Biotechnology MCQs For Job Test Preparation Set. 5

Biotechnology Test Preparation Set.5 also have 100 MCQs that helpful in preparing Biotechnology Job Tests also include previously asked MCQs.

MCQs test under the topic of Biotechnology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

401 - The major problem associated with the isolation of free cells and cell aggregates from organs is that of

releasing the cells from their supporting matrix

402 - The major source of sugar in the world is


403 - The mitochondria were known in the nineteenth century to be osmotically active on the basis of evidence that

mitochondria are surrounded by a semi permeable membrane

404 - The movement of most minerals, including potassium into root cells is by

active transport

405 - The nucleous of mature unfertilized ovum may be removed by

both (a) and (b)

406 - The number of follicles at any particular stage is governed by

all of the above

407 - The organism used for the preparation of sake is

Aspergillus oryzae

408 - The organism used for the preparation of sonti is

Rhizopus sonti

409 - The percentage of individual with a given genotype, which exhibits the associated phenotype, is defined as


410 - The phase of mitosis which is associated with the formation of the nuclear envelope, is


411 - The phenomenon of the reversion of mature cells to the meristematic state leading to the formation of callus is known as


412 - The piece of equipment, that introduces DNA into cells via DNA-coated microprojectiles is known as

gene gun

413 - The preserved embryoids are termed as

synthetic seeds

414 - The primary B cell receptor is


415 - The process of making malt as soluble as possible by using enzymes adjuncts etc is known as


416 - The production of high quality and uniform embryos has been limited to only

both (a) and (b)

417 - The promoter used for cloning HBV surface antigen is

alcohol dehydrogenase 1

418 - The proteins that forms the walls of the microtubules are


419 - The rate of degradation and microbes resistance to toxic pollutants remain better when the

mixed cell population is used

420 - The recombinant hGH lacks

terminal methionine

421 - The right segment of octopine T-DNA (TR) is necessary for

enzymes for agropine biosynthesis

422 - The roots of a plant are converted into drug-producing structures in a process called


423 - The shortest of mitotic phases is the


424 - The size of the genome of SV 40 is

5.2 kb

425 - The size of the virulent plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is

140-235 kb

426 - The Southern blotting technique depends on

similarities between the sequences of probe DNA and experimental DNA

427 - The spindle forms in the

M phase

428 - The study of interaction between living organism and environment is called


429 - The success of embryo transplantation depends upon the ability to obtain an increased number of embryos from animals of superior genetic merit, which can be achieved by the use of

exogenous gonadatrophic hormones

430 - The technique of organ culture may be divided on the basis of employing

both (a) and (b)

431 - The technique, mainly used for the diagnosing birth defects in the fetus by means of needle, is called


432 - The term homologous chromosomes

means a pair of chromosomes of the same kind, such as sex chromosomes

433 - The term Racking refers to

removing clear liquid from sediment

434 - The term, not related to mitosis is


435 - The transfer of intermediate vectors into Agrobacterium are brought about by

triparental mating

436 - The tumor phenotype, which can be maintained indefinitely in tissue culture, results from the expression of genes on the


437 - The two chains are joined together to constitute native insulin using

sodium dissulphonate and sodium sulphite

438 - The two chains of insulin can be separated by detaching it from ?-galactosidase using

cyanogen bromide

439 - The universe tends towards maximum disorder"" is stated by

second law of thermodynamics

440 - The volume of O2 liberated in photosynthesis has which of the following ratio to CO2?


441 - The yeast generated during the fermentation of beer is generally separated by


442 - The yield of the antibiotic depends upon

all of these

443 - The Zygomonas has a merit over yeast because

all of the above

444 - To maintain aseptic conditions during fermentation which of the following is needed?

All of these

445 - To maintain the pH of the culture

both (a) and (b)

446 - To prevent the accumulation of lactate

low glucose concentration is required

447 - To qualify as a micro array the analytical device must be

all of these

448 - Tomatoes exhibiting delayed ripening express antisense RNA against

ACC deaminase

449 - Tonoplast is a membrane around


450 - Toxicity due to accumulation of ammonia can be overcome

all of the above

451 - Transfection refers to which of the following?

Introduction of foreign gene in to a cell

452 - Transgenic goats have been used to produce which of the following protein that is used for dissolving blood clots?

A variant of human tissue-type plasminogen activator

453 - Transgenic goats produce a variant of human tissue type plasminogen activator protein in


454 - Transgenic plants

both (a) and (b)

455 - Transgenic plants with increased tolerance to aluminum have been produced by making plants that

secrete citrate into the soil

456 - Transmission of a gene from male parent to female child to male grand child is known as

criss-cross inheritance

457 - Transplastomics

targets genes in the chloroplast

458 - Triticale is derived by crossing

rye (secale) and wheat

459 - Triticale, the first man made cereal is an example of

artificial allopolyploidy

460 - Two genes from a bacterium (Alcaligenes eutrophus) and a cotton gene produce

a plastic

461 - Using bovine papilloma virus (BPV) derived vectors, permanent cell lines can be obtained carrying a recombinant DNA

either episomally or integrated at high copy number

462 - Vectors are

molecules that are able to covalently bond to and carry foreign DNA into cells

463 - Vegetable oil, (corn oil or soybean oil) added in the fermentation medium for penicillin, act as

antifoam agent

464 - Very high sugar concentration (40-100 g/l) have been used

Both (a) and (b)

465 - Vinegar is typically produced in fed batch reactors because

a fed batch reactor can be used to maintain low ethanol concentrations

466 - Vinegar production consists of

anaerobic fermentation followed by aerobic fermentation

467 - Vir genes required for the T-DNA transfer and processing are located

outside the T-DNA region

468 - Virulence trait of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is borne on

tumour inducing plasmid DNA

469 - Virulent strains of Agrobacterium contain large Ti-plasmids, which are responsible for the DNA transfer and subsequent disease symptoms. It has been shown that Ti-plasmids contain

two sets of sequence necessary for gene transfer

470 - Volatile acidity is

produced by acetobacter

471 - Water content of active protoplasm is


472 - Water moves into roots of plants by


473 - What are different substrates used for ethanol production?

All of the above

474 - What are the fermentation conditions for the ethanol production?

pH 5; temperature 35°C

475 - What are the macronutrients used in plant cell culture medium?

N, P, K, S, Ca

476 - What are the main constituents of culture for animal cell growth?

Glucose and Glutamine

477 - What are the names of the two genders of haploid yeast cells?

A and Alpha

478 - What are the various disadvantages of cross protection?

All of the above

479 - What is meant by 'Organ culture' ?

Maintenance alive of a whole organ, after removal from the organism by partial immersion in a nutrient fluid

480 - What is 'nurse' or conditioned medium?

It is the liquid medium removed from the suspension of fast growing cells

481 - What is the approximate size (in kb) of the melon mitochondrial genome?

2400 kilobase

482 - What is the concentration of CO2 required for culturing animal cells?


483 - What is the defective enzyme in the glycogen storage Von Gierke's disease?


484 - What is the desirable sugar content of the grapes required for the wine production?


485 - What is the effect of excess accumulation of metabolite products (lactate and ammonium) on cells?

Lactate helps in the growth while ammonium inhibits the growth

486 - What is the metal ligand in chlorophylls?

Magnesium (Mg)

487 - What is the normal role of restriction endonucleases in bacterial cells?

To degrade invading phage DNA

488 - What is the pH of the medium when molasses is used as substrate for the production of citric acid?


489 - What is the pH of the medium when sucrose is used as substrate for the production of citric acid?


490 - What is the size (in kb) of the tobacco chloroplast genome?

155 kilobase

491 - What is the source of free energy (?G) for moving protons out of mitochondria against their concentration and electrical gradients?

The redox reactions of electron transport

492 - What is/are the benefit(s) of micropropagation or clonal propagation?

All of the above

493 - What single feature is probably most responsible for the success of angiosperms?


494 - What structure forms as a network of protein cables during cell division?


495 - What temperature is maintained during anaerobic fermentation of red wine?

24-27 °C

496 - What temperature is maintained during anaerobic fermentation of white wine?

10-21 °C

497 - What type of long chain alcohol is esterified to plant chlorophyll molecules?


498 - Wheat variety Rendezvous, with resistance to eye spot (Pseudo-cercosporella herpotrichoides) derived from Aegilops ventricosa, has a chloroplast genome derived from


499 - When a fertilized egg cell develops into an embryo, the entropy of the living system


500 - When a gardener takes a cutting from a plant, indicating that he has made a



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