of area 100 sq.meters is__________?


289 - The length and breadth of a rectangle is increased by 10% and 25% respectively. What is the increase in the area?


290 - The length and breadth of a rectangular courtyard is 75 m and 32 m. Find the cost of leveling it at the rate of $3 per m2. Also, find the distance covered by a boy to take 4 rounds of the courtyard.

856 m

291 - The length and breadth of a rectangular piece of land are in the ratio of 5:3. The owner spent Rs 3000 for surroundings it from are the sides at Rs 7.50 per meter. The difference between is length and breadth is_________?


292 - The length and breadth of a square are increased by 40% and 30% respectively. The area of the resulting rectangle exceeds the area of the square by:________?


293 - The length and breadth of play ground are 36 m and 21 m respectively. Flag staffs are required to be fixed on all along the boundary at a distance of 3 m part. The number of flag staffs will be___________?


294 - The length of a hall is (4/3) times its breadth. If the area of the hall be 300 square meters the difference between the length and breadth is__________?

None of these

295 - The Length of a plot is four times is breadth. A playground measuring 1200 square meters occupies a third of the total area of the plot. What is the length of the plot in meters?

None of these

296 - The length of a rectangle exceeds its breath by 7 cm. If the length is decreased by 4 cm. and the breadth is increased by 3 cms., then the area of new rectangle will same as the area of original recta

50 cm

297 - The length of a rectangle is 12 cm and its width is 5 cm smaller. The area of the rectangle is

84 cm²

298 - The length of a rectangle is 18 cm and its breadth is 10 cm. When the length is increased to 25 cm, what will be the breadth of the rectangle if the area remains the same ?

7.2 cm

299 - The length of a rectangle is halved , while its breadth is tripled , what is the percentage change in area ?


300 - The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. What is the percentage change in area?

50% increase

301 - The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. What is the percentage change in area?

50% increase

302 - The length of a rectangle is increased by 25% and its breadth is decreased by 20%. What is the effect on its area?

Remains same

303 - The length of a rectangle is increased by 60 %. By what percent would the width have to be decreased to maintain the same area?

37 ½ %

304 - The length of a rectangle is three times of its width. If the length of the diagonal is √ 810 , then find the perimeter of the rectangle.

64 cm

305 - The length of a rectangle is three times of its width. If the length of the diagonal is 8√10 cm, then the perimeter of the rectangle is :

64 cm

306 - The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth, if length is decreased by 5 cm and the breadth is increased by 5 cm. The length of the rectangle is_________?

40 cm

307 - The length of a rectangle is two – fifths of the radius of a circle. The radius of the circle is equal to the side of the square, whose area is 1225 sq.units. What is the area (in sq.units) of the rectangle if the rectangle if the breadth is 10 units?


308 - The length of a rectangular field is thrice its breadth. If the cost of cultivating the field at Rs. 367.20 per square meter is Rs. 27,540, then what is the perimeter of the rectangle?

40 m

309 - The length of a rectangular field is thrice its breath. If the cost of cultivating the field at Rs. 367.20 per square metre is Rs. 27,540, then what is the perimeter of the rectangle ?

40 m

310 - The length of a rectangular floor is more than its breadth by 200%. If Rs. 324 is required to paint the floor at the rate of Rs. 3 per sq m, then what would be the length of the floor?

18 m

311 - The length of a rectangular hall is 5 m more than its breadth. The area of the hall is 750 m². The length of the hall is :

30 m

312 - The length of a rectangular increased by 10% and it;s breadth is decreased by 10 %. Then the area of the new rectangle is_________?

Decreased by 1%

313 - The length of a rectangular plot is 20 metres more than its breadth. If the cost of fencing the plot @ 26.50 per metre is Rs. 5300, what is the length of the plot in metres?

60 m

314 - The length of a rectangular plot is 20 metres more than its breadth. If the cost of fencing the plot @ 26.50 per metre is Rs. 5300, what is the length of the plot in metres?

None of These

315 - The length of a rectangular plot is 20 metres more than its breadth. If the cost of fencing the plot @ Rs. 26.50 per metre is Rs. 5300, what is the length of the plot in metres ?

60 m

316 - The length of a rectangular plot is 4 ½ times that of its breadth. IF the area of the plot is 200 square meters, then what is it’s length?


317 - The length of a rectangular plot is 60% more than its breadth. If the difference between the length and the breadth of that rectangle is 24 cm, what is the area of that rectangle ?

2560 sq. cm

318 - The length of a rectangular plot is increased by 25%. To keep it’s area uncharged the width of the plot should be___________?

Reduced by 20%

319 - The length of a rectangular plot is thrice its breadth. If the area of the rectangular plot is 867 sq m, then what is the breadth of the rectangular plot?

17 m

320 - The length of a rectangular plot is twice its breadth. If the area of the rectangular plot is 6075 sq.meters .what is its length?


321 - The length of a rectangular room is 4 meters. If it can be partitioned into two equal square rooms. What is the length of each partition in meters:________?


322 - The length of a room is 5.5 m and width is 3.75 m. Find the cost of paving the floor by slabs at the rate of Rs. 800 per sq. metre.

Rs. 16,500

323 - The length of a room is 6 m and width is 4.75 m. What is the cost of paying the floor by slabs at the rate of Rs. 900 per sq. metre.

Rs. 25650

324 - The length of a rope by which a cow must be tethered in order that she may be able to graze an area of 9856 sq.m is:________?


325 - The length of each side of an equilateral triangle having an area of 4√3 cm^2 is_______?

4 cm

326 - The length of rectangle is thrice its breadth and its perimeter is 96 m, find the area of the rectangle?

432 sq m

327 - The length of the diagonal of a square is 12 cm. Find its area and perimeter.

33.84 cm

328 - The length of the parallel sides of a trapezium are in the rat: 3 : 2 and the distance between them is 10 cm. If the area of trapezium is 325 cm², find the length of the parallel sides.

26 cm, 39 cm

329 - The length of the rectangular field is double its width. Inside the field there is square shaped pond 8m long. If the area of the pond is 1/8 of the area of the field. What is the length of the field?

32 m

330 - The number of rounds that a wheel of diameter 7/11 m will make in going 4 km is:_________?


331 - The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20% is:


332 - The perimeter of a floor of a room is 18m.What is the area of four walls of the room if it; a height is 3m?

54 Sq.m

333 - The perimeter of a rectangle and square are 160m each. The area of the rectangle is less than that it’s square by 100cm meters. The less than that of the square by 100 sq.meters. the length of rectangle is___________?


334 - The perimeter of a rectangle is 60m. If it’s length is twice its breadth then its area is__________?


335 - The perimeter of a rhombus is 68 cm and one of its diagonals is 16 cm. Find its area?

240 cm^2

336 - The perimeter of a semi circle is 144 cm then the radius is_________?

28 cm

337 - The perimeter of a square circumscribed about a circle of radius r is:


338 - The perimeter of a square courtyard is 144 m. Find the cost of cementing it at the rate of $5 per m².


339 - The perimeter of a square is 24 cm. The area of the square is-

36 cm²

340 - The perimeter of a square is 504 cm. What is the area of the square ?

15876 cm²

341 - The perimeter of a square is 52 m. Find the area of the square.

169 m²

342 - The perimeter of a square is equal to twice the perimeter of a rectangle of length 8 cms. and breadth 7 cms. What is the circumference of a semicircle whose diameter is equal to the side of the square

38.57 cm

343 - The perimeter of a square room is 32 cm. Then what will be the cost of total carpets which may cover all the sides at the rate of Rs. 145 per square cm ?

Rs. 9280

344 - The perimeter of a triangle is 28 cm and the inradius of the triangle is 2.5 cm. What is the area of the triangle?

None of these

345 - The perimeter of circle field and a square field are equal. If the area of these square field is 12100m^2, the area of a circular field will be_________?


346 - The perimeter of one face of a cube is 20 cm. Its volume will be:

125 cm cube

347 - The perimeter of one square is 48 cm and that of another is 20 cm. Find the perimeter and the diagonal of a square which is equal in area to these two combined?

13√2 cm

348 - The perimeters of 5 squares are 24 cm, 32 cm, 40 cm, 76 cm and 80 cm respectively. The perimeter of another square equal in area to the sum of the area of these square is:

124 cm

349 - The perimeters of two squares are 40 cm and 32 cm. Find the perimeter of a third square whose area is equal to the difference of the areas of the two squares

24 cm

350 - The product of the area of three adjacent faces of a rectangular box is equal to___________?

the square of the volume of the box

351 - The radius of a circle is increased by 1%. Find how much % does its area increases?


352 - The radius of a circle is increased by 40%. By what percentage will its area increase ?


353 - The radius of a circular wheel is 1.75 m, how many revolutions will it make in traveling 1 km?


354 - The radius of a circular wheel is 17.5m. How many revolutions will it make in travelling 11km?


355 - The radius of a semi circle is 6.3 cm then its perimeter is?

32.4 cm

356 - The radius of a sphere is increased by 10%. What will be the percentage increase in its surface area ?


357 - The radius of a wheel is 22.4 cm. What is the distance covered by the wheel in making 500 resolutions.

704 m

358 - The radius of the two circular fields is in the ratio 3: 5 the area of the first field is what percent less than the area of the second?


359 - The rainfall recorded on a certain day was 5 cm. Find the volume of water that fell on 2 hectare field.

1000000 Lit

360 - The ratio between the length and breadth of a rectangular field is 5:4. If the breadth is 20 meters less than the length. The perimeter of the field is_________?


361 - The ratio between the length and the breadth of a rectangular park is 3 : 2. If a man cycling along the boundary of the park at the speed of 12 km / hr completes one round in 8 minutes, then the area

153606 m²

362 - The ratio between the length and the breadth of a rectangular park is 3 : 2. If a man cycling along the boundary of the park at the speed of 12 km/hr completes one round in 8 minutes, then the area of

153600 m²

363 - The ratio between the length and the breadth of a rectangular playground is 3 : 2. If a jogger is running along the boundary of the ground at a speed of 12 km/hr is able to complete one round in 8 min

153600 m²

364 - The ratio between the length and the perimeter of a rectangular plot is 1 : 3. What is the ratio between the length and breadth of the plot ?


365 - The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is 5 : 1 . If the area of the rectangle is 216 . what is the length of the rectangle ?

18 cm

366 - The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is 5 : 1. If the area of the rectangle is 216 sq. cm, what is the length of the rectangle ?

18 cm

367 - The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is 5 : 1. If the area of the rectangle is 216 sq. cm, what is the length of the rectangle?

18 cm

368 - The ratio of areas of two wheels is 25 : 49. Find the ratio of their radii.


369 - The ratio of length and breadth of a rectangular plot is 5 : 3. If the perimeter of the plot is 96 metres, what is its area ?

540 sq.m

370 - The ratio of length to breadth of a rectangular park is 11:9. The area of park is 2475 sq metres. What is the perimeter of the park ?

200 m

371 - The ratio of the area of a square to that of the square drawn on its diagonal is?


372 - The ratio of the area of a square to that of the square drawn on its diagonal is_________?


373 - The ratio of the areas of two squares, one having double its diagonal then the other is:


374 - The Ratio of the length and breadth of a plot is 3:2 .If the breadth is 40m less than the what is the parameter of the plot?


375 - The ratio of the length and the breadth of a rectangle is 4 : 3 . Also, its perimeter is 112 cm. What is the area of the rectangle ?

768 cm²

376 - The ratio of the length and the breadth of a rectangle is 4 : 3 and the area of the rectangle is 6912 sq cm. Find the ratio of the breadth and the area of the rectangle?


377 - The ratio of the length of a rectangular park to its breadth is 13:9. If the length of the park is 72 feet more than the breadth, what is its perimeter ?

792 ft

378 - The ratio of the length of a rectangular park to its breadth is 3:2. The area of the park is 3456 sq m. Find the perimeter of the park.

240 m

379 - The ratio of the radius of two circles is 1: 3, and then the ratio of their areas is_________?


380 - The ratio of the volumes of two cubes is 729 : 1331. What is the ratio of their total surface areas?

81 : 121

381 - The sector of a circle has radius of 21 cm and central angle 135o. Find its perimeter?

91.5 cm

382 - The side of a rhombus is 26 m and length of one of its diagonals is 20 m. The area of the rhombus is_______?

480 sq m

383 - The side of a square is increased by 25% then how much % does its area increases?


384 - The sides of a rectangle are in the ratio 4:3 and its area is 972sq.m find the perimeter of rectangle

126 m

385 - The sides of a rectangle are in the ratio of 6 : 5 and its area is 1331 sq.m. Find the perimeter of rectangle.

121 m

386 - The sides of a rectangular field are in he ratio 3 : 4 . If the area of the field is 7500 sq. m. the cost of fencing the field @ 25 paise per metres is :

Rs. 87.50

387 - The sides of a rectangular field are in the ratio 3 : 4. If the area of the field is 7500 sq. m, the cost of fencing the field @ 25 paise per metre is :

Rs. 87.50

388 - The sides of a triangle are in the ratio ½: 1/3: ¼. If the perimeter is 52cm then the length of the smallest side is________?


389 - The sides of a triangle are in the ratio of 1/2 : 1/3 : 1/4. If the perimeter is 52 cm, then find the length of the smallest side.

12 cm

390 - The sides of the triangular plot are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4 and the perimeter is 180 m. Find its area.

1161.6 m²

391 - The square has a side of 2 cm and the rectangle has a length of 9 cm and a width of 6 cm. What is the area of the red zone?

53 cm²

392 - The sum of the length breadth and depth of cuboid is 19cm and it’s diagonal is 5√5 cm it’s surface area is_________?


393 - The surface area of a (10cm x 4cm x^3cm) brick is__________?


394 - The surface area of a sphere is same as the curved surface area of a right circular cylinder whose height and diameter are 12 cm each. The radius of the sphere is:

6 cm

395 - The total area of a circle & a rectangle is equal to 1166 cm². The diameter of circle is 28 cm. What is the sum of the circumference of circle & perimeter of rectangle,if length of rectangle is 25 cm-

182 cm

396 - The Total cost of flooring a room at Rs.8.50 per square meter is Rs.510. If the length of the room is 8km it’s breadth is__________?


397 - The total surface areaof a solid hemisphere of diameter 14 cm

462 cm²

398 - The volumes of two cones are in the ratio 1 : 10 and the radii of the cones are in the ratio of 1 : 2. What is the length of the wire?


399 - The water in a rectangular reservoir having a base 80m by 60m is 6.5m deep.In what time can the water be amplified by a pipe of which the cross section is a square of a side 20cm if the water runs through the pipe at the rate of 15km per hour?


400 - The wheel of a motorcycle, 70 cm in diameter makes 40 revolutions in every 10 seconds. What is the speed of the motorcycle in km/hr

31.68 km/hr

401 - The wire bent in the form of a square enclose an area of 484 If the same wire is bent so as to from a circle than the area enclosed will be_________?


402 - There is a plot which is rectangular in shape and it area is 460 square metres. What will be breadth of the plot if length of plot is 15% more than the breadth of plot ?

20 m

403 - Total area of the 64 small squares of aches board is 400cm^2. There is 3cm wide border around the chess board. What is the length of each side of the chess board?


404 - Triangle ABC is stretched along the x direction to form triangle AB’C’ and then triangle AB”C”. AC = CC’ = C’C”. What is the ratio of the areas of the three triangles?


405 - Two circles touch externally. The sum of their areas is 58Ï€ cm² and the distance between their centres is 10 cm. Find the radii of the two circles.

7 cm, 3 cm

406 - Two cubes each of edge 8 centimetre are joined to form a single cuboid. What is the surface area of the cuboid ?

640 cm²

407 - Water flows a tank 200 x 150m through a rectangular pipe 1.5 x 1.25m at the rate at 20kmph. In what time will be water rises by 2 meters?


408 - What are the least number of square tiles required to pave the floor of a room 15 m 17 cm long and 9 m 2 cm broad ?


409 - What is the are of an equilateral triangle of side 16 cm?

64√3 cm^2

410 - What is the area of a circle whose circumference is 1047.2 metres ?

87231.76 sq. metre

411 - What is the area of a rectangle ? I Its length is 5 m. II. Its perimeter is 18 m.

If the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

412 - What is the area of a square ? (I) The perimeter is 16 cm (II) The side of the square is 4 cm.

4 cm

413 - What is the area of a square ? I The diagonal is √2 times of the side of the square. II The ratio of the sides is given. III The perimeter of the square is 56 cm.

III only

414 - What is the area of a square field whose diagonal of length 20 m?

200 sq m

415 - What is the area of square field whose side of length 15 m?

225 sq m

416 - What is the area of the blue zone? if length of blue zone is 12 m and width is 9 m?

54 m²

417 - What is the cost of painting a hall whose area is 720 sq metre, if the rate of painting is 725 per square metre ?


418 - What is the cost of painting a hall whose area is 862 sq metre, if the rate of painting per sq metre is Rs 22?

Rs 18964

419 - What is the diameter of a wheel that makes 113 revolution to go 2km 26 decametre?

6 4/11m

420 - What is the least number of squares tiles required to pave the floor of a room 15 m 17 cm long and 9 m 2 cm broad?


421 - What is the length of a square I Its perimeter is 160 cm. H Its area is 1600 sq cm.

If the question can be answered using either statement alone.

422 - What is the perimeter of a rectangle ? I. Its area is 40 sq ft. II. Its length is 10 ft.

If both statements (I) and (II) together are necessary.

423 - What is the perimeter of a square field whose diagonal is 8√2?

32 m

424 - What is the ratio between perimeters of two squares one having 3 times the diagonal then the other?


425 - What is the total surface area of a solid hemisphere of diameter 14 cm ?

462 cm²

426 - What part of a ditch 48m long 16.5 broad and 4m deep can be filled by the earth got by digging a cylindrical tunnel of diameter 4m and length 56m?


427 - What will be he cost of gardening 1 metre broad boundary around a rectangular plot having perimeter of 340 metres at the rate of Rs. 10 per metre ?

Rs. 3440

428 - What will be the area (in square metres) of 1.5 metre wide garden developed around all the four sides of a rectangular field having area equal to 300 square metres and breadth equal to three-fourth of


429 - What will be the area of a circular park if its circumference is 132 cm ?

1344 sq cm

430 - What will be the cost of gardening 1 meter boundary around a rectangular plot having perimeter of 340 meters at the rate of Rs. 10 per square meter ?

Rs. 3440

431 - What will be the percentage increase in the area of a rectangle if each of its sides are increased by twenty percent?


432 - What will be the ratio between the area of a rectangle and the area of a triangle with one of the sides of the rectangle as base and a vertex on the opposite side of the rectangle ?


433 - What would be the cost of building a fence around a square plot with area equal to 361 sq.ft. If the price per foot of building the fence is Rs. 62 ?

Rs. 4712

434 - Which one of the following has a greater perimeter than the rest?

A rectangle with 10 cm as length and 40 as area


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