Biotechnology MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 4

Biotechnology Test Preparation Set.4 also have 100 MCQs that helpful in preparing Biotechnology Job Tests also include previously asked MCQs.

MCQs test under the topic of Biotechnology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

301 - Protoplast fusion technique generally involves

isolation, fusion and culturing

302 - Protoplasts are the cells devoid of

cell wall

303 - Protoplasts can be produced from suspension cultures, callus tissues or intact tissues by enzymatic treatment with

both cellulotyic and pectolytic enzymes

304 - Punching down is done

to keep the cap dry

305 - Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) is a method that

reveals intra-specific variation and diversity between species

306 - Range of optimum glucose concentration present in the culture media is

5.5 - 55 mmol/litre

307 - Range of optimum glutamine concentration present in the culture media is

2-7 mmol/litre

308 - Range of osmolarity tolerated/accepted in mOsm/Kg of H2O by mammalian cells is


309 - Raphanobrassica is a classical example of


310 - Recalcitrant seeds are

killed by drying and freezing temperature

311 - Recombinant adeno virus can be created by deleting E1A/E 1B genes that are

transcriptional regulators and are essential for viral replication

312 - Recombinant SV40 viruses introduce the foreign DNA into cells

without the DNA mediated transfection

313 - Recombinant vaccine for HBV was produced by cloning viral genes in

autonomously replicating plasmid of yeast

314 - Recombinant vaccine for Hepatitis B virus has been synthesized against which of the following antigen?

Viral surface antigen (HBsAg)

315 - Reducing the expression of pectin methylesterase (PME) has resulted in

tomato juice that has higher viscosity

316 - Resistance to glyphosphate in transgenic petunia plants has been developed by the transfer of

gene for EPSPS(5-enol-pyruvyl shikimat 3 phosphate synthase)

317 - Resistance to L-phosphinothrium in tobacco plants is developed by the transfer of

gene for GS (glutamine synthase)

318 - Resistance to sulphonyl urea compounds in transgenic tobacco plant has been developed by the transfer of

gene for ALS (acetolactate synthase)

319 - Retroviruses consist of

RNA genome

320 - Retroviruses have advantage for being used as vector for animal cells because

all of the above

321 - Rice can grow in water submerged soil because the plants

all of the above

322 - S cerevisiae start producing ethanol with in

12 h

323 - Sake is

rice beer or wine of Japan

324 - Select the wrong statement about plasmids?

Its replication depends upon host cell

325 - Sequences that correctly describes the cell cycle is

-> S -> G2 -> mitosis -> cytokinesis -> G1 ->

326 - Sherry is a type of


327 - Silver thiosulphate is added to culture medium as it helps to

prevent the gaseous plant hormone, ethylene dioxide from accumulating to detrimental condition.

328 - Single stranded circular RNA encapsidated with a larger RNA in a plant virus is

a virusoid

329 - Single stranded vectors are useful

all of the above

330 - Size of the DNA that can be packaged into a ? phage is

35-53 kb

331 - Small simple molecules are

poor antigens

332 - Sodium or potassium meta bi sulphate is added to crushed grapes to

check the undesirable organisms

333 - Somaclonal variation method refers to

heritable changes

334 - Somatic embryoids are

identical with zygotic embryos and without seed coats

335 - Some cross reactions with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can occur. Unexpected cross reactions occur more frequently with

Ig MAbs

336 - Some types of variation are due to changes in the genetic material. What is this type of change called?


337 - Sometimes cell lines can be cultured for such a long time that they apparently develop the potential to be subcultured indefinitely in vitro. Such cells lines are called

established cell lines

338 - Sonti is

rice beer or wine of India

339 - Specialized type of peroxisome and the site of glyoxylate pathway in certain plants is known as


340 - Specific oxygen consumption rates for mammalian cells are in the range of (where n and p represents to nano and pico respectively)

0.05-5 pmol of O2/cell/h

341 - Spirit vinegar is produced from


342 - Starch content of potatoes can be increased by using a bacterial gene, known as

ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase gene

343 - Streptomyces griseochromogenes is reported to show a potent curative effect against

rice blast disease

344 - Streptomycin is produced by

S. griseus

345 - Stuffer is

central fragment of the vector DNA

346 - Subculturing is similar to propagation by cuttings because

it separates multiple microshoots and places them in a medium

347 - Sugar content of the fermentation medium for citric acid is maintained at

20-25 %

348 - Superovulation is an

increased ovulatory response by external hormonal therapy

349 - Superovulation is primarily the result of

decreased atresia in medium and large follicles (>1.7 mm)

350 - SV 40 vectors, in which early region replacements are carried out, require

COS cell line

351 - SV 40 vectors, in which late region replacements are done, require

SV 40 helper virus

352 - Synthetic seeds are

somatic embryos encapsulated in suitable matrix

353 - T cells are the source of

all of these

354 - TC cells are important in controlling

all of these

355 - T-DNA transfer and processing into plant genome requires products of which of the following genes?

All of these

356 - The ability of the component cells of callus to form a whole plant is known as


357 - The advantage of using DNA polymerases from thermophilic organisms in PCR is that

the DNA polymerases of these bacteria can withstand the high temperatures needed to denature the DNA strands

358 - The antigen-specific lymphocytes can be immortalized by which of the following method?

All of the above

359 - The approach (s), which is/are currently followed to produce human monoclonal antibodies, is/are known as

all of these

360 - The cell cycle is controlled in most cells by

different cells exhibit different control strategies

361 - The cell membrane is made up of


362 - The cellular organelle associated with photosynthesis is the


363 - The cellular organelle associated with secretion is the

golgi complex

364 - The centromeres move toward the poles in __________ .


365 - The chief source of nitrogen for green plants is


366 - The cohesion-tension theory of water movement helps to explain how water moves from soil into root?

Through the xylem

367 - The colour of flower is due to the presence of

chromoplast or anthocyanin

368 - The composition of the inner mitochondrial membrane is most like that of

some bacterial plasma membranes

369 - The controversy regarding the use of Bt corn is that it

both (a) and (b)

370 - The cross linkage of antigens by antibodies is known as


371 - The crushed grapes are known as


372 - The crystal-like material sometimes found in wine bottles is

prevented by cold stabilizing

373 - The degree or extent to which a given genotype is expressed phenotypically in a particular individual is defined as


374 - The delayed ripening tomato was created by a biotechnologist who __________ a gene.


375 - The deliberate modifications of an organism's genetic information by directly changing its nucleic acid content is a subject matter of

genetic engineering

376 - The direct repeats flanking the T-DNA of Agrobacterium tume-faciens are known as

border sequences

377 - The disorder in which of the following may cause ""Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome""?

Collagen protein

378 - The dried malt is the source of

both (a) and (b)

379 - The EBV-hybridoma technique

all of the above

380 - The element neon (Ne) has eight electrons in its outermost electron shell. How many covalent bonds will Ne readily form?


381 - The encapsulation of somatic embryos can be carried out by

both (a) and (b)

382 - The evaporation of water from leaves is called


383 - The event(s) which does not occur during interphase, is/are

Chromatin condenses

384 - The fermentor can be sterilized by

steam under pressure

385 - The first field tests were conducted with which of the following genetically altered organism?

Strawberry seedlings sprayed with ice-minus bacteria

386 - The first therapeutic product formed by means of recombinant DNA technology is


387 - The first transgenic plants expressing engineered foreign genes were tobacco plants produced by the use of

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

388 - The fluid matrix of a cell is called the


389 - The G0 phase is

the state of most cells in an animal body

390 - The gene coding for VP1 is cloned in

pBR 322

391 - The germination of barley kernels under controlled temperature and humidity to generate enzymes for the degradation of starch and protein is known as


392 - The heavily polluted zone of water reservoir is known as

pleosaprophytic zone

393 - The homologous chromosomes follow the process of synopsis in the


394 - The human fibroplast is a classical example of

stable primary cell lines

395 - The hybrid cells can be propagated

both (a) and (b)

396 - The hybrid embryo can be rescued from damage/collapse by growing it

in artificial medium

397 - The Ig locus is about

2/3rd of all hybridomas

398 - The inosine and hypoxanthine can be determined simultaneously by using

inosine sensor

399 - The intervention in the communication system of nematodes offer several possibilities of bio control. Which of the following(s) play(s) a very important role in the host recognition?

Carbohydrate moiety

400 - The left segment of octopine T-DNA (TL) is necessary for

tumour formation


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