Biotechnology MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 2

Biotechnology Test Preparation Set.2 comprising 100 MCQs that helpful in preparing Biotechnology Job Tests also include previously asked MCQs.

MCQs under the topic of Biotechnology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

101 - Cosmid vectors are used for

cloning large fragments of DNA

102 - Cosmids lack

genes coding for viral proteins

103 - Cross protection against viruses in transgenic plants can be obtained by

inoculating the susceptible strain of a crop with a mild strain of a virus that helps in developing resistance against more virulent strain

104 - Crown gall tissue

both (a) and (b)

105 - Cryptic plasmids

do not exhibit any phenotypic trait

106 - Cultivated tomato species (Lycopersicon esculentum) has a high degree of resistance towards

L. peruviaanum

107 - Cultivated tomato species (Lycopersicon esculentum) is highly susceptible to

Meloidogyne spp. nematodes

108 - Cytoplast (somatic cell hybridization) is the process in which

both (a) and (b)

109 - Diethyl stilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen causes

all of the above

110 - Difference between ? gt 10 and ? gt 11 vectors is that

? gt 11 is an expression vector

111 - Direct DNA uptake by protoplasts can be stimulated by

polyethylene glycol (PEG)

112 - Disaggregating of cells can be achieved by

all of the above

113 - DNA into fish is injected into


114 - DNA is microinfected into the fertilized egg

before the fusion of male and female nuclei

115 - DNA microinjection into the egg has been used to produce which of the following transgenic animals?

All of these

116 - DNA replication is controlled at which of the following checkpoint?


117 - During meiosis crossing over takes place at

pachytene stage

118 - During nitrogen fixation the enzyme nitrogenase catalyse the reaction. The reaction is high energy demanding which require approximately

18 ATP

119 - During recovery step of citric acid, calcium citrate formed is treated with which of the following acid to precipitate calcium?


120 - During sickle cell anemia which of the following takes place?

Glutamine change to valine

121 - During the growth of animal cells in culture, it is noticed that the cells do not look very healthy. After an investigation, this is found that there is a lot of lactic acid in the culture fluid. What is probably wrong with this culture?

The cells do not have enough oxygen

122 - During which phase of growth of Penicillium chrysogenum maximum antibiotic production takes place

during the second phase

123 - During which phase, a cleavage furrow is formed in animal cells?


124 - Each chromosome contains two chromatids by the end of the __________ phase in the life cycle of a human cell.


125 - Electroporation is

the application of high voltage pulses

126 - EMBL 3 and EMBL 4 are replacement vectors, which can clone DNA up to

15-25 kb

127 - Embryo transfer (ET) refers to the technique by which fertilized ova are collected from the reproductive tract of a genetically

superior female and transferred to the inferior

128 - Encapsulation is necessary to produce and protect synthetic seeds. The encapsulation is carried out by various types of hydrogels, which are

soluble in water

129 - Enucleation of the cells can be achieved by treating the cells with

cytochalasin B

130 - Enzymes that recognize and cleave specific 4 to 8 base pair sequences of DNA are

restriction endonucleases

131 - Establishment of embryogenic cell suspensions with high regeneration potential is a pre-requisite for successful

protoplast culture

132 - Ethanol is oxidized to acetic acid aerobically using

both (a) and (b)

133 - Ethanol is produced by

both (a) and (b)

134 - Excess CO2 suppress cell growth and productivity by

both (a) and (b)

135 - Exchange of segments between non homologous chromosomes is best known as


136 - Expression of antisense RNA in transgenic plants is a general method used to

reduce or eliminate the expression of individual genes

137 - Fermentation medium for oxytetracyclin (terramycin) consist of

CSL, starch, (NH4)2 SO4, sodium chloride and CaCO3

138 - Final alcohol content in wine varies from

both (a) and (b)

139 - Fining a wine is defined as

adding one substance to remove another

140 - fluoro orotic acid inhibits the growth if one of the following marker is present in the yeast. That is

Ura 3

141 - Foot and mouth disease (FMD) of animals is caused by

RNA virus

142 - For culturing, plasma from the adult chicken is preferred to mammalian plasma because

it forms a clear and solid coagulum even after dilution

143 - For developing herbicide resistance in transgenic plants which of the following approach/(es) is/are used?

All of the above

144 - For gene probes to be useful they must

both (a) and (b)

145 - For increased level of mannitol in transgenic tobacco plants which of the following gene is transferred?

Mannitol dehydrogenase

146 - For the rapid genetic progress, embryo transfer (ET)

will not be as potent a tool as AI (artificial insemination)

147 - For the recovery of citric acid after fermentation, Ca(OH)2 is added to the slurry to

precipitate calcium citrate

148 - For the transfer of whole individual chromosomes, they are isolated from the cells at


149 - Fusion of karyoplast with the enucleated cell is achieved in presence of

polyethylene glycol

150 - Gene banks conserve stocks of

seed and vegetative material both

151 - Genetic change can occur only in

four ways

152 - Given the DNA sequence ATTAAGGC, which sequence would be used by researchers as an antisense molecule?


153 - Grist is

coarse powder obtained after milling of malted barley

154 - Gypsum is beneficial for

alkaline soil

155 - Hairy wing character of Drosophila is due to

duplication in region of chromosome

156 - Helper T cells assist in the functions of

certain B cells and other T cells

157 - High ethanol concentration

inhibits yeast growth

158 - High yield of chlorotetracyclin requires

continuous aeration

159 - Higher dissolved oxygen concentration in the culture media are toxic and lead to

all of the above

160 - How does CO2 help in the cell metabolism during cell culture?

It participates in the de novo synthesis of purines and pyrimidines

161 - How does dosage compensation in Drosophila occur?

Hypertranscription of male X chromosome

162 - How is air supply to the fermentor sterilized?

All of the above

163 - How is human insulin synthesized using recombinant DNA technology?

By using chemically synthesized DNA sequences for the two chains separately

164 - How long does it take to complete fermentation process in case of red wine?

3-5 days

165 - How long does it take to complete fermentation process in case of white wine?

7-11 days

166 - How many chromatids are there in a duplicated chromosome?


167 - How many chromatids does a diploid body cell contain just prior to cell division?


168 - How many chromosomes are there in Caernorhabditis elegans?


169 - How many chromosomes are there in the budding yeast (S. cerevisiae)?


170 - How many nucleotides are there in Ss RNA molecule of picorna virus causing FMD?


171 - Human growth hormone (hGH) is secreted by

pitutary gland

172 - Human insulin formed by recombinant DNA technology is known as


173 - Human serum albumin has been synthesized by

transgenic potato and tobacco plants

174 - Human serum albumin in case of transgenic plant is secreted in

transgenic leaf tissues

175 - Hypoxanthine can be measured by

hypoxanthine sensor

176 - If a winemaker wanted to make a deeply colored red wine, which of the following should not be done?

Use whole clusters

177 - If complex III were incorporated into an artificial lipid vesicle in order to demonstrate it's proton translocating ability in isolation, which of the following would be an appropriate electron donor?

Ubiquinol (UQH2)

178 - If starch containing substrates are used for ethanol production, yeast strain can't be used directly because

it doesn't contain amylases to hydrolyze starch

179 - If the ends of the following polysaccharide are pulled, which one would stretch the most?


180 - If the ester bonds of a triacylglycerol molecule's are broken then the kind of molecule, which would be soluble in water, is


181 - If the goal were to create a plant resistant to an insecticide, which cell-based plant technology would be most effective?

Mutant selection

182 - If the malolactic fermentation is not carried out,

the wine may be microbially unstable

183 - If the RBC of human were kept in 0.9% NaCl solution, what sort of change will occur to RBC?

No change to RBC

184 - If two genes show 50% recombination

both (a) and (b)

185 - In a __________ protocol, bacteria with engineered abilities to detoxify pollutants are intentionally released in an area.


186 - In a callus culture

increasing level of cytokinin to a callus induces shoot formation and increasing level of auxin promote root formation

187 - In a dihybrid cross, the progeny of an Fl individual (hetero2ygous for both characters) will show a phenotypic ratio of


188 - In a hot climate, grapes lose acidity because

of break down of malic acid

189 - In a plant tumour cell

only a small specific segment of callus T DNA is incorporated

190 - In an organism, the chromosome number is maintained constant because of

DNA duplication

191 - In angiosperm, the endosperm is


192 - In animal cell culture, particularly mammalian cell culture, transformation means

phenotypic modifications of cells in culture

193 - In case of Baculoviruses, the foreign gene

is inserted between the polyhedrin promoter and downstream sequences

194 - In case of incomplete dominance, the phenotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross will be


195 - In genetic engineering, a chimera is

a plasmid that contains foreign DNA

196 - In human B cells and T cells are matured in the

bone marrow and thymus respectively

197 - In immuno-inflammatory diseases such as hemolytic anaemia, eczema etc.,

T8 cells are greatly reduced

198 - In India first genetically engineered vaccine against HBV was developed by

Shantha Biotechnics Pvt Ltd

199 - In koji process for the fermentation to produce citric acid,

A. niger is used with solid substrate as sweet potato

200 - In liquid surface culture process for the fermentation to produce citric acid,

A. niger floats on the surface of solution


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