Biotechnology MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 6

Biotechnology Test Preparation Set.6 based on 100 MCQs that helpful in preparing Biotechnology Job Tests also include previously asked MCQs.

MCQs test under the topic of Biotechnology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

501 - When an organism has a life cycle with alternation of generations, the haploid generation is the


502 - When dissolved oxygen is lower than the critical concentration, viable cell concentration declines because of

both (a) and (b)

503 - When do kinetochore microtubules pull chromosomes towards opposite spindle poles?

In anaphase A

504 - When F1 plants are crossed with homozygous recessive plants, it is known as

test cross

505 - When farmers breed new plants they choose the pollen from one variety of plant and place it onto the stigma of another variety of plant. This type of plant breeding is known as

selective breeding

506 - When guard cells swell

stomata open

507 - When plated only in nutrient medium, how much time is required for the protoplast to synthesize new cell wall?

5-10 days

508 - When the cells are enucleated and centrifuged, nuclei

detach from cell and settle at the bottom

509 - When the transposon jumps into an otherwise functional gene, it has the effect of

blocking correct transcription

510 - Which breeding method uses a chemical to strip the cell wall of plant cells of two sexually incompatible species?

Protoplast fusion

511 - Which cell type is likely to have the most mitochondria?

Slow-twitch muscle

512 - Which cell-based plant technology involves the combining of two cells without cell walls from different species?

Protoplast fusion

513 - Which cell-based technology endows a cell with increased ability to harness energy?


514 - Which group of land plants is most restricted to moist environments?


515 - Which group of plants has the greatest diversity (i.e. the most species) living today?


516 - Which is not correct about blush wines?

They are stored in barrels

517 - Which is not the purpose of punching down?

To oxidize the wine

518 - Which is not true about a photon?

It donates electron to reduce carbon dioxide to glucose

519 - Which is the most common carbon source used in the plant cell culture media?


520 - Which is/are the disadvantage/(s) of using IAA in plant cell culture media?

All of the above

521 - Which is/are the naturally occurring plant auxins?

Indole acetic acid (IAA)

522 - Which method of plant propagation involves the use of girdling?


523 - Which molecule serves as a carrier of fatty acids in mitochondria?


524 - Which of the agricultural challenges below cannot be solved with transgenic techniques?

Public preference for organic vegetables

525 - Which of the bacteria is considered for biological leaching?

all of these

526 - Which of the following abnormality, resulted from the inheritance of an unbalanced complement of chromosomes can be diagnosed through karotyping?

all of these

527 - Which of the following accumulates from factory waste?

Zoogloea ramigera

528 - Which of the following adaptations would it be desirable for a farmer to breed into a crop of wheat?

All of these

529 - Which of the following aid plants in the acquisition of nitrogen from nitrogen gas of the atmosphere?


530 - Which of the following are produced in high copy number?

Both (a) and (b)

531 - Which of the following are used as selection marker for the cells transformed with Agrobacterium?

any of the above

532 - Which of the following bacteria genus is capable of oxidizing ammonia (NH4)?


533 - Which of the following begins when pairs of sister chromatids align in the center of the cell?


534 - Which of the following best describes artificial insemination?

Taking the sperm and placing it directly

535 - Which of the following can be found as a part of the mitochondrial matrix?

All of these

536 - Which of the following can be used for reducing the size of gene inserts containing introns?

Retro virus

537 - Which of the following can be used for the removal of color from the effluents of pulp mill?

Both (a) and (b)

538 - Which of the following changes occur during first phase of growth of Penicillium chrysogenum?

All of the above

539 - Which of the following compounds has been produced in transgenic plants to improve tolerance to salt stress and water deficit?


540 - Which of the following constituent/(s) is/are added to help in speedy generation of meristem culture in case of Ipomoea batatas improvement?

Both (a) and (b)

541 - Which of the following denotes a pair of contrasting characters?


542 - Which of the following dies from Ti plasmid infection?

All of these

543 - Which of the following elements is likely to form the least polar covalent bond with hydrogen?


544 - Which of the following enzyme is used to covalently bond foreign DNA to a vector plasmid?

DNA ligase

545 - Which of the following event occurs during second phase of growth of P. chrysogenum?

Both (a) and (b)

546 - Which of the following event occurs during third phase of growth of P chrysogenum?

All of the above

547 - Which of the following experimental results does not support Mitchell's chemiosmosis theory?

Addition of dinitrophenol to isolated mitochondria was shown to inhibit electron transport, but had no effect on ATP synthesis

548 - Which of the following from a blood clot stimulates the growth of cells in the healing process?


549 - Which of the following functional groups would make a carbon-based compound the least polar?


550 - Which of the following gene detoxifies herbicide phosphinothricin?

Phosphinothricin acetyl transferase

551 - Which of the following gene detoxify herbicide bronoxynil?


552 - Which of the following gene have been introduced into the transgenic fish?

All of the above

553 - Which of the following gene is responsible for resistance against chilling?

Glycerol 1 phosphate acyl transferase

554 - Which of the following gene is transferred to plants that detoxify the herbicide atrazine?

Glutathione S-transferase (GST)

555 - Which of the following genes are constitutively expressed and control the plant induced activation of other vir genes?

vir A and vir G

556 - Which of the following genes can be used for making resistances against viral infection?

All of these

557 - Which of the following govern sporophytic self-incompatibility in Brassica?

S alleles

558 - Which of the following growth regulator cause plant cells to grow?


559 - Which of the following growth regulator is added for short initiation during plant regeneration from callus?


560 - Which of the following growth regulator is used to stimulate embryo or shoot development?


561 - Which of the following growth regulator promote cell division?


562 - Which of the following has been confirmed on sugarcane genotypes?

Bacilliform virus

563 - Which of the following has been widely used to provide resistance against plant viruses?

Expression of virus coat protein genes in transgenic plants

564 - Which of the following have been used for cryo-preservation of germplasm with 90% tissue survival and 10%plant regeneration that are used in international exchange of germplasm?

Meristem tip cultures

565 - Which of the following have been used to oxidize ammonia and to prevent algal growth?

Nitrosomonas europaen

566 - Which of the following herbicide is known to be effective against perennial shrubs, annual weeds and weeds of rice?


567 - Which of the following histone is not present in SV40 virus?


568 - Which of the following is an ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor?

Silver thiosulphate

569 - Which of the following is considered as the disadvantage of conventional plant tissue culture for clonal propagation?

Storage and transportation of propogates

570 - Which of the following is correct about micro biosensors?

All of these

571 - Which of the following is correct when a character shows continuous variation assuming a normal distribution?

It is governed by many genes with small cumulative effect

572 - Which of the following is correct?

ECL can be established in suspension cultures whereas it is exceptional for primary cell lines (PCL)

573 - Which of the following is correct?

rabbits do not make myelomas whereas mice are unable to synthesize antibodies

574 - Which of the following is incorrect?

ECL grow in higher density

575 - Which of the following is incorrect?

MAbs can not be used in such non-infectious diseases as those of endocrine system

576 - Which of the following is known to control Colorado potato beetle?

Beaveria bassiana

577 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of a transgenic crop?

none of these

578 - Which of the following is not a cytokinin?

2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

579 - Which of the following is not a part of a human chromosome in any phase?


580 - Which of the following is not a source of energy in active muscle cells?

Lactic acid

581 - Which of the following is not an auxin?


582 - Which of the following is not an electron carrier class in the electron transport chain?

Cytochrome c oxidase

583 - Which of the following is not commonly used as vector?


584 - Which of the following is not the explantation technique?

Adherent primary culture

585 - Which of the following is not true about nurse or conditioned medium?

it is removed aseptically from the culture and is autoclaved before use

586 - Which of the following is not true about phagemid?

Can only be propagated as phage

587 - Which of the following is not true about synthetic seeds?

Need hardening in the green house

588 - Which of the following is not true about the direct repeats flanking T-DNA?

These repeats are transferred intact to the plant genome

589 - Which of the following is not true about the helper plasmids?

These can replicate in Agrobacterium

590 - Which of the following is not true for microinjection technique that involves transfer of DNA into protoplast?

It employs needle with diameter greater than cell diameter

591 - Which of the following is obtained using processed mRNA molecules as a template?


592 - Which of the following is selectively effective against dicot weeds?

Herbicidin A and B

593 - Which of the following is the class of hybridization?

all of these

594 - Which of the following is the most effective for the rice sheath blight pathogen, Pellicularia sasakii?

Polyoxin D

595 - Which of the following is the normal cell cycle, primarily regulated at checkpoints?

G1-S boundary

596 - Which of the following is the primary growth phase of a cell?


597 - Which of the following is the process of choosing parent organisms for the characteristics that is wanted in their offspring?

Selective breeding

598 - Which of the following is the technique used for the embryo culture?

All of these

599 - Which of the following is the word used to describe what happens when the nucleus of a sperm joins with the nucleus of an egg cell?


600 - Which of the following is true about Agrobacterium tumefaciens?

All of the above


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