Biotechnology MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 7

Biotechnology Test Preparation Set.7 A test based on 80 MCQs that helpful in preparing Biotechnology Job Tests also include previously asked MCQs.

MCQs test under the topic of Biotechnology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

601 - Which of the following is true about T DNA?

Integration of T DNA can occur at many different, apparently random, sites in the plant nuclear DNA

602 - Which of the following is true for the ale beer?

All of the above

603 - Which of the following is true for the lager beer?

Bottom fermenting yeast is used for the preparation

604 - Which of the following is used for aeration in a fermentor?


605 - Which of the following is used for agitation in a fermentor?


606 - Which of the following is used in the culture of regenerating protoplasts, single cells or very dilute cell suspensions?

Both (a) and (b)

607 - Which of the following is used to check vortex and to improve aeration efficiency in a fermentor?


608 - Which of the following is/are commonly used promoter of S. cerevisiae?

All of the above

609 - Which of the following is/are the method of transfection for making transgenic animals?

All of the above

610 - Which of the following metabolites are implicated in stress tolerance?

Both (a) and (b)

611 - Which of the following microorganism is used for the production of citric acid?

Aspergillus niger

612 - Which of the following microorganisms help in the ethanol production?

All of these

613 - Which of the following microorganisms leach metals out of rock ores and can accumulate silver?


614 - Which of the following molecule is produced from the fixation of CO2 in C4 plants?


615 - Which of the following mutant/(s) has/have increased amount of lysine and/or methionine in corn seeds?

All of these

616 - Which of the following nitrogen sources is added in the fermentation medium of citric acid production?

Both (a) and (b)

617 - Which of the following observations is not used as evidence to support the concept of endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Both can live and function independently of the cell

618 - Which of the following organism is not used in any of the traditional industrial fermentation?

E. coli

619 - Which of the following organism is used for the fermentation of grapes?

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

620 - Which of the following organism(s) produce(s) tetracycline?

All of these

621 - Which of the following plant signal molecules regulate the expression of vir B, C, D and E in case of tobacco?

Both (a) and (b)

622 - Which of the following precursor is added in the medium to get penicillin G?

Phenyl acetic acid

623 - Which of the following promoters is repressed in presence of glucose?

Galactokinase (GAL 1)

624 - Which of the following self-pollinating plant/(s) tend to be homozygous?

All of these

625 - Which of the following sets belongs to a distinct class or category?

Sterols, waxes, fatty acids, amino acids.

626 - Which of the following statement is correct?

Variation is caused by genes

627 - Which of the following statements about mitochondrial proteins is true?

Some mitochondrial proteins are coded for and synthesized in the mitochondria and others

628 - Which of the following statements about mitosis is incorrect?

Chromosomes separate during anaphase due to the interaction of polar microtubules from opposite poles pushing against each other

629 - Which of the following statements about the outer mitochondrial membrane is not true?

The outer membrane is impermeable to hydrogen ions

630 - Which of the following statements best describes a clone?

An offspring where all of the genetic material in every cell is identical to that of one of its parents

631 - Which of the following statements is false?

Discontinuous variation is influenced by the environment

632 - Which of the following statements is true regarding genomics?

All of the above

633 - Which of the following subgroup/(s) belong/(s) to the Baculo viruses?

All of these

634 - Which of the following technique can be used to develop nematode resistant plants?

All of these

635 - Which of the following technology is used for micro array manufacturing?

All of these

636 - Which of the following transfers a set of genes encoded in a region called T-DNA of the Ti-plasmid into cells at wound positions?

A. tumefaciens

637 - Which of the following transposable elements are not found in plants?


638 - Which of the following triggers the division of activated T lymphocytes?

Interlukin 2

639 - Which of the following vector can maintain the largest fragment of foreign DNA?


640 - Which of the following viruses are used as vectors for transferring genes to animal cells?

All of these

641 - Which of the following(s) is/are the most commonly used markers in yeast?

All of these

642 - Which of the following/(s) can be used for the reduction of nitrate in waste water?

Both (a) and (b)

643 - Which of the followings are the metabolic products of glucose and glutamine?

Lactate and ammonium

644 - Which of the modification in hemoglobin is the cause of sickle cell anemia?

A mutation in the beta chain

645 - Which of the protein is involved in Alzheimer's disease?


646 - Which of these carries the thousands of genes needed to allow animal and plant cells to pass on inherited characteristics?


647 - Which of these established cell lines originate from a mouse embryo?


648 - Which one of the following capsid protein of picorna virus is immunogenic in nature?


649 - Which one of the following is the most stable vector?


650 - Which one of the following is true about Yeast Centromeric plasmids (YCp) vectors?

All of the above

651 - Which one of the following is true about Yeast Episomal plasmids (YEp) vectors?

Has a origin of replication and rep genes

652 - Which one of the following is true about Yeast Integrative plasmids (YIp) vectors?

Allows transformation by using crossing over

653 - Which part of a cell carries the information that is passed from one generation to the next?


654 - Which part of a plant contains the male sex cell?


655 - Which phase of mitosis is associated with chromosomes aligned at the center of the cell and centromeres divide?


656 - Which phase of mitosis is associated with separation of chromatids?


657 - Which protein has been produced generating a transgenic sheep that is used for replacement therapy for individuals at risk from emphysema?

?-anti trypsin (AAT)

658 - Which substrate is used in the fermentation of citric acid?

All of these

659 - Which technique is used to introduce genes into dicots?

Ti plasmid infection

660 - Which tropical fruit crop has been successfully engineered to be protected against a lethal virus?


661 - Which type of cell actually secrets antibodies?

plasma cells

662 - Which type of press produces the most high quality juice or wine?

Membrane press

663 - Which type of restriction endonuclease cuts the DNA within the recognition site?

Type II

664 - Who among the following coined the term Biotechnology?

Karl Ereky

665 - Why do some redox reactions in cells result in the transfer of electrons from a reductant with a higher standard redox potential to an oxidant with a lower standard redox potential?

Redox potentials are defined under standard conditions, and cellular conditions are typically not standard conditions

666 - Wine is obtained after alcoholic fermentation of


667 - Wine yeast

is resistant to sulphur di oxide

668 - Wort is

an aqueous extract of malt

669 - Wort is boiled with the hops

to provide bitter taste and flavour to the beer

670 - YAC vectors can be used to obtain artificial chromosomes because it carries

all of these

671 - Yeast episomal plasmids (YEp) were constructed using

2?m yeast plasmid, fragments of yeast nuclear DNA and E coli vector pMB 9

672 - Yeast is used in the production of

ethyl alcohol

673 - Yeast Replicating plasmids (YRp) carry

autonomously replicating sequence


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